Mos Longkang

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This method statement shall describe the works related to the drainage construction for the
purpose of their physical construction to the lines, gradient, and quality that is required within
the scope of works.


2.1 The scope of work encompasses the construction of these elements shall be:

i. The specification
ii. The construction drawings
iii. The consultant’s instruction

2.2 The elements that are covered by this method statement shall be:

i. Lined and unlined drain including the following:

a. Interceptor drain
b. Bern and bench drain
c. Toe drain
d. Temporary and permanent earth drains
e. Sub-soil drain
f. Road side drain
g. Kerb channel
h. Cascade drain
i. Reinforced concrete sump
j. Reinforced concrete pipe culvert installation
k. Pre-cast box culvert installation
l. Cast in-situ box culvert installation


Unless piling works is involved, all unsuitable material at the working section shall be removed
and replaced with suitable material and compacted prior to to commencement of drainage
works. Where piling work is involved, the working section shall be surveyed and all pile position
set. Piling work shall be completed prior to commencement of drainage work.

Interceptor drain shall be laid before earthworks excavation begins. Where the interceptor drain
connects to the berm/bench drain, they shall be constructed to a suitable angle of entry (small
angle) so that the turbulence effect cause by the two meeting streams would be minimized and
the water would not overflow. None of the interceptor drain shall be laid cascading.

Setting out and pegging to lines and grades for the interceptor drain as per relevant drawings,
with control off-set peg, if practical, 1m away from the edge of drain with the 1m off set invert
level marker clearly flagged/painted for identification at every 25m interval shall be done and
the correctness of the shape and size of the bucket fitted to the excavator/backhoe shall be
checked prior to the commencement of the excavation works.

Excavation shall be done to line and grade. Manual trimming and surface compaction with plate
compactor shall be done to receive reinforcement and concrete. Control batter stake at every
5m interval and concrete level markers made of timber stake driven into ground to control top
finish concrete level and thickness shall then be placed. BRC A6 with wired concrete spacer
blocks to ensure sufficient concrete cover shall be laid prior to concreting work. Since formwork
is not used, a low slump concrete to obtain the required forms and shapes using wooden/steel
trowel shall be used. When concreting, a minimum of 300mm of BRC shall be left exposed at the
end of each set as construction joint for the next section of work. The whole process shall then
be repeated until the stretch is completed.


Once a slope or berm has been formed and ready to receive fibro-mat-hydro-seeding, the
center-line of drain shall be pegged out as per relevant drawings, with control offset peg, if
practical, 1m away from the edge of drain with the 1m offset invert level marker clearly
flagged/painted for identification at every 25m interval. The correctness of the shape and size of
the bucket fitted to the excavator/backhoe shall be checked prior to commencement of the
excavation works.

Excavation shall be done to line and grade. Manual trimming and surface compaction with plate
compactor shall be done to receive reinforcement and concrete. Control batter stake at every
5m interval and concrete level markers made of timber stake driven into ground to control top
finish concrete level and thickness shall then be placed. BRC A6 with wired concrete spacer
blocks to ensure sufficient concrete cover shall be laid prior to concreting work. Since formwork
is not used, a low slump concrete to obtain the required forms and shapes using wooden/steel
trowel shall be used. When concreting, a minimum of 300mm of BRC shall be left exposed at the
end of each set as construction joint for the next section of work. The whole process shall then
be repeated until the stretch is completed.

There are two type of toe drain. One is reinforced concrete to drain (TD) and the other is
earthen toe drain (TD2). Toe drain are installed before embankment fill is carried out and should
be far enough away from the embankment toe to prevent silting by the falling loose fill material.

The center-line of the toe drain shall be pegged out as per relevant drawings, with control offset
peg, if practical, 1m away from the edge of drain with the 1m offset invert level marker clearly
flagged/painted for identification at every 25m interval. The correctness of the shape and size of
the bucket fitted to the excavator/backhoe shall be checked prior to commencement of the
excavation works.

Excavation shall be done to line and grade. Manual trimming and surface compaction with plate
compactor shall be done to receive reinforcement and concrete. Control batter stake at every
5m interval and concrete level markers made of timber stake driven into ground to control top
finish concrete level and thickness shall then be placed. BRC A6 with wired concrete spacer
blocks to ensure sufficient concrete cover shall be laid prior to concreting work. Since formwork
is not used, a low slump concrete to obtain the required forms and shapes using wooden/steel
trowel shall be used. When concreting, a minimum of 300mm of BRC shall be left exposed at the
end of each set as construction joint for the next section of work. The whole process shall then
be repeated until the stretch is completed.

For earthen toe drain, excavation shall be done to line and grade. Manual trimming and surface
compaction with a plate compactor shall then be done to the required form and shape. The
whole process shall be then be repeated until stretch is completed.


Setting out and control level are not so important for temporary earth drain. The name implies
that it is use temporarily as one of the mechanisms to prevent flooding at work area and to keep
work area free from standing water. It should be excavated depending on the needs and ease of
other works at site.

The center-line and grades of the permanent earth drain shall be pegged out as per relevant
drawing, with control offset peg, if practical, 1m away from the edge of drain with the 1m offset
invert level marker clearly flagged/painted for identification at every 25m interval. The
correctness of the shape and size of the bucket fitted to the excavator/backhoe shall be checked
prior to commencement of the excavation works.

Excavation shall be done to line and grade. Manual trimming and surface compaction with plate
compactor shall be done to the require form and shape. The whole process shall then be
repeated until the stretch is completed.

Sub-soil drains are drain that run below the roadside drain is laid at cut area only. It is only laid
once sub-grade level is achieved. The installation procedure is set out below.

The center-line of the sub-soil drain shall be pegged out as per relevant drawings, with control
offset peg, if practical, 1m away from the edge of drain with the 1m offset invert level marker
clearly flagged/painted for identification at every 25m interval. The correctness of the shape and
size of the bucket fitted to the excavator/backhoe shall be checked prior to commencement of
the excavation works.

Trench excavation shall be done and 2 layers of geo-textile shall be laid and pegged to the
trench base and sides by wooden stakes. Approximately 50mm thick 20-25mm aggregate shall
be laid on the geo-textile layers to obtain gradient of subsoil pipe. 200mm diameter perforated
concrete pipe (or approved equivalent pipe) shall then be laid and installed onto the aggregates.
The pipes are then covered with aggregates to obtain the overall 600mm thickness from trench
base. Then the geo-textile shall be folded to complete the ‘boxing’. The “boxed” subsoil drain
shall then be covered with approved common fill material and compacted.


The center-line of the roadside drain shall be pegged out as per relevant drawings, with control
offset peg, if practical, 1m away from the edge of drain with the 1m offset invert level marker
clearly flagged/painted for identification at every 25m interval. The correctness of the shape and
size of the bucket fitted to the excavator/backhoe shall be checked prior to commencement of
the excavation works.

Excavation shall be done to line and grade. Manual trimming and surface compaction with plate
compactor shall be done to receive reinforcement and concrete. Control batter stake at every
5m interval and concrete level markers made of timber stake driven into ground to control top
finish concrete level and thickness shall then be placed. BRC A6 with wired concrete spacer
blocks to ensure sufficient concrete cover shall be laid prior to concreting work. Since formwork
is not used, a low slump concrete to obtain the required forms and shapes using wooden/steel
trowel shall be used. When concreting, a minimum of 300mm of BRC shall be left exposed at the
end of each set as construction joint for the next section of work. The whole process shall then
be repeated until the stretch is completed.


Kerb channel is only laid after the formation is reached and the road shoulder/verges has been
completed. It is only constructed at fill embankment.
The center-line of the roadside drain shall be pegged out as per relevant drawings, with control
offset peg, if practical, 1m away from the edge of drain with the 1m offset invert level marker
clearly flagged/painted for identification at every 25m interval. The correctness of the shape and
size of the bucket fitted to the excavator/backhoe shall be checked prior to commencement of
the excavation works.

Excavation shall be done to line and grade. Manual trimming and surface compaction with plate
compactor shall be done.

If the unit are cast in-situ and mould is use to form top surface, BRC is then laid with wired
concrete spacers to control concrete thickness and angles. Timber stakes and batter shall be
used to hold the mould and maintain the required form. Concrete were then poured and
compacted/vibrated. The concrete were then let to set and the formworks removed the
following day.

If mould is not used, concreting is then done in two operations aster lying BRC A6. First, from
the base to invert level and once the concrete starts to set/harden, the sides of the drain then
shall then be concreted and controlled by lined markers/batter boards using a drier mix, and
trowel to shape with wooden/steel trowel.

If pre-cast units are used, then lay the precast units as per relevant drawings, then back fill and
compact the sides of kerb channel. The whole process hall then be repeated until the stretch is


The area and location for the cascade drain shall be identified and confirmed on site together
with the Engineer or Consultant.

The center-line and grades of the cascade drain shall be pegged out as per relevant drawings,
with control offset peg, if practical, 1m away from the edge of drain with the 1m offset invert
level marker clearly flagged/painted for identification at every 25m interval.

Excavation shall be done to line and grade manually by using hoe. Manual trimming and surface
compaction with a plate compactor shall then be done to receive reinforcement and concrete.
Control batter stakes at every 5m interval and concrete level markers made of timber stake
driven into ground to control top finish concrete level and thickness shall then be placed. BRC
A6 with wired concrete spacer blocks to ensure sufficient concrete cover shall be laid prior to
concreting work. Pour and compact concrete for the base first. Once the concrete has set (after
one day), put up side formwork for the inside walls and concrete the wall. Alternatively, erect
formwork to walls with proper strutting and support. Pour and compact concrete of base wall
on the same day (base first then after the concrete has firmed up, walls). Strike-off side
formwork the next day. The whole process shall then be repeated until the stretch is completed.

The center-line and grades of the reinforced concrete sump shall be pegged out as per relevant
drawings, with control offset peg, if practical, 1m away from the edge of drain with the 1m
offset invert level marker clearly flagged/painted for identification at every 25m interval.

Using a backhoe shall do excavation. Manual trimming and surface compaction with a plate
compactor shall then be done to form. BRC A6 with wired concrete spacer blocks to ensure
sufficient concrete cover shall be laid prior to concreting work. Pour and compact concrete for
the base first. Once the concrete has set, internal formwork held in place by timber support
from around the sump shall be installed. Then concrete shall be poured and compacted to the
walls. Perform 2.5m stage casting for wall height exceeding 2.5-meter. Formwork shall be
removed a day after the final wall casting carried out.


The area and location for the pipe culvert laying shall be identified and pegged as per relevant
drawings. Mackintosh probe shall then be carried out to determine the soil bearing capacity at
the bed level. Where necessary, the unsuitable material shall be excavated and removed and
replace with suitable fill material up to the previous existing ground level.

The center-line and grades of the reinforced concrete sump shall be pegged out as per relevant
drawings, with control offset peg, if practical, 1m away from the edge of drain with the 1m
offset invert level marker clearly flagged/painted for identification at every 25m interval.

Trench for the pipe culvert laying shall be excavated with extra at sides to a depth as per
drawings. 150mm thick sand bedding shall then be laid and compacted. Then the reinforced
pipe culvert shall be laid and covered and compacted to formation level with suitable fill
material as per drawing depending on ‘pipe under trench’ or ‘pipe under embankment’.

If the depth of cover above pipe culvert is less than 1000mm, pipe culvert shall be laid as
concrete surround. For concrete surround reinforced pipe culvert, concreting shall be done in
three operations:

a. Pour and compact to 1/10th of its diameter, lay pipe culvert and joint, pour,
b. Compact concrete on both sides to half its height,
c. Backfill and compact with common fill material after concrete has set (one day later)

For reinforced concrete pipe culvert with sand bedding in ‘trench’, 150mm thick sand base shall
be spread and compacted. Reinforced concrete pipe culvert shall then be laid to the required
number. Then sand shall be poured and compacted on both sides/all three sides depending
whether on single, double reinforced concrete pipe culvert, to one-third it external diameter is
high. Granular backfill shall then be poured and compacted to 150mm thick sections to 300mm
above the top of reinforced concrete pipe culvert as per relevant drawings. Finally, backfill and
compact to formation with common fill material.

For reinforced concrete pipe culvert with sand bedding in ‘embankment’, a trench shall be
excavated to a depth equivalent to one half the pipe culvert’s external diameter plus.

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