Systems Engineering Guide (PDFDrive)
Systems Engineering Guide (PDFDrive)
Systems Engineering Guide (PDFDrive)
Systems Engineering
Version 2.0
Issued date: 09 March 2018
Important message
This document is one of a set of standards developed solely and specifically for use on Transport Assets (as defined in the Asset
Standards Authority Charter). It is not suitable for any other purpose.
The copyright and any other intellectual property in this document will at all times remain the property of the State of New South Wales
(Transport for NSW).
You must not use or adapt this document or rely upon it in any way unless you are providing products or services to a NSW
Government agency and that agency has expressly authorised you in writing to do so. If this document forms part of a contract with, or
is a condition of approval by a NSW Government agency, use of the document is subject to the terms of the contract or approval. To be
clear, the content of this document is not licensed under any Creative Commons Licence.
This document may contain third party material. The inclusion of third party material is for illustrative purposes only and does not
represent an endorsement by NSW Government of any third party product or service.
If you use this document or rely upon it without authorisation under these terms, the State of New South Wales (including Transport for
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anyone else may suffer or incur from your use and reliance on the content contained in this document. Users should exercise their own
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This document may not be current and is uncontrolled when printed or downloaded. Standards may be accessed from the Asset
Standards Authority website at
Standard governance
Owner: Manager Systems Engineering Process, Asset Standards Authority
Authoriser: Director Network and Asset Strategy, Asset Standards Authority
Approver: Executive Director, Asset Standards Authority on behalf of the ASA Configuration Control
Document history
Version Summary of changes
1.0 First issued 05 May 2015
2.0 Second issue.
Changes from the previous version include:
• inclusion of 'demand/need' stage in TfNSW asset life cycle
• removal of references to specific TfNSW divisions
• change focus from heavy rail to multi-mode
The Asset Standards Authority (ASA) is a key strategic branch of Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
As the network design and standards authority for NSW Transport Assets, as specified in the
ASA Charter, the ASA identifies, selects, develops, publishes, maintains and controls a suite of
requirements documents on behalf of TfNSW, the asset owner.
The ASA deploys TfNSW requirements for asset and safety assurance by creating and
managing TfNSW's governance models, documents and processes. To achieve this, the ASA
focuses on four primary tasks:
• publishing and managing TfNSW's process and requirements documents including TfNSW
plans, standards, manuals and guides
• collaborating with the Transport cluster and industry through open engagement
The AEO framework authorises engineering organisations to supply and provide asset related
products and services to TfNSW. It works to assure the safety, quality and fitness for purpose of
those products and services over the asset's whole-of-life. AEOs are expected to demonstrate
how they have applied the requirements of ASA documents, including TfNSW plans, standards
and guides, when delivering assets and related services for TfNSW.
Compliance with ASA requirements by itself is not sufficient to ensure satisfactory outcomes for
NSW Transport Assets. The ASA expects that professional judgement be used by competent
personnel when using ASA requirements to produce those outcomes.
This guide is revised to include the demand/need stage in TfNSW asset life cycle and modify
the contents to change the focus from heavy rail to multi-mode.
Table of contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Application ............................................................................................................................................. 8
3. Reference documents ............................................................................................................................. 9
4. Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 10
5. Introduction to systems engineering .................................................................................................. 13
5.1. Systems engineering approach ........................................................................................................... 13
5.2. Benefits of systems engineering .......................................................................................................... 14
5.3. Possible outcomes of not using systems engineering ......................................................................... 15
5.4. Practical application of systems engineering....................................................................................... 15
5.5. Scaling and tailoring SE effort ............................................................................................................. 16
6. SE context within enterprise management ......................................................................................... 17
7. System overview.................................................................................................................................... 17
7.1. Stakeholder viewpoints ........................................................................................................................ 19
7.2. Requirements hierarchy and structure ................................................................................................ 22
7.3. Concept of operations .......................................................................................................................... 24
7.4. Operations concept .............................................................................................................................. 24
7.5. Maintenance concept ........................................................................................................................... 25
7.6. Functional architecture ........................................................................................................................ 26
7.7. Physical solution architecture .............................................................................................................. 29
7.8. Geographic deployment architecture ................................................................................................... 30
7.9. Interface architecture ........................................................................................................................... 32
7.10. Interim system migration states ....................................................................................................... 32
8. System life cycle description ............................................................................................................... 33
8.1. Integrated system life cycle ................................................................................................................. 36
8.2. System life cycle phases ..................................................................................................................... 37
9. Systems engineering organisation structure ..................................................................................... 41
9.1. Systems engineering roles and responsibilities................................................................................... 42
9.2. Project organisation ............................................................................................................................. 45
9.3. RACI Matrix.......................................................................................................................................... 46
10. Systems engineering shared information ........................................................................................... 47
11. Systems engineering management plan ............................................................................................. 48
11.1. Need for a SEMP ............................................................................................................................. 49
11.2. SEMP and concept phase ............................................................................................................... 49
11.3. Systems engineering deliverables ................................................................................................... 49
11.4. SEMP content .................................................................................................................................. 50
11.5. SEMP context .................................................................................................................................. 51
12. Systems engineering technical processes ......................................................................................... 53
1. Introduction
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has adopted a total asset management approach to the planning,
acquisition, operation, maintenance and disposal of TfNSW transport systems and assets to
support the transport services provided to the people of New South Wales. Systems
engineering (SE) is the engineering methodology that supports the asset management.
The contents of this guide are intended to assist the reader in applying the requirements stated
in T MU AM 06006 ST Systems Engineering.
SE is placed within the context of enterprise management arrangements. The need to define
the system overview from different perspectives is identified.
This document also describes the system life cycle and all stages from both an international
standard (AS/NZS ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 Systems and software engineering - System life
cycle processes) perspective and the TfNSW asset life cycle perspective. The need for, and
structure of a systems engineering management plan (SEMP) is identified, along with its context
to other relevant plans.
The SE general technical processes, specialty processes and related lifecycle processes are
identified and explained.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on complying with the mandatory
requirements of T MU AM 06006 ST.
The objective of this SE guide is to develop a structured, repeatable and scalable approach for
carrying out SE on transport projects ranging from simple to complex.
The initial objective is to develop this SE guide to support refocusing and revitalising existing
transport projects experiencing issues in applying systems engineering. The capability maturity
in SE across a spectrum of engineering organisations applying for Authorised Engineering
Organisation (AEO) status ranges from very low or emerging awareness, to very high
sophisticated application in the transport and other industry sectors. The purpose of this SE
guide is to assist AEOs with emerging capability maturity to better understand the need for SE,
and practical application of SE on projects that may range from simple to complex.
Much of the information, principles and methods in this SE guide may not be new to SE
practitioners and AEOs with a high capability maturity in SE application.
2.1. Scope
The SE guide sets out the structure and practice for carrying out SE activities associated with
planning, acquisition, development, utilisation and disposal of new or altered transport systems.
This guide should be read in conjunction with AS/NZS ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015, the INCOSE
Systems Engineering Handbook, and T MU AM 06006 ST Systems Engineering.
This guide does not cover asset or discipline-specific (for example, signalling, civil, track or
electrical) design methods, tools and processes, and is focused at the integrated transport
system perspective.
2.2. Application
SE is a methodology for engineering complex integrated systems and should not be considered
as a separate department, discipline or role.
All key stakeholders across the asset or system life cycle should be using or engaging in the SE
process rather than seeing it as the responsibility of a specific project role.
The user of this guide should understand how to apply SE principles, scaled to the appropriate
level in a practical and cost-effective manner. This is no different from quality, safety or project
• all entities within TfNSW and the supply chain involved in the planning, acquiring,
operating, maintenance and disposal of new or altered systems
• portfolio, program and project directors, project managers, systems engineering managers
and engineering design managers
• planning and execution of SE activities on TfNSW engineering projects, and across the full
system life cycle from concept to disposal
• AEOs in the supply chain involved in the planning, acquiring, operating, maintenance and
disposal of new or altered transport systems
The users of this guide should understand and apply the relevant systems engineering
management activities described in this document. The concepts, principles and processes
described in this SE guide should be tailored and scaled to suit the level of novelty, complexity,
scale and risk on each project.
Not every element of this SE guide is relevant or should be applied on every project. Relatively
simple track renewal, wharf resurfacing, bust stop replacement, overhead wiring (OHW), bus
depot office refurbishment or minor junction remodelling projects may require a minimal level of
SE application, whereas highly complex, novel network-wide programs such as bus fleet
procurement may require SE application of most elements of this guide.
The project-specific engineering team has the discretion to determine the scale and depth of SE
effort to cost-effectively apply on the project. This may include parties responsible for delivering
SE related services with input from AEOs and other contractors working on the project.
The information contained in this guide intends to support the achievement of the following AEO
requirements – ENM1, ENM3, ENM4, ENM5, ENM6, ENM8, ENM9, ENM10, ENM11, ENM12,
ENM13 and ENM14 provided in T MU MD 00009 ST AEO Authorisation Requirements.
3. Reference documents
The following documents are cited in the text. For dated references, only the cited edition
applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
International standards
Australian standards
AS/NZS ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 Systems and software engineering - System life cycle
Note 2 The concept of operations provides the basis for bounding the operating
space, system capabilities, interfaces and operating environment. (ISO/IEC/IEEE
Note The operational concept is designed to give an overall picture of the operations
using one or more specific systems, or set of related systems, in the organisation's
operational environment from the users' and operators' perspective. See also concept
of operations. (ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148)
P50 estimate a cost estimate based on a 50% probability that the cost will not be exceeded
P90 estimate a cost estimate based on a 90% probability that the cost will not be exceeded
project delivery within the context of this document, the TfNSW business unit responsible for
managing the design and construction of the transport project. This includes integrated detailed
planning, development, delivery and operations of transport services and projects. The output of
all project delivery functions is the entry of the new or altered asset into operational service.
risk refers to safety, environmental, political or business risks attributed to introducing the new
or altered system
SE systems engineering
SI systems integration
TfNSW Transport Network the transport system owned and operated by TfNSW or its
operating agencies upon which TfNSW has power to exercise its functions as conferred by the
Transport Administration Act or any other Act
Transport planning the business unit that focuses on evaluating, analysing and selecting a
preferred candidate concept by providing substantial justification in the strategic business case.
This function focuses on the business needs and requirements and therefore resides within the
business organisation (that is, TfNSW) with some input from AEOs and relevant operator and
maintainer agencies.
validation confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a
specific intended use or application have been fulfilled
Note 1 to entry: The objective evidence needed for a validation is the result of a test or
other form of determination such as performing alternative calculations or reviewing
Note 2 to entry: The word "validated" is used to designate the corresponding status.
Note 3 to entry: The use conditions for validation can be real or simulated. (AS/NZS
ISO 9000)
Note 1 to entry: The objective evidence needed for a verification can be the result of
an inspection or of other forms of determination such as performing alternative
calculations or reviewing documents.
Note 2 to entry: The activities carried out for verification are sometimes called a
qualification process.
Note 3 to entry: The word verified is used to designate the corresponding status.
(AS/NZS ISO 9000)
SE initially takes ambiguous and complex stakeholder requirements, and applies a structured
analytical process to achieve a well-defined and efficient solution.
While introducing a new or altered system into TfNSW Transport Network, the system is
defined, analysed, synthesised, verified and validated over its full life cycle up to disposal.
The SE approach is fundamental to bringing high performing fit for purpose and cost-effective
systems into being.
SE not only transforms a need into a definitive system configuration for use by its users, but
also ensures the system's compatibility and interfaces with related physical, functional, non-
functional and safety requirements. 'Needs' are seen as defining the problem domain, while a
'definitive system configuration' is viewed as the solution domain and SE manages the synthesis
from the former to the latter.
SE can be applied equally in the problem domain (that is, define the need) as well as in the
solution domain which is the traditional area where systems engineering is applied.
The SE methodology considers the whole system life cycle, starting with a ‘statement of need’,
and ending with safe disposal (or renewal) of the system after its intended use.
SE is a generic and repeatable approach, which can be applied to any branch of engineering,
for both technical product development and infrastructure project delivery.
SE focuses on defining stakeholder needs and functionality early in the development cycle,
documenting requirements, and then proceeding with design synthesis and functional allocation
to subsystems. This is done while considering the complete problem of operations, cost,
schedule, performance, training and support, test, manufacturing, and disposal.
• SE facilitates more efficient design derived from and traced to the client requirements
• the inclusion and support of operational integration will ensure that the system functions in
an integrated way and assist in removing the 'silos'
• SE considers how a reliable, available, maintainable and safe system can be achieved
• SE aims to ensure the humans in the system are considered through human factors
integration so that the system designed is safe, efficient and effective during operations
and maintenance
• SE approach supports the planning and design to achieve stated function and performance
for effective operational readiness and entry-into-service
• SE approach considers both capital (CapEx) and operational (OpEx) life cycle costs
• successful delivery and acceptance of systems using SE helps release funds for future
• risk of the system not being accepted (commercial and legal dispute)
• system operational and maintenance (operational expenditure) costs and effort are higher
than expected
• system is not operable, maintainable or usable by staff and customers in a safe, cost-
effective manner
• standalone SME consulting service (for example, ReqM, RAM, verification and validation)
• combine or scale life cycle phases according to novelty, complexity and risk
• only use SE activities that are relevant to the level of complexity, novelty and risk
• SE activities incur time and cost, and this can be detrimental to simple projects
• integrate and collaborate with project management, procurement, safety, risk and financial
management areas
When planning the acquisition and implementation of a new or altered system, for the wider
transport network, a practical level of systems engineering should be determined to be applied
to the change.
The SE effort is determined based on the novelty and complexity of the project. Novelty refers
to systems, assets, processes and support arrangements not used previously on the TfNSW
Transport Network whereas complexity refers to the following:
• the number and type of interfaces between elements of the new or altered system
• organisational complexity
• process complexity
Excessive SE effort may be inappropriate for the level of novelty and complexity to be
managed. This may result in excessive engineering cost and poor value for money. Similarly,
insufficient SE effort may result in a system delivered that fails to meet strategic objectives,
business needs and operational requirements, resulting in poor whole of life performance.
• Enterprise risk management (based on AS/NZS ISO 31000 Risk management – Principles
and guidelines)
SE also relates to other methodologies that support the enterprise level, including the following:
• procurement and supply chain management - SE facilitates clear specification for procuring
financial management - SE considers aspects that affect whole-of-life costs of the system.
Refer to T MU AM 01001 ST Life Cycle Costing for more information on financial
management and how whole-of-life cost is considered throughout the life cycle.
7. System overview
The multi-modal transport system should be understood and described in order to assist in
planning SE activities and assigning roles to a transport project, its environment and functional
and physical boundaries.
Rail Traffic
Ticketing Rail Control
System Network System
Station Traction
Managemt Power Distr
System System
Trainborne System (E.G. SYDNEY AIRPORT +
Vehicle Ventilation AIR SERVICES AUSTRALIA +
Body & Heating
System System
Braking Train
Further decomposition and inspection of a particular system (for example, rolling stock)
identifies that it consists of traction, braking, car body, wheels and bogies, auxiliary power,
lighting, door control, train control, heating, ventilation, communications and many other
This systematic analysis and decomposition of a system into its constituent elements allows the
systems engineer to manage high complexity more effectively.
Stakeholder perspectives may include the planner, designer, implementer, operator, maintainer
and the passenger. These perspectives may be represented as a 'systems engineer' or a
'requirements engineer' on a project who is responsible for writing the business, system and
subsystem requirements for the project. This list is not exhaustive and there may be additional
stakeholder perspectives. Figure 2 illustrates the multiple viewpoint requirements conceptually.
Planner Operator
The System Maintainer
Implementer Passenger
• The operator and maintainer for delivering timetable services and maintaining the transport
• The business function responsible for publishing and maintaining transport standards.
Transport standards and guides may potentially impact TfNSW Transport Network asset
• Assurance of network safety through regulatory requirements, such as the Office of the
National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR).
• Other authorities and local government, for interfaces and impacts on own assets.
o The long term transport needs of NSW and developing options based on analysis of
customer needs and freight policy. The outputs focus around the strategic business
o Development of the selected option and agrees the outputs and requirements that the
business wants to achieve from investment. The outputs focus around the final
business case and agreed business requirement specification (BRS).
The planner is involved in the ‘concept', 'specify’ and 'procure' phases of the life cycle (defined
in Section 8.2), and views the system with a focus of identifying and analysing service demand,
translating this into an operational and maintenance concept, and developing a whole-of-life
cycle business case and supporting business requirements.
The planner focuses on translating the TfNSW enterprise goals and outcomes to determine the
operational and maintenance needs, which are then used to develop the business
requirements. The planner also focuses on the system's functional, operational and
performance requirements.
• operator and maintainer in some cases (for example, for minor capital works)
The designer views the system with an intent to translate the business requirements into system
requirements and system architecture leading to a reference design. Once the system
functional baseline and reference design is established, detailed design starts. During this
stage, the system requirements are traced and allocated to subsystems, and the functional
baseline is translated into a physical design solution, up to the AFC point.
During the process, the designer considers interfaces, RAM, EMC, human factors and safety.
This work is carried out by AEOs under contract to TfNSW project delivery organisations.
• The business unit responsible for managing construction, integration and testing,
verification and validation, and post-AFC assurance up to system acceptance. The output
of this function is the entry into operational service.
• For rail project, the operator and maintainer as rail infrastructure manager (RIM) or rail
service operator (RSO) responsible for providing infrastructure access to AEOs.
The implementer views the system with an intent to translate the AFC design into a built asset,
carrying out ongoing verification and validation activities to progressively assure that the
realised asset meets the design intent and original client requirements. The implementer works
with the designer to plan and execute all systems integration and testing activities.
While this guide is developed initially to apply directly to rail transport, the operator and
maintainer stakeholder viewpoint could extend to include other transport modes such as ferries
and buses.
The operator and maintainer views the system from the perspective of ensuring that the original
business and system requirements and the evolving system solution is operable, maintainable
and sustainable over the systems operational lifetime.
The passenger viewpoint should be considered at the outset of the project to ensure a customer
centric approach and that the right system is being delivered for the public of NSW.
The development of complex integrated systems (or systems of systems) requires a top-down
approach to define, allocate and trace requirements to solutions as represented in Figure 3.
This starts with identifying the enterprise need or goals and supporting the capability concept of
operations (ConOps), then defining the concept activities in an operations concept definition
(OCD) document and maintenance concept definition (MCD) document. In addition to these
source documents, there are other informing artefacts produced on a project to support the
business requirements specification (BRS) such as hazard log, assumptions, dependencies and
constraints (ADC) register, value for money (VfM) studies, and issues register to name a few.
These documents then support the development of the business case and associated business
requirements specification (BRS).
When the business case and funding request is approved by NSW Treasury and the BRS is
issued, the project delivery business unit will use the BRS as a basis to facilitate the design and
construction of the new or altered asset.
Mgmt process System Control
requirements requirements Docs
Key to Requirements
User/Client Reqts
Rail System Reqts
Subsystem Reqts
Rolling Stock
Interface Reqts Trackside Road Control Comms
vehicle / Bus /
Ferry vessel signals signals centre systems IRS..xy1
Detailed Process IRS..xy1
Subsystem Requirements
Buildings / IRS..xy1
Traction Civils Maint’ce
Track stations /
power structure depot bus stops
Requirements Structure
The project delivery unit establishes a project team including technical advisors (drawn from
industry AEOs) to develop the concept design up to a reference design with an associated
system requirements specification (SRS). This forms the basis of a tender.
Some organisations may choose to define management process requirements, and manage the
assurance that these process requirements are successfully implemented on the project.
T MU AM 06004 ST Requirements Schema does not make provision for management process
requirements; therefore AEOs may be required to manage them as part of overall assurance.
The reason for this is to minimise prescribing 'how' the AEO supply chain should deliver the
When the tender is awarded, the AEO chooses to either follow the reference design or develop
its own design. This involves allocating system requirements from the SRS into subsystem
requirements specifications (SSRS) and detailed subsystem designs.
During the course of requirements definition and analysis, inputs are identified and traced back
to source documents (policies, strategies, long term plans) and informing documents.
This development of requirements should be captured and traced in a management tool. The
selection of the applicable tool is based on complexity and contractual requirements.
The ConOps document serves as a basis for the organisation to direct the overall
characteristics of the future business and systems required to operate the business.
The ConOps document is not a requirements document and only describes how TfNSW will
operate to execute the strategy; however it provides an overarching high-level view of the
organisation. The ConOps is used to derive a set of business and customer needs to inform the
OCD and MCD.
The benefit of an OCD is to mitigate against the risk of not meeting operational requirements.
The OCD should not be seen as an optional project overhead but as an integral part of the
normal project processes.
The project team should summarise the operational concept for the new or altered system and
refer to the need for a full OCD early in the project or asset life cycle, before the final business
case and BRS.
An OCD may not be necessary to be produced for every project type, and the need for one
should be scaled and tailored to the scope and complexity of the project. An OCD is produced
at a complex multi-project program-level such as a line upgrade or capacity enhancement, and
the individual projects within that program fall, under that single program-level OCD.
Where a project significantly affects the operations, an OCD should be developed even if the
project is simple. The project should consult with relevant stakeholders to determine the need
for an OCD.
The OCD should be reviewed and refined as the system definition progresses beyond the BRS
and should be finalised when the system solution has been sufficiently defined.
The OCD is used to describe the service plan to be delivered and supporting operational
organisation, process scenarios, operating modes, and operational facilities to support that plan.
The OCD is not a requirement specification; however it is written in a manner that explains how
the new or altered system is expected to be operated over its design life. This includes any
interim operating arrangements as part of a wider operational capability migration.
The business case and its funding request are meaningless without properly considering how
the new or altered asset would be operated and how much it would cost to operate.
An understanding of the roles and facilities that are required to support the operational concept
scenarios associated with the offered service, allows initial estimates to be made for the
operational costs over the system's operational lifetime.
The OCD should be applied and scaled at the appropriate level of novelty and complexity of the
proposed new or altered system.
For example, OHW or high voltage aerial feeder projects may not require an OCD; however an
OCD may be required at a higher portfolio or program level; for example, for a network-wide
power supply upgrade program that consists of multiple feeder, substation and OHW projects.
For non-rail transport projects, upgrading or refurbishing the propulsion system on a bus or ferry
fleet may not require an OCD but a timetable update will require an OCD as it directly affects
An MCD may not be necessary to be produced for every project type, and the need for one
should be scaled and tailored to the scope and complexity of the project.
MCD is typically produced at a complex multi-project program level such as a line upgrade or
capacity enhancement, and the individual projects within that program fall, under that single
program-level MCD.
Where a project significantly affects the maintenance, an MCD should be developed even if the
project is simple. The project should consult with relevant stakeholders to determine the need
for an MCD.
The maintenance approach has a significant impact on cost, time, resources and overall asset
condition over its expected lifetime.
The blend of planned and unplanned maintenance should be estimated, based on the selected
approach. This may include adopting a condition-based maintenance approach, where
significant capital cost is expended in providing remote condition monitoring of assets. This may
result in better prediction of potential failures, and may lead to reduced response times, lower
mean time to repair, and higher system availability.
The strategic business case and its associated funding are supported by the MCD and they are
meaningless without properly considering how the new or altered asset would be maintained
and how much it would cost to maintain and support over its full operational life (OpEx). The
business case should be based on a discounted cash flow model, beginning with accumulated
capital costs, followed by predicted maintenance expenditure, estimated revenue (ticket box
and funding subsidy), and asset depreciation over the full design asset lifetime until disposal. In
some cases, the OCD and MCD may be combined into a single document. The operations and
maintenance concepts can be combined where practicable, as they are closely related, if the
maintainer is also the operator of the system.
For example, the policy for accessing the system for maintenance purposes should consider the
impacts on the operational service and associated service performance measures. This may be
articulated in the yearly possession plan (for implementing new or altered systems and planned
maintenance) for heavy rail or 'out of service' bus booking, which is developed in collaboration
with the transport operator to ensure that suitable special arrangements are in place to minimise
service disruption.
Another example may be a business decision to move to a service that increases passenger
service hours over a 24-hour period, effectively reducing maintenance windows, in which case
alternative system maintenance and access arrangements need to be articulated in the MCD.
The project should describe the hierarchy of functions for the new or altered system, and how it
relates back to concept activities, capabilities and enterprise goals. The project should also
describe if required, the system in terms of functional flow block diagrams (FFBD) with functions
decomposed until all functions are purely system performed functions.
While a functional architecture may be structured around physical asset groups, it is not
necessarily the case. Where practicable, the functional architecture should avoid being tightly
linked to physical systems and assets. The reason for this is that functions allocated to physical
assets using old or current technology, may in future be allocated to other physical assets that
can provide superior functionality and performance. The logical or functional description
changes slowly while the physical description changes much faster, particularly as the pace of
technological change quickens. De-linking of functions from physical asset groups permits
innovative solutions to be offered by existing and new product suppliers.
An example of this is a ‘movement authority’ that is currently issued via trackside colour light
signals. This changes to an ETCS-L2 ‘electronic movement authority’ issued via a radio block
centre and GSM-R radio network directly to the onboard train control system.
This does not imply that suppliers are permitted to offer an innovative solution for every project.
In many cases from a logistic support perspective it is not practical to have a large range of
novel and diverse solutions and assets to maintain. Standard solutions using type approved
products in proven standard configurations may still be more desirable than novel solutions in
many cases.
Projects using established type approved products in standard configurations, and heavy civil
engineering assets may not need to develop a functional architecture, as it mostly benefits
high-complexity, high-integrity command and control and communications systems with
significant embedded software functionality.
TRAK metamodel developed by RSSB (UK), and adopted by the ASA as a core element of its
model based systems engineering (MBSE) approach, is used as a reference guide. This forms
the basis of the Transport Network Architecture (TNA) model.
Figure 4 shows an example of a functional architecture sample fragment from the TNA model
using TRAK. The diagram ID is [TRAK_SV-05-MU-MD] which means it adopts the TRAK
solution viewpoint, multi-modal and multi-disciplined showing a set of signalling functions that
realise a set of concept activities for heavy rail and light rail vehicles.
In some cases, the use of the term asset breakdown structure (ABS) is used in documents and
projects in TfNSW to mean system breakdown structure (SBS).
The ABS is referred as SBS in this guide and the standard (T MU AM 06006 ST), it supports.
The SBS is essential for all project types and engineering disciplines in order to identify assets,
associated asset data and configuration information to pass from designer to builder to tester to
operator and maintainer. The purpose of a SBS is to decompose the system into system
elements and interfaces as part of the system design. Figure 5 shows an example of a physical
SBS fragment.
Communication & Rolling Stock Infrastructure System Test Training Maintenance Logistic Support
Control System System System Facilities Facilities Facilities Systems
Backbone Comms Carbody Traction Signals & Control Signals & Control Signals & Control Signals & Control
Network Frame Power Test Facilities Training Facilities Maint Facilities Logistic Support
Oper Telephone Wheel & Bogie Track & Earthwork Rolling Stock Rolling Stock Rolling Stock Rolling Stock
Network System System Test Facilities Training Facilities Maint Facilities Logistic Support
Passenger Info Braking Civil & Structures Traction Power Traction Power Traction Power Traction Power
& PA System System System Test Facilities Training Facilities Maint Facilities Logistic Support
A generic asset classification scheme, which serves as the SBS for TfNSW transport assets, is
shown in Appendix E. This classification scheme is described in more detail in
T MU AM 02001 ST Asset Information and Register Requirements.
Physical system block diagrams are usually produced after the functional architecture and SBS
are defined and during the process of allocating functions to physical systems or assets.
Physical system block diagrams are usually produced for the electrical, command, control and
communications systems; it may not be appropriate or necessary for civil and track systems.
Each block in the system block diagram has one or more functions allocated to a physical
system element. For example, in a substation block diagram, there may be block items for the
HV incoming panel, HV protection, rectifier-transformer, outgoing dc traction panel, dc
protection, SCADA RTUs, lighting and auxiliary power. These would be shown in an integrated
physical solution in a drawing.
Figure 6 shows a sample fragment of a physical system block diagram for a portion of a rapid
transit railway communications based train control (CBTC) system.
Station Equipment Room (SER) Communication Equipment Room (CER) Workstation Depot Control Room
Dual 100Mbps Ethernet ILS-OC Vital Signalling LAN Screens
Virtual ATC Radio
Block Transceiver Object Fax
Processor Unit Controller
Ethernet CCTV
Hub x 2 Vital CBI SDH/MPLS Concentrator Depot-OCC
Comms Node RTS Base Node x 2 Ethernet
x 2 (Main/Hot Station x 2 (Main/Hot Switch Depot
Standby) (Main/Hot Standby) Supervisor
Standby) Workstation
Station Platforms
Help Platform Screen Doors (PSD)
Point CCTV
• signalling
• telecommunications
• electrical
• track
o turnout sketch
• buildings
Figure 7 shows a sample fragment of a geographical architecture diagram for a rapid transit
CBI Control Area A (and Group Station Control Area) CBI Control Area B (and Group Station Control Area)
Videowall Overview
Spare Desk
(dual use for incident
management and
Timetable Planning
Chief Spare Desk
OC Controller
Incident Management Room (IMR)
Depot Central Control Room (CCR) Dual-use for Timetable Planning Technical Room (TR)
Operations Control Centre (OCC)
Practical railway examples of geographic architecture that indicate the geographic layout and
disposition of physical assets and systems include, but are not limited to, the following:
• signalling
o track insulation plans: locating insulation and bonding to OHWS in the corridor
o cable route plan: locating cable routes, joint pits and cable crossings
o level crossing layout plans: locating signals, traffic lights, road signs
• telecommunications
• electrical
• track
o track plans
IF0559 OB036
OB037 Data SER Equip
SCC/ATS Stream (Other) OB034
Equip IF0620
Equip Data Signalling
IF0613 IF0618 IF0623 Power
Diagnostics E&B Stream
IF0619 EMI
IF0556 E&B See also
EMI IF1287 IF0621
SER Equip
Status Control IF0622
Status Status (2)
IF0557 IF0830
OB028 IF0615 Control IF0624 IF0625 E&B
Comms Control Power Status
Equip IF1412
Comms Synchronise
OB032 IF0616 E&B IF0593
OB071 Traction
SMS EMI OB036 IF0594 Current Relay Power Power
Data (Level 3 Context)
IF1266 Stream IF0595
Train Crew Info. Includes: EMI
IF1259 Router, GPS Clock, Interface Unit, Switches, Local IF0599 OB003
OB004 Status Computer, Interlocking, Block Processor, Monitor EMI Train
Depot IF1257 & Control, Maintenance Terminal, Data Logger,
Radio System, Track Circuit Equip, Signalling
IF1265 Interface Circuits, Relays, Power Supply Units
Train Description IF1211
IF0584 Member of: OB098
Eng Train
Control Status FIXED SIGNALLING (OB033)
OB005 IF1041
Other Data IF1219
Lines IF0582 Stream E&B
IF1291 IF1349
Portable Test
Control Status
Equipment IF1246
IF0601 Earth
IF0608 IF0123 Cable
IF0603 Damage/ IF0098 IF0600
Maintain/ IF0609 IF0175 Route
Location Disrupt Control Location
Prepare Diagnostics EMI
IF0610 OB012
IF0602 Time
E&B Reference
OB016 OB027
OB025 Railway Neighbours Stations
Buildings (Industry, Commerce,
Asset OB079
Custodian Trespasser
These diagrams can be augmented by N-squared charts, which facilitate planning and
specification of system interfaces in detail via interface control documents (ICDs) and interface
requirements specifications (IRS), depending on level of complexity. An example of an
N-squared chart in the form of an interface control document (ICD) matrix is shown in
Appendix F.
Interim configuration states and migration from one configuration state to the next should be
identified, planned and scheduled. This may include interim pre-testing of systems in an ‘over
and back’ arrangement, and then leaving them dormant (that is not commissioned into full
operation) to await readiness of other related systems for system integration at a later date.
These interim configuration states should be identified and described as part of the architectural
diagram viewpoints as described in Section 7.6, Section 7.7 and Section 7.8.
Most systems engineers and project managers are familiar with the traditional V model of the
system life cycle defined in the INCOSE SE Handbook. This model maps a vertical scale of
increasing system definition (system, subsystem, and unit) against a horizontal timescale of
system life cycle phases from exploratory phase (need identification and pre-feasibility) through
to retirement phase (disposal). Figure 9 shows the TfNSW system life cycle V model.
Plan Acquire Operate/Maintain Dispose
Exploratory Concept Development Production Utilisation and Support Retirement
Operate and
Need Concept Specify Procure Design Build Integrate Accept Evolve Dispose
Define Need, OCD, MCD, Feasibility, Operate and maintain
early ConOps, service business (replace, refurbish, renew,
draft timetable design case, BRS upgrade)
System execution
requirements Reference System
design, SRS, validation
validation Funct and
Architecture Verific acceptance
ation (s
System design System
verification Verification (system interfaces) System
and test
interfaces) Subsystem
verification Subsystem
and test
Unit design
verification Verification (unit level)
design, final inspection
design and test
verification Material procurement, fabrication,
manufacturing, construction or installation
The V model is aligned to the asset management life cycle stages defined in the key TfNSW
Transport Network Assurance Committee (TNAC) gateways. Figure 10 shows the relationship
between the asset life cycle stages and CM gateways. For more information on CM gate
submission and minimum requirements for each gate, refer to T MU AM 04001 PL TfNSW
Configuration Management Plan.
Pre-commissioning gate 5
Maintenance plan
Ongoing CM gate 6
Project justification
Business case
gate 6
CM gate 0
CM gate 1
CM gate 2
CM gate 3
CM gate 4
CM gate 5
However, the V model is a highly simplified perspective of the real world. The planning, design,
implementation, operation and management of high complexity and novelty transport systems
can be characterised by a number of V models over the full system life cycle, as shown in
Figure 11.
(TfNSW Project Delivery + AEO) (TfNSW Project Delivery + D&C AEO) (OpCo AEO)
This expansion of the V model may take many forms and depends on the nature of the project.
The generic system application life cycle applies to pilot or trial projects run by TfNSW to
develop a proof of concept and standard generic approach to application of new technology at a
system level (for example, Opal ticketing system on all public transport services and eventually
trialling contactless EFTPOS card services).
The specific system application life cycle applies to specific system implementation projects
planned by the planners, and delivered under contracts by the project delivery group.
The system support life cycle applies to mid-life upgrades by the operator and maintainer to
address mid-life performance, reliability or safety issues. These are considered as 'mini projects'
such as track renewal or refurbishment, sectioning hut relocation or track slewing to enhance
line speed, but do not involve new or altered assets.
The generic product development (supplier) life cycle applies to original products developed by
suppliers, from product inception to release and generic acceptance. An example could be a
computer-based interlocking (CBI) product developed by an original equipment manufacturing
(OEM) supplier for use by multiple client organisations on their transport network (possibly with
client-specified adaptations).
The generic product adaptation (supplier) life cycle applies to generic products developed by
the OEM suppliers that require some adaptation to meet specific client organisation application
requirements. An example could be the adaptation of interlocking data constructs and software
rules in a computer-based interlocking to suit signalling principles of a local railway operator.
The OEM supplier is responsible for managing generic product adaptation with TfNSW input.
The generic product support (supplier) life cycle applies to original products developed by OEM
suppliers, adapted for specific applications, and installed on the client network, that require
ongoing OEM logistic support in terms of mid-life software upgrades or hardware modifications.
Further complexity is introduced into the practical application of the V life cycle model when
planning and acquiring complex transport systems. However, not all subsystem development
starts at the same time, as shown in Figure 19 of Appendix C.
• entity responsible for developing service level agreements with operating agencies
The operator and maintainer or RIM may also be involved in this stage and all other life cycle
stages as part of due diligence accountability under Rail Safety National Law or Work Health
and Safety Act.
The key activities and deliverables include transport needs analysis, development of multiple
service options, high level business needs and an early ConOps.
• AEOs contracted to provide technical advice and operator and maintainer providing
services as an AEO under contract to TfNSW
The key activities and deliverables include high-level transport performance modelling to
validate the following:
• timetable
• business case
• tender documentation
• draft SRS
The key responsible parties include, project delivery group within TfNSW and AEOs contracted
to provide design services to TfNSW in this stage.
The key activities and deliverables include OCD and MCD refinement, final SRS, development
of detailed designs, product specifications, process specifications, material specifications, V&V
strategies, consideration of HFI and RAM performance considered, and finalised operational
readiness and change management plans.
The key responsible parties include, project delivery group within TfNSW, AEOs contracted to
provide the services of supply, manufacturing or fabrication, site installation, integration, testing
and commissioning to TfNSW, and may involve the operator and maintainer.
The key activities and deliverables include development of detailed designs, bills of materials,
product specifications, procuring or fabricating products or equipment, installation or
construction and integration on site, subsystem and system testing, commissioning, operational
readiness demonstration and handover to the TfNSW asset owner and operator and maintainer.
The key responsible parties include the transport agencies, contracted operator and maintainer
and other transport operators.
The key activities and deliverables include asset acceptance from the project delivery
organisation, operational safety argument, ongoing operation of these assets, and periodic
major maintenance or minor capital projects to restore system performance capability to the
original design intent.
The key responsible parties include the transport agencies or contracted asset management
AEOs and AEO product suppliers.
The key activities and deliverables include asset acceptance from the project delivery
organisation, asset condition assessments, preparing asset maintenance plans, performing
failure reporting, analysis and corrective action system (FRACAS), carrying out general asset
maintenance and logistic support activities (including mid-life upgrades) against these plans.
The key stakeholders include the transport agencies and other contracted asset management
and operations organisations who may be AEOs, making the decision as to when an asset
should be retired from operational service.
The key activities and deliverables include asset condition assessments to support any
decisions to retire systems that have reached the end of their design life, or changes in asset
The reasons why the asset or system may be retired are as follows:
• The system was designed with the intent to dispose after its expected life and is no longer
useable or supportable, or both. This option suggests that the system was designed with
the intent to 'dispose' it.
• Subsystems or assemblies of the system were designed with the intent to last less than the
expected life of the whole system and therefore need to be retired to make way for a new
or altered subsystem. This option suggests that the system was designed with the intent to
'refurbish' or 'remanufacture' the system.
• The system still meets the operational requirements but the business need for the system
may have changed resulting in retirement of assemblies or components to satisfy the new
business needs or retiring the system as a whole.
Once the reasons for potential retirement have been identified, each can be examined for
potential retirement methods such as:
• Disassembled and working subsystems used on the new system. This also includes items
that need to be scrapped, recycled or both.
Once the retirement methods have been identified, the operator and maintainer of the retired
asset may identify any design issues that may arise for the new or altered system such as:
• environmental impact
• availability of design data and drawings to support disposal at the end of life of asset
Requirements Civil/Structures
Manager Functional Discipline Discipline Lead
Architecture Geotechnical
Manager Discipline Lead
V&V Trackworks
Manager Discipline Lead
HF Integration Signalling
Manager Discipline Lead
Sys/Operational Telecomms
Integration Discipline Lead
The functional leads are charged with overseeing staff in a functional specialist area such as an
engineering discipline (civil, track, signalling) or SE role (requirements, RAMS, V&V).
The delivery leads manage specific and time-constrained work packages within each project.
They draw engineering staff from various technical SME functional areas to deliver their specific
work packages within the project.
• specialisation (staff focus on applying their specific domain knowledge to the project)
• breadth of skill
The sample structure in Figure 12 is for a large project or program, where each function or
activity requires a uniquely defined management role. For smaller projects, staff may have
multiple roles and the layers of project management would be reduced. Scaling and tailoring of
SE effort is essential.
In many cases a single role may be assigned with more than one SE responsibility where
scaling and tailoring of SE effort is appropriate on simpler projects.
SE organisation roles and responsibilities should not duplicate or conflict with other
management areas of the overall organisation; for example, project management, procurement,
risk, system safety assurance and others.
For simple projects the SE effort may be carried out by the design team or principal contractor.
An SE organisation with dedicated role descriptions is not always necessary (for example, SE
manager, requirements manager, interface manager, and so on.), as long as the appropriate
level of SE is carried out competently by the organisation.
For example in some simpler projects, elements of SE effort could be carried out by the design
manager or engineering manager. For very simple projects, the project manager, engineering
manager and design manager roles may be combined and some basic SE effort may be carried
out by the consolidated role.
Table 1 identifies key SE management roles in an organisation that deals with high levels of
novelty, complexity and risk in the planning and acquisition of new or altered systems. It assigns
key responsibilities to each role on the basis of a complex project.
This does not imply that all the SE roles and responsibilities are required for every project. For
simple projects using type approved products in standard configurations; for example, OHW or
track renewal or upgrade projects, an SE manager is not practical.
Similarly, for extremely complex and novel systems such as ETCS-L2, SE responsibilities listed
in Table 1, represents the minimum SE roles and responsibilities.
Role Responsibilities
Systems • identify SE management requirements, effort and work breakdown structure
engineering (WBS)
manager • identify SE resources required to support SE activities appropriate to the
project phase
• assign clear responsibilities and accountabilities to SE team members
• support project manager (PM) to implement effective controls and measures in
delivery of engineering outputs throughout the project life cycle by tailoring the
SE principles
• support design and engineering functions to control and assess the health and
maturity of the engineering outputs throughout the project life cycle
• ensure technical reviews to enable progressive assurance are included in
scope of works between TfNSW and third parties delivering services and
• ensure systems interface management and coordination activities between
project work streams are implemented, and results documented and
• review contractor submissions for compliance with SE requirements
• identify and report on compliance gaps against SE practices adopted on the
Requirements • identify stakeholders and the level of requirements management needed on
manager the project
• develop a requirements management (RqM) plan to support the requirements
engineering, including activities in support of safety and human factors
• identify, select, implement and maintain an appropriate RqM tool
• plan, organise and facilitate requirements definition workshops with relevant
and authorised project stakeholders to obtain input to the requirements
• elicit requirements, configure, compile and update the requirements database
(RqDB) to support establishing requirements baselines in alignment with major
project phases
• compile requirements specifications with SE team members and stakeholders
• produce baseline requirements specifications (BRS, SRS, SSRS, IRS)
• monitor and report on requirements allocation and traceability
• communicate and coordinate activities with other SE management activities
Systems • identify systems integration (including migration and interim configuration)
integration requirements
manager • establish and maintain a systems integration plan (SIP) as required
• identify, implement and use systems integration (SI) tools as required
• execute SI tasks and activities related to the engineering effort
• communicate and coordinate SI activities with other SE management activities
Operational • establish and maintain OCD and MCD documents
integration • prepare the operational readiness plan
• coordinate and direct the training, competency and learning plan
• develop, and direct implementation of the change management plan
• lead and direct stakeholder management activities
Role Responsibilities
Systems • identify systems architecture models and viewpoints to suit project scope and
architecture complexity
manager • establish and maintain a systems architecture management plan as required
• identify, implement and use systems architecture tools as required
• execute systems architecture management tasks and activities related to the
• communicate and coordinate activities with other SE management activities
Systems • identify systems interface requirements, and capture these in the RqDB
interface • establish and manage a system interface plan (SIP) as required
• identify interface hazards and risks as part of the overall safety assurance
• prepare interface control documents (ICDs) and interface requirements
specifications (IRSs)
• establish and maintain a systems interface management plan or schedule as
• identify, implement and use systems interface tools as required
• execute systems interface management tasks and activities related to the
• communicate and coordinate activities with other SE management activities
V&V manager • identify V&V requirements, including V&V methods, criteria, responsibility and
• establish and maintain a V&V management plan as required
• identify, implement and use V&V tools as required
• execute V&V tasks and activities related to the engineering effort
• communicate and coordinate activities with other SE management activities
RAM • identify RAM modelling and analysis requirements
manager or • establish and maintain a RAM management plan as required
• identify, implement and use RAM tools as required
• execute RAM tasks and activities related to the engineering effort
• assist the system safety manager in compiling and updating of hazard logs,
safety risk registers, fault schedules, and FMECAs
• communicate and coordinate activities with other SE management activities
Human • identify context and use of HF and ergonomic requirements
factors • identify users and perform HF assurance activities
manager • plan HF activities, establishing and maintaining a human factors integration
plan (HFIP) as required
• identify, implement and use HF tools as required to support design solutions
and HF analysis
• execute HF tasks and activities related to the engineering effort
• evaluate design from a HF perspective
• evaluate HF solutions
• establish an HF project oversight role in addition to third party resources
assigned in fulfilment of HF objectives and activities identified in the HFIP;
communicate and coordinate activities with other SE management activities
Role Responsibilities
EMC • identify potential EMC threats and EMC modelling and analysis requirements
manager or • establish and maintain an EMC management plan as required
• identify, implement and use EMC modelling and testing tools as required
• execute EMC management tasks and activities related to the engineering
• assist the system safety manager in compiling and updating of hazard logs,
safety risk registers with EMC-related hazards
• communicate and coordinate EMC activities with other SE management
Configuration • identify configuration management requirements, including configuration item
manager lists
• establish and maintain a configuration management plan as required
• identify, implement and use configuration management tools as required
• execute configuration management tasks and activities related to the
engineering effort
• communicate and coordinate configuration management activities with other
SE activities
• Program integration management organisations include the ATP, PSU, 2018 TT, and
DTRS programs, which each consist of multiple projects to deliver specific subsystems or
geographic scopes.
• Product development organisations include OEM that provides generic products that are
approved, selected and procured for specific application.
• Project development organisations include TfNSW project delivery group, and (to some
extent) relevant operator and maintainer agencies such as Sydney Trains, Roads and
Maritime Services (RMS), NSW Light Rail, NSW Trains and State Transit Authority (STA)
who develop projects to the point where an SRS and a costed reference design are issued
to tender.
• Project delivery organisations such as TfNSW project delivery group and supply chain
AEOs who deliver the scope of works in terms of detailed designs, procurement,
manufacturing or fabricating, installation, integration, testing, commissioning, acceptance
and hand over to the asset operator.
• Operator and maintainer organisations include the transport agencies and contracted
operators and maintainers. They plan, execute and measure asset maintenance of TfNSW
assets, and these may take the form of a renewal or replacement or refurbishment project.
The partially completed example of a RACI matrix in Figure 13 broadly represents a project
engineering organisation and the associated responsibilities for a high complexity and high
novelty program of works.
Op Do
C o og
s te En gra Ma ge r
Te rs e me Ma ger
at cum afe na g r
& Co n e si Man e r
Ex rato r oje e C or
t S De ning ana r
(O ram pta pon
c h Inte nt
cto quir r ing ana r
ms gin tion na
ion en ty
Co lier C o nag
C o st
Pr Ac nge
Re ine g M na g
nic g
up sig
rn rs & ct D ient
ns s /M ns
m ru c M g er
s te jec
En e er M ger
al rati Ma n e r
is s tion ana
( C Ma eliv e
te a ta na
cti n uf lta nt
/P nc
Pr il, U er s)
ou int
t/D Ma r (s)
RA Ma g er
rfa Ma ge r
V& Ma n e r
R = Responsible
nc ain y
in a
Co ctur
c e na
M r ec
M nag
A = Accountable
n t ers
M ge
D i s)
a er
C = Consulted
I = Informed
Stakeholders Project Leadership SE & Related Management Contractor
Operation & Maintenance Analysis I I C A C C C R C C R
Requirements Management I I C A C C R R C C C C C
Figure 13 - Systems engineering RACI matrix for a high complexity project or program
Over the system life cycle, during planning stage and acquisition stage, a significant body of
information is generated by different technical and related processes and activities. Much of this
information is shared by multiple processes in arriving at an integrated solution that meets the
user requirements.
A good practice is to assign ownership of information to one process owner, and then to identify
the other processes that uses the shared information.
Records of due process followed by all members of the organisation who are responsible for
delivering the new or altered system are essential to provide assurance that all claims for
performance and safety of the system are traceable and supported by objective and verifiable
A key element of the overall safety assurance claim is based on the delivery of the new or
altered system by competent persons.
The level of competence required to assure the system depends on the nature of the change. A
simple at-grade car park project outside the rail corridor clearly has a lower requirement for the
level of detailed information and records required for the assurance argument, than a project to
introduce a novel train control system. This requires tailoring and scaling to provide a pragmatic
approach to the level of complexity, novelty and risk.
Sy Co m alida t Ma
Sy ys te re me a nce
s te
Te m e
ca ectio ation ana
e ra
s te
s te
Te al In ata
t io
S qui
t io
ms tall
n & n & T Ma g em
Re Main
So ite c
Ma De
Co neer Ma n eme
Hu Safe Ma n e me
s te
En ion in an men
nic erfac an a me n
As tenc a na me n
ec EMC Inte e nt
c h de llin a nag sis
mp ing
s s ion M age
are e M An a nt
fac ign M a ge t
Mo nts M Ana
n F Ma ge m
RA Ma n
ue a na
Su a na ation
a ta ana g s is
g & em
Ma eme
Ma em
an men
ag ent
An e nt
O = "owns" info
ge n t
em t
em t
a ly
em t
U = "uses" info
s is
Requirements Source Baseline U O U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U
Standards Baseline U U U U U U U U U U U U O U U U U U U U U U U U U
Requirements Database O U U U U U U U U U U U U U
Functional Architecture O U U U U U U U
Physical Architecture O U U U U U U U U U
Bill of Materials (BOM) O U U
Engineering Change Register U U U U U U U U U O U U U U
Configuration Database U U U U U U O U U U U U
Design Models/Information Register U U O O U O U U U U U U U U U U
Document/Data Register U U O
EMC Threat Matrix/Risk Register U U U U O
Engineering Comments Register U U O O U U U U U U U
Verification Error Log U U O U U U U
Hazard Log/Safety Risk Register U U U U U O U U
Human Factors Issues Log/Register U U U U U U U U U U U U O U
Systems Integration Schedule O U U
Technical Interface Register U U U U U U U U O U U U U
Interface Control Docs U U U U U U U U U U U O U U U U
Technical Issues Register U U U U U U U U U U U O U U U U
Technical Maintenance Plans O U U
Manufacturing Database O U U U U U U
Non-Compliance Register (audit) U U U U U U U U U U U U U U O U U U U U U U U U
Roles/Responsibilities Chart O U U U
System RAM Models (RBD) U U U U U U U U U U U U O U U U U
System Safety Models (FTA,GSN) U U U U U U U U U U U U U O U U
Product RAM Data U U U U U U O U
Product/Asset Breakdown U U U O U U U U U U U U U U U
Technical Risk Register U U U O U U U U
Project Deliverables Schedule U U U U U O U U U
Inspection & Test Logs U U U O U U U U U U U U
Operational Integration Plans U U O U U U U U U U U
Verification & Validation Evidence U U U U O U U U U U U U
Competency & Training Register U O U U
The need for a standalone SEMP depends on the level of scope, novelty, complexity and risk
associated with the acquisition of new or altered assets.
In the case of a large collection of similar, relatively simple projects, executed under a common
program of works (for example, station easy access projects under the Transport Access
Program), then a single program-level SEMP may be sufficient to address all SE activities
across the program.
For simple projects using type approved products in standard configurations, the need for heavy
application of SE and detailed standalone SEMP may not be justifiable. In such cases, SE may
be applied lightly and describe the SE activities within the project engineering management
plan, project delivery plan, or equivalent management plan.
For example, a project whose scope involves the delivery of an at-grade car park, overhead
wiring or a high voltage aerial feeder to a substation may not require significant SE effort, other
than the briefest of requirements, some interface management, qualitative RAM analysis, and
some qualitative EMC analysis based on compliance to established standards. This could be
embedded in a standard project delivery plan or engineering plan, and would not require a
dedicated SEMP.
The SEMP should address the system level objectives to be achieved, such as increase line
capacity from 20 trains per hour to 24 trains per hour, increase traction current in feeder
sections from 5000 Amps to 6000 Amps, or increase passenger capacity in station concourse
from 1000 to 2000.
• BRS and SRS complete and signed by sponsor (can be in the form of a RATM/RVTM)
• systems architecture
The objective or need for a change in transport functional or performance capability forms the
basis for the business requirements and system requirements, which in turn form the basis for
procuring or building the system. Without clear articulation of the top-level objective or need, a
solution that is proposed and developed may not support the need, and may lead to excessive
and unplanned whole-of-life costs.
The SEMP as one of a suite of related documents needs to be placed within the context of and
related to the other plans that form part of the management arrangements for the new or altered
system. SE as an engineering methodology cannot be carried out in isolation of project
management, safety assurance, risk management and procurement management.
The requirements structure should clearly articulate how top-level business objectives and
needs are translated into operational and service level requirements, and finally into system
level requirements that define the solution to be acquired. The requirements structure should
indicate traceability of requirements, and how they are verified and validated. Allocation of
system requirements to subsystems should be identified and controlled.
The scope and boundary of the system is essential to ensure that the level of SE is scaled and
tailored accordingly to ensure value for money and an appropriate level of assurance.
The transport system is highly complex, with many physical, functional and operational
interfaces to consider, especially where the system is to be delivered as a series of interim
migration stages. The interfaces between elements inside the system boundary, as well as
interfaces to its operational environment and other systems should be clearly defined.
The SEMP should clearly define its range of control over the total system life cycle, and the
planned stage gates to be passed in order to provide progressive assurance that the system will
be accepted. The scope and extent of a SEMP can vary from one project to another.
A design and construction project may have a SEMP that extends from receipt of a reference
design and SRS through to the defect and liability phase following hand over.
On the other hand, a build operate transfer (BOT) joint venture organisation may require a
SEMP that extends from receipt of a BRS through to hand over of the system to TfNSW after
operating and maintaining it for 25 years.
The SEMP should describe the SE technical processes to be followed, including limits of
control, responsibilities, deliverables, tools and controlling standards and procedures. The SE
technical processes include, but are not limited to, requirements, interface, RAM, safety, EMC
and V&V management.
The SE organisation can vary significantly depending on the nature of the project change. An
at-grade car park project may have minimal and rudimentary SE activities that may be carried
out by the project manager. A medium complexity project may embed SE activities within the
engineering organisation, with SE responsibility allocated to a lead engineer and design leads.
A high complexity project with significant novelty and risk may require a specialist SE team to
carry out the full range of technical and related specialised processes.
The SEMP should describe the various share information resources to be produced and used
by the organisation during the delivery of the project. These include, but are not limited to,
requirements database, technical interface register, interface control documents and so on.
A more detailed SEMP structure based on the INCOSE Handbook is proposed in Appendix A,
and may be considered for project with high levels of complexity, novelty and risk.
However, the scope and content of a SEMP can vary significantly depending on the nature of
the project.
Peer plans
Project quality plan
Safety management plan
Risk management plan
Environmental and sustainability plan
Project work breakdown structure and schedule
Issues management plan
Resource management plan
Commercial plan
Procurement plan
Cost management plan Requirements management plan
Communications plan Verification and validation plan
Parent plans Document/data management plan Interface management plan
Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) RAM(s) management plan
Asset management plan (AMP)
System architecture management plan
Project management plan (PMP) Standards management plan
Human factors integration plan
Configuration management plan
EMC management plan
Change management plan
Software/data management plan
CAD/GIS/BIM management plan
Maintenance and integrated logistics support (ILS) plan
Data preparation plan
Design management plan
Manufacturing or fabrication plan
Construction or installation plan
Systems integration/migration/staging plan
Inspection and test plan
System acceptance plan
Operational readiness plan
The project management plan (PMP) describes the overall management arrangements
(including SE, safety, procurement, and so on) for the planning and acquisition of a new or
altered asset as a project. As the PMP is the top-level plan for managing a change such as a
new or altered system as part of a project, the SEMP should align with and support the PMP
Note: For smaller projects some of the plans listed could be combined, or may not be
required. The person responsible for planning and managing SE should assess the
level of detail required, in consultation with the project manager, based on the
expected level of novelty, complexity, scale and risk of the project. To justify the
reduction or exclusion of some SE activities, a coherent assurance argument is
11.5.3. Sub-plans
The SEMP covers all of the major systems engineering functions and it may do so by referring
to other subordinate plans such as those shown in Figure 15 as 'sub-plans'. These sub-plans
focus on key technical and technical management processes for the project such as; human
factors, requirements, system architecture, interface management and configuration
management to name a few.
Note: For smaller projects some sub-plans could be combined (or form sections of a
SEMP), or may not be required. The person responsible for planning and managing
SE should assess the level of detail required, in consultation with the project manager,
based on the expected level of novelty, complexity, scale and risk.
SE technical processes in ISO15288 are generically defined to cover a wide range of industry
sectors such as aerospace, defence, oil and gas, medical, automotive and transport.
For this reason, the generic ISO15288 processes are described in the context of how they will
be implemented in the transport sector, in particular for TfNSW. This is called tailoring.
• low: for simple projects that involve mostly a single discipline using type approved products
in a standard configuration, requirements management may be limited to a section of a
project plan or a project engineering management plan
Requirements management processes are used to define the requirements for a system to
achieve the following:
In order to achieve a new or altered service capability, the enterprise goals and needs are
identified by the sponsor developing service level agreements with operating agencies,
analysing customers' needs into requirements and transport planners. However, in some cases
it is possible that the operator and maintainer may perform this activity (for example, Sydney
Trains developing the Rail Operations Centre).
This activity is the trigger for the investment life cycle, and should align with the long term vision
and enterprise objectives of TfNSW and the State of NSW as a whole.
Regardless of who produces the BRS in any particular situation, the following activities should
be carried out in order to produce a baseline BRS:
• define the operational capability (operational performance) to support the need or goals
• produce an OCD that describes the operational activities required to support the
operational capability
• produce a MCD that describes the maintenance activities required to support the
operational capability
• produce a ConOps that provides an overarching high-level view of the organisation, its
goals and objectives to direct the overall characteristics of the future business and systems
required to operate the business
• conduct all performance modelling and analysis to support production of these deliverables
The BRS should be accepted and endorsed by the TNAC to assure that network asset integrity
is retained in all these cases as it involves significant changes to the transport network.
Depending on the commercial contract, the delivery organisation responsible for developing the
SRS may not always be the project delivery office within TfNSW.
In some cases the SRS may be produced by the operator and maintainer.
When a contract is awarded, the AEO should analyse the system requirements in the SRS, and
determine the appropriate system design solution to achieve these requirements. The AEO may
choose to adopt the reference design solution associated with the SRS, or it may choose to
develop its own solution.
As the system architecture evolves, the system requirements are allocated to subsystems such
as rolling stock vehicle, bus vehicle, road traffic signals, railway signalling and control,
telecommunications, electrical traction, track and structures. The allocation of requirements to
these subsystems results in the development of subsystem requirements that can be traced
back to system requirements.
The traceability of these requirements should be managed formally using a tool that is suitable
for the complexity of the new or altered system to be delivered.
The project should at all stages of the development of the new or altered system, be able to
trace the development of the design back to the key source documents that resulted in the
initiation of the project (for example, policy, strategy, long term plans).
The project should also be able to trace the development of the evolving system to informing
documents such as hazard logs, assumptions, dependencies, constraints, domain knowledge,
and value for money analysis.
For high-complexity projects that can contain a large number of requirements, a dedicated
commercial of the shelf (COTS) requirements management tool is recommended as it becomes
increasingly difficult for the following tasks:
• change requirements
For lower complexity projects with fewer requirements and simpler interfaces, the requirements
may be managed in a spread sheet or similar tool (RATM/RVTM).
Various parts of TfNSW have taken a strategic decision to adopt a common RqM tool, schema
and process for seamless requirements management between the various divisions. The supply
chain should ensure that requirements under its control are defined in a common format that
permits easy exchange with TfNSW.
For systems involving high complexity, a functional architecture or model is good to start with to
ensure that all system functions are identified and sufficiently defined.
The system is further defined by identifying the proposed physical solution architecture and
allocating the functions to the physical system elements or subsystems.
The physical system elements or subsystems are then allocated to geographical locations to
form the geographical (or deployment) architecture.
Additional effort may be involved in defining system and subsystem interfaces as part of the
system architecture design process.
When the functional, physical, geographical and interface architecture design are defined, the
project then progresses to detailed design of each of the constituent subsystems as part of the
implementation process.
Examples of functional, physical, geographical and interface architectures that are synthesised
and developed under the system architectural design process are described in Section 7.6,
Section 7.7, Section 7.8 and Section 7.9.
The level of SE within the implementation process is limited to verification of designs, factory
acceptance and site acceptance.
The requirements for system interface management and integration management is stated in
T MU AM 06006 ST.
Interfaces should be analysed and synthesised into the overall system design. For high novelty
and complexity systems, a dedicated interface management plan is required. For simpler
projects, interface management may be part of an engineering management plan.
In the SE management context, interface management refers to managing the technical system
interfaces, and is not limited to organisation or contract interfaces.
Interface requirements are identified and captured by functional and physical architecture
models and stakeholder meetings and interviews.
Interface requirements are managed by interdisciplinary design reviews and checks (IDR and
IDC) and following standards (where standards adequately define known interfaces).
When the system requirements are allocated to individual subsystems (and the specialist
disciplines responsible for designing each subsystem), the risk of individual subsystem designs
diverging from each other in terms of how they integrate into the wider system may exist.
Regular interdisciplinary design reviews and checks should be facilitated to ensure that
interfaces defined in the earlier system architecture are still achievable in terms of the required
functionality and performance.
Depending on the level of novelty and complexity, these interdisciplinary reviews could be
facilitated either by a design manager or by a dedicated interface manager for high complexity
Interface risks may include both safety and non-safety related risks. Technical system interface
risks may be identified during preliminary hazard identification (HazId), followed by a more
detailed interface hazard analysis (IHA).
All technical interface risks should be managed in the same way, by assigning controls and
owners to assure that the risks are controlled to a level that is reasonably practicable.
For high complexity systems, specification and planning of interface development and control
should follow a structured approach. This is achieved by identifying all key subsystems within
the overall system, and arranging them in a matrix of rows and columns. Each element of the
matrix represents a technical or system interface to be controlled. An example of an ICD matrix
is presented in Appendix F.
When all interfaces are identified in the ICD matrix (also called an N2 matrix), each interface
should be defined in terms of who is responsible for each end of that interface and who takes
the lead on assuring that interface. This is done using the interface control document (ICD).
High level functionality and performance requirements should be identified in the ICD.
As the system architecture progresses, and depending on the level of novelty, complexity and
risk, an interface requirement specification (IRS) may be required to further define the detailed
functional and performance requirements.
Examples of where this level of interface definition and control would be required include
interfacing a particular signalling interlocking product type to the Radio Block Centre (RBC) for
an ETCS-L2 application. Details of the data telegram and associated protocols would need to
be defined in the IRS, to allow the interlocking to communicate with the RBC unit.
The IRS is most suitable for electrical and electronic programmable systems that rely on
embedded software.
Due to the complex nature of the live operational railway, especially with brown field projects, it
is not possible to integrate all systems in a single stage. A systems integration plan should take
the interfaces defined in the ICDs (and IRSs if necessary), to develop a series of planned
intermediate stages. This is done in order to bring the various subsystems together in a
controlled manner, including the specification of integration tests.
The system (and subsystem) designer should cooperate with the testing and commissioning
staff to plan the integration and testing activities, along with acceptance criteria.
During system integration, designers should be available to support testing and commissioning
staff to ensure that the original interface design intent is met, and to authorise changes required
as a result of issues that may arise during integration and testing.
With some systems, a significant amount of the system integration and testing may be carried
out off site at the supplier’s factory premises, as factory integration testing.
For high complexity projects it may not be possible to commission the entire new or altered
system into operation in one stage onto the rail network. The most practical approach used for
introducing new or altered assets, is to introduce elements of the system through a series of
interim configuration states or stage works under possessions. This stage works may be
described in a stage works plan or migration plan or integration plan.
These migration or interim configuration stages should be carefully planned, to ensure that the
right staff, processes, tools, equipment and assets are ready for staged integration and testing.
The systems integration and migration plan should be supported by a detailed schedule of
integration activities and controls.
Where the change introduced by an interim configuration state is assessed as significant, then it
may need to be escalated above the delivery organisation's CCB for approval by the TNAC as
an interim commissioned system (that is TNAC Gate 5). In most cases, interim configurations
are managed as a change through the local delivery organisation's CCBs.
V&V often use the same processes, tools and methods, but for achieving different assurance
outcomes at different stages in the project life cycle of the system.
The verification process spans through the system life cycle from the specify phase through to
system integration, whereas validation is used as the final demonstration that the business
requirements are met for system acceptance.
Verification deliverables may include a verification plan (possibly a V&V plan, since validation is
managed with verification), and one or more verification reports (or V&V reports) depending on
system complexity, novelty of products and configuration, and number of migration stages. This
V&V plan should describe the process and methods to be used, V&V organisation and
responsibilities, the structure of expected V&V evidence, how this V&V evidence is captured (in
a tool), and planned deliverables (reports). For simpler projects, verification may be embedded
within the SEMP, engineering management plan or even the project management plan.
The organisation, roles and responsibilities for verification activities may be different to
validation activities. For software specific projects such as communication based interlocking
data sets or ATRICS system, a separate verification plan and report may be developed by a
verifier to examine the completeness, correctness and consistency of the software in
accordance to the system and subsystem level specifications. While it may be railway focused,
further information and guidance on V&V specific activities and roles can be found in
EN 50128:2001.
During the acquire stage, the V&V plan should undergo changes throughout the preliminary and
detailed design phases to document the required V&V activities such as systems integration
tests (SIT), site acceptance tests (SAT) and factory acceptance tests (FAT).
The verification process spans through the system life cycle from the concept and specify phase
through to system integration and testing.
Verification should begin as soon as the BRS is produced. This should be done in order to
begin demonstrating that business requirements are identified and defined that satisfy and are
traceable to original user needs (demand analysis) defined at the very beginning of the system
life cycle. For low complexity projects, this may be done through a RVTM spreadsheet.
Furthermore, during requirements definition (BRS and SRS), the project should determine the
V&V methods and criteria that may be used later to assure that requirements are achieved, the
responsible person for each activity, and when these activities are planned to take place.
TfNSW projects use a specialised requirements management tool to capture both requirements
information and evidence details of the verification activities that are used to progressively
assure that requirements are met during design, construction, testing and commissioning
TfNSW has adopted DOORS as its standard requirements management tool and has specified
and configured a schema in DOORS to manage verification activities and evidence. For low
complexity projects, a RVTM spreadsheet may be developed in lieu of a complex requirements
management system.
TfNSW does not mandate the use of any proprietary RqM tool (such as DOORS) on AEOs and
the supply chain, but does require all requirement and V&V information to be presented in a
structure that facilitates seamless transfer into the TfNSW DOORS project repository.
• all safety risks controlled or transferred to and accepted by the operator and maintainer
During the plan, specify, develop and acquire phases of a new or altered system, the project
should consider the system operations over its full operational life time (operability and
operational availability analysis). This information should be captured through the project OCD
and updated as the system design matures.
Following acceptance of the new or altered system from the project, the operator and
maintainer should continue to manage the system and its configuration, including application of
SE management principles to ongoing operations.
During the plan, specify, develop and acquire phases of a new or altered system, the project
should consider the system maintenance over its full operational lifetime (maintainability and
logistic support analysis). This should include consideration of many different maintainability
aspects, such as, but not limited to, the following:
• failure isolation
This information should be captured through the MCD that is developed early in the plan phase
of the life cycle and updated as the system design matures.
Following acceptance of the new or altered system from the project, the operator and
maintainer should continue to manage the system and configuration, including application of SE
management principles to ongoing maintenance.
Disposal of systems is not carried out by the same organisation that introduced those systems
in the first place; often separate in time by decades of operations and maintenance.
where an SE or SE related process is active over multiple stages, it may be more active at one
point and less active at another. This mapping and level of activity can vary from one system or
project type to another, and depends on technology, complexity, novelty, risk and other factors.
Figure 16 shows an example of the mapping of SE activities to system life cycle stages.
Co an
ty /
nd Dec As itio
Pr e D uce uc
Up D ec mis Co n urv e
Pl ana t C g rad an c
Su rod e R dev nni
C o Co tu
Op r aft nd/N
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da o m s io
tai uce efe
Bu on
M ss e Up
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is s
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Pr S ( f an g lop m t
Op /M De lo pm
t A ain
Sy bs y ty A allat
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As is s ing/ ratio
Pr C on inar es i
Pl ys te y As on in
M n Sa a ile /VfM
Sa ptio ev e men
an a l fo As s ig
BR C as s/Se men
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OC lin
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in g Co n & n
ns ring stru e
on ion
er fety
S fet
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ac r Co ura
de s de naly
Sa /In ca tio
Sa mm Te
on g/D os a
sp Inte nc e
a ve
ion Dis
s tr y D gn
t M pt
n ig u s
D op t
A ura
de op m t
ain anc
tio ra tio
at o sa
s s io n
is s st
elo ng
eA e
Pl e nt
isp l
op t
Detailed SE Lifecycle Activities Need Concept Specify Procure Design Build Integrate Accept Operate/Maintain Dispose
INCOSE SE Lifecycle Stages Exploratory Concept Development Production Utilisation/Support Retirement
TfNSW Asset Lifecycle Stages Plan Acquire Operate/Maintain Dispose
Operation & Maintenance Analysis
Requirements Management
System Modelling & Analysis
System Architecture Management
Software/Data Management
Design Management
Manufacturing Management
Installation Management
Systems Integration Management
Inspection & Test Management
Verification & Validation Management
Commissioning Management
Systems Engineering Management
Operational Integration Management
Systems Assurance Management
Configuration Management
Engineering Change Management
Document & Data Management
Technical Interface Management
Technical Issues Management
System RAM Management
System Safety Management
Human Factors Integration
EMC Management
Lifecycle Support Analysis
• EMC management
• RAM management
Where type approved products are used in standard configurations, EMC may be demonstrable
by complying with engineering standards and codes of practice and some testing. Where novel
products are introduced or type approved products are configured in a novel way, then
additional modelling, analysis and testing is required in order to assure EMC risk is controlled.
The level of EMC effort should be scalable according to the novelty, complexity and risks
associated with the introduction of new or altered systems.
For an electrical traction supply engineer, EMC may relate to modelling and analysis of a novel
25 kV ac traction system introduced onto a section of the rail network that was previously using
1500 V dc traction, or was not electrified. The effects of electromagnetic induction on parallel
conductive paths such as fences, pipelines, and copper cables should be analysed and
appropriate EMC controls put in place.
For a signal engineer, EMC may relate to analysis of external EMI threats to signal interlocking,
remote control systems, copper lineside cables and other trackside equipment.
For a telecommunications engineer, EMC may relate to the introduction of audio hearing loops
on station platforms, close to traction OHW and train detection systems, and therefore the need
to analyse and test for in-band interference between these systems.
For a structural engineer, EMC may relate to the need to cooperate with the electrical traction
supply engineer in identifying earthing and bonding arrangements for a bridge and the effects of
electrolysis from dc traction earth return currents on the structure foundations.
For a contractor designing and building an at-grade car park outside the rail corridor, a need for
any form of EMC management may not be present.
For more detailed guidance on management of EMC, refer to TS 10504: 2013 AEO Guide to
Engineering Management and AS/RISSB 7722 EMC Management. For the purposes of railway
engineering, the EN 50121 series of standards are treated as the guiding standards.
The need for and application of RAM management has different meaning to different disciplines.
The impact of RAM management on planning and acquisition of new or altered systems and the
specific disciplines that support the system design should be understood.
For a structural engineer, RAM may relate to finite element modelling and analysis of a bridge
structure to determine stress points and selection of corrosion-resistant materials to ensure that
the bridge meets or exceeds a 100 or 200-year lifetime.
For a track engineer, RAM may relate to the selection of harder wearing steel rail (such as CrMn
or head-hardened rail) to achieve longer wear life under increased axle loads. This will have
longer term impacts on future rail grinding and profiling programs that incur significant cost to
the operator and maintainer.
For an electrical traction supply engineer, RAM may relate to the modelling and analysis of the
traction power supply network, including feeders from the bulk electricity suppliers. This ensures
that all traction supply points to the railway are fed from at least two geographically diverse
sources. This is done in order to achieve a required power supply availability and traction
current performance under normal, degraded and emergency modes of operation.
For a signal engineer, RAM may relate to the reliability modelling and analysis of a redundant
remote control or interlocking architecture to assure availability or the selection of LED signals
to improve reliability over filament lamp signals.
For a telecommunications engineer, RAM may relate to reliability modelling and analysis of a
redundant optical fibre backbone network and selection of a ring, star or network architecture to
achieve sufficient network availability under degraded modes of operation.
Where the new or altered system is specified to use proven type approved products in standard
approved configurations, the need for RAMS modelling may not be necessary. If the preferred
option is specified by TfNSW due to logistic reasons, then there is little value to be gained by
the AEO (typically the design consultant) performing detailed RAMS modelling and analysis in
order to obtain numeric RAMS targets. However, major changes to parts of the system require a
RAMS assessment to maintain or at least improve the integrity of the system.
Where TfNSW has provided numeric RAMS targets to be met by the contracting parties, then it
is necessary for the design AEO to develop a RAM model to verify during design that the
system is likely to meet those targets.
For more guidance on the management of RAM, refer to the following standards:
• AS/NZS ISO/IEC 15288 Systems and software engineering—System life cycle processes
The AEO should be aware of the need for human-system interaction in the development of the
system solution, in order to ensure an effective and efficient system, and provide assurance that
new risks (including safety) are not introduced at the human-machine interface.
For more detailed requirements and guidance on human factors integration, refer to the
following documents.
• agreement processes
• project processes
• tailoring processes
In the acquisition process, SE should communicate and coordinate efforts with TfNSW
procurement and its associated processes and ensure that system specifications are complete,
correct and coherent with the request for tender. The systems engineer may produce and
review tender specifications and review tender compliance to those specifications.
In the supply process SE should ensure that sufficient communication and coordination occurs
with the supply chain in terms of communicating system level requirements down to the
suppliers and ensuring that assurance of delivery against system requirements is provided by
• project planning process (TfNSW project delivery process and operator and maintainer
project planning processes)
• project assessment and control process (TfNSW project delivery process and operator and
maintainer project control processes)
• project decision management process (TfNSW project delivery and operator and
maintainer project processes)
The person responsible for planning and managing SE should adopt a pragmatic, value for
money approach in implementing SE on a project. The systems engineer should assure delivery
of a new or altered system that meets the business and stakeholder requirements in the most
cost-effective manner.
If the project involves a system that uses type approved products in a standard configuration
that were successfully introduced before, then it is unnecessary to model RAM or EMC and the
level of human factors integration (HFI) may be limited.
Similarly, for a simple single-discipline project such as doubling the OHW contact wire to
achieve increased current capacity, the need to develop a system architecture model is
15. SE tools
The management of SE on high complexity and high novelty projects requires the selection and
implementation of appropriate tools to support various SE management activities.
These SE tools should be selected based on the value for money that they provide in improving
efficiency and assurance that the system requirements are complete, coherent and achieved.
Depending on the nature of the problem or need to be addressed by the acquisition of a new or
altered system, tools can be selected and implemented to support SE management as follows:
• organisation of the project and how SE interfaces with other parts of the organisation
• QA planning
• infrastructure support and resource management (that is, facilities, tools, IT, personnel, and
so on)
• resilience (for global climatic change events, earthquakes, catastrophic fires and major
• system security
• manufacturability or constructability
• transportability
Note: The SEMP structure obtained from INCOSE SE Handbook is modified to suit
Sys Arch
Level Project Example Project Complex Novelty Unmitigated SE
Scale project risk effort
Project At-grade car park Small Low Low Low Light L L L L L - L
Bus stop (single) Small Low Low Low Light L L L L L L L
OHW (new/altered) Small Low Low Low Light L L L L L L -
HV feeder 66/33/11 kV (new/altered) Small Low Low Low Light L L L L L M -
Multi-story car park Medium Medium Low Medium Medium M M M L L - M
Traction substation (single) Medium Medium Low Medium Medium M M H M M M M
Station (small to medium, new/altered, single) Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium M M M M H M M
Transport interchange or light rail stop (major, single) Large High Medium Medium Medium H H H M H M H
Stabling yard (single) Large High Low Medium Medium H H H M H M H
Program Major track or road renewals (corridor/network) Large Low Low Medium Light L M M L M - -
New bus fleet procurement Large Medium Medium Medium Medium M M M M H M H
Transport access program (network) Large Medium Medium Medium Medium M H H M M L H
Automatic train protection (network) Large High High High Heavy H H H H H H H
New rolling stock fleet procurement (network/line) Large High High High Heavy H H H H H H H
Traction power supply upgrade (network) Large High Medium High Heavy H H H H H H M
Signalling technology upgrade (network level – road and rail) Variable High High High Heavy H H H H H H H
Corridor/line upgrade (brown field) V Large High High High Heavy H H H H H H H
Corridor/line new build (green field) V Large High High High Heavy H H H H H H H
Portfolio Sydney's rail future (network/multiple programs) V Large V High V High V High Heavy H H H H H H H
Sydney's Light rail future (CBD & SELR, Newcastle, Parramatta) V Large V High V High V High Heavy H H H H H H H
Sydney's Ferry future (wharves and fleet) V Large V High V High V High Heavy H H H H H H H
Demand Defects (OpCo AEO) Decommission/
Analysis Liability Disposal
Ops/Maint System
Concept Acceptance
System Minor Maint/ Minor Maint/
BRS System Validation
Validation Upgrades Upgrades
SRS Readiness
Architecture Verification SIT
Preliminary Systems
Design Integration
Verification SAT
(TfNSW Project Delivery + AEO) Product
Verification FAT
First Article
Adapt Generic Procure/
Product Manufacture
(Client) Product Accept Generic
(Supplier AEOs)
Specification Product
Plan Product
Define Generic Validate Generic HW/SW HW/SW
Generic Product Validation
Product Reqts Product Upgrades Upgrades
Generic Product
Demand Defects
Analysis Liability
Ops/Maint System
Concept Acceptance
BRS System Validation
Analysis Readiness
System SIT
Design SAT/
Detailed Inspection
Design Site
Product Verification
AFC First Article
Figure 18 – V life cycle model for multi-disciplinary, staged rail engineering project
d Ra LR Stop
Authorised Ro Heavy Rail
Person on track
A ad
ted Program
gr ega Delivery
Active Rail Rapid
Security Transport Sydney
Services Trains Walkway Transit
Person on track Protection of
staff on track
Customer Transport Transport State Country Sydney Bus
Security of staff Taxi Rapid Bus
and assets Service Planning Management Transit Rail Metro
Centre Authority Transit
Threaten self-harm, trespass,
vandalism, theft, terrorism Finance NSW Active
Cycleway Car
Investment Trains (Car Parks)
ICD MATRIX Signalling Telecoms & Control Electrical Overhead General Bridges & Stations & Yards & Rolling
Track Systems
Systems Data Network Systems Substation Wiring Civils Structures Interchanges Depots Stock
ICD Code:1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10
Signalling ABC Entity
Administration: ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity
Systems XXX-ICD-10
Document No.: XXX-ICD-11 XXX-ICD-12 XXX-ICD-13 XXX-ICD-14 XXX-ICD-15 XXX-ICD-16 XXX-ICD-17 XXX-ICD-18 XXX-ICD-19
Joe Bloggs
Owner: Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs
ICD Code: 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09
Telecoms & Administration: ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity
Data Network Document No.: XXX-ICD-20 XXX-ICD-21 XXX-ICD-22 XXX-ICD-23 XXX-ICD-24 XXX-ICD-25 XXX-ICD-26 XXX-ICD-27 XXX-ICD-28
Owner: Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs
ICD Code: 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08
Control Administration: ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity
Systems Document No.: XXX-ICD-30 XXX-ICD-31 XXX-ICD-32 XXX-ICD-33 XXX-ICD-34 XXX-ICD-35 XXX-ICD-36 XXX-ICD-37
Owner: Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs
ICD Code: 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07
Electrical Administration: ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity
Substation Document No.: XXX-ICD-40 XXX-ICD-41 XXX-ICD-42 XXX-ICD-43 XXX-ICD-44 XXX-ICD-45 XXX-ICD-46
Owner: Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs
ICD Code: 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06
Overhead ABC Entity
Administration: ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity
Wiring XXX-ICD-50
Document No.: XXX-ICD-51 XXX-ICD-52 XXX-ICD-53 XXX-ICD-54 XXX-ICD-55
Joe Bloggs
Owner: Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs
ICD Code: 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05
Administration: ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity
Track Systems XXX-ICD-60 XXX-ICD-61 XXX-ICD-62 XXX-ICD-63 XXX-ICD-64
Document No.:
Owner: Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs
ICD Code: 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04
General Administration: ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity ABC Entity
Civils Document No.: XXX-ICD-70 XXX-ICD-71 XXX-ICD-72 XXX-ICD-73
Owner: Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs
ICD Code: 8.02 8.03
Bridges & ABC Entity
Administration: ABC Entity ABC Entity
Structures XXX-ICD-80
Document No.: XXX-ICD-81 XXX-ICD-82
Joe Bloggs
Owner: Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs
ICD Code: 9.01 9.02
Stations & Administration: ABC Entity ABC Entity
Interchanges Document No.: XXX-ICD-90 XXX-ICD-91
Owner: Joe Bloggs Joe Bloggs
ICD Code:
Yards & ABC Entity
Depots XXX-ICD-100
Document No.:
Joe Bloggs
ICD Code:
Rolling Stock
Document No.: