MTG Class 11 Chapter 8 Biology

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cell : The Unit of Life

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A bt ese. questions in
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[II What is a Cell? 7. Who proposeda modification in the celltheory)

(a) Schleiden and Schwann (b) Rudolf Vircho
1. Unicellular microscopic organisms were first studied (c) Robert Hooke (d) Marcello Mal .
by Plghi
(a) Robert Hooke (b) Priestley
(c) Pasteur (d) Leeuwenhoek. Bl] An Overview of Cell
2. The most likely method, used to determine the structural ·
S. Tarun observed a slide of white blood cell
. h k dh. s
microscope. H is teac er as e 1 m to draw the d'
details of a cell organelle is
una c,
(a) autoradiography (b) microdissection ' . 1agra111.
(c) electron microscopy Select the diagram which should be drawn b Tarun.
(d) phasecontrast microscopy. y
3. The figures of cork cells as seen by Robert Hooke were
published in the book (a)

(a) Origin of species (b) Species p/antarum
(c) Genera plantarum (d) Micrographia.

GB Cell Theory (d)

4. Cell theory was formulated by

(a) Schleiden and Schwann (b) Robert Hooke
(c) Leeuwenhoek (d) Marcello Malpighi. ' [II Prokaryotic Cells
5. 'Omnis cellula-e cellula' i.e., new cells arise frompre- : 9· What is true about genetic material of a prokaryoticcelll
existing cells; this statement was given by (a) Lackshistones
(a) Schleidenand Schwann (b) Rudolf Virchow (b) Not enveloped by nuclear membrane
(c) Robert Brown (d) Robert Hooke. (c) Composed of a singlecircular DNA molecule
6. Match column I with column II and select thecorrect (d) All of these
option from thecodesgiven below. are self replicating, extra
--- mos om al
chro D N
Column I Column II segments of double stranded circular and naked
A. Leeuwenhoek (i) First saw and describead present in a bacterial cell.
living cell (a) Plasmids (b) Nucleoid
B. Robert Brown (ii) Presenceof cell wall is-- (c) Mesosomes (d) Bacteriophages
11 . ly ...
I .
unique to plant cells · Prokaryotic cells aregenerally_ and m tip
C. Schleiden 1 ' -- I
than the eukaryotic cells
D. Schwann (i.ii). Discovered the nucleu-s :
(iv) A_IIpla ts arec rnp d f- larger, slower
(a) smaller, slower · (b)
J: (c) smaller, faster (d) larger, faS!er rneo
d1fferent kinds of cell , 12 · isconce
1 · X 1s a structure found in prokaryotes that phycean
(a) A-(i), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(ii) with storageof reserve food materials likecyano
(b) A-(i), 8-(iii), C-(ii), D-(iv) granules.
(c) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(ii) X could be
(d) A-(i),B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(iii)
(a) gas vacuole (b) plasmid
(c) inclusionbody (d) rnesosorne
Biology ICell:The Unit of Life
13. Longest portion of bacterial flagella is
(a) hook
(c) filament
(b) basal body
(d) none of these.
(;D Eukaryotic Cells
14. Glycocalyx (mucilage sheath) of a bacterial cell may occur 22. Plant cells differ from animal cells in having
(a) cell wall (b) plastids
in the formof a loose sheath called or it may be (c) a large central vacuole (d) all of these.
thick and tough called _ 23. Identify the parts labelled as A, 8, C and D in the given
(a) capsule, slime layer (b) slime layer, capsule ultrastructureof a plant cell and select the correct option.
(c) rnesosome, capsule (d) mesosome, slime layer
15. Correct sequence of layers of bacterial cell envelope 0
from outward to inward is D
(a) Cell wall Glycocalyx Cell membrane
(b) Cell membrane Glycocalyx Cell wall
(c) Glycocalyx Cell wall Cell membrane
(d) Glycocalyx Cell membrane Cell wall. I r{:.
, ..,
16. Mesosomes are the infoldings of cell membrane, which
(i) are present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
(ii) help in cell wall formation, DNA replication and r:-.


respiration. '>d C
, . A
(iii) increase the surface area of plasma membrane. 1C.)'
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iii) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii).

17. Which of the following is enveloped by a nuclear
o 0o o•o o
o 0
(a) (b) 0
00 0

(a) Plasma Chloroplast Mitochondrion Golgi
membrane complex
(b) Plasma Mitochondrion Chloroplast RER
(c) Cell wall Mitochondrion Chloroplast RER
(d) Cell wall Chloroplast Mitochondrion Golgi
Typical bacteria
24. Given is the ultrastructure of an animal cell. Identify the
.: ·.. partsmarked as A, 8, C and D.
(c) :-:::::=::• (d) None of these
18. If youremove the fimbriae from the bacterial cell, which
of the following would you expect to happen?
(a) The bacteria could no longer swim.
(b) The bacteria would not adhere to thehost tissue.
(c) Transportation of molecules across the membrane
would stop.
(d) The shape of bacteria would change.
19. The type of ribosomes found in prokaryotes is
(a) 80S type (b) 70S type A B C D
(c) 30S type (d) 50S type. (a) Plasma Nucleus Mitochondrion Golgi
20. Whichof these is not correct regarding ribosomes? membrane complex
(a) Non-membrane bound (b) Plasma Vacuole Mitochondrion Golgi
(b) Present in the cytoplasm and on RER membrane complex
(c) Absent in chloroplast and mitochondria (c) Cell wall Nucleus Mitochondrion RER
Cell wall Vacuole Chloroplast Golgi
(d) Take part in protein synthesis (d)

21 complex
· Polyribosomesare aggregation of
(a) ribosomesand rRNA 25. According to unit membrane structure, the thickness of
(b) peroxisomes plasma membrane is about
(c) several ribosomesheld together bya string of mRNA (a) 35 A (b) 20 A
(d) rRNA. (c) 75 A (d) 100A.
1i VU)'-'-"'" "'-I.I" at .
. n
both lipids and proteins .
188 f cell i ((c)d) glycolipids and glycoproteins.
. dy of structureo '
The best matenal for the stu . select the incorrect statement regarding
, Pia
34 teh
membrane is (b) liver cell membrane. . . s
(a) R_BC of human d) muscle cell. . , (a) Ratio of prolteins and lipids variesconsiderab1,.
(c) kidney cell . ( d b all types of lipids : different eel types. 0 . . 11·.
27. Which chemical property is sh:re y : (b) 52% proteins and 401/o l1p1ds constitute the
forming the plasma membr•;:i· Glycerol backbone of human RBC. mem ,.
(a) Sugar component (d) Hydrophobic region (c) Arrangement of proteins ) and Lipids (L)isl-
(c) Phosphate group b have· (d) Head of lipid is hydrophilic. P-p
t in plasma rnem rane
28. The lipid molecules pretnt ·1s (as shown in figure). . 35 Identify the components labelled as A, B,C and D, .
polar heads and non-po a;e: rrect arrangement of lipids . given figure of cell membrane fromthe list (i) to (vii)9'"
Which option represents t along with and select the correctoption. fi
in lipid bilayer? A
-- Polar head \

7:F- Non-polar tail

(bl ,,,,
(a) iiii .. '

!! iii
!! (d) iti!
!i!i !iti Components :
(i) Sugar (ii) Protein


29. A phospholipid molecule is amphipathic and produces (iii) Lipidbilayer (iv) Integral protein
two layers coming in contact with H2O. The head of (vi) Cell wall
(v) Cytoplasm
phospholipid molecule is
(vii) External protein
(a) at an angle of 40° The correct matching of componentsis
(b) at the outer surface
(a) A-(i), B-(ii), (-(iii), D-(iv)
(c) on the inner side
(d) embedded in protein molecules. (b) A-(ii), B-(i), (-(iii), D-(iv)
(c) A-(i), B-(ii), (-(iii), D-(vi)
30. Lipids are arranged within the membrane with
(a) polar heads toward inner side and the hydrophobic (d) A-(i), 8-(ii), (-(iii), D-(vii)
taiIs toward outerside 36. Integral cell membraneproteins
(b) both heads and tails toward outerside (a) are partially embedded in lipid layers
(c) heads toward outerside and tail towards inside (b) are completely embedded in lipid layers. . . 1
(d) both heads and tails toward innerside. (c) showlateral but not vertical
31. The most abundant lipid in the cell membrane is movementswithinbila) of lipid
(a) cutin (b) glycolipid (d) all of these.
(c) steroid {d) phosphoglycerides. 37
32. Which is the best way to separate intact chi f · The latestmodel ofcellmembraneis the
green Ieaves of angiospermic plant? oropIast rom (a) un·1t b
mem ranemodel
(a) Petrol-ether (b) Fluidmosaic model
(b) Chloroform (c) Danielli and Davson's model
(c) 10% sucrose solution (d) Robertson'smodel.
(d) Alcohol 38· Accordi g to the modern concept, cell me_rnbraneis
33. Cell recognition and adhesion are . . : (a) solid (b) quasiflu1d
components of plasma membrane Th facilitated by: (c) fluid (d) solidifiedsheath.
·1·w generally . ese components are ' 39 Th I .. rrneabhl i
(a) protein molecules alone · e mo ecules in the membrane that limit its pe
are the
(b) lipids alone (a) carbohydrates (b) phospholipidS
(c) proteins (d) water.
TIit Unil f!i
1 ti 189
rnu ror ndwi hmod I of cellmembran
? (a) m1crotubul (b) m <ro
I 1
tile I n (b) Danielh nd Dav on
nd (c) lasmod m,1td (d} r iu
(d) None of the e
0 SO. WhtCh organell ' not a part o the
J·R mort iCmodel e pI s w hI ' h asp t oI a c \ystem)
(a) ER
am' 11 (b) Golg1co pie
(c} Lysosome (d) 1t0< ndri<t
,. ne
tructural a pect
al on functional a pect 1. A cell, which is very d ,ve in th syn
ere ion
J 00 ctural and fun tional a prct
Both stiu he11sd
1 Ouidity of memb1ane of protE>ms, would be exp c d to v
I Ol1 .
branei sele 1 1ve pet m able.l ht m0an (n) equc1! dmo1mt of RFR c1n SfR
that ,t (b) more R rh n Rf R
(cl more Rf R thdn R
'1 mem all rn.iteiial t pa th1ouqh
a\lO (d} maror Gol
an I ,flb1rd1@ tmd
I alto , only wate1 to pa th1ou h 5]
Th cell ,n no' R
1; all onl certainmate11al t pa s through <,yld I f 0 0 t'I
(a) r1bo om ro 1'> rne
'. allows onlyion to pas through.
(c) I hondno
ole(Ule an mov b11efl acros th membran 53 n11cl"
,: 1any m .
w.: uat nyrequuemenl of n ,gy nd special m mbrane
t11otein.This is call d _
ia' act1 e tran port (b) pass1v rans or drra (b)
( ) Id t
ic\ acilitateddiffusion (d) all of h s
, ciiooe the ,neoned stat m n, ga1ding c II m rrtbra e s 1te
:al Gene1allysmaller mol cul 5 pas5 asrly and r ad1
than large molecul s.
1 1 Wate1solublesub tan pass th,ough 1t I
•ss r add than lipidsoluble !>ubstan !>
1cl In addilion to pho pholipid mPmh1r1ne 1t al o
containscholesterol. (c c irbo ydr,itt' . lipid\
1dl None of the e (d) ,rHT ,n , prot ,,n
ll Vh1Ch o! the following is an 1w1gy d p nd nt pro ,s 55. h n 11 uppo, . n,yr 1rcul,ll1on. pro 1n synth sis
ial facilitateddiffu ion (b) /\ctrw tr n po, and o , 1c ,on ot druqc; ir th Iun t1ons o
1cl Endosmosis (d) l x mo , (a) d,c fOSOm <, (b) chi roplc1st
unctionof intra ellula, rnPmb,an i not to (c) r1bo om (d) f R.
establisha number of ompart ment) 1thin the II 56 Smoo h endoplasmic r llculum 1s w 11 d velop d in
p ro v, e !01 then at pati I 01 an1at1on o1
(b\ . d c lls hJCh s1nthes1se
(a) s ero,ds (b) proteins
enz me
(c) carbohydrates (d) II of h
and pigments
,cl keep_thecell,igidity o that it doe not
,a,piov,de a system of chann I for the d1 tribution 57 h1ch organelle helps in he s n h s,s o I, 1 s
o choles erol, steroids and visual p1gm n s 1n ep,
,, nutrientswithin the ell. ,a' cells o re ,na7
I• )'Ou removeth II
.1a . . 010 e ce wall from a plant cell and place (a) Golg1 bodies (b) RER
0 th1t I Pof
. wate1 (c) SER ( ) 1tochon r,a
o, heceI
d1v1demitotically 58 htCh group o organelles ,s ,n ol ed in nr 1:, •

, .e tell would shrink

" i ie c II
d e would burst
would substance s needed b celP
happen. (a) L sosome, acuole, nbo ome
-O'!tinu,ryol (b) Vacuole, RER, SER
:>i0ug Mo cytoplasrn from cell to cell is maintained (c) Ribosome, RER, ER
1a P asrnicco ·
1 , ,,
t R nnect1ons in plantscall d (d) RER, I sosome, a uole
apJunc11011 (b) tight junction 9 Wh1h of th ollo ing c II or anell re nJ, a r
Jf!/ ' ed (d) plasmod smata. th n rn of 1t 1s o r r)
111)1(. .c, 1 ,InI h toa p lant c II might b () R b)
, , tro uy h . abl to
( ) Golgr o , ( ) 1t ri
nte, n
-,.............t' NCERT at
(a) membrane bound, Golgai YOur Fi ,
60. Select t hoe ptionwith correct labelling ogf (b) non-membrane bound, GJ aratus \
ivenStTUctUre : (c) membrane bound, Mitocho ad_PParatus
of Golgi apparatus. (d) non-membrane bound, ER na
68- Which one is the mis-matched paio
(a) Largest isolated - Egg of·
singlecell an °strich
(b} Golgi apparatus
- Discoveredb
Name was Y Altrnan
(c) Mitochondria . b
(d} lysosomes Discovered by de ciBe
B C D 69. Lysosomesare the reservoirs(storeh ie
A trans face cis face
(a) Cisternae Veside (a) hydrolyticenzymes ouses) of
Vesicle cis face trans face
(b) Cisternae (b) oxidative enzymes
(c) Vesicle Cisternae cisface trans face (c) secretory glycoproteins
(d) Tubules Vesicle trans face cis face (d) RNA and proteins.
61. These are the densely stainedreticular structurespresent 70. Whichof the following represents the featuresof
near the nucleus, consisting of many flat, disc shaped (a} A lower pH than the cytoplasm ::·
cisternae of 0.5- 1.0µm diameter.These are (b) Reduced hydrolase activity
(a) chloroplasts (c) Doublemembrane envelope
(b) endoplasmicreticulum (d) All of these
(() mitochondria
71. Cell organelleresponsible for au olysis is
(d) Golgi apparatus.
(a) dictyosome (b) lysosome
62. Read the given statements and selectthe corred option. (c) peroxisome (d) glyoxysome.
Statement 1 : The cistemaein Golgi rnmplex have cis
face and trans face. 72. As they release hydrolase that diges old a d darr ::
Statement 2 : The cis faceisalso calledforming cells, theterm suicide bagsisap ly usedby cellbio' g._
and trans face isalsocalled maturingface. (b) lysosomes
(a) Golgi
(a) Bothstatements 1 and 2 are correct.
bodies (d) perox1so es.
{b) Statement 1 is correctbut statement 2 is
incorrect. (c) glyoxysomes
(c) Statement 1 isincorrectbut statement 2 iscorrect. 73. How does a cell rid itself of defern e or
(d) Bothstatements l and 2 are incorrect. mal organelles?
63. Whichof these isnot a functionof Golgi apparatus? (a) They are engulfedby plasidsandsored n e;1 ,:
(a) Siteof synthesisof glycoproteins and glycolipids from cell is possible. ,.
(b) Secretion (b) Defective parts accumulate until 1hece,l1l 5c
(c) Membrane transformation dies.
(d) Site of protein synthesis (c) They are export d b exocytos1s. eie<t•'
(d) Lysosomes assist 1n 1he removal of d
64. Packingof substances for export from the cell occurs in
organellesby digesting them. h corre<
74. Match column I with column II and selectt
(a) SER (b) Golgi bodies
(c) lysosome (d) nudeolus. e option from thecodes givenbelow.
Column I Column II cell ar
65. Cells whichare secretory in functionhave abundant
(a) lysosomes (b) vacuoles A RER (1) lntracelluIara nd exffa ,.
(c) dictyosomes (d) centrioles. by theprocessof packaging in the _.
66. Which of the following is correct fortheorigin of lyso
(L) ?
(a) ER Golgi bodies L
(b) Golgi bodies ER L
(c) Nucleus Golgi bodies L
(d) Mitochondria ER Golgi bodies L
67. Lysosomes are . _vesicular structures formed
d!9est1on / D. L sosomes (iv) Moves
B. SER (ii) Lipid synthesiscreti (a) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(iv). D-(i)
C. Golgl (iii) Proteinsynthesis an.......-:; (b) A-(ii). B-(iii),C-(iv), D-(i)
(c) A-(i), B-(iii),C-(ii), D-(iv)
complex ;tchee. (d) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(i)
I I------------
. The Unit of Life
I cell,
81· Which of the follow,ng s atemen s ,s in
5i0lo9Y h followingstatements regarding sphaerosornes
whicnoft e (a) M1tod,ondr1c1, nless sprc, Kally stained a·e i<J
15· is not corredct
7 in the endosperm cells of oil f.:11'..lly v1::.1bl!!1md r t " rn1cr0:..C0Pf!.
a 1
Abun n d
(a) by a single membrane (b) Pl'ly!,i<,log1 I ar 1'11I of ellsde er ,ies 1en .r
(b) soun \ insynthesis and storage of of rru'J hr>ridr,a per ell
lipids () A1o hondrio , a pone 0usP of cell ,as D /.,,
(c) Take pa1 • ·
) Takepa rt in photoresp1rat1on
Pfl/1, ribo <J 1 ,. a id Pnz;rn"S, ' . ; ,< ) r
(d . en statements regarding a cell organe.ll
Readthegtiva·inswater sap, excretory products and (JU irJr, hP, "II
16· It con ' (d) A, rirh<inrlr,;, d111rJ,. i; fr,WAi
(i) wanted materials.
u b unded by a single membranecalled tonoplast. 82. All plrJ', ,dsh;J /(' e:.," 1 ldli/ re '.',,'J(flf' t J'r:r, ,P.(<1. -.
(11•') It ISo ntcells it can occupy upto 90% of ( llular (a) h y have o p r o 1 :.arnf' f, r,rru
(iii) In1 pa
, (b) hey are lorali " lrl ir P• " 1al µ,3r! c/ ,)f ·
volume. (c.) one yp o plas 1d can d, fPrr> 1·1,.,'" 1 "J
) Itscontents form celsl ap.
ano her pe o pla:; ,d dep" 1 1 G pon• ,-? "I
(iv maintains rurgor pressure.
e aI ove featuresare attributed to r ire 1en :;
) lysosome (b) vacuo! (d) all p(as ,ds ,a P a s ore s arch, lip1 :; ar d pro P,l
) peroxisome {d) mitochondrion. 83 8flg colour of pe als 1s duP o pr ::.encPo
)1, Who coined the term for the givenfigure? (a) chloroplas (b) an oc1an1
(() Pla,oplas (d) am lopla>r
811 a ch col mn I w, h column II a d s lee • p corr rt
op ,on ram codPS 11/P(j Plow

(b) Benda Column I Column II

(a) Altman
(d) C. Golgi Chloroplastss (1) Colour! ss plas ids
(11) (elloN, orange o
(c) de Duve A
8. Chromoplas
78. Inwhichofthe following parts of mitochondria
colourPd plas 1d;
succinic dehydrogenaseenzyme islocated?
(a) Perimitochondrial space C. Leucoplas (1i1) Gre n plas ids
(b) Outermembrane lb) A (111), 8-(11), C (1)
(a) A-(111), B-(1), C-(11)
(d) A-(1), B-(11), C (111/
(c) Matrix (c) A-(i), 8 (111), (-(II) I
(d) Innermembrane 85. Which of the folloN1ng 1s h correc na ch? I
79. Which of the following observa1ions most (a) Amyloplasts - S ore carboh/dra e:.
strongly support the view that mitochondria contain (b) Elaioplasts- S ore fa and oils
electron transportenzymes aggregated into compact (c) Aleuroplas s - S ore proe1ns I
(a) Mitochondria have a highly folded inner wall.
(b) Disruption of mitochondria yields membrane (d) All of these I
fragments, which are able to synthesiseATP. 86. Amyloplasts, elaioplasts and belong o
aleuroplass I
(c) A contractile protein capable of utilisingATP has categoryof plasids.
been obtained from mitochondria. (a) chloroplasts (b) chromoplass I
(d) Mitochondria in animal embryoshave a tendency to
(c) leucoplas s (d) all of ese
concentratein cells, which are to becomelocomotory I
. 87. Select theincorrect pair.
8 0. Study th f S rue ural suppo I
. . . {a) Cell wall S orage
d e ollow1ng statements regarding mitochondria a_n select thecorrect ones
Ii) Thes . · . . I
(ii) e are the sitesof aerobic resp1rat1on. (b) Central vacuole
Starch storage
, a tnx contains single circular dsDNA (c) Amyloplast
molecule,a Pro ec 10n
(d) Plasmodesmata
,ew RN ' 88. Read the given statements. hi oplas s
!iii) Mit h A m?lecules, 70Sribosomes. (i) Flatmembranous sacs instromao c or
(1v) M' oc ondna divideby
fission. ( 1tochond· (ii) lnfoldings in m1tochondn_a
(ia) f
lq {i)
td .. ria are ully-autonomous.
(ii) (b) (iii) and (iv)
(iii) Discshaped sacsin Golga1ppara
· u) a (iii) (d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
192 m-tG ObjectiveNe ,
ERT at
94. _ are granular structures f YOtirfi
Select the correct option as per the givencode electron microscope as dense ir t observ'
Cn stae Thylak o 1d (1955). Particle by Ir\

c, sternae
(a) ("') (i) (11) (a) Ribosomes, George Palade -
(b) 1 1 (" ')
(b) Ribosomes, Perner
(i) (ii)
(c) (ii) (iii)( ) (c) Lysosomes, de Duve
(d) (iii) (ii)(1) ' (d) Peroxisomes, de Duve
89. Match column I with column II and select the ect I 95. Ribosomes are composed of
option from the codes givenbecorr l
.[ A. _1 Dictyosomes _ (1) low:.
!_ ISto_rage .
- ;
RNA only
Proteins only ,- - J C lum,n_, (c) RNA and proteins
\ B. Mitochondri
· o. Grana
(i!) Photosynthesis
(iv) Secretion I; (d) RNA, proteins and DNA.

C. Vacuoles (iii) 1ransp_ort ; 96.

1 Eukaryotic ribosome, chloroplast andm·tI
· respectively o chondr ,
I (v) Respiration !
(a) 80S, 80Sand 70S (b) 80S 705
A B C D :
(c) 705 in all (d) aos'inaitd70
(a) (iv) (v) (i} (ii)
(b) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) 97. Which of the following is correct for thegive
n structuif

90. Identify A and Binthegiven figureand select the correct


(a) These are small structures which worklikeoa,1.

(b) It is covered with plasma membrane.
(c) Itscore iscalled axoneme.
(d) All of these
A B : Thecore of a ciliumor flagellum composedof microlu ,'o
(a) Grana thylakoid Stroma 98. and their associated proteins is called
(b) Stramalamella Granum (a) blepharoplast (b) axoneme
(c) Granum Strama (c) microfilament (d) tubulin.
(d) Strama Granum
I 99. An organelle with an internal cross-sectiosnhoii(
91. In chloroplasts,chlorophyll ispresent inthe characteristic "9 + 2" array isthe
(a) outer membrane (b) innermembrane (a) microtubule (b) microfilament
(c) thylakoids (d) stroma. (c) cilium or flagellum (d) cytoskeleton.
92. Extranuclearinheritanteisdue10 the presenceof genesin autonomousbodies. d
· Statement 2 : Chloroplast
(a) mitochondria and chloroplasts andmitochondriahavetheir . own DNA and
(b) nucleusand mitochondria protein synthesisingmachinery.
(c) nucleusand chloroplasts
(d) endoplasmic reticulumand mitochondria.
93. Read the given statementsandselect thecorrect option.
Statement 1 : Chloroplast and mitochondriaaresemi- ·
. thestructu'I
100.Which of the following is correct rega,rng
of section of cilia / flagella7
Ra t1
d' centr
a Peripheral Central shea
(d) microtubules
3 6 the
microtubules spo es p1esenr1
(a) Bothstatements1 and 2 arecorrect. 101. (doublets) II · due to
(singlets) I
Themovement of ciliaand flagea,s 8
9+O 2 9
(b) Statement 1 iscorrect but statement 2 isincorrect. of
(a) 9+2 9 + 0 central gsheath
(c) Statement 1 isincorrect but statement 2 iscorrect. (a)
(b) radial spokes dyneins.
(ci 9 2 9
(d) Both statements1 and 2 areincorrect. (c) singlet microtubules (d)

II . (he Unit of Ufe 193

t of microtubules in a flagellum and a 108. Match column I with column II and select the correct
rangemen .
102 ,N . le
option from thecodes given below.
c ent n°
9+ 2
d 9+ 1 (b) 9 + 1 and 9 + O l C lumn I I lColumn II
(a) and g + 2 (d) 9 + 2 and 9 + O. A. Mitochondria ; (i) 1 Without membrane
(c) 9 + 0 . . B. Lxsosomes i (ii) I Single membrane
. f the following statements 1s incorrect for C. Ribosomes : (iii) l Double membrane
10J.Wh1ChO 7 D. Nucleus ; '
centriole .thecentrioles in a centrosome lie perpendicular A B C D
(a) Bot
to each other. . . . . . (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iii)
tral proteinaceous hub 1s missing tn a centnole. (b) (iii) (i) (i) (ii)
Cen . 1 ·k h f
(b) chcentriole has an orga I e t at o (c) (iii) (ii) (i) (iii)
nis ation a (d) (ii) (iii) (i) (iii)
(cl Ea
(d) centrosome usually contains 2 cylindricacl entrioles. 109. Maleh column I with column II and select the
.h of the following optionsiscorrect about structures correct option from thecodes given below.
\04 WhlC . I
· sibleinthe cross-section ofa centrio e? Column I Column II
Peripheral Central Hub Spokes Inter A. Nucleolus (i) Lipid storage
microtubules microtubules triplet B. Sphaerosomes (ii) Glycolate metabolism
(triplets) (singlets) bridge C. Peroxisomes (iii) Transport of
(a) 9 2 1 9 9
D. Plasmodesmata (iv) RNA synthesis
(b) 9 2 9 9 9
(c) 9 2 2 2
(a) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(d) 9 0 9 9
(b) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
\OS.Matchthe cell organelles given in column I with ellular (iii)
(c) (iv) (i) (ii)
p1ocessesincolumn 11 and select the corre t oplion (d) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
from thecodesgivenbelow.
11O.In eukaryotic cells, the given figure is synthesised in
Column I Column II
A. lysosomes (i) P1otein synthesis
B. Ribosomes (ii) Hydrolytic activity
C. 1

Sm_ooth endoplasmic1 (iii) Steroid synthesis1

reticulum 1 1 ,

D. Centriole 1 (iv) I Formation of

Small subunit
spindle I
(a) nucleolus (b) cytoplasm
A B C D (d) Golgi complex.
(c) mitochondria
(a) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(b) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(c) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii) 111. to most recent studies, each chromosome consistsof
(d) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (a) single double helical DNA which is highlycoiledand
106.Select th
e wrong statement with respect to the structure folded
01a plant cell, (b) variable number of DNA helices, depending
CelluIos·1c cell wall is present inside the eelI upon thelength of chromosome
membrane. (c) manysmall DNA helices, whichare joined by peptide
(b) Ce t · I
kl noes are usually absent. linkages
n(d) A lar ecentral vacuole is present. (d) smallDNA helices, wrapped around each other like
Golgi apparatus is formed of a number of a rope.
unconnect d .
107C e un itscalled dictyosomes,
· entrioles • k) e novo
(a) arisefrom
Pre-exist ' (d)nuclear envelope Sphaerosorne.
(b) d i ng centrioles
112. h ofthefollowing
A B C - I
194 (a) Satellite Primaryco
No.of No. (b) iole Satellite Secondary"'
of iq
centromere kinetochore anns (entromere Satellite Secondaryconstrictior.
(c) con. '
4 , 2 1 (d) centromere Satellite Primary
(b) 1 2 con_sstntcrtlico tion
(c) 2 2 6.Cell organelle extracted fromendospermof germn·
2 11
W) 1 2 castor beans are tnctJ1r. which centromere lies ligh ly away from the middle (a) glymcysomes
of the chromosome resulting into one (b) vacuoles
shorter arm and one longer arm, is called as . (c) mitochondria
{a) metacentric (b) submetacentnc (d) none of these.
(c) acrocentric (d) telocentric.
117. The function of glyoxysomeis
114. r to the given figure. (a) protein metabolism
(b) carbohydrate metabolism
(c) fat metabolism
(d) protein synthesis.
118. Read the given statem.ents andselect
thecorrectOP,l.iD" Statement 1 : Perox1somes are
involved i n, . respiration of th_e plant cells
and help in th: 1'.;'. metabolism of animal cells.
(i) (ii) (iii) · Statement 2 : Peroxisomes are the cells'
garba i
Select the option which correctly identifies(i·iii).
Metacentric Submetacentric Acrocentric disposal system. '
(a) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct.
(a) (ii) (iii)
(b) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 isincorrea
(b) (iii) (ii)
(c) Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2iscorrea
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.
(c) ) (i) (iii) 119 hichoneof theseis not correct regardingperoxisomes'
(d) ) (iii) (i) (a) Singlemembrane bound organelles
115,What does A, B and C represent in the (b) Performphotorespiration in C3 plants
givenfigureofa chromosome ? (c) Takepart in synthesis and storage oflipids
B (d) Protecta cell from the toxic effects ofH202
120. arethemicrobodies,whichtake
pathway,bounded by a single membrane
andareusuali present in germinating fatty seeds.
A (a) Glyoxysomes
(b) Peroxisomes
(c) Sphaerosomes

== (d) Lysosomes

9'ed< your scoreI If your score

· M o v e o n t o th
fin g e rt ip s. e next chapter. You mastered this chapter. Concepts are on fJ'

· j 81·_ 1 VERY GOOD!

. Move on to th h ' chapter.
e next chapter. You have a good command overt , s J
B 0•_7t / 41 GOOD!
0 . M ov e o n to the ext h . tter 10 days
m " c apte,. But don't forget to,..,;., agaon'
. ;.. 0 61%
.Still. a wideoresc1rom this. chapter. . ,
I< NOTSATISFACTORY• ope to gam more from this chapter. Revise agalfl•
6 010 · • Go back t0 the chapter and read it thoroughly.

MCQs Corner
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9.
(d) 10. (a) 11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (c)
16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (c) 21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (d) 28. (b) 29. (b) 30. (c)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (b) 41. (c) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (d)45. (b)
46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (d) 51. (c) 52. (d) 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (d) 56. (a) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (c) 60. (a)
61. (d) 62. (a) 63. (d) 64. (b) 65. (c) 66. (a) 67. (a) 68. (b) 69. (a) 70. (a) 71. (b) 72. (b) 73. (d) 74. (a) 75. (d)
76. (b) 77. (b) 78. (d) 79. (b) 80. (c} 81. (c) 82. (c) 83. (b) 84. (b) 85. (d) 86. (c) 87. (d) 88. (c) 89. (a} 90. (b)
91. (c) 92. (a) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (c) 96. (b) 97. (d) 98. (b) 99. (c) 100.(c) 101.(d) 102.(d) 103.(b) 104.(d) 105.(a)
106.(a) 107.(a) 108.(c) 109.(c) 11O.(a) 111.(a) 112.(b) 113.(b) 114.(a) 115.(c) 116.(a) 117.(c) 118.(b) 119.(c) 120.(a)

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