Merritt Morning Market 3956 - May 3
Merritt Morning Market 3956 - May 3
Merritt Morning Market 3956 - May 3
shop •puzzles
Largest supply in Merritt
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
2037 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC 250-378-2155
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC
News, opinion, community events since 1996! Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
Tel: (250) 378-5717 Fax: (250) 378-2025 Email: [email protected] WANTED
On special this week Emergency alert on Huge thank you Mature, punctual person
100%FED CHICKENaa/aaa
Canadian THIGHS cell phones, tv & radio youWeto the
would like to send a huge thank
staff of The Social Lounge and
required as soon as possible for
BarOn Of$6.00
Beef rOasts
As part of Emergency Preparedness to Derek and Allison from Cactus An- lawn mowing and other garden
Week next week, an emergency alert test nie's (Val Nic), also to family, friends and work on a weekly basis.
will be issued to cellphones, television community for all your support through
Come check us out! Please phone
and radio at 10:55am on Wed, May 8. Amanda's illness. It was greatly appreci-
The test alert will go to all compatible ated. Amanda & Mark 250-315-2373
cellphones, and will interrupt radio and
tv broadcasts. It is to assess the system’s
Keeping people and property safe readiness for an actual emergency and The Opie Show N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T G A L L E R Y S H O W
identify any required adjustments. The NVCAC, in cooperation with The Opie Show:
In 2022, the Province expanded the use David Oppenheim, present a new art
of BC Emergency Alerts beyond tsunami exhibit, The Opie Show: A Tribute to Opie
A Tribute to Artist Opie Oppenheim
Born 1945 -
Merritt BC 250-525-0333 warnings to include imminent threats Oppenheim, May 2-June 2, at the Arts Passed May 15, 2021
[email protected] Adamah Vollrath from floods, wildfires and extreme heat Centre beside Kekuli Cafe. This art show
emergencies. In addition, the police is- exhibits more than 30 works by Opie
sue alerts for civil emergencies and Am-
May 2 - June 2, 2024
Oppenheim, who passed May 15, 2021.
ber Alerts, and the federal government The works are prints and lithographs of
issues emergency alerts for events and his paintings, and other pieces, many for
hazards related to federal responsibili- sale. For the reception on Friday, May
ties, including tornados, thunderstorms, 3rd, 4-7pm, several special pieces will be
storm surge and hurricanes. During the displayed. There will be an Open House RECEPTION
2023 wildfire season, the Province issued on Take Down Day, Sun., June 2, 1-4pm.
Winter Art
Friday, May 3,
24 BC Emergency Alerts providing time- ‘One Book, One Community’ -new time 4-7pm
ly, potentially life-saving info.
The time is now confirmed: Michael
Kekuli refreshments
award-winning novel Greenwood will be
at the Merritt Library on Friday, May 3, Sunday, June 2,
Cultural and prescribed fire is a land 1-2:30pm. This as part of this year's 'One 1 - 4pm
stewardship practice that can help re- Book, One Community' shared reading V I S I T T H E G A L L E R Y AT T H E N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T S C E N T R E
duce the intensity of naturally occurring experience. Greenwood is available at the HOURS:
Wed to Sat 10am-5pm
2051 VOGHT ST.,
wildfires, while returning an integral library or online by visiting Sunday 12-4pm
According to BC Wildfire Service, cowboys & cowgirls at the NV Rodeo 2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515
there were a total of 58 cultural burn proj- Grounds this weekend — Saturday from
ects — also referred to as prescribed or 9am & Sunday from 10am. Admission is
1928 WHITE CAB & CHASSIS controlled burns — throughout the prov- free, concession on site.
All cab glass replaced with unbreakable ince in 2022 & 2023, with more than 3,800 MMIW Awareness Walk
lexan. BC registration, have original 6 split hectares treated. Of those 58 projects, 38 Tues May 7, a MMIW Awareness
tim wheels, need 6x36 tires of them were developed or co-developed Walk will be held at Shulus, 10:30am
with Indigenous communities. This year, Shulus Hall, 11:30am Shulus Arbour.
there are 61 burn projects in the works, Light lunch will be provided. Everyone
according to the province. invited to participate. FMI contact Carole
Cikilaxwm was a regular practice con- Basil 315-9158.
ducted by syilx Okanagan Nation and Council meeting & inauguration
others for thousands of years. These Merritt's newest City Councillor,
low-intensity, controlled burns were done Yvette Baxter, will be inaugurated at a
to mitigate the threat of wildfires and special Council meeting on Tuesday, May
maintain forest health for all beings. 7, 6pm in Council Chambers. If you can't
But with colonialism came the re- make it in person, you can watch online
moval of fire from the ecosystem. Treat- at:
ing and maintaining forest health took a
Your motor, trans and flat deck for a great back seat to extracting and logging, and
'Reduce Your Wildfire Risk' presentation
This presentation will delve into ev-
parade vehicle $450000 OBO settlers favoured reactionary wildfire
erything FireSmart, providing info on
250-378-6421 strategies that have resulted in the accu-
preparing their properties and residenc-
mulation of debris in forests, leading to
es for the upcoming fire season. Collab-
more devastating wildfires experienced
1946 Dodge in the present day.
orating with TNRD, attendees will learn
practical strategies to mitigate wildfire
coupe shell This history of aggressive and high-
risks. The presentation will also touch on
ly effective wildfire suppression in the
invasive plant species and waste reduc-
No province has resulted in significant
tion. May 7, 6-8pm at the Civic Centre.
sus- build-up of forest fuels, greater tree en-
pension, croachment on grasslands, and ‘in-fill- Bryan Bielanski live at the Grand
running gear, ing’ of once open, dry forests. This has Upbeat and energetic nomad North
or interior. Have increased the risk of devastating wild- Carolina folk-rock singer-songwriter
B.C. registration. Deck fires & negatively impacted biodiversity Bryan Bielanski is coming to Merritt May
lid, hood and rear fender and forest health. 11 at Grand Pub & Grill. He is on tour
seams filled with tunneled tail lights. Louvered hood. The Province's use of the term “cul- promoting his album Bryan's Super Hap-
My I-don’t-want-to-sell price $3500. 250-378-6421 tural and prescribed fire” is intended to py Fun Time 3. Check out: bryanssuper-
acknowledge Indigenous cultural burn-
ing as distinct from prescribed burning, Home Routes: Burnstick
SPACE FOR YOUR AD while also acknowledging the intersec- Nadia & Jason Burnstick will perform
tion of Indigenous and Western fire man- on Saturday May 11, 6:30pm at Kekuli
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 agement as both are practiced today. Cafe, 2051 Voght St. Advance tickets only
[email protected] Sources:; $20 contact Sandy by phone (250-315- 7263) or email at: [email protected],
prevention/prescribed-burning doors open at 6pm.
Li Two blondes were driving to Disneyland. The sign said, "Disneyland Left". So they started
Eyelashes are supposed to prevent things from getting into your eyes but when I do have
Watch 20
FRIDAY EDITION — MAY 3, 2024 #3956
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 T: (250) 378-5717 F: (250) 378-2025 E: [email protected] Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
2004 MERCURY Marquis 4-dr, ANTIQUE metal dbl bed $60 378-9645 Specialists INC.
Winter Art
Friday, May 3,
vides general clean-up, power washing, headrest and armrest,rear carry pouch for 280-9758 4-7pm
specializing in painting, drywall, water 3 and 4 wheel scooters and some power
SCHWINN exercise bike $125 280-0543 Kekuli refreshments
damage.672-514-7775 wheelchair, free install $450 378-8802
COMPUTER GUY Repairs, upgrades,
on-site service. Joe 604-377-0274
BRND NW pair Sun Rayban polarized
sunglasses $125 378-2353
Show CAMPER TRLR, doors/wndws, water
& Sae
tnk w/ pumps, stove w/ ovn, sink, radio
& live flute music
new construction, lots of experience 705- 7-8, made by Shannon Kilroy $150. Baby oars and no leaks $575. 280-9758 HOURS: 2051 VOGHT ST.,
679-3054 christening gowns $15 ea. 378-9645 DAYMAK E-BIKE (motorcycle style) Wed to Sat 10am-5pm
Sunday 12-4pm
RUDY WORKS - Home & Office Main- USED FOLDNG lightweight black Fast 72 volt, 3 speeds, w/charger, rear
tenance & Repair - home & office tech, wheelchair w/ brakes, gd cond $125. view mirrors, low kms $1200 ($2800
carpentry, electrical, plumbing, concrete. 250-378-8802 new). Lrge Can-Tire 2 wheel trailer for Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
315-6689 or [email protected] ANTIQUE drawer pulls, set of 10 $35. bike to carry groceries, pets etc. $150
(cost $350) 250-378-8802 2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515
chipper, sml truck & trailer, will do resi- 40kg. Material: steel, polyvinyl chloride GOLF BAG, like new, $20. Wilson Stephen 778-709-0363
Watch 20
off resumes at the Legion Lounge in blue (Sept), Italian prune plum (Oct),
& working now, only used once, all
person or email them to legion096@ each $5. Huge tarragon for transplant-
maintenance done annually, 2 sets keys, ing, free. 378-2410
hitch lock, anchor. Selling because wife
IF YOU WANT an extra income check NEW VINYL siding, Timber Lake D-4 wanted paddleboards instead. aj8z08@
out this site. www.theoneminutebusiness. Avanti, 11-12' long, lt yellow col. 96 sq. , 936-8147
com/486182 ft 378-4572
AB DOER exercise machine, never
for sale - appliances BATHROOM toilet, gd cond, free for
pkck-up 378-9169 used, w/ body massager $250, worth
2-YR OLD stainless stl fridge 378-4619 $400+ 378-0423
24" ELECTRIC stove, Danby $350, 6 BEANIE HELMET old school $20.
Doll, crib, cradle, buggy, highchair, an- for sale - tools/equipment
mos. old. GE old-style refrigerator, im-
mac. cond $700 280-0543 tiques $20-$95. Antique cream can, smll PRESSURE washer $100obo. Elect.
$45. Chandelier, candleholder & crys- fireplace $100obo. Elect. rototiller
6-L Hamilton Beach slow cooker, nw/
tals $25. 378-9645 $125. 378-6915
nvr used, too big for my family 378-2047
FOLDING wheelchair, new $200. 1-BDRM OR 2-BDRM home to 1-BDRM grnd level unfurn’d full
NEW Kingston BBQ $125 280-0005 WTD: 18" Quick Grid bar clamp. Ron
Shoprite scooter $500 280-4263 rent for 1 adult, employed, 1 small suite condo, Seyom Cresc. Wshr/
ROCKET upright stick vacuum cleaner 378-2353
WALKER, near nw/nvr used out of the dog, mobile ok, prefer out of twn, dryer incl. $1200. Contact leonam_
with accessories $95, call /text 280-5332 WOODSPLITTER 378-2832 have refs. 378-7435 [email protected]
house 378-5004
ELECT. stove, LG, 5 brnrs, flat glass CHAINSAW 461 Husqvarna, nw last SHED or chicken coop. Sewing cab- 2-BDRM, lrg kitch, lrg livingrm,
18 OLD metal tobacco tins. 6 alum. can-
top, convection oven, self-clean, black year, pd $800, sell $500 280-3950 inet or old sewing things. Wallmount
opy hold-downs. Offers 378-4904 fully reno'd bsmt, n/p, wshr hk-up
$425 378-1680 3 20-VOLT Dewalt drills, no batteries old coffee grinder. 378-9645
G SCALE TRAIN: 3 engines & misc. 2337 Coutlee Ave. 378-2047
TOASTER oven. Vacuum machine. $70 ea. obo. 1 charger $20 378-3496
cars, 260 ft. of track &large water tower, for sale house/property 4-BDRM 3-bath home, 20 min west
Coleman barbeque 778-639-0052 CABINET-style sandblaster, 36x24x24
wall mounting brackets $1500 378-6787 of Merritt in rural setting. Wood
NOMA Oil filled Heater, Heat Dish, Fan $750. Joe 378-5100 DRIVE BY 2596 ABERDEEN
PELLET stove & wood stove. 6-ft patio stove & prop. furnace, 2000sqft
778-639-0052 4800 W construction heater with built in RD. to check out this 3 bdrm, 2
door & assorted windows. Microwave rancher, $2500 + util. Looking for
26 CU. FT. chest freezer, grt shape/ thermostat $55 378-8802 bath, house on 1.79 acres. 378-1504
& range hood combined. Tv 378-2832 long term. Call/text 604-534-1401
works exc. $75. 280-0543 for an appt to view
FORTRESS mobility scooter, gd batt., MILWAUKEE saws-all, in case w/ 2-BDRM legal ste, fully reno'd,
AIR CONDITIONER brand new (for blades $70. Hitachi mitre saw $100 6 MOS FREE pad rent. 4-bdrm mobile
charger $1000obo 378-3496 appl., nw wshr hk-up, sep. entr. n/p
window) still in box, Diplomat 5200 home, Low. Nicola MHP. Julie 280-9666
AIR WALKING boot, nw $50 315-1626 315-5076 2337 Coutlee Ave., May 1 378-2047
BTU $125. 378-4115 MANUFACT'D home, 2 bdrm, 1
GRANNY’S House Quilting & wanted/wanted to buy BC FIREFIGHTERS: furnished rm
for sale - automotive bath, call to view 1-800-361-8111,
Retreat has sewing notions from 315-1000 buyandsellmobilehomes. & part. furnished rm, shared kitchn/
Pat's Patches 378-3734 ANY OLD TOYS broken or not pre
SOFT TOP & rear back seat for JT com bth, util/wifi/cbl incl 778-869-3141
1980, Electric racing car sets for kids to-
$675obo. 378-6915 UNPASTEURIZED raw honey: $40 for ROOM & BOARD $750/ month.
[email protected] HOUSE FOR SALE. 2126 Priest
97 FORD F250, 7.3 diesel, ext. cab, 8' 8 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $10 for 2 cups, $5 Ave. 378-7412 Shared bathroom. Kitchen and laun-
box, 2nd ownr, 350k, vry nice shape Jack for 1 cup. 378-4947 GOOD WORKING metal detector to-
DRIVE BY 441 Bailey Ave., Lower dry privileges. Off street parking.
604-991-0242 [email protected] Great cook. REFS REQ'D 315-9803
for sale - furniture Nicola, updated, below market val-
SET OF 4 orig. wire spoke hubcaps for 18" QUICK Grid bar clamp. Ron 378-2353 3 SUITES AVAIL.: 1 furn'd, all util
CONCRETE PATIO TABLE. One of TILTED steering column for 1990 Ford ue. Then call 315-5424 Denis
70s Firebird $200. 280-0543 a kind, hand crafted, made in NV. Slight incl $1250. 2 unfurn'd, util incl.,
F250, standard transmission. 378-6475 for rent $1100 & $1200 Manager 936-8474
4 CHEV 15 inch alum, 5 hole rims. $80 olive tone w/ exposed aggregates & river
378-6692 rock & sealed . The base is artistic, weld- MANNEQUINS & heads 378-9645 ROOMS for rent in 2-bdrm house, S 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, nr Diamond
1 SNOW tire 205x60Rx15, nw $75. Joe ed steel with a powder coat finish craft- BOWFLEX or home gym system. Call/ Hwy 8, util. incl. 315-5641 Vale Schl 525-0350
378-5100 ed by RW Ironworks. Diameter 48x2”, text 315-9789 ELDERLY PENSIONER looking STUDIO STE, all incl., fully furn'd.
07 EQUINOX awd, low. mil., vry gd Height 30”, Weight 330lbs $800obo, WHITE fencing paint, leftovers great, for a 1-3 bdrm unit up to $1100/ mo. Single wrkig prsn only. Top floor,
SPACE FOR YOUR AD shape $8500 378-0423 open to trades. Text /call 778-257-3431 reas. price, will pck-up 378-5528 For May 29 Call/text 378-7938 private. 315-8079
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 POST YOUR CLASSIFIEDS… VOICE MAIL (250) 378-5717 , EMAIL [email protected]