ABSTRACT: In this study, the characteristics of near-bed turbulence were experimentally investigated for three
distinct roughness regimes, namely (1) isolated; (2) wake interference; and (3) skimming. Spherical particles of
the same size and density were placed upon a rough sediment bed to simulate the three regimes. Experimental
runs for the aforementioned regimes were performed in a tilting water-recirculating flume. Flow measurements
atop the spherical particles were performed by means of a 3D laser Doppler velocimeter. The aim of the tests
was to provide further evidence that the structure of turbulence is affected throughout the boundary layer by
the presence of roughness geometry. The measurements reported here include velocity profiles of the mean
streamwise and vertical velocity components and of the Reynolds shear stress distribution. To further quantify
the differences in turbulent structure under various surface roughnesses, a quadrant analysis was performed.
The analysis of the turbulence properties of boundary layer
flows has been a vibrant area of research for almost a century.
Early pioneering work was directed toward the formulation of
time- and space-averaged representation of flow characteris-
Asst. Prof., Dept. of Civ. and Envir. Engrg., Albrook Hydr. Lab, Wash-
ington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99163-2910. E-mail: [email protected]
Prof., Dept. of Civ. and Envir. Engrg., Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and
State Univ., Blacksburg, VA 24061.
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Mech. Engrg., Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and
State Univ., Blacksburg, VA.
Engr., Energy Applications, Columbia, MD 21045.
Note. Associate Editor: Alexander Cheng. Discussion open until Au-
gust 1, 2001. To extend the closing date one month, a written request
must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for
this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on June 14,
1999; revised September 1, 2000. This paper is part of the Journal of
Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 127, No. 3, March, 2001. 䉷ASCE, ISSN
0733-9399/01/0003-0211–0218/$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No. 21199. FIG. 1. Isolated Roughness Regime
The experiments were conducted in a tilting, water recir-
culating flume with a rectangular cross section and walls made
FIG. 3. Skimming Flow Regime of Plexiglas. The flume is 20.5 m long, 0.6 m wide, and 0.3
m deep. Its useful length is approximately 16 m. The test sec-
interest in further studying the structures of boundary layer tion, which is 3 m long and 0.4 m wide, was located 13 m
turbulence and then applying this new knowledge to the en- from the flume entrance, where fully developed turbulent flow
trainment problem. conditions were established during the experiments. Lead
In an attempt to link the characteristics of turbulent episodes spherical particles 8 mm in diameter, were placed atop a bed
with the entrainment of sediment, several researchers (e.g., of glass beads of identical size (8 mm in diameter) packed
Clever and Yates 1976; Sumer and Deigaard 1981; Grass four layers deep (with porosity of almost 26%) and distributed
1983; Dyer and Soulsby 1988; Rashidi et al. 1990; Lapointe uniformly along the flume bed. Detailed flow measurements
1992; Kirkbride 1994; Nino and Garcia 1996; Kaftori et al. were obtained by means of a 3D LDV. The LDV employed
1998) have suggested that the sweeps cause the initiation of here is a six-beam, nonorthogonal, color-separated, fringe-
bed-load motion in a stream bed, while the ejections are pri- mode, off-axis backscatter system. This particular nonintrusive
marily responsible for the particles’ suspended motion. Re- instrument uses three independent optical channels to measure
cently, a second school of thought (Nelson et al. 1995) has three nonorthogonal components of the velocity. Two of these
supported the opinion that the sweeps are not the only events components are approximately coplanar with a coupling angle
responsible for bed-load transport of gravel, but that the out- of approximately 30⬚. The third component is approximately
ward interactions are also responsible. Nelson et al. (1995) orthogonal to the other two. To improve optical access and
have clearly shown that when the magnitude of the outward facilitate near-bed measurements, the LDV system was tilted
interactions increases comparatively to the other events of a 4.8⬚ from the horizontal. The LDV measuring volume is
bursting phenomenon, the sediment flux increases too, al- roughly an ellipsoid about 0.08 mm in vertical and streamwise
though the magnitude of the Reynolds shear stress decreases. extent and 0.3 mm in cross-section extent. Average data rates
Along these lines, Sterk et al. (1998), Clifford et al. (1991), of about 20 measurements/s were obtained by seeding the flow
and Williams et al. (1989) have suggested that the normal with silicon carbide. An uncertainty analysis was performed to
ensure the validity of the data (Balakrishnan 1998). This anal- two studies, conjectures of how the structure of turbulence
ysis suggests that only the spanwise velocity component is affects the entrainment of sediment are provided.
sensitive to errors, which in turn does not affect the results of For the 2 and 50% cases, detailed point velocity measure-
this study, since only the longitudinal and vertical components ments were carried out at a vertical distance of 0.13–0.19 mm
are used for the quadrant analysis. Similar observations have above the particle top surface and at a distance of 8–10 mm.
been reported in the literature by Cline and Deutsch (1993), For the 70% case, due to the presence of noise, measurements
Song et al. (1994), and Meyers (1985). Cline and Deutsch were obtained at a distance of 4.7 and 19 mm. Tables 1 and
suggested that the vibration of the laser probe volume is a 2 summarize the hydraulic conditions for the tests, namely, the
likely contributor to the elevated velocity fluctuation values in slope S of the flume; the depth H; the friction velocity u*; the
the spanwise direction. The mean velocity error in the stream- Reynolds number R = 4HV/, where V is the average depth
wise and vertical direction measurements is <0.8 and 2%, re- velocity, is the kinematic viscosity, the Reynolds shear stress
spectively. component uw, and the local mean velocities and turbulent
Three packing configurations tests were performed: (1) The intensities in the streamwise and vertical directions, U , W, and
2% test, which represents the isolated flow regime; (2) the u⬘ and w⬘, respectively.
50%, which represents the wake interference regime; and (3)
the 70%, which corresponds to the skimming flow regime (Pa- RESULTS
panicolaou et al. 1999). For the 2% test, the spacing among
the particles was almost 6 balls in diameter and a total of 530
particles were placed within the test section. In the 50% case, The backbone of the analysis performed here is based on the
the spacing was about 1 ball in diameter and 13,250 particles hypothesis that bursting events (i.e., defined as the cycle of
were employed throughout the run. Finally, for the 70% case, sweeps, ejections, inward, and outward interactions) are pri-
the particles were in contact with their neighboring particles marily responsible for the commencement of sediment motion
and about 18,600 particles were used. (Clifford et al. 1991). It is therefore, imperative to evaluate the
Each of these configurations consists of a matrix of im- effects that various roughness geometries have on the structure
mobile spheres. Immobility is attained by using lead spheres, of near-bed turbulence and use such knowledge in sediment
because they are not entrainable by the flow conditions con- transport. The methodology that is followed is unique, since it
sidered here. As clearly stated in the Introduction, the focus provides for the first time a combined analysis of the time-
of this investigation is to examine the near-bed flow charac- average flow characteristics (i.e., mean velocity profiles and
teristics for the three (immobile) roughness regimes. In order Reynolds shear stress component uw) with the characteristics
to obtain near-bed flow measurements without any interference of a bursting cycle, i.e., the magnitude of the instantaneous
to the laser beams, lead particles were used. In short, use of stresses within a bursting cycle and the frequency of occurrence
the lead spheres as fixed roughness elements was dictated by of these events within that cycle. Approaches that do not ac-
the objectives of this study. count for frequency of occurrence and magnitude of turbulence
The lead spheres tests reported here are identical to other structures are rather incomplete (Jain 1992).
tests presented in Papanicolaou et al. (1999). These tests are To date, attention has been directed exclusively toward the
identical in terms of the flow conditions, initial roughness con- shear stress term uw, although this term may not be the most
figurations, and the geometric characteristics of roughness el- relevant to sediment motion. The systematic exclusion of the
ements (the glass spheres have the same size and the same normal stress and other shear stress components from the sed-
surface roughness as the glass spheres). The focus of the two iment-flow interaction processes, implies that there is lack of
studies, however, is different. The focus of Papanicolaou et al. understanding of the effects that roughness has on turbulent
(1999) was on monitoring the entrainment of glass spheres via flow. In this study, the role of different instantaneous stress com-
an imaging software package. Reestablishment of these ex- ponents was evaluated by following a different approach. It was
perimental conditions is considered here in order to provide presumed that the particles do experience the action of the in-
some qualitative assessment on the turbulent flow structures stantaneous stress components (the particles do not distinguish
triggering sediment entrainment. By coupling the results of the the contributions corresponding to the mean and ‘‘apparent’’
stress components as we conveniently do for mathematical or
TABLE 1. Summary of Flow Parameters statistical expediency). This consideration is fully justified con-
sidering the fact that in sediment transport theory, the normal
Friction Reynolds and vertical drag force components, are defined as a function
Test case Slope S Depth H velocity u number
* of the instantaneous velocities U 2 and W 2, respectively (Naden
(percent) (percent) (m) (m/s) (R = 4HV/)
1987). Thus, the time series of the instantaneous normal stresses
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
U 2 and W 2 and of the shear stress UW (or equivalent momen-
2 0.2 0.05 0.0313 8 ⫻ 104 tum fluxes) were constructed for the three different packing con-
50 1 0.057 0.075 1.7 ⫻ 105
70 1.2 0.076 0.093 3.6 ⫻ 105
figuration tests while the quadrant analysis was employed to
determine the frequency of occurrence of each individual event,
distance z above Streamwise mean Vertical mean Time average
Test case ball surface velocity U velocity W Intensity u⬘ Intensity w⬘ Reynolds stress
(percent) (mm) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s) uw
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
2 0.19 0.2588 0.04914 0.07159 0.02235 0.00064
2 10.18 0.3369 0.02314 0.06357 0.03441 ⫺0.00019
50 0.13 0.2951 0.002454 0.1439 0.03271 ⫺0.00071
50 7.99 0.5407 ⫺0.01178 0.1278 0.06655 ⫺0.00271
70 4.7 0.3456 0.001528 0.1613 0.1048 ⫺0.00726
70 18.96 0.8812 0.005947 0.162 0.08291 ⫺0.00367
The steps that are involved in the postprocessing of the laser
measurements are summarized in Papanicolaou (1997). Figs.
FIG. 5. Reynolds Stress Distribution for: (a) 2%; (b) 50%; (c)
70% Roughness Configurations
(uw)i (H ) 1
= lim uw (t)Si (t, H ) dt (i = 1, 2, 3, 4)
uw uw T→⬁ 0
The experimental evidence provided in this investigation in-
dicates that the various packing densities configuration en-
countered in natural gravel bed streams affect the turbulence
characteristics of the flow.
Based on the experimental findings presented in this paper
one can conclude: