Introduction To BSE With Step by Step Guide
Introduction To BSE With Step by Step Guide
Introduction To BSE With Step by Step Guide
Breast Examination
Like the uterus, the breast undergoes regular cyclical changes in response to hormonal
stimulation. Each month, in rhythm with the cycle of ovulation, the breasts become engorged
with fluid in anticipation of pregnancy, and the woman may experience sensations of
tenderness, lumpiness, or pain. If conception does not occur, the accumulated fluid drains
away via the lymphatic network. Mastodynia (premenstrual swelling and tenderness of the
breasts) is common. It usually lasts for 3 to 4 days before the onset of menses, but the
symptoms may persist throughout the month.
Monthly breast self-examination (BSE) is the best method for detecting breast masses early.
A woman who knows the texture and feel of her own breasts is far more likely to detect
changes that develop. Thus it is important for a woman to develop the habit of doing routine
BSE as early as possible, preferably as an adolescent. Women at high risk for breast cancer
are especially encouraged to be attentive to the importance of early detection through routine
Breast self-examination should be performed on a regular monthly basis about 1 week after
each menstrual period, when the breasts are typically not tender or swollen. After menopause,
BSE should be performed on the same day each month (chosen by the woman for ease of
II. Objectives
At the end of the lecture/ discussion, the sophomore students will be able to:
1. To focus on basic nursing skills on breast assessment necessary in the care of the woman
in a maternal health facility, like health center and hospital
2. Plan nursing care in preparing a woman for breast examination.
3. Render appropriate nursing care during the breast examination.
4. Evaluate the result obtained from the breast examination.
Ladewig, P. et al (2006) Contemporary Maternal Newborn Nursing care (6th edition)
III. Content
Discuss the use of BSE in breast cancer Focus on open discussion. A brochure with
detection. statistics and illustrations may be useful.
Stress the positive outcomes of early
detection to counterbalance fears.
Describe and Demonstrate the Correct Learning is best accomplished when material
Procedure for BSE. is broken down into smaller steps and
A. Instruct the woman to inspect her presented with multiple approaches. Prior to
breasts by standing or sitting in front of asking the woman to perform BSE, use a
a mirror. She needs to inspect her model or a chart to demonstrate the
breasts in three positions: with both procedure. Then have the woman perform
arms relaxed down at her sides, both BSE. Be very supportive and give a lot of
arms stretched straight over her head, positive feedback because some women may
and both hands placed on her hips while be embarrassed. Demonstrate a
leaning forward. nonjudgmental, accepting attitude.
Positions for inspection of the breasts:
a. Both arms relaxed at sides
b. Both arms stretched above the head
c. Both hands on hips while leaning
B. Advise the woman to look at her breasts
individually and in comparison with one
another. Note and record the following
characteristics for each position: