Breast Care
Breast Care
Breast Care
Breasts are wonderful things - soft, warm, able to provide nourishment for babies and pleasure
for you.
Breast Anatomy
Breasts are essentially modified sweat glands that produce milk. Simply put, breasts are made
up of:
Breast size is determined by the amount of adipose tissue or fat in the breasts and has no
bearing on the milk producing capacities of the breast.
Breast tissue extends to the armpit. The lymph nodes in the armpit drain the breast tissue.
Everyday movement of the body causes the breasts to move around which aids the movement of
fluids out of the breast and into the lymph nodes.
Breasts are glandular organs that are very sensitive to any hormonal fluctuations in the body
which explains the changes they go through during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, childbirth
and lactation. In turn being glands they can secrete hormones themselves which influence
other parts of the body. The breasts are intimately connected with the female genitals and
repoductive system and vice versa.
Breasts change through the menstrual cycle. Most if not all women can notice the changes that
their breatst can go through each cycle. The way your breats look, their size, the way they
respond to touch, soreness or tenderness all fluctuate.
Breast Care
Not much is taught about breast care - unless there is disease / disomfort or you are speaking of
self examination or you are having trouble breastfeeding then most of us probably don't really
give our breasts alot of attention.
This was certainly true in my own case. But over the last 12 months I had noticed that my
breasts were starting to feel heavy and sore most days through my cycle, and definitely
worse in the post ovulation phase. I am not big breasted but I found my breasts were getting so
tender I was having to sleep with a bra on. This was a reasonably big deal for me as I generally
avoid wearing bras whenever possible. My breasts were uncomfortable to touch and generally no
fun anymore.
uecently I started an exercise program which included some exercises for the breasts. What
I noticed after doing these simple exercises for a few weeks was that my breast tenderness
just about disappeared 3in fact they are only a little tender pre-menstrual now) and my breasts
decreased in size 3lost a certain pendulous look) and were more perky and youthful. What I think
has happened is that the exercises stimulated the breast tissue and helped them to drain
excess fluids out via the lymph nodes in the armpit. It wasn't an outcome I had aimed for but
there it was.
Women's Health
Breast Care
Your breasts shouldn¶t be a source of anxiety. But, with all the myths and conflicting
information out there, they may be. Find out why you shouldn't be abreast phobic.
The single most important way for you to actively pursue breast health is with regular breast
cancer screening. The second most important way is to become more knowledgeable.
We¶ve put together this part of our web site to provide you with reliable information from a
source you know and trust. Because when it comes to breast health, knowledge is more than
power±it¶s confidence.
Y Arm yourself with knowledge. aur glossary of terms puts information right at your
Y Ask the right questions. Here is a list of questions about breast care that you need to ask
your doctor.
Y ½t's as easy as ABC (your Annual Breast Check-Up). Pick out a memorable date 3like
your birthday) to call your aB/GYN for an appointment every year. When it's time for a
mammogram, it's still easy. Contact the Highland Breast Imaging Center.
Y Can you influence fate? You bet. You may not be in total control, but there are some
simple steps you can take to stack the deck in your favor. Step to it.
Y ½t¶s probably not breast cancer. Here¶s some optimistic news±three out of four breast
lumps are benign. That means your breast soreness or lumpiness is probably caused by
something else. Find out more here.
Y With early diagnosis, 97 percent of breast cancer cases are curable. The thought of
having breast cancer is frightening. But, treatments and cure rates are improving every
day. Learn about how we can help.
Y ½s ½t As Good For Me As ½t ½s For You? There¶s been a lot written about how
breastfeeding is good for babies. Guess what±it¶s good for moms, too. Get more
information for both of you.
Y rrocedures from screening to surgery. Even if you don¶t have a scheduled
procedure, check this section to find out what screening tests you should have and how
Y Àurfing made easy. We may not be able to write it all, but we can give you some good
links to help you get accurate, useful information. Plus, we¶ll be adding more information
from our own network of doctors as time goes by. Be sure to check back.