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Subject : Nursing research & statistics

Topic : Breast self examination to detect breast cancer

Group of Student : Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing 2nd Year Student
Name of Evaluator : Mrs. Shitanshu lal maam (associate professor)

Mr Akash lal sir (assistant professor)

Place : Reliance institute of nursing

Limtra dhamtari (C.G.)
Date :
Time :
Method of Teaching : Lecture , Discussion method
A.V. Aids : SLIDE

Previous Knowledge : I inquired and found that students having lack of

knowledge of the topic “breast self examination to
detect breast cancer”
General Objectives : - At the end of presentation , student would be able to gain knowledge
Regarding “Breast self examination detect Breast cancer’’

Specific Objective : - At the end of presentation student would be able to…..

 Introduce the Topic
 Explain the anatomical structure of the breast
 Enumerate the topic breast cancer
 Enlist the sign of breast cancer
 Introduce the topic breast self examination
 Explain the guidance of breast self examination
 Explain Methods of guidance of breast self examination
 Enlist Steps of breast self examination
 Enumerate Abnormal changes of breast
 Explain Nature of cancerous breast lump
 Enlist prevention OF breast cancer
1. 2min To Self Introduction :- we are student of Post
Introduce Basic B. Sc. Nursing 2nd Year ,College of
the Self. Nursing , Dhamtari .

2. 3min To Introduction :- Lecture Listening Slid topic

Introduce A breast self-exam for breast awareness is e Introduction
the Topic an inspection of your breasts that you do on given
your own. To help increase your breast
awareness, you use your eyes and hands to
determine if there are any changes to the
look and feel of your breasts.
If you notice new breast changes, discuss
these with your doctor. Though most breast
changes detected during a self-exam for
breast awareness have benign causes, some
changes may signal something serious, such
as breast cancer.

3. 5min To Define ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE OF THE Lecture Listening What is the

the BREAST Slid Anatomical
Anatomical e structure of
structure of The breasts comprise glandular, connective the breast?
the breast and fatty tissue. Within these tissues are
milk-producing cells. Tiny openings in the
nipple allow milk to flow. Surrounding the
nipple is the areola, an area of darker skin
that becomes both larger and darker during
pregnancy. Montgomery glands located on
the areola secrete a lubricant to help clean
the area.
The nipple is stimulated when the baby
sucks; muscular tissue surrounding the
nipple causes it to become erect. When the
nipple is stimulated, the brain's pituitary
gland secretes the hormone prolactin,
which triggers the breast's milk gland cells
to produce milk.
4. 5min Enumerate Discussion Listening What do you
the topic BREAST CANCER method & understand
breast answering Slid by breast
cancer Cancer begins when healthy cells in the e cancer?
breast change and grow out of control,
forming a mass or sheet of cells called a
tumor. A tumor can be cancerous or benign.
A cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it
can grow and spread to other parts of the
5. 5min To enlist the Discussion Listening What are the
Signs of method & signs of
Signs of breast cancer :-
breast answering breast
cancer Slid cancer?
 change in skin colour or texture
 Lump
 Skin dimpling
 Change in how the nipples looks like
pulling in of the nipple
 Clear or bloody fluid leaks out of the
 Pain
 Redness

6. 5min To Lecture Listening What do you

introduce BREAST SELF EXAMINATION understand
the topic by breast
breast self cancer?
examinatio Slid
breast self examination should do a breast
n e
self-exam every month to look and feel for
changes. Regular breast exams can help you
maintain breast health and detect cancer
early, when it is easier to treat and more
likely to be cured.
Monthly breast self-exams can help you
detect changes that may be signs of
infection or breast cancer (such as breast
lumps or spots that feel different). When
breast cancer is detected early, the chances
for survival are much better.
7. 5min Lecture Listening What are the
Explain Guidance for breast self examination guidelines of
Guidance of breast self
breast self examination?
 Guidlines
n 1. once a month by all women slide
above 20 year of age
2. should be conducted on
fixed date - Every month.
3. Better to conduct one week
after menstrual cycle.
8. 5min Discussion listening What are the
method signs of
Explain the  Signs of Breast cancer breast
signs of 1. change in skin colour or cancer?
breast texture
cancer 2. Lump Slid
3. Skin dimpling e
4. Change in how the nipples
looks like pulling in of the
5. Clear or bloody fluid leaks
out of the nipples
6. Pain
7. Redness
8. Itching
9. 5min Discussion listening What are the
METHODS OF BREAST SELF method method of
Explain the EXAMINATIONS breast self
method of examination?
breast self  OBSERVATION
examinatio  PALPATION
n Slid
 BSE should take at least 10mts
for each examination.
 The parts of the finger tips are
used in palpation.
 BSE can be done in sitting, lying
down & in supine position.
 It can be examined during
taking bath & resting period.
 The breast should be palpated
from supraclavicular line to
axilla including the whole breast.
 Palpation of breast should start
from the outer margin of the
breast towards the nipple.
10. 15min Lecture listening Explain the
STEPS OF BREAST SELF method steps of
EXAMINATIONS breast self
Enlist the examination?
steps of
breast self STEP 1
examinatio • Stand in front of a mirror.
n • Check both breast for Slid
anything unusual. e
• Look for discharge form the
nipple, dimpling, or scaling
of the skin.
• Watch closely in the mirror as you
clasp your hands behind your head &
press your hands forward.
 Note any change in the contour of


• Press your hand firmly on your hips &

bow slightly toward the mirror as your pull
your shoulders & elbows forward.
• Note any change in the contour of
your breasts.

Step 4

 Raise your left arm.

 Use 3 to 4 finger of your right hands
to feel your left breast firmly,
carefully,& thoroughly.
 Beginning at the outer edge press the
flat part of your fingers in small
circles moving the circles slowly
around the breast.
 Gradually works towards the nipple.
 Be sure to cover the whole breast.

 Pay special attention to the area

between the breast & the underarm
including the underarm itself.
 Feels for any unusual lumps or
masses under the skin.
 If your have any spontaneous
discharge during the month whether
or not it is during your BSE see your
Repeat it on your right breast


• Step 4 should be repeated in lying

• Lie flat on your back with your left
arm over your head & a pillow or a
folded towel under your left shoulder.
• Do it in a circular motion & repeat it
in your right breast.
11. 5min Lecture listening Explain the
ABNORMAL CHANGES OF method abnormal
BREAST: changes of
• Redness breast?
To • Prominent venous pattern.
enumerate • Thickening.
the • Discharge.
abnormal • Skin dimpling.
changes of • Creasing. Slid
breast • Fattening of nipple e

12. 5min
NATURE OF CANCEROUS BREAST Lecture listening What are
method nature of
LUMP cancerous
Enlist breast lump?
nature of  A mass round or lobular.
cancerous  Firm mobile.
breast lump  Embedded to breast tissue.
 No premenstrual changes.
 No tender.
 Referral & biopsy indicated for Slid
definite diagnosis e
13. 5min • It can be prevented by doing regular
BSE. Lecture Lecture What are the
• Prevent over exposure to radiation. method method prevention of
• Wear Tight bra. breast
Enlist the • Every unmarried young girl & women cancer?
prevention above 40 yrs should be advised for
of breast BSE.


A breast self-exam for breast awareness is an inspection of your breasts that you do on your own. To
help increase your breast awareness, you use your eyes and hands to determine if there are any
changes to the look and feel of your breasts. If you notice new breast changes, discuss these with your

Research has shown that monthly breast examination when performed properly has benefits to
women worldwide (Freund, 2000). Breast cancer education, early detection and treatment can
prevent cancer and /or debilitating complications (Freund, 2000).
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 Weaver, H., “ School-Based Sex Education Policies and Indicators of Sexual Health Among Young
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2005Valk, G. “The Dutch Model” Unesco Courier

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