Leroux1997 PDF
Leroux1997 PDF
Leroux1997 PDF
ELSEVIER SedimentaryGeology 110 (1997) 257-276
The Eocene Trihue4-o Formation is one of the best exposed successions of the Arauco Basin in Chile. It represents a
period of marine regre:~sion and transgression of second-order duration, during which barrier island complexes developed
on a muddy shelf. The strata are arranged in classical shoaling-upward parasequences of shoreface and beach facies capped
by coal-bearing, back-barrier lagoon deposits. These fourth-order cycles are superimposed upon third-order cycles which
caused landward and seaward shifts of the coastal facies belts. The final, punctuated rise in sea level is represented by shelf
mudrocks with transgressive incised shoreface sandstones. Relative sea-level oscillations as revealed in the stratigraphy of
the Trihueco Formation show a reasonable correlation with published Eocene eustatic curves.
Keywords: Chile; Arauco Basin; Trihueco Formation; parasequences; barrier island; Eocene
PIe, i ) [® • gorehella aaa mttaeraa aa©tlona stricted by a lack of seismic data and the limited
Pta. Ralm GR-ConemD©Ion Ridge B-Buonoe Alre|
Pta. Rum
number of widely spaced boreholes, but a careful
Llfco M-Magallgnel Be|In C-Ce~cel)¢lon
® I I~
The basic stratigraphy of the Trihueco Formation
¢) I was determined from the logs of eighteen oil explo-
r..oo . ° . , . £ ration wells drilled by the National Petroleum Com-
pany of Chile (ENAP). This information was sup-
(J plemented by 24 profiles measured along the coast
between Punta Chimpel and Llico (Fig. 1). Lithol-
pie. Millonhuq ogy, bed thicknesses and sedimentary structures were
Pta. MIIllnl¢~ recorded to the nearest centimetre. Palaeocurrent di-
:.::- rections measured along the coast were tilt-corrected
and statistically analyzed using a spreadsheet pro-
gram (Le Roux, 1991).
o 5 lo / ,o
3. Lithostratigraphy
Fig. 1. Map showing distributionof the TrihuecoFormation and
localities mentionedin text. The Trihueco Formation consists of about 70%
sandstone and 25% mudrock with minor tuff, lime-
stone and coal. Its thickness varies between 121
the vertical and lateral distribution of important coal-
m and 405 m, with a mean of 320 m. The sand-
bearing units within the succession has been lacking.
stones are generally quartzose and micaceous, al-
Although both the Curanilahue and Trihueco for-
though feldspar and lithic fragments occur in vary-
mations host coal and gas, only the Trihueco is well ing amounts. Subangular to well rounded grains are
represented in the coastal outcrops, which provide
embedded in matrix or cement ranging from argilla-
the only good exposures due to extensive weather- ceous to calcareous, kaolinitic, glauconitic and tuffa-
ing inland. Unfortunately, a proper sequence strati-
ceous. Laminae of carbonaceous material are com-
graphic analysis of this formation is severely re-
monly associated with pyrite nodules. The shales are
varicoloured with micaceous, calcareous, carbona-
ceous or glauconitic compositions.
The Trihueco Formation can be divided on the
basis of sandstone/mudrock dominance and the pres-
ence or absence of coal beds into five units of about
°7 TR,.UECOFORMATION equal thickness (Figs. 3 and 4).
BOCA LEBU FORMATION "~ Unit 1 is a coarsening-upward, dominantly arena-
CURANILAHUE FORMATION ceous cycle with about 10% mudrock concentrated
QUIRIQUINA FORMATION Senonlan mostly within its basal portion. It is on average 74 m
PALEOZOIC BASEMENT thick. The lower contact is commonly sharp.
Fig. 2. Generalisedstratigraphyof the Arauco Basin-fill succes- Unit 2 has a mean thickness of 64 m and con-
sion. tains an average of 45% mudrock, with coal seams
J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta / Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276 259
Formation Unit
~ Coal
B-'] B i o t u r b e t i o n
Trlhueco 3
~ Soft-sediment deformation
~ Paral • lamination
~--'] Ripple l a m i n a t i o n
m•Tabular cross-lamination
,,"1 T r o u g h c r o s s - l a m i n a t i o n
Boca-Lebu .--~'~Low-angle p l a n a r c r o s s - l a m i n a t i o n
.~., .... d
F$ Flooding surface R$ Ravinement surface
Fig. 3. Lithostratigraphyof the TrihuecoFormation as compiledfrom boreholesand measured sections. Subdivisioninto five units of
more or less equal thiclolessis based on the relativepercentageof mudrockas well as the presenceor absence of coal.
present in the south. Tuff beds and thin calcareous coastal strip around Lebu, where this succession also
horizons are encountered locally. In the majority of hosts coal beds. The unit has a mean thickness of 67
boreholes, no clearly defined grain-size trends can m, but reaches 154 m in the southernmost borehole.
be distinguished on SP-logs, although the lower half Mudrocks average 55% and are concentrated in the
of the member is generally more argillaceous in the upper half of the succession (sub-unit 4b), whereas
southern part of the basin. coal is confined to the basal arenaceous part (sub-
Unit 3 is dominantly arenaceous, containing on unit 4a). The lower subunit exhibits a well-developed
average only 15% mudrock and no coal beds. It has coarsening-upward trend capped by a thin, persistent
a mean thickness of 67 m. SP-trends in boreholes conglomerate bed, which is succeeded by a fining-
reveal between one and three coarsening-upward upward arenaceous cycle or, more commonly, an
cycles separated by fining-upward intervals. abrupt transition to a mudrock unit up to 44 m thick.
Unit 4 constitutes the best exposed part of the The uppermost member (unit 5) has a mean thick-
Trihueco Formation and forms most of the outcrops ness of 55 m and consists mainly of sandstone
between Punta Carnero and Punta Lavapie in the with less than 25% mudrock. Except for its basal
north. The most complete sections are exposed in the part, which contains beds of coarse to very coarse
260 J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta/Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276
~ O
• ~ ,~
~ ;; ,, ~;
t i . . . . . . .
S f ¢ C , . . . . , , . .
Fig. 4. Detailed, representative profiles of the five units in the Trihueco Formation, as measured in coastal outcrops. Legend as in Fig. 3.
sandstone and conglomerate, the sandstones are gen- 53-51.5 Ma) zone fossil (Harland et al., 1989, fig.
erally fine- to very fine-grained, in contrast with the 3.13). In the Trihueco Formation, Globigerina senni
mostly fine- to medium-grained sandstones of the indicates a maximum age of 50 Ma (base of the Lute-
underlying units. Shells (pelecypods, brachiopods tian Stage; Postuma, 1971, chart 2). The formation
and gastropods) and foraminifers are also more com- also hosts the Acarininia species A. broedermanni,
mon. Thin, brown limestone and white tuff beds are A. soldadoensis and A. primitiva. The Millongue
present in the north. Although the lower part of unit Formation contains, in addition to several Globige-
5 is slightly coarsening-upward in some areas, the rina species, the zone fossil Orbulinoides beckmanni,
general succession has a fining-upward trend. South which appears at the base of the Bartonian (ca. 42
of Punta Liuliu (Figs. 1 and 4) two cycles of coarser- Ma Harland et al., 1989, fig. 3.13). The age of the
and finer-grained sandstones are exposed, but in Trihueco Formation therefore ranges from about 50
some areas, such as north of Estero Tropen, four or to 45 Ma.
more cycles are present. Unit 5 has a gradational
contact with the overlying, dominantly argillaceous 5. Lithofacies
Millongue Formation.
The Boca-Lebu and Millongue formations which,
4. Chronostratigraphy respectively, underlie and overlie the Trihueco For-
mation, are composed of bioturbated, glauconitic
Osorio (1991) studied the microfauna of the and carbonaceous shales with partly calcareous silt-
Arauco Basin in borehole cores. The Boca-Lebu stones containing abundant marine macro- and mi-
Formation contains the planktonic foraminifer Mo- crofauna. These include brachiopods, pelecypods
rozovella aragonensis, which is a mid-Ypresian (ca. and gastropods, as well as pelagic and benthonic for-
J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta/ Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276 261
aminifers. Both these formations reflect deposition The pebbly shore-zone deposits are generally fol-
on a muddy shelf. Shelf-to-shoreline progradation in lowed by silts and muds containing graded storm
the upper Boca-Lebu Formation is indicated by a sands that are characterized by erosive, gravelly or
5-15 m transitional zone composed of interbedded shelly bases, hummocky cross-lamination, parallel
shale, siltstone and very fine-grained, graded sand- lamination and bioturbated, wave-rippled surfaces
stone probably deposited as storm layers below wave (Kumar and Sanders, 1976; Galloway and Hobday,
base (Hamblin and Walker, 1979). A reversed trend 1983; Aigner, 1985). The graded sandstones in unit
(shoreline-to-shelf transition) is reflected in the gra- 4b are interpreted as tempestites, as they display all
dational contact between the Trihueco and Millongue the typical features of storm deposits with the excep-
formations. tion of hummocky cross-lamination, which was not
The Trihueco Formation is characterized by a recognized.
repetition of subenvironments developed in response
to relative sea-level oscillations. The association of 5.2. Facies 2 - - lower shoreface
thin, pyritic coals with shales and siltstones, over-
lain abruptly by coarsening-upward quartzose sand- Facies 2 is well represented at the top of unit 5
stones, is interpreted here as a typical paralic en- and the base of unit 1, but also occurs in units 3
vironment comparable to the barrier island/lagoon and 4. The best exposure is at Punta Quidico Liles
model (Woollen, 1976; Kaiser et al., 1980; Galloway (Fig. 6a), where fine-grained, bioturbated sandstones
and Hobday, 1983). with plane laminae and small-scale trough and cur-
rent ripple cross-lamination, containing whole gas-
5.1. Lithofacies I --- muddy shelf with storm beds tropod shells, grade upward into the shales of the
Millongue Formation. The transitional upper 13 m
This facies is represented largely by sub-unit 4b, is characterized by small-scale (< 3 m thick) fin-
which consists of ttdnly bedded, blocky weathering, ing-upward cycles of very fine-grained, parallel-lam-
grey to green shales., siltstones and very fine-grained inated sandstone containing thin shell layers (mostly
sandstones with parallel lamination, linguoid and bivalves) grading into linguoid-rippled siltstone. The
wave ripples. Sandstone beds are on average less rib-and-furrow structures are directed towards the
than 60 cm thick, compared with the mudrocks northwest. The sandstones are laterally discontin-
which reach more than 5 m. Bioturbation is common, uous and decrease in thickness towards the upper
consisting of branched Ophiomorpha tunnels up to contact of the Trihueco Formation.
55 cm long and 6 cm wide. Some of the thicker, At Punta Millaneco (Fig. 4a), the lower 55 m of
very fine- to fine-grained sandstone beds exhibit unit 1 consists of very fine- to fine-grained sand-
disconnected, pebble-filled channels up to 80 cm stones with parallel lamination as well as low-angle
deep, which commonly contain shells of gastropods planar and small-scale trough cross-lamination. Bio-
and bivalves (Fig. 5). The pebbles are generally turbation is prolific in certain zones, consisting dom-
less than 3 cm in diameter and moderately to well inantly of Ophiomorpha, but also including minute,
rounded. Many sandstones are distinctly graded from mostly horizontal tubes of Macaronichnus in the
conglomeratic at the base to very fine-grained at the lowermost 17 m. Scour channels a few metres wide
top. Other features of sub-unit 4b include calcareous and less than 30 cm deep, as well as thin zones
concretions up to 30 cm in diameter, as well as thin showing soft-sediment deformation, are also present.
coaly flasers and staingers. Pyrite nodules are common.
Facies 1 is interpreted as transgressive, storm- In other sections where this facies is exposed,
dominated shelf deposits. Successions formed un- for example at Punta Carnero, Punta Liles and
der these conditions typically fine upward from a Llico (Fig. 4c), it is generally characterized by fine-
basal erosion surface overlain by sheet-like, grav- grained sandstone with subhorizontal plane laminae,
elly shore-zone sediments (e.g., Wright and Walker, hummocky-swaley and small-scale trough cross-
1981), which are represented by the ravinement con- lamination, and wave ripple lamination (Fig. 7).
glomerate (facies 9) occurring at the top of unit 4a. Wave-rippled siltstone (Fig. 8) and thin shale in-
262 1P. Le Roux, $. Elgueta/Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276
Fig. 5. Pebble-lined scour trough in unit 4, south of Punta Liles. Note gastropod and pelecypod shells.
OMS Offshore marine shale MSF Middle shoreface SPS Spit platform slope HPD Healing phase deposits
o OMS m .j I-
,; ~s ,; o
~ Direction of
b) c) d)
terbeds, partings and rip-up clasts are also ubiqui- dominated by subhorizontal and planar parallel strat-
tous. ification, reflecting intense bottom shear (Kumar and
The sedimentary characteristics of facies 2, as Sanders, 1976) and settling of sediment suspended
well as the fact that it shows gradational relation- by storm waves (Reineck and Singh, 1972). Hum-
ships with the shelf deposits of the Boca-Lebu and mocky-swaley cross-lamination also indicates storm
Millongue formations, suggest a transitional envi- activity below to slightly above fair-weather wave
ronment. Lower shoreface sandstones are generally base (Leckie and Walker, 1982; Dott and Burgeois,
J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta/ Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276 263
1982; Duke, 1985; Leckie and Krystinik, 1989). as well as thin coaly flasers and stringers attest to
Linguoid and wave ripples preserved on some bed a reducing environment produced by rapid burial.
surfaces suggest a resumption of fair-weather condi- An abundance of plant material and other hydrauli-
tions (Galloway and Hobday, 1983). Pyrite nodules cally light particles have also been reported in storm
264 J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta / Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276
layers of the lower shoreface zone in both mod- they mostly represent runnels and longshore current
em and ancient examples (McCubbin, 1982). Al- systems (Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood, 1976;
though the observed trace fossils are not necessarily Roep et al., 1979). The onshore (northeasterly) com-
diagnostic, Ophiomorpha and Macaronichnus have ponent of troughs evident in Fig. 9 probably re-
been recorded in lower shoreface environments (e.g., flects lunate megaripples migrating landward over
Bergman, 1994). the bar crests in areas of wave domination (Clifton et
al., 1971; Davidson-Arnott and Greenwood, 1976).
5.3. Facies 3 - - middle shoreface Low-angle planar cross-lamination in this environ-
ment commonly forms by bottom return sheet flow,
Coastal outcrops of the Trihueco Formation are whereas ripple lamination develops by the migra-
dominated by this facies, which occurs throughout tion of wave-propagated irregular and long-crested
the succession and reaches uninterrupted thicknesses ripples, respectively (Clifton, 1976). Ophiomorpha
in excess of 30 m. Good exposures of these de- and Thalassinoides are also characteristic middle
posits are at Llico, Liuliu, Punta Millonhue (Fig. 4c, shoreface trace fossils, although they are not re-
d) and Punta Rumena, where they are generally stricted to this environment (Howard, 1972).
characterized by fine- to medium-grained sandstone
with thin shale partings. The sandstones are domi- 5.4. Facies 4 - - upper shoreface
nantly trough cross-laminated, with troughs varying
(in plan view) from about 30 cm to more than 5 m The uppermost parts of coarsening-up cycles in
in width. The majority of troughs in the Trihueco the Trihueco Formation are usually composed of
Formation are parallel to the inferred shoreline in the this facies. A typical profile at Punta Millonhue
east, as indicated by a vector mean azimuth of 356° (Fig. 4d) is about 17 m thick, consisting of medium-
(Fig. 9). These trough cross-laminated sets are in- to very coarse-grained sandstones with many thin
terbedded with sandstones showing low-angle planar pebble beds, coaly laminae and plant fragments.
cross-lamination, current ripple lamination and rare, Sedimentary structures comprise high-angle tabular
thin sets of high-angle tabular cross-stratification. cross-lamination, small- to large-scale trough cross-
Shallow scour chutes filled with trough cross-lami- lamination, and associated low-angle planar cross-
nation grading upward into subparaUel stratification stratification. The cycle is capped by a 1-m-thick,
are present at Punta Millaneco (Fig. 4a). In some very coarse sandstone to open framework conglom-
profiles, quartz pebbles are scattered throughout this erate with pebbles generally less than 2 cm in di-
facies, locally being concentrated in thin pebbly ameter. At Punta Raimenco, a steep, 10-m-wide, 3-
lenses. Soft-sediment deformation affected individ- m-deep channel filled with a fining-upward cycle of
ual zones up to 5 m thick (Fig. 10), suggesting an un- open framework conglomerate and medium-grained,
stable environment or perhaps the effects of seismic trough and low-angle planar cross-stratified sand-
shocks related to the Andean orogeny. Bioturbation stone was observed in a transitional zone between
is common in facies 3, consisting of Ophiomorpha this facies and facies 3.
and Thalassinoides, but body fossils are generally In the other sections, sedimentary structures are
absent. dominated by high-angle tabular cross-lamination
A middle shoreface environment is postulated for forming sets commonly 20-40 cm, but up to 160 cm
this facies, as it shows many features in common thick. These are interbedded with trough and, less
with deposits interpreted as such elsewhere (e.g., commonly, low-angle planar cross-stratified sand-
Tillman and Martinsen, 1984). In particular, the mul- stones. As in the middle shoreface facies, soft-
tidirectional transport pattern as indicated by the sediment deformation is common, but trace fossils
orientation of troughs, is in agreement with the com- (Ophiomorpha) are generally less abundant, indicat-
plex interaction of shore-normal waves, longshore ing a more energetic environment.
and rip currents characteristic of this environment. Palaeocurrent directions as indicated by trough
The preferred orientation of troughs parallel to the and tabular cross-stratification in facies 4 are highly
eastern shoreline of the Arauco Basin suggests that variable, the vector magnitude of tabular cross-lam-
J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta/ Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276 265
W- 'E
Fig. 9. Rose diagram of trough and tabular cross-lamination and trend of wave ripple crests in Trihueeo Formation.
Fig. 10. Soft-sediment deformation in Trihueco Formation, Punta Lavapie, possibly related to an earthquake.
266 J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta/Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276
Fig. 11. Tabular and trough cross-lamination trending in opposite directions, Punta Piures.
inae being only 25%. North of Puma Piures, trough influence are also indicated by 10-20-cm-thick
cross-lamination and high-angle tabular cross-lam- sets of herringbone cross-lamination at E1 Fraile
ination trend in opposite directions (Fig. 11). (Fig. 12), and interference ripples observed at other
Multidirectional currents and perhaps some tidal localities.
J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta/ Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276 267
Multidirectional currents are typical of the upper ameter are scattered throughout this facies, but also
shoreface environment (Davis, 1978). The majority fill isolated 'pockets' or scour channels 10-20 cm
of tabular cross-lamination sets probably formed in wide and up to 10 cm deep, which are connected
landward-migrating longshore bars, as attested by by conglomerate layers reaching 5 cm in thickness.
a vector mean dip direction of 112°, i.e. toward Rare Ophiomorpha burrows have been filled in by
the inferred shoreline (Davidson-Arnott and Green- coarse to gravelly sand. Very coarse-grained, high-
wood, 1976; Galloway and Hobday, 1983). Large- angle tabular cross-laminated sets also occur. This
scale troughs form in the runnels, whereas low-angle gritty basal unit is overlain with an erosional contact
planar cross-lamination is formed by shore-normal by a coarse-grained sandstone bed consisting of a
oscillatory motion on the crests and seaward slopes single, 180-cm-thick set of high-angle tabular cross-
of longshore bars (Hill and Hunter, 1976). The deep laminae. Individual foresets can be traced for more
erosion channel at Punta Raimenco is attributed to than 4 m, dipping towards the north. Overlying this
the action of strong rip currents characteristic of the bed is a medium-grained sandstone with trough and
upper shoreface zone. Similar processes may have tabular cross-lamination, which in turn is eroded by
been responsible for the bipolar trend of tabular and the ravinement surface at the top of unit 4a.
trough cross-lamination at Punta Piures. Facies 6 evidently represents a high-energy en-
vironment, as suggested by its gritty nature and
5.5. Facies 5 - - f o r e s h o r e the large scale of sedimentary structures. The basal,
gravelly, trough cross-bedded unit is interpreted as
Only a few examples of this facies have been inlet-channel floor and fill deposits, whereas the
recognized. It is generally interbedded with upper large tabular cross-bedded set could have formed by
shoreface facies or occurs between upper shoreface longshore accretion of a northward-migrating spit-
and lagoon deposit,;, consisting of medium-grained platform slope (Kumar and Sanders, 1974). Tidal
sandstone with low-angle, generally westward-dip- inlet successions are typically fining-upward, but
ping planar cross-lamination with low-angle trunca- display numerous variations in shore-parallel and
tion planes separating sets. Small-scale troughs are shore-perpendicular directions (Moslow, 1984).
only rarely developed. Thin (generally less than 10
cm), well sorted, laterally extensive pebbly layers are 5.7. Facies 7 ~ back-barrier
locally present, while bioturbation and plant material
are very rare. Unfortunately, due to the soft-weathering nature
The sedimentary structures of facies 5 are at- of this facies in the Trihueco Formation, it is rarely
tributed to a foreshore environment, where low- well enough exposed to allow a detailed environ-
angle, seaward-dipping stratification develops as a mental analysis. At Punta Millonhue (Fig. 4d), these
result of wave swash on the beachface. The west- deposits consist of interlaminated purple, reddish
ward-dipping truncation planes could represent ad- brown and grey shales, siltstones and very fine-
justment of the beaches to changes in wave regime grained, current-rippled sandstones with abundant
or sediment supply (McCubbin, 1982; Galloway and bioturbation in the form of mm-scale burrows and
Hobday, 1983), whereas trough cross-lamination sets bedding surface trails of Planolites (Fig. 13). Thin,
may have formed in shallow ridge and runnel sys- impure coal seams with abundant pyrite nodules are
tems migrating onto the beach. Pebbly layers proba- locally exposed.
bly developed during storms. At Punta Millaneco (Fig. 4b), a similar, 7.8-m-
thick succession of purple shale, siltstone and mi-
5.6. Facies 6 - - tidcIl inlet(?) caceous, very fine-grained sandstone is capped by
impure coal. This seam is overlain abruptly by an
This facies was observed only at Punta Rumena 8.1-m-thick, fining-upward cycle of fine- to very fine-
(Fig. 6b), where it consists of a basal, 10-m-thick grained, trough cross-laminated sandstone with local
unit of medium- to very coarse-grained sandstone soft-sediment deformation. Ophiomorpha is common
with large-scale troughs. Pebbles up to 3 cm in di- in certain zones. The top of this cycle is formed by
268 J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta/Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276
Fig. 13. Burrowsand Planolites trails in laminatedsiltstonesof the lagoonalfaciesin unit 4, PuntaMillonhue.
mottled grey, very fine-grained, intensively biotur- Formation of Illinois were interpreted by Weimer et
bated sandstone with abundant plant fragments. al. (1982) as tidal flat deposits grading upward into
In some localities, up to 2 m thick, coarsening- marsh sediments.
upward, very coarse to gravelly sandstones domi- The fining-upward cycles of fine- to very fine-
nated by plane beds and low-angle planar cross-lam- grained, bioturbated sandstones capped by thin coal
ination, overlie units composed of thinly interbedded seams can be interpreted as tidal channels which
shale and sandstone with local starved ripple crests were filled in and eventually abandoned so that
(Fig. 14). marshes could develop (Hobday, 1974). Alterna-
Thin oyster beds occur in interlaminated siltstone tively, they could represent flood tidal deltas, which
and shale in some of the southern boreholes. also fine upwards to lagoonal or mudflat and marsh
Facies 6 probably represents an association of deposits (Hayes, 1976).
subfacies deposited in a back-barrier lagoon en- The thin, coarsening-upward gravelly sandstones
vironment, which comprises a variety of subenvi- overlying intercalated siltstone and current-rippled
ronments ranging from active channels to subtidal sandstone are interpreted as washover fans prograd-
deltas, washover fans, tidal flats and marshes. The ing onto tidal flats (Reineck, 1975).
interlaminated siltstones, shales and sandstones of
facies 7 were evidently deposited in a relatively pro- 5.8. Facies 8 - - muddy shelf with incised shorefaces
tected environment, such as an inner lagoon. Oyster
beds are typical of lagoons and estuaries (Galloway South of Punta Liuliu (Fig. 4e) and north of
and Hobday, 1983). Asymmetrical, bimodal current Estero Tropen (Fig. 6d), sand bodies varying in
ripples in some of the sandstones also indicate tidal thickness from 7 m to 26 m occur in unit 5. They
influence, implying an open coastal barrier complex are underlain and overlain with sharp contacts by
with tidal inlets (Roep and Beets, 1988). Purple bioturbated, green to grey, glauconitic shelf mud-
colours attest to an oxidizing environment and pos- stones and siltstones. Grain sizes range from fine
sibly subaerial exposure, although mud cracks were to medium, generally showing a slight coarsening-
not observed. Similar successions in the Aux Vases upward trend. Sedimentary structures are dominated
J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta/ Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276 269
Fig. 14. Washoverfan deposits overlyingtidal flat faciesin unit4, southof PuntaLiles.
by trough and tabuilar cross-lamination, with some described by Walker and Eyles (1991) and Pattison
tabular sets reaching 150 cm in thickness. Low-angle and Walker (1992). This interpretation is supported
planar cross-stratification is also common. Bioturba- for the thick, slightly coarsening-upward sandstones
tion consists mostly of Ophiomorpha and Thalassi- of unit 5, by their stratigraphic position in the upper,
noides burrows. transgressive part of the Trihueco Formation.
The grain-size and sedimentary structures of these
sandstone bodies match those of facies 3 and 4, so 5.9. Facies 9 ~ ravinement lag
that they appear to have formed in a middle to up-
per shoreface environment. However, the fact that A conspicuous feature observed in all measured
these lithosomes are encased in shelf mudstones sug- profiles of unit 4, is a 20-110-cm-thick, laterally
gests somewhat different circumstances. Although persistent conglomerate at or near the top of the are-
they could represent offshore sand bars or even bar- naceous zone (sub-unit 4a). The conglomerate com-
tiers drowned on the shelf, such deposits would be monly (but not always) has a sharp basal contact,
expected to have gradational contacts with the un- which is locally undulating and in some cases highly
derlying mudstones (Walker and Wiseman, 1995). irregular, the pebbles filling steep scour chutes or
Bergman (1994) i:aterpreted similar, sharp-based pockets. Pebbles are generally more closely packed
lithosomes of the Shannon Sandstone in the Pow- at the base of the conglomerate, becoming ma-
der River Basin of Wyoming as incised shoreface trix-supported upward. They are well to very well
deposits formed during a relative fall in sea level and rounded, consisting mainly of quartz, chert, jasper
subsequently truncated by erosional transgression. and fine-grained quartzitic sandstone. Diameters are
Walker and Wiseman (1995) noted that erosional- on average 1-5 cm, but up to 10 cm, with generally
based, coarsening-upward shoreface sandstones can poor sorting.
also form during a pause in overall transgression, Although the conglomerate is apparently struc-
and tend to be thicker (tens of metres as opposed to tureless in most outcrops, showing no imbrication or
a few metres) than lowstand shorefaces. Back-step- orientation of pebbles, low- to medium-angle cross-
ping transgressive incised shorefaces have also been stratification (Fig. 15), crude troughs, large current
270 J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta/Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276
Fig. 15. Low-angle cross-beds in ravinement conglomerate overlying trough cross-laminated sandstone, north of Punta Piures.
ripples and wave ripples (Fig. 16) were observed 30-40 cm. The ripple crests are commonly rounded,
in some areas. At Punta Lavapie (Fig. 6c), for ex- showing a mean orientation of 147-327 °, varying
ample, wave ripples developed on this conglomerate between 126-306 ° and 176-356 ° (Fig. 9). Internal
have amplitudes of about 10 cm and wavelengths of stratification dip both eastward and westward.
j.P. Le Roux, S. Elguetal Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276 271
Although this conglomerate in the majority of Cheel and Leckie (1992) described similar, wave-
profiles is overlain by a thick, argillaceous zone (sub- rippled conglomerates in the Chungo Member of
unit 4b), it locally appears lower down in the sandy the Wapiabi Formation in Canada, which they in-
cycle. North of Estero Tropen, for example, it is terpreted as storm beds reworked by asymmetrical
overlain by a 13-m-thick, fining-upward succession oscillatory currents. Leckie (1988) suggested that
of coarse- to medium-grained sandstone with high- such coarse-grained ripples form under hydraulic
angle tabular cross-lamination at the base, followed conditions comparable to that of hummocky cross-
by medium- to fine-grained, trough cross-laminated stratification. These ripples are also useful as their
sandstone. A similar succession is present above the orientation is more or less parallel to the shoreline
conglomerate at Punta Lavapie (Fig. 6c). (Forbes and Boyd, 1987; Leckie, 1988), which in this
The conglomerate is interpreted to represent a case would have had a north-northwesterly trend.
ravinement lag. Ravinement surfaces are relatively This supports the palaeogeographic reconstruction
common in the par~dic environment, developing as based on isopach data (Section 6).
a result of shoreface erosion during marine trans-
gression (see e.g., Bruun, 1962; Swift and Thorne, 6. Palaeogeography
1991). In unit 4, the conglomerate occurs in most
cases between upper shoreface and lower shoreface The eastern limit of the Arauco Basin is formed
to shelf facies, suggesting rapid inundation of the more or less by the Nahuelbuta Coastal Range
environment. At Estero Tropen and Punta Lava- (Fig. 1), which consist of late Palaeozoic meta-
pie, the fining-upward succession of shoreface sand- morphic rocks (Aguirre, 1985). Elevation contours
stones above the ravinement conglomerate may be drawn on top of the Palaeozoic basement (Fig. 17a)
related to the so-caliled 'healing-phase deposits' de- show the general outline of the basin. In the south,
scribed by Posamentier and Allen (1993). In this the most outstanding feature is a ridge running in a
model, such strata are coeval with the deposition northwesterly direction towards Lebu. Isopach data
of shallower-water, coarse-grained transgressive lag for the Trihueco Formation (Fig. 17b) confirm the
deposits, as the sediment dislodged by shoreface general picture and also the existence of the Lebu
erosion is redistributed over the adjacent shelf. ridge, in spite of the fact that the Trihueco is sepa-
a~ b~
Fig. 17. (a) Elevationcontoursdrawnon top of the Palaeozoicbasementrocks, showingthe generaloutlineof the AraucoBasin and the
location of the Leburidge. (b) Isopachmap of the TrihuecoFormation,displayingthe same features.
272 J.P. Le Roux, S. Elgueta/Sedimentary Geology 110 (1997) 257-276
7. Sea-level fluctuations
501 m
.,,~ R e l a t i v e c o a s t a l onlap
L~Lndward aaslnward
Fig. 19. Tentative comparison of sea-level cycles in the Trihueco Formation with global and eustatic curves of Haq (1991).
derlying third-order cycle of sea-level rise, which to 4 coarsening-up/fining-up cycles with sharp lower
led to partial flooding of the barrier islands and pre- and upper contacts are represented. These are inter-
vented the establishment of proper back-barrier la- preted as incised transgressive shoreface deposits.
goon conditions. Typical sharp-based parasequence In Fig. 19, sea-level fluctuations as reflected in the
boundaries are thus absent, although the duration of vertical facies relationships of the Trihueco Forma-
these cycles was probably of the same order as those tion are tentatively compared with global sea-level
of unit 2. curves for the Lutetian (Haq, 1991). It must be em-
A second third-order cycle of marine regression phasized, however, that the apparent correspondence
coincides with sub-unit 4a, where parasequences once of cycles may be purely coincidental, because there
again consist of shoaling-upward shoreface sand- is no hard evidence for correlating individual cycles
stones capped by back-barrier deposits. The top of and a proper sequence-stratigraphic interpretation
sub-unit 4a is formed by a prominent ravinement sur- was not possible with the limited data available. The
face indicating the onset of a major (second-order) Haq curve depicts three third-order cycles which
episode of marine transgression. This transgressive developed between about 49.5--49 Ma, 49-48 Ma,
surface forms the upper boundary of what may be and 48-45.5 Ma, respectively. In the Trihueco For-
the shelf margin wedge proper, and marks the change mation, there is a possible correlation with perhaps
from dominantly prcgradational facies to back-step- three of these cycles, but an additional third(?)-order
ping retrogradationall facies. Shoreface erosion can- cycle appears to have interrupted the gradual rise
nibalized the previously deposited upper shoreface in sea-level between the second and third cycles of
sands and locally reworked the material to form the global curve. With the exception of the latter
fining-upward, transgressive 'healing phase deposits', episode, the Trihueco curve also seems to correlate
which partly re-established an equilibrium profile on roughly with eustatic curves for this period, which
the shelf. At this point in time, the barrier/lagoon show a gradual diminishing in the extent of basin-
system was drowned and stranded on the continental ward coastal onlap with time. If it is assumed that
shelf (see Sanders and Kumar, 1975), so that facies this correlation is valid, the additional third(?)-order
belts shifted abruptly landward. With continued sea- cycle and superimposed fourth-order cycles recorded
level rise, accommodation space was created further in the stratigraphy of the Trihueco Formation may
inland and caused a temporary return of muddy shelf largely reflect local tectonic disturbances related to
conditions to this part of the Arauco basin. the Andean orogeny.
The last third-order phase of progradation in the
Trihueco Formation is manifested in unit 5, where up
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