Clifton 1990
Clifton 1990
Clifton 1990
R J Clifton
Appl Mech Rev vol 43, no 5, Part 2, May 1990 S9 Copyright 1990 American Society of Mechanical Engineers
during plastic flow. T h e former tests were interpreted three-dimensional effects preclude a reliable interpreta-
initially as indicating t h a t at the higher strain rates the tion of the experiments within the framework of a one-
rate controlling mechanism of plastic flow changes from dimensional wave theory. These difficulties are overcome
the thermally activated motion of dislocations past obsta- in plate impact experiments in which plane waves are gen-
cles to the thermal-phonon resisted motion of dislocations erated by the impact of flat, parallel plates. Before wave
through the clear lattice. T h e experimental techniques reflections arrive from lateral boundaries, the wave prop-
and the principal experimental results for experiments at agation through the thickness is one-dimensional. Conse-
strain rates up to 1 0 4 s _ 1 have been reviewed by Hartley quently, one-dimensional wave theory can be used for nu-
and Duffy (1985) and by Nicholas (1982), who provides merical predictions of wave profiles to be compared with
an extensive list of references. those recorded in the experiments. Further simplifica-
tion of the analysis is obtained for cases in which the
Concurrently, experiments were developed for deter-
main platic wave propagates as a steady wave or only
mining quite directly the mobility of dislocations in crys-
the decay of the elastic precursor is required. Calcula-
tals at different stresses and temperatures. Johnston and
tion of steady wave profiles for an assumed constitutive
Gilman (1959) introduced the so-called "direct disloca-
model (See Johnson and Barker (1969)) requires only the
tion velocity measurement" approach in which specimens
solution of ordinary differential equations which, for el-
are subjected to a short-duration stress pulse and the dis-
ementary constitutive models, may be solved in closed
location velocity is estimated from the duration of the
form. Also, if the amplitude of the elastic precursor is
pulse and measurements of the dislocation positions be-
sufficiently small t h a t nonlinear elastic compressibility ef-
fore and after the pulse loading. This approach was ex-
fects are negligible, then the analysis of the elastic pre-
tended to torsional loading by Pope, Vreeland and Wood
cursor reduces to the solution of an ordinary differential
(1967) to obtain more well defined stress states and to
equation which, for elementary constitutive models (See
plate impact loading by Kumar and Clifton (1979) to ob-
Taylor (1965) and Johnson, Jones and Michaels (1970)),
tain higher dislocation velocities. Such experiments have
may also be solved in closed form. Interpretation of elas-
shown t h a t the intrinsic resistance of the lattice to the
tic precursor decay experiments has proved to be diffi-
motion of dislocations increases essentially proportionally
cult because steep gradients in the wave profile make it
with increasing dislocation velocity according to
difficult to measure the amplitude of the precursor accu-
rb = Bvd) (1) rately and because the amplitude is sensitive to disloca-
tion generation and multiplication at, and immediately
where r is the resolved shear stress, b is the Burgers vec- behind, the wavefront (See, e.g. Herrmann, Hicks and
tor of the dislocation, v^ is the average dislocation ve- Young (1970) and Meir and Clifton (1986)). Steady wave
locity, and B is the drag coefficient. Values of the drag profiles have proved to be more useful for examining the
coefficient B obtained from experiments on high purity plastic response of materials at very high strain rates,
crystals are found to be so small that dislocation veloc- say 1 0 7 s - 1 . An important conclusion from these exper-
ities approaching elastic wave speeds would be achieved iments is t h a t the flow stress increases strongly but less
at stresses which are less than, or comparable to, val- than proportionally, with strain rate at these high strain
ues obtained in other high strain rate experiments, such rates. Grady (1981) reports the shear stress increasing as
as Kolsky bar experiments. (For example, from the value the square root of the strain rate. One limitation of the
B = 1.7 x 10~ 5 Pa s~ reported for high purity copper by normal impact experiments is t h a t plastic strains of only
Jassby and Vreeland (1970), the shear stress r c at which a few percent are generated because the high strain rates
the dislocation velocity in (1) is equal to the shear wave are maintained for very short times.
speed is r c « 150MPa.) If the intrinsic resistance of the
clear lattice were the primary resistance to the motion of Larger plastic strains have been obtained by impacting
dislocations at the stress levels of high strain rate exper- plates which are parallel, but skewed relative to the di-
iments, then a sizable fraction of the dislocations would rection of approach to produce both pressure and shear
be moving at dislocation velocities of the order of elastic tractions on the impact plane. Such pressure-shear ex-
wave speeds and the resulting plastic strain rate would periments, introduced by Abou-Sayed and Clifton (1977),
be "much larger than observed in the experiments. Thus, have the attractive features that the resulting shear waves
it appears t h a t even at high strain rates the mobility of are both sensitive to the shearing resistance of the ma-
dislocations is strongly affected by the interaction of dis- terial and relatively easy to interpret because they are
locations with such obstacles as impurity atoms, second exactly one dimensional, as long as the impacting sur-
phase particles, other dislocations, and grain boundaries. faces are flat and parallel. Additionally, these experi-
T h e dynamic plastic response of materials has also ments show the effects of non-proportional loading paths
been investigated by stress wave experiments in which which arise because differences between the wave speeds
large amplitude waves are propagated in bars, tubes or for longitudinal and shear waves cause the normal stresses
plates. Comparisons of predicted and measured wave at any point to change before the shear stress. However,
profiles have been used to assess the validity of vari- unlike normal impact experiments in which steady waves
ous constitutive models and suggest improved models. are obtained when the wave-steepening effects of nonlin-
Experiments on longitudinal waves in bars, while the ear elastic compressibility are exactly balanced by the
easiest to conduct, have been difficult to interpret un- wave spreading effects of plastic flow, shear waves lack
ambiguously because the high strain rate region of pri- a wave-steepening effect and, therefore, tend to spread
mary interest is so near the impact end of the bar t h a t with distance of propagation (See Chhabildas, Sutherland
and Asay (1979), Kim and Clifton (1980), and Gilat and the experimental technique, as well as some of the early
Clifton (1985)). Correspondingly, the plastic shear strain results, have been given by Clifton and Klopp (1985).
rate decreases with distance of propagation. Li (1982), Without repeating the details, measurement of the skew
retaining the pressure-shear impact configuration, over- angle 9, the projectile velocity, V, and the transverse ve-
came the tendency for the shear strain rate to decrease locity, vjs(t), of the free surface of the target plate allows
by sandwiching a thin specimen between two hard elas- the nominal shear strain rate, j , and the nominal shear
tic plates in a manner t h a t is analogous to the method stress, r , to be computed from
introduced by Kolsky except for the replacement of bars
by plates. Because the wave propagation is one dimen-
sional, except for perturbations due to heterogeneity of
the specimen, there are essentially no end effects. There-
fore, large strain rates (10 5 s~ 1 to 1 0 7 s - 1 ) can be obtained T =
2^pC^sVfs' ^
by reducing the thickness of the specimen to thicknesses
of, say, 250//m to 2.5/zm. In this way, the flow stresses where t>o = VsinO is the transverse component of the pro-
of pure metals (Al, Cu, Fe) have been shown to increase jectile velocity, h is the specimen thickness, and (pc-^s is
strongly with increasing strain rate at strain rates of ap- the elastic shear wave impedance of the steel target. In-
proximately 1 0 5 s - 1 and higher (See Klopp, Clifton and tegration of the shear strain rate provides a measure of
Shawki (1985) and Huang and Clifton (1985)). the shearing deformation which, along with the computed
values for r , can be used to obtain a dynamic stress-strain
Discussion of this strong increase in flow stress with curve for the specimen material. After a few reverbera-
strain rate at very high strain rates is the principal thrust tions of waves through the thickness of the specimen, the
of this paper. Does this strong rate sensitivity of the flow stress in the specimen becomes nominally homogeneous
stress indicate t h a t the material response is much like and the "stress-strain curve" becomes representative of
that of a viscous fluid for which the flow stress depends the response for homogeneous deformation at approxi-
strongly on the current strain rate or, instead, does the mately constant strain rate. Such dynamic stress-strain
response remain like t h a t of a metal for which the flow curves are shown in Fig. 2 for annealed, commercially
stress at a given dislocation structure, depends weakly pure, aluminum. Steeply rising portions of the curves
on the current strain rate, while the structure depends correspond to intervals in which the stress state in the
strongly on the strain-rate history? First, results of con- specimen is not uniform because of insufficient time for
stant strain-rate tests will be summarized. Then, results wave traversals through the thickness of the specimen.
of strain-rate change tests will be presented. Interpreta- An indication of the variation of the rate sensitivity of the
tion of strain-rate change tests will be shown to be en- flow stress of aluminum over a wide range of strain rates is
hanced if the test is analyzed by considering the propa- shown in Fig. 3. D a t a points in Fig. 3 are obtained from
gation of the stress increment through the specimen. For experiments at nominally constant strain rate; at lower
strain-rate decrement tests on O F H C copper the anal- strain rates the curves correspond to fixed strain levels
ysis of this unloading wave will be shown to indicate a whereas at higher strain rates the flow stress becomes in-
weak dependence of the sensitivity of the flow stress on dependent of the accumulated strain (See Fig. 2) and
the current strain rate. This result will be examined fur- the d a t a points indicate the plateau stress reached in the
ther by considering the implications of this behavior for pressure-shear experiments. Such plots indicate t h a t the
the interpretation of other impact experiments used to increase in flow stress per decade increase in strain rate
characterize the plastic response of metals at high strain is much greater at strain rates of 10 5 s~ 1 and higher than
rates. at strain rates of 10 3 s~ x and lower. Similar behavior has
been reported by Klopp, Clifton and Shawki (1985) for
high purity iron and by Huang and Clifton (1985) for
2, EXPERIMENTS O F H C copper.
Second Window
<D 50.0 First Observed Signal
OFHC Copper
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 FIG 4. Time-distance diagram for the pressure-shear,
Shear Strain
strain-rate-change experiment.
FIG 2. Dynamic stress-strain curves for 1100-0 aluminum (Li
(1982)). gratings. T h e o u t p u t of the T D I is monitored by a LeCroy
Waveform Digitizer which records 10,000 d a t a points at
shear stress is reduced sharply and, once a uniform state intervals of 0.742 ns. T h e recorded fringes are scaled to
of shear stress is established again in the specimen, the uniform amplitude and then reduced using a fast Fourier
shear strain rate is reduced strongly, as indicated by the transform, low-pass filtering, and multi-point differenti-
small separation between points 6 and 7 in Fig. 5. The ation to obtain the velocity-time profile. Details of the
shear strain rate can be obtained during this time (i.e. d a t a reduction procedure as well as the specimen prepa-
during the second window of Fig. 4) by replacing the ration procedures are given in a forthcoming paper by
numerator in (2) by (vjsi — vj^) as shown in Fig. 5. Tong, Clifton and Huang (1990). For the experiments de-
With this configuration, strain rate change tests can be scribed here, the specimens are O F H C copper foils with
carried out, starting at strain rates of 1 0 5 s _ 1 or higher a thickness of 25 /zm and a grain size which is initially 5-
for l p s , followed by substantially lower strain rates for 10 fim, but which becomes approximately 40-50 /-im after
approximately l//s. diffusion bonding to the target. Although the grain size is
For the strain-rate-change experiments as well as for greater than the thickness of the specimen the measured
recent constant strain rate experiments, the experimen- response is a measure of average behavior over differently
oriented grains because the responses of many neighbor-
tal technique has been upgraded to improve the resolu-
ing grains contribute to the measured motion at the rear
tion of the transverse particle velocity. The pitch of the
surface of the target.
diffraction grating placed on the rear surface of the tar-
get to enable the measurement of the transverse displace- Figure 6 shows results from one of the strain-rate
ment by means of the transverse displacement interferom- change tests. T h e strain-rate history is given by the down-
eter (TDI) introduced by Kim, Clifton and Kumar (1977) ward sloping curve, which begins when uniform stress
has been reduced from 200 lines/mm to as many as 1000 is established in the specimen. T h e stress-time profile
lines/mm by using a holographic technique to make the shows a decrease in shear stress when the sharp decrease
in strain rate occurs. Stress-time profiles are also shown
in Fig. 6 for a viscoplastic power law model (See Table
8. H»
0-- 26.6*
8" 33.7*
Shear Stres ; (MPa)
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Shear Strain Rate (1/s, Log)
FIG 5. Stress-velocity diagram for the shear stress and trans-
FIG 3. Rate sensitivity of the flow stress in 1100-0 aluminum verse particle velocity in the pressure-shear, strain-rate-change
(Li(1982)). experiment.
Elastic: p c 2 2 = p = 44 G P a ,
/?o = 8 x 10 5 s - 1 , mh = 0.515,
urj - ufs
(4) ms2 = 0.2, 7 3 3 = 1.5 x 10 6 „-l
= 2^Cl)5t'^s' (5) ms3 = 0.525, A = 175, n = 0.75.
It - vx, (9)
where subscripts denote partial differentiation and po is
the initial density of the material. T h e coordinate X cor-
responds to the coordinate, say Xi, in the direction of
wave propagation. T h e shearing deformation occurs in
the X\ — X2 plane. In addition, the stresses and strain
rates satisfy constitutive equations t h a t describe the elas-
tic/viscoplastic response of the material. Such equations
have been formulated by Ramesh and Clifton (1990) for
finite deformations in pressure-shear for isotropic materi-
als in which both the elastic and plastic deformations are
finite and by Klopp (1987) for face-centered-cubic metal
crystals in which the plastic deformation and rotation are 0 .05 .10 .15 0 .05 .10 .15 0 .05 0 .05 .10 ,15 .20
finite, but the elastic strains are infinitesimal. However, Shear Strain
here the complexities of finite deformations are put aside
to focus attention on the strain hardening issues that are FIG 7. Strain-rate jump experiments in torsion on thin-walled,
OFHC copper specimens (Senseny, Richman and Duffy
of primary interest in the strain-rate-change experiments.
Furthermore, the strains are small over the times of the
principal interest during, and following, the reduction in which ensure t h a t the total strain rates e22 and e 33 are
strain rate. zero as required by the geometry of pressure-shear im-
Governing equations for infinitesimal deformations in pact; E and v in (14) and (15) are Young's modulus and
pressure-shear have been presented and solved numeri- Poisson's ratio, respectively. For the calculations reported
cally by Gilat and Clifton (1985) and Gilat (1988) for here, isotropic hardening is assumed. With this assump-
interpreting waves generated by pressure-shear impact. tion the flow potential / is the Huber-Mises function
These equations consist of equations (6-9) and the con-
stitutive equations (16)
/ 0 « j ) = (2S>'is0") = -
*/- ^ f (10)
£« = T h e hardness measure To is assumed to evolve during
P0C1 + ${T,TQ^ da'
plastic deformation according to
It -r,+$(r,r0): , (11)
P0C2 or TO = H(TQ,JP)JP (17)
where c\, ci are, respectively, the elastic longitudinal and where H(TO,JP) is a hardening rate function which, along
shear wave speeds in the specimen, <&(r, r 0 ) is a viscoplas- with <£>(r, To), is to be determined from a series of exper-
tic strain rate function t h a t corresponds to the second iments. The form of the functions $ ( r , ro) and H(TQ,JP)
invariant of the plastic strain rate tensor, i.e. can be suggested by considering specific mechanisms of
plastic flow and strain hardening as done by Follans-
$ = 7P = (2c,- i e, 7 ) (12) bee and Kocks (1988), Zerilli and Armstrong (1987) and
Klepaczko (1988). However, in view of the lack of cer-
where the convention of summation over repeated indices tainty of the mechanisms at high strain rates, and the
is used and superposed dots denote the material time inherent difficulties of extending dislocation-based mod-
derivative which, for the infinitesimal strain description els to polycrystalline materials, the functions <3?(r, r 0 ) and
considered here, is equivalent to the partial derivative ( ) t . H(TO,JP) are represented here by simple, empirical ex-
The function $ depends on an equivalent shear stress r pressions. T h e stress TQ is identified as the flow stress,
defined by at the current dislocation structure, or "hardness", for de-
,1 formation at a reference plastic strain rate 70. T h a t is,
T=(nSijSijY' (13) the hardness or reference flow stress TQ is defined by an
idealized experiment in which the rate of plastic defor-
where s,-;- denotes the stress deviator ffij — go^iA'j, and mation is changed instantaneously to the reference strain
a reference stress TQ that represents the strain hardened rate 70; the corresponding change in flow stress is from r
state of the material. T h e function / is a flow poten- to TQ. For this definition of To it follows t h a t in a test at
tial /(cr, r, <722,<T33,) where cr22 and 0-33 are the normal a constant plastic strain rate equal to the reference strain
stresses on planes transverse to the direction of wave prop- rate, the stress TQ and the plastic strain rate 70 satisfy
agation. These normal stresses are evaluated by integra- 7 0 = $ ( r 0 , r 0 ) . Consequently, the function $ is required
tion of the equations to satisfy $7- -f <3>To = 0 along f = T0. This constraint is
satisfied by taking $ to depend only on the "overstress"
T—r0 or the "fractional overstress" T/TQ. From strain-rate
r -^22 - ^(0-33 + <?•) + $ ( r , r 0 )-^-— = 0, (14)
E ' (9(722 j u m p tests in which the strain rate is increased quickly
from 2 x 1 0 _ 4 s _ 1 to 3 x 1 0 2 s _ 1 it appears, as shown
033 ^(*22 + <r)+*(T,T0)^- = 0, (15) in Fig. 7, that a fractional overstress model provides a
Jb 0(733
better description. Furthermore, the quotient r/r0 is a the plastic strain rate function is modified to have the
suitable dimensionless variable for describing the driving form
force on dislocations when the primary resistance to their V Tn /
motion is provided by the stress fields of dislocation con- -) = (23)
TO V m m I
figurations which have been developed during the prior i + 0(£) h
^ ( T P ) ) = T30 + T (22)
• • • £ \7s
;S 400-
2 4
Strain Rate (1/s, Log) 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750
FIG 9. Modeled rate dependence of the hardening rate at Time After Shear Wave Arrival (ns)
fixed structure for OFHC copper.
FIG 11. Comparison of measured and computed stress-time
histories for a strain-rate-change experiment on an OFHC cop-
computed stress-time profiles match reasonably well at per foil (V = O.112mm//is,0 = 14.5°, h = 25/im).
early times before the stress becomes uniform through
the thickness of the specimen. pact experiment on O F H C copper at a relatively high
T h e hardening rate (21) is shown in Fig. 9. At fixed impact velocity is shown in Fig. 10. T h e calculations are
structure, the hardening rate increases with increasing made using the internal variable model of Table I and a
strain rate. T h e break in each curve occurs at the strain second order accurate difference method (see e.g. Ran-
rate for which the transition occurs in the strain rate ganath and Clifton (1972)). To eliminate numerical diffi-
sensitivity, according to the curves shown in Fig. 8. culties associated with shock wave fronts, a risetime of 1
Although there is insufficient experimental d a t a to con- ns is given to the loading at the impact face. T h e numer-
strain the hardening rate function for the highest strain ical solutions indicate that a homogeneous state of stress
rates shown, good agreement of computed and measured is established after approximately 100 ns. Before the cal-
stress-time profiles appears to require the hardening rate culated stress state becomes homogeneous, the agreement
to level off or even decrease at strain rates above, say, between the predicted and measured stress-time profiles
1 0 7 s - 1 . T h e preceding modifications affect the solution is not fully satisfactory. This lack of agreement indicates
significantly only during early times when the strain rate t h a t the model underestimates the plastic strain rate in
is much greater than the nominally constant strain rate the initial high stress regime. After the stress becomes
achieved at later times. T h u s , these modifications have uniform through the thickness, the main features of the
negligible effect on the comparisons in the regimes of pri- experimental curves are captured by the model.
mary interest in these experiments.
T h e same model for O F H C copper has also been used
A computed stress-time history for the transmitted to interpret the results of strain-rate-change experiments.
stress in a pressure-shear, constant-strain-rate plate im- In this case the calculations were modified to include the
waves reflected from the interface between the steel flyer
plate and the aluminum backup plate. Comparison of
6.0 9 the measured and computed stress-time profiles for one of
the strain-rate-change experiments is shown in Fig. 11.
The strain-rate history is given by the downward slop-
ing curve, which begins at the time when the calculated
stress in the specimen becomes uniform. The stress-time
3.0 to profile shows a small dip in the shear stress at the time
a: (t «s 500ns) when the normal stress in the specimen is re-
o> 200 c duced by the longitudinal unloading wave reflected from
2.0 W the front of the aluminum backup plate. Computation-
ally this dip corresponds to a non-proportional loading
effect (See Fig. 12). Sharp unloading of the normal stress
moves the stress state to a point on a neutral loading path
F 60- of constant r . Reloading along a similar p a t h , but with
slightly increasing r , restores the s t a t e of stress to nearly
250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750
that of simple shear.
Time After Shear Wave Arrival (ns)
T h e principal feature of interest in Fig. 11 is the stress-
FIG 10. Stress-time history for a pressure-shear experiments time profile at times beginning at t « 960ns when the
on an OFHC copper foil at nominally constant strain rates unloading shear wave arrives. At this time the mea-
{V = O.18O5mm/>s,0 = 22.0°, h = 25/im). sured nominal shear strain rate decreases sharply (again,
this shear strain rate should not be viewed as a uniform described above because the behavior at fixed structure
strain rate for homogeneous deformation of the specimen is described by a small value of the rate sensitivity pa-
until the stress becomes uniform through its thickness). rameter m.
The measured stress-time profile for the transmitted shear For conventional viscoplastic models the hardening
stress decreases gradually for approximately 600ns before is assumed to depend only on the accumulated plastic
the first arrival of unloading waves from lateral bound- strain, not the rate at which it is introduced. In this case
aries. Computed stress-time profiles based on the consti- h does not depend on the strain rate •yf and h = ft(ro)
tutive model described above are shown as dotted curves becomes simply the slope of the stress-strain curve at a
with the lighter and darker dots corresponding, respec- reference strain rate. For such models the hardness ro can
tively, to the stress at the front and rear faces of the be expressed as a function of the accumulated strain, re-
specimen. T h e model predicts correctly that the trans- sulting in the usual viscoplastic formulation in which the
mitted shear stress does not drop sharply when the un- plastic strain rate is a function of the current stress and
loading wave arrives. This prediction requires that the the accumulated plastic strain. When a model of this type
negative j u m p in stress at the front face of the specimen is used to describe the behavior of O F H C copper in the
be fully attenuated during the propagation of the unload- tests at constant strain rate the rate sensitivity parameter
ing wavefront through the specimen. The attenuation of must have the much larger value m = 0.2 in order to fit
this j u m p can be analyzed by considering the ordinary the observed increase in flow stress with increasing strain
differential equations rate. For this value of m the calculated stress-time pro-
files for the strain-rate change test, shown in Fig. 6, show
dr dv >MT,T0)T a sharp decrease in the transmitted stress at the arrival of
~P0C2 (26)
~dt 2f the shear wave of unloading. This drop in shear stress in-
dicates t h a t , according to (27), the discontinuity in shear
which hold along the characteristics X = c 2 at the lead- stress is not attenuated sufficiently because the change in
ing and trailing edge of the j u m p . Taking the difference plastic strain rate across the wavefront is too small. Sim-
between these two relations on the two sides of the j u m p ilar behavior has been observed in all strain-rate j u m p
and eliminating the j u m p in particle velocity [v] by using tests in O F H C copper. Thus, it appears that the strong
the j u m p condition [r] = — P0C2H o n e obtains rate sensitivity observed in constant strain rate tests on
O F H C copper must be attributed primarily to the rate
d[r] Poc2 $(r,r0)i sensitivity of the evolution of hardness, not to the rate
dt IT sensitivity of the flow stress at constant structure.
II \ \\
Their approach consists of conducting quasi-static and
50- split Hopkinson pressure bar experiments over a range of
strain rates and probing the hardness developed by mea-
-ii, -200
r I
0 100
200 300
suring the so-called "mechanical threshold stress" of the
deformed samples at 0 K. T h e y report large increases in
(CV CT„)/V3 (MPa) the hardening rate at strain rates of 1 0 3 s - 1 and higher.
FIG 12. Stress trajectory at the rear surface of the specimen They model the behavior with a dislocation mechanics
in the strain-rate-change experiment of Fig. 11. based model in which the dislocation density is assumed
to be constant and the rate controlling process is the ther- experiment. Modifications of the functions used for the
mally activated motion of dislocations past obstacles. In flow rate and the hardening rate may be necessary at
their early work the hardening rate increased as strongly these lower strain rates; however, the principal elements
as linearly with increasing strain rate at high strain rates. of the strain-rate history dependent modeling presented
Recent evidence indicates that the linear increase may be here appears to provide an attractive framework for rein-
too strong, but t h a t a hardening rate which increases with terpreting plastic waves in bars and tubes.
the square root of strain rate at high strain rates may be
acceptable (See Tonks and Johnson (1989)). Unloading waves in plastic wave experiments offer fur-
ther possibities for examining the validity of various con-
Strain-rate j u m p experiments in the torsional Kolsky stitutive models for dynamic plastic flow. According to
bar configuration can also be interpreted as indicating a rate independent theory, unloading occurs elastically
that the hardening rate increases with'increasing strain and the unloading wave speeds are required to satisfy in-
rate. After the j u m p in strain rate the stress is less than equalities which, for example, require the speed of the
the stress in a constant strain rate test at the higher strain unloading wave marking the end of a plastic pulse propa-
rate. Furthermore, the initial strain hardening slope after gating along a bar to travel at a speed t h a t , as shown by
the j u m p tends to be larger than the slope, at the lower Lee (1953), is greater t h a n the plastic wave speed at the
strain rate, prior to the j u m p . Both of these features of state from which unloading is occurring and less than the
the curves are in qualitative agreement with predictions of elastic wave speed. According to a rate dependent theory
a strain-rate history dependent model with an enhanced of the conventional overstress type, there is no restriction
hardening rate at high strain rates. on the unloading wave speed and unloading waves are
relatively smooth because plastic flow continues during
Plastic waves in bars and tubes may also be interpreted unloading until the flow stress is reduced to that of the
as indicating strain rate history effects. Rate indepen- quasi-static stress- strain curve. Experiments by Bodner
dent analyses of the wave profile often provide quite good and Clifton (1967), for example, indicate t h a t the speeds
agreement with the experimental profiles, provided t h a t of unloading waves are consistent with the inequalities
the reference stress-strain curve is taken to be a "dynamic of the rate independent theory and t h a t unloading waves
stress-strain curve" with a higher hardening rate, espe- have relatively sharp wavefronts as predicted by such a
cially initially, than t h a t observed in quasi-static exper- theory. Viscoplastic models with weak rate sensitivity
iments. Plastic wave profiles for long bars and tubes, exhibit similar behavior. Strain-rate history dependent
subjected to constant velocity impact, consist of an elas- models of the type presented here would result in unload-
tic precursor, a main plastic wave, and a final constant ing wave behavior t h a t is similar to the predictions of a
state region. T h e main plastic wave propagates essen- viscoplastic theory with the exception t h a t the unload-
tially as a simple wave in which a given level of particle ing wave would be sharper because the rate sensitivity at
velocity or strain propagates at a constant velocity, as constant structure, which appears to be more appropriate
predicted by a rate independent theory. However, unlike for unloading, is less t h a n the total rate sensitivity during
the predictions of a rate independent theory, the main the evolution of hardening structures.
plastic wave makes a smooth transition to the final con-
stant state. These observations are qualitatively consis- Another means of probing the flow stress of a mate-
tent with the predictions of strain-rate history sensitive rial that has been subjected to very high strain rates is
models of the type presented here. T h e interpretation to examine the strength of the elastic release wave that
of the constant state region differs from t h a t of conven- can be propagated through the material in its shocked
tional viscoplastic models of the "overstress" type. Ac- state. Such experiments are conducted by normal impact
cording to such models a constant state is approached of a plate specimen by a somewhat thinner flyer plate.
as the overstress vanishes. The stress and strain in the T h e amplitude of the release wave, generated by reflec-
constant state region satisfy the quasi-static stress-strain tion of the incident compressive wave at the rear surface
curve which serves as the reference curve in determining of the flyer and propagating through the shocked mate-
the overstress. However, experiments indicate that the rial at the elastic longitudinal wave speed, is interpreted
locus of stress and strain states in the constant state re- as a measure of the yield strength of the material in the
gions for a series of experiments at increasing impact ve- shocked state. This experiment is similar to the strain-
locities is a curve which lies above the static stress-strain rate-change experiments in t h a t the material is subjected
curve. Similarly, if the strain-time profiles are used in a to high rate deformation for a short time, followed by
rate independent theory to predict the reference stress- rapid unloading. However, the strain rate has been re-
strain curve from the measured velocities of propagation duced to a small value before the unloading wave arrives
of different strain levels, the predicted curve lies above and the unloading wave is so strong t h a t the unloading
the static stress-strain curve. Such deviations from the causes plastic flow in the reverse direction. Thus, such ex-
static stress-strain curve, while not great at the nomi- periments provide primarily a probe of material response
nal strain rates of 10 2 s~ 1 t h a t characterize plastic wave under reverse loading, or an indication of the Bauschinger
experiments in bars and tubes, are of the type expected effect for a material with a dislocation structure that was
when the hardening rate increases with increasing strain generated at high strain rates. Such information is im-
rate. For the model described here, the nominally con- portant for an overall understanding of hardening at high
stant state region is reached as the reference stress in- strain rates, but it is not easily related to the unloading
creases and the flow stress decreases until the effective behavior in the pressure-shear, strain-rate-change exper-
strain rate becomes negligible on the time scale of the iment discussed here.
Inclusion of the rate sensitivity of the hardening rate approximately 0.3D and (ii) the same equation relates T
in the description of rate dependent plastic flow was in- and D values over twelve decades of strain rate, ranging
troduced by Mecking and Kocks (1981). They introduced from creep rates to the very high rates of the pressure-
the rate sensitivity of strain hardening as a means for de- shear impact experiments; the corresponding range in the
scribing dynamic recovery of fcc metals. Subsequently, values of T and D is more than an order of magnitude.
Follansbee and Kocks (1988)and Follansbee (1988) ex- These two observations suggest that a deformation mech-
tended this model to describe the plastic flow of OFHC anism related to dislocations bowing out from cell walls
copper at high strain rates. They related the hardness of and sweeping across the cell is a primary mechanism of
the current dislocation structure to the so-called mechan- plastic flow in copper over a wide range of strain rates.
ical threshold stress, defined to be the extrapolated yield
To relate the rate of deformation for such a mechanism
stress at 0 K. The flow stress at constant structure was
to the applied stress one can express the rate of shearing
taken to depend weakly on the strain rate, in accord with
on a slip system due to the passage of a dislocation across
the rate controlling process being the thermally activated
a cell as
motion of dislocations post obstacles. The hardening rate . Ab
was taken to increase strongly with increasing strain rate. (29)
1= V.6.t'
This behavior was established experimentally; no physi-
cal mechanism was offerred as an explanation for the ob- where A is the area swept by the dislocation, per volume
served rate sensitivity of the hardening rate. V, per time .6.t. If the cell is assumed to be spherical and
the volume V is taken to be the volume in which only
Clifton (1989) attempted to explain the rate sensitivity one dislocation cell is active simultaneously, then V can
of OFHC copper at high strain rates by relating the final -3 r.;
flow stress to the dislocation cell structure of the recovered be represented as V = N D / V 2 where N is the number
specimen. This cell structure consists of nearly equi-axial of close-packed cells of diameter D which comprise the
cells with relatively thick walls as shown in Fig. 13. The volume V. If the area A is taken to be the area of a
final flow stress was found to agree reasonably well with diametral plane of the sphere, then
the value obtained from the relation
. rrV2b
_ 10.5pb (30)
T =-=--, (28) 1= 4N D.6.t)
where .6.t is the time for a dislocation to sweep across the
reported for polycrystalline copper by Staker and Holt
cell. If i' and D can be determined from experiments, then
(1972); the average dislocation cell diameter is repre- (30) can be used to estimate the product N .6.t. Now, the
sented in (28) by D. The agreement was remarkable in shear rate i' for a slip system is related to the macroscopic
two respects: (i) the constant in the equation is approxi- shear rate i'P by i' = i'P / K, where K, is a dimensionless pa-
mately the value obtained by considering the bowing of a rameter which can be estimated by making an assumption
dislocation between two obstacles spaced at a distance of regarding the orientation of the grain relative to the im-
posed shearing deformation. At large deformations it is
likely that the grain has rotated to a symmetry orien-
tation in which two or more slip systems are favorably
oriented for slip and have the same resolved shear stress.
With this assumption, the value of K, is approximately 2
and the value of N .6.t obtained from the measured values
of i'P and D is approximately 5 ns.
The time .6.t has been estimated (Clifton (1988)) by
considering the time required for a dislocation to sweep
across a cell when its motion is opposed by internal stress
fields due to other dislocations and the resistance of the
lattice. The resolved shear stress TR(X) acting on a central
segment of a dislocation as it sweeps across a cell can
be regarded as a superposition (motivated by Mughrabi
5. Strain-rate change experiments are important in Inelastic Behavior of Solids (M F Kanninen et al Eds.) McGraw-
probing the plastic response of materials at nomi- Hill, New York, 521-542.
nally constant structure. When these experiments Harding. J , Wood, E D and Campbell, J D (1960). Tensile testing
are conducted in the pressure-shear plate impact con- of materials at impact rates of strain, J Mech Eng Sci 2, 88-96.
figuration for which one- dimensional wave theory Hartley, K A and Duffy, J (1985). The torsional Kolsky (split- Hop-
applies, the comparison of computed and measured kinson) bar, in Metals Handbook, Volume 8: Mechanical Testing,
wave profiles at early times after the arrival of the 9th Edition, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, 218-228.
wavefront of the strain-rate change is especially valu- Hauser, E F (1966). Techniques for measuring stress-strain relations
able in assessing the validity of proposed models. at high strain rates, Exp Mech 6, 395-402.
Herrmann, W , Hicks, D L and Young, E G (1970). Attenuation
Acknowledgements of elastic-plastic stress waves, Shock Waves and the Mechanical
Properties of Solids (J J Burke and V Weiss, Eds.) Syracuse
The author is especially grateful to Wei Tong who University Press, Syracuse, 23-63.
conducted the pressure-shear, strain-rate-change experi-
ments and did the associated calculations. A full account Holt, D L (1970). Dislocation cell formation in metals, J Appl Phys
4 1 , 3197-3201.
of this research will be presented as his PhD thesis. The
author is also grateful to John Jarrell for the TEM mi- Huang, S and Clifton (1985). Dynamic plastic response of OFHC
crographs of dislocation cell structures in the deformed copper at high strain rates, in Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium
on Macro- and Micro-Mechanics of High Velocity Deformation and
OFHC copper specimens and to the Office of Naval Re- Fracture, held in Tokyo, 63-75.
search for their support of this research.
Jassby, K M and Vreeland, T , Jr. (1970). An experimental study
of the mobility of edge dislocations in pure copper single crystals,
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