Guajacum Materia Medica Homeopática
Guajacum Materia Medica Homeopática
Guajacum Materia Medica Homeopática
Guaiacum.............................................................................................................................................. 1
Selecta Materia Medica.......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Mind – allen-s Enciclopedia...................................................................................................... 3
Hahnemann Preamble - Materia Medica Pura..............................................................................3
The Chronic Diseases.................................................................................................................... 3
Mind and Dreams......................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Allen´s Handbook........................................................................................................................ 4
Guaiacum.......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Vermeulen´s Concordant............................................................................................................. 7
Guaiacum...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Vermeulen´s Prisma................................................................................................................... 11
Schema................................................................................................................................................. 16
Schema REC2021............................................................................................................................. 16
Outros.................................................................................................................................................. 20
Guajacum - Botanic.......................................................................................................................... 20
Vijnovsky......................................................................................................................................... 22
Síndrome do túnel do carpo............................................................................................................ 25
Clarke´s introduction....................................................................................................................... 26
Tribulus Terrestris........................................................................................................................... 29
Ikshugandha – Tribulus................................................................................................................... 29
Materia Medica Repertorial......................................................................................................... 29
Herbal information – Tribulus Terrestris.....................................................................................29
General Action:- It seems to promote perspiration and the secretion of urine and to
augment the menstrual flow. It has been much vaunted as a remedy for secondary
syphilis, chronic rheumatism, etc.
Compare:- Iod., Comocladia, etc.
Generalities:- Emaciation in men of dry constitution with hectic fever. Everything seems
too tight in morning on waking, and he tosses about the bed. General discomfort.
Indolence. Weakness, agg. thighs and upper arms. Most symptoms appear when sitting,
agg. morning, immediately after rising, or in evening shortly before sleep, a few from 9 to
12 A.M.
Clinical:- Arthritic diathesis. Chronic rheumatism. Secondary syphilis. General tendency
to emaciation. Stiffness and contraction of muscles, tendons and extremities, with
rheumatic swellings of the joints. Aching in the bones and chronic inflammation and
degeneration of the bones, which are very sore and cannot bear the slightest touch.
Growing pains in children.
Mind:- Fretful. Morose, he speaks little. Contemptuous. Obstinate. Loss of ideas at
breakfast time, he stands in one place and looks in front of him without thought. Memory
Head:- Sticking upward in brain. Aching at night like a pressure upward in brain; A.
ending in a stitch in right frontal eminence. Brain feels loose in morning, and as if it moved
at every step. Forehead, sticking in right eminence; tearing externally from left bone into
muscles of cheeks; drawing T. in forepart; pain transversely across; pressing in forepart;
drawing pain from middle of bone into nasal bones. Temples, tearing externally in left;
pressive pain in right as from something broad; pressure in left, without pain. Side,
sticking in left at junction of parietal and temporal bones; drawing S. from right parietal
bone into frontal eminences, where they end in a single stitch; drawing-tearing S. in right,
extending towards frontal bone; tearing in whole left. Occiput sticking in left; tearing in
right; drawing-tearing in O. and forehead. Headache externally as if too much blood were
in scalp and it were swollen, when sitting. Pulsation externally, amel. walking, transiently
amel. pressure, agg. sitting and standing, with sticking in temples.
Clinical:- Violent rheumatic or gouty (or syphilitic) pains in bones of the head, agg. top
and left side, extending into the face, agg. night.
Eyes:- Feeling as if swelling and protruding, the lids seem too short to cover them (See
Comocl.), with sensation of insufficient sleep, yawning and stretching all day. Pupils
dilated. Hardened mucus in right canthi.
Ears and Nose:- Tearing in left ear; in outer margin of left concha. Aching in left ear.
Frequent watery discharge from nose.
Clinical:- Persistent deafness, with recurring earaches.
Face:- Swollen, red and painful. Spasmodic drawing in muscles of right cheek in morning
on rising. Sticking in right cheek; in right malar-bone. Sensation as if struck with a cloth in
evening on falling asleep, so that he woke in fright. Pain in left lower jaw; drawing, ending
in a stitch.
Clinical:- Facial neuralgia.
Mouth and Throat:- Tearing in left upper molars. Pain in left upper molars on biting them
together. Taste flat.
Clinical:- Neuralgic toothache. Tonsillitis.
Stomach:- Violent hunger in afternoon and evening. Appetite lost and nausea for
everything. Thirst. Eructations; empty. Constriction in region, with anxiety and difficulty in
breathing. Frequent pressure in pit, with difficulty in breathing, oppression and anxiety.
Abdomen:- Rumbling. Gurgling as from emptiness. Pinching cutting transversely through
A. on inspiration. Sticking in left hypochondrium. Griping, which extends more and more
downward, then emission of flatus; G. in left side of umbilicus; in hypogastrium, which
constantly sinks downward and backward. Trembling of inner muscles close to right
ilium. Pain in groin as from a hernia.
Stool:- Thin, mucous, preceded by griping. Soft, crumbly. Constipation. Omitted.
Urinary and Sexual Organs:- Sticking in neck of bladder after urinating. Cutting when
urinating as if something biting passed. Frequent urging to urinate; with small discharges;
constant desire, with profuse urine each time; obliged to urinate every half hour and much
each time, urging immediately after micturition, when only a few drops passed. Emission
at night, without lascivious dreams.
Clinical:- Ovaritis in rheumatic patients, with irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhœa.
Chronic inflammation of the ovaries, with agonizing pains, irritable bladder.
Respiratory Organs and Chest:- Spasmodic inflammatory affections of trachea, agg.
larynx, with palpitation that threatened suffocation. Mucous expectoration on hacking and
hawking. Sticking from larynx to left clavicle; S. beneath left true ribs, agg. towards back;
from centre of right chest to beneath right scapula, agg. inspiration. Sudden stuffed
sensation in chest, in præcordial region, even at night in sleep, like arrest of breath,
causing frequent dry cough until there is sore expectoration.
Clinical:- Pleuritic pains in apex of lungs, especially in consumption. In consumption it
relieves the extremely offensive expectoration (Compare Cap.).
Neck and Back:- Pain on sides of cervical vertebræ; P. extending from left side of neck to
vertex and ending in a stitch. Rheumatic stiffness in left side of back from nape to sacrum, with
pain in slightest motion. Drawing down right side of spine from axilla to lowest ribs, with
tearing. Scapulæ, sticking extending along left side of nape to occiput; sticking tearing on
posterior margin of right; sticking tearing on margins, then constriction in dorsal muscles;
constriction between S.
Clinical:- Muscular pain and stiffness in the back.
Upper Extremities:- Stretching, with yawning. Frequent sticking on top of right shoulder;
S. in right upper arm, agg. middle. Drawing tearing in left upper arm, extending to finger,
agg. wrist. Upper arm weak as after hard labor. Frequent drawing-tearing sticking from
left elbow to wrist. Tearing in right forearm, extending into wrist; T. in left wrist; drawing
T. in left wrist. Sticking in right thumb.
Lower Extremities:- Sticking in nates when walking, agg. sitting, as if she sat on needles.
Thigh, stickings above right knee; S. above left knee, which meet on both sides; jerking
tearing from middle of right to knee; drawing tearing from middle of left to knee; growing
pain in right; bruised pain in left on walking in open air; crawling pain from middle of
right femur to knee when sitting still; drawing it up and bending it; tension, agg. right, as
if muscles were too short, when walking, agg. touch, amel. sitting, with weakness.
Drawing pain in knee, which ends in a stitch. Tearing sticking from middle of left tibia to
toes; between tibia and fibula, extending to patella; tearing-drawing S. from middle of
right tibia to knee. Jerking stitches in outer side of calf. Painless constriction in right calf.
Leg seems bruised after walking, feeling as if brittle. Weariness of legs, agg. thighs.
Sticking in right ankle when sitting; drawing S. from right ankle to middle of tibia. Tearing
long-drawn stitches from right tarsus to knee. Pain in a spot on back of right foot, ending
in sticking, amel. motion.
Skin:- Sore, painful pimple on nose; hard P., with white tip, sore on touch, on right
eyebrow. Grumbling on white leg, with heat in it. Crawling in chest; in thighs and legs,
extending to toes, when sitting, as if they would go to sleep. Itching stitches like flea-bites
on thigh, agg. sides of knee-cap, amel. scratching. Burning itching, agg. scratching;
corrosive I. on back during day.
Sleep:- Yawning all day, with stretching and sensation of insufficient sleep; Y., with
stretching and comfort. Sleepiness in afternoon. Sleepless two hours in evening, and
tossing about the bed. Late falling asleep in evening and early waking in morning.
Frequent waking as from fright or as if falling. Unrefreshed in morning on waking. Sleep
full of dreams. Dream of that she was pierced by knives. D. of fights. Vivid D. of scientific
subjects. Nightmare when lying on back, and waking with cries.
Fever:- Chilliness; in forenoon and in evening before sleep, sweat in morning; internal
general, in evening, then heat, agg. face, without thirst; in back in afternoon. Shivering in
back; in breasts. Heat of face, with thirst, without redness or sweat. Sweat every morning;
S. on walking in open air, agg. head, pearly S. on forehead; profuse S. on back at night.
Guaiacum officinale; Gum guaiacum {guaj}
<Characteristics> Chief action on fibrous tissue [ of joints], and is especially adapted to
the arthritic diathesis, rheumatism, and tonsillitis. Secondary syphilis. Very valuable in
acute rheumatism. Free foul secretions; sputum, sweat, etc. Unclean odour from whole
body. Promotes suppuration of abscesses. Sensitiveness to and < local heat. Contraction of
limbs, stiffness and immobility. Feeling that he must stretch; yawn, & uneasy feeling in
whole body. Muscles and tendons are contracted, resulting in painful rigidity and
swelling of joints. Tonsillitis & rheumatism. Burning heat in affected part; in the painful
limbs, in rheumatism. Gnawing or sticking pains; in chest. Muscles seem too short;
eyelids, back, thigh, etc., or feel sore. Contractions between scapulae; palms, etc.; causing
distortion. Growing pains. Short tendons. Clothes feel damp. Pains often end in stitch,
especially head. Bones becomes spongy or suppurate. Progressive emaciation. Exostosis.
General indolence and weakness, especially in thighs, & dread of motion. General
sensitiveness to touch, especially of affected parts; everything seems too tight. General
ill-feeling > yawning and stretching. The provers that sweated had no urinary
disturbances, and vice versa. {guaj}
11 11
<Mind> Forgetful [ esp. of names]; thoughtless; staring; during morning. Slow to
comprehend. Forgetful, especially for names. Strong desire to criticise and despise
5 8
everything; inclination to blame everybody and scold. Indolent, obstinate, fretful.
Weeping after nightmare. Defiant. Delusion everything seems narrow. Disobedience.
Shrieking during sleep. INCLINATION TO SIT. {guaj}
<Vertigo> On rising. {guaj}
5 11 @
<Head> [Sensation]: Feels swollen [ externally], and bloodvessels distended; face
and neck. As if brain were detached and loose. [Pain]: Gouty and rheumatic, in head
and face, @ neck. Tearing, in skull; < cold weather. Often end in a stitch, especially in head.
7 5 11
Rheumatic, in one side of head, @ face [ cheek]; neuralgia of left side of head and face
@ neck. Across forehead. Drawing and lacerating in occiput and forehead. At night, like
a pressure in brain, from below upward. Violent, sharp stitches in brain. Pulsative
throbbing in outer parts of head, & stitches in temples; temporarily > external pressure
and walking, < sitting and standing. From head @ nose. [Objective]: Perspiration,
principally on head and forehead, when walking in open air. {guaj}
<Eyes> [Sensation]: Eyelids appear too short; eyeballs seem too big to be covered by
eyelids; sensation of swelling and protrusion of eyes. [Objective]: Pupils dilated. Pimples
around eyes. Exophthalmos. {guaj}
7 11
<Ears> [Pain]: Aching [ and tearing] in left ear. Spasmodic earache. {guaj}
11 11
<Nose> [Pain]: In bones of nose. [Objective]: Nose swollen. Fluent coryza. {guaj}
2 6 4 5
<Face> [Pain]: Neuralgia of left side of face daily from p.m. to a.m. Painful stitches
11 2
in cheek bones or muscles. Dull ache in left side of jaw. [Objective]: Face like an old
person. Heat in face, especially in evening. Face red and painfully swollen; gets spotted.
2 11
<Mouth> [Objective]: Tongue furred; thick, white. Fetid breath after coughing.
Inflammation of mouth. {guaj}
<Teeth> [Pain]: Tearing, drawing, in teeth, ending in stitches. Toothache when biting jaw
together. {guaj}
<Throat> [Pain]: Throat painful to touch; acute tonsillitis. Sharp stitches @ ear on
swallowing; can't swallow without a drink; recurrent tonsillitis; then rheumatism.
[Objective]: Rheumatic sore throat & weak throat muscles. Throat dry, burning, swollen,
stitches @ ear. Syphilitic sore throat. Tonsillitis; burning pain, < warm drinks; said to
prevent suppuration. {guaj}
<Food & Drink> Desire for apples [ which > gastric symptoms] and other fruits. Aversion
2 5
to milk; to all food; couldn't eat anything. Great hunger. Great thirst. Disgust for food
in morning and forenoon. Food doesn't taste right. Gets sick after eating without
appetite. {guaj}
5 2
<Stomach> [Sensation]: Constricted epigastric region; & oppressed breathing;
sensation of constriction or stoppage, = cough, dyspnoea, etc. [Pain]: Burning in stomach.
11 2 5
Cramp and pain in stomach. [Objective]: Vomits a mass of watery mucus [ in
morning], then exhaustion. Stomach affections return every summer. Empty eructations.
Nausea from sensation of mucus in throat. {guaj}
<Abdomen> [Pain]: Griping, in abdomen as from incarcerated flatus, which goes lower
down. [Objective]: Intestinal fermentation. Much wind in bowels. Distension, flatulence.
5 11
Twitching of abdominal muscles. Inguinal hernia. {guaj}
2 7
<Rectum> [Objective]: Diarrhoea; cholera infantum; face like an old person, emaciation.
5 11
Constipation; stool hard, crumbling; very offensive. Diarrhoea commencing in
morning, & dryness of skin and chilliness. {guaj}
2 5
<Urinary> [Pain]: Sharp stitches [ while or] after urinating. Stitches in neck of bladder
2 7
after ineffectual straining to urinate. [Objective]: Constant desire; even after urination;
& copious discharge; offensive urine. {guaj}
2 11
<Male> [Objective]: Seminal emissions without dreams. Discharge [ gonorrhoeic] from
urethra. {guaj}
<Female> [Sensation]: Cold crawling over mammae. Shuddering in mammae, &
gooseflesh. [Objective]: Ovaritis in rheumatic patients, & irregular menses, dysmenorrhoea
and irritable bladder. Amenorrhoea. {guaj}
<Larynx> [Objective]: Violent, spasmodic, inflammatory affection in trachea, most in
larynx, & such palpitation of heart that patient couldn't get out of bed, nor call for help;
feels as if suffocating. {guaj}
<Respiration> Feels suffocated; from stoppage at epigastrium, = dry cough, frequently
repeated, until expectoration appears. {guaj}
11 5
<Cough> Dry, tight; & burning fever and hot face. Dry, & loss of breath, caused by
tickling in pit of stomach; > detaching and raising a little mucus. {guaj}
<Sputum> Copious, offensive, purulent, & cough. {guaj}
2 7
<Chest> [Pain]: Pleuritic stitches; < deep breathing; left side. Chest pains in
articulations of ribs, & shortness of breath till expectoration sets in. Stitches in apex of [l.]
lung. In chest while riding in open air, > pressure and walking, < sitting and standing.
[Objective]: Recurrent pleurisy. Phthisis. {guaj}
<Heart> Pulse soft and small, even when warm. {guaj}
<Back> [Pain]: From head to neck. Aching in nape. Stitches between scapulae, @ occiput.
Contractive pain between scapulae. Frequent stitches on left side of nape, from scapula @
occiput. [Objective]: Stiff neck and sore shoulders. One-sided stiffness of back, from neck
to sacrum; & intolerable pain on slightest motion or turning the part, not noticed on
touch or during rest. Chilliness in back, in afternoon. Shuddering and feverish chill in
back. Corrosive itching on back [by day]. {guaj}
<Limbs> [Sensation]: Feeling of heat in affected limbs. Pain as from fatigue and
weakness in arms and thighs, & dread of motion; limbs fall asleep. [Pain]: Gouty tearing,
& contractions. Arthritic lancinations followed by contraction of limbs. Tearing and
5 8
stinging in limbs, < least motion. In bones, especially of thighs. Pain > cold application,
< warmth. [Objective]: Immovable stiffness. Joints swollen, painful, and intolerant of
2 5
pressure; can bear no heat. Arthritis deformans. Limbs become extremely emaciated.
<Upper> [Pain]: Rheumatic, in shoulders, arms and hands. Sharp stitches in top of right
shoulder. Stitches in right thumb. First in knuckles, then in whole hand. [Objective]:
Hot hands. {guaj}
2 2
<Lower> [Sensation]: Pricking in nates; as if sitting on needles. Tension in thighs, as if
muscles were too short, > sitting; < touch; & languor when walking. Hamstrings short.
[Pain]: Growing pains [Ph-ac.]. Sciatica and lumbago. In ankle, @ up leg; = lameness.
Itching, pressing and crawling pains in thighs when seated. Beginning in middle of
thigh or leg and @ knee. Violent stitches from outside of right calf @ ankle. [Objective]:
Exhaustion in lower limbs. Spongoid state of tibia and tarsal bones; can't bear least touch.
<Sleep> Yawns and stretches for relief of general ill-feeling. Frequent waking from sleep,
5 7
as if from falling. Sleeplessness and restlessness at night; feels used up in morning.
Great desire to sleep in afternoon. On awaking: everything seems too tight; clothes feel
damp. {guaj}
<Dreams> Nightmare when lying on back; waking with screams. {guaj}
<Fever> Fever & chill in evening. {guaj}
<Chill> Predominating chilliness, even near a warm stove. {guaj}
<Heat> Burning of body. Hot palms. Burning fever & hot face and dry cough. {guaj}
2 5
<Sweat> Profuse on single parts, face, etc. At night. Much sweat, especially on head
[ and face], on walking in open air. Usually offensive. {guaj}
<Skin> Itching, tetter-like eruptions. Scratching >. Appears to promote breaking of
abscesses. {guaj}
6 4
<Modalities> Worse: HEAT. Touch. Motion. Exertion. Rapid growth. Mercury. p.m. to
1 7
a.m. Puberty. Cold, damp weather. Pressure. Sitting. In morning, after rising, or in
evening before lying down. Better: Cold [locally]. Apples. Yawning and stretching.
1 4
External pressure. In the room. {guaj}
<Conditions> Rheumatic affections, especially in syphilitic and mercurial patients. Old
women. Dark hair and eyes. Children; growing pains. {guaj}
<Relations> Compare: Araceae [late tuberculosis; pleuritic pains left apex]; Bry. [chronic
rheumatism when the joints are distorted; < motion; pleurisy in second stage of phthisis];
Caust. [Guaj. is better than Caust., which it follows well, when either gout or rheumatism
causes distortion of limbs < every attempt at motion; especially if there are gouty
nodosities on joints]; Cimic. [pleurodynia and tuberculosis]; Coloc. [contractions after
rheumatism]; Kali-i.; Mez.; Ph-ac. [growing pains]; Phyt.; Rhod.; Still.; Ferr.; Kali-bi.;
1 7 4
Kreos.; Merc.; Graph.; Iod.; Nux-v.; Rhus-t.; Sil.; Sulph.; Am-m.; Hep.; Nit-ac.; Phos.;
Tub. Follows well: Caust. [torticollis]; Merc. [rheumatism; gout; syphilis]; Sulph. [cholera
infantum]. Antidoted by: Nux-v. Antidote to: Caust.; Rhus-t. {guaj}
Guajacum officinale - Guaj.
Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings, and not by the intellect.
[Herbert Spencer]
these trees is hard, dense, and virtually unsplittable. It is used where strength and
hardness are required, e.g. for butcher blocks, mallets, bowling balls, ships' blocks and,
formerly, for ship propeller shaft and wagon wheel bearings and bushings. The wood is
relatively waterproof on account of its high oil content; it is almost impervious to salt-
water, holds high heat and friction without sudden breakdown, and withstands high
pressure. Lignum vitae was used in the lock gate hinges on the Erie Canal where they
lasted for a century. The medicinal resin guaiacum is obtained from the wood. It is used as
a clinical reagent for occult blood or haemoglobin in urine. Guaicol has been used in
veterinary practice as an intestinal antiseptic.
MEDICINE "The wood is very little used in medicine; it obtained a great reputation about
the 16th century, when it was brought into notice as a cure for syphilis and other diseases;
later on the resin obtained from the wood was introduced and now is greatly preferred,
for medicinal use, to the wood. It is a mild laxative and diuretic. For tonsillitis it is given in
powdered form. Specially useful for rheumatoid arthritis, also in chronic rheumatism and
gout, relieving the pain and inflammation between the attacks, and lessening their
recurrence if doses are continued. It acts as an acrid stimulant, increasing heat of body and
circulation; when the decoction is taken hot and the body is kept warm, it acts as a
diaphoretic, and if cool as a diuretic. Also largely used for secondary syphilis, skin
diseases and scrofula."3 Boerhaave [1668-1738], the Dutch physician and professor in
medicine, recommended a decoction of guaiacum for bone diseases. Reverend John
Wesley [1703-1791], who was interested in the medical secrets of primitive peoples,
prescribed it for gout, 'green sickness', and chronic rheumatism.
SYPHILIS In the belief that where God sent a disease, He also planted a cure, the
guaiacum tree bark was considered by some a specific for syphilis. Syphilis was popularly
known as "the pox" because it brought out pocks or pustules on the skin, or as the French
disease, being first identified with French soldiers. It was later called the Spanish disease
in Holland, the Polish disease in Russia, the Russian disease in Siberia, the Christian
disease in Turkey, and the Portuguese disease in India and Japan. "Regardless of the origin
of syphilis, its effect on Europe was devastating. Everyone and everything was to blame.
Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn had been in rare conjunction, said astrologers, and syphilis was
the result. The noted Spanish physician Ruy Diaz de Isla blamed cabbage. The German
clergy of the day considered that it was caused by the sin of blasphemy: soldiers and
sailors swore the most, they contended, hence they were most afflicted with the disease.
Maximillian I was convinced by this logic, and issued an edict that all children with
lesions be punished for swearing! Few physicians treated syphilis. It begins in one of the
most degrading and ignoble places of the body, wrote a medical leader, and should be
ignored. Cures were few. Suicides became so commonplace that not since the time of the
Greeks and Romans had so many taken their own lives. A temporary ray of hope was
introduced with lignum vitae [Guaiacum officinale] and lignum sanctum [G. sanctum],
native to tropical America; a broth made from the bark was taken for 14 days, and a bark
foam was rubbed on the chancres. But interest soon faded, for the lignum vitae miracle
bark, the penicillin of its time, cured few."4 When the Spaniards, in 1508, introduced
Guaiacum as the great antisyphilitic, prince and peasant alike drank the wonderful
decoction, attested its healing powers, and bestowed upon it the suggestive names,
Lignum vitae and Lignum sanctum.5 A real craze about the efficacy of lignum vitae came
about in 1519, after Ulrich von Hutten, a German satirist, allegedly had cured himself of
syphilis after a 40-day regime involving fasting, profuse sweating and drinking decoctions
of lignum vitae. In 1526, Oviedo, one of the earliest chroniclers of American natural
history, wrote that "Caribbean Indians cure themselves very easily" of venereal disease
with this plant. Distrust contributed to the decline of Guaiacum-therapy for syphilis, for
the German merchant company Fugger had gained an import monopoly on guaiac and
critics claimed they were simply cashing in on misfortune.
PROVINGS •• [1] Hahnemann - 4 provers; method: unknown. [1] Grieve, A Modern
Herbal. [2] Mills, Herbal Medicine. [3] Grieve, ibid. [4] Lewis and Elvin-Lewis, Medical
Botany. [5] Laird, Guaiacum; The Hahnemannian Monthly, November 1883.
Affinity: Secretions [glands; TONSILS; ovaries; skin]. Fibrous tissues [ligaments; joints].
Chest. Lungs. Skin. * Left side. Right side.
Modalities: Worse: HEAT. Touch. Motion. Exertion. Rapid growth. Mercury. Cold wet
weather. Evening. Morning. Pressure. Open air. Better: Cold [locally]. Apples. Indoors.
Main symptoms
* The wood is mainly used for hinges, spindles, gear-wheels and sheaves. Affinity with
rotary motions [compare joints and flexibility, both mental and physical].
M Delusion: everything seems too narrow.
• "On awaking too early, everything feels too tight, and he tosses about in bed."
M Rigidity; indolent, obstinate and fretful.
Loss of flexibility.
• "Strong desire to criticize and to despise everything." [Clarke]
• "Emotionally, they are tough rather than feeling. Like the dense Guaiacum timber, they
may avoid emotional 'waters' if possible. 'None of that nonsense', they'll decide if an
emotional storm breaks in their environment, and off they'll go to water the garden, chop
some wood or clean out the kitchen cupboards. They are doers rather than feelers."1
M Passiveness.
• "A typical Guaiacum patient, if there be such a thing, is one of dark complexion, tall,
angular, large frame, with a not overactive mind or body. Stupid at school, never learned
very rapidly nor entered heartily or enthusiastically into play. They are usually termed
lazy. Can only be temporarily enthused - over anything. Would rather sit and dream -
dreams by the hour."2
• "Excessive forgetfulness, esp. of names." [Clarke]
G Rheumatic, arthritic remedy, esp. arthritis of WRISTS, ankles and knees.
• "All the affected parts of Guaiacum are sensitive to touch and aggravated by heat,
whether the pain is in bone, muscle, or fibrous tissue, but general heat is soothing."3
G Rheumatic affections with history of recurrent tonsillitis.
G Growing pains [> cold applications]; too rapid growth.
G Chilly; desire for heat in general but aggravation from local heat.
G > COLD applications, esp. in arthritis.
• "Joint pains < warmth and more comfortable when cool; limbs contracted and stiff;
rheumatism of joints < heat and motion." [Kent]
• "Burning heat in affected parts." [Boger]
Aversion to motion.
G Sensation of SWELLING.
Sensation of CONSTRICTION.
• "Constriction or actual contraction with burning, runs through every affected organ and
tissue. The stomach feels as if there was a band around it which interferes with breathing.
The abdomen feels contracted or drawn, with pinching pains, relieved by passing flatus.
The bladder is constricted, causing frequent urination, with continuous desire to urinate,
even just after evacuation."4
G Secretions copious and OFFENSIVE [expectoration, perspiration, etc.].
Night sweat.
G TENSION muscles.
Muscles seem too SHORT [eyelids, back, thighs, etc.].
• "Tension in the thighs, esp. in the right thigh, when walking, as if the muscles were too
short, attended with weariness; aggravated by touching it, allayed when sitting."
G Desire to yawn and STRETCH.
P TONSILLITIS [< right] with rapid suppuration, BURNING pain and white tongue. <
WARM drinks.
Recurrent tonsillitis FOLLOWED by rheumatism.
P Gastric symptoms > APPLES.
P One of the main remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome [due to the affinity with the
[1] Hall, Herbal Medicine. [2] Krichbaum, Guaiacum; International Hahn. Association,
Mind: Anxiety, from constriction in stomach [1/1]. Audacity [1]. Censorious [1]. Delusions,
everything seems too narrow [1]. Thoughtless staring in morning [2/1].
1. Substância:
– Reino: Plantae. Família: Zygophyllaceae.Ordem: Sapindades. Sub-classe: Rosidae. Guajacum
Officinale, Resina del Lignum Vitae. Nativa da América central até o sul da Venezuela e
Colômbia. A família Zygophyllaceae está intimamente relacionada com as Rutaceae.
- Preparo da Substância: É usada uma tintura da goma-resina.
Guaiacum officinale é uma árvore perene pequena, de crescimento lento, ornamental.
A resina exala naturalmente, mas também pode ser obtida levantando-se uma das
extremidades da tora e queimando-a; isso derrete a resina, que sai de um orifício cortado
na outra extremidade, e é então capturada em vasos. A resina é encontrada em lágrimas
redondas ou ovóides; algumas são do tamanho de nozes, mas geralmente são em grandes
blocos; estes quebram facilmente; a fratura é limpa e vítrea, em pedaços finos, de cor
marrom-amarelada. O pó é cinza e deve ser guardado em frascos de cor escura, pois a
exposição à luz e ao ar logo o torna verde.
– Fontes Patogenéticas: Hahneman e colaboradores.
- Lista de Ghatak: Apsórico. Antipsórico em Hahnemann.
2. Características (Boericke-Boger-Phatak-Vermeulen-Allen´s Handbook. Choudhouri).
– Principal ação no tecido fibroso [das articulações], e é especialmente adaptado para a
diátese artrítica, reumatismo e amigdalite. É indicado principalmente em doenças musculares,
articulares e ósseas. Atua principalmente no tecido fibroso e muscular quando há dores reumáticas
agravadas por menor movimento e calor, contrações (principalmente dos flexores) com
retrações tendinosas, rigidez e imobilidade, com a conseqüente deformidade, tanto por
contraturas quanto por concreções ou nódulos periarticulares. Um dos principais remédios
para síndrome do túnel do carpo. Articulações inchadas, rígidas, doloridas (com calor local e
agravadas ao menor movimento), que não toleram pressão ou calor. Dor e inchaço nos
ossos; ou amolecimento e drenagem óssea. Cáries e afecções esponjosas nos ossos
(principalmente tíbia e tarso), que não toleram o menor contato. Exostoses Gota. Nódulos
gotosos articulares. Promove a abertura espontânea de abscessos, gotosos ou não, com
grande alívio da dor. Afecções reumáticas em sifilíticos. Secreções sujas livres;
expectoração, suor, etc. Odor sujo de todo o corpo. Promove a supuração de abscessos.
Muito valioso no reumatismo agudo. Calor ardente na parte afetada; nos membros doloridos,
no reumatismo. Dores que roem ou picam; no peito. Os músculos parecem muito curtos;
pálpebras, costas, coxa, etc., ou sentir dor. Contrações entre as escápulas; palmas, etc .;
causando distorção. Dores de crescimento. Tendões curtos. As dores geralmente terminam em
pontos, especialmente na cabeça. Os ossos ficam esponjosos ou supurados. Emagrecimento
progressivo. Indolência geral e fraqueza, especialmente nas coxas, com pavor de
movimento. Sensibilidade geral ao toque, especialmente das partes afetadas. Ao acordar:
tudo parece muito apertado; as roupas parecem úmidas. Mal-estar geral> bocejando e se
espreguiçando. Os provadores que suaram não tiveram distúrbios urinários e vice-versa.
3. Estado Mental
– Característicos:
Ilusão, tudo parece estreito.
Desejo forte de criticar e desprezar tudo; inclinação para culpar a todos e repreender.
Indolente, obstinado, irritado.
Gritando durante o sono.
Chorando após pesadelo.
Inclinação para sentar.
Grande irritação.
Humor taciturno; ele fala pouco.
Perda de ideias; ele fica em um lugar, e olha para a frente sem pensar, de manhã na hora
do café da manhã em pé.
Lento para compreender.
Fraqueza de memória; ele se esquece do que acabou de ler e não se lembra mais de nomes
SONHOS: Sonha como se ela fosse apunhalada por facas.
Sonhos de luta.
Sonho vívido sobre assuntos científicos (após 18 h.).
– Rubricas Características:
DISTRAÍDO_abstração_manhã - [3pt 2r]
DISTRAÍDO_manhã - [3pt 5r]
ILUSÃO_estreito, tudo parece (narrow) - [3pt 2r]
ILUSÃO_roupas molhadas estão (is wet - damp) - [1pt 10r]
SONHOS_apunhalado, sendo (being stabbed) - [1pt 7r]
SONHOS_cortado de faca, sendo - [1pt 5r]
5. Modalidades
– Causa: Esforço repetido. Crescimento rápido.
– Agrava: Calor. Toque. Movimento. Esforço. Crescimento rápido. clima. Tarde. Manhã.
Pressão. Ar livre.
– Melhora: Frio [localmente]. Maçãs. Dentro de casa.
– Horário: das 18 hs até a manhã seguinte.
6. Sintomas Característicos
– Disfunções:
Nariz inchado. Coriza fluente
Dor de garganta reumática e músculos da garganta fracos.
Afecções estomacais retornam a cada verão.
Ovarite em pacientes reumáticas, acompanhadas de menstruações irregulares,
dismenorreia e bexiga irritável.
Desejo constante; mesmo depois de urinar; descarga copiosa; urina ofensiva.
Afecção violenta, espasmódica, inflamatória na traquéia, principalmente na laringe, com
tamanha palpitação do coração que o paciente não conseguia se levantar da cama, nem
pedir ajuda; parece que está sufocando.
Tosse seca, com perda de fôlego, causada por cócegas na boca do estômago; > descolando
e levantando um pouco de muco.
Escarro abundante, ofensivo, purulento, com tosse.
Pescoço rígido e ombros doloridos.
Articulações inchadas, doloridas e intolerantes à pressão; não pode suportar nenhum
Artrite deformante.
Os membros ficam extremamente emaciados.
Estado espongóide da tíbia e ossos do tarso; não pode suportar o menor toque.
– Lesões:
7. Concomitantes:
Amigdalite com reumatismo.
Diarreia infantil com perda de peso e rosto de um velho.
Desejo constante de urinar (mesmo depois de fazer isso), com urina muito fétida; ou
desejos ineficazes, com pontadas no colo da bexiga.
8. Relações Medicamentosas
– Boenninghausen: Bry., Graph. Kre., Mer., Phyt.
Lignum Vitae Guaiacum officinale
This slow-growing evergreen tree (lignum vitae), which can reach to 60 feet in height,
usually has a twisted trunk. Lignum vitae bears opposite, oval, compound leaves and
produces blue star-shaped flowers. Its laxative greenish-brown heart-wood should not be
confused with other hardwoods of Australasia that also have the name "lignum vitae."
Early in the 16th century, an explorer in the Caribbean heard about the guaiac, a tree that,
according to local inhabitants, contained a drug that could cure most ailments. As it
turned out, the tree, known today as lignum vitae ("wood of life"), is remarkable on
several counts, all having to do with the hardness of the wood and its rich supply of fats
and resins.
The wood, the hardest in commercial use, is so loaded with these fats and resins that
objects made from it are self-lubricating and nearly impervious to water. Until the advent
of high quality plastics, lignum vitae was the material of choice for such items as pulley
sheaves, machine bushings, and propeller shafts for steamships. It has also been used to
make axles, bowling balls, chisel handles, mallets, and other objects that must absorb great
The acrid-tasting, brownish resin contained in the heartwood has both medicinal and no
medicinal applications. One highly dramatic non-medicinal use is based on the fact that,
combined with an alcohol solution, the resin turns blue when it comes into contact with
bloodstains. Hence it serves police and other investigators in finding bloodstains that
might go undetected.
The wood was originally taken to Europe as a much-needed cure for gout and syphilis.
The treatment for syphilis achieved great if misplaced acclaim during the 16th century. It
involved giving massive doses of the resingonen by boiling the wood-to patients who
were wrapped in tight, head-to-toe plasters and confined to very hot rooms for a month.
During this time they received little food, but in addition to the resin, they were fed large
doses of mercury. Many died from this treatment; few, if any, were cured of syphilis.
In recent times, scientists have found that two of the resin's most active ingredients,
guaiaretic and guaiaconic acids, are effective anti-inflammatory agents, local stimulants,
and laxatives. Because of the anti-inflammatory property, the substances are used in
pharmaceutical preparations for sore throats and for inflammatory diseases such as
rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
The lignum vitae grows on relatively arid land in northern South America, the West
Indies, and the Florida keys. An evergreen that can reach 30 feet in height (but seldom
grows more than half that), it is recognizable by its furrowed greenish-brown bark. Its
leaves are divided into two or three pairs of pale green leaflets 4 to 6 inches long, and its
small blue flowers grow in fragrant terminal clusters.
Wood, bark, resin.
The trees name, lignum vitae, meaning "wood of life", probably derives from the tree's
medicinal properties. Christopher Columbus found lignum vitae, or guaiacum, upon his
arrival to the New World. Europeans perceived lignum vitae as a miracle cure for syphilis
and hung pieces of the trees bark in churches as objects of devotion. The trees wood is so
rich with fat and resins that objects made from it are self-lubricating and nearly
impervious to water.
Native Americans used lignum vitae to treat tropical diseases. From the mid- to late 16th
century in Europe, the bark became popular as a treatment for syphilis. It is a traditional
British treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and gout. In folk medicine, people used guaiac
resin to treat respiratory problems and skin disorders. A derivative has been used in
cough medicines. Lignum vitae also has served as an anti-inflammatory, a local anesthetic,
and a help for herpes. Lignum vitae is subject to legal restrictions in some countries.
Used in Europe, especially in Britain, as a remedy for arthritic and rheumatic conditions,
lignum vitae has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce joint pain and swelling.
Lignum vitae is also diuretic, laxative, and sweat-inducing, and speeds the elimination of
toxins, which makes it valuable for treating gout. Tincture of lignum vitae is used as a
friction rub on rheumatic areas. Cotton balls moistened with the resin may be applied to
aching teeth. A decoction of the wood chips acts as a local anesthetic, and is used to treat
rheumatic joints and herpes blisters.
Other medical uses - Osteoarthritis
Lignum vitae is indigenous to South America, Central America, the Caribbean, and
southern Florida. Preferring moist soil and partial sun, the tree is cultivated as an
ornamental in Florida and California.
Lignum vitae contains lignans (such as furoguaiacidin and guaiacin), 18-25% resin,
vanillin, and terpenes.
Decoction: put 1 teaspoonful of the wood chips in a cup of water, bring to the boil and
simmer for 15-20 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.
The resin of the wood exudes naturally and is often collected and used as such, otherwise
the heartwood itself is cut into small chips. The tree is found in South America and the
Lignum vitae may be used together with bogbean, meadowsweet or celery seed.
(Guayaco G. Officinale Resina del Lignum Vitae)
* 1 Debilidad de la memoria; muy olvidadizo, especialmente de nombres. Comprensión
2 Fuerte deseo de criticar, y de despreciar todo.
3 Mirada fija y ausente de ideas, especialmente de mañana. Está indolente, triste,
deprimido. Obstinado.
*** 4 Está indicado principalmente en afecciones musculares, articulares y óseas. Actúa en
especial sobre el tejido fibroso y muscular cuando hay dolores reumáticos que se agravan
por el menor movimiento y el calor, contracciones (sobre todo de los flexores) con
retracciones tendinosas, rigidez e inmovilidad, con la consiguiente deformidad, tanto por
las contracturas como por las concreciones o nódulos periarticulares. Articulaciones
hinchadas, rígidas, dolorosas (con calor local y agravadas por el menor movimiento), que
no toleran la presión ni el calor. Dolor e hinchazón en los huesos; o reblandecimiento y
supuración óseas. Caries y afecciones esponjosas en los huesos (tibia y tarso sobre todo),
que no toleran ni el más leve contacto. Exostosis. Gota. Nódulos gotosos articulares.
Promueve la apertura espontánea de abscesos, gotosos (tofos) o no, con gran alivio del
dolor. Afecciones reumáticas en sifilíticos.
** 5 Peor: por él movimiento; por el calor; por el contacto y la presión; de mañana (al
levantarse), después de mediodía y anochecer (antes de acostarse); sentado, al aire libre;
por el frío húmedo. Mejor: por aplicaciones frías locales; por comer manzanas; dentro de la
habitación; por presión exterior. Trastornos de un solo lado, especialmente el izquierdo.
** 6 Secreciones intolerablemente ofensivas. Mal olor, a sucio, de todo el cuerpo.
** 7 Los dolores son desgarrantes, tironeantes o presivos, terminando a menudo en una
puntada, y agravándose por el calor y el movimiento.
* 8 Sensación de ardor, calor o quemadura, en la boca, garganta, estómago y zonas
* 9 Agotamiento, como después de un gran esfuerzo. Gran adelgazamiento.
hand and into the fingers, and the hands and arms may tremble. Symptoms are worse
from getting cold.
Homeopathy Dosage Directions
Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-
treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X,
6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually
printed on the label.
Many homeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used as follows: Take one dose
and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work.
If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The
frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may
be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a
day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient.
If no response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different remedy.
Guaiacum, which is one of Hahnemann's antipsorics, is best known as a remedy in gout
and rheumatism and as a diuretic, but latterly it has also taken a place in oldschool
therapeutics as a remedy for consumption.
Homoeopathic provings have developed and defined the sphere of its utility in all these
respects and many more.
It acts on mucous membranes, muscles, joints and bones, and causes contraction of
tendons with resulting deformity.
Gouty nodosities on joints.
Verwey (H. R., ix., 627) treated a lady who for several years had a frequently recurring
gouty inflammation of the knees. Guai. 30 was given (after Chi. 30 had failed to relieve)
without obvious benefit. Guai. 1 was now given and after a few hours the swelling broke
and the pains quickly subsided. A short time after, the same patient accidentally injured
the same knee.
Under Guai. 1 the swelling soon broke and the pain was relieved.
But an abscess formed at the same time on the upper thigh.
The pain became unbearable and the patient's husband "begged for more of the drops that
had twice before made the swelling break." It was again given and in six hours the abscess
On two later occasions Dr. Verwey saw Guai. act in the same way on scrofulous and gouty
This is probably analogous to its action in quinsy.
In cases indicating Guaiac. the affected parts are very sensitive to touch, and there is <
from heat.
Rheumatism in syphilitic and mercurial patients.
Acute tonsillitis, simple or rheumatic.
Syphilitic sore throat. "Burning in the throat" is the keynote symptom of most cases of sore
It was first recommended by Brinton in the Lancet in 1857 for quinsy; was given in full
doses and produced a crisis of sweat and profuse urination. Ozanam gave it in the 1st,
2nd, and 3rd centesimal dilutions and found that he got the curative effects without crisis,
which was an unnecessary effect of the drug.
Guaic., says Ozanam, seems to combine the properties of Bell., Apis, and Bar. c..
It has the erythematous or inflammatory angina with bright redness of Bell.; the oedema of
Apis; and the phlegmon with tendency to suppuration of tonsils of Bar. c. and Apis (H. R.,
ii. 217).
Proell records the cure of a case of secondary syphilis in a gentleman who had
inflammation of the palate supervening on hard chancre. The isolated, sore, red spots
threatened to extend deeper and perforate.
Merc. cor. 3x, Nit. ac. 3, Aur. mur. 3, and Mez. 3 were given in succession, each for one or
two weeks, without avail.
The syphilitic inflammation continued to spread, the brain became affected as shown in
confusion of thought, remarkable depression of spirits and weakness of memory. Guaiac.
3x was now given, and even on the next day improvement was noticable. In fourteen days
the whole trouble had vanished, the mind was clear, cheerfulness and memory returned
and remained (H. R., i. 109).
The growing pains of children are relieved by it.
The secretions of Guaiac. are very offensive.
Burning sensations in mouth, throat, and stomach, stitches in chest going from front to
back, or from below upward; in region of apex; < from motion and from deep inspiration :
"Sharp pain about midday under right breast to shoulder" was removed in a case of mine
by Guaiac..
The mental state is one of weakness : weak memory and disinclination to labour. Sad and
depressed. Fretful, obstinate, sharp stitches in brain.
Sensation as if the brain were loose. Neuralgia of left side of head and face, extending to
External headache, with sensation as if bloodvessels were overfilled; extending to face and
Tearing pains in skull.
Swellings and sensation of swelling in eyes and nose. Eyes feel protruded.
Houghton cured with Guaiac. 3x a case of gouty inflammation of the meatus of the ear and
tympanum after failure with Fer. ph.. Concomitant rheumatic lameness and soreness led
him to Guaiac..
Heat, swelling and blotchiness of face.
Prosopalgia every day from 6 p.m. to 4 a.m.
Toothache when biting jaws together.
"Violent hunger, afternoon and evening" shows its relation to the "sinking" sensations of
Sulphur and the antipsorics.
There is a desire for apples which >> gastric symptoms; and aversion to milk and food
Flatulence is marked.
There is nausea from sensation of phlegm in throat. "Every morning vomits a mass of
watery phlegm with great exertion, followed by great exhaustion."
There is morning diarrhoea with skin dry and chilliness.
In cholera infantum the face is like that of an old person.
In constipation the stool is hard, dry, crumbling, and very offensive.
Some marked symptoms appear in the urinary organs : Continuous urging even after
urination, with profuse fetid urine.
Stitches in neck of bladder after ineffectual pressure to urinate.
Cutting while urinating.
Chilly crawls over mammae.
There are many marked symptoms in the respiratory sphere. Violent, spasmodic,
inflammatory affections of windpipe and larynx, with palpitation preventing motion, or
calling for help, feels suffocating.
Cough dry or with copious bloody or purulent expectoration of very offensive odour.
Contractive pain between scapulae.
Chilliness in back.
Yawning and stretching >> general illfeeling.
The least motion <. After a cold, has violent pains in limbs. Clothes feel damp. On walking
in open air has perspiration on head. Cannot bear heat with pains in limbs. Periodicity is
marked. Stomach affection returns every summer.
Antidoted by: Nux. Antidote to : Caust., Rhus. Compatible : After Merc. (rheumatism,
gout, and syphilis); after Sulph. (in cholera infantum); after Caust. (in torticollis).
Compare : Phos. ac. (growing pains); Act. r. (pleurodynia and tuberculosis); Bry. (chronic
rheumatism when the joints are distorted; < motion; pleurisy in second stage of phthisis);
Coloc. (contractions after rheumatism); Caust. (Guaiac. is better than Caust., which it
follows well, when either gout or rheumatism causes distortion of limbs < every attempt at
motion; especially if there are gouty nodosities on joints); Araceae (late tuberculosis;
pleuritic pains left apex); Kal. i., Mezer., Phytol., Rhodo., Stilling.
1. MIND.
Strong desire to criticise, and to despise everything.
Indolence and dread of movement.
Weakness of memory, and excessive forgetfulness, esp. of names.
Fixed look, and absence of ideas, esp. in the morning. @
1 Trastornos urinarios. Disuria, micción dolorosa, incontinencia de orina, etc.
* 2 Debilídad sexual especialmente en ancianos o por abusos sexuales o por masturbación,
con ausencia de erección, eyaculación precoz, azoospermia y espermatorrea. Neurastenia
sexual. Prostatitis. Según Boericke, debe utilizarse la tintura, 10 a 20 gotas, 3 veces por día.
<Characteristics> An East Indian drug useful in urinary affections, especially dysuria, and
in debilitated states of the sexual organs, as expressed in pollutions, ready emissions and
impoverished semen. Prostatitis, calculous affections and sexual neurasthenia. It meets the
auto-traumatism of masturbation, correcting the emissions and spermatorrhoea. Partial
impotence caused by overindulgence of advancing age, or when accompanied by urinary
symptoms, incontinence, painful micturition, etc. {trib}
1. PROSTATE GLAND - INDURATION - chronic ( bro1 ) 2 33
2. MALE GENITALIA/SEX - ERECTIONS - wanting ( bro1 ) 1 178
3. MALE GENITALIA/SEX - INFLAMMATION - Prostate gland ( bro1 ) 2 38
5. MALE GENITALIA/SEX - POLLUTIONS - morning - stool, during - pressing, at
( bro1 ) 1 13
6. MALE GENITALIA/SEX - POLLUTIONS - stool, during ( bro1 ) 1 28
7. GENERALS - MASTURBATION; ailments from ( bro1 ) 1 89
8. GENERALS - PAIN - burning - externally ( a1 ) 1 219
9. GENERALS - SEXUAL - excesses, after ( bro1 ) 1 98
In ancient India and Greece, Tribulus Terrestris was used as a physical rejuvenation tonic.
It is still widely used as a component of therapy for a number of conditions, especially in
China. Tribulus is known to treat conditions affecting the liver and kidney as well as the
cardiovascular and immune systems.
The role of Tribulus Terrestris in Easter European folk medicine for muscle strength and
sexual potency led to two decades of formal (though secret) government-sponsored
studies at the Chemical Pharmaceutical Research Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria culminating in
the 1980s with a formula for improving physical and sexual performance. The most noted
outcome of this research was the success of the Bulgarian weight lifting team which
stunned the world in Olympic competition.
Tribulus Terrestris is used in various herbal formulas to treat headaches, eye problems
such as itching, conjunctivitis and weak vision, and nervousness. It is also used to treat
high blood pressure and rib pain.
Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris contains three groups of active phytochemicals:
Dioscin, protodioscin, diosgenin and similar. These substances have effect on sexual
performance and may treat various sexual disorders, they regulate sexual energy level and
strength by increasing the percentage of free testosterone level for men and they effect
pregnenolone, progesterone and estrogen. The hormone balancing effects of Bulgarian
Tribulus Terrestris for women makes this herb suitable for premenstrual syndrome and
menopausal syndrome.
Sterols like betasitosterols or stigma. These substances protect the prostate from swelling
and in combination with the X steroidal saponins, protect the prostate from cancer.
Proprietary steroidal saponins currently referred to as X steroidal saponins. These X
steroidal saponins effect the complete immune system. They have been demonstrated to
possess anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects. Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris may be used
internally and externally to treat herpes, and virus infections such as influenza and the
common cold.