This document examines trends in body condition of three Cichla species (Cichla temensis, C. orinocensis, and C. intermedia) in the Cinaruco River, Venezuela across different seasons and size classes. The key points are:
1) All three Cichla species had lowest body condition during the rising-water season following their reproduction period.
2) Only C. temensis had greater body condition during the falling-water season compared to the low-water season.
3) During the falling-water season, large C. temensis over 300mm SL had significantly greater body condition than smaller conspecifics, likely due to consuming migratory Semaprochil
This document examines trends in body condition of three Cichla species (Cichla temensis, C. orinocensis, and C. intermedia) in the Cinaruco River, Venezuela across different seasons and size classes. The key points are:
1) All three Cichla species had lowest body condition during the rising-water season following their reproduction period.
2) Only C. temensis had greater body condition during the falling-water season compared to the low-water season.
3) During the falling-water season, large C. temensis over 300mm SL had significantly greater body condition than smaller conspecifics, likely due to consuming migratory Semaprochil
This document examines trends in body condition of three Cichla species (Cichla temensis, C. orinocensis, and C. intermedia) in the Cinaruco River, Venezuela across different seasons and size classes. The key points are:
1) All three Cichla species had lowest body condition during the rising-water season following their reproduction period.
2) Only C. temensis had greater body condition during the falling-water season compared to the low-water season.
3) During the falling-water season, large C. temensis over 300mm SL had significantly greater body condition than smaller conspecifics, likely due to consuming migratory Semaprochil
This document examines trends in body condition of three Cichla species (Cichla temensis, C. orinocensis, and C. intermedia) in the Cinaruco River, Venezuela across different seasons and size classes. The key points are:
1) All three Cichla species had lowest body condition during the rising-water season following their reproduction period.
2) Only C. temensis had greater body condition during the falling-water season compared to the low-water season.
3) During the falling-water season, large C. temensis over 300mm SL had significantly greater body condition than smaller conspecifics, likely due to consuming migratory Semaprochil
condition of Cichla species in a tropical oodplain
river Introduction Migratory shes are an important component of aquatic food webs worldwide. Fish migration links food webs across landscapes by transporting produc- tion among seemingly disparate systems and providing a resource subsidy to resident consumers (Polis et al. 1997, 2004). For example, marine derived nutrients are transported by anadromous shes, such as salmon and alewife, into food webs of riverine (Garman & Macko 1998; MacAvoy et al. 2000; Chaloner et al. 2002) and terrestrial systems (Hilderbrand et al. 1999; Szepanski et al. 1999; Darimont & Reimchen 2002) through predation, gamete release, excretion or decomposition (especially in the case of salmon). In a similar manner, freshwater shes migrating from nutrient-rich oodplains into oligotrophic rivers may transport production among systems and represent a substantial resource subsidy for resident piscivores (Winemiller & Jepsen 1998, 2004). In tropical river systems, massive reproductive migrations crossing hundreds of kilometres are driven by wet-dry seasonality, with reproduction of migratory shes usually occurring during the high-water period in productive oodplains or ooded forests (Goulding 1980; Lowe-McConnell 1987). Among the most conspicuous of the Neotropical long-distance migrants are the prochilodontid shes of the genera Prochilodus and Semaprochilodus. These large characiform shes feed on detritus, algae and associated microorganisms (Bowen 1983; Bowen et al. 1984) and are the primary species of many commercial and subsistence sheries in South America (Welcomme 1990). Although spe- cics of prochilodontid spawning migrations may vary Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2006: 15: 398407 Printed in Singapore All rights reserved 2006 The Authors Journal compilation 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard ECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH 398 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0633.2006.00152.x Hoeinghaus DJ, Winemiller KO, Layman CA, Arrington DA, Jepsen DB. Effects of seasonality and migratory prey on body condition of Cichla species in a tropical oodplain river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2006: 15: 398407. 2006 The Authors Journal compilation 2006 Blackwell Munksgaard Abstract In this study we examine trends in body condition of three Cichla species native to the Cinaruco River, Venezuela. Specically, we characterise the potential subsidy provided by migratory Semaprochilodus kneri to Cichla by comparing condition among species, hydrologic seasons and different size-classes (based on the ability to consume S. kneri assuming gape-limitation). All three species had lowest body condition during the rising-water season (following the reproduction period). Only Cichla temensis had greater body condition during the falling-water season than low-water season. During the falling-water season, C. temensis >300 mm SL had signicantly greater condition than smaller conspecics. Annual migration of S. kneri into the river during the falling-water season provides a resource subsidy to large C. temensis. Transfer of whitewater production into nutrient-poor rivers by migratory shes appears to be a general phenomenon in the major Neotropical river basins and may partially account for high standing stocks of large piscivores in these unproductive ecosystems. D.J. Hoeinghaus 1,2, *, K.O. Winemiller 1 , C.A. Layman 3 , D.A. Arrington 4 , D.B. Jepsen 5 1 Section of Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Systematics, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA, 2 Kansas State University, Division of Biology, Manhattan, KS, USA, 3 Marine Biology Program, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, North Miami, FL, USA, 4 Loxahatchee River District, Jupiter, FL, USA, 5 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis Research Lab, Corvallis, OR, USA Key words: gape limitation; ribazon; predation; food web subsidy; Semaprochilodus kneri *Present address: D. J. Hoeinghaus, Kansas State University, Division of Biology, 104 Ackert Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA; e-mail: [email protected] Accepted for publication January 31, 2006 by region [e.g. Central Amazon Basin, Brazil Ribeiro & Petrere (1990); Vazzoler & Amadio (1990); Upper Parana Basin, Brazil Agostinho et al. (1993, 2003; Orinoco Basin, Venezuela Lilyestrom (1983); Barbarino-Duque et al. (1998)], in general, reproduction and feeding occur in productive ood- plains during the high-water period, and young-of-the- year form dense schools with adults to disperse throughout the river basin as water levels fall. In the Cinaruco River of western Venezuela, Semaprochilodus kneri (Pellegrin) migrate en mass into the system from the Orinoco oodplain during the falling-water period and provide a seasonally abundant prey resource to large piscivores. The consumption of migratory S. kneri may provide an important resource subsidy that allows large pisci- vores in this system to achieve greater condition, fecundity and population densities than based on in situ productivity alone (Winemiller & Jepsen 1998, 2004). In this study we analyse a database of weight and standard length (SL) data collected over 4 years to examine trends in body condition of three Cichla species, abundant piscivores native to the Amazon, Essequibo and Orinoco basins. Specically, we characterise the potential subsidy provided by S. kneri to Cichla by comparing body condition among species, during different hydrologic seasons, and in relation to gape limitations of different Cichla size classes and the ability to consume S. kneri. Materials and methods Regional description The llanos is an extensive grassland savanna in central and western Venezuela characterised by strong annual wet and dry seasonality (see Mach- ado-Allison 1990; Winemiller et al. 1996; Sarmiento & Pinillos 2001). Whitewater rivers draining the Andes, such as the Guanare and Portuguesa Rivers, deposit nutrient-rich alluvial sediments in oodplains of the Orinoco River during ood periods when broad expanses of the lowland llanos are inundated (Hoeinghaus et al. 2004). During the rainy season, many sh species migrate into nutrient-rich lowland rivers and ooded terrain where they spawn (Mach- ado-Allison 1990; Winemiller 1996). During the falling-water period, large schools dominated by Prochilodus and Semaprochilodus, locally called ribazo nes, ascend rivers of western Venezuela from the Orinoco River oodplain and Apure River delta (Barbarino-Duque et al. 1998; Layman & Winemiller 2005). School density gradually decreases as indivi- duals remain in upstream habitat, are caught by shermen (Rodriguez et al. in press), or are con- sumed by predators. Study area The Cinaruco River is a low-gradient oodplain tributary of the Orinoco River that originates and drains the south-western llanos near the Colombian border (632N, 6724W). Rivers such as the Cina- ruco, that originate in the llanos rather than the Andes Mountains, have low nutrient and suspended sediment loads because of the dystrophic nature of llanos soils (Montoya et al. 2006). Seasonal water level uctua- tions exceed 5 m, with peak inundation occurring in August. During the high-water period, thousands of square kilometres of surrounding savanna and gallery forest are ooded. Width of the main channel ranges from 50 to 200 m during the lowest point in the hydrologic cycle. Over 280 sh species have been collected from the Cinaruco River, with taxa repre- senting a wide range of ecological attributes and life history strategies (Arrington & Winemiller 2003; Hoeinghaus et al. 2003b; Arrington et al. 2005; Lay- man & Winemiller 2005; Layman et al. 2005c; Winemiller et al. 2006). Three species of Cichla, locally called pavo n, naturally occur in the Cinaruco River: C. temensis (Humboldt), C. orinocensis (Humboldt), and C. inter- media (Machado). Cichla intermedia is strongly associated with structured habitats in the main channel in or near fast currents and C. orinocensis is most common in shallow areas of lagoons near submerged branches or rocks (Jepsen et al. 1997). Cichla temensis occurs in a broad range of habitats in both lagoons and the main channel (Jepsen et al. 1997). All three species construct nests and spawn during the late low-water to early rising-water period (Winemiller et al. 1997; Jepsen et al. 1999) and cease feeding while brood guarding (Devick 1972; Zaret 1980; Jepsen et al. 1997). Pavo n are voracious piscivores, capable of causing community level shifts in prey species abundances and distributions (Zaret & Paine 1973; Jepsen et al. 1997; Layman & Winemiller 2004; Layman et al. 2005a). Analyses A database of weight and SL data for the three species of Cichla (C. temensis N 650, C. orinocensis N 675, C. intermedia N 73; Table 1) naturally occurring in the Cinaruco River, Venezuela was compiled from a mark-recapture study conducted between January 1999 and May 2003 (Hoeinghaus et al. 2003a). Fish were collected during all seasons from all representative habitat types (e.g. sand banks, lagoons, creeks and the main channel) in an effort to collect representative samples of the populations. All individuals were collected by hook and line, identied, weighed (g), measured (mm SL) and released at the Variation in Cichla body condition 399 location of capture. Although individuals were collec- ted during all seasons, sample sizes are substantially lower for all three species during the rising-water period (May to August) because Cichla cease feeding while brood-guarding and high water constraints limit shing effort (Table 1). For this reason, statistical analyses primarily compare condition during periods of falling (September to December) and low water (January to April). Comparisons are further limited for C. intermedia because this species is less abundant than its congeners. Individuals were separated into two size-classes based on the ability to consume S. kneri determined from morphological data assuming gape limitation. Maximum gape (mouth aperture in vertical dimension with jaws fully protruded) and SL was measured (to nearest mm) for a subset of Cichla specimens (N 61) to generate gapeSL relationships for each species. Semaprochilodus kneri SL and maximum body depth (vertical distance from the anterior inser- tion of the dorsal n to the ventrum) were measured (to nearest mm) for young-of-the-year individuals and post-spawn adults (age 1+) migrating into the Cina- ruco River during the falling-water period of 2003. Additional individuals were measured during the low- water period of 2004. Semaprochilodus kneri were collected by castnet and released following measure- ment. To evaluate the accuracy of gape limitation estimates based on morphological measures, stomach contents of Cichla were examined using the gastric lavage method (see Layman et al. 2005b) and SLs for all S. kneri occurring in stomachs were recorded along with the SL of the pavo n in which it was found. It is important to note that other species in the river undergo seasonal migrations similar to S. kneri, albeit in much lower densities. Specically, we have previously demonstrated that Leporinus spp. and Myleus spp. are also part of the ribazo n on the Cinaruco River (Layman & Winemiller 2005). However, in more than 2400 individual Cichla stomachs we have examined since 1994 (C. temensis N 1,365; C. orinocensis N 755; C. intermedia N 307), we have never found a member of these two genera in the stomach contents. Likewise, other sh species we believe may undergo seasonal migrations (e.g. Piractus brachypumum, Mylossoma aureus, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) have never been identied in Cichla stomachs. Semaprochilodus kneri, however, makes up approximately 50% of C. temensis diet during the falling-water period (Jepsen et al. 1997; Winemiller & Jepsen 1998), strongly suggesting C. temensis preferentially utilises this prey species and not others that undertake seasonal migrations. As such, we base our analysis in this paper on S. kneri only. Cichla body condition was evaluated using the relationship between weight and SL, W aL b , at three levels: taxonomic (among species), seasonal (among seasons within species) and size class (between size-classes within species and seasons). Weight and SL data were log-transformed to yield a linear relationship [log 10 (W) a + b(log 10 L)] in which b is the slope (allometric coefcient) and a is the intercept. Analysis of covariance (ancova) was used to test for differences among slopes and intercepts (when slopes did not differ) of the log- transformed data for the three levels of comparison. For all tests, log 10 W was the dependent variable and log 10 L the covariate. Depending on the level of comparison, the independent variable was species, season or size-class. For signicant main effects, pairwise comparisons of intercepts were performed, with the experiment-wide error rate maintained at a 0.05 using Bonferroni correction. Although other indices, such as Fultons K, are commonly used to assess sh condition, the calculation of least-squares regression parameters for a population or subgroup is a more accurate method of comparing lengthweight relationships (Cone 1989). Results Taxonomic and seasonal comparisons Signicant differences in body condition were observed at the taxonomic level. Intercepts of the log-transformed weightSL relationships were signi- cantly different among all species (Table 2). For individuals of the same SL, C. orinocensis weighed slightly more than its congeners and C. temensis weighed the least (Fig. 1). Table 1. Number of individuals available for analysis by species, season and size-class. Species N Season N Size-class N C. temensis 650 Falling 172 <300 46 >300 126 Low 472 <300 116 >300 356 Rising 6 <300 2 >300 4 C. orinocensis 675 Falling 78 <300 48 >300 30 Low 590 <300 202 >300 388 Rising 7 <300 6 >300 1 C. intermedia 73 Falling 10 <300 2 >300 8 Low 61 <300 13 >300 48 Rising 2 <300 0 >300 2 Hoeinghaus et al. 400 Signicant seasonal differences in body condition were observed for C. temensis and C. intermedia. Only C. temensis had signicantly higher condition during the falling water period (Table 2; Fig. 2b), whereas body condition of both species was signicantly lower during the rising water period (Table 2; Fig. 2b,d). No difference was observed in condition of C. intermedia between falling and low-water periods (comparisons were not made among the rising-water period because of limited sample size; Fig. 2f). Size-class comparisons Relationships between maximum gape and SL did not differ among Cichla species (ancova, F 0.835, d.f. 2, P 0.439), so the combined relationship (y 0.151x ) 5.999, R 2 0.924) was used to esti- mate mouth gape for all individuals using measures of SL attained at the time of capture. Maximum body depth of S. kneri increased with SL according to the relationship y 0.374x + 0.351, R 2 0.97. Based on the above morphological relationships and the size of young-of-the-year S. kneri captured migrating into the river during the falling water period of 2003, Cichla were separated into two size-classes: <300 and >300 mm SL, with 300 mm representing the threshold at which Cichla can consume S. kneri assuming gape limitation. The 300-mm threshold dened by morphological measurements conforms to dietary data from stomach contents analyses. The smallest Cichla from the Cinaruco River with a S. kneri recorded in its stomach was a C. temensis with 335 mm SL, captured November 1999 (number of stomachs exam- ined 1365). Stomach contents analyses illustrate that C. temensis preferentially consume young-of-the- year S. kneri even when their gape would allow them to consume larger individuals (Fig. 3). No S. kneri were identied from stomach contents of C. orino- censis (number of stomachs 755) or C. intermedia (number of stomachs 307), although both species attain sizes capable of consuming S. kneri. For Table 2. ancova results of body condition comparisons at the three levels of comparison: among species, among seasons within species and between size classes (<300 and >300 mm SL) within species and seasons. Species Factor d.f. F-value P-value All Species LogSL 2 0.445 0.641 Species 2 141.185 <0.001; O > I > T C. temensis Season LogSL 2 0.601 0.549 Season 2 19.014 <0.001; F > L > R Size-class Falling 1 5.442 0.021 Low 1 1.781 0.183 C. orinocensis Season LogSL 2 0.187 0.830 Season 2 5.975 0.003; F L > R Size-class Falling 1 1.487 0.227 Low 1 0.819 0.366 C. intermedia Season LogSL 1 0.194 0.661 Season 1 0.123 0.727 Size-class Low 1 0.674 0.415 For signicant main effects (bold values), pairwise comparisons of intercepts are provided in the adjacent column with underlined pairs not signicantly different (O, C. orinocensis; I, C. intermedia; T, C. temensis; F, falling; L, low; R, rising). Not all possible size-class or seasonal comparisons were performed because of insufcient sample sizes for some size-classes and seasons (Table 1). For C. intermedia, seasonal comparisons are for the falling and low-water periods only because of limited sample size. (a) (b) Fig. 1. Untransformed (a) and log-transformed (b) weight-standard length relationships for Cinaruco Cichla. Regression intercepts are signicantly different, with C. orinocensis > C. intermedia > C. temensis (see Table 2). Variation in Cichla body condition 401 Fig. 2. Untransformed and log-transformed weight-standard length relationships among seasons for each species. Seasons: falling, n low, s rising. See Table 2 for ancova results. Hoeinghaus et al. 402 example, this dataset contains 419 C. orinocensis and 58 C. intermedia that were >300 mm SL, more than half of the individuals measured for each species (Table 1). A single signicant difference was observed in body condition among size-classes for all intra-seasonal species comparisons. Large C. temensis (>300 mm SL) had signicantly higher condition than smaller individuals during the falling-water period, as evi- denced by a signicantly higher regression slope (Table 2; Fig. 4). Discussion We observed signicant species, seasonal and size- based differences in body condition of naturally occurring Cichla species of the Cinaruco River, Venezuela. Relationships between weight and SL likely differed among species because of differences in allocation of energy for growth. Based on growth rate estimates, C. temensis are longer and heavier than its congeners for individuals of the same age (Jepsen et al. 1999). Cichla temensis therefore have lower condition values because they increase body length at a faster rate than the other species, i.e. more biomass is allocated to increasing length rather than girth (Jepsen et al. 1999). General trends in Cichla body condition among seasons, on the other hand, are because of seasonal variation in prey densities, as well as seasonal reproduction by all three species. Tropical shes reveal diverse morphological and physiological adaptations to wetdry seasonality, most notably reproductive seasons that coincide with rising water levels that allow juveniles to feed in resource- rich oodplains (Goulding 1980; Lowe-McConnell 1987). During oodwater recession, shes are forced from the shallow refuges of the oodplain and prey densities increase in shrinking aquatic habitats. Large- bodied predators in tropical oodplain systems gener- ally exhibit increased foraging activity during the falling and low-water periods as prey are forced into deeper creeks, lagoons and the main river channel (Jepsen et al. 1997; Arrington et al. 2002; Hoeinghaus et al. 2003b; Arrington et al. 2006). Reproductive behaviour of Cichla species (nesting and brood-guarding) and low densities of optimally sized prey (e.g. depleted populations of S. kneri) combine to create a physiological winter during the end of the dry season and initial stages of the rising- water period (when remaining prey become widely dispersed), as evidenced by annual otolith bands (Lowe-McConnell 1964; Jepsen et al. 1999). We observed signicantly lower condition of both C. temensis and C. orinocensis during the rising-water period, but do not have sufcient data to fully investigate seasonal trends in condition for C. inter- media. Jepsen et al. (1999) observed otolith bands for all three Cichla species of the Cinaruco River, revealing that growth of all three species is lowest following the reproductive and brood-guarding period. Cichla temensis was the only species with signi- cantly greater body condition during the falling-water period than the low-water and rising-water periods. Comparison of C. temensis body condition among seasons, while excluding individuals >300 mm SL during the falling water period, yields the same trend observed for C. orinocensis and suggested for C. inter- media: condition did not differ signicantly among the falling and low-water periods, but was signicantly lower during the rising-water period. Cichla temensis large enough to consume S. kneri had signicantly higher condition than smaller individuals during the falling-water period. Although all three Cichla species in the Cinaruco exhibit seasonal variations in diet Fig. 3. Relationship between (a) Semaprochilodus kneri body depth and Cichla temensis maximum gape based on stomach contents analysis and (b) standard length and maximum body depth for S. kneri across the range of size classes that occur in the Cinaruco River throughout the hydrologic cycle. The solid line denotes mouth gapebody depth ratio 1 and dashed lines bound the size of S. kneri found in stomach contents. Variation in Cichla body condition 403 (Jepsen et al. 1997), large C. temensis appear to gain a growth advantage over its congeners and smaller conspecics by exploiting the annual arrival of large schools of S. kneri. Results from dietary and stable isotope analyses support the conclusion that greater body condition of large C. temensis during the falling-water period is because of the consumption of young-of-the-year S. kneri migrating into the system. During the falling water period, young-of-the-year S. kneri comprises approximately 50% of the prey volume in stomach contents of large (>40 cm SL) C. temensis (Jepsen et al. 1997; Winemiller & Jepsen 1998). Stable carbon isotope results directly tie the observed growth advantage of large C. temensis during the falling water period to assimilation of carbon ultimately derived from the Orinoco oodplain, i.e. through consumption of S. kneri (Winemiller & Jepsen 2004). While other species may move into the Cinaruco from the Orinoco oodplain, diet data suggests that S. kneri are by far the most important prey species (Layman et al. 2005c). Lipid concentration of dorsal muscle tissue in C. temensis is greatest during the falling-water period (Arrington et al. 2006). Energy stored in the form of lipids can be readily used for reproduction in the subsequent low water period. The previous studies mentioned above, combined with the body condition results presented here, indicate that young- of-the-year S. kneri provide large C. temensis with a substantial resource subsidy prior to the spawning season. This additional nutrition should permit them to attain higher fecundities and population densities than would be possible based on in situ production alone. Movement patterns and behavioural observations also suggest that young S. kneri are especially important for large C. temensis, whereas habitat associations or behaviours of C. orinocensis and C. intermedia may prevent or limit consumption of S. kneri. Hoeinghaus et al. (2003a) observed short- distance movement (500 m) of C. orinocensis, C. intermedia and small C. temensis in the Cinaruco River throughout the hydrologic cycle, however large C. temensis moved into the main river channel and exhibited longer downstream movements (up to 21 km) associated with the falling-water period. Observations of aggregations of large C. temensis attacking migrating schools of young-of-the-year S. kneri within lower reaches of the Cinaruco River during the early falling water period (October to December) suggest that some C. temensis move downstream prior to the upstream migration of S. kneri in order to maximise their opportunity to consume this seasonally abundant food resource. In contrast, C. orinocensis is widely and evenly distri- buted within ooded gallery forest during the falling- water period and C. intermedia is strongly associated with structured habitats with high current velocity. Semaprochilodus kneri are most abundant in relat- ively open low-velocity areas of the main river channel and connected lagoons, especially sandy beaches where they graze algae and detritus. Thus, large C. orinocensis and C. intermedia may not consume S. kneri simply because they do not occur in the same habitats. (a) (b) Fig. 4. Untransformed (a) and log-transformed (b) weightstandard length relationships among size classes (<300 and >300 mm SL) for Cichla temensis during the falling water period. Slopes are signicantly different (P 0.021; Table 2). Hoeinghaus et al. 404 By consuming migratory S. kneri, C. temensis, which only occur in clear or blackwater rivers, assimilate carbon originating from the vast and productive oodplains of the whitewater Orinoco River (Winemiller & Jepsen 2004). Consumption of S. kneri also increases ecological efciency as large piscivores, such as Cichla, are able to exploit prey of nearly optimal size (Winemiller & Taylor 1987) that also occupy low positions in the food web (Winemiller & Jepsen 1998; Layman et al. 2005b). The importa- tion of production from whitewater oodplains, together with the increased ecological efciency associated with short food chains, could account for the impressive secondary productivity of relatively nutrient-poor tropical rivers such as the Cinaruco. The transport of primary production from nutrient- rich whitewater rivers into oligotrophic clearwater and blackwater ecosystems by migratory shes appears to be a general phenomenon within the major Neotropi- cal river basins. In the Amazon Basin for example, migratory species of the genera Mylossoma, Colosso- ma, Anodus, Triportheus, Semaprochilodus, Prochil- dous and Brycon (which all feed at relatively low positions in the food web) occur in multiple river types as adults, but only reproduce in whitewater systems during the high-water period (Carvalho de Lima & Araujo-Lima 2004). Whitewater oodplains function as source habitats, and upstream migrations that distribute these species within the basin also serve to transport whitewater production into oligotrophic systems. Disruption of seasonal migrations by river impoundment or overshing, already widespread in the Orinoco Basin (Winemiller et al. 1996; Barbarino- Duque et al. 1998), is likely to have profound effects on ecosystem processes of the Cinaruco and other oligotrophic tropical rivers. Acknowledgements Edgar Pelaez, Jim Marzoula, Carol Marzoula and Glenn Webb provided logistical support through the Cinaruco River Fishing Club and Tour Apure. Don Taphorn at UNELLEZ provided logistical support and helped obtain sampling permits. Fish collections were made with shing permits 0439 and 0192 issued by the Servicio Autonomo de los Recursos Pesqueros y Acuicolas of Venezuela. We acknowledge reviewer sugges- tions, which improved the manuscript. This study was funded in part by a Texas Water Resources Institute Mills Scholarship and Research Scholarships from the Society of Wetland Scientists and TAMU Ofce of Graduate Studies (DJH), a US Environmental Protection Agency STAR Graduate Fellowship and Texas A & M Regents Fellowship (CAL), Tom Slick and William Bill Baab Conservation Fellowships (CAL and DAA), The L.T. Jordan Institute (DAA), The International Sportsh Fund (KOW, CAL and DAA), and National Science Foundation grants DEB-0411978 (KOW and CAL) and DEB- 0089834 (KOW). Facilities were made available to DJH at the Research Nucleus in Limnology, Ichthyology and Aquaculture (Nupelia) at the State University of Maringa (UEM), Brazil, during manuscript preparation. References Agostinho, A.A., Vazzoler, A.E.A.d.M., Gomes, L.C. & Okada, E.K. 1993. 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