East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church: Welcome!

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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church

Sunday, October 16, 2011

If this is your first time worshiping with us, we welcome you. As a church we are committed to love Jesus Christ and to share His love. We offer three services: 8:30 and 11 a.m. are traditional, and 9:45 a.m. is contemporary. Our ushers and greeters are here to serve you. Please ask them for any help you may need. ~ Our Holy Grounds Caf is a place for light refreshments, coffee, and fellowship from 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in our Fellowship Hall. ~ Our Infant and Toddler Nurseries are available every Sunday from 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. They are located on the lower level of the church and are staffed with our full-time, professional attendants and parent volunteers. ~ Children's Church for ages four through third grade is offered at the 11 a.m. service and is guided by a parent volunteer. Children will be dismissed after the Children's Message. Please pick up your children from the lower level classrooms of the church following worship. Our Weekly News is a snapshot of activities in our church and community. The Weekly News is also posted on our website: www.esumc.net. Please make your submissions to the church office before 10 a.m. on Tuesdays. Submissions can be emailed to [email protected] or brought to the church office.

Church Staff
Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Congregational Care Church Administrator Lay-Led Ministries Childrens Ministry Youth Ministry Contemporary W orship Music - Organist - Choirs Administrator of Finances Financial Secretary Building Facilitator Sextons Nursery Attendants Edward C. Kimes [email protected] Candy LaBar [email protected] Peggy Strack [email protected] Sharmune Burgess [email protected] Kelli Oney [email protected] Sue Randall [email protected] Scott Kuhnle [email protected] Lindsey Scott [email protected] Pauline Fox [email protected] Norman Fox [email protected] Sue Mertz [email protected] Cyndie Faunce [email protected] Bruce Johnson [email protected] Eileen OBrien & Sal Lapadula Ana Price, Holly Lapadula, Katlyn Smith

Mission: To love Jesus Christ and to share His love. 83 South Courtland Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Church Office email: [email protected] Website: www.esumc.net 570-421-3280

Prayers and Praise

If you have a prayer request, please list it either on the prayer sheet in the rear of the sanctuary or on the back of the friendship pad, making sure to include your name with the request. This aids us in updating weekly. Confidentiality is very important; we want to honor everyones right to privacy. Please be mindful of this in writing your requests. The person making the request is listed in ( ).

Stewardship Update
General giving last week: $8,798 Average October weekly general expense need: $12,239 Monthly Renovation Obligation: $7,084 Attendance last week: (10-9-11) 312 last year: (10-10-10) 409 Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God.

Healing and Illness

Kaitlin, Howard, Allen (Dinkle family) Jenny Hart (Hank) Don Paul, upcoming surgery (Grace) Lynn and Joe (Maria Jacobs) Marie, lung and bone cancer (Darla) Harry Strack (Ed Kimes)

Ushers and Greeters: 8:30 a.m. Caroline Whitmore, Vere Pilgrim, Eileen Turkos, Rick & Hester Deetz, Scott Kuhnle 9:45 a.m. Bob & MaryAnn Constable, Bill & Lisa Vitulli, Holy Belviso, Karen Peart 11 a.m. Rich Mayers, Chris Perfetti, Pam OBrien, Shayla Counterman Acolytes: 11 a.m.: Maella Aponte & Emily Perfetti Children's Church: Justina Moses Altar Flower Delivery: Ross & Nancy Transue Church Driver: Bruce Johnson Welcome Back - our Childrens choir starts their fall season! Many thanks to leaders Melissa Ritchie and Joanna Gambill, and to parent helpers and to Jenni Poole. Did you know? Weekly audio sermons are available at www.esumc.net for those occasions when you cannot make church or when you want to share the message with others.

Bill & Dawn Cook (Mary Schneider) Walter Prigge (Cory Fish) Those with Cancer: Barb Counterman (Counterman family); Walter
Price, Jr. (Our Sunday School students); Trish Walker & Angie Werkheiser (Rebecca Stager); Rita (John Wolf); Pam (Karen Peart); Julie (Holy Belviso)

The Mercurio family, loss of Kellis dad Gordon (Church family) The families of Ray Snyder, Jake Canefield and Lew Staples

Robert, praise for answered prayer (Nancy Amici) Matt Williams (Dad) Debra, praise for good diagnosis (Ragonese family) Richie (Joe Dickson)

Those Serving in Missions and the Military - Strength, safety and protection while serving. Mission Field: Megan Sanders, Ryan Moyer, Jas Poole, Ben Drake; Marines: Damon McHinney; Iraq: Kyle, August Jackson, Steven Post; Pacific: Faith Gibbs; Afghanistan: Jason Lamboy, Brandon Smith, Ryan Maciejczak, Everett Horton, Chris Stowe, Brad Martz, George VanWhy, Josh Kimple; Army: Brad Poulson; Navy: Matt Spence.

Information and Events

Weekly Adult Recreational Basketball meets Monday at 8 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. For information call John at 426-7574. Merry Marthas and Misters will meet Friday, October 21 at 6:30 p.m. for an Apple Fest in Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish made with apples to share, anything from an appetizer to dessert, and hear about different types of apples. This is open to anyone with a joy of cooking. SWAT, (Seasoned Workers Action Team) meets the 4th Tuesday of every month (October 25) at 9 a.m. in Bruce Johnsons office. First we have coffee and donuts, then work until around noon. Men, Women, all are invited for this three hours of service to beautify our church. We do things like painting, minor repairing, etc. Give it a try, the blessing will be yours. Questions: Call Bob Rosenberger, 223-7076. Our 55+ Group is heading out to a Thanksgiving Dinner at the Monroe County Technical School in Bartonsville on Monday, November 14. The cost is $6 per person. Reservations are required and can be made by calling Erma at 421-1422. Important Outreach Events - Recently the youth had 51 participants during an outreach event. They are fulfilling our vision to connect with others in Christian community. As an adult you can also help fulfill our vision to serve Christ by serving others at these outreach events that reach un-churched youth in our community. Servants are needed to help with after-school transportation and youth meals for J.A.M. on Thursdays. If you can help or for information, please contact Scott at 421-3280.

Stine Class Collecting Used Cell Phones for Soldiers Project Place your unwanted phones in the red box in Fellowship Hall any Sunday or in the Church Office. Questions, call Eileen at 420-8165.

Congregational Care Our Homebound and Care Facility Members are always happy to be remembered by the church family. Encouraging cards or notes can be sent to: Nancy Strauser, 27 Stones Throw, East Stroudsburg, Pa. 18301.
Wellness Ministry Tip for Losing Weight: Put out a vegetable platter! Eating water-rich foods such as zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers during meals reduces your overall calorie consumption. Other water-rich foods include soups and salads. You wont get the same benefit by drinking liquids, as the body processes hunger and thirst through different mechanisms. Learn about Medicare Basics! Kate Koehler, Primetime Health Coordinator for the Monroe County Area Agency on Aging, will be sharing the basics about Medicare and the APPRISE counseling program on Tuesday, October 18 from 6:45-7:45 p.m. in the New Youth Room (church basement.) Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8 As we look at Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection, we observe the ultimate example of compassion. He now calls us to follow his example and to be deeply concerned for one another. Stephen Ministry is a ministry filled with compassion, providing a haven where those in need of compassion can receive it in a confidential relationship with a Stephen Minister. Stephen Ministers have pledged to protect the confidentiality of the caring relationship. If you would like to know more about Stephen Ministry please contact Peggy Strack at the church office, at 421-3280. Pocono Health System is sponsoring FREE Flu Clinics! To register and to obtain a schedule of dates and locations, contact Geoffrey Roche: 570-476-3767 or [email protected] or www.Pocono Health System.org.

Mission and Outreach

Cleaning Buckets and Bed Kits are needed to help those affected from the massive flooding. A list of items and Collection Box are at the Information Center in Oberholtzer Hall. We will be packing the buckets in Fellowship Hall Sunday, October 30. College Care Packages - Last day to drop off your items in Fellowship Hall for our college student care-packages. Help is needed in packing them to be mailed. If interested, please contact Faith Kimes at [email protected], 421-5113 or you can text 570-242-6405.

Adult Discipleship
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts Starts Next Week, October 23 Sue Mueller will lead a four week class in helping you identify your God-given spiritual gifts and how best to use them in serving God. Classes meet from 11-12:15 p.m. This class is a part of our new member process. To participate, sign-up in Fellowship Hall or contact Kelli at 421-3280 or [email protected].

THIS WEEK AT EAST STROUDSBURG U.M.C. Family Promise Arrives this Week They Are Here Daily from 4 p.m. -7 a.m.
Sunday, 10-16 7:45 a.m. Music Rehearsals 9:00 a.m. Childrens Choir, Choir Rm 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Marriage Class, Rm 3 3 Simple Rules, Rm 7 11:00 a.m. Jr. & Sr. High Sunday, School, Youth Rm - Marriage Class, Rm 3 - Screwtape Class, Rm 10 6:30 p.m. Youth Program, Youth Room Monday, 10-17 9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm 7:00 p.m. Praise Leaders, Bridal Lounge - Soccer Meeting, Rm 3 8:00 p.m. Basketball, Fellowship Hall Tuesday, 10-18 9:00 a.m. Foundations Preschool 9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm 5:00 p.m. Chimes, Bell Rm 5:30 p.m. Youth Bells, Bell Rm 6:30 p.m. Adult Bells, Bell Rm - Re-Entry Mtg, Community Rm 6:45 p.m. Stephen Supervision, Office Bldg., 2nd fl. 7:00 p.m. FOG, Leslie Howes Home Stewardship, Rm 9 7:15 p.m. Praise Team, Sanctuary Wednesday, 10-19 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm 5:30 p.m. NA, Community Rm 7:00 p.m. Basketball, Fellowship Hall Thursday,10-20 9:00 a.m. Foundations Preschool - Womens Bible Study, Bridal Lounge 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm 2:45 a.m. JAM, Fellowship Hall 5:00 p.m. Youth Dinner, Fellowship Hall 6:00 p.m. Youth Studies, Youth Rm 6:30 p.m. Revelation Study, Oberholtzer Hall 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir, Choir Rm 8:00 p.m. AA, Community Rm Friday, 10-21 9:00 a.m. Foundations Preschool 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm 6:30 p.m. Scouts 542, Community Rm - Merry Marthas & Misters, Fellowship Hall Saturday, 10-22 8:00 a.m. Mens Bible Study, Conference Rm 11:00 a.m. Organ in use 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm - Fellowship Hall in Use 8:00 p.m. AA, Community Rm

Childrens Ministry - Birth to 6th Grade

To register for events or for information, please contact Sue Randall at [email protected]. **NEW PROGRAM** Tuesday Kids is our new elementary school outreach ministry. The start date is Tuesday, October 25 from 4-5 p.m. You MUST sign up! This activity is limited to the first twelve 2nd through 6th graders. We will be making (and baking) care-packages for our ESUMC college students. More details regarding school pickups or for information see Mrs. Randall.

Youth Ministries - 7th - 12th Grades

For information, please email Scott Kuhnle at [email protected]. To keep up to date with all youth ministry events check out the youth website: www.esumc.net/youth. Sunday School is held in the Youth Room at 11 a.m. with classes for Jr. High and Sr. High students. Sunday Night Youth Program for Jr. & Sr. High students is from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. here at the church. We meet for games, hangout time, praise and worship, a message, and small group discussion time. Weekly Thursday Programs: JAM (Jesus & Me) our after-school program along with Fellowship Meal, and Small Group Bible Studies, meets weekly during the school year. The schedule is as follows: 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. JAM (Jr. High Outreach: 6th - 8th grades) 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Meal (6th - 12th grades) 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Small Group Bible Studies (7th - 12th grades)

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