Distance Learning Drawing and Painting 1 Syllabus

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GRADE BREAKDOWN: Virtual Learning Norms & Expectations

Creating/ Producing (S)-----------------------------------55% Participation Norms:

•Arrive to class on time (attendance will be taken)
Responding/ Presenting/Connecting (S) ---------20% •Active and positive participation.
•Have sketchbook and pencil for note-taking/ project
Sketchbook(F)------------------------------------------------15% assignments.
•Appropriate dress and virtual background.
Final Exam(S)-------------------------------------------------10% •Be respectful when engaging with other students via direct
discussion or breakout rooms.
Tech Norms:
Supply List!! •Your camera should be turned on at all times.
•Keep your mic muted during instruction.
These are the supplies you will need at home. Please note that if we •Complete all formative checks.
end up going back face to face, students will need to bring all supplies •Join & engage in breakout rooms.
to class with them to eliminate the use of shared supplies. These do
not have to be brand new!! If you already have these supplies in your Other Issues:
home, GREAT!! • Integrity: No cheating or stealing allowed. This includes
taking work (designs or text) from the internet.
1. #2 pencil • Only visit/ access the necessary apps, website, or digital
2. Pencil sharpener tools
3. Dark Shading pencil(s) like ebony, 6B or 4B • Do not open additional tabs or windows of sites unrelated to
4. 12 inch Ruler
5. Large Eraser the activity we are working on.
6. White glue (like Elmer’s) • Be aware that platforms are monitored. Inappropriate
7. Rubber Cement behavior will be reported and code of conduct will be
8. Paintbrush followed.
9. Set of pan watercolors (any brand, but Prang is my favorite)
10. Scissors • Report any technology issues to Mrs. Denison immediately
11. Sharpie to help you get back on track and to be sure you get full
12. Washable Markers (assorted colors) credit for your work.
13. Crayons
14. At least 1-2 colors of acrylic, craft paint, or even house paint
15. 8.5 x 11 Sketchbook CTLS and Class Blog:
16. A used Hardback book that we will turn into art. Must be at
least 50 pages long. (could be an old novel or textbook, etc.)
Class information, syllabus, and rubrics
1. Charcoal Pencil/ white charcoal pencil www.kellhighschoolart.weebly.com
2. Glue stick
3. Kneaded eraser
4. Colored Pencils (My Favorite: Set of 12 Prismacolor colored I will be using CTLS to guide the
5. Exacto blade or craft knife learning classroom both synchronously
6. Construction paper assorted colors (Old scrapbook paper and asynchronously.
would work too)
Creating/ Producing: Altered Book
(worth 2 production grades):
This category is worth 55% and is what we
will spend the majority of our time on this You will be required to get a used hardback book
semester. with at least 50 pages to use as an artwork. We
will be working periodically throughout the
We will be working on the following projects semester on experimental techniques that will
this semester: emphasize the Principles of art.
• Christo Wrap charcoal value • Unity (hidden text design)
project • Contrast (Notan square)
• Pen & Ink Portrait • Rhythm (Op art line design)
• Oil Pastel Still Life • Movement (watercolor experiment)
• Watercolor Resist • Pattern (stamp creation)
• Subtractive Drawing • Balance (symmetrical design)
• Mixed Media Choice Project • Emphasis (hidden niche)
• Altered Book • Cover design (your choice!)

Sketchbooks: 15%

You will need to get or make a sketchbook for this class. We will be working in the sketchbook daily.
Sketchbook assignments will also be worked on asynchronously each Wednesday and need to be
photographed and uploaded into CTLS before your class begins on Thursday. You will be getting a
sketchbook handout with detailed instructions and additional images and examples can be found either on
CTLS or on my blog: www.kellhighschoolart.weebly.com/sketchbooks1.html

You can also get bonus points in this class by going above and beyond the work required in your

Responding/Presenting/ Online art presentation:

Connecting: 20% Part of your presentation grade will be a
collection of your work that will be required to
display in a digital online portfolio.
Responding: grades that talking about art
1. You will take photographs of all your
artwork this semester. (projects, altered
writing about art, etc. book assignments, and sketchbook
Presenting: grades that deal with picking
artwork for shows, prepping art for shows, 2. You will choose a digital platform to display
your work. (Wakelet.com or a weebly blog)
• Pen
creating an online art&portfolio.
Ink Portrait
• Oil Pastel Still Life 3. You will send me a link to your online
Connecting: grades that involve connecting portfolio and we will have periodic checks
what we are working on to art history, other throughout the semester.
subjects, or the world around us. 4. At the end of the semester, this will be worth
2 major grades.

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