Lou Lesson Plan
Lou Lesson Plan
Lou Lesson Plan
Demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote societal fitness.
Content Standards
Maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community and society.
Performance Standards
A. Learning Competencies LC Expresses a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in physical activity-related community services and programs.
(Code) PE10PF-IIIc-h-48
At the end of the lesson, at least 75% of the students should be able to:
B. Learning Objectives Identify the different Street and Hip-Hop Dance Styles.
Value the importance of Street and Hip-Hop Dance in our health.
Create their own Dance routine that includes the different Street and Hip-Hop Dance Styles.
“Now, let us play! Picture number 1.” “Downward Facing Dog Position”
“Very Nice! And the last question, Picture number 5.” “Staff Pose”
“Very Good Class! Give all yourselves a round of applause.”
(The students will clap)
“Now, we will divide your class into 4 groups, each group will be given a jigsaw puzzle for you “Yes Ma’am!”
to solve. So I will give you time to finish your puzzle, after you solve the puzzle you will post
your puzzle on the board then you will shout your group name. The first group who will finish,
would be the winner. And the winner will be the last performer for our activity later. Is it clear
“What did you notice in this video?” “Ma’am, I noticed that they are synchronized
and their steps are difficult”
“Nice observation! Another answer?” “I noticed that they use variety of moves or
“Excellent! Then, what specific moves did leave an impact on you?” “When they dance fast then stops then continue
again and when they dance like a robot
“Why?” “Because, when they do those moves I feel like
dancing too.”
D.) Discussing new concepts and “Bravo! Now, what can you say about Street Dance?” “Street dance refers to dance styles that have
practicing new skills (1). evolved outside of dance studios.”
“Okay, Very Good! How about Hip-Hop Dance?” “Hip-Hop dance refers to street dance styles
primarily performed to hip-hop music or that
evolve as part of hip-hop culture”
“Excellent Job! But how does dancing Street and Hip-Hop Dance can improve our health?” “Ma’am, It is because we are being active
whenever we are dancing”
“Very Good! Let us give her 5 claps.”
E.) Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills (2) “Ma’am, based on the video that we had watch
“Now class, we will be discussing about the Street and Hip-Hop Dance Styles. How many dance earlier we have 7 Street and Hip-Hop Dance
styles do we have?” Styles”
“Good, so what are those 7 dance styles? “Ma’am, we have the B-Boying, Popping,
Locking, Krumping, Tutting, Shuffling and
“Very Good! Let’s give her 5 claps.”
(The students will clap)
“Okay, let us discuss all of those dance styles. First is the B-Boying. Let us watch this clip first”
“Yes Very Good, Popping is also contracts muscles, but it is followed by relaxation that gives the
jerking appearance of popping”
“What can you say about Tutting?” “It is a creative way of making geometric
shapes forming right angle using your body
“Bravo! Another answer?” “It is derived from the positions people were
drawn in during the days of the Ancient
Egyptians. It is the positions seen in these
portraits that have been adopted by dancers
(Shows video about Shuffling) “The basic movements of the dance are a fast
heel-and toe action with a style suitable for
“What about Shuffling?” various types of electronic music.”
F.)Developing master “Okay, you may now go to your respective group and avoid making much noise, the score of the “Understood Ma’am”
group that is very noisy will be deducted. Do you understand?”
“Okay Class, Time is Synchronization 25% up! You may now go (Students will back go to their seat)
back to your seat.” Enjoyment 25%
“Yes Ma’am”
“Group 1 you may now perform your (The Group 1 will perform their dance)
(The Students will Clap)
“Yes Ma’am”
“Very Good! Let’s give them a round of applause.”
(The Group 2 will perform their dance)
“Now, Group 2.” (The Students will Clap)
“Nicely Done! Let’s give them a round of applause.” “Yes Ma’am”
(The Group 3 will perform their dance)
“Now, Group 3.”
(The Students will Clap)
“Bravo! Let’s give them a round of applause.” “Yes Ma’am”
(The Group 4 will perform their dance)
“Last but not the least, Group 4.”
(The Students will Clap)
“Very Good everyone give yourselves a round of applause!” (All of the students will Clap)
I. Evaluating Learning
“Answer this questions on your notebook.”
Identify the answers to the following questions:
1. The basic movements of the dance are a fast heel-and toe action with a style suitable for
various types of electronic music.
2. It consists of stylized posing and fast synchronized arm movements to the beat of the music.
3. It is derived from the positions people were drawn in during the days of the Ancient
4. It forces parts of your body outwards, similar to an explosion within parts of your body.
5. It is a dance style to release anger.
6. Also called breakdancing.
7-10. 4 movements of B-Boyig.
Watch a dance performance of the “A Team” then identify the dance styles that they used. “Okay ma’am!”
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
And that’s all for today, Goodbye Class. “Thank you and Goodbye Ma’am”
For impro