Presentation Rubric - Eng.2023

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[Name of Project]

Name __________________________________
Group Name/Number _____________________

British and American Culture

18-20 14-16 8-12 2-6

English language fluency Speaks clearly and distinctly all Speaks clearly and distinctly Speech is generally clear (70- Often mumbles or cannot be
the time (100-90%) with little most of the time (80-89%) with 79%) of the time, but understood (<62%)OR
to no mispronunciation a few mispronunciations pronunciation problems pronunciation causes
impede understanding from difficulties for the listener
time to time
Vocabulary & pronunciation Successfully used all reviewed Used most of the infomercial Used some of the infomercial Minimal infomercial vocabulary
infomercial vocabulary learned; vocabulary learned –OR-- some vocabulary learned –AND-- used –AND/OR—major
few pronunciation difficulties pronunciation difficulties some pronunciation difficulties pronunciation difficulties
Eye-contact Excellent eye-contact (100- Good eye-contact (75-89%) Limited eye-contact (60-75%) Extremely limited eye-contact
90%) with a majority of the with most of the class. with the class. Spoke mostly to (<60%) with the class; student
class one side of the room or to a looked only at floor, prop,
prop or person. teacher if anything.
Vocal Projection (volume) Excellent volume and Good volume and modulation Generally difficult to hear or Extremely difficult to hear
and Modulation of Tone modulation of tone of tone; could use some limited modulation of tone; –OR-- very flat, and uninflected
improvement/practice needs improvement/practice speech; needs a lot of practice
Gestures & acting & facial Speaker has energetic facial Speaker is mostly energetic, Speaker’s facial expressions Speaker uses few facial
expressions expressions and uses hands in but has a few difficulties and/or hand gestures are expressions and, gestures
a natural manner to enhance knowing what to do with the distracting at times
communication hands and facial expressions

Presentation Time: TOTAL / 100

Teacher comments (see back):

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