DLL - Gtade 7 - Quarter 3
DLL - Gtade 7 - Quarter 3
DLL - Gtade 7 - Quarter 3
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of waves as a carrier of energy.
B. Performance Standard
C. Learning Competency The learner infer that waves carry energy.
At the end of the session, the learners are expected to:
1. infer that energy such as light and sound travel in the form of waves;
2. explain how waves carry energy from one place to another;
3. examine transverse and longitudinal waves and mechanical and electromagnetic waves; and
4. construct a model to demonstrate the relationship among frequency, wavelength, and wave speed.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson In this activity, students should be able to observe the introduction to vibration
Demonstration Activity
1. Prepare a metal can with both lids removed.
2. Cut a rubber balloon and stretched it over one end of the can.
3. Put the can and its balloon end up on a table.
4. Put a small amount of salt on the top of balloon.\
5. Ask a student volunteer to shout (not blow) at the can.
6. Tell the class to observe what happens to the salt. Also, invite them to place their fingers lightly on their throat while
creating a sound.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Ask the learners of their observation on the activity.
new lesson
1. What two things are vibrating?
2. What caused the salt to move?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Ask from the students the idea about waves are caused by a source of a vibration and waves can set objects into motion.
new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Ask student to demonstrate an understanding among frequency, wavelength, and wave speed.
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery Oral Recitation:
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) 1. Think of a still lake. How would you generate water waves on the lake?
2. What do you do when you wave your hand?
G. Finding practical application of The teacher explains that waves observed in the activity are like other types of waves that are observed in the nature. Waves like
concepts and skills in daily living earthquake and water waves (tsunami)
H. Making generalizations and The teacher stress that waves are created by a source and as the waves travel it carries energy within it and cause movement
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Evaluate the explanation of students in the oral recitation.