Fundamental of Biomedical Physics University Exam: 10 Marks
Fundamental of Biomedical Physics University Exam: 10 Marks
Fundamental of Biomedical Physics University Exam: 10 Marks
University exam
10 marks
1. Thermoelectricity
2. Production of high frequency wave
3. Production of ultra sonic wave
4. Advantages and disadvantages of friction
5. Inclined plane
6. Radio active isotopes and its medical application
7. Transistor as a amplifier
8. N type and P type semiconductor
9. Advantage and disadvantage of friction
10.Production of ultrasonic wave
11.Medle’s experience.
12.Application of laser
13.Self induction
14.Emission and absorption spectra
15.Biological cell as a capacitor
17.Seebeck effect
18.Faraday’s law for electricity
19.First and second law of thermodynamics
20.Kirchoff’s law for heat
21.Reversal of spectral line
23.Application of ultrasonic wave
25.Solar spectram
1. A.C. Generator.
2. Gas laser.
7. Induction coil.
9. Transformer.
22. CRO.
23. Transistor.
30. CRO.
31. Transistor.
1. Lever.
2. Elasticity.
3. Newton’s law of cooling.
4. Physiological effects of superficial heat.
5. Doppler Effect.
6.Properties of ultrasonic wave.
8.Mutual Induction
9.Difference between Ammeter & Voltmeter
10Galvanic current
11. Application & Properties of X-Rays
12. Explain any two types of Electrodes.
13.Inclined plane
14.Laws of floatation
15.Laws of friction
16.Characteristics of wave
17.Effect of temperature on speed of sound
18.Physical properties of water
19. Inclined Plane
20. Equilibrium of body.
26. LED.
42.Fraunhofer lines
43. Laws of reflection
44. Thomsan’s effect
45. Ohm’s law
46. Applications of IR rays
47. Explain diode as a full wave rectifier
48. Difference between amplifier and oscillator.
58.Inclined plane
59.Laws of floatation
60. Laws of friction
61.Characteristics of wave
62. Effect of temperature on speed of sound
63. Physical properties of water
64. Brewster’s law
65. Laws of reflection
66. Thomsan’s effect
67. Applications of IR rays