Pramoth Project Physics 2023-24 Main Practical
Pramoth Project Physics 2023-24 Main Practical
Pramoth Project Physics 2023-24 Main Practical
Study of AC to DC Converter
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Master IC
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The guidance and support received from all the members
who contributed and who are contributing to this project, was
vital for the success of the project. I am grateful for their constant
support and help.
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Study of
AC to DC Converter
Author (AU): Sayed Mahmud, Anika Bushra, Tamanna Sumaiya, Hossain Md
Arafat, Rahman Md Asiqur
Address: [email protected]
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out properly. If the supply of DC voltage is not authorities, such as IEC 1000, Std 500, and others,
constant, a laptop cannot be charged properly. maintain rigorous harmonics guidelines. This is
The main feature of the rectifier is it must handle due to the requirement for a strong factor and
the output current (load). After that, we connect minimal line current harmonics distortion.
the output of rectifier to the filter. As we know, To change line frequency from ac to dc, a line
filter is nothing but a device, which filters out the frequency diode bridge rectifier is utilized. A
ripples in the unidirectional ac voltage and large filter capacitor is utilized at the rectifier
converts it back to pure dc voltage. There are two output to diminish the ripple in the output voltage.
kinds of filter used in the circuit, inductor and In any case, current drawn by this converter is
capacitor. Capacitors are the widely used filters. peaky by characteristics for the larger capacitor.
But instead of giving less value if we increase the This input current is high in low order harmonics
value of capacitor some circuit, we can get and because of the existence of these harmonics,
voltage greater than or equal to the dc output the aggregate harmonic distortion is high and the
voltage (that must be same of transformer output input control factor is denied. Issues related with
voltage) so that you'll get a pure dc output without these low power factors also, harmonics, utilities
any ripples. Theoretically, it is recommended to will authorize harmonic standards and rules which
use a high voltage capacitor (like 150% of output will constrain the measure of current distortion
voltage) to get less ripple and a smooth graph. We permitted into the utility. It is greatly required to
try to add a couple of capacitors to get our desired accomplishing rectification at near utility power
output dc voltage lesser than the transformer factor and low input current distortion [4].
output voltage, that is why we will connect a
voltage regulator next to the capacitor [3]. We are II. Theory & Methodology
using 230V/50Hz AC supply which connect to AC-DC converters are electrical circuits that
step-down transformer which will step down and transform alternating current (AC) input into
give a DC voltage depending on transformer direct current (DC) output. They are used in
rating that connect rectifier circuit, which power electronic applications where the power
converts from AC to pulsating DC after that input a 50Hz or 60Hz sine-wave AC voltage that
connect Capacitor (filter). Afterwards it converts requires power conversion for a DC output. We
pulsating AC to pure DC. In order to get constant utilize control electronic converters in our day-by-
DC, we need to connect regulator IC - LM7812 day life at home, business work places or in a
that maintains the output voltage at a constant mechanical situation. Converters have become an
value. We are using LM7812 IC, which provides integrated part of industrial electric drives, power
+12 volts regulated power supply. In addition, we supplies and other automobile equipment‟s due to
try to collect the different changing value for high power handling capability with higher
changing the AC voltage and will try to simulate efficiency. Power electronic components such as,
the output waveform. For this purpose, we will Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) [or
use PROTEUS software to get our desired result Thyristor], Triode for Alternating Current
and waveform. (TRIACs), Insulated Gate Bi-polar Transistor
(IGBT) are used for power electronic converters
Background Study to control and change over electric power. The
principle point of the converter is to deliver
The transmission of electric power is in an moulding power regarding a specific application
alternating current (AC) system, with a few [5].
exceptions. With the advancement of alternating
to direct current converters, they are becoming a
recognized and widely used application. As a
result, ac dc converter has recently framed a
functional research domain. The need for DC
power might be supplemental, such as in
electronic controls, or critical, such as the DC
connection of a motor. Meanwhile, governing
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[7]. Filters are used to smooth down the output
even further.
Some examples of AC-DC converters are:
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half cycle which blocks the current flow. This
way all positive half cycle waveforms are made
unidirectional. Using a capacitor parallel to the
load the amount of ripple voltage can be reduced
and a steady current is produced.
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Fig.10: PCB layout (Top Silk)
Fig.8: PCB layout Ratsnest Lines
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VI. Results From the circuit diagram, we can see the input
From the circuit diagram shown in Fig 4, we give from AC voltage coming from transformer and
an AC source where AC voltage is given 220V the output is from DC voltage source. A capacitor
and Frequency is 50Hz. Here, a transformer is C3= 470 µF is attached to store charge. Here we
attached with AC source which will transform use
220v and make it a low voltage AC wave as AC oscilloscope for measuring the graph of AC input
voltage has positive (+Ve) and negative (-Ve) and DC output. We get output of DC voltage=
terminals. Here, after step down to a smaller +12V.
voltage we need to stop polarity changes. To
make electrons pass only in one direction we need
diodes. Here we are using 4 diodes as a bridge so
that a positive and negative cycle will convert into
a positive cycle where lower waves are lifted and
make the wave as one directional. From Fig 14 we
can see the output result of the sinusoidal wave
when attached with a Full Bridge Rectifier.
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rectifier instead of normal diodes attaching or
Zener diode. As we know Zener diode have
limitation so when it reaches to that limitation it
become bi-directional although it doesn‟t need
voltage regulator but it will make bi-directional
wave up to a limit. That is why we used full
bridge rectifier and a voltage regulator to make a
simple conversion. Besides, for better results we
can use a voltage regulator chip or U0001f3a9
like 7805, 7812, 7905, 7912 to obtain a constant
voltage (both positive and negative are possible).
In Bangladesh the supply is 220Volts in 50Hz for
households. We get 11.94V as DC output when
we apply 220V as AC input.
Here, we can see that we get almost our desired We are extremely grateful to our course
12V output voltage. instructor, NUZAT NUARY ALAM Mam, for
So, we can claim that our project is running her capable direction; smart supervision and
properly. motivation that helped us to complete this project.
Without her constant help, this proposition would
Total Cost not have been conceivable.
[Estimated total cost associated with this project is
around 600 Taka]
Timeline [1] Rashid, M. H.(2008). Power Electronics - Circuits, Devices and
Applications. New Jersey, U.S.A: PearsonEducation.
[2] Sedra, A.S., & Smith, K.C.(2004). Microelectronic Circuits. New
York: Oxford University Press,Inc.
[3] S. Pyakuryal, M. Matin, “Implementation of AC to DC Converters
Using Thyristor in ATP”, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN),
Volume 2, Issue 11, PP 06-11, November 2012.
[4] Boylestad, R., Nashelsky, L.(1998).Electronic Devices and Circuit
Theory.New Jersey, U.S.A:PrenticeHall
[5] Neamen. D.A.(1905). Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design. New
York: Richard d Irwin Inc.
[6] Power Diodes and Rectifiers. Retrieved from
[7] 4-Different Power Converters. (2015, DECEMBER). Retrieved from
VII. Discussion and Conclusion
AC to DC convert by using full bridge rectifier [8] Rectifier Circuits. Retrieved from
with different combination of load and observed
the DC outcomes through simulations. We also
studied about different types and application of
AC-DC converters, keeping our main focus on
single phase with full bridge rectifier converter
circuits. We gained vast knowledge about
PROTEUS software during the project, where we
carried out all our circuit construction and
simulation respectively. The main function is to
have a good conversion voltage from AC to DC,
for that reason where we are using full bridge
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