Prey and Non-Native Fish Predict The Distribution
Prey and Non-Native Fish Predict The Distribution
Prey and Non-Native Fish Predict The Distribution
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2 authors, including:
Nathan Franssen
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
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Abstract – Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) has been extirpated from a large portion of its historical
range in the Colorado River basin, USA. A repatriation effort via stocking of juvenile P. lucius in the San Juan
River, NM, CO and UT has resulted in limited recruitment of individuals into an adult population. Understanding
biotic and abiotic factors that limit their persistence in the Colorado River basin will be a critical step in providing
for their recovery. To elucidate potential recruitment barriers in the San Juan River, we assessed relationships
between the numbers of two age classes of P. lucius and prey, competitors and predators collected at a 1.6 km
reach scale between 2003 and 2012. We used an information theoretical approach to rank candidate models testing
the relative importance of these biotic conditions in predicting the spatial distribution of P. lucius. We found
positive relationships between the numbers of P. lucius ≤200 mm total length (TL) collected and catch per unit
effort (CPUE) of native prey among reaches. For P. lucius >200 mm TL (individuals that are likely completely
piscivorous), we found positive associations between the numbers of P. lucius collected and CPUE of total prey
and CPUE of potential non-native competitors in each reach. Our data suggest size-specific affinities of P. lucius
for native and non-native prey as well as the potential for negative interactions between P. lucius and non-native
competitors may contribute to limited recruitment of juvenile P. lucius into an adult population in the San Juan
Key words: non-native fishes; negative binomial regression; AIC; desert streams
Correspondence: N. R. Franssen, Department of Biology and Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, 167 Castetter Hall, Albuquerque,
NM 87131, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
doi: 10.1111/eff.12093 1
Franssen & Durst
individuals are rarely encountered more than three tats. Adult I. punctatus, although highly omnivorous,
years after stocking, but female P. lucius do not may also have deleterious impacts on P. lucius
become reproductive until at least six years of age through direct predation. Indeed, the fish component
(Vanicek & Kramer 1969). The biotic or abiotic fac- of I. punctatus diet tends to increase when
tors limiting the persistence of stocked individuals individuals reach 300 mm TL (Bailey & Harrison
and evidently creating a recruitment bottleneck are 1945). Additionally, Gido & Propst (2012) identified
unknown. a weak negative trend in the annual catch per unit
Age 0 P. lucius often use low-velocity habitats in effort (CPUE) of I. punctatus >300 mm TL and
lower portions of large rivers (Haynes et al. 1984; native and non-native small-bodied fishes in the San
Osmundson et al. 1998), whereas adults can be Juan River.
highly mobile and often use mainstem river habitats Concurrent with alterations to the native fish com-
(Osmundson et al. 1998). Information on subadult munity, the San Juan River’s natural flow regime has
habitat use is limited, but they also appear to be been altered with its impoundment by Navajo Dam
highly mobile and can use mainstem as well as small in 1962. However, reservoir releases since 1998 are
tributary habitats (Fresques et al. 2013). Small currently managed to often follow recommendations
P. lucius are mostly insectivorous until they become to mimic a natural flow regime characterised by high
large enough to consume fish prey (~ 100 mm TL; spring flows and low summer base flows (Propst &
Vanicek & Kramer 1969; Muth & Snyder 1995), and Gido 2004; Gido & Propst 2012). Yet, spring peak
individuals >200 mm TL can be entirely piscivorous flows are still attenuated, and summer flows are
(Vanicek & Kramer 1969). It is currently assumed higher compared with historical levels (Franssen
the San Juan River has adequate habitat and et al. 2007). High spring flows facilitate increased
resources to support all life stages of P. lucius, but CPUE of native prey fishes, while low summer flows
understanding what factors limit population persis- tend to increase the CPUE of non-native small-bod-
tence, and particularly juvenile recruitment into ied fishes (Propst & Gido 2004; Gido & Propst
adults, will be requisite to protect and recover 2012). Changes to the natural flow regime and intro-
P. lucius. duced fishes have potentially altered the annual quan-
Changes in the composition of the San Juan tity and availability of native and non-native prey for
River’s fish community have occurred with non- juvenile P. lucius.
native fish introductions. The historical fish commu- The numerous changes to the biotic and abiotic
nity of the San Juan River was relatively depauperate conditions in the San Juan River make identifying
(i.e., up to eight species; Sublette et al. 1990), but factors that limit recruitment and thus population per-
more recent investigations have documented the pres- sistence of P. lucius difficult. Our goal was to gain
ence of 19 non-native fishes (Ryden 2000). While insight into factors that may limit population
some small-bodied non-native fishes may be potential persistence of stocked P. lucius by assessing environ-
prey for P. lucius, smaller P. lucius individuals may mental conditions that drive spatial variation in the
be gape limited due to the body morphology of non- numbers of P. lucius collected. Because P. lucius
natives compared with native fishes (e.g., non-native can be highly mobile (moving both within and
red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis versus native bluehead among river reaches; Tyus 1991), we used a broad-
sucker Catostomus discobolus and native flannel- scale (1.6 km) assessment of CPUE of other fishes to
mouth sucker C. latipinnis; Franssen et al. 2007). predict the numbers of P. lucius in each reach. We
Thus, P. lucius individuals may rely on prey they used riverwide data on the CPUE of potential fish
shared an evolutionary history with rather than prey (i.e., native and non-native small-bodied fishes),
recently introduced prey. While the relative abun- potential competitors (age 0 and juvenile I. punctatus)
dance of small-bodied native and non-native fishes and predators (adult I. punctatus) to assess what
may dictate prey options to P. lucius, other large- factors, if any, are associated with the spatial distribu-
bodied fishes may pose a predation risk to or tion of age 1 (≤200 mm TL) and age 2+ (>200 mm
compete for resources with P. lucius. Non-native TL) P. lucius in the San Juan River.
channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) are the second We predicted age 1 P. lucius would be positively
most frequently encountered large-bodied species in associated with native prey (due to gape limitations
the system, comprising an average of 22% of all for non-native prey) while negatively associated with
large-bodied fishes collected annually (Ryden, D.W. age 0 and adult I. punctatus. Conversely, we pre-
unpublished). Similar to young P. lucius, I. punctatus dicted that age 2+ individuals would be positively
in all life stages feed on invertebrates (Sublette et al. associated with total prey (i.e., native and non-native
1990) and therefore have the potential to compete for prey), but negatively associated with juvenile and
prey resources if these species occupy the same habi- adult I. punctatus.
Predicting the spatial distribution of P. lucius
raft-mounted electrofishing units between 2003 and
2012 to assess the spatial distribution of P. lucius
(Fig. 2). We had two obvious size classes of P. lucius
Study site
during the study period, and because P. lucius likely
The San Juan River originates in south-west Colorado have size-specific ecologies, we grouped individuals
and is a major tributary to the Colorado River draining ≤200 mm TL as age 1 (mean = 168 mm,
99,200 km2 in Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New range = 112–200) and individuals >200 mm TL as
Mexico (Carlson & Carlson 1982). The closing of age 2+ (mean = 275, range = 201–658). To allow for
Navajo Dam in 1962 inundated 56 km of the river, undisturbed small-bodied fish sampling during the
which currently flows for 365 km from Navajo Dam same sampling periods, only three of every four 1.6
to Lake Powell (Fig. 1). We used river km (Rkm) to Rkm sections (a reach henceforth) were sampled by
designate locations along the San Juan River and con- raft electrofishing. In all reaches, two electrofishing
sidered Rkm 0.0 the inflow near to Lake Powell. The rafts sampled each shoreline of the river and the num-
relative numbers of fishes vary longitudinally along ber of fishes and effort (seconds) from both rafts were
the river course (Gido & Propst 2012; Ryden 2012), summed at the ends of each reach.
likely due to differences in substrate, habitat availabil-
ity, gradient and water temperature (Bliesner & Lama-
Large-bodied predators and competitors
rra 2000). Due to hypolimnetic releases from Navajo
Dam, water temperature increases moving down- To assess potential effects of non-native I. punctatus
stream during the summer months. The river exhibits on the spatial distribution of P. lucius, we used data
some braiding upstream of river Rkm 85.0, but is from the same riverwide large-bodied fish surveys
mostly canyon bound between Rkms 0.0 and 85.0. conducted between 2003 and 2012 (Fig. 2). For our
Fish sampling primarily occurred between Rkm 289.7 study, juvenile I. punctatus were individuals
and 0.0, but analyses were restricted to Rkms below ≤300 mm TL and adults >300 mm TL (De Roth
261.7 (see below for rational). 1965; Elrod 1974). These data allowed us to simulta-
neously assess the catch numbers of P. lucius and
CPUE of potential predators of age 1 and age 2+
P. lucius catch numbers
P. lucius (i.e., adult I. punctatus) and competitors
We used data from riverwide large-bodied fish sur- (i.e., juvenile I. punctatus) of age 2+ P. lucius in
veys conducted each fall (September or October) via each reach.
Fig. 1. Study map of the San Juan River where catch per unit effort (CPUE) of prey, competitors and predators were investigated to predict
the catch numbers of age 1 and age 2+ Ptychocheilus lucius. The river flows from east to west, and river km 85.0 is the beginning of
canyon-bound reaches before the river enters Lake Powell.
Franssen & Durst
Fig. 2. Spatial variation in catch numbers of age 1 and age 2+ Ptychocheilus lucius, and catch per unit effort (CPUE) of native and non-
native prey, age 0, juvenile and adult I. punctatus from the San Juan River between 2003 and 2012. Values of 0.001 (seining data) or 1.0
(electrofishing data) were added to independent variables to facilitate plotting on a log scale.
Predicting the spatial distribution of P. lucius
lutrensis was the most common non-native prey correlations with r < 0.70 as not being highly corre-
(mean CPUE = 0.27 fish per m2), while R. osculus lated (the strongest correlation was r < 0.50).
and Catostomus sp. were the most common native We used negative binomial regression to predict the
fishes (0.12 and 0.05 fish per m2, respectively). catch numbers of age 1 and age 2+ P. lucius in every
Because not all of the factors we considered to reach in all years using the CPUE of potential prey,
impact the spatial distribution of P. lucius were quan- competitors and predators. We used catch numbers
tified in every reach each year, we only included per reach rather than CPUE of P. lucius (i.e., individu-
reaches where all variables were collected within a als per hour of electrofishing), because the CPUE dis-
single year. We also assumed that responses to prey, tribution was not amenable to statistical analyses (zero
competitors and predators of P. lucius would not inflated and right skewed). Initial goodness-of-fit
vary over time and therefore did not evaluate tempo- assessments using a Pearson’s chi-square test revealed
ral variation. Annual sampling occurred primarily that both the age 1 and age 2+ catch numbers fit a neg-
between Rkm 289.7 and Rkm 0.0, but a selective ative binomial distribution (both P > 0.50; models
barrier (a weir and native fish passage located at including all independent variables were fit).
Rkm 268.1) limits upstream movement of non-native To assess which factors contributed to the catch
fishes. To avoid potential influences of the weir, we numbers of P. lucius among reaches, we used an
only included reaches below Rkm 261.7 in analyses information theoretical approach (Burnham & Ander-
(i.e., five river miles below the weir). Inclusion of all son 2002). We first built nine models for age 1
reaches below the weir did not qualitatively alter P. lucius we thought would influence their catch
results (data not presented). numbers in each reach (Table 1). These models were
built with effects from CPUE of prey (native and
non-native prey), competitors (age 0 I. punctatus
Data analyses
from seining surveys) and potential predators (adult
Electrofishing data were Log10(x + 1)-transformed, I. punctatus from electrofishing surveys). We con-
and seining data were Log10(x + 0.001)-transformed structed four models to predict the catch numbers of
prior to analyses. To quantify relationships between age 2+ P. lucius using total prey CPUE (sum of
CPUE of fishes used as independent variables and native and non-native prey fishes from seining sur-
longitudinal position of reaches, we conducted a prin- veys), competitors (juvenile I. punctatus from elec-
cipal component analysis (PCA) using a correlation trofishing surveys) and predators (adult I. punctatus
matrix. Only axes with eigenvalues >1.0 were from electrofishing surveys). Although all P. lucius
retained for interpretation. We also tested for multi- individuals were present in the river for at least one
collinearity among independent variables used to pre- year, P. lucius are usually only stocked in the upper
dict the catch numbers of both age classes of portions of the river. Therefore, we included reach
P. lucius using Pearson’s correlations and considered (i.e., Rkm) as a variable in every model to control for
Table 1. Candidate models and variables included in each (X) developed to predict the spatial catch numbers of age 1 and age 2+ Ptychocheilus lucius from
catch per unit effort (CPUE) of prey, competitors and predators in each reach in the San Juan River, NM and UT. Ictalurus punctatus are abbreviated ‘Ictpun’.
Age class Model River km Native prey Non-native prey Total prey Ictpun age 0 Ictpun juvenile Ictpun adult
Age 1 1 (Global) X X X X X
2 (Null) X
3 X X
4 X X
5 X X
6 X X
7 X X X
8 X X X
9 X X X
10 X X X
11 X X X
Age 2+ 1 (Global) X X X X
2 (Null) X
3 X X X
4 X X X
5 X X
6 X X
Franssen & Durst
longitudinal variation that may have been associated with lower CPUE at both lower and higher reaches
with stocking. We also included a null model (reach of the river (Fig. 2). All fishes and size classes
only) and a global model (all variables) to bring the tended to have low CPUE in canyon-bound reaches
total to 11 candidate models for age 1 and six candi- below Rkm 85.0.
date models for age 2+ P. lucius (Table 1). We used A total of 526 age 1 and 398 age 2+ P. lucius was
Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) to select the collected during the study period, and up to 24 and
best candidate models by comparing all of the candi- 10 individuals of each age class were collected in a
date models simultaneously for each age class of single reach, respectively (Fig. 2). The catch numbers
P. lucius. AIC scores were adjusted for small sample of age 1 P. lucius tended to be highest in the upper
sizes (AICc), and Akaike weights (wi) were quanti- reaches of the river, while age 2+ catches were fairly
fied. Models with the lowest AICc and highest wi uniform in the upper half of the river.
were considered having the best support. Only mod-
els with DAICc values <2.0 and wi values >0.10 were
Age 1 P. lucius
retained for interpretation. Following model selection,
we used model averaging to assess the direction and We identified one model with support that only
magnitude of variable effects from the top-ranked included native prey to predict the catch numbers of
models. Model averaging was conducted by quantify- age 1 P. lucius (Table 3). Model averaging revealed
ing the mean and 95% CI of coefficients from all that native prey had a positive association with age 1
models of each variable of interest (coefficients were P. lucius catches in each reach (Table 4; Fig. 3). Our
set to zero in models that did not contain the variable estimate suggested that for every 1-unit increase in
of interest and were included in the calculations; native prey CPUE, the log catch number of age 1
Burnham & Anderson 2002). We conducted all sta- P. lucius increased by 0.223.
tistical analyses in R (R Development Core Team
Age 2+ P. lucius
We also retained only one model with support to pre-
dict spatial catch numbers of age 2+ P. lucius
When assessing relationships between independent (Table 3). This model contained both total prey and
variables using PCA, three axes were retained juvenile I. punctatus, and model averaging indicated
explaining 76.9% of the variance (PC I = 39.1%, PC that both had positive effects on the catch numbers of
II = 21.8% and PC III = 16.0%). The first PC axis age 2+ P. lucius (Table 4; Fig. 4). Coefficient esti-
was positively associated with total prey and reach mates indicated that for every 1-unit increase in the
(i.e., Rkm) while negatively associated with age 0 CPUE of total prey and juvenile I. punctatus, the log
I. punctatus (Table 2). The second axis was posi- catch numbers of age 2+ P. lucius increased by
tively associated with reach and native prey while 0.214 and 0.222, respectively.
negatively associated with age 0 and juvenile
I. punctatus. The last axis was negatively related to
non-native and total prey while positively associated
with adult I. punctatus and reach. Generally, native We assessed the spatial distribution of age 1 and age
prey tended to increase linearly upstream and peaked 2+ P. lucius in the San Juan River using data on
in the highest reaches we investigated. Conversely, native and non-native prey, and potential non-native
non-native prey and all size classes of I. punctatus competitors and predators of P. lucius. We found
tended to show higher CPUE in the middle reaches positive associations with age 1 P. lucius and native
prey while catch numbers of age 2+ individuals were
positively associated with total prey and juvenile
Table 2. Results from principal component analysis (PCA) of independent
variables used to predict the spatial catch numbers of age 1 and age 2+
I. punctatus.
Ptychocheilus lucius. We found no relationships between age 0 and adult
I. punctatus and catch numbers of age 1 P. lucius,
Variable PC I (39.1%) PC II (21.8%) PC II (16.0%) suggesting that the spatial distribution of age 1
P. lucius was not shaped by interactions with these
Total prey 0.889 0.052 0.407
River km 0.706 0.422 0.371
size classes of I. punctatus at the reach scale. How-
Non-native prey 0.700 0.253 0.479 ever, the positive relationship between age 1
Native prey 0.688 0.201 0.130 P. lucius and native prey suggests that this size class
Adult Ictalurus punctatus 0.572 0.384 0.646 of P. lucius is tracking native versus non-native food
Juvenile I. punctatus 0.206 0.881 0.232
Age 0 I. punctatus 0.338 0.562 0.319
resources. Gape-limited age 1 P. lucius individuals
may occur in reaches with high numbers of native
Predicting the spatial distribution of P. lucius
Table 3. Negative binomial regression models ranked by AICC that predict
the catch numbers of age 1 and age 2+ Ptychocheilus lucius at the reach
scale in the San Juan River. Only models with DAICC <2.0 and Akaike
weights (wi) >0.10 were retained for interpretation. The values of DAICC
reflect the change in AICC compared with the highest ranked model, and K
is the number of parameters in each model (including the intercept).
Franssen & Durst
Colorado River, UT and CO, where adults often 300 mm TL, which suggests that they could poten-
reside in reaches with higher prey numbers (Osmund- tially prey on age 1 and age 2 P. lucius. While
son et al. 1998). Larger P. lucius individuals are we found no negative effects of adult I. punctatus
likely not as gape limited for non-native prey com- on the catch numbers of P. lucius, we cannot rule
pared with age 1 individuals (Franssen et al. 2007), out negative interactions between the two species.
which may allow both non-native and native prey to We only investigated patterns of distribution of
be a vital food source for non-gape-limited age 2+ both species in the fall during one snapshot in
individuals. Similar to high spring flows increasing time; therefore, other factors could potentially drive
native fish numbers, extended summer low flows distributions during other times of the year.
often increase the numbers of non-native small-bod- Indeed, the mobile nature of P. lucius (Osmundson
ied fishes (Gido & Propst 2012), but summer flows et al. 1998; Fresques et al. 2013) and I. punctatus
are maintained at higher than historical levels for irri- (Wendel & Kelsch 1999) likely provides the
gation. While management of Navajo Reservoir to potential for more spatial and temporal interactions
reduce summer flows would more closely mimic between these species. In attempts to reduce poten-
pre-dam conditions, this action would be inconsistent tial negative interactions between I. punctatus and
with management efforts seeking to reduce popula- native fishes, intensive mechanical non-native fish
tions of non-native fishes in the San Juan River. removal has been implemented in the San Juan
Quantifying the potential contribution of non-native River since 2001. While it is difficult, direct
prey to piscivorous P. lucius versus their detriment to assessment of predatory or competitive interactions
other life stages of P. lucius or other native fishes between I. punctatus and native fishes will be nec-
may lend insight into this potential management essary before the impacts of I. punctatus on the
action. population persistence of P. lucius can be evalu-
Age 2+ P. lucius individuals were also positively ated. However, our analysis does not indicate that
associated with juvenile I. punctatus. Because both the CPUE of adult I. punctatus limits the numbers
of these fishes tend to co-occur in the same reaches, of age 1 and age 2 P. lucius at the scale we
there is the potential for negative interactions examined.
between the two species. Predation on P. lucius by As predicted, our results suggested the spatial
juvenile I. punctatus is likely rare due to the limited distribution of P. lucius was linked to potential
fish prey they ingest (Tyus & Nikirk 1990), but they prey, but they did not support our prediction of
may have other deleterious impacts through competi- negative relationships between the catch numbers
tion for invertebrate prey or simply space, especially of P. lucius and CPUE of juvenile and adult
when resources are limiting (Tyus & Nikirk 1990; I. punctatus. Although correlative, the association
Tyus & Saunders 2000). Moreover, P. lucius have between age 2+ P. lucius and juvenile I. punctatus
been observed in the field with I. punctatus lodged in was positive, indicating that I. punctatus were not
their throats by the pectoral and dorsal spines of reducing the numbers of P. lucius collected at the
I. punctatus (Ryden & Smith 2002), indicating con- reach scale we investigated. Current efforts to
sumption of juvenile I. punctatus by P. lucius may mechanically remove I. punctatus from the San
be a source of mortality. However, controlled experi- Juan River assume negative interactions between
ments have suggested that this phenomenon may not I. punctatus and P. lucius (and other native fishes),
be common (Pimental et al. 1985). We suggest that but specific interactions between these species are
the positive association between age 2+ P. lucius and unknown. Identifying and understanding the biotic
juvenile I. punctatus is likely linked to similar habitat and abiotic mechanisms that are limiting survival
or prey preferences between the species. Although of all life stages of P. lucius in the San Juan
documented effects of interactions between juvenile River and the Colorado River basin as a whole is
I. punctatus and age 2+ P. lucius are limited, they essential for their recovery. Still, complexity of
may be partitioning habitats within reaches, which interactions between native and non-native species
would reduce any potential negative interactions. and their environment in large, open systems such
Assessment of habitat use by both I. punctatus and as the San Juan River make this task difficult.
P. lucius at a finer spatial scale would likely lend
insight into their habitat preferences and elucidate
potential interactions between the species.
Contrary to our prediction, the catch numbers of We thank the staff from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
age 1 and age 2+ P. lucius were not associated New Mexico Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office. This pro-
with the CPUE of predators (i.e., adult I. punctatus ject was only possible with the assistance and dedication of
>300 mm TL). Ictalurus punctatus individuals numerous individuals from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
become increasingly piscivorous when they reach Colorado River Project office; New Mexico Department of
Predicting the spatial distribution of P. lucius
Game and Fish, Conservation Services Division. Funding for Haynes, C.M., Lytle, T.A., Wick, E.J. & Muth, R.T. 1984.
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