Rubrics Demo
Rubrics Demo
Rubrics Demo
Voice Expression Speech was clear, loud enough, Mostly consistent voice Some voice expression Little to no voice
understandable, well-paced, with expression throughout was given in the expression was given
excellent vocal inflection and reading of script. performance. in the performance.
appropriate character voice.
Voice Projection Excellent voice projection. Voice was usually Voice was occasionally Voice was rarely
audible to entire audible to the entire audible to the entire
audience with few errors audience, but sometimes audience.
could not be heard.
Background Music is excellently Music is synchronizing Music provided an Music is not heard,
music/Rhythm synchronizing to the feeling of but has no dynamic. accompaniment in some no rhythm and not
the narration. The music can be parts of the narration. related to the
heard in dynamics. movement of the
Presentation/Effort Work is above standards in all Work goes beyond the Work meets all the
ways: excellent content and minimum requirements minimum requirements Most requirements
creativity, shows originality and and shows some extra and standards expected are met but general
use of more meaningful creativity. but shows no extra performance is poor.
language and grammar creativity.
What musical ensemble does this instrument belong?”