Merritt Morning Market 3794 - Feb 15

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an event?
We have
in stock!
recycle Largest supply in Merritt

Office Supplies (250)378-6882

Free delivery - Call for info
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC 2037 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC 250-378-2155


News, opinion, community events since 1996! Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
Tel: (250) 378-5717 Fax: (250) 378-2025 Email: [email protected]

Women’s Memorial
A bus organized by the Lower Nicola Open 11am-9pm PUB OPEN available for rent.
Indian Band took a group of local partic- Wed. through Mon. 4pm-9pm 50 - 70 persons
ipants to the 32nd annual Women's Me- (Tues closed) Wed. through Sun. Rent $500 + tx, to 9pm
morial March yesterday, in the streets of CATERING available across BC
Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.
2350 Voght St., Merritt • 250 378-2254
Family members of Monica Jack took
posters with her photo to the event in
FREE USED OIL DROP OFF honour of the Indigenous women, girls,
and 2SLGBTQ+ people who have died
on the Downtown Eastside and across
Rosco's Auto Service
Edward Francis the province. The first march was held in

2380 Nicola Ave., 250-378-1650 1992 to commemorate the life of a wom-
an who was murdered on Powell Street.
Nov 14 1944 – Feb 6 2023 “All of us have a responsibility to
Ed came from Calgary with his come together on this day, and every day, Drywall Systems Specialist
band in the ‘60’s and stayed. He loved to protect those who are most at risk of
river fishing and tied thousands of being targeted with violence. This is an
flies in the days when Merritt was a urgent issue confronting First Nations,
fishing destination. He made a living our province and country," said Premiere
playing music and started building his Eby, Kelli Paddon, Parliamentary Sec. for
house on Pine St that would help him Gender Equity, and Murray Rankin, Min.
of Indigenous Relations & Reconciliation
grow roots here that would last for al- Ladies’ Sports Night
most 50 years.
Live music was everywhere in those Community
days and there was lots of places to “Still Life: Beyond Fruit” reception
play on the weekends and work on the A reception will be held Friday Feb 17,
house during the week with his wife, 4-7pm — for the NV Arts Council’s com-
Cassandra. They enjoyed simple plea- munity art exhibit on now until mid March.
sures together, camping in Kingsvale, It’s all about the art of Still Life… in paint-
swimming in the Coldwater river, mu- ings, drawings, and photos but also pottery,
sic kitchen parties and later Ed would nature, etc. The gallery & gift shop is open
join his wife in becoming one of Je- Wed-Sat 10am-5pm, and Sun 12-4pm. 
hovah’s Witnesses and they shared a Seniors meeting
close spiritual life and great happiness. Seniors Citizens Centre Association
Ed succumbed to complications will be holding their general meeting on
Colle%ville Elementary School (gym or field)
from COPD but got to stay at home Friday, February 19, 1:30pm. Spaghetti
until his last breath and never said lunch  @ $6 served at noon. New activi- Wednesdays, 6:45- 8:15 pm
he was unhappy. Although he lost his ties now available.
voice, he wrote a note before he died Merritt Girl Guides seeking volunteers For friendship All
and ages andAll
ages and abilities
that says ‘We can endure anything Volunteering with Girl Guides is the joy of exercise No costNo cost
with joy if we have hope’ fun & unforgettable; and connect with
Anyone who would like to come to women leaders in your community and
For friendship and the joy of exercise!
remember Eddy is welcome to meet around the world. FMI in Merritt, con- SPACE FOR YOUR AD
up at the Kingdom Hall on Saturday, tact [email protected]
Feb 18th at 2:00 (1505 Sunset Rd.) TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700
Skating for seniors
Mask wearing is up to each individual. [email protected]
Nicola Valley Memorial Arena, Thurs-

33 charges for
days, 9am. Let's support this new initia-
Check out our tive for seniors in Merritt.

crime-spree pair Call for ESS volunteers THE LANDING ZONE

feature photo - The City of Merritt is looking for vol-
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 096
1940 Quilchena Ave. Merritt
Between May 2 & June 17, 2022, Justin unteers to join the team. Meets monthly
every issue Colby and Raven Graham were involved on Thursday 7pm. No experience nec-
250-378-5631 [email protected]
Facebook: The Landing Zone Royal Canadian Legion 96
online in a series of break and enters, thefts from essary. Next training session is Feb 23, Merritt British Columbia
vehicles and credit card fraud through- 7pm at the Civic Centre. FMI contact, OPEN Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday
out southern BC, from Pemberton, to [email protected], call 788-921-0189, or visit 12:00pm until closing, offering weekly food specials
MERRITT PICKLEBALL CLUB Vancouver, Surrey, Creston and Merritt.
Late last month, 33 charges were
TOONIE TUESDAYS Try our Bartenders Special Cocktails.
Darts every Tuesday starts at 6:30pm
Court Times & Dates sworn against Colby & Graham includ- Music in the Park 2023 applications THURSDAYS – Shuffleboard 3pm – 5pm. Open Music
Submit an application by March 15, Sessions 7:00pm
call Gary 250-280-0105 ing Dangerous Driving, Flight from
4pm. FMI Jenn Dougherty, Recreation MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY watch for posters.
Peace Officer, Fraud, Mischief, Break
or Ayton 250-378-5691 and Enter, Possession of Stolen Proper- Programmer, 250-315-1050, jenn.dough- MEAT DRAWS EVERY SATURDAY 2:30 pm
We also have a hall to rent, along with bar and kitchen
ty, Theft under $5000 & Theft of Motor [email protected] Apply at
Vehicle. Merritt Youth Soccer registration open

Sea to Sky RCMP – General Investi- Registration for the 2023 MYSA Soc-
gation Section assumed conduct of the cer season is now open. Registration Tourism Nicola Valley presents ...
investigations, coordinating approx. 26 closes March 17; season begins week of
police files across Whistler & Pemberton. April 10; season ends week of June 12.
They worked closely with partners in Register PHOTO CONTEST
other jurisdictions: Stl’Atl’Imx Tribal Po- Spring dance classes
lice Service, West Vancouver Police Dept, Get up, get out, get into dance! Spring
Vancouver Police Dept, Integrated Police Dance Camp for Young Ones, ages 7-12,
Community Dog Services, Integrated Forensic Iden- March 29-31, 2-5pm daily. Hip Hop, Jazz,
tification Services, Integrated Municipal Body Percussion and more. $125 for 3
Art Show Provincial Auto Crime Team as well as days, 3 hours per day. Fully equipped
numerous RCMP detachments including dance studio downtown. Move, Laugh
Creston, Merritt, Coquitlam and Surrey. and Learn! Fun exercise & dance activity
"This crime spree affected many peo- during Spring Break. LTD Spring Dance
ple in our community. We are pleased to Camp for Little Movers, ages 3-6, March
Thursday Feb 2-mid March, 2023 see that our hard work in putting all the 27-29. $75 for 3 days, 2 hours per day.
pieces together has resulted in numer- Theme days, Dance fun, Dance crafts.
RECEPTION ous charges against two prolific property Fully equipped dance studio downtown. #merrittmatters
Friday Feb 17, 4-7pm
crime offenders", said NCO i/c of Sea to

Text to secure a spot: 250-936-9011. $10
Sky RCMP – GIS, Sgt. Jeff SHORE. off for Early Birds!
Wed to Sat 10am-5pm
2051 VOGHT ST.,
Cows In the Field My son couldn't sleep. So I told him there are cows sleeping in the field out-
Sunday 12-4pm side. He said: “What’s that go to do with anything?” I replied: “Because it's pasture bedtime.”
I went on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday last weekend. Never again.  CASH PRIZES
Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
What do you call two guys hanging on a window? Kurt and Rod. 
2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515 What genre are national anthems? Country.  UNTIL MARCH 30
What do you call a cow with a twitch? Beef jerky.

Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 T: (250) 378-5717 F: (250) 378-2025 E: [email protected] Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
STOCK rims & tires off 05 Toyota Cam- QUEEN SIZE memory foam mattress. Specialists INC.

Your photos or art on a mug — great gift!

ry, 16" all-seas. $200 315-9221 good condition $200 378-2832 
LOST: MEN'S GOLD wedding band.
Reward 378-1954
2004 P.T. CRUISER This beauty is SNGL bd box frame, wood, exc cond ICBC Claims
black/black leather interior, fully load- $30 378-7251
someone to practice with. Suzanne 778-
ed, heated seats, sun roof, great radio.  CHILD'S BED, solid wood head and •Commercial •Residential
126,000 km, probably needs a radiator, foot boards with mattress. Like new $225
Office Supplies (250)378-6882 930-0036 Comes with winter and summer tires.  Merritt cell 250-572-3329 •Automotive •Industrial
LOST: BLACK POMERANIAN All good $ 4000 wyndburr@outlook. FREE TABLE: round pedestal table one
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
service dog last seen at NV Hospital com , 315-7611 leaf and six chairs  378-6787
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC mid-November. If you've seen it, call
378-9782, 315-9549 to return to its right-
FREE: canopy fits 02 F150 378-3496 WOODEN rocking chair, as new. Medi- 378-4531
2 YOKOHAMA tires 225/65R16 m&s um oak color. $80 378-8835
ful owner. 378-2832 COUCH $10. Matching loveseat $10
LOST: drove away with our specialized TOYOTA rims & tires, 2 Arctic Claw 315-1447

Tacoma ext. cord, not suit. for other winter tires on rims, m&s rated 205/55/ 2 SOLID wood diningrm chairs $10ea.
#merrittmatters make of vehicle, between Granite Ave. & R16 $160 378-0032 Coff. tbl $10. in exc.cond. Jim 280-4688
Parkview townhouses 378-3721
MICHELIN 235/65R17 snow tire, used TABLE & CHAIRS. 36 " round wooden
PIANO LESSONS,  violin lessons. 7 1 seas. 378-7995 table & 4 chairs. $20. 378-9694

years old and up.  A great winter activ-
ity.   $25 half hour.   Cecilia Dyck.  cell ONE 205/60R15 General m&s tire, new IKEA single wood bedframe $20
(250)315-0022 $65. Joe 378-5100 280-0779
WANTED an honest person with 14 4 - 17" X 7 1/2" Rims - 5 Bolt pattern OFFICE chair $25. Rattan patio furni-
(initially from a Jeep Cherokee).  Asking ture with cushions $50 280-0779
foot ladder for snow removal from roof
$100 280-4331
of trailer.  Please text only 236-852-0871 for sale - electronics/software
4 ALL-TERR. winter tires 235/70R16,
LOOKING FOR experienced seam-
CASH PRIZES stress to alter coat sleeves 378-2832
SAMARITAN'S PURSE's winter hrs
80% tread, on F150 rims, gd shape $400 BRND NW/in bx Hibrid stunt drone w/
378-3496 hi-def camera Propel Maximum X15, nw
4 DODGE 17 inch 8 hole rims $150 text $160, sell $60 378-2136
are Mon\ 1-4pm; Tues & Thurs 10am-
4pm; Fri by request. Your recovery
(778)255-2747 ASSORTMENT oldr-style speakers, of- Art Show
specialists Meghan Blackmore 250-574- 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan, eng. & fers 378-2136
4574 & Sherry Peterson 250-574-4885. transmission been replaced, 133k on eng, 55 INCH LG flat screen tv used only 1
250k on body $9900 $6900 936-8104 yr, missing remote $100. FREE brnd nw
WTD: beginners' violin lessons.
FOUR Goodyear M/S tires new, Panasonic dvd player still in box. 52

Winter Art
Suzanne 778-930-0036
265/60R18 tires $600obo 250-378-2837 inch LG flat screen tv, no stand/mounted

LOST @ WALMART: men's gold
bracelet, inside or outside 315-7119 67 CHRYSLER 300 2-dr hardtop, ex- on wall $100 936-8717
FOUND: Pr. magnetic clip-on glass-
es from Costco at Lions Park. Don Show
ceptional nice orig. cond., loaded, 1 own- NINTENDO PS2 console, no cords/ac-

& Sae
er. 04 Merc. Grnd Marquis, 1 owner. Joe cessories 378-2136
378-5100 NEW 1994 Fender twin amplifier $900
Thursday Feb 2-mid March, 2023

Tourism Nicola Valley presents ... 315-5430

98 FORD F-250 4x4 in good condition.  378-5165
FOR RENT, hall with kitchen and patio Extended cab  automatic, gas v8, 6ft-6 RCA 50" FLAT SCREEN TV works
WINTER ADVENTURE area. max cap 40. Gary 280-0105 box $5500 315-1008 good $75 378-2832 Friday Feb 17, 4-7pm

NA MEETINGS are held each Tues, 03 GMC Yukon XL Denali, 4wd STEREO hk-up for car, Clarion
Thurs & Sun 7pm at the United Church, SUV, 300k, Bose sound, nw wntr tires DPX2250 250w, $300 new, sell $150 C O M E V I S I T T H E G A L L E R Y AT T H E N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T S C E N T R E
1899 Quilchena Ave. $4500obo. Call/text 315-9789 Lewis 778-661-0986
AA MEETINGS are held each Monday 98-02 FORESTER parts, front & rear STEREO EQUIPT, gd cond: Sanyo Wed to Sat 10am-5pm
2051 VOGHT ST.,
12 noon, Wed 7pm, Fri 7pm, Sat 8pm at doors, complete w/ power windows and receiver, Kenwood cd player, 2 Technics Sunday 12-4pm
the United Church, 1899 Quilchena Ave. inside panel , Maroon color ,perfect con- 12-disc player, JVC dbl cass. player, 2
services dition, $175 ea.  378-8802 vcrs, offers. Dan 378-2136
JPV ENTERPRISES: Landscaping, TIRE Chains – SCC Shur Grip for 49"/PO (1080P)  TOSHIBA  TV  $400 Nicola Valley Community Arts Council

UNTIL MARCH 30 lawn care, pruning, hedging, gardening.  psnger car, set of 2, brnd nw $70 378- firm, Leading Innovation 280-4331
Lic'd, equipped.  On Facebook. 280-7077 9899
2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515
for sale - recreational
ELECTRICAL, plumbing, renovations, for sale - pets / livestock TRADE: 14' trampoline for 7-8' trampo-
nw to twn 604-819-8948
line. 378-2410
RUDY WORKS - Home & Office Main- FEMALE goat $100. Ducks $10ea.
tenance & Repair - home & office tech, Silky chickens & rooster. 936-8368, 2012 HONDA VTX1300, custom paint
carpentry, electrical, plumbing, concrete. 778-661-0344 $7000 315-3347
315-6689 or [email protected] WTD: a Siamese cat “companion;” CUSTOM golf clubs & repairs by certi-
SCRAP FOR CASH. I'll come to you. do you have one or know of a source? fied club maker. Ray 378-9169
Batteries, brass copper, aluminum, stain- 378-9899 BOAT-10 FT fiberglass $300 378-6721
SPACE FOR YOUR AD less, wire. Call or msg 604-618-8710, or WTD: kitten 280-0543
the [email protected] Fast service,
4X8 1-pc slate pool table, leather pock-
BLK/WHT male kitten 4 mos old look- ets, gd shape, all access. $500 315-9221
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight ing forever home, asap. Calico cat, 1-yr VISION FITNESS exercise bike $65
loss support group. Meet Tuesday morn- old in May, friendly, looking for forever 378-6915
[email protected] ings. FMI Iris (250)378-8182 home. 315-8429. SNOWBOARD brnd nw $150 280-0543
WOODY'S tree service & more: land- DOG BOOTS/socks.Size 3.0. Ruffwear 26" 21-spd Marin mtn bike $250 280-0543
scaping, fencing, handyman work, etc. Grip Trex Outdoor. Worn only twice.
315-8087 TREADMILL, elliptical mach. 525-0240
$50. 378-8758
LAWN CUTTING, reas. rates 280-7492 DOG HOUSE, 36"x40" $40 315-1447 EVINRUDE Lightning outboard motor
ONE WOMAN AND A BRUSH. Paint- MUSCOVY DUCKS $20ea. 1 lrg wht $50 315-1447
er, available, only diff. is the price. 15 Tom turkey $70 315-2898 6 FT  Air Powered Hockey Table. Excel-
years experience. Ann 378-5377 lent condition, 2 paddles + assortment of
FREE: kitten, 10 wks old, very cute fe-
JPV ENTERPRISES: Landscaping - male 378-2275 pucks. Manual counters, Duraglide sur-
lawn care, pruning, hedging, gardening. 4 SHEEP ewes $325ea, approx 8 mos face, levelling table legs. 72"L x 38"W x
Lic'd, equipped. On Facebook. 280-7077 old. Call/text 315-9789 31"H.  $400.  378-7105
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. HUSKY/BORDER 5TH-WHL hitch $100 378-7412
collie. price
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066
dropped  $700 one male left, white and CENTURY Kid Kick Wavemaster free-
CERTIFIED TREE FALLER, w/ wd black. 315-2203. Seriour inq. only please standing punching "bag", adjustable
List your garage sale &/or chipper, sml truck & trailer, will do resi- height, Kidkick blocker, Kidkick square
AWESOME CKC Black Lab for stud shield target, 2 pairs gloves, headgear.
dential, fruit trees, etc. 378-6431
get our listing mail-out EAGER, RELIABLE man w/ 4x4 truck
378-5038 All included for $250. 378-2410
& trailer, avail. Dump runs, deliveries, for sale - miscellaneous 83 HONDA XR200R dirtike $2100obo.
Email: [email protected] plywood, sand, gravel, appl., housewares ROUGH CUT oak 3"x3", 10ft $3/ft 378-6915
Greg 315-7525, (250)320-2054 Fast, 315-1447 99 FOUR WINDS LITE travel trlr, 24ft,
courteous service PEARL Stainless deep double sink, $12,000obo 315-0097
employment opportunity 60/40 w/ grids , undermount but can be for sale - tools/equipment
HOMEMAKER WANTED. $20/hr. used on top, lk nw $200 378-2458
Thomas Finnie Plse email: [email protected] LARGE antique, solid wood- frame mir- 32 FT ext. ladder $200. Tire chains $5.
Roof racks $5. 6" ice auger $20. Steel
WANT TO JOIN A GREAT TEAM? ror, made in Belgium.  $50 280-0779
Thomas Finnie Kruse n Style is looking for an experi- FODDER kitchen compost bin $20. car ramps $40. Rototiller, motor needs
enced hairdresser. Apply within 1990 378-2458 work $40. 3-phase elect. motor, 1hp $50
250-572-2842 Quilchena Ave. ATTN carpenters: 6-8 door sets, interior 315-1447
FAMILY PLACE is seeking a qualified & exterior, most have keys 378-2136 CHAINSAW $50. Tile saw $50 280-0779
E.C.E to join our team! For more infor- WINTER JACKET w/ hood, sz lrg WELDER TV4000, offers 378-2136
mation please call Joell 250-378-4878 girls, vry gd shape $30. 378-9545 3 WORK BENCHES, 2 w/ shelving $70
DIXIE LEE/SUPERIOR PIZZA look- 2 PAIR kids sz 10 boots: 1 pr snowboots, 378-1336
ing for f-t waitress. Drop resume off at 1 pr rain boots $5/pr 378-9545
for better health 2052 Quilchena
DIESEL tidy tank, checker plate painted
BRAND NEW/nvr work, pr sz 8 Baffin blk, hoses & pump & tool bx $400 280-3950
LABOURERS WANTED- Nicola Post steel toe work boots $25. 378-2136 BOSCH 18v 4.0AH rechargable batteryt
& Rail.  Positions available -full time 21 KIDS dvd's, gd variety for boys & girls, for tools, wrks gd $20 378-2136
Tabitha Nichols (mon - fri),  part time, evening shifts, call for titles $10/all 378-9545 18" STIHL chainsaw, easy start, nr nw.
Brand Ambassador weekend shifts, and seasonal.  Wage $22 JIGSAW puzzles $3, $5, $10378-5691 Ryobi mitre saw. 2-whl grinder. Mas-
per hour. Please apply if you are willing tercraft compressor. Cash only 778-661-
# 901522779 160 1x6x32" for fence $100 280-0543
to work in an outside environment and
have strong work ethic. No mill experi- CHRISTMAS TREE, 6', looks real, in 3
0504 Quilchena area
SET OF industrial knee pads for carpen-
Check out our
778-639-0092 ence necessary. Call Tony 250-319-9891 parts, pd $300, sell $75 315-1776
P-T SEMI-RETIRED Handyman DAVINCI  Waterford crystal glasses ter or carpet layer, brnd nw $30 378-2136
required for bldg. repairs and ground- new with stickers on them boxed $90 for 12V 124R battery, fully charged & holds
feature photo -
work for multiple buildings. Call Robert 4. 8 glasses available. 315-1626 a charge $60 315-2249 936-8243 JANOME sewing machine for sale, just 10" CRFTSMN bandsaw, free 378-2136 every issue
for sale - appliances had a maintenance service done on it. 2 WOOD stoves 525-0240
$250 378-7950 SMOKE & CARBON MONOX-
BISSEL  upright vacuums: Prime stick
ASSORTED woodworking books incl IDE alarm. 3  Kidde alarms with batter-
Vacuum, feather weight turbo $79.00
carving  and intarsia. 315-1626  ies. expire 2028. $60 315-1626
new $45. MagicVac. $44.99 new  $25.
We are open to offers.  378-6588. If no WOODBURNING craft tool, cords,ex- 2 PROP. heaters: one w/ 30lb tnk, dbl
answer please leave message. tra blades and books. $199 315-1626 header $150. Round heater, no tank
WASHING machine $250. Elect. stove 9 BOXES luxury vinyl tile flooring, 19 $100 Lewis. 778-661-0986
$250. Gas fireplace $300. 315-5018 sq. ft/box $300obo 936-8834 USED construction  heaters, 220 volt/
Court Times & Dates
2 FREESTANDING oil-filled heaters, BRADFORD Exchange collector plates, 20 amp w/ built in thermostat. $65 each call Gary 250-280-0105
purchased new 1 yr ago, $50 ea 280-0779 some in boxes, offers. 778-661-0986 378-8802
BISSELL Crosswave Cordless Max. 11 ANTIQUE railway lights $1400obo 2 POWERSAWS, 18" bars, nw chains, or Ayton 250-378-5691
Exc condition, only used 4-5 times. Ask- Joe 378-5100 gas, work well $95ea. 2 sump pumps,
ing $175 OBO.  250-552-5688 UNPASTEURIZED raw honey: $40 for long-neck $85ea. Lewis 778-661-0986
DISHWASHER 525-0240 8 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $10 for 2 cups, $5 BLK & DCKR DR601 hammer drill, OLDER trvl trlr, approx. 16', call/txt for rent
for 1 cup. 378-4947 corded, lk nw, w/instr. $65 378-9899
SAMSUNG top load washer, newly ser- 604-302-6232
viced, water saver, $300 378-8802 GRANNY’S House Quilting & Retreat HAUSSMAN electric leaf blower/ 5 SUITES avail. immed., most fur-
has sewing notions from Pat's Patches vacumm w/ bag $50. 378-2410 APPROX 10 cu. ft chest freezer.  in
ELECT. dryer, wrks well $150 315-1447 378-3734 good shape & wrking. 250-898-3426 nished, 1 unfurnished, 1501 Nicola
GAS range 378-9453 wanted/wanted to buy BLASTING table, call / text Ave. Manager 936-8474
for sale - furniture 604-302-6232 MOBILE HOME to share, master
wide x11.5"x15"deep $60 378-2410 QUEEN SIZE mattress & boxspring exchange for farm work with horses. 2 TIRES for SUV, P215-55R18 94H bdrm $450 + 1/2 util. Dan 378-2136
PORT. air conditioner $200. Old com- $25. 280-0779 many years experiences with thorough- 936-9029 FURNISHED room, shared kitchen
mercial meat slicer $200 378-3496 FREE: loveseat, exc cond, fall colours. breds. Call Don @ 250 315 7820 OLD WEATHERED / BARN & bath. Hydro & internet incl. Suit.
LazyBoy recliner, choc. brwn, exc cond OLD HAY or straw, 378-2410 wood. 1" x 6" x 10ft. Needing 400 sq for Senior, student or sngl wrkng
for sale - automotive 315-1631 prsn (female only). 280-0779
OLDR delivery step van or sml schl bus, feet for a project. Paul 604-926-6412
07 MAZDA 5-dr station wagon, wht COMPLETE household furnishings for must be drivable. Don 378-6421 2-BDRM bsmt, vry lrg lvng/dining,
RECORDS, hunting knives, sports
$8000obo 315-3891 sale. Denis 315-5424  PORT. oxygen concentrator 315-3891 1 blck to twn, 2337 Coutlee, fully
cards, deer antlers, Johnny Cash
4 LIKE NEW, 31" BF Goodrich tires;10 KING mattress, free for pick up OLDER RVvan or mini home camper. stuff. Tom 778-288-4095 reno'd, util incl., immed. 378-2047
ply; 31 x 10.50R15 LT 280-1728 378-2047 Don 378-6421 ROOM FOR RENT. Furnished. 
GREY tonneau cover fits 02 Toyota Ta- 100-YEAR old iron bed, dbl/full $250 GOOD USED tire and rim for cargo for sale house/property Free wifi. Off street parking. Ref-
coma $100 280-0543 315-2257 trailer. 5 hole ST235/75R15. 378-4853 DRIVE BY 441 BAILEY AVE., erences required.  Room and board
2014 TERRAIN, all wheel drive, perfect FREE: End table 280-0779 SNGL, wrkng female lookng for room to Lower Nicola, updated, below mar- negotiable. Text or call315-5884
condition, serviced every year, good for COUCH free 315-8511 rnt, nr dwntwn to wlk to wrk, cln, n/d, n/ ket value. Then call 315-5424 Denis WTD: working roomate $700 refs
young couple 315-4593 QU bdrm suite, dinette set, sofa, odds & party 780-394-2568 MANUFACT'D home, 2 bdrm, 1 req'd, no pets 236-889-4188
2014 GMC Traverse, exc cond., yearly ends 525-0240 FREE GUPPIES: Will give gd home to bath, call to view 1-800-361-8111, 315- 1-BDRM bsmt ste. 3-bdrm house
serviced, all seas. tires. 315-4593 NEW patio swing $225. 778-661-0905 any unwtd guppies 315-8570 1000 buyandsellmobilehomes. com upstairs 525-0240

POST YOUR CLASSIFIEDS… VOICE MAIL (250) 378-5717 , EMAIL [email protected]


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