Kakamega County Poultry
Kakamega County Poultry
Kakamega County Poultry
1. Mr Bahati.
2. Mr Okwako.
3. Mr Osore.
4. Mrs Getry.
5. Mrs Rose.
1. Opening prayers.
2. Platform registration.
3. Executive office.
4. Platform workplan for the year 2023/2024.
Opening prayers
The meeting began at 9:30 am with a word of prayer from Mrs Rose.
Platform registration
The chair noted that platform registration had delayed because of the cost of registration. (25k)
Mr Okwako said that because of cost we need to exhaust the previous office .They are still
reluctant to release documents .
He said that he will still follow up so that we get the certificate.
The former chair was willing to give the documents.
The chair said that it was prudent to integrate form chair into the office.
The chair also suggested that we incorporate the position of patron.
He will be called in on January during poultry platform meeting.
The tentative meeting date will be on 20th December 2023
The assistant secretary was suggested to be Madam lucy Ang’ana.
The team with highest representation from the platform will take the position allocated.
The chair said that we needed a guide that can help us plan for 2023/24.
Inventory list of stakeholders
Ministry of agriculture
Practical Action
Meetings -December 20th 2023
Executive meetings monthly starting January 2024
Subcounty leads meetings ;Meet on January with subcounty leads (2 per subcounty) to help
identify poultry farmers in every subcounty ( 3 platform meetings in a period of 6 months)
Right breed
Talk to partners/stakeholders
Training session ;
For marketing identify the buyers like Golf ,super get their terms of engagement
Mr. Okwako said that registration should be structured in such a way that the members do not ‘ feel”
the registration burden.
He suggested that instead of telling someone to give hens for example if fee registration is 2k each to
give 4 kukus.
Meet county coordinator to notify him of KAPOVA planned activities and incorporation of patron into the
executive office.
The chair Mr Nelson went to the main agenda introducing KAPOVA to the coordinator .
The coordinator advised the team to have a strategic plan and develop it.
Plan for an official launch of strategic plan before end of Feburary
Plan to visit former chair in January
The former leadership to form the advisory council in order to feel being part of the team.
Plan for farmers day with governor in Feburary
Link our poultry strategic plan to county poultry strategic plan.