Version 1.0
Issue date: 20 May 2019
Important message
This document is one of a set of standards developed solely and specifically for use on
Transport Assets (as defined in the Asset Standards Authority Charter). It is not suitable for any
other purpose.
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Standard governance
Owner: Manager, Systems Engineering Process, Asset Standards Authority
Authoriser: Director, Network and Asset Strategy, Asset Standards Authority
Approver: Executive Director, Asset Standards Authority on behalf of the ASA Configuration Control
Document history
Version Summary of changes
1.0 First issue
The Asset Standards Authority (ASA) is a key strategic branch of Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
As the network design and standards authority for NSW Transport Assets, as specified in the
ASA Charter, the ASA identifies, selects, develops, publishes, maintains and controls a suite of
requirements documents on behalf of TfNSW, the asset owner.
The ASA deploys TfNSW requirements for asset and safety assurance by creating and
managing TfNSW's governance models, documents and processes. To achieve this, the ASA
focuses on four primary tasks:
• publishing and managing TfNSW's process and requirements documents including TfNSW
plans, standards, manuals and guides
• collaborating with the Transport cluster and industry through open engagement
The AEO framework authorises engineering organisations to supply and provide asset related
products and services to TfNSW. It works to assure the safety, quality and fitness for purpose of
those products and services over the asset's whole-of-life. AEOs are expected to demonstrate
how they have applied the requirements of ASA documents, including TfNSW plans, standards
and guides, when delivering assets and related services for TfNSW.
Compliance with ASA requirements by itself is not sufficient to ensure satisfactory outcomes for
NSW Transport Assets. The ASA expects that professional judgement be used by competent
personnel when using ASA requirements to produce those outcomes.
This document aims to provide customer and supplier organisations with guidance through the
steps involved in undertaking verification and validation activities that are used together for
assuring that a product, service, or system fulfils its intended purpose.
This document forms part of a suite of systems engineering standards and guides and further
develops the guidance on verification and validation described in T MU AM 06006 GU Systems
Engineering Guide.
This document was previously issued as TS 10506 AEO Guide to Verification and Validation,
version 1.0 in August 2013.
Table of contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Application ............................................................................................................................................. 8
3. Reference documents ............................................................................................................................. 8
4. Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................................. 8
5. Verification and validation overview ..................................................................................................... 9
6. Verification ............................................................................................................................................. 10
6.1. Verification activities ............................................................................................................................ 10
6.2. Verification outputs .............................................................................................................................. 12
6.3. Verification for software ....................................................................................................................... 13
7. Requirements verification and traceability matrix ............................................................................. 13
8. Validation................................................................................................................................................ 14
8.1. Validation activities .............................................................................................................................. 14
8.2. Validation outputs ................................................................................................................................ 16
8.3. Validation for software ......................................................................................................................... 16
1. Introduction
TfNSW, and any organisation undertaking engineering activities for TfNSW, is required to have
verification and validation arrangements in place that are relevant to the engineering services or
products that the organisation provides for TfNSW.
While this document applies to TfNSW and its supply chain, any organisation applying to be an
AEO should ensure that its verification and validation activity and associated documentation
meets the minimum level required for the complexity of its projects or contracts.
2. Purpose
This document describes the verification and validation processes, including key activities and
responsibilities, expected to be implemented in managing verification and validation.
2.1. Scope
Mandatory verification and validation requirements are briefly defined for AEOs in
T MU MD 00009 ST AEO Authorisation Requirements as follows:
ENM11: "An AEO shall have arrangements for verification and validation management
of the engineering services or products provided".
This guide has been developed based on the technical processes of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015
Systems and software engineering – System life cycle processes, which are broadly intended to
be used in the following manner:
This document provides an outline of the verification and validation processes that TfNSW and
its AEOs need to demonstrate.
2.2. Application
This document is primarily intended for use by TfNSW and its supply chain, which includes all
AEOs conducting engineering services undertaken for, or on behalf of, TfNSW.
3. Reference documents
The following documents are cited in the text. For dated references, only the cited edition
applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
International standards
ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 Systems and software engineering - System life cycle processes
validation confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a
specific intended use or application have been fulfilled
Implementing verification and validation provides assurance that the product or service meets
its required specifications, including any safety requirements. The outputs generated by the
processes will form part of the assurance evidence supplied within product and system safety
cases that lead to system acceptance and any necessary certification.
TfNSW and its AEO supply chain should ensure that its verification and validation arrangements
meet the minimum level required for the complexity of its projects or contracts.
Verification and validation is undertaken through the full life cycle to ensure that the product or
service correctly performs all its intended functions and that it does not perform any adverse
unintended function.
All verification and validation activities, results and evidence should be recorded and traced in a
structured repository or schema, as defined in T MU AM 06004 ST Requirements Schema.
System verification determines whether the system, its elements, and its interfaces satisfy their
respective requirements and is undertaken throughout the plan and acquire stages, up to and
including the integration phase.
Validation ensures that the final system meets all the stakeholder requirements and is typically
undertaken through testing and commissioning during the later acquire stage, specifically during
the acceptance phase, to enable system handover.
Figure 1 provides a high-level representation of the verification and validation activities during
the plan and acquire life cycle stages up to system acceptance into operation.
Plan Acquire Operate/Maintain Dispose
Exploratory Concept Development Production Utilisation and Support Retirement
Operate and
Need Concept Specify Procure Design Build Integrate Accept Evolve Dispose
System Design
Verification Sys Design, Verification (System Interfaces) System
Physical Integration
Architecture & Test
/R e
Subsystem Design
Verification Integration
& Test
r at
Unit Design
Unit Level
Final Design & Test
Verification Material Procurement,
Fabrication / Manufacturing
Construction / Installation
6. Verification
System verification determines whether the system, its elements, and its interfaces satisfy their
respective requirements. Therefore, verification applies to the system and subsystem
• performing verification
The output of the verification activities should be documented and recorded. These documents
and records form part of the evidence supporting systems and safety assurance.
The strategy incorporates continuous feedback of verification data that helps reduce risk and
forces problems to surface early. The goal is to completely verify system capability to meet all
requirements prior to integration and acceptance. The design of the verification activity should
involve choosing the most cost-effective mix of activities to avoid unnecessary repetition of
verification activities.
• inspections
• analyses
• demonstrations
• tests
• certification
Analysis is the application of data, or performing simulations under defined conditions to provide
data to show theoretical compliance. It is used where testing to realistic conditions cannot be
achieved, or is not cost-effective. Analysis may be used when it can establish that the
appropriate requirement, specification, or derived requirement is met by the proposed solution.
Tests are actions that verify the operability, supportability, or performance capability of an item
under controlled conditions. Controlled conditions may be real or simulated. Tests often use
special equipment or instrumentation to obtain quantitative data for analysis. The four basic test
categories are:
• development test
• qualification test
• acceptance test
• operational test
Where independent verification or stakeholder witnessing is required, these parties will require
advanced copies of the verification plans, documents and verification program.
Results from verification activities should be analysed, recorded, and reported to stakeholders.
Any requirements verification and traceability documentation should be updated with the
verification status and results. Where verification has been unsuccessful, corrective action
procedures should be developed and implemented.
Refer to Section 7 for information about the requirements verification and traceability matrix.
Noncompliances and concessions should be applied for at the earliest opportunity. This could
be during the plan and acquire stages of a project life cycle and should be approved prior to the
next life cycle stage gateway.
Refer to Section 7 for information about the requirements verification and traceability matrix
• software requirements - to detect and report requirements errors that may have been
uncovered during the design process
• software architecture - to detect and report errors that occurred during the development of
the software architecture
• source code - to detect and report errors that may have developed during source coding
• outputs of the integration process - to ensure that the result of the software integration
process is complete and correct
• test cases and their procedures and results - to ensure that the software testing is
performed accurately and comprehensively
Regression testing is essential when a software change is made to ensure that no adverse
effects to other dependent elements of the system are introduced.
The RVTM may be implemented in a spreadsheet for simpler projects, but is often part of a
requirements schema implemented using specialised requirements management software tools.
TfNSW currently uses IBM DOORS to manage its requirements and associated verification and
validation records on complex transport projects, but this tool is not mandated on the supply
The RVTM should include fields for the verification status, a reference to the location of
verification evidence, and the level of the system's compliance to each requirement.
Generic verification process flow charts are contained in the Guide to the Systems Engineering
Body of Knowledge (SEBoK).
As projects increasingly use digital engineering, requirements management and verification and
validation management will become increasingly integrated with digital engineering.
8. Validation
Validation ensures that the final system meets all of the stakeholder and user requirements that
were captured at the outset, and any approved changes or additions to those requirements.
Therefore, validation applies to meeting the business requirements.
Validation confirms that a system performs as it was intended to perform and that the system
does not perform in an unacceptable manner, or produce unacceptable results or outcomes.
Validation provides assurance that 'you built the right thing'.
Validation activities generally involve the active participation of end-users and all relevant
stakeholders as a part of the element and system testing processes. Design and construction
deliverables will typically be validated in addition to end-state systems and products, including
all element and system interfaces. This validation process requires the use of simulation, review
and site checks to obtain stakeholder acceptance at the appropriate stage of the 'V' life cycle.
• performing validation
The output of the validation activities should be documented and recorded as evidence. These
documents and records form part of the evidence supporting systems and safety assurance.
• demonstration
• inspection
• tests
• analysis
Tests are actions by which the operability, supportability, or performance capability of an item is
verified when subjected to controlled conditions that are real or simulated.
Where validation has been unsuccessful, corrective action procedures should be developed and
Refer to Section 7 for information about the requirements verification and traceability matrix.
The output of the validation process is intended to demonstrate that the final system satisfies all
of the stakeholder and user requirements. Validation outputs can be demonstrated through
recording demonstration, inspection, tests and analysis evidence such that the services
provided by the system required by the stakeholder have been achieved and that any corrective
action has been identified and resolved.
Where full validation against a requirement cannot be achieved, the appropriate noncompliance
or concession should be applied for using the agreed project procedures. Noncompliances or
concessions should be requested at the earliest opportunity. This could be during the plan and
acquire stages of a project life cycle and should be approved prior to the next life cycle stage
• element level testing - to confirm that elements function correctly when modules are
combined together into elements
• hardware and software integration testing - to confirm that the software is operating
correctly in the computer environment
• system element modelling and simulation - to validate through the use of element and
system level models and simulations that the proposed design will achieve all the
stakeholder requirements including operations and maintenance