TNSW Operating Condition
TNSW Operating Condition
TNSW Operating Condition
0, 02/09/2020
TS TOC.1 : 2020 issue 1
Version 18.0
Issue date: 08 May 2020
Important message
This document is one of a set of standards developed solely and specifically for use on
Transport Assets (as defined in the Asset Standards Authority Charter). It is not suitable for any
other purpose.
The copyright and any other intellectual property in this document will at all times remain the
property of the State of New South Wales (Transport for NSW).
You must not use or adapt this document or rely upon it in any way unless you are providing
products or services to a NSW Government agency and that agency has expressly authorised
you in writing to do so. If this document forms part of a contract with, or is a condition of
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This document may contain third party material. The inclusion of third party material is for
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Standard governance
Owner: Lead Rolling Stock Engineer, Asset Standards Authority
Authoriser: Chief Engineer, Asset Standards Authority
Approver: Executive Director, Asset Standards Authority on behalf of the ASA Configuration Control
Document history
Version Summary of changes
1.0 First issue (December 2013)
2.0 Second issue (December 2014)
3.0 Third issue (April 2015)
4.0 Fourth issue (August 2015)
5.0 Fifth issue (December 2015)
6.0 Sixth issue (April 2016)
7.0 Seventh issue (August 2016)
8.0 Eighth issue (December 2016)
9.0 Ninth issue (April 2017)
10.0 Tenth issue (August 2017)
11.0 Eleventh issue (December 2017)
12.0 Twelfth issue (April 2018)
13.0 Thirteenth issue (August 2018)
14.0 Fourteenth issue (December 2018)
15.0 Fifteenth issue (April 2019)
16.0 Sixteenth issue (August 2019)
17.0 Seventeenth issue (December 2019)
18.0 Current issue (April 2020)
The Asset Standards Authority (ASA) is a key strategic branch of Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
As the network design and standards authority for NSW Transport Assets, as specified in the
ASA Charter, the ASA identifies, selects, develops, publishes, maintains and controls a suite of
requirements documents on behalf of TfNSW, the asset owner.
The ASA deploys TfNSW requirements for asset and safety assurance by creating and
managing TfNSW's governance models, documents and processes. To achieve this, the ASA
focuses on four primary tasks:
• publishing and managing TfNSW's process and requirements documents including TfNSW
plans, standards, manuals and guides
• collaborating with the Transport cluster and industry through open engagement
The AEO framework authorises engineering organisations to supply and provide asset related
products and services to TfNSW. It works to assure the safety, quality and fitness for purpose of
those products and services over the asset's whole-of-life. AEOs are expected to demonstrate
how they have applied the requirements of ASA documents, including TfNSW plans, standards
and guides, when delivering assets and related services for TfNSW.
Compliance with ASA requirements by itself is not sufficient to ensure satisfactory outcomes for
NSW Transport Assets. The ASA expects that professional judgement be used by competent
personnel when using ASA requirements to produce those outcomes.
This TOC Manual aims to provide a single reference and technical guidance for train operations
on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail network.
The content, information and data within this TOC Manual are derived from updates since the
last edition on 15 January 2020. The information is compiled from a number of sources. The
ASA performs limited validation of this information as it is deemed to be sourced from
competent organisations.
This April 2020 issue of the TOC Manual comprises three parts as follows:
As the ASA continues to evolve, future iterations of the TOC Manual and the information
contained within it may be made available in different formats and delivery mechanisms to
facilitate ease of access and usability.
Table of contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Purpose........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Scope ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Application ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Reference documents ................................................................................................................................... 16
Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 17
Summary of changes .................................................................................................................................... 22
Page layout ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
Format of division pages.................................................................................................................................. 25
Format of division pages – explanation ........................................................................................................... 26
Where can locomotives run? ........................................................................................................................... 28
Draw capacity tonnage and maximum train length / brake type ..................................................................... 29
Format of speed sign table .............................................................................................................................. 30
Format of station data table and rolling stock data pages ............................................................................... 31
1. Route standards .................................................................................................................................... 33
1.1. Sydney Metropolitan – Classification of lines and locations of tunnels and field devices ................... 33
1.2. Sydney Metropolitan – Safeworking systems ...................................................................................... 34
1.3. Northern Division – Classification of lines and locations of tunnels and field devices ........................ 35
1.4. Northern Division – Grades and Safeworking systems Hornsby to Newcastle ................................... 36
1.5. Western Division – Classification of lines and locations of tunnels and field devices ......................... 37
1.6. Western Division – Grades and Safeworking systems Penrith to Bowenfels ..................................... 38
1.7. Illawarra Division – Classification of lines and locations of tunnels and field devices ......................... 39
1.8. Illawarra Division – Grades and Safeworking systems Waterfall to Bomaderry / Port Kembla .......... 40
1.9. Rail Management Centre Sydney – Areas controlled by Train Control Boards .................................. 41
1.10. Diagram indicating track width classifications ................................................................................. 42
1.11. Train operating length diagram ........................................................................................................ 43
2. Locomotive operations ......................................................................................................................... 45
2.1. Marshalling of locomotives .................................................................................................................. 45
2.2. Maximum speed of light locomotives ................................................................................................... 45
2.3. Assisting (banking) locomotives .......................................................................................................... 45
2.4. Distributed power ................................................................................................................................. 48
2.5. Excessive sanding ............................................................................................................................... 48
2.6. De-sanding equipment......................................................................................................................... 48
2.7. Locomotive wheel spin ........................................................................................................................ 49
2.8. Locomotive(s) dead attached or off line .............................................................................................. 49
2.9. Marshalling of locomotives due to brake valve type ............................................................................ 49
2.10. Multiple unit working of locomotive .................................................................................................. 50
2.11. Mixing locomotive types ................................................................................................................... 50
2.12. Mixing AC with DC type locomotives ............................................................................................... 51
2.13. Mixing locomotive types (ECP brakes) ............................................................................................ 52
The April 2020 issue of the TOC Manual comprises three parts:
• TS TOC.1: 2020 issue 1 Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Manual – General Instructions;
this document
• TS TOC.2: 2020 issue 1 Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Manual – Division Pages
• TS TOC.3: 2020 issue 1 Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Manual – Track Diagrams
TS TOC.2: 2020 issue 1, Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Manual – Division Pages, contains
the following:
TS TOC.3: 2020 issue 1, Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Manual – Track Diagrams contains
the following:
• Track Diagrams
The TOC Manual specifies conditions for the operation of trains and rolling stock on the TfNSW
Metropolitan Heavy Rail network.
The TOC Manual describes the network, defines operating conditions for trains and rolling
stock, and lists all rolling stock authorised to operate on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail
The TOC Manual is to be used by train planners, train timetablers, train control personnel, and
train crews, and shall be read in conjunction with the relevant Safeworking rules and
Reference documents
The following documents are cited in the text. For dated references, only the cited edition
applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
Transport Standards
The above Network Local Appendices are specifically referenced in this manual,
however all Network Local Appendices are applicable.
Other Networks
articulated vehicle a vehicle comprising of two or more units, adjacent ends of individual units
being supported on a common bogie and permanently connected by a device that permits a
degree of free rotation in all planes
automatic airbrake a braking system where the loss air pressure (e.g. brake pipe)
automatically results in an emergency brake application
basic block working a form of manual block working which does not require the issue of a
Condition Affecting the Network (CAN) form
block train a train required to travel under manual block working in track-circuited territory
brake pipe continuity the brake pipe coupling hoses are connected and coupling cocks are
open between vehicles to ensure changes in air pressure in the brake pipe is transmitted from
one end of the train to the other end
convoy a group of track vehicles not coupled but travelling closely together under a single
Proceed Authority or a Track Occupancy Authority
coupling cock a cock (valve, tap) fitted at each end of the brake pipe(s), main reservoir pipe,
etc. enabling the air connection to the coupling hose to be opened or closed when required
coupling hose a flexible connection generally fitted to the coupling cock of the brake pipe(s),
main reservoir pipes, etc. to provide an air connection between adjacent vehicles
diesel multiple unit (DMU) a distributed power passenger train made up of similar diesel
powered and non-powered vehicles capable of carrying passengers and operating as a train
distributed power a train operating with power units located at the front and one or more other
locations in the train consist. Remote power units may be controlled from the lead locomotive by
radio signal or hard wired through the train
draw capacity the strength of a vehicle (couplers, draftgear, underframe, etc.) used to
determine the load that can be hauled behind the vehicle
driver safety system a system fitted to rail vehicles to provide a means of stopping the
vehicle/train in case the driver becomes incapacitated or the vehicle/train passes a signal at
stop. These include vigilance control system, deadman, and trip stops
electric multiple unit a distributed power passenger train made up of similar electric powered
and non-powered vehicles capable of carrying passengers and operating as a train
electrically controlled pneumatic a braking system activated by electrical signals along the
length of the train with air supplied by the train pipe
emergency cock a readily accessible manually operated valve or tap, in a vehicle with an
automatic air brake that exhausts the brake pipe to atmosphere causing an emergency brake
application. Sometimes referred as an emergency brake pipe tap
emergency coupler an adaptor used to couple vehicles with incompatible coupling systems
handbrake a mechanical device used to secure a rail vehicle against movement. Handbrake
includes a spring parking brake
handlamp a lamp or torch that can display red, white, and green lights
haul to move rail traffic using motive power source at the leading end of the train
head end power a train operating with all motive power units located at the front of the train
loading cycle cycle of operation of a freight train including travelling to a loading location,
loading, travelling to destination and unloading
loading outline the maximum height and width to which rail vehicles can be loaded for a
particular line without fouling, as prescribed in the Train Operating Conditions manual, Section
5, Loading Restrictions
locomotive a self-propelled rail-bound vehicle that may be used to move other vehicles
manual block working a method of special working which ensures sole occupancy by
manually maintaining a block behind a rail traffic movement
marker lights lights that indicate the front or rear of the train
multiple unit locomotive two or more locomotives marshalled together to provide the power to
move itself or other vehicles
Network Rules rules issued by Sydney Trains to mandate the requirements for safe operation
on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail network
normal speed a speed that does not exceed the current speed limit for the track and class of
rail traffic
operator an organisation that manages, operates or maintains rail traffic on the TfNSW
Metropolitan Heavy Rail network
partial train inspection a train inspection carried out when the train consist is altered and
includes only parts of a full train inspection
power car a self-propelled vehicle, which may or may not convey passengers and/or freight,
and operates in conjunction with similar vehicles in a multiple unit consist
prescribed train a train laden in excess of a specified percentage of its maximum load that can
be hauled by the motive power unit, for that portion of line
propel to manage airbrake operation of moving rail traffic from a cab that is not in the lead
vehicle of a train
qualified worker a worker certified as competent to carry out the relevant task
rake of vehicles a number of vehicles that are kept together in a fixed train consist
road-rail vehicle pneumatically tyred or crawler tracked road vehicles fitted with attachments
that permit operation on rail, which can be readily transferred from one mode to another without
additional facilities. Sometimes referred as Hi-rail vehicles
ruling grade the maximum grade on a section of track. Used to determine the motive power
required for a train and the load that can be hauled
run around locomotive movement where the locomotive is moved from one end of a train to the
other end
scaled wheel a build-up of metallic material on a wheel tread’s surface, generally as a result of
overheating from sticking brakes or dragging brakes causing wheels to slide on the rail
single self-propelled vehicle a rail vehicle that can operate under its own power without being
coupled to another vehicle
skidded wheels flat areas on the wheel tread, caused when wheels “lock up” under braking or
seized axles and the wheels slide or skid on the rail
TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail network is the network name, formerly the RailCorp network,
refer to the document 'scope' which defines the area associated with the network
thermal cracks cracks in the running surface and adjacent areas of a wheel, caused by thermal
effect of heating and cooling resulting from on-tread friction braking
TOC Waiver (Train Operating Conditions Waiver) a notice of changes or exceptions to the
requirements specified in the published Train Operating Conditions Manual
track the combination of rails, rail connectors, sleepers, ballast, points, and crossings
track circuit an electric circuit where current is carried through the rails and used to detect the
presence of trains. Track-circuits are used in the operation and control of points, signalling
equipment and indicators
track circuit shorting clip a cable that can be clamped to a line’s rails to activate track-circuits
track speed the allowable maximum train speed for a portion of track
track vehicle a vehicle, usually self-propelled, used mainly for inspecting and maintaining track
and infrastructure
track vehicle operator a qualified worker controlling the movement of a track vehicle
trackside monitoring equipment devices that monitor and respond to track, trackside, and rail
vehicle condition
train (identification) number a train or run number used to provide unique identification of a
trolleys small rail vehicles that can be operated on rail and are moved manually
whistle a device such as a horn, whistle, bell, siren, or hooter fitted to a train or track
maintenance vehicle to give audible warning
work out of service to work to a suitable yard, service depot, siding, or location where rolling
stock can leave the running line for repair or replacement of vehicle equipment
Section 1
Route standards
Section 2
Locomotive operations
Powering locomotives may be marshalled anywhere within a train subject to the requirements of
Section 2.3 and Section 2.4 below. Powering locomotives within the train consist or at the rear
of a train are called distributed power locomotives.
Up to five (5) locomotives may be marshalled together at the front of a train. The number of
distributed power locomotives marshalled together within a train consist and/or at the rear of a
train shall not exceed the maximum horsepower limits specified for assisting (Banking)
Unless otherwise approved by the Asset Standards Authority, the maximum number of
locomotives, which can be marshalled together and powering at any given time is specified
under Multiple Locos in the Maximum Speed of Locomotives and Rolling Stock table
located in the respective Division Pages.
The lead locomotive in a light locomotive consist or on a train (and any crewed distributed
power locomotive) shall be fitted with an operable approved Driver Safety System.
The maximum speed of light locomotives will be 80km/h within the area as outlined in
Section 3.5 in Train Operations, Operation of freight trains and light locomotives in Sydney
Metropolitan area, page 66, or lower (50 km/h or less) as indicated in the MAXIMUM SPEED
OF LOCOMOTIVES AND ROLLING STOCK table located in the respective Division Pages and
the Train operating length diagram in Section 1.11.
Additional locomotives may be used to assist a train where there is insufficient train locomotive
tractive effort to haul a train over the grade. Assisting locomotives may be attached to the front
or rear of a train.
If the locomotives are attached at the front, the maximum number of powering locomotives
specified under Multiple Locos in the Maximum Speed of Locomotives and Rolling Stock
table located in the respective Division Pages, shall not be exceeded.
If the assisting locomotives are attached to the rear of the train, the minimum allowable vehicle
mass for vehicles in the trailing 1/3 of the train mass is given below in Figure 1.
Figure 1 – Minimum allowable vehicle mass (assisting locomotives at rear of the train)
1. In the case of multi-pack vehicles the minimum allowable vehicle mass shall be
the gross mass divided by the number of platforms (decks).
2. Trains conveying Rail compatible Road Trailers (that is, Trailerail) shall not be
assisted in the rear without the specific authority of the Asset Standards Authority.
3. Low mass vehicles should be marshalled, where possible, towards the centre
of the train consist.
After a bank locomotive has been detached from the rear of a train, an end of train marker,
(EOTM) shall be fitted to the end of the rear vehicle on the train.
For emergency or incident type situations where there is a need to clear a section of line,
assisting locomotives which are normally subject to AC / DC locomotive mixing restrictions may
be mixed in any combination, provided the following is met:
• AC and DC locomotive crews are in communications with each other to control the
application of tractive effort
The train crews shall be vigilant of wheel spin or wheel slip events, especially in the DC
locomotive, and control the traction appropriately to avoid this possible occurrence.
In the case of wired or wireless distributed power, the operation shall be sanctioned and
approved by the Asset Standards Authority prior to any movements.
The train driver in the front locomotive shall have full control of the automatic air brake
throughout the train including the rear locomotive(s) and shall direct the driver of the distributed
power locomotives when to apply and reduce power.
All distributed power trains employing a locomotive(s) at each end for providing a shuttle
operation, shall be driven from the leading locomotive in the direction of travel, except when
shunting or yard working.
If the distributed power locomotives(s) are marshalled at the rear of the train, refer to Assisting
(banking) locomotives section (page 45) for the minimum allowable vehicle mass for vehicles in
the trailing 1/3 of the train mass.
Four-wheel vehicles and vehicles with non-automatic couplers shall not be included in a
distributed power train consist forward of the distributed power locomotives.
Where distributed power locomotives are attached to the rear of a train, the two red marker
lights on the rear locomotive shall be exhibited as tail lights to indicate the rear of the train. A
flashing tail light (end-of-train marker) is not required.
Locomotives that are applying excessive sand or sanding continuously shall be stopped and the
fault rectified or the sanding magnet valve isolating cock closed. The signaller/train controller
shall be advised.
In this case, if adhesion conditions require the use of sand, the sand equipment may be cut in
and the train worked under block working conditions until the sand is again isolated. The
signaller/train controller shall be advised and be in agreement with this working.
It is a requirement that all locomotives with sanding equipment and operating under power be
fitted with de-sanding equipment.
Section 2 Locomotive operations
© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2020 Page 48 of 376
Superseded by TS TOC 1 v19.0, 02/09/2020
Locomotives not fitted with de-sanding equipment (identified in Section 10 (page 176) General
Instruction pages by note R8) or locomotives with inoperative de-sanding equipment, operating
in track circuited areas, when operating as single units or as trailing units in a multiple unit
consist shall have their sanding equipment isolated.
Rails can be severely damaged by uncontrolled wheel spin. All cases of uncontrolled wheel spin
and/or rail burns shall be reported to the signaller/train controller so that arrangements can be
made to have the rails inspected to determine the extent of the damage.
When a train comes to a stand on the ruling grade due to possible loss of locomotive power,
insufficient adhesion (inoperative sanding system), train overloaded or there is evidence of
wheel spin within the locomotive consist, NO ATTEMPTS shall be made to move the train until
the defect is corrected. If the defect cannot be corrected the train shall be declared a failure and
be assisted from the section.
Dead / off line attached locomotives may be marshalled anywhere within a train consist.
Locomotives that are dead attached or off line shall be included in the train load and for the
purpose of train load calculations the live weight of the locomotive(s) is multiplied by 1.1 (covers
an increase in rolling resistance).
If the dead attached locomotives are coupled to the train locomotives, numbers 3 and 4 control
air hoses shall be coupled.
If the dead attached locomotives are marshalled in the train consist or at the rear of the consist,
these locomotive(s) shall be certified as having passed the brake system sensitivity part of the
single car air test before being considered fit to be marshalled in that position.
Locomotive(s) which do not pass the sensitivity test cannot operate dead attached within the
train consist or on the rear of the consist unless a crew person is available, to ensure the brakes
Unless otherwise approved, the marshalling restrictions in Table 3 apply to locomotives due to
the brake valve type on the lead locomotive.
In TS TOC 2, Division Pages, the respective pages headed "Maximum Speed of Locomotives
and Rolling Stock" have a column associated with locomotives headed "Multiple Loco Working".
This shows the maximum number of locomotives powering that may run coupled together in a
locomotive group on each relevant section of track.
• when more than three locomotives are marshalled on the front of the train and are
available for powering
• irrespective of the number of locomotives marshalled on the front of the train, if any empty
vehicle or empty platform (in the case of multi pack vehicles) is marshalled with more than
2000 tonnes trailing that empty vehicle
As each type of locomotive, when operating on the ruling grade and conveying its Full Sectional
Load, can have different traction performance capabilities at the balancing speed, the mixing of
locomotive types may result in one locomotive working excessively harder than the other(s).
To allow for this, where the loads for multiple unit mixed locomotives are not published in the
LOADS & CONDITIONS table. The following method, unless approved otherwise below, shall
This rule will not apply when mixing the following classes of locomotives given in Table 4.
Table 4 – Classes of locomotives where the full sectional load rule does not apply
Alternate methods of determining locomotive loads may be considered but shall be sanctioned
and approved by the Asset Standards Authority before use.
The following AC traction locomotive types may be marshalled together in any combination with
other AC locomotives:
A full list of approved AC6 locomotives (United Group Ltd – C44aci and Downer EDI Rail –
GT46C-Ace) is summarised in Table 8 – Approved locomotives grouped into load categories –
locomotive type AC in Section 2.14.
For mixing involving AC locomotives with NR and AN class locomotives, the maximum
allowable trailing loads are published in the relevant Division Pages (for example, North Division
Pages). These published maximum allowable trailing loads are lower than the summation of
individual locomotives' full sectional loads. A DC locomotive shall be leading the consist and all
on-board locomotive alarms shall be train-lined.
When three locomotives are marshalled at the front of a train and are powering there is a risk of
track buckling due to compressive reactive forces in the rail immediately behind the last
powering locomotive. To minimise this risk, an unloaded vehicle or empty platform in the case of
intermodal vehicles shall not be marshalled in this position when the trailing load exceeds 70%
of the maximum full sectional load.
Dynamic Braking for an individual operating locomotive shall only be used within the operating
range of current DC locomotives: 230 kN max from 16 km/h to 45 km/h and reducing linearly to
zero at speeds below 16 km/h.
These details are represented in Note R14 in Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data.
Mixing of ECP equipped locomotives with standard automatic air brake locomotives on ECP
trains is not allowed (unless in the case of emergency).
The performance of locomotives and their load categories are only relevant for fully operational
locomotives. Locomotives which are defective or have traction elements or systems cut out (for
example traction motors cut out) shall not be used to haul loads to the published conditions
(load category).
Table 5, Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8 list approved locomotives grouped into load categories or
% Nos. 1 – 11
+ Nos. 12 – 47
$ Multiple CM only (single CM not permitted with L3, single CM restricted to L4 only)
Locomotives that appear on the same line are deemed to be equivalent locomotives and can
operate to the same loads. However, these locomotives do not necessarily operate at the same
speed when hauling their full load on the ruling grade. Accordingly, reference shall be made to
the Mixing locomotive types table (page 50) to ascertain if a 10% load reduction is required
before operating any mixed locomotive loads on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail network.
When a superior locomotive has been selected, reference shall be made to the relevant
Maximum Speed of Locomotives and Rolling Stock table for the track section covering the
intended area of operation, to check that the locomotive is approved to operate.
All classes of light locomotives when travelling as a single unit or double consist and operating
over the track circuited lines as indicated in Figure 2, shall be worked under block working
conditions as shown in Sydney Trains Network Rule NSY 512 Manual block working.
Powering electric locomotives are exempt from this requirement, as are XPT power cars
when shunting within the confines of the XPT maintenance centre.
2.16.1. Diesel Multiple Unit trains (DMU) fitted with Track Circuit
Assistors (TCA's)
The following DMU trains are approved to operate under track signalling (block working not
required), provided that at least one TCA per train is operational:
• Endeavour
• Xplorer
• Hunter RailCar
When both TCA's on any train are offline, failed, or inoperative, block working requirements as
shown in Sydney Trains Network Rules, NSY 512 Manual block working, shall apply when
operating over the track circuited lines indicated in Figure 3 in section 2.16.2. In this case,
Xplorer and Endeavour are exempt from mandatory block working between Kiama and
All single unit diesel cars, including but not limited to those listed in Table 9, when operating
over any part of the network as single cars only, shall be worked under block working
conditions as shown in Sydney Trains Network Rule NSY 512 Manual block working.
Endeavour, Xplorer and Hunter RailCars when operating as single cars, even when fitted with
Track Circuit Assistors (TCA's) shall be block worked under block working conditions as shown
in Sydney Trains Network Rule NSY 512 Manual block working.
Section 3
Train operations
Two trains may be amalgamated to form one longer train for operational reasons.
If two trains are amalgamated with all the locomotives marshalled at the front of the train, this is
considered a normal train and no special conditions shall apply. All standard marshalling
conditions and train path conditions however, will apply.
If the trains are amalgamated with the locomotives on the second train coupled to the rear
vehicle of the leading train, the following conditions shall apply:
• The train driver of the leading train shall have full control of the automatic air brake
throughout both of the trains including the locomotive(s) on the second train and shall
direct the driver of the second train when to apply and reduce power.
• All vehicles published in Section 10 (page 176) may be included in an amalgamated train
with the exception that four wheel vehicles and vehicles with non-automatic couplers shall
not be marshalled in the leading train.
• Communication between the crew on each train shall comply with current Safeworking
• The brake pipe and main reservoir pipe (where applicable) shall be continuous throughout
the train.
• There shall be no marker lights exhibited on the locomotive(s) marshalled on the second
Refer to Distributed power (page 48) Section 2 Locomotive operations for conditions of
The maximum speed when descending a 1 in 33 grade is 50 km/h, and 30 km/h when
descending a 1 in 30 grade.
Dynamic or regenerative brake shall be fitted and operational, on single locomotives or at least
on 50% of the locomotives (including the lead locomotive) in the case of multiple unit
locomotives. Dynamic or regenerative brake shall be operational and able to be controlled from
the lead locomotive.
The speed of light locomotive(s) when descending a 1 in 33 grade is 40 km/h, and 30 km/h
when descending a 1 in 30 grade.
Vehicles without load compensation are to operate in the ‘EX’ position unless the mass of the
vehicle is 20 tonne or more, in which case the grade control valve is to be placed in the ‘IP’
ECP braked trains are exempt from requiring grade control valves or fixed exhaust chokes.
The automatic air brake shall not be relied upon to hold a train stationary on a grade for periods
exceeding ten (10) minutes unless the lead locomotive is fitted with a pressure maintaining
brake valve.
If the handbrakes are required to hold a freight train with locomotive(s) attached on a grade or
freight vehicles with locomotive(s) detached, the minimum number of handbrakes to be applied
is as given in Table 10:
When the train is on an ascending grade, the handbrakes shall always be applied to the
vehicles on the rear portion of the train. When the train is on a descending grade, the
handbrakes shall always be applied to the vehicles at the front of the train.
On locomotive hauled passenger trains, the handbrakes shall be applied on all vehicles before
the locomotives are detached.
Note: The maximum speeds of Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink rolling stock operating on
different area/sections of the network are shown in Table 5 and Table 6 of TS TOC.2, under
Passenger train operating conditions (Section 17).
For sections not covered by either the Maximum Speed pages or speed signs, the default
maximum speed shall be 25km/h on mainlines, 13km/h when shunting in open yards and
maintenance centres, and 8km/h when shunting in covered sections of yards and maintenance
Note: Speed signs posted apply only to the line specified and not to any lines that diverge
from the specified line such as loops or sidings; the speed on those will be separately
3.4.2. Turnouts
Trains entering a loop or refuge shall not exceed the applicable speed signs or default turnout
speed until the entire train has cleared the turnout. Train shall then adopt train speeds as
described in section 3.4.1. For turnouts not covered by speed signs, the default turnout speed
shall be 25km/h.
Note: Crossing/turnout speed signs apply only to the turnout(s) and not to any plain track
following the turnout(s), the speed of which will be separately advised.
Due to signal braking distance requirements the maximum speed for all freight trains and light
locomotives operating within the Metropolitan area bounded by Rhodes, Kingswood, Glenfield
and Waterfall, is 80 km/h or 50 km/h (or lower than 50 km/h on some passenger only lines) as
Freight train “begin” and “end” speed signs are located at the locations detailed in Table 11.
Table 11 – Location of "begin" and "end" speed signs for freight trains
The boards shown below have yellow reflective numerals on a reflective blue background, as
shown in Figure 4.
Note: These boards indicate the maximum speed in the section and are not
considered a speed board (the freight speeds may be less than 80 km/h at the
location of the above boards or within the section bound by these boards).
Locomotives and passenger rolling stock not fitted with toilet holding tanks shall have their
toilets locked at all times to prevent use and effluent discharge to track when the vehicle is
operating on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail network. (Reference: T HR RS 00100 ST
Minimum Operating Standards for Rolling Stock, and Protection of the Environment Operations
Act 1997).
A single yellow background speed sign applies to all rail traffic (Refer Sydney Trains Network
Rule NSG 604 Indicators and signs), however longer freight trains may require speed
restrictions. Refer to Section 1.11 Train operating length diagram for restrictions.
Note 1: As shown in the Train Operating Conditions Manual Section 10 under Sydney
Trains and NSW TrainLink Trains passenger rolling stock.
Note 2: As shown in the Train Operating Conditions Manual, Section 11 (page 265)
and Section 12 (page 285).
Note 3: If there is no speed sign at a turnout, rail traffic shall not travel faster than
25 km/h through the turnout (Sydney Trains Network Rule NSG 604 Indicators and
Section 3 Train operations
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Drivers and track vehicle operators shall maintain the correct speed until the last
vehicle clears the turnout.
The speed on the general speed signs and medium speed signs are lower than the high speed
Note: This is due to high speed signs being designed to a higher cant deficiency than
general and medium speed signs.
The speed on the general speed signs are lower than medium speed signs.
Note: This is due to rolling stock operating on medium speed signs requiring better braking
performance than rolling stock operating on general speed signs such that relevant braking
curves for signals design are met.
At particular signals, there may be insufficient sighting distance for trains travelling at track
speed to stop within the signalling distance. In these cases, advisory speed signs have been
positioned approaching these signals. The location of advisory speed signs is listed in the
Division Pages. Table 13 gives details of speed signs.
Drivers are required to regulate the speed of their train at these locations to ensure that before
sighting the signal indication, the speed is not in excess of that figure shown on the advisory
speed sign applicable to their train. If at any point approaching the signal it is seen to be
exhibiting a full clear indication, normal track speed for the train concerned may be resumed.
To be read in conjunction with Sydney Trains Network Rule NGE 210 Speed restrictions
during very hot weather (WOLO).
During extreme hot weather conditions, there is a risk of track misalignment due to track buckle.
To reduce the risks involved, the speed of trains for all lines within the affected area shall be
When WOLO conditions are in force the speed of any train shall not exceed the appropriate
WOLO speed specified in Table 14, Table 16 and Table 15.
Table 14 – Maximum WOLO speeds during hot weather – Passenger trains (all types) and
light locomotives
* The ruling train speed shall be the allowable track speed or the allowable vehicle
speed, as specified in the DIVISION PAGES, whichever is the lesser.
Table 15 – Maximum WOLO speeds during hot weather – Freight trains containing all
loaded or one or more empty# vehicles above 80 km/h%
* The ruling train speed shall be the allowable track speed or the allowable vehicle
speed, as specified in the DIVISION PAGES, whichever is the lesser.
# For the purpose of this rule, a loaded vehicle is one with a gross mass of 30 tonnes
or more.
% For the purpose of this rule, the empty vehicles shall have an allowable empty
vehicle speed exceeding 80 km/h.
Table 16 – Maximum WOLO speeds during hot weather – Freight trains containing one or
more empty# vehicles at 80 km/h or less%
* The ruling train speed shall be the allowable track speed or the allowable vehicle
speed, as specified in the DIVISION PAGES, whichever is the lesser.
# For the purpose of this rule, a loaded vehicle is one with a gross mass of 30 tonnes
or more.
When WOLO conditions are in force, WOLO warning signs are displayed in the areas specified
in Table 17 and Table 18.
Table 17 – Display areas of WOLO warning signs during WOLO conditions – Down
Direction Movements
Location Lines
Sydney Terminal Departure Road All Down Tracks
Central Electric Platforms 16, 17, 18, 19, 22. 23 & All Down Tracks
Erskineville Down Main
Sutherland Down Main
Waterfall All Down Tracks
Thirroul Down Main
Wollongong Down Main
Dapto Down Main
Kiama All Down Tracks
Lidcombe All Down Tracks
Glenfield Down Main
Revesby Down Main
Blacktown Down Branch
Penrith All Down Tracks
Mt Victoria Down Main
Bankstown Down Bankstown
Hornsby All Down Tracks
Gosford Down Main
Maintenance Centre departure Roads at Hornsby, All Down Tracks
Mortdale and Flemington
Note – Enfield North (Down Main and Down Goods) and Enfield South (Up Goods),
are no longer listed, refer to ARTC for details regarding WOLO warning sign areas for
the Goods Line and Enfield.
Table 18 – Display areas of WOLO warning signs during WOLO conditions – Up Direction
Location Lines
Bomaderry Up Main
Dapto Up Main
Unanderra Up Main
Port Kembla Up Main
Note – Enfield North (Down Main and Down Goods) and Enfield South (Up Goods),
are no longer listed, refer to ARTC for details regarding WOLO warning sign areas for
the Goods Line and Enfield.
Trains or vehicles shall not be stabled on any running line or in a shunting neck unless authority
is given by the Rail Management Centre or, in the case of an emergency, by the train controller
for the area concerned.
Authorised locations for stabling of trains are listed in the appropriate division pages.
Specific emergency equipment shall be carried on locomotives and multiple train units.
• a two-way radio
• a towing chain
• a continuity tester
• a white disc
• a spare EOTM
• a monkey wrench
• fire extinguisher
o one canister of Railway Track Signals except when operating within the TfNSW
Metropolitan Heavy Rail Network, refer to document scope for network bounds.
For Multiple Unit trains operating in other networks outside of the TfNSW Metropolitan
Heavy Rail Network, such as Diesel Multiple Unit Trains including XPT, Railway Track
Signals are required.
• a two-way radio
• fire extinguisher
All locomotives, multiple unit trains, and nominated infrastructure vehicles shall be fitted with
driver safety systems as detailed in the ASA standard T HR RS 00000 ST Minimum Operating
Standards for Rolling Stock (in particular T HR RS 00840 ST RSU Appendix D Train (Driver)
Safety Systems).
Section 4
Train marshalling
There are a number of marshalling restrictions that apply to freight trains to ensure safe and
reliable operation.
Loaded vehicles should be marshalled immediately behind the locomotive(s), where possible.
The position of a vehicle within a train is also determined by the following:
• vehicle destination
• dangerous goods
The overall length of a train includes all locomotives whether powering, off line, dead attached
or banking.
• coupler strength
• draftgear capacity
• underframe strength
whichever is the weakest link, and is listed for each vehicle type in Section 10.
The brakes on a train apply and release due to changes in pressure in the brake pipe. These
pressure changes are less definite the further the vehicle is from the locomotive(s). To ensure
that the brakes on vehicles operate correctly towards the rear end of a train, operating limits
When a train is being marshalled at its point of origin, remarshalled or has vehicles attached
enroute the brake type listed in Section 10 shall be checked against Table 19 to ensure these
limits are not exceeded. The train length includes all locomotives on the train.
For trains equipped with ECP brakes, all locomotives and all wagons used within the train
consist shall have compatible ECP braking systems fitted.
ECP and standard automatic air brake systems shall not be mixed (unless in an emergency and
train operated in emergency [emulation] mode – see Section 8.8.3, Defective air brake – Freight
trains – with ECP brakes (page 145).
Some vehicles are fitted with a main reservoir pipe and hoses. The main reservoir may be used
to recharge the air brake system on the vehicle and/or operate pneumatic equipment such as
air-operated doors or a pneumatic discharge system.
On trains containing vehicles with a main reservoir pipe, these vehicles should be marshalled
together and coupled to the locomotive(s) or to any other vehicles with main reservoir hoses,
which are already attached to the locomotive(s).
Where main reservoir hoses are duplicated at each end of a vehicle, all hoses should be
coupled and all coupling cocks opened:
• between locomotives
On some sections of descending steeply graded track, operating restrictions may apply to the
total train length/mass of loaded trains in the case where “two pipe” main reservoir equipped
vehicles are not marshalled at the front of the train.
Vehicles that are fitted with a main reservoir pipe are identified in Section 10.
The trailing tonnage table indicates the trailing load permitted to be hauled behind a vehicle
according to its draw capacity.
The trailing load is determined from the draw capacity of the vehicle and the ruling grade on the
route the train is travelling.
Vehicles with light draw capacity shall be marshalled towards the rear of the train for head end
power trains providing it complies with other marshalling restrictions listed below.
Vehicles with light draw capacity in distributed power trains shall be marshalled at an
appropriate position subject to its draw capacity providing it complies with other marshalling
restrictions listed below.
The tonnages given in Table 20 are inclusive of the mass of the vehicle being assessed.
Draw capacities may sometimes be designated as L for 0.75 MN, M1 for 0.90 MN, M2 for
1.30 MN, H for 1.80 MN, and X for 2.45 MN.
A locomotive hauled train conveying wooden-bodied vehicles at either end of the consist shall
be worked as a block train unless both terminal vehicles are steel strengthened or they are
unoccupied for the duration of the journey
Locomotive hauled passenger cars may be marshalled empty anywhere on a freight train, within
normal marshalling restrictions, and operated under the same conditions as a freight vehicle.
If a passenger vehicle is the last vehicle on a train, an approved end of train marker shall be
fitted to the rear of that vehicle.
Test accommodation vehicles or crew cars may be marshalled anywhere within a train consist
as determined by the operator or staff travelling on those vehicle(s) and with agreement of the
Asset Standards Authority.
Vehicles or trains under test shall require the approval of the Asset Standards Authority.
All vehicles containing dangerous goods shall be labelled in accordance with the provisions of
the Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADG Code).
Separation between dangerous goods on rail wagons and marshalling of rolling stock containing
dangerous goods shall comply with the provisions of Division 9.2 and Table 9.3 of the ADG
Code and any regulations, provisions or exemptions to that code as approved by the Competent
Also shown, are supporting notes that explain the above exemption and its application to train
operations on the NSW network
All vehicles containing dangerous goods shall be labelled in accordance with the provisions of
the Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADG Code).
Exemption Part 2 – When a rail wagon is transporting any quantity of dangerous goods in a
freight or bulk container as part of a journey involving the import or export of the dangerous
goods by sea, it is permitted for the freight or bulk container to be placarded in accordance with
the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, provided full details of the dangerous goods
involved is included on the train manifest.
Exemption Part 3 – When a rail wagon is transporting any quantity of dangerous goods in a
freight container it is permissible to placard only the freight container, provided it be placarded in
accordance with the ADG Code and the dangerous goods on the wagon is listed on the train
In this case, containers carrying dangerous goods are not permitted to be transported
in open wagons or in the well of well wagons unless the dangerous goods placard is
visible from both sides of the wagon.
Exemption Part 4 – The marshalling of dangerous goods bulk tank wagons, (which do not
contain dangerous goods Classes 1, 2.1, 2.3 and 5.2 or dangerous goods of Packing Group I),
is permitted against locomotives, however, on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail network, the
marshalling of any dangerous goods bulk tank wagons against passenger carrying vehicles, is
not permitted.
Section 4 Train marshalling
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Exemption Part 5 – It is permissible to treat a load as a packaged load for vehicle separation
purposes when a rail wagon used for the transport of dangerous goods in bulk, whether as a
bulk wagon or when transporting a bulk freight container, is nominally empty but not free from
dangerous goods residue. That is, Note (iii) associated with table 9.3 of the ADG Code may be
applied, provided the bulk wagon or container is placarded in accordance with the ADG Code
and the details of the dangerous goods involved are included on the train manifest.
Exemption Part 6 – When a train is transporting dangerous goods it is permissible for the train
not to carry dangerous goods shipping documentation in the driver’s cab, provided the train
manifest contains, for each type of dangerous goods to be transported, the following
information. Information shall include the proper shipping name, the Class and any Subsidiary
Risk, the UN Number, the Packing Group designator (if any), the aggregate quantity and the
wagon number on the train where the dangerous goods is loaded. In addition, provision shall be
made for the Train Manifest to be updated when the attachment or detachment of vehicles
loaded with dangerous goods occurs and all the dangerous goods information required by
Division 11.1 of the ADG Code shall be readily available from a central location provided by the
train operator.
Exemption Part 7 – When a train is transporting dangerous goods it is permissible not to carry
the dangerous goods emergency information in the driver’s cab provided, the initial actions to
be taken in the event of a suspected dangerous goods emergency, are incorporated in the train
operator’s Emergency Safeworking Instructions, carried in the locomotive. Compliance with
Exemption Part 6 is also a requirement in this case.
The above exemption is subject to the condition that a copy of Exemption No EXEM2000/65 is
available at a central location provided by the train operator, for reference whenever that
operator is using a train for the transport of dangerous goods to which this exemption applies.
In accordance with Section 32 of the Road & Rail Transport (Dangerous Goods) Act 1997,
members of the Australasian Railway Association Inc are granted an exemption from certain
provisions of the Rail Transport (Dangerous Goods) (NSW) Regulations (the Regulations) with
respect to the sixth Edition of the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by
Road and Rail (the ADG Code).
For this part of the exemption, the relevant provisions are Regulations 4.7, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11 and
4.12 of the Regulations where those Regulations require compliance with subclauses 4.4.3 and
4.8.3 of the ADG Code that refers to the ARA Rolling Stock Manual published by the
Australasian Railway Association.
This part of the exemption is subject to the condition that a tank that forms part of a rail tank
vehicle may be hydraulically tested and visually inspected at intervals prescribed in the:
2. National Code of Practice on Railway Rolling Stock as published from time to time (when it is
For this part, the relevant provisions are Regulations 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 of the Regulations:
Where those Regulations require compliance with Divisions 7.4 and 7.5 of the ADG Code; and
When a rail wagon is transporting any quantity of dangerous goods in a freight or bulk container
as part of a journey involving the import or export of the dangerous goods by sea.
1. The freight or bulk container is marked in accordance with the International Maritime
Dangerous Goods Code; and
2. Full details of the dangerous goods in the container are included on the train manifest or
shipping documentation.
For this part, the relevant provisions are Regulations 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 of the Regulations:
Section 4 Train marshalling
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Where those Regulations require compliance with subclauses 7.7.1, 7.7.7, 7.7.8 and 7.7.9 of
the ADG Code with respect to the placarding of rail wagons; and
When a rail wagon is transporting any quantity of dangerous goods in a freight container.
1. The freight container is marked in accordance with the ADG Code; and
2. Details of the dangerous goods on those wagons are included on the train manifest or
shipping documentation.
Regulations 9.13 and 9.14 of the Regulations require compliance with Division 9.2 and Table
9.3 of the ADG Code with respect to the separation of rail wagons; and
(a) The rail tank wagon is constructed in accordance with Clause 4.8.3 of the ADG
Code (as modified by Part 1 of this Exemption); and
For this part of the exemption, the relevant provisions are Regulations 9.13 and 9.14 of the
Where those Regulations require compliance with Division 9.2 and particularly Table 9.3 of the
ADG Code with respect to the separation of rail wagons; and
When the wagon or freight container is nominally empty and is not free from dangerous goods.
(1) The bulk wagon or freight container is marked in accordance with the ADG Code; and
(2) The bulk wagon or wagon with the freight container is separated as required for a wagon
carrying these dangerous goods in packages
(3) Details of the dangerous goods on those wagons are included on the train manifest or
shipping documentation.
1. The relevant provisions are Regulations 11.3 and 11.4 of the Regulations where those
provisions refer to the requirement that the train driver is to have dangerous goods shipping
documentation while the train is transporting dangerous goods; and
(a) The train manifest contains, for each type of dangerous goods to be transported, the
proper shipping name, the Class and any Subsidiary Risk, the UN Number, the
Packing Group designator (if any), the aggregate quantity and the wagon number on
the train where the dangerous goods are loaded; and
(b) Provision is made for the Train Manifest to be updated when the attachment or
detachment of vehicles loaded with dangerous goods occurs; and
©) All of the information required by Division 11.1, and particularly subclause 11.1.1, of
the ADG Code is available from a central location provided by the rail operator,
whenever the train is transporting dangerous goods.
1 The relevant provisions are Regulations 11.7 and 11.8 of the Regulations where those
provisions refer to the requirement to have the emergency information in the driver’s cab of a
train transporting dangerous goods; and
(b) The rail operator has immediate access to all relevant information; and
©) Details of the dangerous goods on each wagon in the train are included on the train
manifest or shipping documentation.
1. The exemption will remain in effect until the sixth edition of the ADG Code ceases to have
effect in the jurisdiction; and
2. The exemption is subject to the condition that a copy of this exemption is available at a
central location provided by the rail operator, whenever the rail operator is using a train
transporting dangerous goods to which this exemption applies; and
The Rail Transport (Dangerous Goods) (NSW) Regulations are identical (other than
with respect to NSW administrative requirements) to the Commonwealth Rail
(Dangerous Goods) Rules published in the ADG Code.
by delegation
Section 5
Loading restrictions
This section specifies the basic principles and minimum requirements for the safe rail
conveyance of freight.
Diagrams 1, 1A, 1B and 2 on page 92 indicates the maximum permissible limits for moveable
loads (loose loads) which are not fully enclosed in a solid container, loads that can become
displaced, not rigidly attached to the wagon and are subject to inaccurate placing on wagon,
secured by means of lashing devices, such as chains/webbing, ropes and so on. In other words,
all loads which are not in a fully enclosed container, such as loading on container bases,
bolsters and platforms, transiflats, flatracks, railtainers, open wagon and flat wagons.
Any load exceeding the permissible limits of the loading outlines shown in the following
diagrams and/or intended for operation outside the allowable corridors is referred to as ‘Out-of-
Out of Gauge loads shall not operate on the network without the authorisation of the Asset
Standards Authority.
All freight shall be sufficiently secured to prevent movement during transit due to train and
vehicle dynamic forces.
Vehicles shall be loaded such that they do not exceed loading outlines, axle load limits, or
weight distribution restrictions.
Securing devices, loose chains, chain/webbing ends, shall be firmly secured, to guard against
the possibility of their working loose, and either falling off or trailing from the wagon enroute.
The selection of the means for securing a load on or in a wagon will depend to a large extent on
the type and construction of the load to be carried, and the wagon on or in which the load is to
be carried. Clamps, bolts, chains, loadscrews, loadbinders, webbing straps, winches, ratchets,
steel straps, USLM Signode type strapping, steel wire rope, twitchstik and rope and cordage
made from natural and synthetic fibres are all suitable devices.
Black steel packaging straps or green gerrard superstrap are NOT acceptable as a primary
securing system.
The door locking mechanisms on containers and open wagons shall be maintained in good
condition and working order and loading personnel shall ensure that all doors are properly and
safely secured and locked.
The attention of all Operations and examining staff is specially directed to the necessity for a
careful examination of all freight loading consignments in regards to the securing and weight
distribution, overloading of wagons, all doors are closed and adherence to the maximum loading
gauge dimensions are met in order to prevent serious freight accidents.
Section 5 Loading restrictions
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If there is any doubt regarding a consignment and the safety there of, it SHALL NOT be
Loads shall not protrude more than 150 mm over the headstock of any wagon without prior
approval being granted by the Asset Standards Authority.
The maximum permissible container loading height for various wagons deck heights and rail
corridors is shown in the following diagrams.
Enquiries regarding loading and the securing of loads, which exceed the dimensions as shown
in the following diagrams shall be directed to the Asset Standards Authority.
The operator shall ensure that the freight forwarder is aware of the requirement for containers to
be loaded such that the load is relatively evenly distributed within the container.
The operator shall place containers on wagons ensuring that the load is relatively evenly
distributed between bogies and that the load difference between adjacent bogies on a wagon or
multipack deck does not exceed 20 tonnes.
Container securement to wagons shall be by approved twistlock, shotbolt or corner curb fittings.
Note: Every container carrying dangerous goods and loaded on a flat wagon shall
have all four (4) securing devices fully engaged and secured before departure from
the originating terminal. Other containers carrying general (non-dangerous) goods and
loaded on a flat wagon shall have at least three (3) securing devices fully engaged
and secured before departure.
The use of open wagons for the conveyance of containers is acceptable but conditional on such
wagons being fitted with an approved reliable method of laterally centralising the container.
Where an open wagon is not carrying its full complement of containers, the containers shall be
located, secured, and evenly distributed over the bogies.
Open wagons with side doors shall have an operable secure latching system or doors welded
Open wagons with side doors removed shall not operate with a vacant container position.
Double stacking of half height containers is permitted provided the total container height does
not exceed the overall height limits specified under MAXIMUM CONTAINER LOADING
DIAGRAMS 2 or 3 herein, whichever diagram is relevant for the proposed route.
The transport of nested container bases (Transi Flats) on container wagons is subject to the
following special conditions:
1. The height above rail level of the container wagon plus nested container bases shall conform
to either Diagram 2 or Diagram 3, (depending on the route of operation), as specified in
Section 5, Loading Restrictions, Pages 92 to 95 of the Train Operating Conditions Manual.
Note: Where gates and/or tarps are included in the loading, note 3 below shall apply.
2. All nested container bases SHALL be secured, at all four corners, to each other, and to the
container wagon with twist locks only.
3. Container bases secured with fastenings other than twist locks, and / or loaded with gates
and/or tarps SHALL conform to the loose load outline, Diagram 1, Section 5, Loading
Restrictions, page 92, of the Train Operating Conditions Manual. In this case, the load shall
be secured with an approved means of positive location between container bases and
attachment to the container wagon.
Any proposal for an Out-of-Gauge load shall be referred to the Asset Standards Authority to
determine if it is acceptable for transport by rail.
‘Out-of-Gauge’ loads will only be considered for transport if they are non-divisible or cannot,
within reason, be reduced to within the limits of the loading outline dimensions. Wagons,
container bases, bolsters and platforms, transiflats, flatracks, and railtainers loaded ‘Out-of-
Gauge’ with such items as timber, packages of light bulky articles, or loaded ‘Out-of-Gauge’
only to achieve greater wagon capacity will NOT be acceptable. Such loads shall be reduced to
within the loading outline dimensions as shown in Diagram 1.
All Out-of-Gauge loading shall be investigated, pre-planned and programmed on a Special Train
Notice (STN), including all the special conditions and requirements issued by the Asset
Standards Authority.
Final approval and acceptance to transport special and/or Out-of-Gauge loads shall be issued
by the Asset Standards Authority representative.
It is mandatory that the originating system confirm the acceptability of the Special/Out-of-Gauge
train with the receiving system, prior to making any final arrangements regarding its despatch.
This is to ensure that both systems are fully informed and that the special load is accepted by
each system, and there being sufficient time to prepare and issue the necessary Special Train
Figure 7 – Diagram 3
Section 6
Train inspection
Trains and vehicles shall be inspected before operating on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail
network to ensure that they are safe to travel and are fit for purpose.
One inspection, the full train inspection, shall be performed by a qualified worker. This
inspection includes a full mechanical inspection, brake pipe leakage test, air brake inspection
and test, brake holding test, and brake pipe continuity test.
The other train inspection, the general train inspection, shall be performed by the train crew.
This train inspection includes a general mechanical inspection, brake pipe leakage test, air
brake inspection and test, brake holding test, and brake pipe continuity test.
Freight trains that are to descend grades of 1 in 33 or greater, and are not fitted with fixed
exhaust chokes on 80 per cent of the train mass, are required to undergo a HP grade
A partial train inspection shall be carried out after the train consist has been altered in any
way, such as changing or attaching locomotives, attaching or detaching vehicles, amalgamating
trains, attaching assisting locomotives or running locomotives around to the other end of a train.
There shall be a stable air supply, locomotive or ground plant, available for testing to meet the
pressure requirements of the air brake test.
The last three vehicles on a train shall have operative air brake, handbrakes and have passed
the brake holding test.
• relevant coupling hoses are correctly coupled and appropriate coupling cocks open
• brake blocks are correctly aligned, that is, not permanently overhanging the edge of the
• brake rigging (levers, rods, pins, cotters, bogie safety loops, and so on) is secure
• brake cylinders
• automatic couplers are secured and the difference in height of connected coupler knuckles
does not exceed half the depth of the knuckle
• knuckle pins, knuckles, drawgear carrier plates, murray keys, yolks, draftgear, uncoupling
rods, and associated brackets
• centre castings
• bogie springs, ride control equipment (that is, friction wedges and other damping devices),
and specialised bogie equipment
• roller bearing end caps, seals, backing rings, axle box plugs, adapters and horn stays (con
• trip assembly
• relevant coupling hoses are correctly coupled and appropriate coupling cocks open
• brake blocks are correctly aligned, that is, not permanently overhanging the edge of the
• brake rigging (levers, rods, pins, cotters, bogie safety loops, and so on) is secure
• automatic couplers are secured and the difference in height of connected coupler knuckles
does not exceed half the depth of the knuckle
Regarding the following items, freight trains shall have the brake pipe fully exhausted. XPT and
multiple unit trains are tested with a full service brake application.
The following items shall be checked with the brakes fully applied:
• That the brakes on vehicles (within the limits for allowable cut-outs) are applied, that is,
brake cylinder pistons are extended, and brake blocks are against the wheels.
• The brake block thickness is not less than 10 mm at any point and is sufficient till the next
scheduled general train inspection.
• All load compensating and grade control equipment (where fitted) are correctly set.
The following items shall be checked with the brake pipe fully charged:
All trains shall be inspected for each trip. However, some trains/vehicles are under a
preventative maintenance programme (PPM) and may be allowed to operate for a number of
trips without being inspected each trip.
Some trains are permitted to operate for a round trip between general train
The brake pipe leakage test determines whether there are excessive air leaks in the train, which
may interfere with the operation of the air brake system and confirms that only one brake valve
controls the train brake. With a full service or 100 kPa brake pipe reduction and the brake pipe
isolated, the maximum allowable leakage in the brake pipe is 35 kPa per minute.
The brake pipe continuity test shall be carried out on a train to prove that the brake pipe air
pressure is continuous throughout the train, the driver has control of the brakes on the train, and
that only one brake valve isolating cock is open.
Once the brake pipe has been recharged, the brake pipe pressure at the end of the train shall
be greater than 425 kPa.
Where a train is fitted with an end of train marker (EOTM) which has the capacity to indicate, in
the locomotive cab, the brake pipe pressure at the rear of the train, this device may be used to
conduct the continuity test.
Where the brake pipe on a locomotive hauled train has been interfered with, a modified
continuity test shall be carried to ensure that the brakes apply and release on the three
vehicles behind the position where the brake pipe has been interfered with. If one or more of the
three vehicles behind the position where the brake pipe was interfered with has inoperative air
brakes, then the first three vehicles with operative air brake beyond the point of interference
shall be tested.
The brake holding (retention) test proves that the brakes on the rear three vehicles, and any
other vehicles tested, will remain applied for a long enough time period, in the event of a break-
away, to allow the train crew to reach these vehicles and to apply the handbrakes, in order to
secure the train. The brake holding test shall be conducted with the brake pipe fully exhausted.
The brake holding time is determined by the length of the train. If it is known that additional
vehicles will be added to the train, an extended brake holding time takes account of the
increased train length with these additional vehicles.
The brake holding test shall be conducted, as a minimum, on the last three vehicles on the train.
The brake holding test may also be conducted on the front three vehicles. It is permissible to
conduct a brake holding test on more than three vehicles where it is known that some of the
vehicles will be detached enroute.
At all times, a valid brake holding test shall apply to the last three vehicles of the train for the
entire journey.
For locomotive hauled trains with less than three vehicles, all vehicles shall be tested.
If a rake of three or more vehicles is attached to a freight train enroute, and an extended brake
holding test was not carried out, a further brake holding test is required for the longer train
The minimum standard brake holding time is ten minutes plus three minutes for every
100 metres (or part thereof) of train length.
Minimum brake holding time tests depending on the length of the train are given in Table 21.
If articulated vehicles or permanently coupled vehicles are marshalled at the rear of a freight
train, the brake holding test is carried out by observing that all brake cylinders controlled by the
rear three control valves are extended.
A brake holding test is not required for vehicles fitted with spring applied parking brakes, such
as Trailerail vehicles and some track maintenance vehicles. These brakes are applied once air
pressure is lost and will remain applied indefinitely due to the spring force on the brake cylinder
Where a locomotive is unmanned and is marshalled in the last three vehicles on a train, then it
shall be tested for brake holding.
Where driver only trains are employed, ten minutes shall be added to the minimum standard
brake holding times.
If one of the last three vehicles on the train fails the brake holding test, the defective vehicle
shall be remarshalled and the new last three vehicles brake holding tested.
Up to three additional locomotives may be added to a train without the need for an additional
brake holding test.
When locomotives are detached, the time of detachment shall be noted on the train
documentation delivered to the outgoing driver, lodged with an operations employee, or placed
in the appropriate receptacle provided at certain locations.
When attaching locomotives to a pre-inspected train and the train consist has not changed from
that indicated in the train documentation, the inspections required are given in Table 23.
A rake of pre-inspected vehicles may be attached anywhere within a train consist enroute at an
intermediate location (except as provided by regulations for the transport of dangerous goods).
In this case, if the consist of the pre-inspected vehicles has not changed from that indicated in
the train documentation and less than 24 hours has elapsed since the vehicles were inspected
then the rules given in Table 24 apply.
Consist Action
Three or less vehicles are attached in front of the a visual inspection of each vehicle being attached,
last three vehicles or more than three vehicles are a brake pipe leakage test,
attached in front of the last three vehicles and an
extended brake holding test has been carried out and a modified continuity test shall be carried out.
More than three vehicles are attached in front of a visual inspection of each vehicle being attached,
the last three vehicles and an extended brake a brake pipe leakage test,
holding test has NOT been carried out or if any
number of vehicles are attached to the train rear a brake holding test,,
of the last three vehicles, then: and a full continuity test shall be carried out.
If the consist of the attached vehicles has changed from that indicated in the documentation for
the attached vehicles, or the time elapsed since the inspection of the pre-inspected vehicles is
24 hours or more, then a full or general train inspection shall be carried out on the attached
One or more rakes of uninspected vehicles may be attached anywhere within a train consist
enroute at intermediate locations (except as provided by the regulations for the transport of
dangerous goods).
In this case, when the vehicles are attached, the uninspected vehicles shall be given a general
mechanical inspection.
Consist Action
Three or less vehicles are attached in front of the a brake pipe leakage test,
last three vehicles then: and a modified continuity test shall be carried out.
More than three vehicles are attached in front of a brake pipe leakage test,
the last three vehicles and an extended brake and a modified continuity test shall be carried out.
holding test has been carried out then:
If more than three vehicles are attached in front of a brake pipe leakage test,
the last three vehicles and an extended brake a brake holding test,
holding test has NOT been carried out then:
OR and a full continuity test shall be carried out.
If any number of vehicles are attached to the train a brake pipe leakage test,
in rear of the last three vehicles or within the last a brake holding test,
three vehicles then:
and a full continuity test shall be carried out.
Table 26 gives rules for which tests are required when attaching or detaching assisting
When locomotives are involved in a run around movement and reattached and a brake holding
test has been previously carried out on the three vehicles that become the last three vehicles on
the train, a modified continuity test shall be carried out.
Vehicles may be detached from anywhere within a freight train consist enroute at intermediate
locations provided that the altered train does not contravene the requirements for the transport
of dangerous goods.
The vehicles that become the last three vehicles of the train consist shall have been tested for
brake holding.
However, if any of the last three vehicles are detached, and additional vehicles have not had a
brake holding test, then a holding test shall be carried out on the vehicles that are now the last
vehicles on the train. A full continuity test is then conducted in place of the modified continuity
To claim a PPM status for any vehicle type, or group of vehicles, an operator shall demonstrate
that there are written maintenance procedures and a maintenance history recording and
tracking system in place. This is to ensure that the nominated vehicles receive their due
maintenance within the nominated maintenance cycle.
Vehicles that are scheduled for PPM are permitted to operate with consecutive general train
When a PPM vehicle/train exceeds the PPM period, the train may complete its loading cycle
and shall return to its maintenance location to retain its PPM status. It is, however, permissible
for a vehicle/train that is outside PPM to continue operation as a non-PPM vehicle/train with the
appropriate inspections.
Section 6 Train inspection
© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2020 Page 107 of 376
Superseded by TS TOC 1 v19.0, 02/09/2020
Where vehicles are added to a PPM train, they shall be of the same or better maintenance
standard or the train shall operate as a non-PPM train until the PPM standard is restored.
Unit trains do not require general train inspections within the full train inspection period.
After unloading, but before reloading, unit trains shall be inspected to ensure that the train has
no defects which may affect the safe operation of the train and that the door of all vehicles are
closed and secured.
Where applicable, immediately after loading and unloading, the train shall be inspected to
ensure that manual empty/load” valves and grade control valves are set correctly.
Section 7
Train numbering
Freight trains will retain their original number for the entire journey even when travelling in the
Up or Down direction. Train numbers will be either direction-based or origin-based primarily
reflecting the operations district of origin and destination.
Through Running – Through running is where a train changes between an up and down
direction during its journey from origin to final destination but retains its unique train number.
‘UP’ or ‘DN’ shall be added to the train number during verbal and written communication to
highlight the changed circumstance, to indicate the train is travelling in a direction opposite to
the traditional ‘odd – down, even-up’ system.
Through running intrastate freight services will be allocated an even number when commencing
an UP journey and an odd number when commencing a DOWN journey.
Examples of train numbering for through running are given in Table 28.
The letters DN and UP do not apply and are not used when the following occurs:
• an odd numbered train is travelling in the traditional down direction away from Sydney
• when an even numbered train is travelling in the traditional up direction towards Sydney
Odds and Evens – The current system of odd for down and even for up trains will still apply for
trains that are not through running. Exceptions to odd for down and even for up are covered by
the ‘UP’ or ‘DN’ indicators.
Note: Coal services are indicated by Odd numbers for empty services and Even
numbers for loaded services.
AANN – 1st character
S--- indicates South
W--- indicates West
N--- indicates North
C--- indicates Illawarra
H--- indicates Suburban area (Bounded by Berowra, Emu Plains, Macarthur,
Train direction
AANN – 4th Character
A list indicating the allotted run numbers for the various set types on each sector will be shown
in the front pages of Sydney Trains Working Timetable pages.
The train numbering is given in Table 33, Table 34, Table 35, Table 37 and Table 38.
Table 33 – Train numbering for Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink trains – North
# To comply with instructions contained in Network Local Appendix NLA 312 Gosford
‘Narrow track clearances’.
Table 34 – Train numbering for Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink trains – South
Table 35 – Train numbering for Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink trains – West
Table 36 – Train numbering for Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink trains – Illawarra
Table 37 – Train numbering for Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink trains – Metropolitan –
Olympic Park – Special event trains
Table 38 – Train numbering for Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink trains – Metropolitan –
Intercity and self propelled Diesel car movements
H200/H299 (North) Intercity (V set) Trains operating between Metropolitan area locations e.g.
Sydney and Flemington Maintenance Centre
H300/H399 (Illa) Oscar (H set) Trains operating between Metropolitan area locations e.g.
Sydney and Flemington or Mortdale Maintenance Centre
H400/H499 (Illa) Oscar (H set) Trains operating between Metropolitan area locations e.g.
Sydney and Flemington or Mortdale Maintenance Centre
H500/H599 (West) Intercity (V set) Trains operating between Metropolitan area locations e.g.
Sydney and Flemington Maintenance Centre
Table 39 – Train numbering for passenger trains – heritage operator tours – 1st character
NANN – 1st character
5--- 3801 Limited
6--- NSW Rail Transport Museum
7--- Rail Motor Society
8--- Lachlan Valley Railway Cowra
9--- Sydney Rail Services
Table 40 – Train numbering for passenger trains – heritage operator tours – 2nd character
Table 41 – Train numbering for passenger trains – heritage operator tours – 3rd character
Applies to
NANN – 3rd character
Table 42 – Train numbering for passenger trains – heritage operator tours – 4th character
NANN – 4th character (0 to 9)
Table 43 – Train numbering for light locomotives – heritage operators – 1st character
NANN – 1st character
5--- 3801 Limited
6--- NSW Rail Transport Museum
7--- Rail Motor Society
8--- Lachlan Valley Railway Cowra
9--- Sydney Rail Services
Table 44 – Train numbering for light locomotives – heritage operators – 2nd character
Locomotive type
NANN – 2nd character
-Z-- Steam
-D-- Diesel
-X-- # Electric
Table 45 – Train numbering for light locomotives – heritage operators – 3rd character
Applies to
NANN – 3rd character
Table 46 – Train numbering for light locomotives – jeritage operators – 4th character
NANN – 4th character (0 to 9)
District where the train will finish its journey (See Train
NNNN – 2nd character
numbering district map on page 136)
1 Sydney
2 Goulburn
3 Junee
4 Newcastle
5 Werris Creek
6 Grafton
7 Lithgow – Merrygoen
8 Orange
9 Illawarra
Table 49 – Train numbering for intrastate trains – 3rd character
NANN – 4th character
SWTT reference
001N to 099N Sydney Trains spare paths Sydney Broadmeadow
001W to 099W Sydney Trains spare paths Sydney Lithgow
001C to 099C Sydney Trains spare paths Sydney Illawarra region
001G to 099G Sydney Trains spare paths Sydney Southern region
T001 to T099 Sydney Trains spare paths Trip Trains Metropolitan area
001A to 099A ARTC spare paths Interstate Spare Paths Northern region
(These numbers are to identify paths in the Freight Services SWTT and are not for
use by any operator)
A Adelaide
B Brisbane
C Junee / Cootamundra / Griffith
D Darwin
F Mudgee / Dubbo / Cowra
G Parkes
H Hunter Valley
J Victoria North East
K Victoria North West
L Alice Springs
M Melbourne
N Newcastle
O Fisherman Islands
P Perth
Q Moree
R Port Pirie
S Sydney
T Taree – Murwillumbah
V Goulburn / Moss Vale / Canberra
W NSW South Coast
X Spencer Junction / Port Augusta
Y Whyalla
A Adelaide
B Brisbane
C Junee / Cootamundra / Griffith
D Darwin
F Mudgee / Dubbo / Cowra
G Parkes
H Hunter Valley
J Victoria North East
K Victoria North West
L Alice Springs
M Melbourne
N Newcastle
O Fisherman Islands
P Perth
Q Moree
R Port Pirie
S Sydney
T Taree – Murwillumbah
V Goulburn / Moss Vale / Canberra
W NSW South Coast
X Spencer Junction / Port Augusta
Y Whyalla
Table 56, Table 57 and Table 58 explain the train numbering for coal trains in the south and
Table 56 – Train numbering for coal trains (South and West) – 1st and 2nd characters
Table 57 – Train numbering for coal trains (South and West) – 3rd and 4th characters
Table 58 – Train numbering for coal trains (South and West) – 4th chacter – loaded status
Table 59 – Train numbering for coal trains (North) – 1st and 2nd characters
Table 60 – Train numbering for coal trains (North) – 3rd and 4th characters
Train numbering for light locomotives (in general) is given in Table 62 and Table 63 and in
Section 7.11.1 to Section 7.11.4.
Locomotive type
ADDD – 1st character
D Diesel locomotive
X Electric #
Z Steam (see Section 7.11.3)
* The 2nd character identifies the district that the locomotive originated from or runs in, see
Train numbering district map on page 136.
• when the locomotive having being rostered to work a particular train, is now going to or
from that train, the light locomotive uses the last 3 alpha / numeric characters of the train
that it is going onto or coming off
• when the locomotive is using a path that has been assigned to a cancelled train, the light
locomotive will use the last three alpha / numeric characters of that cancelled train
• when the locomotive is taken off a train to assist another train, the light locomotive
movement would retain the last three alpha / numeric characters of the train it came off
Train numbering for trip trains in the Sydney area bounded by Botany / Minto / Clyde Yard and
Yennora are given in Table 65.
Table 66 – Train numbering – Trip Trains Newcastle area bounded by Woodville Junction
/ Broadmeadow / Sulphide Junction
Train type
ANNN – 1st character
M Maintenance train
Character detail
ANNN – 4th character
Table 71 – Train numbering – Maintenance trains – ARTC and CRN area – 1st character
Table 72 – Train numbering – Maintenance trains – ARTC and CRN area – 2nd character
Character detail
NANN – 2nd character
Table 73 – Train numbering – Maintenance trains – ARTC and CRN area – 3rd character
Table 74 – Train numbering – Maintenance trains – ARTC and CRN area – 4th character
Character detail
NANN – 4th character
AANN – 1st
S--- South
W--- West
N--- North
C--- Illawarra
H--- Suburban area (Bounded by Berowra, Emu Plains, Macarthur, Helensburgh)
Table 76 – Train numbering – AK track inspection cars – 2nd character
Train type
AANN – 2nd character
Character detail
AANN – 3rd character
1–9 -
AANN – 4th character
AANN – 1st character
S--- South
W--- West
N--- North
C--- Illawarra
Train type
AANN – 2nd character
Character detail
AANN – 3rd character
1–9 -
AANN – 4th character
Section 8
Disabled trains
defective vehicles
When any train suffers a partial or complete failure such that it cannot complete its journey
under its own power, it is classified as a disabled train.
When a vehicle on a train, including a locomotive, becomes defective, the vehicle shall be
repaired, made safe to travel, or removed from the train.
Any disabled train that needs to be assisted by another train or locomotive(s) to clear the
section, the Operator’s representative shall ensure it is safe to travel before being assisted from
a section. If the disabled train is amalgamated with a similar type of train or locomotive(s),
normal operating procedures will apply.
Most diesel and medium electric multiple unit trains are fitted with combined multi-function
couplers that are incompatible with conventional full size knuckle type automatic couplers.
Some vehicles are equipped with emergency couplers to enable them to be coupled to a
locomotive or train.
The Operator’s representatives shall be consulted regarding coupling of different types of trains.
The air brake system, where compatible, shall be connected and working throughout the entire
train. The driver at the front of the train should have full control of the automatic air brake and be
in radio contact with the driver of the assisting train or locomotive.
If a train has been divided, had vehicles detached or remarshalled, a brake pipe continuity test
shall be carried out.
If one or more of the last three vehicles have been changed then a brake holding test shall also
be carried out. On freight trains, the end of train marker (EOTM) shall be relocated to the last
When coupling to vehicles fitted with buffers, gangway beams, diaphragms, etc., care
shall be taken to ensure that there is adequate clearance between these items and
brake coupling cocks.
The Operator’s representatives shall be consulted before assisting a disabled train with an
electric or diesel multiple unit train.
When an electric multiple unit train is attempting to assist a disabled train and the disabled train
has not moved after applying maximum power for five seconds, the driver shall shut off power
and wait two minutes before re-applying power. If, after three attempts, the assisting train is
unable to move the disabled train, alternative arrangements shall be made.
An XPT train shall not be used to assist any other train in the rear.
An XPT train shall not be used to assist a disabled train from the rear.
A disabled locomotive hauled passenger train (except XPT power cars) shall only be assisted
in the rear to the first suitable location where the train can be remarshalled to allow it to be
An XPT train shall not be assisted in the rear using an emergency coupler at the rear of the
power car.
When assisting a disabled passenger train from the rear with one or more locomotives, or with a
locomotive hauled train, refer to the TOC manual General Instruction Pages, Section 2,
Locomotive Operations, Assisting (banking) locomotives (page 45) for restrictions in vehicle
8.4.2. Assisting a disabled train from the rear – Maximum speed when
assisting a disabled train from the rear
When a disabled train is being assisted from the rear and the driver at the front of the train has
full control of the automatic air brake of both the assisting and disabled trains, the train may
travel at normal speed, providing there are no other restrictions applying to the vehicles on the
train and/or emergency couplers are not being used.
When a disabled train is being assisted from the rear and the driver at the front is only able to
operate the emergency cock at the front of the train, or an emergency coupler is being used to
couple the two trains, the maximum speed shall not exceed 25 km/h.
When a disabled train is being assisted from the rear and the automatic air brake of both the
assisting and disabled trains is controlled by the driver of the assisting train only, that is the
driver at the front of the train cannot control the air brake or operate the emergency cock, the
speed of the train shall not exceed 10 km/h. There shall be full radio communication between
the drivers of both trains. If full radio communication between the drivers of both trains is not
available, then the assisting movement shall not proceed.
When an electric or diesel multiple unit train is being assisted from the rear by a locomotive
hauled train, the speed of the train shall not exceed 25 km/h.
When using an emergency coupler, refer to Sydney Trains Network Rule NTR 416 Disabled rail
The Operator’s representatives shall be consulted before assisting a disabled train using an
emergency coupler.
For all trains, except XPT Trains, when coupled using an emergency coupler, the speed of the
train shall not exceed 25 km/h.
XPT trains shall not be assisted from the rear with an emergency coupler.
When using an emergency coupler, the automatic air brake shall be used at all times. The
following equipment shall not be used: locomotive independent brake (including independent
release), dynamic or regenerative brake, or electro-pneumatic (EP) brake.
Where possible when assisting a disabled multiple unit train, the brake pipe pressure of the
locomotive on the assisting train should be reduced to a pressure compatible with that of the
disabled train.
Care shall be taken when coupling trains with emergency couplers to vehicles that are
fitted with buffers, broad buffer beams, or diaphragm plates. These vehicles shall not
be coupled together unless there is adequate clearance around the emergency
coupler to accommodate coupler swing on tight curves.
When an emergency coupler is used to assist a train in the rear, the train shall only be assisted
to the first suitable location where the train can be remarshalled or the vehicle detached.
8.6.3. Using heavy duty transition couplers for electric multiple unit
passnger rolling stock (transfer only)
When locomotive hauling EMU type passenger rolling stock, such as Tangara, Millennium,
OSC, Waratah, Waratah Series 2 (SGT), with a heavy duty transition coupler (Scharfenberg
adaptor coupler model 2.010.515), for transfer purposes only (out of service and not associated
with a disabled train), the 25 km/h speed restriction does not apply and the normal/general
speed boards for the hauling locomotive may be observed.
All other requirements for hauling passenger trains with emergency couplers shall be observed.
Where possible, the disabled vehicle shall have main reservoir air supply, and have an operable
emergency parking brake.
The air brake should be operational on every vehicle of a train. However, whilst in service, it is
permissible to cut out a certain number of brakes on a train as detailed below.
The brake pipe shall be continuous throughout the train consist and all intermediate brake pipe
coupling cocks open.
If the brakes are cut-out, the vehicle shall be appropriately identified or ticketed. The Operator
shall ensure that train operating personnel and maintenance personnel are informed of any
brake cut-outs.
The leading locomotive shall have an operative air brake on at least one bogie. If the air brake
on one bogie of a locomotive is cut-out, then the un-braked mass of that vehicle is half the
locomotive mass.
If a train suffers inoperative brakes or requires cutting-out of brakes during the course of a
journey, this can be accommodated up to the above limiting figures.
If the inoperative brakes or brake cut-outs exceeds 1 in 10 vehicles or 10% mass, the train
speed shall be reduced by 10 km/h from the normal operating speeds until the destination, at
which point brakes shall be corrected to provide the required number of vehicles with operable
If the train is identified with inoperable brakes or brake cut-outs exceeding 1 in 6.67 vehicles or
15% mass, whichever is the more restrictive, the speed will be reduced by 10km/h from the
normal operating speeds and the speed not to exceed a maximum of 50 km/h until the next
available siding, road, or loop, at which point brakes shall be corrected to provide the required
number of vehicles with operable brakes.
It is recommended trains do not begin journeys with more than 5% brakes inoperative or cut-out
to allow for defective brakes during the course of a journey. Trains shall not begin any journeys
with greater than 10% of brakes inoperative or cut-out.
Vehicles with inoperative or cut-out air brakes shall be repaired as soon as practicable. In
practice, vehicles with inoperative brakes shall be corrected at the next scheduled maintenance
opportunity, in accordance with the operator's maintenance plan, after identification (or advice
from TfNSW). If the brakes are not corrected at the next scheduled maintenance opportunity the
vehicles should be removed from service.
On vehicles with shared brake equipment, that is, Master or slave combination, if the triple valve
is cut-out on the master vehicle this will count as two vehicles with brake cut-outs.
A freight train should be marshalled such that a vehicle with an operative air brake is placed on
each side of an un-braked vehicle where an un-braked vehicle shall not be one of the last three
vehicles on the train.
If the brakes on one of the last three vehicles on the train is found to be inoperative or has to be
cut-out enroute, the train may continue at a maximum speed of 50 km/h to the first suitable
location where the train shall be remarshalled, the defective vehicle repaired or detached. In
addition, if the vehicle with defective brakes is the last vehicle on the train, an emergency towing
chain shall be attached between the last and second last vehicles.
An ‘emulation’ mode may be possible in the event of ECP brake system failure, due to failures
on the locomotive or wagon, or when changing the locomotive to a non ECP locomotive, the
brake system may operate in the ‘emulation’ mode (having graduated application and direct
release). The ‘emulation’ mode is to be used as an emergency recovery only and limited to a
maximum speed of 30 km/h. Note, that the ‘emulation’ mode is limited by battery life. If in doubt,
the train is assumed to have a defective air brake system (emergency brakes only).
Any vehicles or platforms with defective ECP brake systems are assumed to have a defective
air brake and trains containing these are to be restricted in the same manner as pneumatically
braked trains
If a defect occurs on the last vehicle of a passenger train and the vehicle is conveying
passengers, the passengers shall be relocated to other cars, and a qualified worker shall travel
in the last vehicle, and be prepared to apply the handbrake or spring parking brake. The train
may travel up to a maximum speed of 25 km/h to the first suitable location where the train shall
be remarshalled or the defective vehicle repaired or detached.
If the brakes on one of the second or third last vehicle on the train is found to be inoperative or
has to be cut-out enroute, the train may continue at a maximum speed of 50 km/h to the first
suitable location where the train shall be remarshalled, the defective vehicle repaired or
8.8.5. Defective air brake – Diesel multiple unit and XPT type trains
A diesel multiple unit or XPT train shall not leave a maintenance centre with any air brake
If a brake fault occurs enroute, a train may continue in service at normal speed provided not
more than one bogie in eight bogies is cut-out and no two bogies on either end car are cut out.
Operating restrictions for diesel multiple unit and XPT type trains with defective air brakes are
given in Table 83.
Table 83 – Defective air brake – Diesel multiple unit and XPT type trains
Note: For the purposes of calculating brake cut-outs, an XPT power car bogie will be
treated as being equivalent to two (2) trailer car bogies.
For example, an XPT train consisting of two power cars and five trailer cars would count as
having four power car bogies (equal to eight (8) trailer car bogies) plus ten trailer car bogies.
The total equivalent bogies would be eighteen bogies.
One power car bogie and one trailer car bogie cut out would count as 3 equivalent bogies, that
is 3 in 18 or (17%). This train may continue in service at 80 km/h.
If one power car bogie and four trailer car bogies are cut out (2x1 plus 4 = 6 out of 18 bogies =
33%), the train shall be worked out of service at a speed not exceeding 25 km/h.
If a failure of the electro-pneumatic brake system occurs, and the defect cannot be repaired, the
EP brake shall be switched off and the automatic air brake (XPT, Xplorer, Endeavour, or
Hunter) or straight air brake (other diesel multiple unit trains) used to control the train.
If a failure also occurs in the straight air brake system and the defect cannot be repaired (diesel
multiple unit trains), the train shall be worked out of service at a maximum speed of 25 km/h
using the brake pipe emergency cock as an emergency brake.
If a brake fault occurs enroute, a train may continue in service at normal speed provided not
more than one bogie in eight bogies is cut-out and no two bogies on either end car are cut out.
Operating restrictions for electric multiple unit trains with defective air brakes are given in
Table 84.
If a failure of the electro-pneumatic brake system occurs, and the defect cannot be repaired, the
EP brake shall be switched off and the automatic air brake used to control the train.
Where the vehicles in the train are fitted with grade control valves, these valves shall be placed
in the next holding position before proceeding. If valves are in ‘EX’ they shall be placed in ‘IP’, if
in ‘IP’ they shall be placed in ‘HP’.
If there is any doubt with regard to the braking performance of the train, the train is not to
proceed. The train shall be brought to a stand, the handbrakes applied and assistance sought.
Where the disabled train is conveying passengers and the defective vehicle cannot be
detached, they shall be detrained at the first suitable location.
Where the disabled train is to be divided, the defective vehicle becomes the last vehicle on the
train. The brake pipe coupling cock on the rear of the second last vehicle shall be closed and
the air brake on the defective vehicle released. An emergency towing chain shall be used
between the defective vehicle and the second last vehicle.
Where a disabled passenger train has to be divided, all passengers shall be moved into cars in
front of the defective vehicle. A Passenger Train Guard or qualified worker shall travel in the last
car and be prepared to apply the internal handbrake or spring parking brake. Effective
communication shall be maintained between the qualified worker and the train crew.
Where the defective vehicle cannot be detached, all passengers shall be detrained at the next
suitable location. The train shall then be worked out of service.
This type of train usually has a main reservoir pipe and therefore the train may complete its trip
providing the electro-pneumatic (EP) brake is working on the entire train. In the event of an EP
brake failure, the driver shall operate the train from the end that will give control of the automatic
brake on the greatest number of cars. The Passenger Train Guard or qualified worker shall ride
in the end car at the opposite end of the train and be prepared to apply the automatic air brake,
handbrake, or spring parking brake when requested by the driver.
Where the disabled train is to be divided, the defective vehicle becomes the last vehicle on the
train. The brake pipe coupling cock on the rear of the second last vehicle shall be closed and
Where the defective vehicle is either the leading or rear vehicle, and has a working handbrake,
then the train can continue as normal and be worked out of service.
Vehicle air springs, where fitted, are supplied from the main reservoir pipe. In the event of a
main reservoir supply failure, one or more air springs may deflate and may have to be isolated.
Refer to Defective air springs (page 149) for operating conditions:
Trains with the complete vehicle main reservoir pipe isolated and with no air in the bogie air
springs, but the brake pipe is continuous throughout the train, may travel at a normal speed but
in accordance with that permitted for defective air springs.
Where a defective vehicle is a terminal car, and it has one spring parking brake operable, the
train may continue in service until it returns to a maintenance centre.
Where a defective vehicle is a terminal car that is not permanently coupled, and does not have
a fully operable handbrake or spring parking brake, the train is considered to be a total failure
and therefore may only be moved when attached to an assisting locomotive or train.
Where a defective vehicle is a permanently coupled terminal car with no fully operable
handbrake or spring parking brake, the train may continue in service until it returns to a
maintenance centre.
Serious damage can occur to the track when wheels of locomotives or vehicles skid or when
scale builds up on the wheel due to sticking brakes. Train crews, shunter/examiners and vehicle
maintenance staff shall make every effort to ensure that brakes are utilised or maintained
Refer to the Transport Standard ESR 0330 Wheel Defect Manual for full details of wheel defects
and actions required by the Operator.
If a locomotive or vehicle with flat spots (skidded wheels) or scale (scaled wheels) on its wheels
is detected in service, depending on the severity of the case, it may be kept marshalled on a
train, provided that the wheels have been inspected and certified fit to run by the Operators
The Operator’s representative may be the train driver, the Operator’s maintenance personnel,
or any other person nominated by the Operator as being suitably qualified to assess the
The locomotive or vehicle shall operate in accordance with the instructions below.
All the wheels on the vehicle in question shall be inspected to determine the extent of the wheel
skid or the amount of scale build-up. If the length of the wheel skid is not greater than 100 mm,
or the scale build-up is less than 15 mm: the train may be driven at a speed not exceeding that
specified below to the nearest suitable location, in order to clear the section and the defective
locomotive or vehicle detached.
Maximum permissible speeds for scale build up on defective wheels are given in Table 85.
If there is any doubt as to the class of skid or scale condition, the more severe condition shall be
The vehicle shall not be moved until it has been
examined, the defect adequately rectified and
certified fit to travel by a qualified worker
The brakes on any vehicle with the exception of a light locomotive or single self-
powered vehicle, which has experienced wheel scale build-up, need to be isolated
before the vehicle is allowed to travel.
Once a locomotive or vehicle has been removed from the section because of wheel
scale the affected wheels need to be de-scaled to at least the equivalent of a class 3
condition before re-entering traffic.
Vehicles having suffered class 4 or 5 scale build-up need to have all wheel treads and
flanges checked by a qualified worker for evidence of thermal cracking, before re-
entering traffic. If cracks are detected the appropriate action shall be in accordance
with the Operator’s maintenance procedures.
Maximum permissible speeds for skid length for defective wheels are given in Table 86.
The brakes on any vehicle with the exception of a light locomotive or single self-
powered vehicle, which has experienced wheel skid flats, shall be isolated before the
vehicle is allowed to travel.
Two or more locomotives with class 3 or 4 skids cannot be operated in multiple when
being transferred for wheel turning purposes, unless all wheels have been adequately
repaired to the equivalent of a class 3 (dressed) condition.
Locomotives with class 3 or 4 skids cannot work a train for the purposes of transfer for
wheel turning purposes, unless all wheels have been adequately repaired to the
equivalent of a class 3 (dressed) condition.
Maximum permissible travel distances and speeds after clearing the track section due to wheel
skids are given in Table 87.
Table 87 – Defective Wheels – Permissible travel distances and speeds after clearing the
track section due to wheel skids
In the case of class 3 and 4 skids the edges of the skid may be dressed by grinding to
reduce the severity of the skid to the next lowest category
In the case of Class 4 and 5 skids the flat may be built up by welding and dressed by
grinding to reduce the severity to the equivalent of a Class 3 (dressed) skid.
A speed limit of 40 km/h is applicable to Class 4 and 5 weld repaired skids to ensure
against wheel fracture in the weld area.
Many shallow thermal cracks can be removed by machining but extra care shall be used to
ensure that the crack has been completely eliminated in the operation. If thermal cracks are
found on a wheel, then the vehicle’s brake system should be checked for evidence of dragging
brakes (sticking brakes).
If there is the slightest doubt as to the severity of the Thermal Crack, always report the
higher classification. (For example, if the defect description falls between a Class 2
and 3 Thermal Crack, then a Class 3 Thermal Crack would be reported).
Maximum permissible speeds for wheels with thermal cracks are given in Table 88.
If there is the slightest doubt as to the severity of the thermal crack, always report the
highest classification. (For example, if the defect description falls between a Class 2
and Class 3 thermal crack, then a Class 3 crack needs to be reported.
The following Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink rolling stock are fitted with plug type doors:
• Tangara T Sets
• Millennium M Sets
• OSC H Sets
These passenger cars are fitted with external sliding passenger and/or crew plug doors, which
when in the open position, infringe their respective allowable maximum rolling stock outline.
Whilst this open door infringement is acceptable when the vehicles are starting or stopping
within the confines of a platform, it is not acceptable for normal operation between station stops.
• When trains fitted with a crew external sliding plug door, are arriving at a station, the crew
door shall remain closed until the train is within the platform and the speed of the train has
reduced to walking pace, that is, approximately 5 km/h.
• When trains fitted with crew external sliding plug doors are starting and departing a station,
the crew door shall be closed (and kept in the closed position) after the train has travelled 4
cars or the guard’s workstation reaches the departure end of the platform, whichever
occurs first.
• When trains fitted with passenger external sliding plug doors are in motion, the passenger
doors shall remain closed.
• When operating within the Olympic Park station area with the crew doors in the open
position, on either side of the train, the maximum speed through the platforms shall be
10 km/h.
• When any of the above trains are operating on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail
network, including those authorised to operate in the outer suburban areas beyond
Waterfall, Cowan and Emu Plains, or the narrow area beyond Springwood and Kiama, with
any passenger or crew doors failed in the open position, the maximum train speed shall be
40 km/h.
• Where the above trains are permitted to operate in the outer suburban areas beyond
Waterfall, Cowan and Emu Plains, or the narrow area beyond Springwood and Kiama, and
there are two (2) opposing trains approaching each other, each having “near side”
passenger or crew doors failed in the open position, the trains shall not cross, except at
island platforms. (The “near side” of the train is that side closest to the opposing train).
The system reports the alarmed vehicle position based upon the platform count in the
consist with platform one being at the front of the train in the trains direction of travel.
The system reports the alarmed platform axle count based upon axle one of each
platform being towards the front of the train in the platforms direction of travel.
The system reports the alarmed platforms side(s) as either left or right side based
upon the driver facing the train’s direction of travel and the left being his left side. The
system reported side is not to be confused with each vehicles numbering and labelling
conventions for the sides, which also use left and right in some cases.
Contact the Driver and advise them that they have triggered a WARM Bearing Alarm. Direct
the driver to proceed at a maximum speed of 25 km/h to the nearest suitable location where the
train can be stopped for inspection (the location shall be within 5 km of the BBT site that
triggered the alarm). When the train has stopped advise the Driver of the alarms received (type,
severity & temperature), the vehicle/platform ID, platform count in the consist, the platform axle
count and the side of the train where the alarming axle bearing is located. Also, advise the
driver of any other BBT alarms that have been triggered.
On receipt of the alarm, proceed to a suitable location, as advised by the Signaller for inspection
of the suspect axle bearing at a reduced speed not exceeding 25 km/h (shall be within 5 km of
the BBT site that triggered the alarm).
The driver shall record the alarm details (HBD, alarm level & temperature), the vehicle/platform
ID, platform position in the consist, platform axle count and side details of all reported alarms.
Inspect the suspect axle bearing. If no obvious defect is found, inspect all other axle bearings
on the reported side of the vehicle and all axle bearings on the reported side of each adjacent
vehicle and advise the Signaller of what has been found.
• where the axle bearing is overheating but it is still possible to move the vehicle, the train
may be moved to clear the section but the speed of the train shall not exceed 25 km/h and
the axle bearing shall be inspected at every opportunity (at least every 5 km)
• where the axle bearing is hotter than the other axle bearings and there is no sign of
excessive heat, grease leakage or physical damage, conduct a roll by inspection of the
suspect axle bearing by moving the train forward while listening for any unusual sounds. If
no obvious defects are apparent, the train may proceed at normal speed.
• position yourself in a location on the train to monitor the affected car and axle bearing
Contact the Driver and advise them that they have triggered a HOT Bearing Alarm. Direct them
to stop the train immediately to inspect the offending axle bearing. When the train has stopped
advise the Driver of the alarms received (type, severity & temperature), the vehicle/platform ID,
platform count in the consist, the platform axle count and the side of the train where the
alarming axle bearing is located. Also, advise the driver of any other BBT alarms that have been
Section 8 Disabled trains and defective vehicles
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Superseded by TS TOC 1 v19.0, 02/09/2020
No other train is permitted to pass the defective train, on an adjacent line, until the
defective train has come to a stand and is confirmed that the adjacent line(s) are not
Inspection of the adjacent lines can be conducted by the alarm train crew, other rail
staff, or adjacent trains proceeding at restricted speed.
On receipt of the alarm, immediately stop the train and inspect the suspect axle bearing. If no
obvious defect is found, inspect all other axle bearings on the reported side of the vehicle and
all axle bearings on the reported side of each adjacent vehicle and advise the Signaller of what
has been found. The Signaller will advise Train Control of what has been found.
• The driver shall record the alarm details (HBD, alarm level & temperature), the
vehicle/platform ID, platform count in the consist, platform axle count and side details of all
reported alarms.
• If it is not possible to continue the journey due to excessive heat, grease leakage, and/or
damage, the driver shall not move the train and contact the Signaller to arrange emergency
recovery operations, through Train Control.
• Where the axle bearing is overheating but it is still possible to proceed, the vehicle may
continue under extreme caution to clear the section only, but shall be removed at the first
suitable location. The speed of the train shall not exceed 25 km/h and the axle bearing
shall be inspected at every opportunity (at least every 3 km).
• No other train is permitted to pass the defective train, on an adjacent line, until the
defective train has come to a stand and it is confirmed that the adjacent lines(s) are not
obstructed. Inspection of the adjacent lines can be conducted by the alarm train crew, other
rail staff, or adjacent trains proceeding at restricted speed.
• Where the axle bearing is hotter than other axle bearings and there is no sign of excessive
heat, grease leakage or physical damage, conduct a roll by inspection of the suspect axle
bearings by moving the train forward while listening for any unusual sounds. If no obvious
defects are apparent, the train may proceed at normal speed.
• position yourself in a location on the train to monitor the affected car and axle bearing
Contact the Driver and advise them that they have triggered a Dragging Equipment Alarm, and
direct them to stop and inspect the train immediately. Advise the driver of the Dragging
Equipment Alarm(s), the alarming vehicle/platform ID(s), the platform count in the consist, and
the platform axle count. Also, advise the driver of any other BBT alarms that have been
On receipt of the alarm or advice from the Signaller, stop the train immediately.
If an alarm is received by radio communication, stop the train and contact the Signaller.
Inspect the alarming vehicle. If no obvious defect is found, inspect each adjacent vehicle to the
alarming vehicle and advise the Signaller of what has been found. The Signaller is to advise
Train Control of what has been found.
• Where dragging equipment is found that can be secured or removed, secure or remove the
equipment. Report actions taken to the Signaller, who will advise Train Control, and
proceed at normal speed.
• Where no fault is found, report to the Signaller for instruction. The Signaller will seek
instruction from Train Control.
• Where dragging equipment is found and cannot be removed or secured, report to the
Signaller who will arrange recovery and advise Train Control.
The driver should be looking for items hanging at or below rail level anywhere under or
at the ends of the offending vehicle or vehicles either side
Hot wheels retain their heat for some considerable time/distance, if the driver has
previously received a HWD alarm for the same car/wagon particularly within the last
hour, the signaller should confirm with the driver the most recent alarms (that is,
getting better or worse), the AEI tags (or platform count in the consist if no tag has
been recorded), the platform axle count, side of the train, the approximate wheel
temperatures, and what previous corrective action the driver has completed. It is then
at the driver’s discretion how to proceed with the issue.
The system reports the alarmed platform axle count based upon the platform(s)
position in the consist with platform one being at the front of the train in the trains
direction of travel.
The system reports the alarmed platform axle count based upon axle one of each
platform being towards the front of the train in the platforms direction of travel.
The system reports the alarmed platforms side(s) as either left or right side based
upon the driver facing the train’s direction of travel and the left being his left side. The
system reported side is not to be confused with each vehicles numbering and labelling
conventions for the sides, which also use left and right in some cases.
Contact the Driver, advise them that they have triggered a LOW Wheel Alarm, and direct them
to take action as shown below.
If an alarm is received by WB radio, contact the Signaller, whilst considering these actions:
• On receipt of the alarm(s), or advice from the Signaller, bring the train safely to a stand and
make an emergency brake application and then allow the brake system to recharge.
Section 8 Disabled trains and defective vehicles
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• The driver shall record the alarm details (type, severity, and temperature), the
vehicle/platform ID and platform count in the consist, platform axle count, and train side
details of all reported alarms.
• The driver is not required to inspect the vehicle(s) unless there are obvious signs of brakes
continuing to be dragged after the emergency brake application.
• If the incident is reported a second time by any means or at any level the driver shall
inspect the platform(s), axle(s), and side(s) reported in both the initial report and the
second report.
• The driver is to proceed at normal speed under advice of the Low Wheel Alarm. If no other
Wheel Alarms are triggered from other sites during the journey, the offending vehicle(s)
should be booked up for a maintenance inspection.
Contact the Driver, advise them that they have triggered a MEDIUM Wheel Alarm, and direct
them to bring the train safely to a stand and make an emergency brake application and then
allow the brake system to recharge. Then direct the driver to proceed at a maximum speed of
50 km/h to the nearest suitable location where the train may be stopped for inspection (shall be
within 10 km of the BBT site that triggered the alarm).
When the train has stopped advise the Driver of all the details about the alarms including:
alarms (type, severity and temperature), the vehicle/platform ID, platform count in the consist,
the platform axle count and the side of the train.
If an alarm is received by WB radio, slow the train and contact the Signaller, whilst considering
the following actions:
• the driver shall record the alarm details (type, severity, and temperature), the
vehicle/platform ID and platform count in the consist, vehicle axle count and train side
details of all reported alarms
• prior to the train stopping, the driver should make a full service automatic brake application
and then allow the brake system to recharge
• inspect the wheel(s) and associated brake equipment that triggered the alarm
• if no obvious fault is found, inspect all other wheels and associated brake equipment on
that vehicle and both adjacent vehicles (on the same side as the reported alarm(s)
Contact the Driver, advise them that they have triggered a HIGH Wheel Alarm, and direct them
to stop the train immediately for inspection.
When the train is stopped advise the Driver of all the details about the alarms including: alarms
(type, severity, and temperature), the vehicle/platform ID, platform count in the consist, the
platform axle count and the side of the train.
On receipt of the alarm, or advice from the Signaller, stop the train immediately.
If an alarm is received by radio communication, stop the train and contact the Signaller, whilst
considering the following actions:
• the driver shall record the alarm details (type, severity, and temperature), the
vehicle/platform ID and platform count in the consist, platform axle count and train side
details of all reported alarms
• inspect the wheel(s) and associated brake equipment that triggered the alarm
• if no obvious fault is found, inspect other wheels and associated brake equipment on that
platform and both adjacent platforms (on the same side as the reported alarm(s))
• take appropriate action as required under Defective air brake (page 143), Defective
handbrake or parking brake (page 149), Defective wheels (page 150) sections of the
General Instruction Pages of the TOC Manual
Table Note: The overload thresholds include any WB error. The bogie overload
thresholds also include tolerance for dynamic and loading imbalances.
The maximum number of alarms and alerts per train shall not exceed 10% of platforms / bogies
respectively (excluding locomotives). Any train exceeding this 10% limit shall be treated as at
least a MEDIUM alert.
The maximum allowable mass imbalance between bogies pertaining to any platform shall not
exceed 20 tonnes.
Any platforms exceeding this 20 tonne mass imbalance between bogies shall be treated as at
least a MEDIUM alert.
Articulated multipack vehicles shall only be analysed for overloads at the bogie level due to load
sharing between platforms and the inaccuracies in calculating gross platform mass.
Email advice is sent to the operator of the offending train requesting an internal investigation
and appropriate internal corrective actions to prevent a recurrence of the overloading incident.
Email advice is sent to the operator of the offending train requesting an internal investigation
and appropriate internal corrective actions to prevent a recurrence of the overloading incident.
The operator is required to submit an assurance report demonstrating that a thorough review of
loading processes, procedures and risks has been undertaken and appropriate corrective action
has been taken to prevent a recurrence of the overloading incident. The assurance report shall
The train is permitted to proceed at a maximum speed not exceeding 50 km/h to the
designated stopping location as advised below, where the train must be stopped for
corrective action. The train shall not be permitted to move from this location until corrective
action has been undertaken, consisting of either correction of the overload within the train
consist, or removal of the offending overloaded wagon from the train consist for later corrective
action. High severity overloaded wagons shall be inspected by a qualified employee and
certified fit for operation before any further movement.
The operator is required to submit an assurance report, including a wagon integrity assessment
consisting of a thorough assessment of the wagon and bogies for possible damage as
mentioned above, and demonstrating that a thorough review of loading processes, procedures
and risks has been undertaken and appropriate corrective action has been taken to prevent a
recurrence of the overloading incident. The assurance report shall be submitted to the Transport
for NSW and the Rail Infrastructure Manager within 5 business days of the operator being made
aware of the High alarm.
The train is permitted to proceed at a maximum speed not exceeding 25 km/h to the
designated stopping location as advised below, where the train must be stopped for
corrective action. The train shall not be permitted to move from this location until removal of the
offending overloaded wagon from the train consist for later corrective action. A wagon integrity
assessment must also be conducted as described below.
1. Awaba Up Refuge length is 494m and may not be long enough to hold all
trains, but is intended to place offending overloaded wagons. Some shunting may
be required from the Main Line. If shunting isn’t possible the train will need to run
to Gosford Yard (83.5km) at the restricted speed of 50km/h where the overload
can be actioned.
2. Coal trains proceeding to Eraring and Vales Point are permitted to proceed to
their destination at the restricted speed of 50 km/h where they are to be unloaded.
Mechanical Controller
• review the PCMS data and images to ensure that the alarm is valid
• assess the severity and type of the alarm/defect to determine whether the train can
continue in service or if it needs to stop for inspection
• if train can continue in service make arrangements for the train to be inspected at a
suitable location
• tell the Train Controller about all the alarm details and any actions to be taken
• when contacted by the driver, advise the driver of the alarm details and any necessary
action to be taken
If the defect is critical and it is unsafe for the train to continue, the train shall be
stopped immediately.
• The train should not travel more than 5 km before being inspected, and
• The train should stop at a platform to allow the driver to inspect the pantograph
and carry out any remedial action
• stop the train at the next suitable location (preferably a platform) where an inspection of the
pantograph in question can occur
If instructed to lower and isolate a pantograph, the Driver should visually check that
pantograph has fully lowered within the roof recess / pantograph well before
If the trailing load behind the towing chain exceeds the maximum allowable trailing load listed
below, then the train shall be divided and the defective vehicle hauled as the last vehicle to the
first suitable location where it can be detached.
The towing chain shall not be used if the trailing load behind the towing chain exceeds the limits
in Table 90.
For ruling grades, refer to TS TOC 1 General Instructions (Section 1.4, Section 1.6, and
Section 1.8) or TS TOC 2 Division Pages.
The maximum speed for a movement where the emergency towing chain is used for broken or
defective drawgear is 15 km/h. If the towing chain is only used as the brakes are cut out on the
last vehicle on the train then the train may operate at normal track speed.
Section 9
Operation of infrastructure
maintenance vehicles
9.1. Introduction
Infrastructure maintenance vehicles when operating on rail are used to carry out work on or
about the infrastructure.
Infrastructure maintenance vehicles approved to operate on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail
network are listed in either Section 11 (page 265) or Section 12 (page 285).
On-track vehicles include tampers, ballast regulators, overhead wiring vehicles, rail grinders,
tracklayers, ballast cleaners, and so on.
These specialised vehicles are usually rail bound. However, some vehicles can be removed
from the track by the use of special take-offs or portable turnouts.
A road-rail vehicle is a rubber tyred or crawler tracked road vehicle fitted with retractable rail
wheels. These vehicles can be readily placed on or removed from track at suitable locations.
Trolleys are small non-powered vehicles used for conveying tools and equipment along the
track. They can be easily removed from the track. A trolley shall not be towed or pushed by
other vehicles.
A trailer is similar to a trolley but is fitted with a tow bar for connecting to another vehicle.
Quadricycles and trikes are small self-propelled vehicles used to conveying personnel, tools, or
equipment along the track. Some are manually powered, while others have engines. These
vehicles can be lifted from the track.
Qualified workers operating infrastructure maintenance vehicles shall carry the minimum
following emergency equipment:
• watch
• SL key
Some road-rail vehicles have speed restrictions when traversing track fitted with check rails,
guard rails, and level crossings. Refer to the notes in Section 11 (page 265) or Section 12
(page 285).
9.5. Lights
When infrastructure maintenance vehicles are on track, an orange flashing light or hazard lights
shall be switched on such that they operate when conditions change, such as the following:
Unless an orange flashing light is fitted to a quadricycle or trike, these vehicles have the same
requirements as for trolleys.
When an on-track vehicle is marshalled within a train consist, the draw capacity for the vehicle
shall not exceed that listed in Section 11 (page 265).
The automatic air brake shall be connected throughout the train including the on-track vehicle.
The vehicle shall be inspected as part of the train consist.
When on-track infrastructure maintenance vehicles that are not approved to operate
track circuits are attached to the rear of a train consist, the train shall be operated
under block working.
However, these vehicles shall operate under block working when on “infrequently used lines,
loops, or refuges”
“Infrequently used lines, loops, or refuges” refers to a track circuited line, loop or refuge that
has had less than 6 trains (each approximately equivalent to an 8 car passenger set in length)
or 5000 tonnes traverse it, at or near line speed, in a 24 hour period.
No other vehicles will be permitted to pass these vehicles on any adjacent lines until these
vehicles have come to a stand and are confirmed to be clear of the adjacent line by the
Possession Officer.
These infrastructure maintenance vehicles are not to travel on rail between worksites.
Section 10
This Section of the TOC Manual lists all rolling stock authorised to operate on the TfNSW
Metropolitan Heavy Rail network. To gain listing in this document rolling stock shall comply with
the requirements of T HR RS 00000 ST Minimum Operating Standards for Rolling Stock or be
covered by an appropriate Concession.
A Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Waiver is required for the operation of any vehicle or
vehicle type that is authorised, but not listed in this document.
Note Explanation
R1 These vehicles when loaded up to a maximum of 80 tonnes (for 4 axles) gross or 20 tonnes
per axle, are restricted to a maximum speed of 80 km/h between the following locations:
Sydney Metropolitan area and Woodville Junction
Sydney Metropolitan area and Bowenfels
Sydney Metropolitan area and Macarthur
Sydney Metropolitan area and Berry. A 70 km/h speed restriction applies between 121.000 km
and 125.000 km (due to track restrictions)
R2 These vehicles when loaded up to a maximum of 80 tonnes (for 4 axles) gross or 20 tonnes
per axle, are restricted to a maximum speed of 70 km/h between the following locations:
Berry and Bomaderry
R3 These vehicles shall operate on Class 1 only, when loaded up to 84 tonnes (for 4 axles) gross
or 21 tonnes per axle at a maximum speed of 100 km/h.
R4 When loaded to a gross mass exceeding 84 tonnes up to 87 tonnes, these vehicles may
operate up to a maximum speed of 80 km/h on Class 1 Main line.
R5 These vehicles shall operate on Class 1 only, when loaded up to 92 tonnes (for 4 axles) gross
or 23 tonnes per axle at a maximum speed of 80 km/h.
R6 Fuel/oil tanks 70 km/h unless stencilled for 80 km/h
R7 Bogie tank wagons – maximum gross mass and length. Individual vehicles may vary. The
following NTAF wagons only have a riveted underframe and shall therefore be classified as
Low DRAW CAPACITY (0.75) when calculating trailing loads :-
Nos. 5193, 5194, 6006, 6010, 6011, 6019, 6034, 6046, 6055, 6063, 6065, 6066, 6069, 6073,
R8 As these locomotives are not fitted with de-sanding equipment, when operating as single units
or as trailing units in multiple unit consists, (in track circuited areas only) the sanding
equipment shall be isolated. If adhesion conditions require the use of sand, the sand
equipment may be cut in and the train worked under block working conditions until the sand
equipment is again isolated. If sand equipment is applied continuously or excessively, Train
Control shall be advised immediately and the procedures of NGE 232 Responsibilities of Train
Crews and Track Vehicle Crews.
R9 These vehicles comply with the ‘Narrow Square’ Rolling Stock outline in the ASA
Minimum Operating Standards for Rolling Stock, T HR RS 00000 ST, and are NOT to operate
on the following sections of line:
Dunmore to Bomaderry, Sutherland to Cronulla, Central to North Sydney, City Circle lines,
Erskineville Junction to Bondi Junction, Clyde to Sandown/Carlingford, Blacktown to Richmond.
Vehicles fitted with main reservoir pipes are categorised as either •• or •.
•• indicates that the vehicle is fitted with a 'two pipe' air brake system where the main reservoir
air recharges the air brake system.
• indicates that the vehicle is fitted with a main reservoir pipe but it does not recharge the air
brake system but is used to operate equipment such as air operated hopper doors. This vehicle
can be marshalled anywhere in a two pipe train but is not categorised as a 'two pipe' vehicle.
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed Weight over capacity power
(Km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
44 L12 Diesel 115 108 17.8 0.90 1800 Ex SRA R11
45 L12 Diesel 115 112 17.9 0.90 1800 Ex SRA R11
Loco 4501
48 L13 Diesel 100 75.2 14.8 0.90 900 Ex SRA R11
49 L13 Diesel 100 81 15.4 0.90 900 Ex SRA R11
SMR18 Steam Loco 60 82 13.3 0.90 Max speed R11
60 km/h
10.3. Aurizon
10.3.1. Aurizon – Locomotives
Table 95– Aurizon locomotives
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category Speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
32 L9 Diesel 100 118 21.4 2.25 3190 R11, a, b
5000 N/A AC Diesel 45/50 167 22.0 4.45 N/A R9, R11,
c, d, e
5000 N/A AC Diesel 40/50 172 22.0 4.45 N/A R9, R11,
f, g, h, i
5000 N/A AC Diesel 40/50 176 22.0 4.45 N/A R9, R11,
j, k, l, m
5020 N/A AC Diesel 45/50 167 22.0 4.45 N/A R9, R11,
c, d, e
5020 N/A AC Diesel 40/50 172 22.0 4.45 N/A R9, R11,
f, g, h, i
5020 N/A AC Diesel 40/50 176 22.0 4.45 N/A R9, R11,
j, k, l, m
6000 AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 C44aci R9,R11,
60 139 R9,R11,
6020 AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 C44aci R9, R11,
60 139 R9, R11,
R14, j
ACC AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.40 4500 C44aci R9, R11,
60 139 R9, R11,
R14, j
CF AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 C44aci R9, R11,
(CF4401, R14
60 139 CF4409) R9, R11,
R14, j
G L4 Diesel 115 128 19.8 1.80 3000 R11
b. This locomotive has the driver's position on the right hand side and will require
two driver's for operation. Alternatively, operation with a driver and a second
person is permitted if the second person is qualified in signal recognition.
c. Notes for 5000 / 5020 Class: 5000 and 5020 class locomotives are not
permitted to operate across the network. They may be hauled dead attached
from Woodville Junction to Enfield or Chullora and return for wheel turning or
maintenance as detailed in the TOC manual, Northern Division Pages, page 8
Transfer of 90, TT, 5000 and 5020 class locomotives Woodville Junction –
Enfield/Chullora and return for wheel lathe attention.
e. The mass of 5000 and 5020 class locomotives shall not exceed 167 tonnes
when being hauled on the network (this is less than the normal operating mass
of the locomotive).
f. 5000 and 5020 Class locomotives are not permitted to operate across the
network. They may be hauled dead attached from Woodville Junction to
Sulphide Junction and return for maintenance purposes.
g. The mass of the 5000/5020 class locomotives shall not exceed 172t when being
hauled on the network (this is less than the normal operating mass of the
h. A single 5000/5020 class locomotive can be hauled dead attached by 423, 6000
(at 134t), and 32 class locomotives in any combination or order.
k. The locomotive shall be moved under its own power and not be hauled by any
other locomotive or train. The locomotive shall not haul any other locomotives or
l. The maximum speed in the Up direction shall not exceed 50 km/h, with a
maximum speed not to exceed 40 km/h over Broadmeadow subway at
162.807km and Northcott Drive bridge at 160.300 km.
m. The maximum speed in the Down direction shall not exceed 40 km/h.
Code Description Max Max Passenger Length over Draw Remarks Notes
speed loaded capacity coupling capacity
(km/h) mass (t) faces (m) (MN)
QCAY Crew Car 80 52 12 23.9 0.89 Ex JRA R9
# These wagons are permitted to operate in ECP mode for a maximum consist of 88 x
QHAH/QHBH and 3 x 6000 Class locomotives in a head end power configuration.
++ If doors are detected open, train to be stopped and rectified. These wagons are not to
operate with wheel diameters less than 858 mm.
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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% These wagons are permitted to operate in ECP mode for a maximum consist of 88 x QHCH
and 2 x 6000 Class locomotives in a head end power configuration.
Code Description Class Max Gross Tare Length Draw Brake Notes
Mass (t) (t) (m) capacity type
AQIY Container wagon 40ft (ex A 76 15.6 13.28 2.45 B4 R9,R10
KQYY, CQYY) 84 R9,R10,R3
92 R9,R10,R5
QQAY Container flat A 76 18.7 19.4 2.5 B3 -
80 R1
QQBY Container wagon (60 ft 3 A 76 20.5 19.3 2.2 B4 R9
slot) 84 R9, R3
92 R9, R5
QQCY 5 pack articulated A 228 57 77.34 2.45 B4 R9,R10
Container wagon (12 252 R3,R9,R10
QQDY 5 pack articulated A 228 68.7 77.34 2.2 B4 R10
container wagon (12 252 R10, R3
276 R10, R5
QQEY Container flat with B 76 23 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
electrical cabling for 80 R1, R10
powered containers
QQFY Containers (Ex RQMY) A 76 22 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
84 R3, R10
92 R5, R10
QQGY Container flat (Ex VQCY) A 76 20.0 20.1 1.30 B2 R10
80 R1,R10
QQJY Containers (Ex A 76 22 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
RQKY/RRKY) 80 R1, R10
QQKY Container flat (Ex VQKY) B 76 25 23.7 1.30 B2 -
80 R1
QQLY 5 pack articulated – A 228 52 67.4 1.80 B4 R10
single centre well (12 252 R3, R10
axles)( Ex AQLY/RQLY)
276 R5, R10
QQMY Containers (Ex RQWW) A 78 25 25.6 1.80 B3 -
80 R1
QQOY Articulated container (6 B 112 32 27.6 1.80 B2
axles) (Ex AQEY)
QQPY Articulated container (6 B 112 30 25.8 1.80 B2
axles) (Ex AQKY)
QQQY Container flat (Ex AQQY) B 76 23 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
QQRY Container flat (ex B 76 22 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
WQCY/AQCY) 80 R1,R2,R10
QQTY Container flat (Ex VQCY) A 76 20 20.1 1.30 B2 R10
80 R1,R10
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category Speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
44 L12 Diesel 115 108 17.8 0.90 1800 R11
48 L13 Diesel 100 75.2 14.8 0.90 900 2250 litres R11
of fuel
73 L14 Diesel 70 50 12.0 0.90 650 Nos 20 & R11
24 not to
lead or run
as a single
Code Description Class Max gross Tare Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (t) (m) capacity type
ADSF Concrete sleepers (Ex C 76 18.6 14.6 1.80 B3
The ADFF ballast wagons shall not leave a worksite with an excessive load
imbalance. This can result in a derailment of the vehicle.
An excessive load imbalance can result when more ballast is discharged from the
outer doors on one side of the wagon than that of the other side.
2. The unbalanced wagon shall not pass another unbalanced ADFF wagon
(whether stationary or in motion), on parallel lines where the load imbalance
causes both wagons to lean towards one another.
3. The driver of the train conveying the unbalanced wagon shall be informed of the
load imbalance.
4. Personnel on or about the track shall remain a safe distance from the unbalanced
wagon during its movement, and they shall be warned that there is danger of
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
CLF L6 Diesel 115 128 20.5 1.80 3000 R11
CLP L6 Diesel 115 132 20.5 1.80 3000 R11
DC L10 Diesel 115 110 18.4 1.80 2000 Ex Pacific R11
422 class
LQ / L5 Diesel 100 134 20.2 1.80 3000 Ex L/31 R11
LZ class. Fuel
tanks only
to be filled
to 10,000
22 L10 Diesel 115 110 18.4 1.80 2000 Ex Pacific R11
422 class
31 L5 Diesel 100 137 20.2 1.80 3000 Ex L class. R11
830 L13 Diesel 100 71.4 14.8 0.90 900 R11
Code Description Class Max Gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
Mass (t) (m) Capacity Type
AHGX Grain Hopper C 76 21 14.6 1.30 B2
AGWF Grain Hopper C 66.4 20.3 13.9 1.35 •B3
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
WQCY Container flat B 76 22 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1 R2 R10
WQTY Container flat C 76 24 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1 R2 R10
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) capacity type
WGBY * 2 permanently B 152 24 *32.6 1.8 ••B4 -
coupled grain 168 R3
184 R5
WGSY Grain hopper B 76 24 16.5 1.8 ••B4 -
wagons 84 R3
92 R5
Code Load Description Max Live Length over Draw Horse Remarks Notes
category speed weight coupling capacity power
(km/h) (t) faces (m) (MN)
D– - Diesel 30 98 13.1 0.75 @, $ R11
850HP Nos.
D– - Diesel 60 89.7 16.7 1.80 #, $ R11
1000HP Nos.
@ Locomotives D27, D28 and D29 cannot operate in multiple unit operation.
# When locomotives D36, D38, D39, D44 and D45 operate in multiple unit consists,
they may only operate together and to a maximum of two locomotives.
10.10. Boxcar
10.10.1. Boxcar – Freight rolling stock
Table 111 – Boxcar – Container flat wagons
Code Description Class Max gross Tare Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (t) (m) capacity type
PQYY 5 pack articulated A 228 68 92.1 1.80 B4 -
well (12 axles) 252 R3
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
3112 Steam Loco 80 73 12.2 0.90 Max speed R11
80 km/h
Code Description Class Max gross Tare Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
mass (t) (t) (m) (MN) type
MHG Bogie brake van A 31 22 12.4 0.90 B1
No. 11674
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category Speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
1210 Steam Loco 80* 64 14.7 0.75 *Max R11
tender first
25 km/h
3016 Steam Loco 80* 101.5 17.6 0.75 *Max R11
tender first
40 km/h
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category Speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
CEY AC6 Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.40 4500 C44aci R9, R11,
R13, R14
60 139 R9,R11,
#These wagons are permitted to operate in ECP mode for a maximum consist of 50 x
PHTH wagons and 3 x CEY class locomotives in head end power configuration only.
b. When loaded and using automatic air brake mode, all PHTH wagons shall
operate with the speed restrictions detailed in the following table (speeds
restrictions are not applicable when operating in ECP mode or when operating
empty in any brake mode):
Katoomba – Emu Katoomba Station Signal 35.6 (*35 speed sign at
Plains (Main West) (109.943 km) (57.300 km) Wentworth Falls to be
Berowra – Hawkesbury Signal 28.5 Signal HR 155 DM
Down 40
River (Main North) (45.953 km) (57.727km)
Signal SM 931 DIL / Signal SM 1073 DI /
Hurstville – Georges
Down SM 927 DI SM 1076 DI 35
River (Illawarra)
(14.880 / 14.970 km) (19.630 / 19.859 km)
Waterfall – Coal Cliff Signal W17 Signal WG 678 D
Down 35
(Illawarra) (38.800 km) (57.560 km)
Scarborough – Signal WG 619 D Thirroul Station (68.674
Down 45
Austinmer (Illawarra) (62.790 km) km)
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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10.15. Chicago Freight Car Leasing Australia
10.15.1. CFCLA – Locomotives
Table 122 – CFCLA – Locomotives
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
44 L12 Diesel 115 108 17.8 0.90 1800 R11
B L12 Diesel 115 123 18.5 0.90 1500 R11
#C L4 Diesel 115 134 20.6 1.80 3000 #Applies to R11
the following
fitted with
system –
C502, C503,
CF AC6 Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 C44aci R9,R11,
60 139 R9,R11,
R14, c
CM L3 Diesel 115 134 20.2 2.2 3300 a, b
EL L7 Diesel 115 114 20.5 1.80 2450 R11
FL220 L10 Diesel 115 110 18.4 1.80 2000 Ex Pacific R11
GL L4 Diesel 115 132 18.7 1.80 3000 R11
HL L10 Diesel 115 110 18.4 1.80 2000 Ex Pacific R11
National 422
S L12 Diesel 115 123 18.6 0.90 1800 R11
T L13 Diesel 100 69 13.4 1.30 875 R11, d
VL L4 Diesel 115 130 18.32 1.80 3000 R11
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) (MN) type
CGAY Grain hopper B 76 24 15.5 2.20 ••B4 -
84 R3
92 R5
CGDY Grain hopper B 76 23 15.5 2.60 ••B4 -
84 R3
92 R5
CGGY *2 B Empty 24.6 *25.59 1.8 •B4 -
permanently C *152 -
coupled grain
CGSY Hopper B 76 23.2 15.49 2.2 ••B4 -
84 R3
92 R5
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) capacity (MN) type
CHAY Hopper wagon B Empty 23.0 *25.59 1.80 •B4 ++
(* coupled C *152 ++
in pairs)
CHBY Hopper wagon B Empty 23.0 *25.59 1.80 •B4 ++
(* coupled C *152 ++
in pairs)
CHEY Hopper wagon B Empty 21 *22.34 2.2 •B4 -
(* coupled C *152 -
in pairs)
++The door locking mechanism is to be isolated from the MR pipe after locking. If
doors are detected open, train to be stopped and rectified. These wagons are not to
operate with wheel diameters less than 780mm.
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) capacity (MN) type
CHOY Ballast hopper A 76 24.8 13.2 1.20 •B3 -
(Remote 80 R1
CHTY Ballast hopper A 76 23 11.6 1.80 •B4 +
80 +, R1, R2
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) capacity type
CQAX Container C 76 27 26.9 2.20 B3 R9
Flat 84 #, R9
87 R4, R9
# These vehicles shall operate on Class 1 track only, when loaded up to 84 tonnes (for
4 axles) gross or 21 tonnes per axle at a maximum speed of 80 km/h.
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
CQBY Container A 76 20.2 19.4 2.20 B3 R10
Flat 84 R3, R10
92 R5, R10
CQCY Container B 76 18 14.7 0.75 B2 R10
Flat (Ex
CQDY Container B 76 21.5 16.5 2.20 B2 R10
Flat 84 R3, R10
92 R5, R10
CQEY Container B 76 15.6 14.5 1.80 B3 R10
Flat 84 ++ R5, R10
88 # R10
++ The following vehicles have not been upgraded and are not permitted to exceed
84 tonnes gross:
# These vehicles shall operate on Class 1 track only when loaded up to 88 tonnes at a
maximum speed of 80 km/h. Wheel tread hollowing shall not exceed 2 mm.
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
CQFY Container A 76 16.25 15.4 1.20 ••B2 R10
Flat 84 R3, R10
88 # R10
# These vehicles shall operate on Class 1 track only when loaded up to 88 tonnes at a
maximum speed of 80 km/h. Wheel tread hollowing shall not exceed 2 mm.
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
CQGY Container A 76 19.5 20.1 1.80 B4 R10
Flat 84 R3,R10
92 R5,R10
CQHY Container A 76 18.3 16.5 1.80 B2 R10
Flat 84 R3, R10
Table 130 – CFCLA – Container flat wagons – part 5
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
CQJY 60ft container A 76 19.0 19.4 2.2 B4 R10
wagon 84 R3, R10
92 R5, R10
CQKY Container A 76 15.7 14.6 2.20 ••B4 -
Flat 84 R3
87 R4
CQMY Container A 76 22 25.7 2.20 B3 -
Flat 84 R3
92 R5
# When loaded up to a mass of 80 tonnes the following maximum speeds will apply
over the routes indicated:
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
CQPY 40ft Container A 76 16.5 13.1 2.20 B4 R10
CQQY 3 TEU A 76 23 23.8 1.80 B3 -
Container Flat 80 R2
84 R3
92 R5
CQRX Container Flat C 76 25 23.7 1.30 B1
CQRY Container Flat A 76 16.25 14.0 1.20 B2 R10
(Ex CQFY) 84 R3, R10
CQSY Container Flat A 76 16.2 14.9 1.20 ••B3 -
(Ex CQOY) 87 R4
CQTY Flat wagon – A 76 19.5 14.6 1.80 B3 R10
special ADF 84 R3, R10
92 R5, R10
CQXY Container flat (2 A 152 35.4 28.3 1.80 B4 R9,R10
unit – 8 axles) 168 R3, R9, R10
184 R5, R9, R10
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) capacity type
PQRY 5 Pack A 228 60.2 77.0 1.80 B4 R10
Articulated B 252 R10,R3
container (12
axles) C 276 R10,R5
Code Description Class Max Tare Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
gross (t) (m) (MN) type
mass (t)
PQAW 3 pack articulated A 152 38 41.2 1.80 B3 R9
container (8 axles)
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
FIE AC6 Diesel AC 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 C44aci R11,R14
60 139 R11,R14,a
Code Description Class Max gross Tare Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
mass (t) (t) (m) (MN) type
FRAY Container A 76 19.4 19.4 2.2 ••B4 -
wagon 84 R3
92 R5
F 100 -
10.20. FreightLink
10.20.1. FreightLink – Freight rolling stock
Table 138 – FreightLink – Freight rolling stock
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
C #L4 Diesel 115 134 20.6 1.80 3000 #Fitted with R11
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
PQGY Container Wagon B 76 17.6 13.5 2.2 B4 R10
(40ft 2 slot w/WF5 84 R10, R3
triple valves)
92 R10, R5
Code Load Description Max Live Length over Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight coupling capacity power
(km/h) (t) faces (m) (MN)
ALF L6 Diesel 115 128 20.7 1.80 3000 R11
CLF L6 Diesel 115 128 20.5 1.80 3000 R11
CLP L6 Diesel 115 132 20.5 1.80 3000 R11
GM(12) L12 Diesel 115 116.3 18.5 0.90 1800 GM 12 – R11
47 only
GWA AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 GT46C- R11,R14
Code Description Class Max gross mass Tare Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
(t) (t) (m) (MN) type
AFCX Flat bulk rail C 76 19 14.6 1.30 B1
WFDY Flat C 76 27 17.4 1.30 B3
Code Description Class Max gross Tare Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
mass (t) (t) (m) (MN) type
AHAH Coal Hopper B Empty 22.7 61.43* 2.2 E1# #
coupled in G 112
rakes of 4)
AHCL Hopper C 75 24 11.9 1.30 B1
AHDL Hopper grain C 76 23 14.6 1.30 B1
AHGX Hopper grain C 76 21 14.6 1.30 B2
AHHF Grain hopper C 76 26 15.4 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
92 R5
# These wagons are permitted to operate in ECP mode in a head end power consist
with 3 x XRN and 96 AHAH wagons or 3 x GWU and 96 AHAH wagons.
Code Description Class Max gross mass Tare Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
(t) (t) (m) (MN) type
AKGX Bulk Steel C 76 25 17.9 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
Code Description Class Max gross mass Tare Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
(t) (t) (m) (MN) type
ALCX Louvre C 68 22 14.6 1.30 B1
ALGX Louvre C 64 23 13.1 1.30 B1
ALHX Louvre C 70 25 14.1 1.30 B3
Code Description Class Max gross Tare Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
mass (t) (t) (m) (MN) type
AOGF Open wagon C 63 18.2 14.0 0.90 B1
AOGL Open wagon C 63 18.2 14.0 0.90 B1
AOLX Ex AOOX C 76 28 23.7 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
AOMX Open C 76 31 23.7 1.30 B1 -
80 R1
AOOX Open C 76 28 23.7 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
WODX Open C 76 26 18.0 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
WOSF Open C 76 26 18.0 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
WOSX Open high C 76 26 18.0 1.30 B3 -
sided 80 R1
AOGF and AOGL wagons are not fitted with grade control valves or fixed exhaust
chokes. If operating LOADED in the Up direction between Katoomba and Valley
Heights, these vehicles shall not exceed 20% of the train mass. No restrictions apply
when EMPTY
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
gross (m) (MN) type
mass (t)
AQAY Container flat A 76 21.1 20.1 1.45 B3 -
80 R1
84 R3
92 R5
AQCY Container flat (ex B 76 22 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
WQCY) 80 R1,R2,R10
AQEY Articulated B 112 32 27.6 1.80 B2
container (6
AQKY Articulated B 112 30 25.8 1.80 B2
container (6
AQOX Container flat C 76 25 23.7 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
gross (m) (MN) type
mass (t)
AWWX Well wagon C 74 27 19.6 1.30 B3
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
gross (m) (MN) type
mass (t)
AZCF Sleepers C 76 20.3 15.2 0.90 B1 -
80 R1
AZCL Sleepers C 76 20.3 15.2 0.90 B1 -
80 R1
RGC Sleepers C 76 20.3 15.2 0.90 B1 -
80 R1
Code Description Max Max Passenger Length over Draw Remarks Notes
speed loaded capacity coupling capacity
(km/h) mass (t) faces (m) (MN)
JTA Crew Car 80 51 12 23.9 0.89 R9
JRA Crew Car 80 52 12 23.9 0.89 R9
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
48 L13 Diesel 100 78 14.8 1.80 900 Ex PN 48 R11
48200 L13 Diesel 100 78 14.8 1.80 900 Ex PN 48 R11
class ( 48201-
GPU L13 Diesel 100 78 14.8 1.80 900 Ex PN 48 R11
class. Cab is
non operable.
Slave or
booster unit
locomotive to
be marshalled
behind lead
locomotive at
all times.
Code Description Class Max gross Tare Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (t) (m) capacity type
NGVF/ Grain (Ex NGVF) C 76 20.5 15.1 1.80 ••B4
NGXH/ * 3 permanently coupled grain A 228 26 *51.8 2.45 ••B4 -
GGXH hoppers 252 R3
276 R5, a
F 300 b
a. Maximum speed when loaded to 276 tonnes (23 tonne axle load) between Berry –
Bomaderry – Berry = 50 km/h
b. Maximum speed when loaded to 300 tonnes (25 tonne axle load) gross mass on
Class 1 track = 65 km/h.
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) capacity type
AMPZ Motor car carrier A 34 25 23.1 1.30 B2
AMRZ Motor car carrier A 34 25 23.1 1.30 B2
AQMZ Motor car carrier A 55 21 20.1 1.30 B2
10.26. Greentrains
10.26.1. Greentrains – Locomotives
Table 156 – Greentrains – Locomotives
Code Load Description Max Live Length over Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight coupling capacity power
(km/h) (t) faces (m) (MN)
45s - - L12 Diesel 115 112 17.9 0.90 1800 Ex SRA 45 R11
48s - - L13 Diesel 100 75.2 14.8 1.30 900 Nos 37 Ex R11
SRA 48 class
49 L13 Diesel 100 81 1534 0.9 875 R11
600 L12 Diesel 115 112 17.9 0.90 1800 Ex AN locos, R11
same as SRA
45 class
80 L9 Diesel 115 121 19.0 1.80 2000 Ex Pacific R11
National 80
D47, L11 Diesel 100 122 17.6 1.80 1950 Ex BHP D R11
D48, class, Ex
D49, Westrail K
D51 Class 6819
litres fuel
NA L10 Diesel 90 120 17.9 0.75 2000 Ex Westrail
1874 NB class,
Fuel 4000
K L11 Diesel 100 110 17.64 1.80 1950 R11
T L13 Diesel 100 69 13.4 1.30 875 R11, a
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
SQKF Container flat (ex C 76 18.2 18.0 0.90 B3 -
RKQX) 80 R1
SQLY Containers (ex B 76 22 17.9 1.30 B1 R10
AFSY,RFSY) 80 R1, R10
SQMY Containers (ex B 76 22.2 23.7 1.30 B3 -
RQOY) (Mass 80 R1, a
reduced SQOY).
SQNY Containers (ex B 76 19 15.2 1.30 B2 R10
SQOY Containers (ex B 76 24 23.7 1.30 B3 -
RQOY). 80 R1, a
a. When these vehicles are loaded in excess of 76 tonnes gross mass they are not
permitted to operate Valley Heights to Katoomba (both directions).
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
421 L12 Diesel 115 110 18.9 0.90 1800 Road No. R11
Code Load Description Max Live Length over Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight coupling capacity power
(km/h) (t) faces (m) (MN)
421 L12 Diesel 115 110 18.9 0.90 1800 Ex SRA R11
422 L10 Diesel 115 110 18.4 1.80 2000 Ex SRA R11
423 L12 Diesel 80 95.1 16.0 1.00 1500 R11
L L6 Diesel 100 137 20.2 1.80 3000 13000 R8, R11
Litres fuel
Code Description Class Max gross Tare Length (m) Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (t) capacity type
QHAF Coal Hopper (ex C 76 15.5 15.1 2.90 B3
QHBF Coal Hopper (ex C 76 15.5 15.1 2.90 B3
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
48 L13 Diesel 100 75.2 14.8 1.8 900 4814, 4816, R11
4836 Ex SRA
830 L13 Diesel 100 71.4 14.8 1.8 900 No 852 R11
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) capacity type
EQAX Container flat.(ex BHP) C 76 21.7 20.1 0.75 B1 R10
Wagon No 10 92 R5, R10
EQAX #Container flat.(ex BHP C 76 21.7 20.1 0.75 B1 R10
ex PT wagon) 92 R5, R10
# These vehicles are not fitted with grade control valves or fixed exhaust chokes. If
operating LOADED in the Up direction between Katoomba and Valley Heights, these
vehicles shall not exceed 20% of the train mass.
Code Load Description Max Live Length over Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight coupling capacity power
(km/h) (t) faces (m) (MN)
3026 Steam Loco 80 101.25 17.6 0.75 Maximum R11
speed tender
first 35 km/h
3237 Steam Loco 100 105.5 18.34 0.90 Maximum R11
speed tender
first 40 km/h
5367 Steam Loco 60 126.4 18.5 0.90 Maximum R11
speed tender
first 35 km/h
5917 Steam Loco 80 154.0 20.6 0.90 Maximum R11
speed tender
first 40 km/h
42 L12 Diesel 115 122.0 18.5 0.90 1750 Ex SRA Loco R11
44 L12 Diesel 115 108 17.8 0.90 1800 Ex SRA Loco R11
47 L13 Diesel 100 85.3 14.0 1.80 1000 Ex SRA Loco R11
49 L13 Diesel 100 81.0 15.4 0.90 875 Ex Patrick R11
(NSW 49
Code Description Max Max Passenger Length over Draw Remarks Notes
speed loaded capacity coupling capacity
(km/h) mass (t) faces (m) (MN)
CPH12 Rail Motor 80 25 43 13.6 Small Hook R12
CPH24 Rail Motor 80 25 43 13.6 Small Hook R12
CPH25 Rail Motor 80 25 43 13.6 Small Hook R12
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
LDP AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 Type R11,
GT46C- R14
Code Description Class Max Tare Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
gross (t) (m) (MN) type
mass (t)
PHMY Stone hopper B 76 25.3 12.9 2.2 B3 -
84 R3
92 R5
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
MM L13 Diesel 100 81 15.4 0.90 875 Ex SRA Loco R11
49 class
Converted to
driver only
442 L11 Diesel 115 115 18.7 1.8 2000 44208, 44209 R11
73 L14 Diesel 70 50 12.0 0.90 650 Ex SRA Loco R11
Code Description Class Max Gross Tare Length Draw Brake Notes
Mass (t) (t) (m) capacity type
MBAX Covered wagon (Ex C 76 25 18.0 1.30 B3 -
WBAX) 80 R1
MHGX Grain hopper (Ex C 76 21 14.6 1.30 B2
MQRF Container flat (Ex C 76 21 14.9 1.30 B1
MGFH Grain hopper C 100 26.5 17.6 1.80 B4 1, 2, 3
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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1. MGFH vehicles are permitted to operate when empty, in all areas where Class C
type vehicles are permitted to run. These vehicles are only permitted to operate
when loaded up to 100 tonnes gross mass, on Class 1 track with the following
2. These vehicles are also permitted to operate, when loaded up to 81 tonnes gross
mass, in all areas where Class E vehicles are permitted to run. Refer to the
section in the respective Working Timetable for this information.
3. When these vehicles are loaded they are not permitted to use Berry Down Siding.
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
MRL AC6 Diesel 115 134 22 2.25 4500 C44aci R9,R11,
Electric AC R14
Traction 60 139 R9,R11,
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
3265 Steam Loco 100 105.5 18.34 0.90 Maximum R11
tender first
40 km/h
3830 Steam Loco 115 201 23.3 0.90 Max speed R11
tender first
40 km/h
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
1200 L9 Diesel 115 114 19.5 3.5 2400 3 Gensets R11, a
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
XP N/A Diesel 160 76 17.4 0.299 2000 4500 Litres
Table 179 – NSW TrainLink – Passenger rolling stock – Double deck intercity cars -
Narrow Width Classification (Group 1)
Type of Sets Car Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
car numbers speed mass (t) body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (m) (mm)
Motor V 8021-8031 DCM 115 61.0 23530 23.9 2928 88
Motor V 8032-8036 DTM 115 61.0 23530 23.9 2928 88
Motor V 8020, 8038- DIM 115 59.4 23530 23.9 2928 96
Motor V 8093-8138 DJM 115 61.0 23530 23.9 2928 96
Motor V 8139-8145 DKM 115 61.7 23485 23.9 2916 96
Ctrl Trailer V 9031-9036 DTD 115 46.0 23530 23.9 2928 94
Ctrl Trailer V 9037-9044 DCT 115 46.0 23530 23.9 2928 94
Trailer V 9101-9184 DIT 115 44.0/45.6 23232 23.8 2928 112
Trailer V 9185-9191 DKT 115 44.3 23232 23.8 2916 112
Trailer V 9201-9207 DMT 115 40.0 23514 23.9 2915 92
Trailer V 9208-9211 DDT 115 40.0 23514 23.9 2915 96
Trailer V 9212-9215 DFT 115 40.0 23292 23.8 2915 100
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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Type of Sets Car Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
car numbers speed mass (t) body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (m) (mm)
Trailer V 9216 DET 115 43.0 23530 23.9 2928 100
Motor Y 8121, 8127, DJM 115 61.0 23530 23.9 2928 %
(Chopper 8128, 8134
Trailer Y 9127, 9131 DIT 115 44.0 23232 23.8 2928 %
% No passengers are to be carried in these sets, crew and testing personnel only. To
run as 3 car sets.
Table 180 – NSW TrainLink – Passenger rolling stock – Double deck outer suburban
cards – Medium Width Classification (Group 3)
Type of Sets Car numbers Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
car speed mass body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t) (m) (mm)
Motor Car H 5821 – 5826, ON 130 53.5 19570 20.3 3034 118
(UG) 5901 – 5949
Motor Car H 5871 – 5876, ONL 130 54.1 19570 20.3 3034 110
(With 5951 – 5999
Trailer H 6843 – 6854, OD 130 49.2 19570 20.4 3034 102
Control 6901 – 6999
Type of car Sets Car Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
numbers speed mass (t) body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (m) (mm)
Motor (Toilet) N 2801-2814 TE 145 57.8 24750 25.2 2921 82
Motor N 2851-2864 LE 145 56.6 24750 25.2 2921 95
(Luggage) ++
++ Note R12 applies – see 10.1 Explanation of notes for locomotive and rolling
stock data (page 176).
Type of Sets Car numbers Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
car speed mass body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t) (m) (mm)
Hunter Rail J 2701 – 2707 HM 145 61.0 24320 25.2 2930 @ 77
Car ++
Hunter Rail J 2751 – 2757 HMT 145 61.5 24320 25.2 2930 @ 69
Car with
Toilet ++
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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++ Note R12 applies – see 10.1 Explanation of notes for locomotive and rolling
stock data (page 176).
Code Description Class Max Gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
Mass (t) (m) capacity type
PHCH *7 permanently G 840 23 *109.2 2.45 B4
coupled coal C Empty
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
48 L13 Diesel 100 75.2 14.8 0.90* 900 4801 – 85 R11
*4801 – 125
48 L13 Diesel 100 78 14.8 1.80** 900 4886 – 165 R11
** 48126 –
80 L9 Diesel 115 121 19.0 1.80 2000 R11
81 L4 Diesel 115 129 21.2 2.20 3000 R11
82 L3 Diesel 115 132 22.0 2.20 3000 R11
830 L13 Diesel 100 71.4 14.8 0.90 900 R11
90 L1 Diesel 80 167 22.0 2.20 4000 R11
92 AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 C44aci R9, R11,
60 139 R9, R11,
R14, a
93 AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 C44aci R9, R11,
(9301-9324) R14
60 139 R9, R11,
R14, a
AN L2 Diesel 115 130 22.0 2.20 4000 R11
BL L4 Diesel 115 128 20.7 2.20 3000 BL’s R8,R11
DL L5 Diesel 115 121.5 19.7 2.20 3000 DL’s 38 to R8
% Nos 38, 46, 45, 47 and 51 only fitted with de-sanding equipment – exempt from
note R8. May operate as a single unit or in multiple unit consists
# TOC Waiver authority required for travel over TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail
network tracks
These locomotives equipped with de-sanding equipment – exempt from note R8.
May operate as single units or in multiple unit consists
a. Operation above 134t restricted as per TS TOC 2, Division Pages, North Division
# These locomotives are permitted to operate in ECP mode with the following consist:
% These locomotives are permitted to operate in ECP and WDP mode with the
following consist:
$ These locomotives are permitted to operate in ECP and WDP mode with the
following consist:
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
RBFX Box van C 76 30 23.7 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
VBBX Covered wagon C 76 22 13.1 0.90 B1 -
80 R1
VBCW Covered wagon C 76 35 23.5 1.30 B1
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
NCWF Coil C 76 21 13.1 0.75 B3
NCFF Jumbo Coil / C 76 21.5 20.5 1.80 B3 R10
Container 92 R5,R10
RCAF Coil C 76 24 15.1 1.85 B3 -
80 R1
RCAY Coil (ex VQCX) A 76 24.5 20.085 1.30 B1 -
84 R3
88 R5
RCBF Jumbo coil C 76 21 15.1 1.85 B3 -
steel/scrap steel 92 R5
RCDX Coil C 76 23 14.9 1.30 B1 -
80 R1
RCEF Coil (Ex VQOF) C 76 21 14.9 1.30 B2 -
80 R1
RCIX Coil C 76 22 14.6 0.90 B3 -
80 R1
RCJY Coil (Ex RQMY) A 76 25 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
84 R3, R10
92 R5, R10
RCKF Coil C 76 22 12.3 1.80 B3 -
80 R1
92 R5
RCOF Coil C 76 20 15.1 1.80 B3 -
80 R1
RCPF Coil C 76 15 11.0 0.90 B3 -
80 R1
RCQF Coil C 76 21 15.1 1.85 B3 -
92 R5
RCRX Coil C 76 25 14.6 0.90 B2 -
80 R1
RCSF Coil C 76 22 12.3 1.30 B3 -
92 R5
RCWF Coil C 76 21 13.1 0.75 B3
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
NDHX Sleeper carrying C 76 20.0 14.6 1.25 B3 -
wagon 80 R1
RDSF Container wagon C 72 21.0 14.6 1.05 B2
for transport of
RDTF Container wagon C 80 21.0 14.6 1.05 B2 R1
for transport of
RDUF Container wagon C 80 21.0 14.6 1.25 B2 R1
for transport of
(ex RDTF)
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
VEKX container flat C 76 25 23.7 1.30 B2 -
electric 80 R1
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
VFCX Flat for C 76 23.7 20.7 1.30 B2 R9
pipe/logs (ex
VFHX Log wagons ex C 76 25 20.7 1.30 B2 -
VFNX 80 R1
VFLX Flat with C 76 26 20.7 1.30 B1
# Maximum speed when loaded to 276 tonnes (23 tonne axle load) between Berry –
Bomaderry – Berry = 50 km/h
% Maximum speed when loaded to 300 tonnes (25 tonne axle load) gross mass on
Class 1 track = 65 km/h.
^ These vehicles are not fitted with grade control valves or fixed exhaust chokes. If
operating LOADED in the Up direction between Katoomba and Valley Heights, these
vehicles shall not exceed 20% of the train mass. No restrictions apply when EMPTY
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
BXLA Coal wagons C 92 22 16.9 0.50 •B2 R5
curved sided D 100 a
(Ex BHP) (Nos
163, 169 & 172
NHAF Mineral Nos. C 76 18 15.1 0.75 B2
NHAF Mineral Nos. C 76 18 14.5 0.75 B2
NHAY Mineral No. B 76 18 14.5 0.75 B2
NHBH *3 permanently C *300 23.8 *50.3 2.20 ••B3 c
coupled coal
wagons (Ex
fitted with
pickups for door
NHCF Coke C Empty 23 17.1 1.80 ••B3 -
92 R5
F 100 -
NHEF Mineral C 76 18 15.1 0.90 B2
b. These vehicles are restricted to the areas of operation and operating conditions for
G class vehicles when loaded between 92 tonnes gross and 100 tonnes gross.
c. These vehicles are not permitted to operate in the Omega Tunnels (121.000 km to
125.000 km), between Berry and Bomaderry, or between Clyde and Sandown (not
permitted in class 2 track, only permitted in class 1 track).
# These wagons are permitted to operate in ECP mode with the following consist:
% These wagons are permitted to operate in ECP and WDP mode with the following
d. Operation restricted to class 1 track when loaded above 168t (21t axle load).
ii. No mixing empty (or partly loaded) and loaded wagons with a train consist,
all wagons to be loaded or all wagons to be empty.
iv. Routine ECP/WDP function testing as per normal per trip checks to be in
g. When loaded above 152t (19t axle loads) the following speed restrictions shall be
observed on bridges and structures:
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
RKAF * 2 permanently C *137 23 *29.8 1.30 B2
coupled long steel
RKAX * 2 permanently C *152 36.6 *29.2 1.30 B1 ^
coupled Rail pair (8
RKAY Steel product A 76 22 15.06 1.8 B3 -
wagon (ex RKHF) 84 R3
92 R5
RKCX Merchant bar C 76 23 14.9 1.30 B2/3 -
80 R1
RKBY Merchant bar (ex A 76 22 15.1 1.8 B3 -
RKDF) 84 R3
92 R5
RKCY Merchant bar A 78 24 15.1 1.85 B3 -
80 R1
RKDF Merchant bar C 76 22 15.1 1.85 B3 -
92 R5
RKEF Steel Products C 76 23 15.5 1.80 B2 -
wagon (Ex RKEX) 92 R5
RKEX Slab C 76 22 14.9 1.30 B2 -
80 R1
RKEY Steel product A 76 23 15.38 1.8 B2 -
wagon (ex RKEF) 84 R3
92 R5
RKFX Slab C 76 26 18.0 1.30 B2 -
80 R1
RKGF Hot billet C 76 20.5 15.1 1.85 B3 -
92 R5
RKGY Steel products A 76 20.5 15.06 1.85 B3 -
wagon (ex RKGF) 84 R3
92 R5
RKHF Hot billet C 76 22 15.1 1.85 B3
92 R5
RKIY Well A 76 20 21.8 1.80 B4 -
84 R3
92 R5
RKJX Slab steel (Ex C 76 22 14.9 1.30 B2 -
RKEX) 80 R1
RKKY 3 unit feedstock A 228 51 43.5 1.85 B4 -
(12 axles) 252 R3
276 R5
RKLF 2 unit Rail pair (8 C 152 40 30.4 1.30 B2 %
^ Each individual wagon of the pair shall have a gross mass not exceeding 76 tonnes.
The maximum mass at rail for either the centre bogies in the wagon pair shall not
exceed 38 tonnes at rail
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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% Each individual wagon of the pair shall have a gross mass not exceeding
76 tonnes. The maximum mass at rail for either the centre bogies in the wagon pair
shall not exceed 38 tonnes at rail
$ Each individual wagon of the pair shall have a gross mass not exceeding 76 tonnes.
The maximum mass at rail for either the centre bogies in the wagon pair shall not
exceed 38 tonnes at rail
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
NLDF Van C 76 28 21.7 1.80 B3 -
80 R1
NLJX Van C 76 27 18.0 0.90 B3 -
80 R1
NLKY Van A 78 29 18.0 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
RLEX Van C 76 26 18.1 1.30 B1 -
80 R1
RLPY Van A 78 29 18.0 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
RLSY Van A 78 29 18.0 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
RLUY Van A 78 29 18.0 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
VLCX Louvre C 62 22 13.1 0.90 B1
VLDX Louvre C 76 26 16.8 1.30 B1
VLEX Louvre C 76 26 18.1 1.30 B1
VLNX Louvre (Newsprint, C 76 33 18.1 1.30 B1
steel flour)
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
RMBY Car carrier A 40 25 23.1 1.30 B1
RMNY Car carrier A 47 32 23.8 1.30 B3
VMAP Car carrier 6 A 30 20 17.9 1.30 B1
VMBY Car carrier A 40 25 23.1 1.30 B1
conveys 8 or 10
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
NOBF^ Without doors C 76 22 15.0 0.75 B3 -
80 R1
NOBX Open C 76 22 15.0 0.75 B3 -
80 R1
NOCY Open A 78 28 20.1 1.80 B3 -
80 R1
NOEF Concentrate C 74 18 11.0 0.90 B3
NOFF Ore C 76 18 11.0 1.80 B3
NOHF Ore C 72 21 13.1 0.75 B2
NOPF Concentrate C 72 21 13.1 0.90 B2
wagon, no
doors ex NOHF
ROBX Open C 76 23 14.9 1.30 B1 -
80 R1
ROCY Open A 78 28 20.1 1.80 B3 -
80 R1
ROHF Open Coil) C 76 17 10.3 1.30 B2 -
92 R5
ROKX Open C 76 28 23,7 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
ROOX Open C 76 28 23.7 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
ROQF Open C 76 17 10.3 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
ROSX Open C 76 23 14.9 1.30 B1 -
80 R1
VOBX Open without C 74 23 14.9 0.90 B1
ridge cover
VOCX Open with ridge C 76 23 14.9 0.90 B1
VOFX Open C 76 23 14.9 0.90 B1 -
80 R1
^ When conveying containers all possible positions for containers within wagon shall
be occupied by either empty or loaded containers that is, 2 m x 6 m or 1 m x 12 m
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) capacity type
NPCF Cement C 76 18 15.0 0.90 B3
NPEF Cement clinker C 76 20 15.1 1.80 B3
NPFH Limestone C Empty 23 17.1 1.80 ••B3 -
80 -
92 R5
F 100 -
NPHH Cement B Empty 24 14.5 1.80 ••B3 $
$ These vehicles are not C 100 $
permitted to operate in
the Omega Tunnels
(121.000-125.000km) and
between Berry and
NPIH Limestone C Empty 27 16.9 1.80 ••B3 -
80 -
92 R5
F 100 -
NPJH Limestone C Empty 23 17.1 1.80 ••B3 -
80 -
92 R5
F 100 -
NPKH Limestone C Empty 23 17.1 1.80 ••B3 -
80 -
92 R5
F 100 -
NPPF Limestone C 76 18 15.1 0.90 •B2
NPRF Cement B 78 20 12.6 1.80 B3 -
80 R1
NPRY Cement B 78 20 12.6 1.80 B3 -
80 R1
NPSF Flyash C 76 18 14.5 0.90 B2
NPSH Limestone and aggregate C 76 22.5 13.4 1.80 ••B3 -
hopper 92 R5
F 100 #
# Limited to operation on
Class 1 track only at a
maximum speed of 65
km/h when loaded to 100
NPZH Limestone C Empty 27 16.9 1.80 ••B3 -
80 -
92 R5
F 100 -
VPBX Bulk cement C 76 26 14.1 1.30 B1
VPCX Bulk cement C 76 26 14.1 1.30 B1
VPFX Bulk flour C 74 29 16.6 1.30 B1
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) capacity type
VPLX Bulk lime C 74 29 16.6 1.30 B1
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
NQCX Containers C 76 18 14.6 1.25 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
NQDX Containers C 76 27 23.8 0.90 B2 -
80 R1
NQEX Containers C 76 27 23.8 0.90 B2 -
80 R1
NQFF Containers C 76 20 20.5 1.80 B3 R10
92 R5, R10
NQGY Containers A 78 22 20.1 1.80 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
NQHX Concentrate C 76 18 14.6 1.25 B3 R10
containers 80 R1, R10
NQIX Containers C 76 18 14.6 1.25 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
NQIY Containers A 78 20 14.6 1.80 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
NQJF Containers C 76 20 20.5 1.80 B3 R10
92 R5, R10
NQKF Containers C 76 20 20.1 1.80 B3 R10
92 R5, R10
NQKY Containers A 78 21 20.6 1.80 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
NQOF Containers C 76 19.2 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
NQOX Containers C 76 21 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
NQOY Containers A 78 24 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
NQPY Containers A 76 21 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
NQSY Containers A 78 22 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
NQTY Containers (Ex A 78 18.6 15.1 1.80 B3 R10
NQYY) 80 R1, R10
NQVF Containers C 76 25 23.2 0.90 B2 -
80 R1
NQVX Containers C 76 25 23.2 0.90 B2 -
80 R1
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
NQYY Containers A 78 18.6 15.1 1.80 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
RQAY Containers A 78 22 20.1 1.80 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
RQBY^ Containers A 78 22 20.1 1.80 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
RQCX Containers C 76 20 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
RQCY Containers A 76 20 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
RQDW Containers A 76 24 25.7 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
RQDY Containers A 76 23 25.7 1.30 B3 -
84 R3
92 R5
RQEY 2 pack A 114 32 27.6 1.80 B2 R2, R10
articulated 120 #, R10
containers (6
RQFX Containers C 76 19 20.1 1.30 B2 R10
80 R1, R10
RQFY Containers A 78 22 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
RQGY Containers A 78 22 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
RQHY Containers A 76 20 19.3 1.80 B4 R9, R10
84 R3, R9, R10
92 R5, R9, R10
RQHY In line refuelling $
wagon (RQHY
RQIW Containers A 80 18 14.6 1.80 B4 R1, R10
RQIY Containers A 78 20 14.6 1.85 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
RQJW Containers A 78 27 25.6 1.80 B3 -
80 R1
RQJY 5 pack A 228 48 64.5 1.80 B4 R10
articulated ( 12 252 R3, R10
276 R5, R10
RQKY Containers A 76 22 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
80 R1, R10
RQLY 5 pack A 228 52 67.4 1.80 B4 R10
articulated – 252 R3, R10
single centre
well (12 axles) 276 R5, R10
^ When fitted with SMORGON container for long reinforcing rod, this vehicle may only
be marshalled with a trailing load for 0.90 MN draw capacity. When loaded with
normal containers or when empty, the draw capacity may revert to 1.30 (as per
The In Line refuelling system consists of an ISO tankers, FUEL 4526 – 4528 loaded
onto any RQHY wagon. The following conditions will apply:
- The In Line Refuelling wagon shall not be uncoupled from the locomotive consist to
which it is attached, unless authorised by the train crew, who will follow special
procedures when this is required.
- The in line refuelling system shall only be used to refuel NR, 92 and 93 Class
- All other operating conditions for this wagon shall be as published in the TOC
Manual for this class of wagon.
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
NTOF Oil tanker C 76 22.6 14.5 0.90 B2
VTBX Tank bitumen C 76 31 14.0 0.90 B1
VTQX Tank white spirit C 76 27 16.4 1.30 B2
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
BTC Brake Test Car A 27 27 12.1 1.80 ••B3
L Sand carrying C 76 25.7 11.9 0.75 B2
vehicles Nos
562, 566, 569,
570 and 578
DOT Bogie Tank C 76 28 18.1 0.75 B1
NZAF Flat C 45 14 13.1 0.75 B2
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
NZWF Wheel sets C 61 19 13.1 0.75 B2
NZZA Special loads, D 183 60 22.2 0.75 B1 #
16 wheels
NZZA 530
NZZA Special loads, D 309 99 28.4 0.75 B2 #
24 wheels
NZZA 600
RZAY Relay van A 50 48 23.9 1.30 B3
RZBY Relay van A 49 47 23.9 1.30 B2
RZCY Open A 78 28 20.1 1.80 B3 -
80 R1
RZXY Wheel sets A 76 30 23.7 1.30 B3 -
84 R3
92 R5
# Speed to be governed by loading conditions. Loaded NZZA type wagons shall travel
over the UP Main line only between Edgecombe and Zig Zag, and the DOWN Main
line through Woy Woy Tunnel.
When two or more NZZA vehicles are marshalled on a train, a bogie flat vehicle of at
least 13.7 metres in length shall be marshalled between each NZZA vehicle.
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
FAM Crew Accom. 115 49 18 23.8 1.30 B2 No 2389
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight (t) over capacity power
(km/h) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
18 L10 Diesel 90 120 17.9 0.75 2000 Ex R11
NB class
Fuel 4000
45 L12 Diesel 115 112 17.9 0.90 1800 Ex SRA R11
103 L12 Diesel 115 112 17.9 0.90 1800 Ex SRA R11
45 class
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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Superseded by TS TOC 1 v19.0, 02/09/2020
10.41.2. Patrick Portlink – Freight rolling stock
Table 203 – Patrick – Freight rolling stock
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (m) capacity type
PQAY Container flat B 76 20.3 19.4 2.20 B3 R10
84 R3, R10
PQZY Containers (4 A 76 22.5 25.7 1.8 B4 -
slot) 84 R3
92 R5
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight (t) over capacity power
(km/h) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
PHC AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.45 4500 C44aci R11,
PHC001 R14
60 139 and R11,
PHC002 R14,a
Code Load Descripti Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category on speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
44 L12 Diesel 115 108 17.8 0.90 1800 Nos 4471 and R11
44 L12 Diesel 115 108 17.8 0.90 1800 Ex SRA Loco R11
On lease from
Hunter Valley
Heritage Trust
44s - L12 Diesel 115 108 17.8 0.90 1600 Ex SAR 930- R11
961 class
45s - - L12 Diesel 115 112 17.9 0.90 1800 Ex SRA 45 R11
48s - - L13 Diesel 100 78 14.8 1.30 900 R11
442s - L11 Diesel 115 115 18.7 1.80 2000 Ex SRA 442 R11
class locomotive
– No 4
2. No access is permitted to the roof of the locomotive under the OHW unless an
electrical permit is issued by Sydney Trains. Work performed on unwired roads
shall be outside electrical safety clearances.
4. For single electric locomotive operation, both pantographs may be used and full
parallel control may be used.
6. The Electrical Operating Centre (phone 9379 4911) shall be advised before
raising or lowering the pantographs.
Code Description Class Max gross Tare (t) Length (m) Draw capacity Brake Notes
mass (t) (MN) type
SKNF Bulk steel C 76 31 25.9 1.30 B3
Code Description Class Max Tare Length (m) Draw Brake Notes
gross (t) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
SBAX Open (ex WBAX) C 76 25 18.0 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
SOAX Open (ex WOAX) C 76 25 18.0 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
SOCY Open (ex A 78 28 20.1 1.80 B3 -
SOGF Open (ex AOGF/L) C 63 18.2 14.0 0.90 B1 ^
^ SOGF wagons are not fitted with grade control valves or fixed exhaust chokes. If
operating LOADED in the Up direction between Katoomba and Valley Heights, these
vehicles shall not exceed 20 per cent of the train mass. No restrictions apply when
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw capacity Brake Notes
gross (m) (MN) type
mass (t)
SHQA Hopper (ex NHLF) D 62 19 11.9 0.75 B2
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length (m) Draw Brake Notes
gross capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
LOAF Open wagon C 63 18.2 14.0 0.90 B1 %
LQAY Container flat A 76 20.0 19.3 2.2 B4 R9
80 R2, R9
84 R3, R9
92 R5, R9
SQBF Container flat (ex C 76 20.0 14.9 1.30 B1 -
SQDY Container C 92 16.1 14.7 2.2 B4 R5
SQEF 80ft Container B 76 24 25.7 2.2 B3 -
84 R3
92 R5
^ When these vehicles are loaded in excess of 76 tonnes gross mass they are not
permitted to operate Valley Heights to Katoomba (both directions)
@ When these vehicles are loaded in excess of 76 tonnes gross mass they are not
permitted to operate Valley Heights to Katoomba (both directions)
% Note: LOAF wagons are not fitted with grade control valves or fixed exhaust
chokes. If operating LOADED in the UP direction between Katoomba and Valley
Heights, these vehicles shall not exceed 20% of the train mass. No restrictions apply
when empty.
# When SQEY wagons are operated above 76t, the wagons shall be limited to class 1
track only, operation on class 2 track is not permitted.
Code Description Max Max loaded Passenger Length over Draw Remarks
speed mass (t) capacity coupling faces capacity
(km/h) (m) (MN)
DF Diner 115 48 48 Diners 23.8 0.90 Nos 295
and 935
Code Description Max Max Passenger Length Draw Remarks Code Description
speed loaded capacity over capacity
(km/h) mass (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
MFA Passenger 115 50 84 22.7 0.30 No 2724 MFA Passenger
MH Passenger / 115 50 64 22.7 0.30 No 2711 MH Passenger /
Guard Wooden Guard
NDS Passenger 115 41 64 21.6 0.50 NDS Passenger
RDH Passenger 115 45 30 20.3 0.50 No 2239 RDH Passenger
Code Load Description Max Live Length over Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight coupling capacity power
(km/h) (t) faces (m) (MN)
B74 L12 Diesel 115 123 17.8 0.90 1500 R8,R11
C501 L8 Diesel 115 134 20.6 1.80 3000 R11
Code Description Max speed Max loaded Passenger Length Draw Remarks
(km/h) mass (t) capacity over capacity
coupling (MN)
faces (m)
BS Radio Test 115 47.3 22.8 0.50
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
442 L11 Diesel 115 115 18.7 1.80 2000 R11
b. These vehicles are not permitted to operate in the Omega Tunnels (121.000km –
125.000km), between Berry and Bomaderry, or between Clyde and
Sandown/Carlingford (not permitted in class 2 track, only permitted in class 1
c. These vehicles are not fitted with grade control values or fixed exhaust chokes. If
operating LOADED in the Up direction between Katoomba and Valley Heights,
these vehicles shall not exceed 20% of the train mass. No restrictions apply when
# These vehicles shall operate on Class 1 track only when loaded up to 88 tonnes at
a maximum speed of 80 km/h. Wheel tread hollowing shall not exceed 2mm.
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
G L4 Diesel 115 128 19.8 1.80 3000 R11
SCT AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 Type R11,
GT46C- R14
Code Description Class Max Tare Length Draw Brake type Notes
gross (t) (m) capacity
mass (t) (MN)
ABSY Box car A 76 30.0 23.7 1.30 B3 -
80 R1
84 R3
ARBY Refrigerated A 76 31.5 23.7 1.30 B4 -
box car 84 R3
PBSY Box van A 76 28.6 23.5 2.2 B2 R9
wagon 84 R9, R3
PBGY Box car A 76 27.1 23.5 1.80 B4 -
80 R1
84 R3
92 R5
Code Description Class Max gross Tare Length Draw Brake Notes
mass (t) (t) (m) capacity type
PQDY Container A 76 23 25.73 1.3 B1 -
80 R3
PQIY Container 80 B 76 21.2 25.5 1.80 B4 -
ft / 4TEU 84 R3
PQKY Container 60ft A 76 18.6 19.36 2.85 B3 R9
80 R9, R3
PQMY Containers A 76 22 20.1 1.30 B3 R10
84 R3, R10
92 R5, R10
PQQY Containers 5 A 228 59.0 77.8 2.8 B4 -
pack 252 R3
articulated (12
axles) 276 R5
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
Category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
#4615 ## Electric 105 114 16.4 0.90 Ex SRA Loco
See Note
#8606 ## Electric 105 118 20.1 1.80 Ex SRA Loco
See Note
#8649 ## Electric 105 118 20.1 1.80 Ex SRA Loco
See Note
2. No access is permitted to the roof of the locomotive under the OHW unless an
electrical permit is issued by Sydney Trains. Work performed on unwired roads
shall be outside electrical safety clearances.
4. For single electric locomotive operation, both pantographs way be used and full
parallel control may be used.
6. The Electrical Operating Centre (phone 9379 4911) shall be advised before
raising or lowering the pantographs.
Type Sets Car Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
of car numbers speed mass (t) body (mm) coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (m)
Motor U 5003,5021 CF 115 50.0 19812 20.6 2946 52
1. These cars may be marshalled dead attached in a train consist as trailer cars with
ONE ONLY pantograph raised to power auxiliary equipment.
Under these conditions, the cut-out switch in the cabs shall be set to “Cut-out” and
labelled “Do not use”. The drivers cabs shall be locked to prevent access by
unauthorised personnel.
2. Toilets fitted to these cars shall not be used, and shall be locked at all times.
Type of car Sets Car Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
numbers speed mass body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t) (mm) (m)
Motor Car A/C Series K 3501-3580 C 115 46.9 19288 20.3 3036 108
5 [G]
Motor Car Chopper C 3581-3608 C 115 52.0 19288 20.3 3036 104
A/C [G]
Ctrl Trailers A/C K 4096-4099 D 115 42.2 19288 20.3 3036 108
Series 5 [G]
Trailer A/C Series 5 K 4171-4246 T 115 41.2 19288 20.3 3036 118
Trailer A/C [G] C 4247-4274 T 115 43.0 19288 20.3 3036 115
[G] Goninans
Type of car Sets Car Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
numbers speed mass body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t) (mm) (m)
Motor Car Non T 5101-5285 N 115 50.1 19420 20.2 3000+ 112
Ctrl [G]
Motor Car Non T 5801-5820 N 115 53.4 19420 20.2 3000+ 112
Ctrl [G]
Motor Car Non T 5851-5870 N 115 55.1 19420 20.2 3000+ 98
Ctrl [G]
[G] Goninans
Type of car Sets Car Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
numbers speed mass (t) body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (mm) (m)
Motor Car M 1501 – 1573 N 115 # 54.8 19430 20.2 3030 122
Trailer Car M 1001 – 1073 D 115 # 50.6 19872 20.5 3030 104
# Maximum speed limited to 115 km/h (for further information refer to TS TOC 2, Division
Pages, Section 17, Passenger Train Operating Conditions, Speed signs – maximum kilometres
per hour)
Type of car Sets Car numbers Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
speed mass body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t) (mm) (m)
Motor Car A 5301, 5380, N 115 # 52.3 19393 20.2 3035 118
[D] 5303 – 5378,
5401, 5480,
5403 – 5478,
5501, 5580,
5503 – 5578,
5601, 5680,
5603 – 5678
Trailer A 6301, 6401, D 115 # 51.6 19882 20.7 3035 102
Driver Car 6303 – 6380,
6403 – 6480
Trailer Car A 6501, 6580, T 115 # 48.2 19482 20.3 3035 110
[D] 6503 – 6578,
6601, 6680,
6603 – 6678
# Maximum speed limited to 115 km/h (for further information refer to TS TOC 2, Division
Pages, Section 17, Passenger Train Operating Conditions, Speed signs – maximum kilometres
per hour)
Type of car Sets Car numbers Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
speed mass body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t) (mm) (m)
Motor Car B 1601-1624 N 115 # 52.3 19393 20.2 3035 118
[D] 1701-1724
Trailer B 1101-1124 D 115 # 51.6 19882 20.7 3035 102
Driver Car 1201-1224
Trailer Car B 1301-1324 T 115 # 48.2 19482 20.3 3035 110
[D] 1401-1424
# Maximum speed limited to 115 km/h (for further information refer to TS TOC 2, Division
Pages, Section 17, Passenger Train Operating Conditions, Speed signs – maximum kilometres
per hour)
Table 227 – Sydney Trains – Special purpose single deck suburban cars –
wide width classification (Group 5)
Type of Sets Car Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
car numbers speed mass body (mm) coupled (m) (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t)
Brake - 3653 C 80 48.0 18739 19.4 3153
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
48 L13 Diesel 100 75.2 14.8 0.90 900 Ex SRA Locos – R11
4819 & 4827
equipped for
tunnel working
% Denotes wooden bodied vehicles fitted with end protection steel beams.
Type of Sets Car numbers Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
car speed mass body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t) (mm) (m)
Motor - 3102 C 80 51.0 18745 19.4 3185 71
Motor - 3702, 3708 C 80 52.5 19105 19.8 3142 59
Motor - 7485 C 80 51.0 19098 19.7 3189 56
Trailer - 4554 T 80 34.0 19094 19.7 3189 72
Trailer - 4790 T 80 33.7 19105 19.8 3142 70
Trailer - 4801, 4814 T 115 33.5 19456 20.2 3143 132
Series 1
Trailer - 4279 T 80 23.4 15011 15.5 3175 58
Control - 4673 (4052) D 80 35.5 18745 19.4 3156 63
Table 231 – Sydney Trains – Heritage train / double deck suburban cars –
medium width classification (group 2)
Type of car Sets Car Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
numbers speed mass body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t) (mm) (m)
Motor Car Series 4 S 3001, 3057 C 115 45.0 19288 20.2 3036 113
Motor Car Series 1 S 3805, 3814 C 115 45.4 19456 20.2 3048 112
Trailer Series 4 [G] S 4101, 4150 T 115 33.6 19120 20.2 3036 130
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2020 Page 248 of 376
Superseded by TS TOC 1 v19.0, 02/09/2020 [C] Commonwealth Engineering
[G] Goninans
Table 232 – Sydney Trains – Heritage train / double deck suburban cars –
extended medium width classification (group 4)
Type of car Sets Car Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
numbers speed mass body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t) (mm) (m)
Motor Car Series S 3748, 3765 C 115 46.6 19288 20.2 3077 112
4 [C]
Motor Car Series S 3862, 3986 C 115 45.4 19288 20.2 3077 112
2, 3 [C]
Ctrl Trailer S 4003 T 115 33.8 19288 20.2 3077 114
Series 4 [C]
Trailer Series 2 S 4013 T 115 33.8 19288 20.2 3077 129
Trailer Series 3, S 4050 T 115 33.8 19288 20.2 3077 124
4 [C]
Trailer Series 2, S 4961, 4983 T 115 33.6 19120 20.2 3077 130
3 [C]
Table 233 – Sydney Trains – Heritage train single deck suburban cars –
wide width classification (group 5)
Type of car Sets Car numbers Code Max Tare Length Length Width Seat
speed mass body coupled (mm) capacity
(km/h) (t) (mm) (m)
Control F1 3426 C 80 50.4 18745 19.4 3156 77
Motor Car
Motor Car F1 3218 C 80 50.4 18745 19.4 3185 71
Trailer Car F1 4527 T 80 33.5 18745 19.4 3156 61
Control F1 7396 C 80 50.0 18745 19.4 3156 71
Motor Car
[GD]Government Dockyard
a. Operation in daytime and night time hours permitted as per NTR 406.
b. Banners or temporary signage to be in place at the terminal ends of the set to provide high
visibility contrasting colours.
c. The set shall operate to the normal/general speed signs, with restrictions for wide width
rolling stock.
d. The maximum speed through level crossings shall be restricted to 25 km/h. Driver to be
vigilant of vehicles and persons through these areas.
e. All body side passenger doors shall have crew attendants monitoring them to ensure doors
are closed and secured to ensure no inadvertent opening whilst the train is in motion or
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
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Superseded by TS TOC 1 v19.0, 02/09/2020 outside the confines of platforms. In addition crew attendants shall monitor passenger
transfers when stopping at stations.
f. The set shall operate with a driver safety system incorporating two independent safety
features. An OEP/deadman and Vigilance system meets this requirement.
g. An authorised second person shall be in place in the leading cab. An authorised person in
this case, is a second person, accompanying the vehicle driver/operator (generally a
second driver/operator), with sufficient knowledge of the vehicle to take control and bring
the vehicle to a stand in case of an emergency.
b. Prior to coupling the BP and MR hoses, the S or K set compressor governor cut
out setting shall be adjusted down from the normal 800 kPa to approximately 690
kPa. This shall be carried out by a qualified fitter or electrician to ensure correct
Code Description Max Max Capacity Length over Draw Remarks Code
speed loaded coupling faces capacity
(km/h) mass (t) (m) (MN)
MHN Equipment 115 58.7 24.4 23.4 0.50 No 2364 MHN
van tonnes
NAM Crew 115 45.4 20 berths 23.4 0.50 No 2332 NAM
PHN Power Van 115 54.4 6.1 tonne 23.4 0.50 No 2363 PHN
1. NACF and NDSF wagons – These vehicles are only permitted to operate within
the medium width area bounded by Springwood, Macarthur, Kiama, Port Kembla,
Cronulla, Bondi Junction, Carlingford/Sandown, Richmond, Newcastle
These vehicles do not require match wagons since conveyors are not fitted.
Where these vehicles are operated on the Goods line between ARTC Boundary
and Meeks Road, they SHALL operate under single line working conditions with
no opposing traffic on the adjacent Goods line.
Operation around the Gosford area shall adhere to the operating conditions
detailed in TS TOC 2, Section 17, Passenger train operating conditions, specific
localities 7a, operation of medium width rolling stock between Sydney and
Newcastle area.
These wagons shall not leave a worksite with an excessive load imbalance. This
can result in a derailment of the vehicle.
An excessive load imbalance can result when more ballast is discharged from the
outer doors on one side of the wagon than that of the other side.
iii. The driver of the train conveying the unbalanced wagon shall be informed of the
load imbalance.
iv. Personnel on or about the track shall remain a safe distance from the unbalanced
wagon during its movement, and they shall be warned that there is danger of
The unbalanced wagon is not to travel further than the nearest practical location in
order to clear the section.
3. NDIF wagons – Shall be transferred in the loaded condition that is with the gantry
anchored on the vehicle.
5. NDTF wagons – These wagons can operate in the tare condition. The tilt
mechanism shall be locked in the travelling position (platform tilted at 60 degrees).
Loaded NDTF wagons will require a TOC Waiver to be issued after weighing and
gauge check.
Code Description Owner Vehicle Class Max Tare Length Draw Brake Notes
numbers gross (t) (m) capacity type
mass (MN)
NTAF Oil tankers Ampol / 3129 – C 76 26 14.9 0.90 B1 R7
Caltex 4727
NTAF Oil tankers Ampol / 3331P C 79.3 27 16.0 0.90 B1 R1,R2
^ Fitted with 6 wheel bogies, maximum permissible gross mass 111 tonnes and length
23.3 m, are permitted to run on the following routes
Not permitted to travel on running lines laid with lighter than 40 kg/m rail or on sidings
laid with lighter than 35 kg/m rail. On sidings with 35 kg /m rail maximum speed
restricted to 15 km/h.
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed Weight over capacity power
(Km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
73 L14 Diesel 70 50 12.0 0.90 650 Ex SRA R11
Loco (7344)
10.53. Toll
10.53.1. Toll – Freight rolling stock
Table 240 – Toll – Freight rolling stock
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
Gross (m) capacity type
Mass (t) (MN)
TQCY Container flat C 76 20.0 20.1 1.30 B1 -
80 R1
TRAY 5 pack Cartainer (12 A 228 55.0 84.8 1.80 B4 #
Code Description Class Max gross Tare Length Draw Brake type Notes
mass (t) (t) (m) capacity (MN)
TQAY Container C 76 18.2 19.4 2.2 B3 R9
Wagon 92 R5, R9
TQBY Container C 76 18.3 19.4 2.2 B3 R9
Wagon 92 R5, R9
TQDY 40ft Container A 76 15.3 13.16 2.2 B3 R10
wagon 84 R3,R10
89.6 R5,R10
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
1803 Steam Loco 40 29 8.5 See Z18 Class and See
(non- Notes coded as "1" in below
powered) Thomas the
Tank Engine
2705 Steam Loco 60 82 16. 6 0.75 Ex SRA Loco R8,R11
Max speed
tender first 40
3001 Steam Loco 80 101.25 17.6 0.75 Maximum speed R11
tender first 35
3526 Steam Loco 115 130.05 19.2 0.90 Ex SRA Loco R11
Max speed
tender first 40
3642 Steam Loco 115 163 20.70 0.90 Ex SRA Loco R11
Max speed
tender first 40
3801 Steam Loco 115 204.4 23.3 0.90 Ex SRA Loco R11
Max speed
tender first 40
5910 Steam Loco 80 154 20.6 0.90 Ex SRA Loco R11
Max speed
tender first 40
40 L13 Diesel % 113 17.4 0.90 1600 R11
42 L12 Diesel 115 122 18.5 0.90 1750 Ex SRA Loco R11
43 L12 Diesel 115 107.6 17.3 0.90 1600 Ex SRA Loco R11
B7-EL Brake
442 L11 Diesel 115 115 18.7 1.80 2000 Ex SRA Loco R11
44 L12 Diesel 115 108 17.8 0.90 1800 Ex SRA Loco R11
45 L12 Diesel 115 112 17.9 0.90 1800 Ex SRA Loco R11
#46 ## Electric 105 114 16.4 0.90 Ex SRA Loco See
See Note below below
48 L13 Diesel 100 75.2 14.8 0.90 900 Ex SRA Loco R11
49 L13 Diesel 100 81 15.4 0.90 875 Ex SRA Loco R11
70 Diesel 60 48.8 10.2 0.90 Ex SRA Loco R11
79 Diesel 55 40 10.7 0.90 Ex SRA Loco R11
#86 ## Electric 105 118 20.1 1.80 Ex SRA Loco See
See Note below below
D1 Diesel 18 86.4 11.5 0.90 Ex AIS Loco R11
Section 10 Locomotive and rolling stock data
© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2020 Page 257 of 376
Superseded by TS TOC 1 v19.0, 02/09/2020
% Max speed 80 km/h on Wide, Extended Medium and Medium tracks, 60 km/h on
Narrow electric/Non electric tracks as outlined in Diagram indicating track width
classifications (page 42) in Section 1 (page 33)
2. No access is permitted to the roof of the locomotive under the OHW unless an
electrical permit is issued by Sydney Trains. Work performed on unwired roads
shall be outside electrical safety clearances.
4. For single electric locomotive operation, both pantographs way be used and full
parallel control may be used.
6. The Electrical Operating Centre (phone 9379 4911) shall be advised before
raising or lowering the pantographs.
4. The locomotive shall be hauled by a suitable diesel locomotive with one suitable
carriage trailing the vehicle
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
WH AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 Type R11,
GT46C- R14
#These wagons are permitted to operate in ECP mode for a maximum consist of 84 x
PHEH/PHWH/PHYH wagons and 3 x XRN class locomotives in head end power
configuration only
10.57. Winarch
10.57.1. Winarch – Freight rolling stock
Table 247 – Winarch – Freight rolling stock
#These wagons are permitted to operate in ECP mode for a maximum consist of 84 x
PHEH/PHWH/PHYH wagons and 3 x XRN class locomotives in head end power
configuration only
10.58. Xstrata
10.58.1. Xstrata – Locomotives
Table 248 – Xstrata – Locomotives
Code Load Description Max Live Length Draw Horse- Remarks Notes
category speed weight over capacity power
(km/h) (t) coupling (MN)
faces (m)
XRN AC6 AC Diesel 115 134 22.0 2.25 4500 R9,R11,
60 139 R9,R11,
Code Description Class Max Tare (t) Length Draw Brake Notes
gross (m) capacity type
mass (t) (MN)
PHEH *4 permanently coupled coal G *480 21.3 *61.4 2.45 #E1
wagons. (ECP braked) B Empty
#These wagons are permitted to operate in ECP mode for a maximum consist of 84 x
PHEH/PHWH/PHYH wagons and 3 x XRN class locomotives in head end power
configuration only.
Section 11
This Section of the TOC Manual lists all on track infrastructure maintenance vehicles authorised
to operate on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail network. To gain listing in this document an
on track infrastructure maintenance vehicle shall comply with the requirements of
T HR RS 00000 ST Minimum Operating Standards for Rolling Stock or be covered by an
appropriate Concession.
A Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Waiver is required for the operation of any on track
infrastructure maintenance vehicles that are authorised, but not listed in this document.
See also Section 12 (page 285) for Road-Rail Vehicle & Trolley/Trailer Data.
Table 250 – Explanation of notes for on track infrastructure maintenance vehicle data
Note Explanation
T1 Vehicle can be removed from rail using portable takeoff.
T2 Vehicle can be coupled into a train consist. Refer to specified maximum trailing load.
T3 Vehicle permitted to operate under the control of track signalling and not under block
working conditions.
T4 Maximum speed on a 1 in 30 grade 10 km/h
T5 Maximum speed on a 1 in 30 grade 20 km/h
T6 Maximum speed of vehicle when coupled in a train consist 80 km/h
T7 Maximum speed of vehicle when coupled in a train consist 50 km/h
T8 Restricted to operate in areas designated WIDE in the Passenger Train Operating
Conditions pages.
T9 Vehicle can be removed from the track by hand.
T10 Maximum speed of vehicles when coupled in a train consist 60 km/h
T11 Not to travel on rail within electrified area bounded by Broadmeadow – Newcastle
Interchange – Bondi Junction – Lithgow – Richmond – Macarthur – Kiama
T12 This vehicle is restricted to a maximum speed of 20 km/h in the forward direction, and
5 km/h in the reverse direction when traversing track fitted with check rails or guard
rails such as at points, crossings, bridges and level crossings.
T13 Not in use.
11.2. Abigroup
Table 251 – Abigroup
11.3. Aurizon
Table 252 – Aurizon
The vehicle is restricted to the mainline operations only and is not permitted on the
passenger only lines. The vehicle is not permitted on the Cronulla, Richmond, East
Hills, ESR, ECRL, North Shore, Bankstown, Airport, and City Circle Lines.
11.5. Azbuild
Table 254 – Azbuild
a. The tamper shall be limited to a maximum speed of 5 km/h when traversing points
and crossings.
b. A second ground based person shall be used to pilot the tamper when reversing.
When on rail the PEM807 shall be marshalled (coupled) between the LEM460 units.
c. When locomotive hauled the vehicles shall be dead attached and shall be set in
locomotive hauled mode. That is any drives disengaged or locked out and any
other equipment set as required for locomotive hauling.
a. This vehicle is out of gauge in width and therefore shall be stationary when being
passed by other traffic in dual track areas.
b. This vehicle shall not be passed by other traffic if the vehicle is moving or is
stationary on a track curvature of 400 metres or less.
c. Whilst operating on a work site in dual track areas, the vehicle shall cease
operations when there is a likelihood of passing traffic. Infrastructure personnel
shall ensure there is adequate clearance for a passing movement or in the case
of item 'b' above, the vehicle is to be moved to a safe location clear of the curve,
before such a movement takes place.
d. During passing movements the maximum speed for passing the stationary ballast
regulator shall be 30 km/hr for all other trains.
c. When the vehicle is hauled in a train consist, the vehicle shall be prepared as per
the manufacturers procedures for operation within a train consist.
a. When at the tare mass of 36 tonnes, the ballast regulator can traverse the entire
Metropolitan Rail Network.
b. When loaded to more than the tare mass of 36 tonnes, the ballast regulator is not
to operate between Berry – Bomaderry, Omega Tunnels, Clyde – Carlingford and
Rosehill – Sandown.
When trailer end is leading a second crew member competent in signal recognition
and train protection procedure is required.
These vehicles are out of gauge on vehicle width below platform height. Caution shall
be exercised by operators for obstacles in this area.
These machines may be passed by other trains on adjacent lines, at a speed not
exceeding 30 km/h. The machine shall be in the stationary non operable condition with
all its hydraulics folded in the narrow position.
This machine may pass other stationary trains located on adjacent lines at a speed
not exceeding 25 km/h.
11.13. Kennards
Table 262 – Kennards
A route clearance check will be required and the exact route specified for all
movements, including working of the vehicle. All movements will be as an out of
gauge vehicle under single line working conditions, with special conditions applying. A
TOC Waiver and Special Train Notice (STN) will be required for all movements of this
A minimum of one cover vehicle shall be attached to this vehicle at all times, due to
inadequate parking brake on Track Laying machine
Where the length of the hauling train does not exceed 20 wagons, the SVM 1000 track
layer shall be marshalled as the last vehicle. In this case the SVM 1000 shall have
brakes cut in and operational. For the purposes of this note and note 2 below, any
multi-pack wagons included in the hauling train consist, shall be counted as the
number of platforms. For example, a 5 pack wagon shall be counted as 5 wagons.
Where the hauling train exceeds 20 wagons in length (See note 1 above), the SVM
1000 shall be marshalled as follows:
Locomotives / Train / SVM 1000 Track Layer (Brakes cut out) / 3 Match trucks of
minimum mass 17 tonnes each.
(This requirement is due to the SVM 1000 having a low sensitivity to changes in brake
pipe pressure. The sensitivity decreases as the train length increases.)
The air brake and hand brake shall be cut in and fully operative on all match trucks.
The brake pipe shall be continuous throughout the train.
The total unbraked mass of the hauling train, including the mass of the SVM 1000
track layer, shall not exceed 10% of the total train mass.
When on rail the PEM807 shall be marshalled (coupled) between the LEM460 units.
Notes on TAMP031:
Due to signal visibility, this vehicle requires two operators or an operator and second
person that is competent in signal recognition.
# Instructions for the locomotive hauling of M437, M438, M439 and M440
b. A Main Reservoir run around hose will be required to run from the hauling
locomotives to the Rhomberg Rail consist to release the spring applied brakes of
the machines.
c. The Rhomberg Rail consist will have operators on board and will be under power.
d. The braking system of the Rhomberg Rail consist is not compatible with that of
the hauling train and will be unbraked, however, the operators on board the
Rhomberg Rail consist will apply its brakes independently, if required, in
cooperation with the driver of the hauling train .
e. As the Rhomberg Rail vehicles will be manned and have spring parking brakes,
the brake retention test will not be required.
f. The crew of the hauling locomotive shall have discreet radio communication with
the crew of the Rhomberg Rail consist at all times.
Self Propelled
Locomotive Hauled
a. When this vehicle is locomotive hauled, the train shall be block worked if this
vehicle is in the last three vehicles on the train.
c. The operator of this vehicle shall ensure the following and advise the train crew of
the hauling locomotive:
• All driver’s brake valve levers, (in all cabs) have been moved to the 'neutral'
d. Normal brake retention tests shall be carried out on all train consists.
b. When the vehicle is hauled in a train consist, the vehicle shall be prepared as per
the manufacturers procedures for operation within a train consist.
Notes for M580: When operated plough end leading, a second driver or authorised
second person competent in signal recognition is required.
a. Operation under track signalling (block working not required) is only permitted
when both track circuit actuators (TCA) are functioning. If any of the TCA’s are not
functioning, the vehicle is not permitted to operate under track signalling and shall
be stopped. Operation shall then be block worked as per Block working of single
unit diesel cars TS TOC 1, Section 2.17.
b. The UT trolley shall be raised (shall not be used) when traversing the following
sections of track:
11.20. Swietelsky
Table 269 – Swietelsky
c. When the vehicle is hauled in a train consist, the vehicle shall be prepared as per
the manufacturers procedures for operation within a train consist.
a. BJ003 and BJ005 are identified as BJR003 and BJR005 in TRIMS, DTPOS, AEI
tags and wayside systems that read AEI tags.
c. The maximum trailing load behind BJ006 shall not exceed 1440 tonnes.
e. The maximum speed on crossovers, loops, sidings and yards shall be 15 km/h.
f. For operating conditions on the Goods Line refer to ARTC for details.
g. BJ006 may travel on all UP and DOWN main lines (including relief roads, loops,
sidings, yards and crossovers) except for the following areas (BJ006 not to enter
these areas):
City Underground (City Circle), Airport Line, Central Flyovers (Flying Junctions),
Eastern Suburbs Line, Cronulla Line, Epping Chatswood Rail Link, Olympic Park
h. Sidings that do not see regular rail traffic (for example, stabling sidings, mark-off
sidings) shall be inspected before use by a person qualified to record and analyse
track parameters, checking for any potential centre throw obstacles up to 1.5 m
j. BJ006 shall not run over the turnout route of any turnouts or crossovers at or
within 20 m of platforms due to possible platform strikes.
c. When the vehicle is hauled in a train consist, the vehicle shall be prepared as per
the manufacturers procedures for operation within a train consist.
a. These vehicles shall operate to the medium speed boards (in areas with 3 speed
boards) or normal speed boards (in areas with 2 speed boards).
b. The Geomatic camera, lighting equipment, and associated mounting frame shall
be within the rolling stock outline at all times. Wheel wear and wheel turning shall
require the packing between the vehicle body and Geomatic equipment to be
adjusted as required.
c. Operation under track signalling is only permitted when both track circuit actuators
(TCA) are functioning. If any of the TCA’s are not functioning, the vehicle is not
permitted to operate under track signalling and shall be stopped. Operation shall
then be block worked as per Block working of single unit diesel cars, TS TOC 1,
Section 2.17.
d. MTPV1 is fitted with AIMS (in. camera/lights), Track Geography System, OHW
measuring system, Rail Prof measuring system, Rail Corrugation measuring
MTPV2 is fitted with AIMS (inc. camera/lights).
City Circle
Section 12
This Section of the TOC Manual lists all road-rail vehicles and trolleys/trailers authorised to
operate on the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail network. To gain listing in this document a
road/rail vehicle shall comply with the T HR RS 00000 ST Minimum Operating Standards for
Rolling Stock or be covered by an appropriate Concession.
All road-rail vehicles shall be recertified annually for operation on the TfNSW Metropolitan
Heavy Rail network in accordance with the T HR RS 30020 ST Road/Rail Vehicle Certification &
All trolleys and trailers vehicles shall be recertified annually for operation on the TfNSW
Metropolitan Heavy Rail network in accordance with the T HR RS 30030 ST Trolley, Trailer &
Quadricycle Certification & Re-certification.
Recertification status can be checked in the TS 13000 Road/rail vehicle and small plant
recertification database.
A Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Waiver is required for the operation of any on track
infrastructure maintenance vehicles that is authorised, but not listed in this document.
Table 273 – Explanation of notes for on track infrastructure track maintenance and road
rail vehicle data
Note Explanation
T1 Vehicle can be removed from rail using portable takeoff.
T2 Vehicle can be coupled into a train consist. Refer to specified maximum trailing load.
T3 Vehicle permitted to operate under the control of track signalling and not under block working
T4 Maximum speed on a 1 in 30 grade 10 km/h
T5 Maximum speed on a 1 in 30 grade 20 km/h
T6 Maximum speed of vehicle when coupled in a train consist 80 km/h
T7 Maximum speed of vehicle when coupled in a train consist 50 km/h
T8 Restricted to operate in areas designated WIDE in the Passenger Train Operating
Conditions pages.
T9 Vehicle can be removed from the track by hand.
T10 Maximum speed of vehicles when coupled in a train consist 60 km/h
T11 Not to travel on rail within electrified area bounded by Broadmeadow – Newcastle Interchange
– Bondi Junction – Lithgow – Richmond – Macarthur – Kiama
Reg Plant Number Description Max Speed Loaded Length Notes Remarks
Number (km/h) Mass (t) (m)
- 10048 Komatsu PC 228US 15 31 9.3 T14, T21
- 10049 Komatsu PC 228US 15 31 9.3 T14, T21
- 10057 Komatsu PC138US 15 16.4 7.9 T14,T21
Hydraulic excavator
- 10058 Komatsu PC138US 15 16.4 7.9 T14,T21
Hydraulic excavator
- 70037 Sennebogan 608 15 29.7 6.9 T14,T21,
telehandler w/EWP T24
and w/crane
- 70038 Sennebogan 608 15 29.7 6.9 T14,T21,
telehandler w/EWP T24
and w/Crane
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
Hitachi Zaxis 135 Excavator with registration 40025-D (plant no. 25)
Hitachi Zaxis 135 Excavator with registration 40028-D (plant no. 28)
Section 12 Road rail vehicle data
© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2020 Page 293 of 376
Superseded by TS TOC 1 v19.0, 02/09/2020
Liebherr A922 Excavator with registration 70637-D (plant no. 37)
f. This trailer may be hauled in a dual configuration with the following vehicles only:
g. This trailer may be hauled in a dual configuration with the following vehicles only:
12.15. Aurizon
12.15.1. Aurizon – Road-rail vehicles
Table 293 – Aurizon – Road-rail vehicles
a. The maximum speed shall be reduced by 10 km/h when traversing curves (for
example, a 55 km/h speed boarded curve shall be traversed at 45 km/h).
12.23. Broadspectrum
12.23.1. Broadspectrum – Road-rail vehicles
Table 305 – Broadspectrum – Road-rail vehicles
12.24. CA Rail
12.24.1. CA Rail – Trolleys
Table 307 – CA Rail – Trolleys
12.28. Centrogen
12.28.1. Centrogen – Road-rail vehicles
Table 311 – Centrogen – Road-rail vehicles
12.29. Cleanaway
12.29.1. Cleanaway – Road-rail vehicles
Table 312 – Cleanaway – Road-rail vehicles
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
12.35. CR Kennedy
12.35.1. CR Kennedy – Support frame
Table 321 – CR Kennedy – Support frame
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
12.60. Infraworks
12.60.1. Infraworks – Road-rail vehicles
Table 357 – Infraworks – Road-rail vehicles
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
Caterpillar 305E CR Excavator with registration 16505C (plant no. unit 10)
Yanmar ViO45 Excavator with registration 52790D (plant no. No. 20)
Yanmar ViO45 Excavator with registration 52790D (plant no. No. 20)
a. Trailer shall only be hauled by Hyundai Robex 55-7 Excavator (27767D / No. 1)
Section 12 Road rail vehicle data
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Superseded by TS TOC 1 v19.0, 02/09/2020
12.88. MP Rail
12.88.1. MP Rail – Trolleys
Table 395 – MP Rail – Trolleys
12.105. RailCon
12.105.1. RailCon – Trolleys
Table 421 – RailCon – Trolleys
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
a. The maximum speed shall be reduced by 10 km/h when traversing curves, for
example, a 40 km/h speed sign curve shall be traversed at 30 km/h.
1. Operation restricted to Medium or Wide areas only as per TOC Manual TS TOC 1
Section 1.10.
2. This vehicle is not fitted with height restrictors to limit the travel of the fan lift and
although the vehicle is within the medium rolling stock outline, its height infringes
the minimum safe approach distances when working and travelling under
overhead wire (OHW). This vehicle is therefore only permitted to work and travel
on rail where an electrical permit to work has been issued (OHW is isolated).
1. Operation only within UGL Unipart Auburn Yard up to Signal AN68 and between
the buffer stop on the shunting neck and Signal AN68.
Section 12 Road rail vehicle data
© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2020 Page 365 of 376
Superseded by TS TOC 1 v19.0, 02/09/2020
2. Block working required for operation outside of UGL Unipart Auburn Yard
(outside – of Signal AN68)
2. The shunter is restricted to the following areas of operation within the confines of
Flemington Maintenance Centre:
a. Loop Road.
c. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 road (from F15+097km to country end buffer
stop on 25 road).
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
b. Rail axle lockouts shall not be engaged (locked) when travelling on rail. Axle
lockouts can only be engaged (locked) when stationary and shall be released
(unlocked) to resume travel.
12.129. Traxion
12.129.1. Traxion – Trolleys
Table 458 – Traxion – Trolleys
12.133. Weedmasters
12.133.1. Weedmasters - Road-rail vehicles
Table 464 – Weedmasters – Road-rail vehicles