RL Fact Sheet Saving Southern Residents 1 Revised

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ENSTU 300: Critical Thinking & Communication in Environmental Studies 1

Saving Southern Residents

Ryan Laguercia, Environmental Studies Program, California State University
Monterey Bay

Image Source: Seattle Aquarium

extinct, resulting in the loss of the apex
predator of the Pacific Northwest marine
Icons of the Pacific Northwest southern
ecosystem and a key indicator species for
resident killer whales (Orcinus Orca) are a
the health of our oceans.
source of wonder and awe for many and
hold significant cultural importance to
native tribes of the region. Because of their
proximity to major metropolitan areas,
One of eleven different identified ecotypes
human-caused stressors such as lack of prey
of killer whales (distinguishable from each
availability, exposure to toxic contaminants,
other based on individual markings, size,
and noise pollution are driving the decline of
vocalizations, and preferred prey), the
this population (Phillips, 2020). Popular
southern resident population consists of
belief is that if adequate action is not taken,
three pods, designated J, K, and L pods, that
the southern resident population will go
ENSTU 300: Critical Thinking & Communication in Environmental Studies 2

reside for part of the year in the inland

waterways of the Salish Sea on the outer Whale Sized Problems

coast of Washington (National Marine

A healthy population is dependent upon a
Fisheries Service, 2008). Throughout the
steady supply of food. Urban development
1960s and early 1970s, wild capture
in the Pacific Northwest has had a profound
fisheries significantly reduced the
impact on many prey species, none more
population of the three pods for exhibition at
than salmon. Data suggests that the largest
marine parks around the globe (Center for
of the region's salmon species, the chinook
Whale Research, n.d.). In 1973, the first
salmon, are the primary prey item of
population census was conducted, revealing
southern resident killer whales and comprise
an estimated population of 66 individuals.
close to 80% of their diet. Additionally, “the
Although the population rebounded over the
population’s annual presence in the vicinity
next two decades, reaching a peak of 98
of the San Juan Islands and Fraser River
individuals in 1995 (see figure 1.), that trend
mouth from late spring to early fall suggests
did not continue. Listed as an endangered
a dependence on salmon returning to this
species in 2005, the southern resident killer
river system” (Osborne 1999, p. 51 )(see
whale population has now declined to a
figure 2.).
forty-year low count of 74 individuals
(Southern Resident Killer Whales, 2021). Figure 2. Correlation between Chinook Salmon
abundance and Southern Resident Killer Whale
Figure 1. Census collected from 1990-2020 on the
mortality (1979-2008).
estimated population size of Southern Resident Killer
Whales. Note that this chart reflects data as of
January 2020 and does not account for recent births.

Image Source: ResearchGate

Image Source: Oceana USA

ENSTU 300: Critical Thinking & Communication in Environmental Studies 3

Due to the proximity southern residents kilometers around the noise source, thus
have to human activities, and their lowering survival rates and reproductive
elevated trophic level, bioaccumulation, success of individuals (Cominelli et al.,
and biomagnification of toxins are another 2018). Studies indicate that the whales

primary concern for these animals. Recent change their behavior in response to higher

studies on persistent organic pollutants noise levels in their environment. An

(POP) concentrations in chinook salmon increase in the loudness of calls, avoidance

of areas with high levels of vessel
revealed that southern resident killer whales
disturbance, and additional energy spent
are “exposed to much higher concentrations
swimming faster to avoid vessels have all
of POPs than their northern counterparts
been documented in this population as a
through the consumption of more
response to anthropogenic noise sources.
POP-contaminated chinook salmon” (Cullon
(Southern Resident Killer Whales, 2021).
et al., 2008, p.11). Additionally, individual
More time spent reacting to human
animals have been identified as possessing
interference means southern residents are
some of the highest PCB concentrations in
spending less time foraging and indicates
the animal kingdom. Other deadly toxins,
differential reproductive success compared
such as DDT and PBDEs, are also found in
to other killer whale ecotypes.
high concentrations, particularly in young
killer whales (Southern Resident Killer
Whales, 2021). The health impact of
Concluding Statements
exposure to these pollutants is not yet fully
understood. However, it is believed that in
addition to malnourishment, gestation and The unfortunate reality is most “marine

immune system function are among the mammal populations are often exposed to

processes most affected by repeated many forms of environmental degradation,

exposure to these POPs. including habitat deterioration, changes in
food availability, increased exposure to
Anthropogenic noise from commercial ships pollutants, and human disturbance”
poses another threat to the southern resident (National Marine Fisheries Service, 2008).
population. Sound from shipping interferes All these factors are identified threats to
with echolocation signals within several southern residents. Additionally, “these
ENSTU 300: Critical Thinking & Communication in Environmental Studies 4

factors have an even greater impact on the ce/article/pii/S0025326X18306209#

southern resident killer whale population
when they are combined than could be
Cullon, D. L., Yunker, M. B., & Alleyne, C.
predicted by studying any one factor by
itself” (Southern Resident Killer Whales, (2008, August 14). Persistent
2021). To adequately protect this keystone
Organic Pollutants in Chinook
species, policy that aims to support chinook
Salmon (Oncorhynchus
salmon populations decrease POPs, and
commercial vessel noise is imminently Tshawytscha): Implications for
needed, for, without it, we risk a Pacific
Resident Killer Whales of British
Northwest devoid of its apex predator.
Columbia and Adjacent Waters.

Literature Cited Https://Www.Proquest.Com/.

Retrieved February 18, 2022, from

Center for Whale Research. (n.d.). Orca
Population. CWR. Retrieved
February 9, 2022, from
Cominelli, S., Devillers, R., & Yurk, H.
National Marine Fisheries Service. (2008,
(2018, November 1). Noise exposure
January 17). Recovery plan for
from commercial shipping for the
southern resident killer whales
southern resident killer whale
(Orcinus orca).
population. ScienceDirect. Retrieved
Https://Library.Noaa.Gov/. Retrieved
February 18, 2022, from
February 9, 2022, from
ENSTU 300: Critical Thinking & Communication in Environmental Studies 5

https://repository.library.noaa.gov/vi February 17, 2022, from

ew/noaa/15975 https://www.epa.gov/salish-sea/southern-resi

Osborne, R. W. (1999). A Historical dent-killer-whales

Ecology Of Salish Sea "Resident”

Killer Whales {Orcinus orca): with

Implications For Management.


Retrieved February 18, 2022, from




Phillips, S. (2020, March 24). The Southern

Resident Killer Whale population is

in trouble, serious trouble. | Home.

Hubbs SeaWorld Research Institute.

Retrieved February 10, 2022, from




Southern Resident Killer Whales. (2021,

August 6). US EPA. Retrieved

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