1. GOD'S CHARACTER- God is the originator and sustainer of all that exists. God is Holy (Perfect), God is Eternal, God is Judge and God is Love.
(Write down the phrase God is ____________. Ask them to put description(s) of God's character in the blank. Make sure that Holy, Eternal,
Judge and Love are included.)
2. MAN HAS A PROBLEM- Man does not measure up to God's Character. God is Holy- Man is a sinner. God is Eternal- Man dies. God is Judge- Man is
under the judgment of God. (Look up the verses Rom 3:23; 6:23 and Hebrews 9:27)
3. GOD HAS A SOLUTION TO MAN'S PROBLEM- God is Love. God demonstrated His love by sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins (Look at
Romans 5:8). Christ the God-Man is the mediator between God and Man. (See I Timothy 2:5)
4. MAN'S RESPONSE TO GOD'S SOLUTION- In order to receive the benefit of God's Solution everyone must receive Christ and believe in Him. (John 1:12)
Everyone must pray to the Lord and seek His salvation (Romans 10:13).
5. CROSSING OVER TO ETERNAL LIFE- Hear the Message, Believe in Christ (to believe is to entrust yourself to) and He promises (1) Eternal Life,
(2) No Judgment and (3) that we will Cross Over from Death (Man's Side) to Life (God's Side.) John 5:24
CONCLUSION: Will you cross over from death to life? Call on the name of the Lord to be saved (Romans 10:13) Pray to God a prayer like this.
God you are holy, eternal and the judge of all people. I am a sinner under the sentence of death and under your judgment. I believe that Jesus came to
save me from eternal judgment. Father, I put my faith and trust in Christ's death to save me from the penalty of my sin. I praise you for your love for
me and for the free gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ.