Shipway and Hutchings, 1993b
Shipway and Hutchings, 1993b
Shipway and Hutchings, 1993b
Results are presented of a theoretical and experimental study of the fracture of single brittle spheres by uniaxial
compression between opposed platens and by free impact against plane targets. The stress distributions in elastic
spheres are broadly similar under both types of loading, with significant tensile components inside the sphere
on the axis of the system and on the surface of the sphere, around the equator for the case of compression.
The magnitudes and locations of the peak values of these stresses depend on the size of the contact area (relative
to the size of the sphere), which in turn depends on the mechanical properties of the target and platen material.
A simple equation used by previous investigators to estimate the maximum internal tensile stress from the load
provides a useful approximation only under certain conditions, and more generally leads to significant error.
Experiments with lead glass spheres have shown that under many conditions of compression and impact testing,
failure initiates on the surface, rather than internally, at a critical value of tensile stress. The work is relevant
to the breakage attrition of brittle particles in powder transport, handling and processing, and also to comminution.
It also provides a basis for the interpretation of indirect tensile tests in which spherical samples are uniaxially
than initiation, since in the latter case the elastic strain as shown in Fig. l(b), may be derived by the super-
energy may far outweigh the energy required to cause imposition of such a solution with its reflection in a
fracture. Rather less attention has been paid to single- plane perpendicular to the axis of the system and
particle impact testing, even though this can provide passing through the centre of the sphere. Expressions
a more realistic simulation of attritive breakage by for the stress distribution in a sphere subjected to
impact than the quasi-static compression test. uniaxial compression have also been derived indepen-
In the present paper, recent theoretical and exper- dently by Hiramatsu and Oka [3]. An approximation
imental studies by Shipway and Hutchings [4] of the to their solution, for the case where the contact area
fracture of single brittle spheres by compression and between the sphere and platen is small, has been used
by impact will be discussed. The results have direct extensively by subsequent investigators to calculate the
relevance to attrition processes involving the impact of
maximum internal tensile stress on the axis of compres-
brittle spheres, such as shot and bead-peening, and to
sion at failure for spheres under uniaxial loading,
applications in which spheres are subjected to uniaxial
irrespective of the actual size of the contact area. This
compression, (e.g. as ‘proppants’ used in petroleum
approximation suggests that the maximum tensile stress
extraction). It may also be relevant to particles in
packed beds, where they are subjected to multi-axial is N 0.7 times the applied load divided by the equatorial
compression, or to the flow of bed materials where cross-sectional area of the sphere.
impact with other particles, stirrers, bluff bodies or Kschinka et al. [6] tested glass spheres in compression
vessel walls provides the major source of breakage and inferred from an analysis of the failure stresses
attrition. by Weibull statistics that these spheres failed from
volume (i.e. internal) flaws. They suggested that the
internal tensile stress on the axis (a,) was therefore
responsible for fracture. Much greater tensile stresses,
Previous studies of the fracture of spherical particles a,, were present at the surface of the sphere just outside
by impact or compression the contact area but did not produce Hertzian-type
cone cracks in the spheres, although cracks of this type
The stress distribution in an elastic sphere subjected have been seen in other investigations of the compression
to compression or free impact against a plane target failure of brittle spheres [7-91; they appear to have no
has been studied in two important previous pieces of effect on the bulk failure of the specimen, but cause
work. Dean et al. [5] examined the case of an elastic only local chipping around the contact area.
sphere decelerated by a uniform pressure applied to Other workers have suggested that the fracture of
a single spherical cap. This geometry is illustrated in
brittle spheres in uniaxial compression occurs by a
Fig. l(a). Their solution is directly applicable to the
different mechanism. Tanaka et al. [lo] proposed that
case of free impact attrition.
in sintered ferrite spheres compression failure was
Since the elastic solution is linear, the stress distri-
bution in a sphere compressed between flat platens, initiated within the contact zone, possibly due to some
plastic flow within the particle. Kapur and Fuerstenau
[ll] and Arbiter et al. [7] both suggested that shear
deformation on conical planes leads to the opening of
cracks in the central region, followed by splitting of
the sphere. Failure by this mechanism might be expected
to initiate at a critical value of the maximum shear
stress within the sphere.
Arbiter et al. [7] conducted impact tests with massive
(74-124 mm diameter) brittle sand-cement spheres and
observed that fracture of the spheres, into wedge-shaped
segments, originated around a cone of densely com-
pressed material, the base of which was formed by the
contact area between the sphere and the target. How-
ever, Chaudhri [12], in a study of the impact fracture
of 1 mm spheres of glass and sapphire, suggested in
(b) contrast that the projectiles started to split along axial
Fig. 1. Geometry of loading in (a) free impact testing and (b) planes from the opposite end of the axis to the contact
uniaxial compression testing of spheres of radius R. area.
relevant stresses are critical. Figures 2(a)-2(c) show Fig. 2. Maximum values of stress within spheres: (a) due to
the maximum values of the stresses of interest for a impact: peak values of tensile stress on the axis (perpendicular
to the axis) and at the surface; (b) due to uniaxial compression:
range of values of a,/R for spheres of radius R under peak values of tensile stress on the axis (perpendicular to the
uniaxial compression and impact loading. The spherical axis) and at the surface; (c) peak values of shear stress on the
polar coordinate system used is defined in Fig. 1. The axis under impact and under compression loading.
maximum values of these three stresses for impact or
compression can be readily calculated from these graphs
and from the values of the force at fracture and the In impact testing, the initial velocity may be readily
contact radius at that point. measurable. For cases where a plastic indentation is
In compression testing, the force at fracture may be formed in the target, the radius of the spherical indent,
measured with a load cell, and the contact radius at a,, can be measured, and its depth, h, calculated from
fracture either measured, if residual plastic impressions the following formula:
are formed in the platens, or calculated from Hertzian
elasticity theory if the contact remains fully elastic. h=R-dw (2)
The volume of the indent, V, can be calculated as Compression platens and impact targets of a wide
follows: range of materials, both metallic and ceramic, were
used. The materials and their relevant mechanical prop-
v= 7Th2(3R-h) erties are listed in Table l*. All platens were ground
3 and polished to a 1200 grit finish; the platens were of
If a constant indentation pressure acts between the various sizes, but all were large compared with the
particle and target and the initial kinetic energy of the deformation induced in them by the compression or
impact is completely converted to plastic work in the impact testing.
target to create the indentation, then Impact testing was conducted with a gas-gun of the
type described by Hutchings and Winter [14] in which
pV= 0.5mU2 (4) particles are loaded into a sabot which is accelerated
along a tube by compressed gas; the sabot is stopped
where p is the indentation pressure, m is the mass of
at the muzzle and the particles continue freely to impact
the impacting sphere and U is its initial velocity. Thus,
the target a short distance away. For each test 10
the indentation pressure can be calculated, and since
spheres were fired at the target at an accurately mea-
the contact radius is known, the maximum force of
sured velocity (& 1%). The spheres or fragments were
impact can be computed.
recovered, and the number of spheres unbroken after
For target materials where no plastic indentation
impact was noted. Any damage to the target was also
forms, and no permanent deformation of unfractured
examined, and any permanent impressions were mea-
spheres is detected, the impact can be assumed to be
sured. Broken spheres were examined by scanning
elastic. An equation, derived from Hertzian theory,
relating the maximum load F,, during impact to the electron microscopy (SEM) to elucidate the mechanisms
impact velocity U has been given by Knight et al. [13]:
\0.6,= \ -0.4
TABLE 1. Properties of platen and target materials
Platen or target Vickers Young’s Poisson’s
material hardness modulus ratio
where p is the sphere density. k is given by (GPa) (GPa)
The spheres studied in this work were of lead glass Vickers hardness of metals measured at 196 N load. Vickers
with diameters of 700+50 pm, supplied by Jencons hardness of silicon measured at 1.88 N. All others measured at
Ltd., Leighton Buzzard, UK (type H102/1 No. 6). The 4.92 N. (I) used as targets in impact testing only; (C) used as
platens in compression testing only.
glass had major constituents of 58% Si02, 25% PbO,
9% K,O, 4% Na,O and 2% B,O, (all percentages by
‘In some cases, materials with nominally the same composition
weight). Young’s modulus was 62 GPa, Poisson’s ratio used as compression platens and impact targets had different
was 0.25, and the Vickers hardness measured by in- hardnesses, since they had different microstructures; these ma-
denting polished cross-sections was 5.46 GPa. terials are clearly identified in the table.
of fracture. A range of velocities was used for each The fragments of the spheres broken by impact tended
target material, leading to a velocity below which <5 to be hemispherical or in the form of wedge-shaped
of the spheres were broken and a velocity above which segments; sometimes a cone of densified material was
>5 were broken. The actual fracture velocity for the evident. Figure 3 shows a roughly hemispherical frag-
spheres against that target was assumed to lie between ment. Spheres broken by impact with plastically de-
these two velocities. This method of determining a forming targets showed much smaller fragments, and
‘fracture velocity’ was employed to take into account little information could be gained about their fracture
the statistical nature of fracture in the spheres. mechanisms.
In the compression tests a single sphere was loaded
to fracture in uniaxial compression between pairs of Compression testing
parallel platens in a screw-driven Schenck Trebel testing Considerable variation was seen in the fracture loads
machine. The load at which fracture of the sphere for the spheres compressed between different platen
occurred was accurately determined and experiments materials. In soft platens, the spheres formed plastic
with each combination of platen and sphere material indentations as the load was increased; with the softest
were repeated 20 times to reduce the error in the platens, the spheres became completely embedded in
calculated mean fracture load. Fragments of the frac- the platens and did not fracture at all. In cases where
tured spheres were retrieved for later examination. The failure of the spheres did occur, the load was noted;
platens were examined after use to investigate any the mean fracture load was calculated in each case
damage. Any residual plastic impressions were measured from twenty tests and is shown, together with the
by optical microscopy, and damage such as cracking standard error in the mean, in Table 3. The values of
of the more brittle platen materials was also noted. the internal and surface stresses of interest were cal-
culated for each platen-sphere combination, as de-
scribed above and these are also tabulated.
Results As in the case of impact failure, the sphere fragments
took the shape of segments or hemispheres. SEM
Impact testing micrographs of fragments of spheres crushed between
The results of the impact tests are listed in Table silicon carbide platens are shown in Fig. 4. In Fig. 4(a),
2. There was a considerable variation in the fracture a cone of densified material is shown, with the flattened
velocity; with a soft target, fracture of the spheres contact area forming its base. Figure 4(b) shows a
occurred at a relatively high velocity whereas the harder, wedge-shaped fragment of a glass sphere, with river
stiffer targets caused fracture at lower impact velocities. lines emanating from the area to the left of the mi-
The limits for the fracture velocity, as defined above, crograph from which a conical fragment may have been
were used to determine the values of the contact force detached.
using the appropriate elastic or plastic analysis as
outlined above. This information, together with the
calculated (in the case of elastic contact) or measured Discussion
(in the case of plastic indentation) contact radius at
fracture was used to calculate the stresses of interest The experimental work reported above has shown
at fracture, and these are also listed in Table 2. that under conditions of both impact and compression
Target material Fracture Contact radius Contact pressure (q-u+)/2 (int) o+ (int) o+ (surf)
velocity (pm) (GPa) (GPa) (MPa) (MPa)
(E) contact radius and contact pressure calculated from elastic theory (see text). (P) contact radius measured, and contact pressure
calculated from plastic theory (see text).
Platen material Fracture load Contact radius (q-u@ (int) a+ (int) 04 (surf)
(N) (pm) (GPa) (MPa) (MPa)
The spheres became completely embedded, and no fracture occurred, with the copper and aluminium platens.
‘Platens exhibited Hertzian cone cracking. (E) indicates that the contact radius was calculated from the elastic theory. (P) indicates
that contact was plastic and that the contact radius was measured.