09 Xray On - Disable

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X-ray On, X-ray Disable

X-Ray On, X-Ray Disable

Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions.....................................................................................................................................................2
Functional Tests...............................................................................................................................................................................5
Fault Isolation...................................................................................................................................................................................6
Adjustments .....................................................................................................................................................................................7
Signal Names and Functions ........................................................................................................................................................7
X-Ray Controller PCB 00-879625.............................................................................................................................................7
Digital Logic Signal Levels........................................................................................................................................................9
Standard Interface Analog Signal Levels................................................................................................................................12

Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable

Circuit/Mechanical Descriptions
The X-ray On Switch located on top of the Cross Arm cover sends an enable signal through the Power/Signal Interface PCB to
the X-ray Controller PCB to initiate an x-ray exposure. The X-ray Lamp lights when an exposure occurs.
The X-ray Controller PCB is the interface for the Generator subsystem to the ARCNET for control of X-ray generation and also
enables the status display on the C-Arm Control Panels and Workstation monitors. The PCB controls kV and mA generation and
regulation. The PCB also interfaces to the Handswitch and Footswitch.
The Fast Stop switches are located on the rear of the Cross-Arm Side Cover and are connected to the Power/Signal Interface
PCB. One set of the dual contacts of each switch removes power from the tube stator transformer and software immediately
stops x-rays. The other contact set removes +24VDC power from the vertical column motor K15 and K16 relays to prevent
motorized mechanical motion.
An HLF or FLUORO Footswitch command goes through an opto-isolator to the microprocessor on the X-ray Controller PCB.
This MODE switch command is also input to the X-ray Controller PCB and communicated to the Workstation via ARCNET.
The SECURITY line from the Footswitch or Handswitch is output from the X-ray Controller PCB as the X-ray Enable signal line to
the HV Supply Regulator PCB. A low on this signal line provides a shutdown capability via PWM U12 on this PCB. The shutdown
occurs when all PWM driver outputs to the Generator Driver PCB are asserted low.

Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable

Xray Lamp
+ 5V
Xray Lamp
Xray Enable
Xray Switch Xray On
Power/Signal Security
Interface PCB Process
S3- A,B I-Source
FS-Motor A/B
FS-Motor Loop


Xray Controller PCB

Faststop Backplane
To Power/Signal
Switches Interface Board

X-Ray On, X-Ray Disable

The Generator does not receive drive signals unless both X-ray Enable and X-ray ON are asserted. X-Ray Enable is generated
by a hardware switch closure (top button, hand or footswitch), whereas X-Ray ON is generated by software. Both must be active
to allow X-Ray generation, which prevents a single fault condition from allowing uncommanded X-rays.
Status of these lines is displayed at LED DS2 on the HV Supply Regulator PCB. LED XRE shows a hardware switch closure
when lit and LED XRO shows when illuminated that software signal X-Ray ON is active.

Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable

X-Ray On Switch

Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable

Fast Stop Switches

Functional Tests
Perform the following tests to verify that the system is operating satisfactorily.
(Refer to the 9800 C-Arm Sub-system chapter of this manual for Functional Tests.)
1. System Boot
2. Make a fluoroscopic exposure.
3. Make a Film exposure

Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable

Fault Isolation
Failure Possible Cause Remedy
X-ray Switch Bad switch Make a fluoro exposure using the Handswitch or Footswitch. If system does not
perform properly, Check the X-ray switch. Check Operation of Control Panel. Follow X-
ray signal on Schematics.
No Exposure Bad Handswitch or Make a fluoro exposure using the X-ray switch. If system does not perform properly,
from Footswitch Check the Handswitch or Footswitch.
Handswitch or
Check Security, X-ray-On and X-ray Enable lines to ensure interlock not broken.
Check ARCnet communications to X-Ray Controller PCB and Fluoro Functions PCB.
Bad Footswitch PCB seating and Make a mode change using the Handswitch.
Mode Switch cable connections
Check cabling and PCB seating.
X-ray Keyswitch Keyswitch in wrong Key must be in horizontal position to generate X-rays and operate column lift. Key in
position or bad vertical position disables these functions.
Fast Stop Bad Fast Stop Operate one Fast Stop Switch. Make sure X-ray tube stator stops and the Column does
Switches Switches not go up or down. After reboot, make the same test using the other Fast Stop switch.
If either switch fails to immediately stop the system, Check the switch module.

Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable



Signal Names and Functions

X-Ray Controller PCB 00-879625

CHG_DISAB* Input to Battery Charger, active low, CHGDISAB on Battery Charger

PCB schematic, CHG_DISAB on Interconnect Diagram.
CHG_I_SEN Analog output from Battery Charger, called CHGISEN.
HI_CHG_MOD Input to Battery Charger, HICHGMOD. Requires limit resistor on Battery
LINE_V_SEN Analog output, called LVOLTSEN on Battery Charger.
II_ON* Open collector active low output to Pwr/Mtr Relay PCB, called
II_ON there and on Interconnect Diagram.
CPU_INTERLOCK Signal toggles continuously while CPU is running.
KEY_PWR 12V from Power Control PCB via pushbutton switch.
STATOR_RUN* Signal from X-Ray Controller operates stator power relay.
STATOR_START* Signal from X-Ray Controller operates stator voltage relay.
STATOR_SENSE Senses stator current.
STATOR_SEN_RTN Reference for above.
XRAY_ON* Active low logic level controls X-ray pulse envelope.
XRAY_ENABLE* Active low logic level controls X-ray production.
KVP_CNTL Analog level controls kVp output of Generator. Not used on PCB.
KVP_CNTL_REF Analog ground reference for KVP_CNTL. Not used on PCB.

Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable

SHUTDOWN Logic level signal active high, disables generator

ANALOG_RTN Analog direct ground return path for FIL_ERROR etc.
FIL_DRV_A* Active low filament optocoupler drive signal (will be active high)
FIL_DRV_B* Active low filament optocoupler drive signal (will be active high)
FIL_SELECT Logic level selects large filament when high, small when low.
FAULT_RST Logic high clears all fault latches on Generator Driver & HVSR.
FIL_B_CNTL Analog filament supply regulator control signal
FIL_B_CNTL_REF Analog ground reference for above, resistive termination.
HV_GEN_ON* Logic level signal indicates presence of high voltage drive at tank
INTLK_CMPLT* Logic level signal goes low when 24V_INTERLOCK is on.
FAULT Active high logic level signal indicates a latched fault condition
OVER_KVP_FAULT Active high latched logic level signal indicates overvoltage
GND_INTEG* Active low logic level signal indicates ground connection to tank
FIL_DRV_OK* Active low logic level signal indicates that filament current is present.
OVERLD_FAULT Active high latched fault signal indicates overcurrent in HV transformer
SAT_FAULT Active high latched logic signal indicates excessive saturation voltage on IGBTs
SM_FIL_ACK* Low if small filament is selected.
INV_B_SEN Analog signal senses battery voltage on filament supply
INV_B_SEN_REF Analog ground reference for above, resistive termination
FIL_B_SEN Analog signal senses filament regulator supply voltage
FIL_B_SEN_REF Analog ground reference via resistor for above.
FIL_CUR Analog signal representing true rms filament current
FIL_CUR_REF Analog ground reference via resistor for above
FIL_VOLT Analog signal representing true rms filament voltage
FIL_VOLT_REF Analog ground reference via resistor for above.
FLUX_SEN Analog signal representing kVp from flux in HV transformer.
FLUX_SEN_REF Analog ground reference via resistor for above.
FIL_ERROR Analog signal for error control of filament for fine control of mA.
+15V, POS_15V DC +15V power.
-15V, NEG_15V DC -15V power.

Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable

Digital Logic Signal Levels

Logic signals that are connected from one PCB assembly to another, for example, will assume TTL logic levels, i.e., logical low is
≤0.8V, and logical high is ≥2.0V (in most cases, ≥4.0V.)
Critical logic signals will be transmitted from one board to another using a pull-up resistor on the destination board, and typically
none on the originating board, and will be so configured that in the event of an open-circuited connection, the high state input at
the destination board will result in a safe condition, e.g., if the FAULT signal originating on the Generator Driver PCB is active
high, and is configured to prevent X-ray generation at the destination HV Supply Regulator PCB, then absence of a connection
will cause the destination PCB to fail safe and prevent generation of X-rays. Alternatively, absence of a connection from the
collector of the transistor on the Filament Driver PCB which generates the GND_INTEG* signal, active low, will cause the pull-up
resistor on the destination HV Supply Regulator PCB to pull up this line to a logic high level and disable X-ray production.
Specific examples of this rule are tabulated below. All PCBs are listed here even though some are not described within this

Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable

Signame Source Destinatio Activ Pull- Effect of open fault

n e up
XRAY_ON* XR Ctrlr HV Sup L Y PWM chip disabled
Gen Drvr L Y Stops fault sensing
Gen Drvr L Y Disables kVp drivers
SHUTDOWN XR Ctrlr HV Sup H Y Disables
Gen Drvr H Y Disables kVp drivers
ANALOG_RTN XR Ctrlr Gen Drvr GND N Direct ground return
FIL_DRV_A* XR Ctrlr Gen Drvr L Y No fil. drv, FIL_DR_OK*
FIL_DRV_B* XR Ctrlr Gen Drvr L Y No fil. drv, FIL_DR_OK*
FIL_SELECT XR Ctrlr Fil Drvr H PD Sm fil selected
FAULT_RST XR Ctrlr HV Sup H PD Does not reset faults
Gen Drvr H PD Does not reset faults
HV_GEN_ON* Fil/Gen XR Ctrlr L Y Software input
INTLK_CMPLT* Fil Drvr HV Sup L Y Disables
Gen Drvr L N Passes through


Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable

Signame Source Destinatio Activ Pull- Effect of open fault

n e up
XR Ctrlr L Y Software input
FAULT Gen Drvr HV Sup H Y Disables
Gen Drvr H Y Disables kVp drivers
OVER_KVP_FAU Gen Drvr XR Ctrlr H Y Software input
GND_INTEG* Fil/Gen HV Sup L Y Disables
XR Ctrlr L Y Software input
Gen Drvr L Y LED off
FIL_DRV_OK* Gen Drvr HV Sup L Y Disables
XR Ctrlr L Y Software input
OVERLD_FAULT Gen Drvr Gen Drvr H N Sets FAULT high, dis.
XR Ctrlr H Y Software input
SAT_FAULT Gen Drvr Gen Drvr H N Sets FAULT high, dis.
XR Ctrlr H Y Software input
SM_FIL_ACK* Fil/Gen XR Ctrlr L Y Software input
HF_SYNC XR Ctrlr HV Sup T N Oscillator not
Reg synchronized
V_SLOW_RAMP XR Ctrlr HV Sup H PD Can’t select this or
Reg slower


Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

X-ray On, X-ray Disable

Signame Source Destinatio Activ Pull- Effect of open fault

n e up
FAST_RAMP* XR Ctrlr HV Sup L Y Cant select this speed
MA_HIGH* HV Sup XR Ctrlr L Y False ind. of high mA
MOD_READY HV Sup XR Ctrlr H Y Can’t check modulator
Reg stat

Standard Interface Analog Signal Levels

In most cases, analog signals will be transmitted and received differentially, using the following standard interface, as shown in
the schematic below.

R1 R3 R5
475 10k 10k
S ENS E 1% 1% 1%

R2 R4 R6
475 10k 10k
1% 1% 1%

Standard Analog Interface Schematic


Contents Installation Service Schematics Periodic Maintenance Illustrated Parts

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