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Self-development is a process of Self-concept is learned.

discovering oneself by realizing explains that no individual is born
one's potentials and capabilities with self-concept. Self-concept is
that are shaped over time either influenced by the person’s
by studying in a formal school or environment and can be a product
through environmental factors. of the person’s socialization.
Along this realization, an
Self-concept is organized. This
individual encounters gradual
stresses out that one’s perception
changes deep within him/her that
towards himself/herself is firm. a
may help him/her overcome
person may hear other people’s
unacceptable practices or traits
point of view regarding
which lead him towards positive
himself/herself but will keep on
change for his growth or self-
believing that what he/she thinks
fulfillment. It is also called
of himself/herself is always the
personal development.
right one. Change on one’s
Self-concept is ones abstract and perceptions towards himself/herself,
general idea about him/herself however, may also be possible but it
takes time.
particularly toward his/her unique
personality and his/her own Self-concept is dynamic. As an
perception about his/her set of individual grows older, he/she
values, point of views and continues to encounter problems
behavior. or challenges that may reveal
his/her self-concept in that
This theory began as Rene
Descartes, the Father of Modern particular time or situation. A
Philosophy, proposed his theory person will respond to the
that a person’s existence depends scenario based on his/her own
on his/her perception. insights and how he/she perceives
Sincero named three aspects such himself/herself in the situation.
Sigmund Freud the father of are believed to be acquired from
psychoanalysis the family and the environment.
three components of personality within This personality is developed as
us: the Id, Ego and Superego. man learns the culture of
distinguishing right from wrong
The Id. Freud explained that
based on the set of guidelines and
man's personality is driven by
standards that are known to
pleasure principle. This means
people which might have been
that the nature of Id is to satisfy
probably imposed by the people in
man's desire without thinking
the community like parents,
much of the situation. When the id
teachers, elders or the community
wants it the rest are no longer
important. as a whole. Therefore, superego
directs a man’s life for him to
The Ego. that is developed at
avoid hurting others.
approximately the age of three.
The ego will give a more socially Self-esteem is your evaluation of
accepted means of getting the your own worth. It may be
desires and wants of a person positive or negative. Positive self-
without getting to hurt other’s esteem is the valuation that is
feelings. Provide a man some pleasing and acceptable according
guidelines on how to behave to your standard and that of
accordingly while he fulfilled his others, while negative self-esteem
pleasure. This component of our is the opposite which is feeling
personality is manifested whenever we distraught or down and
try to satisfy our cravings without unaccepted by others.
compromising our self-image to others.
According to Tafarodi & Swann
The Superego. begins to manifest (1995), there are many factors to
as a child turns 5. This is the last identify the level of self-esteem:
component of personality which - own appearance - how satisfied
holds our moral judgments or you are in a relationship; and -
concept of right and wrong that how you view your performance.
Self-efficacy is not considered as a
trait. Your will to produce an
According to Erik Erikson,
effect on a specific thing. It is your
adolescence stage of Psychosocial
self-belief to effectively achieve
development, also known as
your most important goal. The
“identity vs. role confusion” is the
stronger the belief, the bigger the
stage wherein teens need to
possibility to achieve a positive
develop the sense of self and
personal identity. At this point,
Maddux and Kleiman (2000) teenagers start to have circle of
define and explain the five (5) friends in which they build their
different ways that influenced self- trust.
efficacy beliefs from the ideas of teenagers are commonly high risk-takers and
impulsive due to incomplete development of
Albert Badura, a professor and a
frontal lobe during adolescence. The frontal
psychologist. lobe is responsible for judgement, impulse
control, and planning. They search for their
self-identify and independence which requires
guidance from their parents, relatives, and
other people like teachers with whom they can
share their struggles.
Thoughts are impression activated
by a stimulus in your mind that is
evident from the environment that
you are in. This conscious thought
occupies emotions that give life to
thoughts and it expressed through
feelings. Sometimes when you are
too emotional, you could not think
properly because your emotions
occupy your thoughts, this means
there is lesser space to analyze the
situation because feelings occupy
it. Behaviors are bodily reaction
made based on our feelings that
result to actions.

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