Health Education-2

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Basic information:

Name: Nishtha Hemalkumar Desai

Topic: Breast self examination

Subject: Obstetrical and gynaecological nursing

Date: 18 sept 2023

Participants: Womans attending gynaecological OPD

Venue: Surat civil Hospital

Time: 25- 30 mins

Method of Lecture cum discussion


A.V. Aids: charts, flash cards and flipbook

Name of Ms. Jancy Jacob


Previous The group has basic knowledge regarding breast and its structure.

General Objective:

After the completion of health education the group will have thorough understanding regarding breast self examination.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the health education the group will be able to

 Introduce breast self examination.
 Explain about period for performing BSE
 Explain about steps for performing BSE.
 Discuss about warning signs for Breast cancer Learning time content AV-Aids Teaching- evaluation
objective learning
1. Introduce breast 1 Introduction: Ppt Lecture Define BSE
self min A breast self-exam is a step-by-step method you can use blackboard cum
examination. discussion
to examine your breasts. By looking at and feeling your
breasts regularly, you can better notice changes in your
breasts or detect when something feels different. Most
healthcare providers agree that while mammograms are
the best screening tool to detect breast abnormalities, a
breast exam you can do at home is the best way for you to
be familiar with your own breasts.
2. Explain about 5 How Often Should A Breast Self-Exam Be Ppt Lecture When can be
period for mins Blackboard cum BSE
performing BSE discussion Performed?.

Adult women of all ages are encouraged to perform

breast self-exams at least once a month. Lillie D.
Shockney, Johns Hopkins University Distinguished
Service Professor of Breast Cancer states, “Forty percent
of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who
feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is
very important.”

For women still menstruating, a breast self-exam should

be performed a few days after her period ends. For those
who are post-menopausal, a breast self-exam should be
performed on the same day of each month, such as the 1st
or 15th day of the month.

While mammograms can help you to detect cancer before

you can feel a lump, breast self-exams help you to be
familiar with how your breasts normally look and feel.
Alert your healthcare professional if you notice
any changes in your breasts, such as a new lump, sore
spot, changes in the appearance of the skin, or nipple
3. Explain about 5 Procedure: Flip book lecture What are the
steps for mins steps to perform
performing 1) In the Shower BSE?

With the pads/flats of your 3 middle fingers, check the

entire breast and armpit area, pressing down with light,
medium, and firm pressure. Check both breasts each
month, feeling for any new lumps, thickenings, hardened
knots, or any other breast changes.

2) In Front of a Mirror
With your arms at your sides, visually inspect your
breasts, looking for any changes in the contour or shape
of the breasts, any dimpling, swelling, or other skin
irregularities on or around the breasts, or any changes in
the nipples.

Next, rest your palms on your hips and press firmly to

flex your chest muscles. Look for any dimpling,
puckering, or other changes, particularly on one side.
Note that the left and right breasts will not exactly match
—few women’s breasts are perfectly symmetrical.

3) Lying Down

When lying down, the breast tissue spreads out evenly

along the chest wall. Place a pillow under your right
shoulder and put your right arm behind your head. Using
your left hand, move the pads of your 3 middle fingers
around your right breast, covering the entire breast area
and armpit.

Use light, medium, and firm pressure to feel for any new
lumps, thickenings, hardened knots, or any other breast
changes. Also squeeze the nipple to check for discharge.
Repeat these steps for your left breast.

Place your right hand behind your head. With the middle
fingers of your left hand, gently yet firmly press down
using small motions to examine the entire right breast.

Next, sit or stand. Feel your armpit, because breast tissue

goes into that area.

Gently squeeze the nipple, checking for discharge. Repeat

the process on the left breast.

Use one of the patterns shown in the diagram to make

sure that you are covering all of the breast tissue.
Next, stand in front of a mirror with your arms by your
Look at your breasts directly and in the mirror. Look for
changes in skin texture, such as dimpling, puckering,
indentations, or skin that looks like an orange peel.

Also note the shape and outline of each breast.

Check to see if the nipple turns inward.

Do the same with your arms raised above your head.

One is called the seven P's of BSE, after seven steps that
are named to have the same first initial: Positions,
Perimeter, Palpation, Pressure, Pattern, Practice, and
Planning what to do if a change is found in the breast

4. Discuss about 5 Flash cards Discussion What are the

warning signs mins. What are the warning signs of breast cancer? . warning signs
for Breast for breast
cancer A self-breast examination isn’t a diagnostic tool for cancer?

breast cancer. Only a trained healthcare provider can

confirm if a lump you feel during a self-exam is
potentially harmful. Becoming aware of the signs of
breast cancer can also be helpful as you get to know your
breasts. Some warning signs of breast cancer are:

 Inverted nipple or nipples that stop sticking out.

 Redness, soreness, a rash or swelling on your
 Dimpling or puckering (like an orange peel) of the
skin of your breasts.
 Irregular nipple discharge.

A breast self-exam is a step-by-step method you can use to examine your breasts. By looking at and feeling your breasts regularly, you
can better notice changes in your breasts or detect when something feels different. Most healthcare providers agree that
while mammograms are the best screening tool to detect breast abnormalities, a breast exam you can do at home is the best way for
you to be familiar with your own breasts.

One is called the seven P's of BSE, after seven steps that are named to have the same first initial: Positions, Perimeter, Palpation,
Pressure, Pattern, Practice, and Planning what to do if a change is found in the breast tissue.

1. Hiralal konar. “ DC Dutta’s textbook of obstetrics”. 9th edition-2018.published by jaypee brothers medical publishers. Pageno.



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