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The Liqui??e Ofqui fault zone: A long-lived intra-arc fault system in

southern Chile

Article in Tectonophysics · June 1996

DOI: 10.1016/0040-1951(95)00066-6


331 1,186

3 authors:

Jose Cembrano Hervé F.

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Universidad Andrés Bello


Alain Lavenu
Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III


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Central Andes Cenozoic tectonic regimes View project

Tectonic evolution of the Andes View project

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ELSEVIER Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 5 5 - 6 6

The Liquifie Ofqui fault zone: a long-lived intra-arc fault system

in southern Chile
Jos6 Cembrano a, *, Francisco Herv6 a, Alain Lavenu b
a Departamento de Geologfa, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 13518, Correo 21, Santiago, Chile
b ORSTOM, Casilla 53390, Correo 1, Santiago, Chile
Received 14 November 1994; accepted 9 June 1995


Plate reconstructions for the Cenozoic document relatively steady right-oblique subduction of the Farallon (Nazca) plate
beneath the Chilean continental margin. The kinematic signature recorded along the intra-arc Liquifie-Ofqui fault zone
(LOFZ), a major feature of the southern Andes, may help to understand the way in which the Nazca-South America slip
vector has been partitioned into strain and displacement along and across the continental margin.
The LOFZ consists of two NNE-trending right-stepping straight lineaments, a strike-slip duplex at the right step, and
curved features which splay off the straight lineaments toward the northwest. The LOFZ runs mostly through heteroge-
neously deformed Cenozoic plutonic rock of the North Patagonian Batholith and patchy metamorphic wall rock. Early
Cenozoic volcano-sedimentary rocks and dyke swarms, found in close spatial association with the strike-slip duplex, are
believed to have developed in strike-slip-related basins. Quaternary volcanoes are aligned parallel to the LOFZ.
Both ductile and brittle kinematic indicators within centimeter-to-meter-wide high-strain zones, document late Cenozoic
dextral shear deformation. Contrasting left-lateral deformation recorded on older and wider mylonitic zones, suggests that
the LOFZ may be a long-lived shear zone that accommodated continental-scale deformation arising from the Farallon
(Nazca)-South America plate convergence.
A block rotation pattern, as indicated by paleomagnetic data, is consistent with the geometry and Cenozoic kinematics of
the LOFZ.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n oblique subduction of the Farallon (Nazca) plate

beneath the Chilean continental margin. The sole
The southern Chilean Andes constitute a suitable
exception is the 2 6 - 2 0 Ma time span when conver-
tectonic setting to investigate how deformation aris-
gence was nearly orthogonal, following the breakup
ing from obliquely converging plates is partitioned
of the Farallon plate (Fig. 1; Pilger, 1983; Pardo-
(Fitch, 1972; Beck, 1983, 1991; McKenzie and Jack-
Casas and Molnar, 1987).
son, 1983; Jarrard, 1986; Dewey and Lamb, 1992).
By investigating the geometry, geology, paleo-
Plate-kinematic reconstructions for the southeast Pa-
magnetism and kinematics of ancient or active intra-
cific are well constrained for the time since 49 Ma
arc strike-slip fault systems (Fitch, 1972; Dewey,
and show a relatively simple history of dextral
1980; Beck, 1983, 1991; Jarrard, 1986; McCaffrey,
1992) it is possible to better understand deformation
* Corresponding author. Fax: + 56.2.696-3050. partitioning along obliquely converging plates.

0040-1951/96/$15.00 © 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSD! 0 0 4 0 - 1 9 5 1 ( 9 5 ) 0 0 0 6 6 - 6
56 J. Cembrano et al./ Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 55-66


geologic setting in understanding the kinematics of
i 1 I l i

\' 1I
fault systems. The LOFZ has received little attention
in this regard; although descriptions are available for
~OS discrete segments of the LOFZ (Fuenzalida and
Etchart, 1975; Herv~, 1976; Thiele et al., 1986;
Cembrano, 1990), only two integrated schemes has
been proposed to date (Herv6 and Thiele, 1987;
Herv~, 1994).
40S Therefore, a new attempt is made here to address
the overall geometry of the LOFZ from the analysis
of morphologic features and lineaments seen in areal
photographs and satellite images, which might or
might not correspond to unexplored faults in the
field. Based on trend, length and shape, three types
Fig. 1. Nazca-South America plate convergence for the Cenozoic, of well-defined lineaments have been identified (Fig.
as illustrated by the trajectory of a point lying on the Nazca plate 2): (1) two NNE-trending, largely straight linea-
with respect to fixed South America (simplified from Pardo-Casas ments, which are hundreds of kilometers long; (2) at
and Molnar, 1987).
least four NE-trending, straight, en 6chelon linea-
ments whose lengths are of the order of tens of
Transtensional or transpressional tectonics are likely
kilometers; and (3) three NNW-trending, curved lin-
to be found along the magmatic arc, characterized by
eaments which are hundreds of kilometers long and
syntectonic pluton emplacement (Hutton, 1988; Pa-
concave to the southwest.
terson et al., 1989; Busby-Spera and Saleeby, 1990;
The two straight lineaments run from 39 to 44°S
Glazner~ 1991) and by intra-arc oblique extension or
and 44 to 47°S. They are offset by a right step
shortening resulting in basin formation and uplift,
located at 44°S and are connected by a series of en
respectively (Scheuber and Reutter, 1992).
6chelon lineaments along the right step. In contrast,
Evidence of both transpressional and transten-
the NNW-trending curved lineaments are located
sional tectonics have been documented along the
west of the straight lineaments from which they
Liquifie-Ofqui fault zone (LOFZ) of the southern
splay oceanward. This simple spatial arrangement is
Chilean Andes. The LOFZ is a 1000-km-long com-
very similar to the idealized strike-slip geometry
plex set of intra-arc lineaments (Fig. 2; Herv~, 1976,
shown in Woodcock and Fisher (1986). The arrange-
1994; Herv~ et al., 1979; Herv~ and Thiele, 1987;
ment defined by the straight lineaments and the en
Cembrano and Herv~, 1993). In this paper, the ge-
6chelon lineaments is identical to a strike-slip duplex
ometry, geology, paleomagnetism and kinematics of
(Fig. 2). Whether the duplex is extensional or con-
the LOFZ are discussed by integrating all available
tractional depends on the overall shear sense.
information and recently obtained data. A specula-
The spatial association of Quaternary volcanoes
tive tectonic model is proposed as a basis of further
and main lineaments of the LOFZ is remarkable.
While in the northern part most volcanoes are aligned
parallel to the N-S-trending fault zone, the location
2. Geometry of volcanic centers within the duplex is restricted to
the NE-trending en 6chelon lineaments. A possible
During the last two decades work on experimental genetic relationship will be addressed below.
and theoretical shear zone kinematics (Tchalenko,
1970; Sanderson and Marchini, 1984; Hempton and
Neher, 1986; Naylor et al., 1986) and field tectonics 3. Geology
(Crowell, 1974; Freund, 1974; Aydin and Nur, 1982;
Woodcock and Fisher, 1986; White et al., 1986) To fully describe the geology of the LOFZ is
stressed the importance of overall geometry and beyond the scope of this paper and can be found
J. Cembrano et al. / Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 55-66 57

elsewhere (Herv~, 1976; Herv6 et al., 1979, 1993; istics of the LOFZ, particularly those having tectonic
Parada et al., 1987; Cembrano, 1990). The synthesis implications.
presented here includes the most relevant character- Perhaps the most conspicuous feature of the LOFZ

78 ° 76 ° 74 ° 72 ° 70 °
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Fig. 2. Regional-scale geometry of the Liquifie-Ofqui fault zone. Dots = Quaternary volcanoes, the size of the dot is roughly proportional to
volume of lava erupted; filled triangles = Nazca-South America-Antarctica triple junction.
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58 J. Cembrano et a l . / Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 5 5 - 6 6

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Fig. 3. G e o l o g y of the LOFZ at 42°S. Steep schistosity and subhorizontal mineral lineation shared by plutons and wall rock are oblique to
the LOFZ trend. Modified from Herv6 et al. (1979) and Cembrano (1992).
J. Cernbrano et a l . / Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 55-66 59

is the great heterogeneity regarding distribution, na- The intrusive rocks are part of the North Patago-
ture and intensity of rock deformation within the nian Batholith (NPB), a huge Meso-Cenozoic plu-
fault zone, although most rocks involved are tonalitic tonic belt hundreds of kilometers long and tens of
to granodioritic plutonic rocks, with minor metamor- kilometers wide, between 39 and 47°S (Munizaga et
phic and volcano-sedimentary wall rock. al., 1988; Pankhurst et al., 1992). Rock fabric of the

73 °30~ 75°~5 t 7 S°O0 ~ 7 2 ° 451 72 ° 3 0 ~

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Fig. 4. Geologic sketch map of part of the LOFZ strike-slip duplex at Isla Magdalena (Herv6 et al., 1993). 1 = metamorphic basement;
2 = Eocene-Miocene Traigu6n Formation, ( a ) = volcano-sedimentary sequence, ( b ) = pillow basalts, ( c ) = dyke swarm locality; 3 =
Miocene granitoid plutons; 4 = undifferentiated North Patagonian Batholith; 5 = Quaternary volcanic rocks and volcanoes; 6 = en 6chelon
lineaments constraining the duplex.
60 J. Cernbrano et al. / Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 5 5 - 6 6

NPB generally is isotropic, but isolated high strain into the Traigu6n Formation (Fuenzalida and Etchart,
zones are found along the LOFZ. These zones are as 1975; Herv6 et al., 1993, 1995), crop out in close
much as 2 km wide at the northern end of the LOFZ proximity to the strike-slip duplex described above
(Herv6, 1976). Generally they are centimeter-to-me- (Fig. 4). Rocks of the Traigu6n Formation are highly
ter-scale highly deformed rocks within otherwise deformed along the southern straight lineament,
weakly to non-deformed rocks. The wall rock, when where both steeply and shallowly dipping foliations
present, may be highly strained as at 42°S, where have been described (Bartholomew, 1984).
NNW-striking, steeply dipping foliations and subhor-
izontal mineral lineations extend into syntectonic
Neogene plutons (Fig. 3; Cembrano, 1992). Post- 4. Paleomagnetism
Pliocene mesoscopic fractures and faults are super-
posed on the early ductile fabric with conspicuous The LOFZ has been the subject of paleomagnetic
subhorizontal striae on N-S-trending meter-scale investigations for the last decade (Garcfa et al., 1988;
faults. Cembrano et al., 1992; Rojas et al., 1994). Original
Early Cenozoic volcaniclastic rocks and spatially search for evidence of large-scale (several hundred
associated dyke swarms, which have been grouped kilometers) N-S-directed transport analogous with

78o ~o ~4o~ ,3M.j.~0 ~0o

176Mo ~ 40- °-

t? ~ t~

• ~ 4~

~ t ~ooMo I~ / . _ _
~ ~
~ '~'~ I~~ ~ ,~
~ ~,~

~ ~ "~.

46c- -

~ /
; o| ,~o~
~ ~t~ 48 °
[ ] i~t~HILE~4RGENT'NA t

Fig. 5. P ~ o m a ~ d c rom~oBs(sma]] ~o~s) calc~]aI~ ~om r~k ~ i ~ of ~e sou~e~ C b i l ~ ~ e s (GEc(a el aL, ]988; Cembr~o el
~., 1992;Roj~ el ~., ]994). Cou~Iercl~kwi~ ~o~ons pr~om~aIe Io ~ wes{~ d c]~kwise roIadoBs{o ~e cast of ~ LO~Z.
J. Cembrano et al./ Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 55-66 61

Buttress In contrast, the clockwise rotations within and to

the east of the LOFZ may result from clockwise
vorticity arising from dextrally oblique subduction
(Garcfa et al., 1988; Beck, 1988; Cembrano et al.,

5. Nature and timing of motion along the LOFZ

I~ ~,g.--.,,p
Very little is known regarding the nature and
timing of motion along the LOFZ. Search for ductile
and brittle kinematic indicators has recently started,
but the available evidence to date is equivocal.
Possible sources of shear sense information in any
fault zone include a direct source, such as offset
markers or brittle/ductile kinematic indicators at the
(a) (b) (c) outcrop or thin section scale. Indirect sources, such
Fig. 6. Overcoming a buttress by widening the sliver (Beck et al., as models of the tectonic regime and implied shear
1993; Rojas et al., 1994). (a) Sliver converges northward by sense may also give valuable information but should
oblique subduction but it is prevented from moving by a buttress. be used with caution (i.e., spatial relationship be-
Trench is outlined by a thick, barbed line. Incipient master tween the overall orientation of extensional and con-
strike-slip fault shown by thin line. (b) Resulting shorlening
tractional domains with respect to the shear zone
produces a system of fractures (dashed lines) with lens-shaped
blocks developing along pre-existing shears. (c) Lens-shaped orientation).
blocks move northward by rotating counterclockwise and overlap- At this time regional-scale offset markers are
ping one another, with widening of the sliver. unknown. This is not surprising for an intra-arc shear
zone, where offsets markers are easily intruded or
buried by continuous plutonic a n d / o r volcanic activ-
the US Western Cordillera (Beck, 1976, 1989), has ity (Jarrard, 1986; Sylvester, 1988).
demonstrated that such seems to be absent in the
Chilean Andes (Beck et al., 1994). More recent 5.1. Brittle and ductile kinematic indicators
research has focused on a puzzling pattern of block
rotation (Fig. 5). Although the amount of data is Herv~ (1976) studied a ca. 2-km-wide mylonitic
limited, a clear pattern of counterclockwise rotation belt at Liquifie (39°S, Fig. 2). Based on a NNE-
west of the LOFZ and clockwise rotation within and trending subvertical foliation and a "conjugate set"
to the east of it is seen in Fig. 5. of NNE-trending dextral and ENE-trending sinistral
The significance of counterclockwise rotations mesoscopic faults within the mylonites, he proposed
within the silver outboard of the trench-parallel a dextral motion for the overall shear zone. Unfortu-
strike-slip fault system is discussed in detail in Beck nately, no mineral or stretching lineations were mea-
et al. (1993) and Rojas et al. (1994) in terms of a sured in the mylonites. An undeformed dyke cross-
"buttressed fault system". The model (Fig. 6) calls cutting the mylonites constrained the age of the
for the counterclockwise rotation of half-lens-shaped deformation to sometime before the Oiigocene
blocks defined by curved faults west of the LOFZ. In (Herv6, 1976). Recent unpublished work (JC) on
response to a buttress (Beck et al., 1993) at the kinematic indicators in mylonites with subhorizontal
leading edge of a potentially detached outboard sil- mineral lineations has shown an apparently contra-
ver, the latter breaks into crescent-shaped blocks and dictory left-lateral shear sense (Fig. 7a). However,
potential northerly motion is mainly accomplished shear sense on brittle mesoscopic faults need not to
by counterclockwise rotation of the outboard blocks. be consistent with that obtained from earlier ductile
However, very little northerly transport is required. crystal-plastic deformation fabrics.
62 J. Cembrano et al. / Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 5 5 - 6 6

Fig. 7. Kinematic indicators in mylonites from the LOFZ. (a) Asymmetrical tails of recrystallized feldspar indicating simstral shear. (b)
Discrete shear bands oblique to schistosity on a XZ section of a 4.7 Ma tonalite of the LOFZ. Shear sense is dextral. (c) Mica fish in
amphibolite facies mylonitic wall rock at 42°S. Shear sense is dextral. Photomicrographs (a) and (c) show XZ sections under crossed polars.
J. Cembrano et a l . / Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 55-66 63

At 42°S weakly deformed Pliocene plutonic rocks scale subvertical faults with subhorizontal striae have
intrude Paleozoic (?) metamorphic rocks. The geo- been found in close spatial association with the main
metric relationship between NNW-striking schistos- N-S-trending lineaments (Figs. 3 and 8). The two
ity and N-S-trending shear bands observed at the main sets of mesoscopic faults identified trend around
outcrop scale in a 4.7 Ma tonalite indicates dextral north-northeast and N60°E and consistently show
shear (Fig. 7b). Kinematic indicators (Fig. 7c) found dextral and sinistral kinematic indicators, respec-
in the metamorphic wall rocks document dextral tively (Fig. 8). A kinematic analysis applying the
shear of possible late Cenozoic age if the plutonic Carey Galhardis Mercier software (Carey, 1979;
rocks are considered to be syntectonic (Cembrano, Carey and Brunier, 1974; Armijo et al., 1982), yields
1992). subhorizontal directions for the maximum and mini-
Ongoing investigations along two traverses cross- mum principal stresses: ~rl trends 232 ° and plunges
ing the LOFZ at 41 and 42°S have shown the 13°; ~r2 trends 45 ° and plunges 77°; and ~r3 trends
existence of discrete structural domains within which 142 ° and plunges 2 ° (Fig. 8). The obtained stress
brittle faults overprint early ductilely deformed tensor is compatible with a right-lateral deformation
Mio-Pliocene granitic rock. Centimeter-to-meter- regime within a regional NNE-trending shear zone.
Although preliminary, these data support brittle dex-
tral faulting of the Mio-Pliocene granitic rocks along
N the LOFZ.
Both the spatial distribution of early Cenozoic
basinal deposits and dykes (Herv~ et al., 1993), most
of which strike northeast, and the location of Recent
volcanoes, coincide with the right step between the
two straight lineaments at the strike-slip duplex. If
such tectonic setting has been the result of NNW-di-
rected extension oblique to the main NNE trend of
the shear zone, the strike-slip duplex is extensional
and the motion on the LOFZ right lateral, at least for
two discrete time periods: for early Cenozoic basin
formation and latest Cenozoic volcanic activity.

6. Plate reconstructions and LOFZ evolution

As already proposed in Pankhurst et al. (1992) the

LOFZ may have initiated in the Mesozoic along the
magmatic arc. Shear sense by that time is unknown
Fig. 8. Slip vector data from post-Pliocene strike-slip faults along but may have been sinistral as documented in pre-
the Liquifie-Ofqui fault zone near Homopir6n used to compute Oligocene mylonites of the northernmost LOFZ sec-
the deviatoric stress tensor. 0-1 (compressional axis)= N232-13°; tion. It is worth mentioning that the Atacama fault
R = 0.3. Site location is shown in Fig. 3. Arrow attached to fault
system in northern Chile also has revealed evidence
traces corresponds to the measured slip vectors (Wulff stereonet,
lower hemisphere). Thick segments on the fault traces show
for Early Cretaceous sinistral shear (Scheuber and
deviations between measured and predicted slip vectors on each Andriessen, 1990).
fault plane. Convergent large black arrows give azimuths of the During Eocene-Miocene times (48-26 Ma), the
computed maximum principal stress 0-1 direction. Azimuth is Chilean Andes underwent right-oblique subduction
measured clockwise from north; dip is toward the measured
at high rates (Pardo-Casas and Molnar, 1987). The
azimuth. R = 0-2 - 0-~/0-3 - 0-~ is the "stress ratio" or "shape
factor" of the stress tensor. Its value varies between 0 when
LOFZ may have been either initiated or reactivated
0"2 --~ 0-1 and 1 as 0-2 --' 03. Fault kinematics are in good agree- as a dextral strike-slip fault zone within the intruded
ment with roughly NNE-SSW-trending shortening. and thus softer magmatic arc, the tectonic regime of
64 J. Cembrano et a l . / Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 55-66

which must have been transtensional. Development Casas and Molnar, 1987), it is reasonable to extrapo-
of Eocene-Miocene basins along extensional do- late such tectonic regime as far back as the Eocene-
mains is well documented by the close spatial rela- Miocene, when basin formation was to be expected
tionship between the Eocene-Miocene Traigu6n For- within an extensional strike-slip duplex domain.
mation and the strike-slip duplex described above However, the LOFZ activity may well go back into
(Herv6 et al., 1993). the Mesozoic, when deformation has been shown to
During the Miocene, at ca. 26 Ma, a major plate have been sinistral along other Andean fault systems.
reorganization led to head-on convergence, causing Paleomagnetism has not been able to demonstrate
closure and underthrusting of the Eocene-Miocene large-scale lateral motion along the LOFZ. However,
basinal deposits beneath the plutonic complex paleomagnetic data have allowed to identify a block
(Bartholomew, 1984) and being followed by rotation pattern consistent with both the LOFZ ge-
widespread calc-alkaline granitoid intrusive activity ometry and the Cenozoic kinematics. Pliocene
(Herv6 et al., 1993). and/or post-Pliocene brittle dextral strike-slip defor-
At 20 Ma plate convergence became right-oblique mation and Holocene high uplift rates characterize
again but at a smaller angle than in the early Ceno- recent tectonics within the LOFZ.
zoic (Pardo-Casas and Molnar, 1987). The associated
high convergence rate plus a very young buoyant
subducting oceanic plate north of the Chile Ridge Acknowledgements
may have led to strong coupling with the upper plate.
Slightly oblique convergence and strong coupling Fondecyt projects 920914 (FH) and 1931096 (JC)
promoted dextral transpression along the magmatic are funding current research on the LOFZ. AL ac-
arc (Jarrard, 1986; Beck, 1991). Heterogeneously knowledges support through a collaboration agree-
deformed Mio-Pliocene plutonic rocks emplaced into ment between ORSTOM and the Geology Depart-
highly deformed wall rock are the evidence of syn- ment of the University of Chile. We wish to thank
tectonic intrusion within a transpressional tectonic Myrl Beck, whose ideas on Andean tectonics have
regime for which rapid uplift and unroofing of plu- made a great contribution to our reasoning. The
tonic rocks at rates in excess of 1 m m / y r has been authors also are grateful to Myrl Beck, Russ
documented by ~°Ar/39,6ff thermochronology on plu- Burmester, Robert Drake, Robert Pankhurst, Alejan-
tonic rocks (Herv~ et al., 1993). For the Holocene, dro Sanhueza and Elizabeth Schermer who have
Herv~ and Ota (1993) have documented uplift rates actively participated in joint projects during the last
of more than 3 m m / y r within the fault zone. few years. Thorough reviews by G.H. Eisbacher and
A. Lallemand significantly improved the text. Thanks
are due to C. Maureira for the typing of the
7. Conclusions manuscript, and to J. Oliva for drafting some of the
The 1000-km-long Liquifie-Ofqui fault zone
(LOFZ) displays an overall spatial arrangement which
matches very closely with an idealized strike-slip References
fault system including a duplex (Woodcock and
Fisher, 1986). The close spatial coincidence of the Armijo, R., Carey, E. and Cistemas, A., 1982. The inverse
problem in microtectonics and the separate tectonic phases.
LOFZ with the Miocene belt of the North Patagonian Tectonophysics, 82:145-160.
Batholith, the Quaternary volcanic chain and with Aydin, A. and Nur, A., 1982. Evolution of pull-apart basins and
the early Cenozoic basins is remarkable. The exami- their scale independence. Tectonics, 1: 91-105.
nation of high strain zones in plutonic rocks and Bartholomew, D.S., 1984. Geology and geochemistry of the
metamorphic wall rocks within the LOFZ document Patagonian Batholith (45°-46°S), Chile. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ.
Leicester (unpubl.).
mainly Miocene-Pliocene dextral strike-slip defor- Beck, M.E., 1976. Discordant paleomagnetic pole positions as
mation accompanied by syntectonic pluton emplace- evidence of regional shear in the Western Cordillera of North
ment. According to plate motions modelling (Pardo- America. Am. J. Sci., 276: 694-705.
J. Cembrano et al. / Tectonophysics 259 (1996) 55-66 65

Beck, M.E., 1983. On the mechanism of tectonic transport in Freund, R., 1974. Kinematics of transform and transcurrent faults.
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