MineDepositaOliveiraetal2004 PDF
MineDepositaOliveiraetal2004 PDF
MineDepositaOliveiraetal2004 PDF
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6 authors, including:
Dieter Korn
Museum für Naturkunde - Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiver…
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Stratigraphy, Facies and Palaeogeography of the Rhenohercynian Realm (Devonian – Carboniferous) in Central Europe View project
Multidisciplinary study on the GSSP for the base of the global Serpukhovian Stage and the global cooling event in Late Mississippian View project
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Received: 28 April 2003 / Accepted: 4 March 2004 / Published online: 14 May 2004
Springer-Verlag 2004
Abstract Biostratigraphic research, based on pal- south-westward flysch progradation in close relation to
ynomorphs and ammonoids, of the tectonically imbri- a foreland basin development. Our results lead to the
cated lithological succession of the Neves Corvo mine, in reinterpretation of the tectonic structure of the Neves
the Portuguese part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, has yiel- Corvo mine, with implications for the interpretation of
ded ages for all formerly recognised lithostratigraphic the regional basin dynamics and metal exploration.
units. These can be assembled in three main lithological
sequences: (1) detrital sandy/shale substrate (Phyllite- Keywords Palynostratigraphy Æ Neves Corvo mine Æ
Quartzite Formation) of late Famennian age; (2) Vol- Iberian Pyrite Belt Æ Portugal
cano-Sedimentary Complex, divided into a lower and an
upper suite, in which one basic, three dolerite sills and
four felsic volcanic units and a mineralised package of
massive sulphides are identified with ages which range Introduction
from the late Famennian to the late Visean; (3) flysch
succession (Mértola Formation) composed of shale and The Neves Corvo massive sulphide deposit is located at
greywacke dated as late Visean to early Serpukhovian. the south-eastern termination of the Rosario Antiform
Precise biostratigraphic dating of the sedimentrary host in the Portuguese part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Fig. 1)
rocks of massive sulphide mineralisation constrains the and was discovered in 1977 (Leca et al. 1983). The local
age of the latter to the late Strunian (354.8–354.0 Ma). stratigraphy of the Volcano-Sedimentary Complex (VS),
Three stratigraphic hiatuses, corresponding to early/ which hosts the massive sulphide mineralisation, was
middle Strunian, Tournaisian and early Visean respec- first described by Albouy et al. (1981) and consists of a
tively and a south-westward progressive unconformity lower unit of felsic volcanic rocks (tuffs) overlain by
were also recognised. Sequences 1 and 2 are related to black shale and the massive sulphide orebody, a suc-
extensional episodes while sequence 3 marks the begin- cession of shale and greywacke followed by alternating
ning of compressive tectonic inversion which gave rise to dark and purple shale, felsic tuffites, and shale and
greywacke (Culm type) on top. All these units were
Editorial handling: F. Tornos considered stratigraphically concordant but no age was
ascribed to them. Leca et al. (1983) were the first to
J. T. Oliveira
Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, Apartado 7586, recognise the tectonic imbrication of the lithological
2721-866 Alfragide, Portugal succession, in which the intercalated shales and grey-
wackes appear to divide the VS Complex into two dis-
Z. Pereira (&)
Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, Apartado 89, tinct lithostratigraphic components, later renamed the
4466-956 S. Mamede Infesta, Portugal Upper and Lower sequences of the VS Complex
E-mail: [email protected] (Carvalho and Ferreira 1994; Carvalho et al. 1997). The
P. Carvalho age of the lithostratigraphic sequence was still poorly
CONSMAGA, R. Cova da Burra 5, defined and mostly based on lithological comparisons
7700-031 Almodovar, Portugal with other regions of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, a method
N. Pacheco which was subject to many uncertainties and contro-
SOMINCOR, Apartado 12, 7780 Castro Verde, Portugal versies.
D. Korn
Preliminary results of biostratigraphic research based
Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt Universität Berlin, on palynomorphs and ammonoids have finally permit-
Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany ted the age determination of all the imbricate litho-
Fig. 1 Geological sketch map of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (adapted logical laboratory procedures for their extraction and
from Oliveira 1990and Leistel et al. 1998) concentration from the host sediments. The resultant
residues were mounted as strew slides, under cover slips,
stratigraphic units recognised in the mine (Oliveira et al. using elvacite/cellosize. The slides were examined in
1997a, 1997b; Fig. 2). transmitted light by a BX40 Olympus microscope
Besides the description of the lithostratigraphic units equipped with an automatic 35-mm camera. All sam-
and their ages determined by palynomorphs and am- ples, residues and slides are stored in the Instituto
monoids, the present work focuses on the chronostra- Geológico e Mineiro, S. Mamede Infesta, Portugal.
tigraphy distilled from the imbricate lithological The miospore zonal scheme used follows the Western
succession, the age of the mineralisation and the tec- Europe Zonation (after Clayton et al. 1977; Streel et al.
tonostratigraphic development of the mine area in the 1987; Higgs et al. 1988; Clayton 1996; Maziane et al.
light of the regional basin dynamics (Oliveira 1990; Silva 2002). For the Upper Devonian, the flexuosa-cornuta
et al. 1990; Soriano and Casas 2002). and fructicosa-pusillites biozones of Richardson and
McGregor (1986), modified after Richardson and Ah-
med (1988), were used due to the lack of the most
Methods important guide species which mark the base of the
Streel et al. (1987) and Maziane et al. (2002) zonation
The stratigraphic sequence of the Neves Corvo mine (Apiculatiretusispora verrucosa and Vallatisporites hyst-
area was investigated by examination and sampling of ricosus).
39 boreholes (700 samples). The lithostratigraphic units To complement the palynological study, several
were already logged by mine geologists. ammonoid specimens recovered from productive bore-
Biostratigraphic research was based on pal- holes and at the surface, near the mine shaft, were
ynomorphs which were studied using standard palyno- determined (Korn 1997).
The results are discussed in terms of three main cross The following units are currently identified, from base to
sections (Fig. 3), selected to include the main boreholes top.
examined and corresponding localisation of the positive
palynological samples. These are the Graça–Corvo
(Fig. 4), the Lombador (Fig. 5) and the Lombador– Phyllite-Quartzite Formation (PQ)
PM 2 (Fig. 6) sections, which together illustrate well the
existing lithostratigraphic units and their complex geo- This is the lowermost unit recognised in the mine area,
metric relationships. Reference is also made to other where it has also been termed as the Lançadoiras
palynological productive boreholes not shown in these Quartzites (Boogaard and Schermerhorn 1981). It is
sections. composed of dark shale with intercalations of thin-
The description of the lithostratigraphic units follows bedded siltstone and quartzite with a total thickness in
in general terms the terminology used by mine geolo- excess of 100 m (base not reached). These characteristics
gists, as shown in Fig. 2. However, the nomenclature of are comparable to those of the widespread Phyllite-
some of these units appears confusing (i.e. ‘‘Tufo- Quartzite Formation of the Phyllite-Quartzite Group
Brechoide’’ units, etc.) and in the present work new (Schermerhorn 1971) which is known across the Iberian
terms are proposed (Table 1). Pyrite Belt.
All units are affected by the Variscan deformation At the top of the PQ Formation, which marks the
expressed by syn-orogenic NW-trending and SW-verg- transition to the Lower VS Complex (see below), lime-
ing folds with associated cleavage and thrusting, and late stone lenses up to few metres thick occur interbedded in
orogenic NE-trending faults. Due to this deformation, shale (boreholes SE22’, SD6, SD10, SJ17; Fig. 4).
most of the units represented in Figs. 4, 5 and 6 are Limestone lenses also outcrop underlying Monte Forno
probably modified with regard to thickness. da Cal basic and intermediate volcanics (Fig. 3).
Frasnian spores. The ‘‘nq’’ unit is here interpreted as a Schermerhorn 1981; Fig. 3). Some of the spilitic lavas
slice of the PQ Formation, now intercalated in the VS and tuffs have an intermediate composition (Leca et al.
complex due to thrusting (Fig. 4). 1983; Munhá 1983). As these rocks crop out close but
They are represented by the Monte Forno da Cal spilitic Fig. 6 Lombador–PM 2 cross section (adapted from Pacheco
lavas, tuffs, breccias and dolerites (Boogaard and 1994; symbols as in Fig. 4)
stratigraphically above the limestone lenses mentioned phyte cysts (Maranhites brasiliensis, M. mosesii) are
above, they are presumably of middle to late Famennian present.
Strongly altered mafic rocks (dolerites?) also occur at
depth, above the V2 felsic volcanic unit dated as late Neves Formation (n)
Famennian (unit b1, borehole SJ17, Fig. 4). Dolerite Black pyritic shale and thin bedded siltstone are the
sills are quite widespread in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, dominant lithologies, which as a whole show variable
usually in close association to the mafic volcanism. thickness from few to around 100 m.
Shales recovered from many boreholes (Figs. 4, 5
Felsic volcanic rocks (V1) and 6) yielded a very complete spore assemblage of the
LN (Lepidophita nitidus) Biozone, including the key
These comprise mostly rhyolitic lavas, marginal quen- species Retispora lepidophyta (Fig. 7d) and Vallatisp-
ched-fragmented hyaloclastites and ‘‘tuffs’’ resulting orites verrucosus(Fig. 7e) which indicates a late Stru-
from re-sedimentation of hyaloclastites (Munhá et al. nian age. Acritarchs and prasynophyts are also very
1997), with a total thickness which can reach 100 m. common, particularly the species Gorgonisphaeridium
They correspond to the former T0 and T1 units (Fig. 2, solidum, M. mosesii(Fig. 7f), M. perplexus (Fig. 7c),
Table 1). Navifusa bacillum, Umbellasphaeridium saharicum, U.
This volcanic unit is conformably interbedded be- deflandrei, and Winwaloweusia ranulaeforma. Reworked
tween the PQ Formation and the Corvo Formation (see Givetian to Frasnian spores are present in the LN
below). Since both units provided spores of late assemblages.
Famennian age, the V1 volcanic unit must be also of this
age. Felsic volcanic rocks (V2)
orebodies are interbedded with the black shale of the Strunian age. Since the Lombador orebody and PM 2
Neves Formation but are stratigraphically above the V2 occurrence are coeval, it is concluded that they were
felsic volcanic rocks (Fig. 4). originally in close lateral continuity and that the latter
At the top of the Corvo orebody occurs the so-called was tectonically transported to its present position. The
rubané ore, composed of thin alternations of massive PM 2 cross section is also important because it shows
sulphides and black pyritic and chloritic shales. The thin massive sulphides and black shales of late Strunian age
laminated black shale yielded the same spore assemblage which are tectonically above the late Visean flysch suc-
as the Neves Formation. The rubanée mineralisation is cession of the Mértola Formation (Mt3 beds, Fig. 4).
thus of late Strunian age. Formerly considered as a This conclusion may be of crucial importance for further
distinct stratigraphic unit conformably overlying the massive sulphide exploration projects.
massive sulphides (Albouy et al. 1981), it has also been
interpreted as a thrust sheet derived from the orebody
margin (Barriga et al. 1997; Relvas et al. 1997). The Jasper and carbonate unit (jc)
latter interpretation is supported by the present work.
Some 100 m above the Lombador orebody (sec- At the top of the Neves shales and also directly overlying
tion AB, Fig. 5), a new distinct massive sulphide the massive sulphides (Figs. 5 and 6) and/or the stock-
occurrence has been identified, referred to by mine work zone (Fig. 4), a unit a few metres thick, composed
geologists as PM 2 (Fig. 6). This occurrence is again of jasper and carbonate (siderite, ankerite) associated
interbedded in black shales, in which felsic volcanics are with chloritic and sericitic shale, can be found. These
also intercalated. The black shales yielded abundant chemical sediments appear to be intimately related to the
palynomorphs of the LN Biozone, indicating a late hydrothermal activity (Mirão et al. 1997).
3,000-m-thick turbiditic sequence of upper Visean age, Shales from drill cores SJ17 (Fig. 4) and SI31 (not
as determined by ammonoid biozones (Oliveira 1988). shown) gave spores assigned to the basal part of the VF
In the mine area, three distinct sequences of turbiditic (vetustus–fracta) Biozone, marked by the occurrence of
beds ascribed to the Mértola Formation are identified in rare specimens of Rotaspora fracta,Diatomozonotriletes
the stratigraphic succession, designated as Mt1, Mt2 and sp. and Triquitites marginatus, together with abundant
Mt3. Densosporites intermedius, D. brevispinosus and Rai-
strickia nigra and reworked species assigned to the lower
TS (triradiatus–stephanephorus) Biozone, in particular
Mt1 beds These correspond to the shales and greywac- Anaplanisporites baccatus,Lycospora pusilla, Knoxipor-
kes which surround the Neves Corvo mine antiformal ites triradiatus and K. stephanephorus.
structure (Fig. 3), with a thickness in excess of 700 m.
Samples collected at the base of the unit in boreholes
SF16 (Fig. 4), SB18 and SG8 (not shown) provided Mt3 beds These are the lowermost beds of the Mértola
goniatite specimens of Goniatites hudsoni Bisat 1934 and Formation and in the present work are used as a
G. (?)globostriatus Schmidt 1925 which indicate a late stratigraphic marker separating the Lower from the
Visean A age (Fig. 8a, b). This age determination has Upper VS Complex (Fig. 4). They are only known from
been confirmed by spore assemblages of the NM (nigra– drill cores. The unit thickness changes from nil to about
marginatus) Biozone (boreholes SJ17, SJ3 and SD34 of 150 m, this variation being caused by a major reverse
the Graça–Corvo cross section). Reworked Visean and fault which cuts the unit at several levels. These beds lie
less-abundant Tournaisian palynomorphs were also unconformably on the Neves Formation, on the jasper
determined. and carbonate unit (jc), and even on the massive sulp-
hides, which demonstrates that there is a time gap be-
tween the Mértola Formation and the underlying units,
Mt2 beds These beds, only known from drill cores, rest embracing the whole of the Tournaisian and the early
unconformably on the Graça Formation (Fig. 4) and and middle Visean. This time gap is probably related to
comprise greywackes and shales which show the classic submarine erosion, as discussed below. A particular
Bouma divisions. Their thickness varies laterally from feature of many greywacke beds is their richness in
nil to about 70 m due to truncation by reverse faults. volcanic clasts and feldspars as compared to normal
Fig. 8a–h Goniatites from drill cores. Mértola Formation, greywackes. This is also an indication that the turbiditic
Mt1 beds: aGoniatites hudsoni Bisat 1934, SB18 at 203.00 m; b cf. currents incorporate locally eroded volcanic rocks.
Maxigoniatites globostriatus (Schmidt 1925), SG18 at 153.00 m, Crushed ammonoid fossils were found in several drill
latex cast. Mértola Formation, Mt3 beds: c Hibernicoceras sp., cores (not shown in figures), but only three specimens
SG26 at 604.90 m, latex cast; d Arnsbergites arnsbergensis (Bruning
1923), NC18 at 322.50 m, latex cast; e–h Arnbergires arnsbergensis
could be determined, i.e. Arnbergites arnbergensis
(Bruning 1923), SK2B at 290.60 m (e,f latex casts of outer whorl; Brunning 1923 from borehole SK2B, Arnbergites falca-
g, h silicified inner whorl) tusRoemer 1850 from borehole NC8, and Hibernicoc-
Regional chronostratigraphy
It should be noted that the authors do not preclude felsic and mafic volcanic intrusions in still wet sediments
the existence of Tournaisian sedimentary rocks in (Boulter 1993, 1996). The metallogenetic discussion is
the Iberian Pyrite Belt. At the present state of beyond the purpose of the present work. We emphasise
knowledge, the most plausible explanation for this that for the black shale-hosted ores, as is the case of the
apparent long gap in the stratigraphic record must Neves Corvo orebodies, it is currently admitted that the
be the conjugate results of submarine erosion, still mineralisation resulted from precipitation and replace-
insufficient biostratigraphic investigation, and the ment of suphides within euxinic seafloor muds (Barriga
impressive tectonism. It is here assumed that the et al. 1997; Almodovar et al. 1998; Tornos et al. 1998;
Tournaisian may be preserved in shales, elsewhere Saez et al. 1999). Therefore, the mineralisation event
in blind grabens or thrust sheets. and the black shale sedimentation should be coeval.
– The youngest hiatus, corresponding to the TC spore This is clearly proved in the present work since, as seen
biozone, is again difficult to interpret, since no term above, shales interbedded or immediately above and
of biostratigraphic correlation exists for this period below the Neves Corvo orebodies provided exactly the
of time in the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Tectonic erosion at same spore assemblage ascribed to the LN Biozone of
the base of the Graça Formation may be a plausible late Strunian age. Palynological research in the Alz-
cause which, however, remains to be proven. nalcollar (Pereira et al. 1996) and Tharsis (González
et al. 2002) mining districts has reached the same
2. A south-westward progressive erosional unconfor-
conclusion regarding the age of the black shales hosting
mity between the turbiditic beds of the Mértola
the massive sulphide ore.
Formation and several underlying units (see also
It is worth noting that most of the black shale-hosted
Fig. 4).
orebodies (as, for instance, Lousal, Neves Corvo,
3. Stratigraphic conformity between the Borra de Vin-
Tharsis, Alznalcollar, Las Cruces; Fig. 1) are situated in
ho, Godinho, Brancanes and Mértola formations
the southern branch of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Oliveira
(Mt1 beds), all of late Visean age, as shown by the
1990), where black shale sedimentation was dominant
spore and ammonoid assemblages.
during the late Strunian. The palaeogeographical
meaning of this type of sedimentary environment is not
yet clearly understood and deserves further investiga-
Note on the age of the massive sulphide deposits tion. In any case, it seems reasonable to infer that all
orebodies of these mining districts were generated in
The Neves Corvo massive sulphide orebodies, apart coeval and similarly confined depositional settings, i.e.
the stockwork stringers, always appear to be interca- possibly extension-related half grabens, and this should
lated or interfingering with the black shales of the be taken into consideration when discussing the genesis
Neves Formation and are also stratigraphically above of the massive sulphide ore.
the V2 felsic volcanic episode. Preliminary work (Olive- The three spore biozones (LL, LE and LN) of Stru-
ira et al. 1997a, 1997b) had already suggested that the nian age are correlatable with the late expansa and the
age of the mineralisation falls within the LN spore early, middle and late praesulcata conodont biozones
biozone. (Sandberg and Ziegler 1996; Streel and Loboziak 1996;
In order to better constrain the age of the minerali- Sandberg et al. 1997; Streel et al. 2000), whose absolute
sation, detailed biostratigraphic research of the black age ranges from 355.5 to 354.0 Ma. According to these
shale hosting the Corvo and Lombador orebodies was authors, the first occurrence of I. explanatus, the base of
undertaken. From the samples studied, ten were ob- the LE Biozone, can be correlated with the middle early
tained from thinly bedded (millimetric scale) black shale praesulcata, with an absolute age of 354.8 Ma. The
intercalated within the massive sulphides, and six from absolute age for the base of the LN Biozone is not yet
samples less than 1 m above and below the shale/mas- well constrained, but the top of the LN is coincident
sive sulphide boundary. All samples yielded spore with the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary, with an
assemblages undoubtedly ascribed to the LN Biozone of absolute age of 354.0 Ma. Since the mineralisation epi-
late Strunian age. sode occurred during the time interval of the LN
The ore genesis has been linked to leaching of the Biozone, its age should be placed somewhere between
footwall (mostly felsic volcanic rocks) by hydrothermal 354.8 and 354.0 Ma.
fluids associated to convective circulation of seawater In the Pyrite Belt, recent age determinations have
(Munhá and Kerrich 1980; Barriga and Kerrich 1984; been made using radiogenic isotopes (Marcoux et al.
Barriga and Fyfe 1998), with contributions of magmatic 1992; Mathur et al. 1999; Nesbitt et al. 1999; Relvas
or metamorphic (Moura et al. 1997; Relvas et al. 2001) et al. 2001; Barrie et al. 2002; Dunning et al. 2002;
fluids or even bacteriogenic activity (Tornos et al. 1998). Table 2). For Neves Corvo the Rb–Sr age of
Recent alternative genetic models include (1) direct 347±25 Ma (Relvas et al. 2001) has a relative large er-
derivation of fluids from rising magmas in a hot and ror margin and can not be used to define the local
thinned crust, and final deposition on the seafloor stratigraphy. U–Pb ages on zircon from other parts of
(Marcoux 1998); and (2) deposition in a sill-sediment the Pyrite Belt range between 356.0 and 350.0 Ma
complex in which the mineralisation episode predates (Barrie et al. 2002).
late Visean A and caused uplift, block tilting, sub- 3. Three hiatuses were identified in the lithostrati-
marine erosion and volcanism (early Visean). The sce- graphic succession one embracing the LL and LE
nario during the late Visean/early Serpukhovian may spore biozones of the Strunian, the second the entire
have been close to that devised in Fig. 10A. The un- Tournaisian, and the third the TC spore biozone of
conformities and stratigraphic relationships between the early Visean. Progressive unconformities of the
the sedimentary rocks of the Mértola Formation (Mt1, flysch sediments on an already lithified VS substrate
Mt2 and Mt3 beds) and the underlying substrate are were also identified. Reworked Tournaisian pal-
indicative of a half graben structure deepening east- ynomorphs in one unit of the Upper VS Complex,
wards before the arrival of the turbiditic sediments. dated as early Visean, and in late Visean flysch
The conformity between the Mt1 beds and the under- sediments show that Tournaisian sedimentation may
lying units of the Upper VS Complex (right end of have occurred in the Pyrite Belt proper and the
Fig. 10A) is similar to that observed in the strati- sediments were later eroded. This erosion may be
graphic sequence of the Pomarão Anticline (Boogaard related to gravity slumping and sliding generated in
1963; Oliveira and Silva 1990, Fig. 1), including the late response to tectonic uplift and block tilting. This
Visean A age for the beginning of the turbidite sedi- process probably caused widespread submarine
mentation provided by ammonoids of the hudsoni denudation.
Biozone in Neves Corvo and the crenistria Biozone in 4. The tectonic regime changed from extensional to
Pomarão (Oliveira 1988; Korn 1997). From this lateral compressive during late Visean times, and this
stratigraphic correlation, it can be concluded that inversion gave rise to a pile of thrust sheets which
during the final stage of the extensional regime a half affected the entire lithostratigraphic succession. This
graben some tens of kilometres in width may have means that no rooted autochthonous stratigraphic
existed in this area. sequences exist in the mine area, a conclusion which
The flysch sedimentation started in front of thrust opens room for further exploration targets.
sheets moving southwards, intimately related to the
development of a foreland basin (Oliveira 1990; Oliveira Acknowledgements This work represents the final results obtained
and Quesada 1998). The thrusts probably resulted from under the subproject ‘‘Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography of the
the reactivation of former gravity or strike slip faults Neves Corvo mine region’’ which was part of the Geommincor
(Oliveira 1990; Quesada 1998). The first stage of this Project funded by Somincor, and by the research contract
tectonic inversion in the Neves Corvo area is illustrated ‘‘Palynostratigraphic Investigation of the Algaré region’’ between
Somincor and the Instituto Geológico e Mineiro of Portugal. The
in Fig. 10B. One important structural achievement of authors would like to express their sincere thanks to Somincor and
the present work is the identification of tectonic dupli- the Instituto Geológico e Mineiro for all facilities provided during
cation of lithostratigraphic units in the so-called this research. Special thanks also go to all the colleagues involved
autochthonous sequence, proving that the complete in the Geommincor Project, for their enthusiastic discussions and
exchanges of opinions during the project meetings. Thanks are also
stratigraphic pile is involved in the fold and thrust sheet due to Richard Herrington and Michael Solomon who kindly im-
complex which characterises the tectonic structure of the proved the English of a first version of the manuscript. Special
Iberian Pyrite Belt. This conclusion should open new thanks are also due to Bernd Lehmann for his encouragement and
perspectives for mineral exploration. final revision of the manuscript.
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