Fundamental of Biomedical Physics University Exam: 10 Marks

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Fundamental of Biomedical physics

University exam
10 marks

1. Explain the phenomena of surface tension.

2. Explin viscosity with example.
3. Explain the half wave and full wave rectification.
4. Explin bohr model.
5. What is shock? Explain the causes of shock and its effect.
6. Explain the phenomena of surface tension.
7. Write short note on semiconductor. Explain diode as a rectifier.
8. Explain bohr model.
9. What is EMI? Explain process of induction when two coils are placednear
10.Explain buoyancy and Archimedes principle.
11.What is shock? Describe types of shock with itsprecautions.
12.What is EMF? Explain process of induction when two coils are place near
each other.
13.Describe viscocity and co- efficient of viscosity.
14.Explain emission and absorption of radiation. Discuss on emissivity and
15.What is x-ray ? describe x rays properties and applications how x- rays
are produced?
16.Explain the shock therapy. How shock can be prevented? Explain the
types and uses of shock.
17.Describe the phenomena ofvviscocity with example.
18.With emissivity describe the emission and absorption of radiation. Also
explain the black body.
19.Explain semiconductor. Discuss on diod as rectifier.
20.Explain bohar model and its limitation.
21.Explain pulley and three system of pulley.
22.Explain human body temperature and its measurement.
23. Explain He- Ne gas laser and application of laser.
24.What is shock? Explain the causes of shock and its effect also explain the
precaution against shock.
25.Explain newton’s law of motion with example.
26.Define emirrive and absorptive power. Write joules law and explain
specific heat by cooling.
27.What is shock? Explain the causes of shock and its effect.
28.Describe capacitors in brief. Explain the different types of capacitors.
29.Define ultrasonic wave. Explain two production method of ultrasounic
30.Describe capacitors in brief. Explain the different types of capacitors.
31.Explain the thermal effect of electoric current.
32.define emission and absorption power and explain joules law.
33.Explain semiconductor. Discuss on diode as a rectifier.
34.Explain different types of capacitor.
35.Explain the system of two movable and one fixed pulley and explain
third system pulley.
36.Define. Ultrasonic wave. Explain two production method of ultrasonic
37. Draw circuite diagram and explain working of short wave diathermy.
38.Explain semiconductor and discuss on diode as a rectifier.
39.What is x rays? Describe x- rays properties and appliucation. How x- arys
are produced?
40.Explain joule’s experiment with figure and explain jule’s law brifly.

1. Single movable pulley.

2. Explain pressure variation.
3. Write note on emission spector.
4. Explain pitch, loudness and qualityvof sound.
5. Laser production and application.
6. Faraday’s law of electro magnetic induction.
7. CRO
8. Biological cell as a capacitor.
9. Explain single movable pulley.
10. Derive the formula for spherical drop.
11.Write note on emission spectra.
12.Explain effect of tempreture and pressure on viscocity.
13.What is polarised light? Explain polarisation of light by reflection.
14.Explain properties and uses of UV- rays.
15.Explain rectifier and rectification.
16. Explain single and fix pulley & single movable pulley with figure.
17.Derive formula for spherical drop.
18.Explain about an emission spectra.
19.Explain variable area metrhod to produce sound wave.
20. Explain production of laser and its application.
21.Explain the construction and working of transistor.
22. Explain shock and its treatment with precaution.
23.Explain type of electrode.
24.Expalinn pressure variable with fluid height.
25.Explain variable area methods.
26.Write note on absorbtion spectra.
27.Explain ruby laser.
28.Emissive and absorptive power.
29.Explain diode as rectrifier.
30.Explain pressurevariation with fluid height.
31.Explain characteristics of musical sound.
32.Explain effect of pressure and temperature viscosity.
33.Explain chemical effect of electric current.
34.Explain kirchoff’s law for heat.
35.Production of ultrasonic wave by piezo electric method
36.Principle of Archimedes
37.Inclined plane
38.Interference of sound wave.
39.Types of capacitors.
40.Frarnhofer lines
41.Application and properties of I.R rays.
42.Ruby laser.
43.Types of motion.
44.Application of ultrasonic wave.
45.Explain the term: work, power
46.Wheel and taxel
47.Fiber optics
48.Application and properties of UV rays.
49.Faradays law of electrolysis
50.Ruby laser
51.Inclined plane
52.Medle’s experiments
53.Productions of ultrasviolet rays
54.Short wave diathermy
56.Laser and its application
57.Advantage and disadvantage of friction
58.Newtons formula for velocity of sound
59.Self induction and mutual induction
60.Laser and its application
61.Short wave diathermy
62.Third system of pulley
63.Faraday’s law of electrolysis
64.Rate of flow of fluid
65.Transistor as an amplifier
66.Radio active isotropes
67.Second law of thermodynamic
68.Perfectly black body
69.Newtons formula for velocity of sound
70.Self inductance
71.How to produce X- rays
72.Radio active isotrope and its medical application

1. Thermoelectricity
2. Production of high frequency wave
3. Production of ultra sonic wave
4. Advantages and disadvantages of friction
5. Inclined plane
6. Radio active isotopes and its medical application
7. Transistor as a amplifier
8. N type and P type semiconductor
9. Advantage and disadvantage of friction
10.Production of ultrasonic wave
11.Medle’s experience.
12.Application of laser
13.Self induction
14.Emission and absorption spectra
15.Biological cell as a capacitor
17.Seebeck effect
18.Faraday’s law for electricity
19.First and second law of thermodynamics
20.Kirchoff’s law for heat
21.Reversal of spectral line
23.Application of ultrasonic wave
25.Solar spectram

1. Explain pizo electric effect with figure.

2. Derive newtons formula for velocity of sound
3. Explain displacement ratio and mechanical advantage of 3-3 pulley
4. Explain law of flotation
5. Explain kirchhoff’s law of heat
6. Derive newton’s formula for sound wave give the lapla’s correction
for it.
7. Light emitting diode
8. Difference b/w faradic and galvanic current
9. Ohm’s law
10.Refraction of light
11.Fleming’s right hand
12.Photo diode.
13.Write short note on resonance
14.Explain joule’s law
15.Explain principle of screw
16.Explain lever mechanism
17.Explain zener diode and its characteristics
18.Explain peltier effect
19.Explain brewster’s law
20.Explain properties and uses of infrared rays
21.Explain LED
22.Explain self induction
23.Explain joule’s law
24.Explain law of flotation
25.Derive newtons formula for velocity of sound
26.Explain lever mechanism
27.Write a short note on black body radiation
28.Explain kirchhoff’s law for heat
29.Explain mutual induction
30.Photo diode
31.Explain refraction of light
32.Explain 2-3 pulley block
33.Explain pizo electric effect with figure
34.Medical application of laser
35.Write s note on self induction and compare it with induction
36. Explain zener diode
37.Application of IR rays
38.Explain Brewster’s law
39.Explain solar spectrum
40.Propertice of US wave
41.Explain law of flotation
42.Derive newton’s formula for sound
43.Explain joule’s law.
45.Omitting friction
46.What is electricity and plasticity
48.Stream line flow and turbulent flow
49.Explain mechanical advantages and efficiency of machine
50.Tener diode
51.Triode as an amplifier
52.Mutual induction
53.Thomson effect
54.Reaction force
55.Characteristic of sound
56.Pettier effect
57.Difference b/w amplifier and oscillator
58.Fleming’s right hand rules
60.Explain double refraction
61.Explain mechanical advantage and efficiency of machine
62.Brauster’s law
63.Physical properties of water
64.Medical application of radio isotopes
65.Thermal radiation
66.Co efficient of friction
67.What is population inversion?
69.Electromagnetic induction
70.Stream line flow and turbulent flow


1. Explain Newton’s law of cooling and specific heat by cooling

2. Define sound wave and explain the medle’s experiment
3. Name & explain any two thermoelectric phenomena.
4. State & explain Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.
5. Write a note on a device which can raised & lowered the A.C.
voltage in a circuit, keeping the product I x V constant.
6. Draw circuit diagram & explain working of SWD.
7. Define emissive and absorptive power, write Joule’s law and
explain Specific heat by cooling.
8. Explain semiconductor, Discuss on diode as a rectifier.
9. Explain the phenomena of surface tension.
10. Explain the Faraday’s law of electrolysis.
11. Explain Semiconductor. Discuss Diode as rectifier.
12. Explain Viscosity with example
13. Explain semiconductor, Discuss on diode as a rectifier
14. Define sound wave and explain the Meldle's experiment
15. Explain 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics.
16. Define ultrasonic wave. Explain production of ultrasonic
17. What is shock? Explain the causes of shock and its effect.
Also explain the precaution against shock
18. Explain He-Ne Gas laser. Also explain application of Laser
19. Explain pulley and three system of pulley.
20. Explain Viscosity with examples.
21. Define pulley. Explain the system of two movable and
one fixed pulley. Explain third system pulley.
22. Define ultrasonic wave. Explain production and uses of
ultrasonic wave.
23. What is an optical fibre? How does light propagate
along the fibre. Explain the uses of optical fibre.
24. Define capacitor. Explain the types of capacitor
25. Explain Human body temperature and its measurement.
26. Explain Newton’s laws of motion with examples.
27. Explain He – Ne gas laser with its applications.
28. Explain Semiconductor & discuss on diode as a rectifier

1. A.C. Generator.

2. Gas laser.

3. Application of Radioactive Isotope.

4. Perfectly black body.

5. Emissive and absorption.

6. First law of Thermodynamics.

7. Induction coil.

8. Biological cell as a capacitor.

9. Transformer.

10. Newton’s formula for Velocity sound.

11. Explain transformer long distance transmission.

12. Application & properties of Infra – red rays.

13. Melde’s experiment.

14. Construction of CRO.

15. Electromagnetic Induction.

16. Perfectly black body.

17. Emissive and Absorptive power.

18. Newton’s formula for velocity of sound.

19. Law of Flotation.

20. Types of Capacitor.

21. Short Wave Diathermy.

22. CRO.

23. Transistor.

24.Perfectly black body.

25. Velocity of sound by Resonance method.

26. First law of Thermodynamics.

27. Laws of Flotation.

28. Types of Capacitor.

29. Short Wave Diathermy.

30. CRO.

31. Transistor.

32.Equilibrium of Rigid body

33.Surface tension
34.Types of sound
35.Magnetostriction oscillator
35. Ruby Laser
38. Explain how does laser work
39. Chemical effect of electric current
40. Types of Motion.
41. Perfectly Black body.
42. Emission spectra.
43. Newton’s formula for velocity of sound with Laplace’s correction.
44. SWD
45.Explain Working of laser
48. Law of Flotation.

49. Band spectrum & lined spectrum.

50. Advantages & disadvantages of friction.

51. Recording and reproduction of sound.

52. Application of Ultrasonic wave.

53. Triode as a Oscillator.

54. Law of Flotation.

55. Band spectrum & lined spectrum.

56. Advantages & disadvantages of friction.


1. Lever.
2. Elasticity.
3. Newton’s law of cooling.
4. Physiological effects of superficial heat.
5. Doppler Effect.
6.Properties of ultrasonic wave.
8.Mutual Induction
9.Difference between Ammeter & Voltmeter
10Galvanic current
11. Application & Properties of X-Rays
12. Explain any two types of Electrodes.
13.Inclined plane
14.Laws of floatation
15.Laws of friction
16.Characteristics of wave
17.Effect of temperature on speed of sound
18.Physical properties of water
19. Inclined Plane
20. Equilibrium of body.

21. Properties of water.

22. Explain the term: Energy.

23. Doppler Effect.

24. Joule’s law.

25. Characteristics of P-N Junction Diode.

26. LED.

27. Difference between Galvanic current and Faradic current.

29. Reflection of light.

30. Difference between Amplifier & Oscillator.

31. Ohm’s law.

32. Laws of static and dynamic friction

33. Newton’s law of cooling.

33. Properties of water.

34. Characteristic of sound.

35. Determination of equilibrium of body.

36. Joule’s law of heat production

37. Self Induction.

38 . Ohm’s law.

39.Fleming’s right hand rule.

40. Physical properties of water.

41. What is Elasticity & Plasticity?

42.Fraunhofer lines
43. Laws of reflection
44. Thomsan’s effect
45. Ohm’s law
46. Applications of IR rays
47. Explain diode as a full wave rectifier
48. Difference between amplifier and oscillator.

49. Application of ultrasonic sound.

50. Write Joule's law and explain.

51. Recording and reproduction of sound.

52. Laws of static and dynamic friction

53. Newton’s law of cooling.

54. Properties of water.

55. Characteristic of sound.

56. Determination of equilibrium of body.

57. Joule’s law of heat production

58.Inclined plane

59.Laws of floatation
60. Laws of friction
61.Characteristics of wave
62. Effect of temperature on speed of sound
63. Physical properties of water
64. Brewster’s law
65. Laws of reflection
66. Thomsan’s effect
67. Applications of IR rays

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