Merritt Morning Market 3915 - Jan 22

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shop •puzzles
Largest supply in Merritt
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
2037 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC 250-378-2155
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC
News, opinion, community events since 1996! Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 cactus annie's
Tel: (250) 378-5717 Fax: (250) 378-2025 Email: [email protected]
On special this week
COMPETITIVE PRICES, Cultural safety for Community under new management
100% Canadian aa/aaa Indigenous people Community Choir spring start-up
Wed - Sat 3-9pm
BarOn Of THE
Choir practices are at Trinity United
during emergencies Church on Monday nights, 7-9pm. No mu-
Come check us out!
sic theory/reading required, but matching
TNRD will receive $9,300 in provin-
cial funding for cultural awareness train- pitch is essential. Accepting new mem-
All your faves • Appies/Snacks • Mocktails
Available for private events
ing. It's part of approx. $580,000 in fund- bers until the end of January; first practice In the Merritt Desert Inn, 2350 Voght St
ing for 22 projects across the province today, Jan. 22. If you enjoy singing and 250-378-2254
under the Indigenous Cultural Safety working on choral music skills in a fun
and Cultural Humility Training stream and friendly setting, this is for you! FMI Dr. Mark Godley joins corneotherapist
of the Community Emergency and Pre- contact Glenda at 604-290-3457 or email
[email protected] Anastaszia Cash
paredness Fund (CEPF).
This funding will be used by local Merritt Youth Soccer registration •Skin tag & mole removal
governments and First Nations to make Now open! From now until March 15, •Non-surgical facelift
emergency management and supports 2024 join the outdoor soccer season. Sea- • 0 shot
more inclusive of First Nations, Métis son starts the week of April 8 and ends • P shot
and Inuit people. the week of June 10, for youth between •Teeth whitening

Family Literacy Week

the ages of 4 (born 2020) and 13 (born •Infrared sauna
2011). Also seeking volunteers for Head/ •Red light therapy
This week, families are encouraged Assistant Coach. You can register online. •Weight loss •Wellness
•Stem cells treatments •Hair restoration
to find a healthy balance between seden- If you have any issues please do not
•PRP •Botox & fillers
tary screen time and active family time, hesitate to contact organizers at info@ ✰✰✰✰✰
•Laser •PDO threads
connect more with each other and spend Register at •Custom facials
5-star rating
Family Literacy Week at least 15 minutes a day doing an activi- Most advanced technology
ty together that builds literacy skills. Dueling Pianos - Grad 2024 fundraiser worldwide
There are activities scheduled all
January 22 - 27th 2024 week long, starting with the local Inte-
Dueling Pianos is a request-driven,
interactive show with 2 singing pianists.
Book at 250-936-9200
rior Savings branch accepting book do-
Visit nations until Jan 27 . Donations are also
The shows are engaging & hilarious, 1751 Granite Ave., Merritt
by appointment only
with a pool of over 4000 songs — Frank
for the calendar of events accepted at the Merritt Herald. Sinatra to Eminem. Tickets $45 each,
Come Read With Me will be offered from MSS Students, Miss Vicki's Petals &
to parents/caregivers of grade one chil- Plants and Purity Feed. The show is on
dren. Participants will learn strategies Sat., Feb 24, 8-11pm at the Civic Centre. Repairs, upgrades, on-site service
to support their children’s reading at A love for quilting, a passion for giving
home. Daytime sessions will be held at Joe 604-377-0274
The latest gallery show at the NV
elementary schools, and an evening ses-
Arts Centre, is an invitational art exhib-
sion will be held at the Library, Tues, Jan
it featuring the Nicola Valley Quilters’
Tracey’s dog and 23, 6-7:30pm. Register for the evening
session, by visiting literacy
Guild, from Jan 18 - Feb 25, 2024. There

cat grooming A FREE 3-week session of Explore Art is a Meet and Greet on Friday, Jan 26, 1-4
Literacy begins Wed, Jan 24 for children pm with quilting demos in the Studio
ages 4-6. Participants explore books and next to the Gallery. Wed- Sat 10am -5pm,
Tracey Ketter, professional dog groomer,
art through fun, hands-on, and some- closed Sundays for January 2024.
with over 20 years experience. Clipping,
bathing, nails, clean ears, hand scissoring. times very messy projects. Pre-register at Home Routes Concert
Will take dogs up to 100 pounds. [email protected]. Home Routes Concert Series in
Also groom cats. Families are invited to a FREE Creative partnership with NV Community Arts
Playground at the Civic Centre, Fri Jan Council presents Dan Frechette with
431 Brenton Ave., Lower Nicola 26, 5:30-7:30pm. There will be a variety Laurel Thomsen on Wed, Jan 31, 7pm at
250-378-8852 of fun activities from dance to crafts, to "Granny's House", 2675 Garcia St., across
[email protected] games and stories, and a free concession. the street from Nicola Meadows.
Another FREE literacy program on Dan Frechette is a living, breathing folk
offer is Active Stories, Saturdays 10- festival: he does oldies and classic Rock
MERRITT PICKLEBALL CLUB 10:45am for children ages 4-9, activities & Roll, Vintage Blues, R&B, Motown,
For court times & dates encourage the development of move- Classic Country and world music— and
ment skills, improvisation and creativity. has written lyrics and music to over 1600
call Dave 250-280-9985 or original songs. FMI on the Home Routes
Pre-register at [email protected].
Stephen 778-709-0363 FMI visit or face- Concert Series or to purchase tickets,
[email protected] call/text Sandy 250-315-7263.
Smoking will kill you... Bacon will kill you... But, smoking bacon will cure it.
SPACE FOR YOUR AD Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish?
[email protected] You have two parts of brain, 'left' and 'right'. In the left side, there's nothing right. In the right
side, there's nothing left.

This week’s horoscope

I just read that alligators can grow up to 15 feet. But I haven't seen any with more than 4.
Civic Centre, Merritt, BC
2PM - Kid’s Workshop
7PM - Concert
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer
March 21 April 20 - May 21 - June 21 -
- April 19 May 20 June 20 July 22
This week, no plan, idea, or vi- You're going above and be- The Full Moon encourages you This week, trust in the changes
sion, no matter how good it is, yond the call of duty. It's alot to be more reflective. Just be- you've gone through, and draw
means much unless it's put into of responsibility. If you act out cause something seems less on all you've learned. You'll
practice. Trust what you really of inspiration, you'll create an than ideal this week, don't dis- reach a truly pleasing and
know this week. And then com- atmosphere that benefits ev- miss it as hopeless or futile. It correct decision about what
mit to it. eryone, including yourself. contains something precious. action needs to happen next.

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

July 23 - Aug 23 - Sept 23 - Oct 23 -
Aug 22 Sept 22 Oct 22 Nov 21
Once you've identified the is- You can see the potential You might not think you have in- If you don't work as part of a
sue at the heart of the situation ahead. Whatever this week fluence and power, but you do. team, you won't get the suc-
weighing on your mind, you'll be brings, you won't be bored. This week, as your ruler, Venus, cess you want. And if you're
able to work out who to share it Nor will you be disappointed. If changes signs, be ready to take patient, the collaboration will
with. With skill, you can easily you welcome change into your advantage of some wonderful happen faster than you think.
resolve a contentious issue. world, it will be for the better. coincidences. So will the progress. • 2023 Vancouver Canucks BCLC Community Hero
• 2023 Nomination for Association of Fundraising

Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Professionals Giving Hearts Awards: Outstanding
Come support young leaders Youth Philanthropist
• 2023 Southeastern Piano Festival Participant

Nov 22 - Dec 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 - as they dedicate their talents and • 2023 Raised over $43,430 for Canuck Place
Children’s Hospice

Dec 21 Jan 19 Feb 18 Mar 20

• 2023 Hilton Head International Piano
skills to connect with community, Competition Alternate
• 2022 Canadian Music Competition Piano
This Full Moon week brings By being as open-minded as Sometimes we forget we're not An unexpected option present inspire young kids and bring life to 14 years & under Third Place
• 2022 British Columbia Piano Competition
proof that you've earned respect you can be this week, you'll explaining what other people itself this week. Your world is Third Place

and admiration despite the fact encourage open-hearted di- need to hear. Taking time to de- changing for the better. Impro- our souls through music. • 2021 Steinway Piano Competition Canada
Overall Award
that you've been steadfastly de- alogue. The results will ease scribe the reasons behind your vise, instead of doing what you • 2021 Royal Conservatory of Music National
Gold Medal
termined not to stand down on someone's burden, and enable actions will make a big differ- always do, do what you'd like
your beliefs. Well done. a relationship of trust to grow. ence to a relationship this week. to be able to do.

Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 T: (250) 378-5717 F: (250) 378-2025 E: [email protected] Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
70-74 VW BEETLE parts (gas tank, PATIO SET: 4 swivel metal chairs & ta- Specialists INC.

Your photos or art on a mug — great gift!

tires, windshield, ect) and 84-97 HD bike ble, lk nw cond $375obo 378-6915
& cans to supplement income, can pck
parts (mirrors, foot pegs, primary cover QU. SIZE mattr., never used/still in orig. ICBC Claims
ect) best offers 280-0569 wrapper. Ted 315-9597
up on my bike. Erik 936-9137
FOUND: Ice fishing equipment beside
04 GRAND AM $1200. 280-3917 FREE: sml buffet, 2 loveseats, tv stand •Commercial •Residential
8' CANOPY, grey, nds a bit of work 936-8171
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
road in Kane Valley area in Dec. Owner
may identify to claim. 604-240-1951 $150 315-5203 OAK headboard w/ mirror cabinet & •Automotive •Industrial
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808 ALANON (for friends & families of al- 2 HANKOOK winter tires 185/60R14 light on side $200 280-0543 2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
and 4 rims to fit $225/all 315-5203 WOOD/METAL Ashley's brand round
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC coholics) every Monday @ 7pm Trinity
United Church Hall FOUR 225/65R17 Westlake winters, coffee table. 4 brnd nw full uphol- 378-4531
LOST: PTO shaft, between Douglas L 80% remaining $65ea 378-7702 stered dining chairs. Queen size foam
Reserve & Lower Nicola $100 reward. WHEEL RIMS off Toyota Rav 4 17" x 4 mattress. Brnd nw 2 patio chairs. White
Gene 378-1959 $50/all 604-618-8710 wardrobe dresser & beige wardrobe
FOUND: Roll silver insulation, on street SET OF 4 winter tires on rims, size 17,
used 1x in twn, off 2017 Equinox SUV.
dresser. Brnd nw fireplace/tv stand.
Computer desk. 6 chairs dining table set COMPUTER GUY
near hospital. Rocky 315-7119
PIANO LESSONS, violin lessons, Mu- $800/set 315-3981, 378-9847
PAIR HANKOOK LT225/75R16 snow
& hutch buffet . 2 night table w/ drawers
w/ matching king/queen headboard. Oval Repairs, upgrades, on-site service
sic Maestro Club. $25 per half hour les-
son. Cecilia Dyck 315-0022 tires on 8 bolt aluminum alloy wheels
with 5 inch center used 1 season only
coffee table. Condo size small dining ta-
ble w/ bar stools 778-639-0052 Joe 604-377-0274
ELKS EVENTS: Every Wednesday HUTCH, brnd nw, in stor. for 3 yrs, solid
Bingo, doors open 11am, ends 3pm. Ev- $300. 378-8802
TONNEAU COVER for 2018 GMC wood, 'Reclaimed' series from City Fur-
ery Friday Nite Bingo, doors open 4pm, niture. Was $783.95, sell $250obo. Rich-
ends 10pm. 1701 Coldwater Ave. Canyon, 6, great shape $200. 8
ft.fiberglass canopy, front ard 378-9443 NICOLA VALLEY QUILTERS GUILD ART SHOW
COLLECTING pop bottles & cans, for
A Love of Quilting &
pick-up. Mike 525-0471 dowless sides, gd shape. $100 315-2080 for sale - electronics/software January 18 to
NA MEETINGS are held each Tues, 16" SNOW tires $25 ea. 378-0838 PANASONIC cordless phone, with base February 25, 2024
Thurs & Sun 7pm at the United Church,
1899 Quilchena Ave.
lot, nw condition. $200 315-5946
answering machine, with 4 handsets.
Great condition, $25. 378-2458 a Passion for Giving The work of
over 15 quilters
AA MEETINGS Wed., Fri., Sat. At WTD: 15" or 18" chrome rims, 6-bolt SAMSUNG ML 1710 Laser Printer and
7pm, Mon. Noon at Trinity United 378-7075 new unopened toner, will sell for the cost
Church, 1899 Quilchena Ave. SET 2 wntr tires, Hankook 185/60R18, of the toner $35. Epson Perfection 1250
services 82T, brnd nw & 4 rims for 14" 4-bolt. scanner; USB connection to computer
$300 firm/all 315-5203 $35. 378-9899
SNOW REMOVAL: rooftops, patios/ LEER truck canopy, drk blue for 6.6 LAPTOP, Bell HD receiver 778-639-0052
decks, driveways, by hand 315-8087 foot box. Exc cond. $800obo call/text 25" SAMSUNG computer monitor,
COMPUTER GUY Repairs, upgrades, 250-378-7732 flat screen, wrks grt $40. 25" Toshi-
on-site service. Joe 604-377-0274 2010 AVEO LT 140k, well-maint'd, ba flat screen tv, works great $10. HP
TC PAINTING Reliable, punctual, fast, nw summr tires & wntr rims 378-5968, all-in-1 printer/ scanner $40 Joanne
licensed, lots of refs. Tina 604-767-4866 280-2874 778-389-9365
MONOCLE PAINTING, Log Home 1946 DODGE coupe customized, BC FENDER DELUXE 112 PLUS amplifi-
Refinishing. Skilled painter, only the regist. $5000obo 378-6421 er, vry gd cond $125 firm 378-5165

Winter Art
best materials for long-lasting, stunning Meet & Greet
for sale - pets / livestock ASSORTMENT oldr-style speakers, of- Friday, Jan 26,
results. Contact Monocle Painting, Log

fers 378-2136 1-4pm
Home Refinishing today at 280-9474 FOR STUD: Purebred five layer un-
NINTENDO PS2 console, no cords/ac- Join us for tea,
DRYWALL FINISHER, textured ceil-
& Sae
registered Fox Pomeranian. 3 years old, cessories 378-2136 refreshments, and
ings, New construction or reno's. Seving healthy, intelligent, gentle disposition. STEREO hk-up for car, Clarion
quilting demos!
Kamloops and Merritt for over 30 years. Loved family dog. Local area only! Texts DPX2250 250w, $300 new, sell $150
250-320-1603 or calls okay. Tracy 378-1625 Lewis 778-661-0986
DOG GROOMING, a few openings 2 MALE goats for sale, born this spring
avail. (located off Iron Mtn Rd) 604-220- 378-4396 for sale - recreational
7353 (please text or leave a message ) REHOMING: 10 MOS OLD corgi X FANTASTIC Carl Zeiss 3.5-10x44MC C O M E V I S I T T H E G A L L E R Y AT T H E N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T S C E N T R E
CARPENTER/HANDYMAN Repairs, Jack Russell. Looking for family w/ abil- Rifle scope, $800. 250-315-1690
new construction, lots of experience 705- ity to look after him. He is a loving boy, 26' TRAVEL trailer, no leaks, 2 doors, HOURS:
Wed to Sat 10am-5pm
2051 VOGHT ST.,
679-3054 not neutered. Call/txt me at 525-0348 exc cond., no papers $1000 280-0546 Sunday 12-4pm
TRIPLE H Concrete, for all aspects DOG CAGE for small dog. Wtd: dog STATIONARY bike $125. Treadmill
of concrete, 30+ yrs exper. Free quotes cage for large dog. 318-7412 $100 378-4141
315-7604 3 KITTENS looking for good homes. LADIES sz 8 snowmobile boots, felt Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
DJ FLOORING for all interior flooring Black and white 8 weeks old email liner, lk nw $25. X-country skis, poles
needs 315-7604 [email protected] & boots sz 8 $80. Bike carrier, holds 2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515

RUDY WORKS - Home & Office Main- BEAUTIFUL sable male puppy, 9 3 bikes $80. Snowshoes $60. Men's lrg
tenance & Repair - home & office tech, weeks. Sire: American Champion, Dam: Nike carry-on bag $45 378-4856
carpentry, electrical, plumbing, concrete.
315-6689 or [email protected]
Canadian Champion. Puppy is White fac-
tored, very flashy. Laddie Boy is slightly
FOOSBALL TABLE: Well designed,
well used and maintained, with a level MERRITT PICKLEBALL CLUB
SCRAP FOR CASH. I'll come to you. undersized, price reduced. $2000. email and flat play surface There are spare parts For court times & dates
Batteries, brass copper, aluminum, stain- [email protected] but the team men are not fully matched in
less, wire. Call or msg 604-618-8710, or 3 BEAUTIFUL Chijuajua puppies color or style. $200. 936-8149 call Dave 250-280-9985 or
the [email protected] Fast service, $2000obo come w/ 2 shots, vry lovable ANSCHUTZ .22LR rifle, very accurate
TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight 280-4811 and collectable. $800 315-1690 Stephen 778-709-0363
loss support group. Meet Tuesday morn- for sale - miscellaneous 1-PIECE sturgeon rods and Penn reels [email protected]
ings. FMI Iris (250)378-8182 $50each. Scotty Depthpower electric
WOODY'S tree service & more: lnd- OLD HAND CRANK cream separator, downrigger c/w 10 lb weight & mount,
scaping, fncng, handyman wrk, etc. offers 378-4904 nw/never used $500. Minn Kota Power
315-8087 USED violin w/ bow and case $150. Joe Drive V2 bow mount electric boat motor
CERTIFIED TREE FALLER, w/ wd 378-5100 $600. 315-2898
chipper, sml truck & trailer, will do resi- WOOD BURNER set including extra SKATES - CCM Vector Tacks. Size 7
dential, fruit trees, etc. 378-6431 blades and books $149 315 -1626 Senior $120 315-5946
EAGER, RELIABLE man w/ 4x4 truck FREE blue rollater walker 936-8717 07 SUZUKI Vinton 500, 2 stor. boxes,
& trailer, avail. Dump runs, deliveries, MEN'S brnd nw plannel pyjama bottoms, rifle case, windshield, snow blade $4500
plywood, sand, gravel, appl., housewares blk hockey skate print, sz med $10, great 378-4904
Greg 315-7525, (250)320-2054 Fast, Xmas gift. Brand new, 2 prs girl's polar QUAD/ skidoo racks $100obo 315-6641
courteous service fleece pyjamas, one pink, 1 grey/white, YAKIMA BELLY BOAT exc condition
employment opportunity sz sml $15ea. Joanne 778-389-9365 with all the extras (fins, boots size 9 mens
SHORT ORDER COOK full/ part time WALKER walking aid $100. 50 foot etc) $100. 16’ canoe, grn $75. 378-4115
outside power cord $25. Dark green
wanted in Merritt, Canadian/Malaysian
types of foods . [email protected] baker’s rack with 3 glass shelves and
OLD Merc outbrd boat motor, 15hp $300
small top shelf no glass too high for glass
WTD: YARD MAINT.: 1 day/week,
riding lawnmower, weed eating, yard $40. Txt 236-852-0871, phone is basic, 2004 CITATION 9'-2" camper, cln/gd
shape, weighs 2713lbs, 27-gal. frsh wtr,
does not accept calls
work. April to September. Resume
to [email protected] or FREE WALKER with 2 wheels on one
5.6 fridge, hot water, a/c, stove/ovn, nw
tie-dwns, nwr memory matt. nothr-south
378-5208 end and poles on the other end. 936-8717 bd, nw converter, no slides, bthrm,
FULL-TIME CLERK/CASHIER 52" CEILING FAN Stainless steel, 5 showr, a/c $17,500. Call/txt 378-7920
req'd for new home brew business, fan blades white or natural wood, 4 Hal- 6'CANOPY alum. holddowns $45obo.
downtown. Wage dependent on expe- ogen lites, remote control wall switch. 2000lb winch w/ controls, etc, nw in bx
rience. Drop off resume in person at $200. 315-8158 $110obo 378-4904
Nicola Valley Wine and Beer Supplies, 19 ELVIS plates, Bradford Exch., w/ blk
unit 1-2152 Quilchena Ave., Mon-Fri ring & orig. bx $250obo 315-9461 for sale - tools/equipment
10-11am. FULLY adjustable Christmas tree, ad- ALUM. boat loader for trlr/camper/can-
LABOURERS WANTED- Nicola Post justs 2', 4'. $50 incl stand, lights, pd $350 opy, remote gd, ropes all good $300obo
& Rail. Positions available -full time 315-1776 315-7119
(mon - fri), part time, evening shifts, FIREWOOD for sale 315-7604 STEEL PLATE for under wood stove,
weekend shifts, and seasonal. Wage 3'x4'x1/8 in. thick $45 936-8188
$22 per hour. Please apply if you are FARM-FRESH eggs $6/doz 315-3785
willing to work in an outside environ- 6 MISC. decorated plates with all diff. 4800 W construction heater with built in
ment and have strong work ethic. No ducks/birds & wood rings $25/all. thermostat $55 378-8802
mill experience necessary. Call Tony 315-0074 MILWAUKEE saws-all, in case w/
250-319-9891 FORTRESS 1700 mobility scooter, nds blades $70. Hitachi mitre saw $100 3
for sale - appliances batt. $700 378-2370 15-5076
LADIES Viking Rain snowpants, nvr UTIL./BOAT trailer requires wiring &
ELECT. stove, LG, 5 brnrs, flat glass spare tire $350 378-4572
wrn, sz xtra sml $30. Ladies blk nylon
top, convection oven, self-clean, black
belted raincoat, nvr wrn, sz sml $30. 18" 5X42" LONG snow blade for riding
$425 378-1680
Ladies blk belted wntr coat, nvr wrn lawnmower, atv or quad 315-5203
TOASTER oven. Vacuum machine. $30. Ladies blk wntr vest w/ remov. NON-WORKING dryer w/ stain- cable/Internet. Mike, 604-916-9289
Coleman barbeque 778-639-0052 SNWBLOWR w/ tracks 250-523-6251
hood, sz sml, nvr wrkn $30. Blk hightack CRAFTSMAN snowblower exc cond less steel drum, one that is going to KITCHENETTES Furnished 6
NOMA Oil filled Heater, Heat Dish, Fan Oxford-style ladies steel-toe, slip-resist. go to the dump. 378-4947 units: 1-bdrm, lvngrm, kitchenette,
778-639-0052 $1200. 2 heavy duty snow shovels
workshoes, sz 6 $40. Men's blk slip-re- $20ea. Farmer's manure pick-up fork CHEAP CAR, gd cond, starts good, bathroom with f/s/microwave, dish-
26 CU. FT. chest freezer, grt shape/ sist. steel-toe workshoes, sz 10 $40. $60. Joe 378-5100 under $1000 280-3917 es/cutlery, Free Satellite cable/pri-
works exc. $75. 280-0543 Men's green Helly Hansen rain jcket, sz vate wifi/parking, etc. $450/wk for 2
SNAPPER HI-VAC Easy Speed gas for sale house/property
AIR CONDITIONER brand new (for xtra lrg 778-389-9365 lwnmwr, hardly used, $200. 378-2410 people or 3-4 people, $400/wk for 2
window) still in box, Diplomat 5200 NEW Carpets/Rugs. Many household HOUSE FOR SALE. 2126 Priest 1-bed (1 or 2 people). Road Runner
BTU $125. 378-4115 HEAVY DUTY portable car garage (24L
Ave. 378-7412
items. Full size outdoors Concrete Foun- Motel 378-4201
x 12W x 8H) sells for $650 + tax at Ca-
DEHUMIDIFIER nw/used 2x $100 Jo- tain. Lots outdoor garden related equip- MANUFACT'D home, 2 bdrm, 1
nadian Tire, will sell for $500 378-4115 STUDIO SUITE, all inclusive, ful-
anne 778-389-9365 ment and garden hose 778-639-0052 bath, call to view 1-800-361-8111, ly furnished. Single working person
TRAILER TIRES 14" 8-9mm x 4 $50 315-1000 buyandsellmobilehomes.
MICROWAVE oven $25 378-0838 ROOF turb vents 2 @ $30ea 280-0569 only. Top floor, private. 315-8079
604-618-8710 com
for sale - automotive SNOWPANTS CKX Technowear, med. FULLY RENO'D grnd lvl 1br units
men's w/ bib & shoulder straps, lk nw wanted/wanted to buy DRIVE BY 441 Bailey Ave., Lower Modern finishing, in-suite lndry.
2003 PONTIAC Grand Am $1000
$75 315-0074 1 GALLON JUGS and large glass jars, Nicola, updated, below market value. Small pets considered. Avail. im-
BLACK ladies leather jackets, sz med. with or without lids. 52-0361 Then call 315-5424 Denis med. Located near MSS Starting at
2011 CHEV Cruze Turbo LT $5000obo $70 for Boutique of Leather one, $50 for for rent $1,200/mo., + util. canfordsuites@
315-0407 30 FT - 40 FT tv antenna tower or tv an-
other 378-6886 tenna pole 378-7505 or text 604-614-0907
SNOW TIRE 205/60R15 $75. 2004 OLD MILK/cream bottles & Mrs But- 1-BDRM ste, furnished, util incl BRAND-NEW ground level 2-bdrm
Merc. Marquis, 4-dr, 2nd owner, vry SMALL wood stove 315-9789 $1325 936-8474
terworth glass syrup bottles.378-9694 units in Merritt! Very spacious and
well-equipped, vry nice cond $12,500. OLD smoking pipe 525-0431, 378-6588 PARTIALLY furnished 1-bdrm
THE LANDING ZONE Joe 378-5100 UNPASTEURIZED raw honey: $40 for ROCKING chair 936-8371
8 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $10 for 2 cups, $5 bsmt, shared kitchn/bth, util/wifi/cbl
modern finishing. Private decks,
enclosed yards, ample parking and
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 096 2007 CHEV Duramax diesel 3/4-tn, lots RECORDS, sports cards, hunting incl 778-869-3141 insuite laundry. Small pets consid-
for 1 cup. 378-4947
1940 Quilchena Ave. Merritt new upgrades $11,500 280-3950 knives, Johnny Cash memorabilia. Tom SHOP IN Lower Nicola for lease, ered. Located very close to MSS
GRANNY’S House Quilting & 778-288-4095 Canford Ave. Starting at $1,850/mo.
250-378-5631 [email protected] TIRE CHAINS: Shur Grip by SCC, Retreat has sewing notions from 1000sqft, Overhead heating, Bath-
Facebook: The Landing Zone Royal Canadian Legion 96 model SZ329; Z design; still packaged/ 4 STUDDED tires 235/75R15 315-6641 room , 12' door, $1500 + util. Call/ + util.  [email protected] or
Pat's Patches 378-3734 text 604-614-0907
never opened $25. 378-9899 LT-duty auger 378-2337 text 604-534-1401
Merritt British Columbia ROKON 2-whl drive motorcycle, gd for sale - furniture 2-BDRM basement, n/p, n/s
CRICUT MAKER cutting machine in WTD to rnt: Shared accomm., re-
OPEN Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday cond. $4000 315-2898 ANTIQUE western style couch, exc gd cond. Need rotary cutting blade, drive tired carpenter, refs.. Don 315-7820 778-639-0244
12:00pm until closing, offering weekly food specials TWO 195/65R15 all-seas. & two cond. $250 936-8188 housing, fine point blade, housing & pur- SEEKING A HOUSESITTER: 2 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, nr Diamond-
195/60R15 m&s, 4-bolt rims, lots of BDRM SUITE, 2 loveseats, small table/ ple mat. 250-852-2525 call or text. bed, 2 bath detached in Collettville, vale School 525-0350
TOONIE TUESDAYS Try our Bartenders Special Cocktails. tread $250 315-5076 chairs/buffet, sofa & chair, end tables GENTLY-USED highback chair for liv- Nov 1-June 1/July 1. 2 references SHOP, 9' overhead door suit. for con-
WEDNESDAY shuffleboard tournament 3-5pm BRND NW 2 winter tires 778-639-0052 936-8171 ingrm, gd back support 378-7435 req'd, & must pay for power, gas and tractor van. 700 sq ft/bay. 315-8079
THURSDAYS jam, Afternoon 4 – 6:30
MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY watch for posters. POST YOUR CLASSIFIEDS… VOICE MAIL (250) 378-5717 , EMAIL [email protected]
We also have a hall to rent, along with bar and kitchen

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