Lap 11

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Taif University Basics of Electric Circuits

Faculty of Engineering 803224-3

Department of Electrical Engineering


The objective of this experiment is to study experimentally single phase ac
circuits including resistive load only.

Components and apparatus

a. AC supply
b. Constant resistance and variable resistance
c. Oscilloscope
d. Two voltmeters

Procedure steps:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure with R1max = 1 kΩ and R2 =
330 Ω
2. Connect two voltmeters across the supply and across R1
3. Adjust the values of R1 to 150 Ω
4. Record the maximum values of V1 and V using the waveforms on the
5. Calculate the rms values of V1 and V (Remember: Vrms = Vmax / √2
6. Record the rms values of V1 and V using the voltmeters
7. Compare the results in steps 5 and 6
8. Adjust the values of R1 to 300 Ω , 600 Ω , and 900 Ω and then repeat
steps 4-7

Taif University Basics of Electric Circuits
Faculty of Engineering 803224-3
Department of Electrical Engineering

R1 (Ω) 150 300 600 900

V1max (V) 3.8 6 7

Vmax (V) 16 16 16

V1rms (V) (calculated) 2.687 4.242 4.950

11.314 11.314 11.314

Vrms (V) (calculated)
2.63 4.23 5.36
V1rms (V) (measured)
11.28 11.29 11.29
Vrms (V) (measured)
2.167 0.284 7.650
% error-V1rms
0.301 0.213 0.213
% error-Vrms

300 Ω
Vmax=(3.2 div)(5 V/div) = 16V
Vrms = = = 11.314V
√2 √2
V1max=(1.9 div)(2 V/div) = 3.8V V1rms = 2.687 V
600 Ω
Vmax=(3.2 div)(5 V/div) = 16V Vrms =11.314 V
V1max=(1.2 div)(5 V/div) = 6V V1rms = 4.242 V
900 Ω
Vmax=(3.2 div)(5 V/div) = 16V Vrms =11.314 V
V1max=(1.4 div)(5 V/div) = 7V V1rms = 4.950 V

(V1rms−𝑐𝑎𝑙)−(V1rms−meas) (Vrms−𝑐𝑎𝑙)−(Vrms−meas)
% error= × 100 % error= × 100
(V1rms−𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠) (Vrms−𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠)

% error is w.r.t. by measured values

% error -V1rms value between 7.650% and 2.167 % . Max error is 7.650%
% error -Vrms value between 0.301% and 0.213% . Max error is 0.301%

Taif University Basics of Electric Circuits
Faculty of Engineering 803224-3
Department of Electrical Engineering

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