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CS422 No.

of Printed Pages – 4 CS422

5. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 6 x 2 = Roll No.
(a) Describe and compare the different problem solved by DART B.TECH. / B.TECH.-M.TECH. (DUAL DEGREE)
and MYCIN expert system. [BT-4,
CO-5, PO-6]

(b) How PSO and ACO are helpful in problem solving and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
optimization. Illustrates this with an example.
[BT-4, CO-5, PO-8]
Time : 3:00 hrs. Max. Marks : 60
(c) What is the meant by learning with evolutionary approach? A Note : (i) Attempt ALL the questions.
single layer feed forward neural network is used to represent (ii) Choices are given in each question set.

the AND logic for two inputs as shown in the figure. Here, X1 1. Attempt any Four of the following questions: 3 x 4 =
and X2 are the inputs, W1 and W2 are the weights and b is 12
the bias term. From the simple threshold activation transfer (a) What is Artificial intelligence system? How much knowledge
function. [BT-6, CO-5,PO6] would be required by a perfect program for the problem of
water jug? [BT-2,

CO-1, PO-3]

(b) Write A* algorithms. With suitable example how A* algorithm

is used to solved the problem? [BT-3,

CO-1, PO -5]

Find the learning values of weight and bias for this AND (c) Write the various knowledge representation issues. Provide

implementation? the solution of any two knowledge representation issue. [BT-1,

CO-1, PO-6]

(d) How would you quote PEAS description? [BT-2, CO-1,PO-6]

(e) Find the optimal route for travelling salesperson, which has
to visit five cities, distance between the cities given as follow.
[BT-1, CO-2,PO-5]
4 1 P.T.O.

CS422 CS422
(f) Consider the following crypt arithmetic puzzles and find the ceaser was ruler
solution Some + time= spent [BT-3, All roman were loyal to caeser or hated him
Everyone is loyal to some one
People only try to assisnates rulers they are not loyal to
2. Attempt any Four of the following questions: 3 x 4 =
Marcus try to assisnates caeser
By resolution proof marcus hate caeser
(a) Define conditional probability and explain Bayes rule in
(c) Consider the following sentence: [BT-6, CO-3,PO6]
detail. [BT-4 CO-2, PO-4]
John like all kind of food
(b) What is breath first search? Write the algorithms of Breath
Apples are food
first search. [BT-2, CO-4, PO-1]
(c) Explain between blind search and heuristic search technique. Chicken is food
When does blind search become better than heuristic Anything anyone eat and is not killed by is food
search? [BT-5, CO-2, PO-2] Bill eat peanuts and is still alive
(d) Find the value of the root node A using the concepts of alpha Sue eat everything’s bill eats
beta pruning. [BT-6, Translates all the above sentence into a predicate ligic and
CO-2, PO 7]
clause form. And prove john like peanut using resolution.

4. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 6 x 2 =

(a) What is a decision tree? Design a decision tree whether to
wait for the train at the railway station. [BT-6,

CO-4, PO-5]
(e) Suggest a good heuristic function for 8 puzzle problem and
(b) How uncertain knowledge are represented? Discuss the
class problem. [BT-4,
CO-3, PO-7]
various source from where uncertainty are arises.
(f) Discuss the basic concepts of knowledge engineering. [BT-1,
[BT-4, CO-4, PO-6]
CO-3, PO-9]
(c) What is Bayesian reasoning? Total 100 people present in the
domain, out of which 10 person are sick. Out of 100 patients,
3. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 6 x 2 =
6 people had high fever that is symptom of malaria. Further
investigation found, only 2 people had malaria. [BT-5, CO-4, PO-6]
(a) Construct the truth table for [BT-6,

CO-3,PO9] (i) Calculate unconditionally probability of person having

A=(P (QR))((PQ)(PR) malaria.
(b) Consider the following sentence: [BT-5, CO-3,PO7] (ii) Calculate conditional probability of person having
Marcus was a man malaria with high fever.
Marcus was pompian
All pompian were roman

2 3 P.T.O.
CS422 No. of Printed Pages – 4 CS422
6. Attempt any ONE of the following questions: 4x1=4 Roll No.
(a) What is an Expert System? Why Expert System required? Devise
the various Applications of Expert System. [BT-5, CO-4,PO-6]
(b) What is Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI)? Discuss the various
application of Swarm Intelligence. [BT-6, CO-4,PO-5]

7. Attempt any ONE of the following questions: 4x1=4 Time: 3:00 hrs. Max. Marks: 40
(a) What is Prolog? Discuss the Applications of Prolog. [BT-4, CO-5,PO-5]
Note : (i) The question paper contains Three Sections.
(b) Discuss and illustrate the Working of ‘Naïve Bayes' (ii) Section-A is compulsory, Section-B and C contains internal
Classifier. [BT-5, CO-4,PO-5]

1. Attempt ALL parts of the following questions: 1 x 10 = 10
(a) Explain the basic difference between natural Intelligence and
Artificial Intelligence. List the similarity and dissimilarity between
them. [BT-1, CO-1,PO-1]

(b) What do you mean by AI? Explain contribution of AI in the various

field. [BT-2, CO-1,PO-2]

(c) What are the basic components of AI problem solving methodology?

Describe them in detail. [BT-1, CO-2,PO-1]

(d) Explain the difference between the blind search and heuristic search
technique. When does blind search become the better than the
heuristic search. [BT-2, CO-2,PO-2]

(e) What is the mean by knowledge acquisition? What are the various
source from where the knowledge can be gathered. [BT-2, CO-3,PO-2]

(f) Construct the truth table for Aà (P^Q) ^ (R^S) [BT-2, CO-3,PO-2]

(g) Define the Bayesian Networks. [BT-1, CO-4,PO-1]

(h) Suppose there is a candidate who has a job offer and wants to
decide whether he should accept the offer or Not. Solve this
problem by the decision tree. [BT-1, CO-3,PO-2]

4 1 P.T.O.
CS422 CS422
(i) Devise the Statistical learning Methods in AI. [BT-2, CO-5,PO-2] (b) Consider the following crypt arithmetic puzzles and find the
(j) Write the various Application of Expert System. [BT-1, CO-5,PO-1] solution. [BT-4, CO-3,PO-5]


2. Attempt any TWO of the following questions: 5 x 2 = 10 CAT+RUN=AWAY
(a) Explain in detail the structure of different intelligent FOUR+MICE=FOUND
Agent. [BT-3, CO-1,PO-3]

(b) Explain the A* search and the proof of optimality of A* . [BT-4, CO-2,PO-4]
4. Attempt any ONE of the following questions: 4x1=4
(c) Formulate the missionary and cannibal problem three missionary
(a) Show that the given propositional logic is a tautology. [BT-5, CO-3,PO-6]
and three cannibals are one side of a river, along with a boat that
can hold one or two entity. Find the way to get everyone to the other Pà(QàR)à(PàQ)à(PàR)

side without having a group of missionary out number of (b) Consider the following sentences: [BT-6, CO-4,PO-5]

cannibals. [BT-4, CO-1,PO-3] (i) John like all kind of food

(d) Find the all available optimal route for travelling salesperson, in the (ii) Apples are food
following given graph. [BT-3, CO-2,PO-4] (iii) Chicken is food
(iv) Anything anyone eat and is not killed by is food
(v) Bill eat peanut and still alive
(vi) Sue eat everything bill eats
(1) Translate all of above in predicate logic
(2) Convert all above in clause form
3. Attempt any ONE of the following questions: 4x1=4 (3) Prove that john like peanut using resolution

(a) Solve the above problem space using best first search
approach. [BT-5, CO-2,PO-5] 5. Attempt any ONE of the following questions: 4x1=4
(a) How evolutionary programing and swarm intelligent are helpful in
problem solving and optimization. Illustrates this with an
example. [BT-5, CO-4,PO-5]

(b) Explain the process of skolomization. For what purpose it is used.

Convert the following formula into skolem form: [BT-6, CO-5,PO-5]

∀ᵆ∃ᵱ∃ᵆ∀ᵆ ᵄ(ᵆ),ᵄ(ᵆ),ᵄ(ᵆ),5(ᵱ)→ᵃ(ᵆ,ᵱ)
2 3 P.T.O.

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