Ec209 Final

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of Printed Pages – 3 EC209

Roll No.


Time: 3:00 hrs. Max. Marks: 40

Note : (i) The question paper contains Three Sections.
(ii) Section-A is compulsory, Section-B and C contains internal

1. Attempt ALL parts of the following questions: 1 x 10 =
(a) If (101.01) 2=(x)10, then what is the value of x? [BT-1,

CO-1, PO-1]

(b) What is 2’comlement of (1100)2 [BT-2, CO-1, PO-2]

(c) The binary point between the digits b0 and b1 exist physically
in the computer. True/ False [BT-2,

CO-1, PO-2]

(d) 4x1 MUX has ____________selection lines. [BT-1,

CO-1, PO-2]

(e) PLA stands for ___________. [BT-2, CO-1, PO-1]

(f) Flip flop is _________bit memory cell. [BT-1, CO-1, PO-2]

(g) Why do we use Gray codes? [BT-1,

CO-1, PO-2]

(h) Convert (100101) 2 number into gray code. [BT-1,

CO-1, PO-2]

(i) What are the canonical forms of Boolean

Expressions? [BT-1,

CO-1, PO-4]

(j) Mention the universal logic gates. [BT-2, CO-1, PO-1]

1 P.T.O.

EC209 EC209
SECTION-B 5. Attempt any One of the following questions: 4x1=
2. Attempt any TWO of the following questions: 5 x 2 = 4
10 (a) Draw the transition and flow table for the following Boolean
(a) Design a half adder using NAND gate and write its truth expression: [BT-6, CO-4, PO-1,12]

table. [BT-3, ,
CO-2, PO-3]
(b) Eliminate the static hazard in the given circuit. Also obtained
(b) Write the output of the combinational circuit and write the
the hazard free expression, draw the circuit. [BT-1,
truth CO-1, PO-2]

table. [BT-4,

CO-2, PO-3]

(c) Solve the following function using k map F(A,B,C,D) = 6. Attempt any One of the following questions: 4x1=
Σm(1,3,5,7,9) + d(6,12,13). 4
[BT-4, CO-2, PO-3]
(a) Design 3 bit Gray code synchronous counter using J k flip
(d) Simplify the following Boolean function, using Quine-
flop. [BT-6, CO-4, PO-3]
McClukey tabular method f(W, X, Y, Z) = ∑ m(2, 6, 8, 9, 10,
(b) Explain the working of 1 bit magnitude comparator. [BT-4,
11, 14, 15). [BT-3, CO-2, PO-3]
CO-4, PO-3]

3. Attempt any One of the following questions: 4x1= 7. Attempt any One of the following questions: 4x1=
4 4
(a) Draw and Explain 4 bit Universal Shift register. [BT-4, CO-3, PO-1] (a) Explain different types of memory in brief. [BT-5,

(b) Draw and explain J.K. Flip-flop also write its truth CO-5, PO-2]

table. [BT-4,
(b) Implement the following function using PLA
CO-3, PO-3] F=∑m(5,7,10,14,15) G=∑m(6,7,9,13,15).
[BT-6, CO-5, PO-2]
4. Attempt any One of the following questions: 4x1=
(a) Write short notes on Adder. [BT-3,

CO-2, PO-1]

(b) Design a 3x8 decoder. [BT-6, CO-2, PO-2]

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