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Exam Pattern Exerise

(a) A-cranial; B-sympathetic

Part A- Obijective Type Questions (b) A-spinal; B-cranial
(c) A-spinal; B-parasympathetic
Multiple Choice Type Questions (d) A-sympathetic; B-parasympathetic
of highly
1 The neuralsystem is composed that
specialised cells called neurons can 6 Depolarisation of axolemma during nerve
conduction takes place because
(a) not divide once fully formed (a) equal amount of Na" andK* move out across
(b) receive stimuli axolemma
(c) transmit impulses (b) Only Nat moves inside
(d) Allof the above (c) more Na moves outside than K* mnoving
2. The
neural organisation in given outside
comprises of (d) None of the above
7. During the transmission of nerve impluse through
nerve fibre the potential on the inner side of the
plasma membrane has which type of electric
(a) First positive then negative and continue to
be negative
(b) First negative then positive and continue to
be positive
(a) network of neurons (b) CNS and PNS (c) First positive then negative and again back to
(c) CNS (d) PNS negative

3. Visceral
nervous system found in human body (d) First negative then positive and again back to
(a) is a part of peripheral nervous system
(b) comprises the complex of nerves, ganglia and 8. In the resting stage of a neuron, concentration
plexuses gradient generates due to
(c) constitutes the connection between CNS (a) high concentration of K* and low
the viscera concentration of Na inside the axon
(d) All of the above (b) high concentration of Na and low
concentration of K* inside the axon
4 Refer to the given diagram of typical neurons. (c) low concentration of Na" outside the axon
(d) high concentration of K* outside the axon

9. Given below are the hormones present in human

I. Cortisone
II. Acetylcholine
Identify the parts where Nissl's granules are likely II. Epinephrine
to be found.
Choose the correct option regarding these
(a) Only I (b) II and III hormones.
(c) III and IV (d) I, II, IIIand IV (a) Iand IIare neurotransmitters
5 Myelinated nerve fibres are found in..A....and (b) Iand III are neurotransmitters
..B..nerves. Fillin the blanks A and B with (c) II and III are neurotransmitters
correct options. (d) All are neurotransmitter
All none
10. Which part of the human braln controls the urge 14. ANNertion (A) Neurons are
aalagy Cla mm
for eating and drinking?
(a) Forebrain (b) Midbrain
Membranes ofttheexeltable cell
(c) Hindbraln (d) Splnal cord polarised atate Ia neIrona are \in a
excitability, whieh responsible forthe
Association areas of the brain are 15. ANsertlon (A)
packing cellsofNeurogllal
(a) always sensory areas brain, cells are known anthe
(b) always motor areas Reason (R) Atype o neuroglal cella
(c) Neither sensory nor motor areas myelln sheath around axon. forms the
(d) None of the above 16, Glven below is the
12, Hypothalamus controls of impulse diagrammatie representation
conductlon through an
I. Usage for eating and drinking.
Aand B),
Study the diagram and AXon (At polnts
II. Thermoregulation.
the comment
approprlateneNN of the ANsertion upon
and the
II1. Hormones production that regulates the
secretion of pituitary gland. on

IV. Creative thinking and consciousness.

Choose the correct option.
(a) Iand III
(b) IInad III
(c) Iand II
(d) 1, Il and III
13. Match the Column I (the parts of the human brain)
with Column II(the functions) and identify the
correct option from the codes given below. Assertion (A) Anerve impulse is an
Column I Column I electrochemical event.
(Parts of Brain) (Functions)
Reason (R) Acurrent flows on the inner surface
A. Cerebrum 1. Controls the pituitary from site Ato site Band on the outer surface,
B. Cerebellum 2. Controls vision and hearing current flows from site Bto site A
tocomplete the
circuit of current flow.
C. Hypothalamus 3. Maintains body posture
17. Assertion (A) The imbalance in concentration of
D. Midbrain 4. Site of intelligence
Na',K' and proteins generate resting potential.
Codes Reason (R) To maintain the unequal distribution
A BC D A BC D of Na' and K', theneurons use electrical energy.
(a) 3 4 2 1 (b) 4 3 2 1
(c) 3 4 1 2 1 2
18. Assertion (A) Arrival of an impulse at the axon
(d) 4 3 terminal, stimulates the release of
neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft.
Assertion Reason Type Questions Reason (R) These neurotransmitters are
Direction (Q. Nos. 14-16) In each of the following responsible for the opening of ion channels.
questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed of a neuron remains
by corresponding statement of Reason (R). Of the 19. Assertion (A) The membrane
in polarised state.
8tatemenls, mark the correct answer as neural membrane
(a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct Reason (R)lon channels on the
different ions.
explanation of A are selectively permeable to
(b) If both A and Rare true, but R is not the correct The axoplasm inside the axon
20. Assertion (A)concentration of K' and negatively
explanation of A contains high
charged proteins.
(c) IfAis true, but Ris false
The axonal membrane is impermeableto
(d) If Ais false, but Ris true Reason (R)
Na' and negatively charged
Controland Coordination 445
Assertion (A) The cerebral cortex is referred to as (ii) Match the following
white matter of the brain. Column I
Column II
Reason(R)Itis due to the high concentration of
A. Cerebral aqueduct 1 Forebrain
neuroncell bodies iniit.
2. Midbrain
Assertion (A) The pre-synaptic neuron transmits B. Cerebral
. impulse (action potential) across the synaptic hemisphere
an to the post-synaptic 3. Sockets of the skull
Jef neuron. C. Cerebellum
Reason(R) Forthe transmission of impulses at 4. Hindbrain
D. Orbits
synapses, chemicals called neurotransmitters are
responsible. Codes
Cven below is the diagram showing sagittal of the (a) 2 1 3 4
buman brain with a part labelled as X. Study the (b) 1 2 4
Aiagram and comment upon the appropriateness (c) 2 1 4 3
of the Assertion and the Reason. (d) 4 3 1 2
regulated by the
(iüi) Human body temperature is
centre located in
(a) cerebrum (b) cerebellum
(c) medulla (d) hypothalamus
cells occurs in
(iv) Neurosecretory
(a) hypothalamus
(b) cerebral cortex
(c) medulla oblongata
(d) corpus callosum
regions of the brain is
(v) Which of the following functions?
incorrectly paired with its
callosum-communication between
X (a) Corpus
the left and right cerebral cortices.
Assertion (A) The part X is pons. (b) Cerebrum-calculation and
Reason (R) In brain stem, pons is
moderate (c) Medulla oblongata-homeostatic
pneumotaxic centre with the ability to (d) Cerebellum-language comprehension
rhythm' centre.
the function of the 'respiratory quesitons
located above the 27. Read the followingpassage and answer the
24. Assertion (A) Midbrain is thatfollows.
thalamus and hypothalamus.
passes through The brain is one of the most complex organs in
Reason (R) Cerebral aqueduct human body. It controls all the functions of the
lead to body, interprets information from the
medulla could surroundings, control emnotions, store memory,
5. Assertion (A)Injury to
death. etc. Protected within the skull, this master
centre of respiration structure is composed of cerebrum, cerebellum
Reason (R) Medulla contains
and cardiovascular reflexes. and brain stem. All these structures are found at
different locations and perform varied functions.
The brain has hollow fluid-filled cavities called
(ase Based Questions ventricles. Inside these ventricles, choroid plexus
hospital. He is suffering secretes cerebrospinal fluid. It helps the brain
40. Aman is admitted to a body temperature, loss of from injuries.
from an abnormal low The doctor consoled
appetite and extense thrist. (i) The structure that relay signals from forebrain to
scan as he
him and also prescribed braintumour in his brain.
cerebellum is
Suspected, there would be a (a) corpus callosum
would probably show a
U) Which part of the brain (b) medullaoblongata
tumour? (c) limbic system
(b) Thalamus
(a) Hypothalamus (d) pons
(c) Cerebral aqueduct (d)

(ii) The dorsal portion of the midbrain consists of

AIlínone Biology Class th
four round lobes called C. Synaptic cleft
(a) cerebral aqueduct
(b) corporaquadrigemina
Eldifecterreicnceal potacreonts iatlhe
(c) limbic lobes
resting neural
(d) corpus callosum
Neurotransmitters 4
An electrical wave-like
(ii) Cerebrospinal fluid contains excessive amount of
(a) K* ions (b) Ca2* ions
response of a
a stimulation. neuron to
(c) Na* ions
36. Differences between myelinated and
(a) Mg ions
(iv) Brain stem is formed by non-myelinated axons.
37. Where is the emotional centre
(a) four lobes of cerebrum
brain? (NCEKT)
located in human
(b) epithalamus and thalamus
(c) cerebellum and medulla 38. What do grey and
white matter in the brain
(d) midbrain and hindbrain
(v) The surface of cerebrum is called
(a) arachnoid
Long Answer Type Questions
(b) piamater 39. Give a brief
(c) cortex (d) cranium account on the
properties and functions of mnechanism of main
neural system.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
40. What are the major (NCERT)
28. Arrange the following in accurate order of their and axons? differences between dendrites
association in electrical impulse
movement-synaptic knob, axon terminal, axon, 41. Define nerve impulse.
Explain the factors on (NCERT)
dendrites, cell body. which impulse conduction depends.
29. What do you understand by the polarised 42. During resting
state of potential, the axonal
the nerve membrane? polarised. Explain the movement of membrane
30. Name the major divisions of the
negative ions leading to polarisation. (NCERT)
31. Which parts of the CNS 43. Explain the following
constitute the grey processes
(i) Polarisation of the
matter? membrane of a nerve
32. What are the two major parts of the
limbic (ii) Depolarisation of the membrane of a nerve
33. Give the function performed by
cerebral spinal (iii) Conduction of a nerve impulse along a nerve

Short Answer Type Questions 44. Explain the role of Nat in the generation of action
potential. (NCERT)
34. Draw a well labelled diagram of the
neuron. 45. Explain the transmission of nerve impulse along a
(NCERT) nerve fibre.
35. Complete the statement by choosing appropriate
match among the following. 46. How a nerve impulse is transmitted across a
synaptic cleft?
A. Resting potential 1 47. Explain the process of the transport andrelease of
Chemicals involved in
the transmission of a neurotransmitter with the help of a labelled
impulses at synapses. diagram showing a complete neuron, axon
B Nerve impulse 2 Gap berween che terminal and synapse.
48. Describe the protective coverings of the brain.
pre-synaptic and (NCERT)
post-synaptic neurons. 49. Briefly describe the structure ofthe
Coowtination 447
Neural Controland

o (he coehvum
s0 DiwNs the tutonat aeaN wthigetvaltpata
S1, Diteeniate between
(0Thalamus 0 tthalanmux
Q, Diteventate bcween
() Ceebum ( mebellun (NCHRD
WiteshortnoeN the (ollowmg
(0 Forebrain () Midbain
() Hindbrain
nerve and spia () With reference of the above graph explam
S4, Distinguish between ranial (NCERT) whieh pant of the braln i the moNt aetive
nerve m human,
durlng the exAm0natlon?
humman neuralsysten is
$5, The major partsof thethe empy boxes with () What the location and function of
depicted below, AM in hypothalamus?
appropriate words,
() Cerebellum the least aotive among the
Human NervVoua Syaten three braln partsahown in the graph,What ls
ita role in the body?
CNS (iv) Human brain is divided into three matn
regions-forebrain, midbraln and hindbrain,
Autonomo Neural Categorise the parts of the braln glven in the
Brain Syatem graph into thelr rexpective reglon,
S8. The graph given below ahows the ehange in
Spathelic NS voltage tora non-myelinated neuron sending

Source Based/ Case Based/Passage Based

Questions 40

56. Read the following passage and answer the
Raju has recently joined the gym. The frst day,
while doing exercise, he felt increased rate of hvesholt Falled
respiration, heartbeat, sweating, ete. He got 58 Jnillationa
worried as he experienced the sudden changes in Pesting alale
his body. He discussed it with his brother who is a Slmulkue Retactory
biology student. His brother smiled and explained
him that these are the normal activities of the
organs/organ systems that occur during exercise
for the maintenance of normal physiology of the Tlme (ns)
human body.
() Name the processes that are necessary for (0 With reference to the above graph explain
maintaining normal physiology of the human along what structure does the Impulse
body. travel?
(i) Define coordination and integration. () Where would sodium channels open and
(iü) Explain how does the various organs of the where would potasslunm channels open?
body are coordinated and integrated during (li) During propagatlon of a nerve impulse, the
exercise. actlon potentlal results from movement of
(iv) Name the two main parts of the human which lons from extracellular fluld to
neural system. intracellular fluid?
57. The data below shows the working of
various part
of a student's brain during a three hours
long (ii) f this axon were myelinated., what advantage
would it have?
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (b)
5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (a) These fibres transmit The
9. (c) 10. (a) I1. (c) 12. (d) impulses towards the away axons
from tthe
13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (b) cellbody. synapse.
17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (c) Ire branches terminate
21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (d) into bulb-like synaptic Their branches do not have
25. (a) knobs. synaptic knobs.
26. () (a), (ii) (c), (ii) (d), (iv) (a), (v) (d) 41. Refer to text on page no.
27. (i) (d), (ii) (b), (ii) (c), (iv) (d), (v) (c) 42. Refer to text on page no.
28. Dendrites, cell body, axon, axon terminal, synaptic knob. 43. (i) Refer to text on page
29. It is the state of the nerve membrane when its inner side no. 435-436.
(ii) Refer to text on page no. 436.
is electronegative to its outer side. (iii) Refer to text on page no. 435.
30. Cerebrum,thalamus, hpothalamus. 44. when a
stimulus is applied t0 a nerve, the
permeable to Natmembrane
31. Areas that contain cell bodies of the neurons. the nerve becomes freely of
32. Amygdala and hippocampus. This leads to a rapid influx of Na"
33. It maintain a constant pressure inside the crania. reversal of the polarity at that site, followed
i.e. the
by the
34. Refer to fig. no. 18.1. of themembrane becomes negatively charged and the surface
35. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1 inner side becomes positively charged.
The electrical potential difference
36. Differences between myelinated and non-myelinated across the
axons are as follows membrane is called the action potential, whichplasTna
is in fact
termed as a nerve impulse.
Myelinated Axon Non-myelinated Axon Thus, this shows that Na ions play an
The myelinated nerve fibres Non-myelinated nerve fibres the conduction of nerve impulse. important role in
are enveloped with Schwann are enclosed by a Schwann 45. Refer to text on page no. 435
cells, which form a myelin cells that do not form a
sheath around the axon. myelin sheath around the 46. Refer to text on page no.
axon. 435-436.
47. Refer to text on page no.
Myelinated nerve fibres are These are commonly found 436-437.
found in spinal and cranial in autonomous and the 48. Refer to text on page no. 439.
nerves. somatic nervous systems. 49. Refer to text on page no.
37. Hypothalamus (forebrain). 50. Refer to text on page no. 439.
38. In cerebral cortex, there is high concentration of 51. Differences between thalamus and hypothalamus are as
cell bodies,hence named as grey matter,whereas in follows
medulla there is high concentration of axons, names as
white matter. This sequence of grey and white matter is Thalamus to Hypothalamus
reversed in nerve cord.
39. Refer to text on page no. 435.
The cerebrum wraps It lies ar the base of he
around a structural part of thalamus.
40. Differences between dendrites and axons brain called chalamús.
are as follows
Dendrite Axon
All types of sensory input It contains neurosecretory
These are short fibres The axon is a long branched fibre, passes to the thalamus. cells that secrete
which branch which terminates as a bulb-like hypothalamus hormons.
repeatedly and project structure called synaptic knob. It
out of the cell body possesses synaptic vesicles It controls emotional and It regulates, sexual behavnour
memory functions. expression ofemotional
and contain Nissl's containing chemicals called reactions and motivation.
granules. neurotransmitters.
Neural Control and Coordination 449

one another. On the other hand,

S2. Differences between cerebrum and cerebellum are as integration is a
process, which makes two or more organs to work
as a functional unit in harmony.
Cerebellum (1)
Cerebrum (iii) When we do exercise, we observe
increase in the rateof respiration, heartbeat,
It is the most developed It is the second developed part
also called as little bloodflow, sweating,etc., to meet enhanced needs
part of brain. of brain of nutrients and energy for increased
cerebrum. activities of
lungs, hearts, muscles and many other body organs.
Adeep cleft divides Externally the whole surface When we stop exercising, we witness that the
cerebrum into two contains gyriand sulci. increased activities of lungs, heart, nerves, kidneys,
cerebral hemispheres. muscles, etc., gradually return to normal. Thus,
It contains centres for during exercise, functions of various organs of the
Its functions are coordination and error body are coordinated and integrated. (2)
intelligence, learning, checking during motor and
memory, speech, etc. (iv) Human neural system is divided into the Central
cognition. Neural System (CNS) and Peripheral Neural System
53. (i) Refer to text on page no. 439
57 () The cerebrum is the most active region during the
(ii) Refer to text on page no. 439
examination because it is the site for controlling
(iii) Refer to text on page no. 439-440. thought, learning, intelligence, intellectual
S4 Differences between cranial nerve and
spinal nerve in activities, translating perception and memories into
human are as follows plan actions, reasoning, decision-making, etc. (1)

Cranial Nerve Spinal Nerve (i1) Hypothalamus lies at the base of the thalamus. It
contains a number of centres which control the
The cranial nerves originate The spinal nerves originate body temperature, urge for eating and drinking. It
in the brain and terminate in the spinal cord and also contains several groups of neurosecretory cells,
extend to parts of the body
mostly in organs, head and below the head. which secrete hormones called hypothalamic
upper body. hormones. (2

(ii) The function of the cerebellum is to maintain body

There are 12 pairs of cranial There are 31 pairs of spinal posture, muscle toning, coordination and
equilibrium of the body.
Most of the cranial nerves All of the spinal nerves (iv) Cerebrum and hypothalamus belongs toforebrain.
contain axon and both contain axons of both Cerebellum is a part of hindbrain.
sensory and motor neurons. sensory and motor neurons. 58. () Nerve impulse also called as action potential travels
along the membrane of neuron. It is an electrical
Human Nervous System charge that can be generated when a neurons
membrane potential is changed by chemical signals
from a nearby cell. (1)

CNS PNS (ii) In neurons, the rapid rise in potential,

depolarisation, is initiated by the opening of
sodium ion channels within the plasma membrane.
Brain |Spinal Cord The subsequent return to resting potential,
Somatic Autonomic depolarisation, is mediated by the opening of
Neural System Neural System potassium ion channels. (1+1)
Forebrain Hindbrain (iii) Na ions move from extracellular fluid to
intracellular fluid.
Parasympathetic Sympathetic Or
Midbrain NS NS
(i) The speed of transmission of nerve impulses is
56. () Coordination and integration of body organs is done by more in myelinated axons than in myelinated
axons. This is due to the reason that
neural system, which regulate normal physiology of can
human body. (1) axons have nodes of Ranvier. Nerve impulse
axons which
(ü) Coordination is the process through which two or jump node to node in myelinated (1)
more organs interact and complement the functions of favours a faster transmission speed.

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