MTG Class 11 Chapter 8 Biology
MTG Class 11 Chapter 8 Biology
MTG Class 11 Chapter 8 Biology
A . exa
th ugh the correspond' NCERT Textbook chapter, attempt
A bt ese. questions in
been achievede or not. After goIng ro d d duct one for wrong answer. ta le 1s given at th Ill Ii
environment. Give yourself four marks markOrrect answer an e All e end, ¾t
(a) Origin of species (b) Species p/antarum
(c) Genera plantarum (d) Micrographia.
GB Cell Theory (d)
respiration. '>d C
, . A
(iii) increase the surface area of plasma membrane. 1C.)'
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iii) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii).
17. Which of the following is enveloped by a nuclear
o 0o o•o o
o 0
(a) (b) 0
00 0
(a) Plasma Chloroplast Mitochondrion Golgi
membrane complex
(b) Plasma Mitochondrion Chloroplast RER
(c) Cell wall Mitochondrion Chloroplast RER
(d) Cell wall Chloroplast Mitochondrion Golgi
Typical bacteria
24. Given is the ultrastructure of an animal cell. Identify the
.: ·.. partsmarked as A, 8, C and D.
(c) :-:::::=::• (d) None of these
18. If youremove the fimbriae from the bacterial cell, which
of the following would you expect to happen?
(a) The bacteria could no longer swim.
(b) The bacteria would not adhere to thehost tissue.
(c) Transportation of molecules across the membrane
would stop.
(d) The shape of bacteria would change.
19. The type of ribosomes found in prokaryotes is
(a) 80S type (b) 70S type A B C D
(c) 30S type (d) 50S type. (a) Plasma Nucleus Mitochondrion Golgi
20. Whichof these is not correct regarding ribosomes? membrane complex
(a) Non-membrane bound (b) Plasma Vacuole Mitochondrion Golgi
(b) Present in the cytoplasm and on RER membrane complex
(c) Absent in chloroplast and mitochondria (c) Cell wall Nucleus Mitochondrion RER
Cell wall Vacuole Chloroplast Golgi
(d) Take part in protein synthesis (d)
21 complex
· Polyribosomesare aggregation of
(a) ribosomesand rRNA 25. According to unit membrane structure, the thickness of
(b) peroxisomes plasma membrane is about
(c) several ribosomesheld together bya string of mRNA (a) 35 A (b) 20 A
(d) rRNA. (c) 75 A (d) 100A.
1i VU)'-'-"'" "'-I.I" at .
. n
both lipids and proteins .
188 f cell i ((c)d) glycolipids and glycoproteins.
. dy of structureo '
The best matenal for the stu . select the incorrect statement regarding
, Pia
34 teh
membrane is (b) liver cell membrane. . . s
(a) R_BC of human d) muscle cell. . , (a) Ratio of prolteins and lipids variesconsiderab1,.
(c) kidney cell . ( d b all types of lipids : different eel types. 0 . . 11·.
27. Which chemical property is sh:re y : (b) 52% proteins and 401/o l1p1ds constitute the
forming the plasma membr•;:i· Glycerol backbone of human RBC. mem ,.
(a) Sugar component (d) Hydrophobic region (c) Arrangement of proteins ) and Lipids (L)isl-
(c) Phosphate group b have· (d) Head of lipid is hydrophilic. P-p
t in plasma rnem rane
28. The lipid molecules pretnt ·1s (as shown in figure). . 35 Identify the components labelled as A, B,C and D, .
polar heads and non-po a;e: rrect arrangement of lipids . given figure of cell membrane fromthe list (i) to (vii)9'"
Which option represents t along with and select the correctoption. fi
in lipid bilayer? A
-- Polar head \
(bl ,,,,
(a) iiii .. '
!! iii
!! (d) iti!
!i!i !iti Components :
(i) Sugar (ii) Protein
29. A phospholipid molecule is amphipathic and produces (iii) Lipidbilayer (iv) Integral protein
two layers coming in contact with H2O. The head of (vi) Cell wall
(v) Cytoplasm
phospholipid molecule is
(vii) External protein
(a) at an angle of 40° The correct matching of componentsis
(b) at the outer surface
(a) A-(i), B-(ii), (-(iii), D-(iv)
(c) on the inner side
(d) embedded in protein molecules. (b) A-(ii), B-(i), (-(iii), D-(iv)
(c) A-(i), B-(ii), (-(iii), D-(vi)
30. Lipids are arranged within the membrane with
(a) polar heads toward inner side and the hydrophobic (d) A-(i), 8-(ii), (-(iii), D-(vii)
taiIs toward outerside 36. Integral cell membraneproteins
(b) both heads and tails toward outerside (a) are partially embedded in lipid layers
(c) heads toward outerside and tail towards inside (b) are completely embedded in lipid layers. . . 1
(d) both heads and tails toward innerside. (c) showlateral but not vertical
31. The most abundant lipid in the cell membrane is movementswithinbila) of lipid
(a) cutin (b) glycolipid (d) all of these.
(c) steroid {d) phosphoglycerides. 37
32. Which is the best way to separate intact chi f · The latestmodel ofcellmembraneis the
green Ieaves of angiospermic plant? oropIast rom (a) un·1t b
mem ranemodel
(a) Petrol-ether (b) Fluidmosaic model
(b) Chloroform (c) Danielli and Davson's model
(c) 10% sucrose solution (d) Robertson'smodel.
(d) Alcohol 38· Accordi g to the modern concept, cell me_rnbraneis
33. Cell recognition and adhesion are . . : (a) solid (b) quasiflu1d
components of plasma membrane Th facilitated by: (c) fluid (d) solidifiedsheath.
·1·w generally . ese components are ' 39 Th I .. rrneabhl i
(a) protein molecules alone · e mo ecules in the membrane that limit its pe
are the
(b) lipids alone (a) carbohydrates (b) phospholipidS
(c) proteins (d) water.
TIit Unil f!i
1 ti 189
rnu ror ndwi hmod I of cellmembran
? (a) m1crotubul (b) m <ro
I 1
tile I n (b) Danielh nd Dav on
nd (c) lasmod m,1td (d} r iu
(d) None of the e
0 SO. WhtCh organell ' not a part o the
J·R mort iCmodel e pI s w hI ' h asp t oI a c \ystem)
(a) ER
am' 11 (b) Golg1co pie
(c} Lysosome (d) 1t0< ndri<t
,. ne
tructural a pect
al on functional a pect 1. A cell, which is very d ,ve in th syn
ere ion
J 00 ctural and fun tional a prct
Both stiu he11sd
1 Ouidity of memb1ane of protE>ms, would be exp c d to v
I Ol1 .
branei sele 1 1ve pet m able.l ht m0an (n) equc1! dmo1mt of RFR c1n SfR
that ,t (b) more R rh n Rf R
(cl more Rf R thdn R
'1 mem all rn.iteiial t pa th1ouqh
a\lO (d} maror Gol
an I ,flb1rd1@ tmd
I alto , only wate1 to pa th1ou h 5]
Th cell ,n no' R
1; all onl certainmate11al t pa s through <,yld I f 0 0 t'I
(a) r1bo om ro 1'> rne
'. allows onlyion to pas through.
(c) I hondno
ole(Ule an mov b11efl acros th membran 53 n11cl"
,: 1any m .
w.: uat nyrequuemenl of n ,gy nd special m mbrane
t11otein.This is call d _
ia' act1 e tran port (b) pass1v rans or drra (b)
( ) Id t
ic\ acilitateddiffusion (d) all of h s
, ciiooe the ,neoned stat m n, ga1ding c II m rrtbra e s 1te
:al Gene1allysmaller mol cul 5 pas5 asrly and r ad1
than large molecul s.
1 1 Wate1solublesub tan pass th,ough 1t I
•ss r add than lipidsoluble !>ubstan !>
1cl In addilion to pho pholipid mPmh1r1ne 1t al o
containscholesterol. (c c irbo ydr,itt' . lipid\
1dl None of the e (d) ,rHT ,n , prot ,,n
ll Vh1Ch o! the following is an 1w1gy d p nd nt pro ,s 55. h n 11 uppo, . n,yr 1rcul,ll1on. pro 1n synth sis
ial facilitateddiffu ion (b) /\ctrw tr n po, and o , 1c ,on ot druqc; ir th Iun t1ons o
1cl Endosmosis (d) l x mo , (a) d,c fOSOm <, (b) chi roplc1st
unctionof intra ellula, rnPmb,an i not to (c) r1bo om (d) f R.
establisha number of ompart ment) 1thin the II 56 Smoo h endoplasmic r llculum 1s w 11 d velop d in
p ro v, e !01 then at pati I 01 an1at1on o1
(b\ . d c lls hJCh s1nthes1se
(a) s ero,ds (b) proteins
enz me
(c) carbohydrates (d) II of h
and pigments
,cl keep_thecell,igidity o that it doe not
,a,piov,de a system of chann I for the d1 tribution 57 h1ch organelle helps in he s n h s,s o I, 1 s
o choles erol, steroids and visual p1gm n s 1n ep,
,, nutrientswithin the ell. ,a' cells o re ,na7
I• )'Ou removeth II
.1a . . 010 e ce wall from a plant cell and place (a) Golg1 bodies (b) RER
0 th1t I Pof
. wate1 (c) SER ( ) 1tochon r,a
o, heceI
d1v1demitotically 58 htCh group o organelles ,s ,n ol ed in nr 1:, •
c, sternae
(a) ("') (i) (11) (a) Ribosomes, George Palade -
(b) 1 1 (" ')
(b) Ribosomes, Perner
(i) (ii)
(c) (ii) (iii)( ) (c) Lysosomes, de Duve
(d) (iii) (ii)(1) ' (d) Peroxisomes, de Duve
89. Match column I with column II and select the ect I 95. Ribosomes are composed of
option from the codes givenbecorr l
.[ A. _1 Dictyosomes _ (1) low:.
!_ ISto_rage .
- ;
RNA only
Proteins only ,- - J C lum,n_, (c) RNA and proteins
\ B. Mitochondri
· o. Grana
(i!) Photosynthesis
(iv) Secretion I; (d) RNA, proteins and DNA.
== (d) Lysosomes
MCQs Corner
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9.
(d) 10. (a) 11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (c)
16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (c) 21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (d) 28. (b) 29. (b) 30. (c)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (b) 41. (c) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (d)45. (b)
46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (d) 51. (c) 52. (d) 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (a) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (a)
61. (d) 62. (a) 63. (d) 64. (b) 65. (c) 66. (a) 67. (a) 68. (b) 69. (a) 70. (a) 71. (b) 72. (b) 73. (d) 74. (a) 75. (d)
76. (b) 77. (b) 78. (d) 79. (b) 80. (c} 81. (c) 82. (c) 83. (b) 84. (b) 85. (d) 86. (c) 87. (d) 88. (c) 89. (a} 90. (b)
91. (c) 92. (a) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (c) 96. (b) 97. (d) 98. (b) 99. (c) 100.(c) 101.(d) 102.(d) 103.(b) 104.(d) 105.(a)
106.(a) 107.(a) 108.(c) 109.(c) 11O.(a) 111.(a) 112.(b) 113.(b) 114.(a) 115.(c) 116.(a) 117.(c) 118.(b) 119.(c) 120.(a)