Fow Seng Joe (B1757) - LAB 1-Logic Gates
Fow Seng Joe (B1757) - LAB 1-Logic Gates
Fow Seng Joe (B1757) - LAB 1-Logic Gates
Laboratory Report Feedback Form
Introduction to Microprocessor
Criteria Q1 Q2 Q3 Total
Task 1 /6 /2 /2 /10
Conclusion /5
Marks: /30
General Comments:
General Instructions
Use the following format for the preparation of the laboratory report submission.
• Paper size: A4
• Number all pages sequentially
• Number all Figures and Tables sequentially and refer them in the text
• Laboratory report submitted after the due date will be considered late.
• Laboratory report submitted not later than two weeks after the due date will be
marked, but the marks will be capped to a maximum of 40%.
• Laboratory report submitted later than two weeks will be marked, but carry zero marks.
• First City University College takes allegations of plagiarism very seriously.
Submissions involving plagiarism will be marked, but given zero marks. Plagiarism is
the attempt to pass off the work of another as your own. Information taken from the
work of others should be acknowledged by reference to obviate the charge of copying.
• Collusion is an academic irregularity within the First City University College
assessment regulations. Any student found colluding in the production of any
assessment will be subject to an investigation with the imposition of any penalty
deemed appropriate. Students must ensure they are familiar with the definition of
Submission Requirements
Your answers should include theoretical calculations, simulation results, graphs and
discussions. Please submit your laboratory report along with the attached cover sheet
and assignment feedback form latest on the specified date.
Learning Outcomes
Design digital logic circuit using standard logic
CLO1 Lab 1
Describe the operation of a microprocessor-based
Create simple microprocessor’s interfacing circuit
using simple peripherals.
Write simple programs using microprocessor’s
software development process.
BME2007 – Introduction to Microprocessor (ITM)
LABORATORY 1: Logic Gates
To design digital logic circuit using standard logic gates.
You need the following equipment or item to execute this Lab 1:
(a) Arduino Board
(b) Resistor (330 ohm)
(c) Red LED
(d) Breadbord
(e) Jumper
(f) IC
Part 1:
Follow all the steps shown by Lecturer to light “ON” the LED by using logic gates.
Part 2 – Task 1:
1. Wire the circuit shown in Figure 1. With SW1 (A) and SW2 (B), apply the states
shown in Table 1. Record the output state for each set of inputs. Observe LED
indicators L3 to obtain your output data. Use positive logic (binary 1 = ON, binary
0 = OFF). (6 marks)
Figure 1
Table 1
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
Figure 2: A=0, B=1
Figure 4: A=1,B=1
Figure 5
Figure 6
Part 2 – Task 2:
1. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 2 below:
Figure 2
2. Apply the inputs shown in Table 2 and record the output state in column Output 2
for the output signal of circuit constructed. (10 marks)
Inputs Outputs
A B C D Output
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
Figure 7: Input 1= 0000
Figure 9: Input 3 = 0001
Figure 11: Input 6=0110
3. Show the Boolean equation of Table 1 (5 marks)
Figure 13
In conclusion, the reason utilizing integrated circuits (ICSs) to construct logic gates because
there are cost-effective since it more cheaper than discrete logic gates. Logic gates ICs are
reliable and easy-to-use solution because they are designed to be plug-and-play. This means
that they can be easily integrated into electronic circuits without the need for complex wiring.
for implementing logic gates in electronic circuits [1]. Furthermore, the performance of ICs
consume less power than discrete logic gates. This is because they are designed to operate with
low voltage and current. Hence, logic gate ICs are one of the important components for
designing and building digital circuits.
[1] EBICS, “Logic Gate IC: Understanding the Basics of Integrated Circuits for Digital
Logic Operations,” 14 June 2023. [Online]. Available: