Vertical Alignment in Music

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College of Arts and Sciences


Music of Luzon (Lowlands) To identify the musical
characteristics of
Geographical and Cultural representative music
Background selections from the
lowlands of Luzon after
Vocal Music listening;
a) Performance practice; To analyze the musical
b) Folk songs; elements of some
c) Sacred (Liturgical and Lowland vocal and
Devotional) music: Mass, instrumental music
Pastores, Senakulo, selections;
Pasyon, Salubong, Flores To explain the
de Mayo, Santacruzan; distinguishing
d) Secular music: Harana, characteristics of
Balitaw, Kumintang, Polka; representative
e) Art music: Kundiman. Philippine music
selections from Luzon
in relation to its culture
and geography
To be able to sing
folksongs from the
lowlands of Luzon;
Music of Southeast Asia To explain how the
music of a Southeast
Geographical, Historical and Asian country relates
Cultural to its geography and
Background culture
To listen perceptively
Indonesia Gamelan to music of
a. Javanese Southeast Asia
b. Balinese To be able to sings
Thailand Piphat songs of Southeast
Cambodia Pinpeat Asia.
Myanmar Saung Gauk To analyze musical
elements of selected
songs and
instrumental pieces
heard and
To improvise simple
accompaniment to
selected Southeast
Asian music.
To be able to
perform on available
instruments from
Southeast Asia.
To evaluate music
and music
applying knowledge
of musical elements
and style
HISTORY OF WESTERN To listen perceptively
MUSIC to selected vocal and
instrumental music of
Music of Medieval (700-1400) Medieval,
Renaissance and
Historical and cultural Baroque music.
background To analyze an
Gregorian chants example of music
Troubadour music from the Medieval,
Composer (Adam de la Renaissance and the
Halle Baroque and
describe how the
Renaissance Period (1400- musical elements are
1600) used
Historical and cultural To analyze the
background relationship of
Mass functions of the music
Madrigal of Medieval,
Composers (Giovanni Renaissance and
da Palestrina, Thomas Baroque to the lives
Morley) of people in those
Music of the Baroque Period To be able to sing
(1685-1750) accurately alone
Historical and cultural and/or with others the
background representative
Concerto Grosso, examples of songs of
Fugue the Medieval,
Renaissance and
Oratorio and chorale
Baroque period.
Composers (Johann
To evaluate music
Sebastian Bach, Georg
and music
Friedrich Handel)
performances using
knowledge of musical
elements and styles.
UNDERSTANDING THE To listen perceptively to
MUSIC OF THE 20TH selected 20th century music
To describe distinctive
Impressionism musical elements of given
a. Historical and cultural pieces in 20th century styles
background To relate 20th century music
b. Composers and music to its historical and cultural
o Claude Debussy background
o Maurice Ravel To explain the performance
practice (setting, composition,
Expressionism role of
a. Historical and cultural composers/performers, and
background audience) of 20th century
b. Composer and music music
Schoenberg To sing melodic fragments of
given Impressionism period
Others pieces
Electronic music To explore other arts and
Chance music media that portray 20th
century elements through
video films or live
To create short electronic and
chance music pieces using
knowledge of 20th century
Instrumental Music To identify the
a) Rondalla; musical
b) Brass Band; characteristics of
c) Musikong Bumbongl representative
d) Bamboo organ; selections of
e) Angklung ensemble; Cordillera, Mindoro,
f) Himig Pangkat Kawayan Palawan and of the
Visayas after
Music of Cordillera listening;
Geographical, cultural, and To analyze the
historical background musical elements of
1. Vocal Music; some Lowland vocal
a) Performance practice; and instrumental
b) Representative music selections from
songs/genre (salidummay, Cordillera, Mindoro,
oggayam, ba-diw). Palawan and of the
2. Instrumental Music Visayas after
a) Gangsaensemble; listening;
b) Bamboo solo/ensemble. To explain the
Music of Mindoro and Palawan characteristics of
1. Vocal Music; representative
a) Performance practice; Philippine music
b) Representative selections from
songs/genre Cordillera, Mindoro,
(Vocal chants -Ambahan, Palawan and of the
Igway). Visayas.
2. Instrumental Music To sing folksongs
a) Instrumental ensembles: from Cordillera,
Bamboo / Gong Mindoro,
ensemble ; Palawan and of the
b) Solo instruments. Visayas.
To analyze the
Music of Visayas musical elements of
1. Vocal Music some Cordillera,
a) Performance practice; Mindoro,
b) Representative Palawan and of the
songs/genre: BalitaoVisayan, Visayas, vocal and
PastoresChristmas, instrumental music
KantaFolksong, Ballad, selections;
Lullaby, Courtship, To improvise simple
and Composo Ilonggo narrative rhythmic/melodic
song. accompaniments
2. Instrumental Music To create appropriate
a) Instrumental movements or
ensembles: Rondalla, gestures to
Tultogan, Harp, Band, accompany the music
Bird Dance Binanog selections of the
(Panay, Bukidnon) Cordillera, Mindoro,
Palawan and of the
To evaluate music
selections and music
applying knowledge of
musical elements and
MUSIC OF EAST ASIA To explain how the
music of East Asian
a. China country relates to its
geography and
b. Japan culture
To listen perceptively
c. Korea to music of East
To be able to sing
songs of East Asia.
To analyze musical
elements of selected
songs and
instrumental pieces
heard and
To improvise simple
accompaniment to
selected East Asian
To perform on
available instruments
from East Asia.
To evaluate music
and music
applying knowledge
of musical elements
and style.
Music of the Classical Period To narrate the life
(1750-1820) and works of classical
Historical and cultural composers after
background video and movie
Sonata, sonata allegro showing
form, concerto To analyze an
symphony example of music
Composers (Franz from the Classical
Joseph Haydn, and describe how the
Wolfgang Amadeus musical elements are
Mozart, Ludwig van used
Beethven To analyze the
relationship of
functions of the music
of Classical to the
lives of people in
those times.
To be able to sing
accurately alone
and/or with others the
examples of songs of
the Classical period.
To evaluate music
and music
performances using
knowledge of musical
elements and styles.
AFRO-LATIN AND POPULAR To observe dance styles,
MUSIC instruments, and rhythms of
Afro Latin American and
popular music through video,
a. Historical and (cultural movies and live
background of African and Latin performances
American music To describe the historical
Background of Popular and cultural background of
music Afro-Latin American and
African music Rhythms: popular music
o Vocal forms: blues, To listen perceptively to
soul, spiritual, call and Afro-Latin American and
response popular music
b. Latin American music
o InstrumentsVocal and To dance to different
Dance form: Cumbia, selected styles of Afro-Latin
tango, cha-cha. American and popular
Rumba, bossanova,
reggae, foxtrot,
pasadoble,Jazz To sing selections of Afro-
o Instrumental forms: Latin American and popular
ragtime, big band, music in appropriate pitch,
bebop, jazz rock rhythm, style, and
c. Popular music expression
Ballad, standard, rock and
roll, alternative music, disco To improvise simple
accompaniments to selected
Music of Mindanao To identify the musical
characteristics of
A. Music of Islamic Music representative
1. Vocal music: selections of Mindanao.
a) chants; To analyze the musical
b) lullaby. elements of some vocal
and instrumental music
Instrumental Ensemble selections from
a) Kulintang ensemble; Mindanao after
b) bamboo ensemble c) solo To explain the
instruments. distinguishing
characteristics of
Music of Non-Islamic representative
a) Christian; Philippine music
b) Lumad: selections from
(Folk songs of Mindanao.
Zamboanga, Butuan and To be able to sing
Tausug). folksongs from
To analyze the musical
elements of some
Mindanao vocal and
instrumental music
To improvise simple
To create appropriate
movements or
gestures to accompany
the music selections of
the Mindanao.
To evaluate music
selections and music
performances applying
knowledge of musical
elements and style.
MUSIC OF SOUTH ASIA AND To explain how the
MIDDLE EAST music of South Asia
and Middle East
a. India country relates to its
geography and
b. Israel culture
To listen perceptively
to music of South
Asia and Middle
To be able to sing
songs of South Asia
and Middle East.
To analyze musical
elements of selected
songs and
instrumental pieces
heard and
To improvise simple
accompaniment to
selected South Asia
and Middle East
To perform on
available instruments
from South Asia and
Middle East.
To evaluate music
and music
applying knowledge
of musical elements
and style.
Instrumental Music of the To narrate the life
Romantic Period (1820-1900) and works of
Historical and cultural romantic composers
background after video and movie
Program music showing
Piano music To relate Romantic
Composers (Frederic period music to its
Chopin, Peter Illych historical and cultural
Tchaikovsky, Franz background
Liszt, Camille Saint- To explain the
Saens) performance practice
during the Romantic
To listen perceptively
to selected Romantic
period music
To sing themes or
melodic fragments of
given Romantic
To improvise
accompaniment to
given short and
simple Romantic
period pieces
CONTEMPORARY To listen perceptively to
PHILIPPINE MUSIC excerpts of major
Contemporary works
a. Traditional Composers
To describe the
b. New Music characteristics of traditional
and new music
c. Song Composer To sing selections of
Contemporary music with
appropriate pitch, rhythm,
style, and expression
Philippine Festivals To identify musical
a) Aklan Ati-atihan characteristics
b) Davao - Kadayawan of selected Philippine
c) Marinduque Moriones festivals
d) Cebu Sinulog
e) Bicol Ibalon
f) Batangas Sublian and theatrical forms
through video or live
Theatrical Forms performances.
To narrate the origins
a) Komedya/ and cultural background
Moromoro/Arakyo of selected Philippine
b) Sarsuela festival/s.
c) Bodabil To create movements to
Music of Non-Islamic music of a particular
a) Christian; Philippine festival.
b) Lumad: To explain the
(Folk songs of distinguishing
Zamboanga, Butuan and characteristics of
Tausug) representative
Philippine festivals and
theatrical forms;
To be able to sing
selection/s from chosen
Philippine musical
TRADITIONAL ASIAN To identify musical
THEATER MUSIC characteristics of
selected Asian
a. Wayang Kulit musical theater
through video films or
b. Kabuki live performance
To describe how the
C. Peking Opera musical elements
contribute to the
performance of the
musical production
To identify the
instruments that
accompany Kabuki,
Wayang Kulit, Peking
To explain the
characteristics of
representative Asian
musical theater
To create/improvise
appropriate sound,
music, gesture,
movements, props
and costume for
performance of a
chosen Asian
traditional musical
and theatrical form
To evaluate music
and music
applying knowledge
of musical elements
and style.
Vocal Music of the Romantic To narrate the plot,
Period musical and theatrical
Art song elements of an opera
Opera after video and movie
Composers (Franz showing
Schubert, Guiseppe To listen perceptively
Verdi, Giacomo Puccini, to selected art songs
Richard Wagner) and excerpts of opera
To be able to sing
themes or melodic
fragments of given
selected songs
To create/improvise
appropriate sound,
music, gestures,
movements and
costumes for a
chosen opera
20th and 21st century To describe how an idea or
MULTIMEDIA FORMS story in a musical play is
presented in a live
a. OPERA performance or video
To explain how theatrical
elements in a selected part
b. BALLET of a musical play are
combined with music and
c. MUSICAL PLAY media to achieve certain
To create/ improvise
appropriate sounds, music,
gestures, movements, and
costume using media and
technology for a selected
part of a musical play
To present an excerpt from
a 20th or 21st century
Philippine musical and
highlight its similarities and
differences to other western
musical play

Prepared by: Checked by:

Mr. Jessie M. Abrencillo Ms. Joan B. Abiera

Subject teacher Academic Coordinator

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