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Lionel Mbida Yem,1,2 Laurent Camera,3 Jean Mascle3 and Alessandra Ribodetti1
Accepted 2010 December 21. Received 2010 December 13; in original form 2009 June 4
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Geophysical Journal International
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66 L. M. Yem et al.
the ‘strain shadow’ zone (offshore Cyrenaica), which has not been finally (3) the opening of the Mesogean Sea (Dercourt et al. 1986;
explored and evidenced so far. In this case, how this shortening is Ricou et al. 1986; Le Pichon et al. 1988; Ziegler 1988). Geophys-
expressed and what its timing is are questions we are tentatively ical and field data indicate that the late Mesozoic rifting phase of
trying to answer. the North Africa basement (Guiraud & Bosworth 1999) was accom-
panied by a series of aborted rifts south of the actual continental
margin (Tawadros 2001; Craig et al. 2008). A late Cretaceous re-
gional high subsidence rate, possibly associated with the Sirte col-
2 R E G I O NA L G E O DY NA M I C S E T T I N G lapse (Rusk 2001; Carr 2003), is effectively recognized in the Atlas
According to Janssen et al. (1995), the Apulian domain was, until mountains (Zouaghi 2005) and in Libya’s Kufrah, Murzuq, Ghadami
Jurassic times, part of the African Plate, and was then bounded to and Tripolitania basins. Through Cenozoic times, the progressive
the North by the Early Triassic Tethyan Ocean (Makhlouf 2006). shortening between the African continental margin (Cyrenaica) and
Palaeogeographic reconstructions of the Tethyan-Mediterranean the Hellenic arc (Kempler & Garfunkel 1994; Rosenbaum et al.
domain which extended from Northern Libya to Southern Aegean 2002) has led to the creation of a tectono-sedimentary wedge, the
sea (e.g. Guiraud & Bosworth 1999; Stampfli & Borel 2000) show Mediterranean Ridge complex (Fig. 1; McKenzie 1970), and even
that the onset of the closure of the Tethyan oceanic space, gener- to some tectonic inversion of the Cyrenaica shore basins (Röhlich
ated by a left-lateral translation of the East Saharian domain with 1980; El Hawat & Abdulsamad, 2004). According to Bosworth
respect to the Hellenides-Rhodopes superterranes, probably initi- et al. (2008), the stratigraphy of the Tubruq offshore basin includes
ated in Barremian times (Dercourt et al. 1986; Janssen et al. 1995). Palaeozoic silico-clastic sediments, unconformably overlain by Tri-
The northward drift of Africa relative to Europe, emphasized by assic to Early-Cretaceous pre-inversion package, topped by foreland
the opening of the South and Equatorial Atlantic Oceans (Craig sequences, including Late Cretaceous to Eocene and Oligocene to
et al. 2008), led to (1) the collision, and subsequent suture, of dif- Holocene sediments (Table 1). Seismic reflection profiles shown in
ferent cratonic blocks across the remnants of the Tethys ocean, (2) this paper provide images of this thick sedimentary section within
the rifting of Apulia away from Africa (Janssen et al. 1995) and both the foredeep system and the wedge-top area.
Table 1. Synthetic stratigraphy of Mesozoic sequences (modified from Carr (2003)). NA, The Mesozoic succession
of North Africa is divided into two sequences (NA 6, Early Triassic to Middle Cretaceous; and NA 7, Middle to
Late Cretaceous); LST, lowstand systems tract; TST, transgressive systems tract; HST, highstand systems tract; MFS,
maximum flooding surface; SB, sequence boundary; AP, second-order sequence stratigraphic framework for the Arabian
Plate [Sequence AP 6 (Late Permian to Toarcian); Sequence AP 7 (Toarcian to Tithonian); Sequence AP 8 (Tithonian to
Turonian); and Sequence AP 9 (Turonian to Palaeocene)].
Egypt North Africa ArabianPlate
Ma Era Period Epoch Stage (Keeley 1994) (This study) (Sharland et al., 2001)
Campanian AP 9
NA 7 TST 7
SB 7
Phase V
Barremian AP 8
Neocomian Valanginian
150 Tithonian
Phase IV
AP 7
Ju ras si c
Toarcian NA 6
200 Sinemurian
Phase III
Tr ia ssi c
LST 6 AP 6
Middle Ladinian
SB 6
Sequence Boundary (SB) Transgressive Surface Maximum Flooding Surface (MFS)
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68 L. M. Yem et al.
semblance panel techniques and variant stack corrections at ev- tion bodies (Figs 4 and 5) possibly indicating channel fills (Mitchum
ery 100 or 200 CDP, depending on the length of each line and 1977).
of the structural complexity of the area. After conversion into in- Towards the distal foreland, A1 presents staircase structures as-
terval velocities, using Dix equations, the inferred velocity model sociated with low angle northward dipping oblique faults (Fig. 4).
was interpolated and subsequently smoothed for dynamic ray trac- Through the Benghazi wedge-top inner domain (Fig. 6; line MD11)
ing (Lambaré et al. 1992) and for better estimate of traveltime, the A1 seismic expression is less obvious. The poor quality of seis-
amplitude and ray-related parameters. PSDM (Rai–Born inversion mic information in this area may be due to fluid circulation along
tomography) was then applied on data sorted in shotpoint gathers. in-sequence thrust and released on the seafloor as mud volcanoes.
During the PSDM process (Thierry et al. 1999), common image Further north, a banded reflection package, similar to the one ob-
gathers (CIG) and semblance panels are stored for each kilometre. served in the Tubruq foredeep basin, is found between 3.5 and
These CIG were used for quality control of the final migrated im- 8.2 km depth on lines MD11 and MD13 (Figs 6 and 7). According
age and to further refine the PSDM accuracy by iterative velocity to Bally (1987), sedimentary lenses are common in prograding fa-
analysis in the depth domain. The redundant image of reflectors cies units and in near deltaic environments. We thus interpret A1 as
for each offset, or diffraction angle in the CIG, must be flat and a probable parasequence set including a late low stands system tract
at the same depth position to guarantee optimal processing of the and sediments deposited from the onset of sea level rise until the
final section (Fig. 2). To improve the accuracy of the PSDM method
Figure 3. Seismic stratigraphy and internal structure of the Tubruq foredeep basin from PSDM line MD18. A, B and C indicate the different seismic sequences as indicated in the text. MFS, maximum flooding
surface; SB1 and SB2, sequence boundaries.
Figure 4. Seismic stratigraphy and structural style at the contact between the Mediterranean Ridge complex and the Tubruq foredeep sequences from PSDM line MD17. A, B and C indicate the different seismic
sequences as indicated in the text. MFS: maximum flooding surface; SB1 and SB2: sequence boundaries. Blue arrows underline terminations against sequence boundaries. Bold line: thrust or extensional faults;
regular lines: boundaries of main seismic reflectors.
Figure 6. Seismic sequences and structural style of the inner Mediterranean complex as illustrated on PSDM line MD11. A, B and C indicate seismic sequences. Bold lines: thrust systems; regular lines: boundaries
of main seismic reflectors.
Figure 7. Seismic sequences and structural patterns of Neo-Tethys Duplex, as interpreted from PSDM lines MD13. Black bold lines: thrust or detachment level; regular lines: boundaries of main seismic reflectors.
land basin) provide favourable conditions for carbonate to evaporite
transition during sea level low stands. A large-scale shelf uncon-
formity surface (SB2), seen at the top of B seismic sequence, at-
tests for a post-date sea level drawdown associated with uplift and
thrusting (Fig. 4). This combined tectonic–eustatic event probably
accommodated restricted conditions leading to B potential carbon-
ate dolomitization. Our hypothesis is supported by the presence
of diapiric-type structures observed within B in the distal foreland
region (Fig. 7).
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(2008), the stratigraphic succession of the Cyrenaica platform in- late Cretaceous and Tertiary fore deep sequence, directly above the
cludes a Palaeozoic basement unconformably overlain by Triassic passive African continental margin. Unlike the Neo-Tethyan Du-
to Cretaceous sediments. Carr (2003) divided the Mesozoic succes- plex, the Cyrenaica thrust-sheet displays typical thin-skinned thrust
sion across North Africa (including Sirte and Cyrenaica) into two system (Fig. 4) that may involve Upper Cretaceous to Holocene
sequences: (1) an Early Triassic to middle Cretaceous sequence, un- sedimentary units. This package is detached from its Jurassic to
conformably overlain by (2) a middle to late Cretaceous sedimentary Early Cretaceous sole (the sedimentary cover of the African mar-
cover. Despite a lack of control by well data, a comparison of its gin) along fault plane (D2) with ramp-flat-geometry. Its hinterland
second-order sequences stratigraphy framework (Table 1) with our zone is characterized by tectonic denudation of foredeep sequence
interpretation lead us to respectively correlate MFS to the Oxfordian where exhumation of deep-seated rocks was accomplished by ramp-
maximum transgression, A2 to the Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous decollement geometry. The presence of a wide and thick Messinian
and SB1 to the top of the Albian unconformity. From this attempt, piggyback basin behind the passive duplex indicates that the onset
B can be assigned to the Cenomanian–Eocene sequence (Bosworth of Cyrenaica thrust-sheet accretion is most likely coeval with the
et al. 2008), SB2 to the top of an Eocene unconformity (Ceriani latest Miocene deformation and uplift.
et al. 2002) and C to an Oligocene–Holocene sequence (Ahlbrandt
2001; Bosworth et al. 2008).
Interpretation of MD11, 13, 17 and 19 lines tends to indicate that Tentative chronostratigraphic correlation tends to indicate that our
several phases of tectonic activity have affected the Cyrenaica base- interpretation is, in general, in good agreement with usually pro-
ment; they include the formation of NE–SW trending grabens dur- posed Mesozoic evolution of the southern Tethyan margin. Accord-
ing Triassic to Early Cretaceous (Fig. 3) and the development of ing to the MCS data interpretation the sedimentary pile of this mar-
regional highs and lows associated with Eocene–Holocene thrust- gin segment may include Triassic salt, and evaporite accumulated
ing (Fig. 4). In the following section, we will focus on the structural during the Messinian crisis. Up to now no evidence of evaporite
analysis of the wedge-top depozone to tentatively reconstruct the older than the Messinian ones has been reported offshore Eastern
post-rift deformation of the Cyrenaica foreland basin. As can be Libya; in western Libya however, salt deposits (Late Triassic to Mid-
seen in Fig. 1, the Central Mediterranean Ridge complex includes dle Jurassic in age) constitute one of the major hydrocarbon plays
two distinct mega thrust sequences; the two sequences are separated within the Pelagian domain (Sabratah subbasin in Libya, Ashtart
by an area characterized by thick-slip sliding structures (Fig. 4), and subbasin in Tunisia), where they generated domes-like structures
a high velocity (6.2 km s−1 ) according to PSDM iterative velocity that later affected both sedimentation and oil entrapment (Bosworth,
analysis. We have named the northern thrust wedge, Neo-Tethyan- 2009, personal communication). The lack of published well data
Duplex and the frontal prism, Cyrenaica thrust-sheet. needed to calibrate our seismic data makes uncertain the Triassic
age we have tentatively attributed to deep diapirs-like and folded
features observed beneath the Tubruq shelf basin (Fig. 3). Our hy-
5.1 Neo-Tethyan Duplex pothesis is however supported by several lines of reasoning. First,
the mother layers of the postulated salt features, which can be seen
MCS sections MD18, 17, 19, 11 and 13 (Figs 3–7, respectively) indi- in the deepest part of the cross-section, do not appear affected by
cate that the Neo-Tethyan Duplex extends between 70 and 130 km superficial compression and do not show any structural relationship
away from the base of the Cyrenaica continental slope (Fig. 1). with identified Messinian sequences. Secondly, the North Tubruq
These lines show that the Neo-Tethyan Duplex may include several Triassic salt basin shows some NE–SW sag similar to the early
ramps potentially at a crustal scale (Figs 6 and 7). According to Mesozoic evaporite through known in the central Atlas of Tunisia
the hypothesis of Bosworth et al. (2008) and Carr (2003), folds and (Bédir et al. 2001; Zouaghi et al. 2005). Finally, assuming an early
thrusting in this area may involve sediments up to Jurassic to middle stage, in late Palaeozoic, for the opening of the Tethyan ocean
Cretaceous. Moreover, when considering the seismic features and (Sengör 1979; Stampfli et al. 2004; Garfunkel 2004), it may not
thickness variations, as illustrated on lines MD11 and MD13, the be surprising to observe salt deposits in confined depressions, as is
Neo-Tethyan Duplex seems to be characterized by hinterland-direct usually the case during early rifting phases.
shortening migration attesting probable back stepping of wedge On our seismic lines we have tentatively recognized within the
accretion. This observation leads us to interpret a wedge over a post-Jurassic cover of the eastern Libyan margin two main regional
critical profile (Dahlen et al. 1984; Muños et al. 1985; Zoetemeijer unconformities: a first one on top of the Albian, and a second
et al. 1992). This hypothesis is supported by the northward pas- on top of the Eocene. These unconformities and their erosional
sive duplex (roof backthrust) that marked the structural front of the surfaces (see Figs 3 and 4) indicate that along the Tubruq region
Neo-Tethyan Duplex. The flat bedding unconformity of likely Early foredeep the depocentres shifted from south to north prior to Ter-
Pliocene age, that caps the top of the Miocene fan shape sequence, tiary times and maybe before a Santonian event (Guiraud et al.
leads to believe that the basal detachment (D1) of the Neo-Tethyan 2005) indicating a tectonic inversion of the Neotethyan basins.
Duplex reached its critical dip position at that time, or just prior to Such a scenario is supported by a continuous uplift and erosion
the onset of Cyrenaica thrust-sheet accretion. time and shift during Campanian and Maastricthian of the southern
Neo-Tethyan margin, which is supported by the deposition of thick
Palaeocene pile directly overlying late Jurassic strata (Fig. 3). This
5.2 Cyrenaica thrust-sheet
observation is in good agreement with the hypothesis of Bosworth
Structural analysis of seismic profiles MD17 and MD19 shows that et al. (2008), which indicates a global change in the kinematic of
the Cyrenaica thrust-sheet spreads over nearly 40 km (Fig. 5) above the North African terrains in Santonian times. The sedimentary
This work is part of the L. Mbida Yem’ Ph.D., supported by a
grant from Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD). The
authors gratefully acknowledge the chief scientist and staff onboard
the N/O NADIR during the Medisis cruise. We express our thanks to
P. Thierry, G. Lambaré and S. Operto, who developed the preserved
amplitude pre-stack depth migration software used for this study;
special thanks to G. Lambaré for providing his dynamic ray tracing
code. The first author is also grateful to F. Sage-Khadir for her
assistance during pre-processing of seismic data on Geovector, and
to E. Lopez for stimulating discussions. We are grateful to Ben
Yates for his proofreading and English comments.
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