Cormorant Abundance, Diet, and Foraging Habits in Arizona

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Harding, L. E., and J. I. Mesler. 2022. Cormorant abundance, diet, and foraging habits in Arizona. Journal of Field Ornithology 93
(3):6. [online] URL:

Avian Conservation and Management

Cormorant abundance, diet, and foraging habits in Arizona

Abundancia, dieta y hábitos de forrajeo de Cormoranes en Arizona
Larisa E. Harding 1 and Jacob I. Mesler 2

ABSTRACT. In Arizona, USA, Double-crested Cormorants (Nannopterum auritum) primarily overwinter, whereas Neotropic
Cormorants (N. brasilianum) are common residents year round. Concern exists that both species are increasing in numbers and may
have a negative impact on fish populations. We collected data during January 2017–April 2019 to characterize cormorant numbers
seasonally, describe their foraging patterns, and evaluate environmental factors associated with cormorant numbers at community
fishing waters. With more than 100 trained volunteers, we surveyed water bodies across the state simultaneously once each quarter of
the year during January 2017–March 2018. We also visited 36 community fishing waters and other locations to document cormorant
foraging activities and to explore potential associations between environmental factors and the maximum number of cormorants
counted at each site. We collected stomach contents from lethally sampled cormorants to examine size and species of consumed fish.
Our seasonal counts showed the greatest cormorant numbers during the winter and spring, with larger concentrations in metropolitan
areas and fewer birds at higher elevations. At community fishing waters, cormorants fed primarily on fish ≤12 cm long, though they
did consume larger sport fish in reservoirs and along the Colorado River. At community fishing waters, cormorant numbers were
positively associated with the number of artificial structures in/near the water’s edge and with the number of large trees within 200
meters of the water. To reduce cormorant numbers and their anticipated impacts, we recommend stocking larger, stout-bodied fish
and removing woody vegetation close to shorelines while adding fully submerged structures to provide security cover for fish from
cormorants. This study is unique and important in that it addresses cormorant populations located in the southwestern USA, an area
that has not historically been viewed as waterbird habitat, and it presents an unbiased evaluation of cormorant foraging activities in
desert areas manipulated by water. It also offers reasonable, non-lethal actions to reducing potential cormorant impacts on aquatic
RESUMEN. En Arizona, EE. UU., Nannopterum auritum es residente durante el invierno, mientras que N. brasilianum es residente
común a lo largo del año. Existe preocupación que las dos especies estén incrementando sus números y puedan tener un efecto negativo
sobre las poblaciones de peces. Colectamos datos durante enero 2017- abril 2019 para caracterizar los números estacionales de
cormoranes, describir sus patrones de forrajeo y evaluar los factores ambientales asociados con los números de los cormoranes en
aguas de pesca comunitaria. Con más de 100 voluntarios entrenados, monitoreamos simultáneamente los cuerpos de agua a través del
estado una vez cada tres meses del año durante enero 2017-marzo 2018. También visitamos 36 cuerpos de agua de pesca comunitaria
y otras localidades para documentar las actividades de forrajeo de los cormoranes y explorar las asociaciones potenciales entre factores
ambientales y el número mínimo de cormoranes contados en cada sitio. Colectamos el contenido estomacal de cormoranes letalmente
muestreados para examinar el tamaño y las especies de peces consumidos. Nuestro conteo estacional mostro un mayor número de
cormoranes durante el invierno y la primavera, con las mayores concentraciones en áreas metropolitanas y menores aves a mayores
elevaciones. En aguas de pesca comunitaria, los cormoranes se alimentaron principalmente de peces ≤12 cm de longitud, sin embargo,
consumieron peces más grandes de especies utilizadas en pesca deportiva en reservorios a lo largo del rio Colorado. En las aguas de
pesca comunitarias, los números de los cormoranes estuvieron positivamente asociados con el número de estructuras artificiales dentro
del agua o cerca del borde y con el número de arboles grandes dentro de una distancia de 200 metros del agua. Para reducir los números
de cormoranes y sus impactos anticipados, recomendamos la siembra de peces más grandes, de cuerpo robusto y remover la vegetación
maderable cerca de las costas adicionando estructuras completamente sumergidas para proveer cubiertas de seguridad para los peces
de los cormoranes. Este estudio es único e importante pues aborda las poblaciones de cormoranes ubicadas en el suroeste de EE. UU.,
un área que no ha sido históricamente considerada como hábitat para aves acuáticas y presenta una evaluación insesgada de las
actividades de forrajeo en áreas de desierto manipuladas por el agua. También provee acciones razonables y no letales para reducir el
impacto potencial de los cormoranes sobre los recursos acuáticos
Key Words: Arizona; community fishing; Double-crested Cormorant; Nannopterum; Neotropic Cormorant; Phalacrocorax; piscivory;

INTRODUCTION Adkins et al. 2014, Herbert et al. 2014), but very little is known
Cormorant (Phalacrocorax and Nannopterum spp.) habits and of their habits and population dynamics in the southwestern
impacts are relatively well documented in Europe and Asia (e.g., USA. In the last 40 years, cormorant numbers have increased
Russell et al. 2012, Klimaszyk and Rzymski 2016, and citations significantly throughout Europe (e.g., Russell et al. 2012,
therein), eastern North America (USFWS 2003 and citations Klimaszyk and Rzymski 2016, and citations therein) and North
therein), and along the Pacific Coast (e.g., Carter et al. 1995, America (e.g., Weseloh et al. 1995, Pacific Flyway Council 2012),

Arizona Game and Fish Department, 2U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Journal of Field Ornithology 93(3): 6

creating a variety of concerns related to habitat changes, including voiced concerns that cormorant numbers and their nearly year-
guano killing trees (e.g., Hebert et al. 2014, Ayers et al. 2015, round residency have negatively impacted sport fishing
Klimaszyk and Rzymski 2016, Lafferty et al. 2016), potential opportunities and success across the state. However, few studies
negative impacts on fisheries (e.g., Rudstam et al. 2004, Dorr et have been conducted on cormorants in the Southwest,
al. 2012, van Eerden et al. 2012, Schultz et al. 2013), reduction of particularly for Neotropic Cormorants, and the lack of empirical
waterbird diversity (Farquhar et al. 2012, Dorr and Fielder 2017), data on cormorant populations in the southwestern USA creates
property damage (Dorr et al. 2014), and sanitation concerns challenges in knowing what impacts the birds may have, but also
(Klimaszyk and Rzymski 2016). for developing timely and effective management strategies to
address them (Dorr and Somers 2012).
Prior to 1998, conflict issues with cormorants in the USA were
largely managed through non-lethal methods, with some limited The goal of our study was to collect empirical data to inform
lethal take authorized by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service management decisions related to cormorant population
(USFWS) under depredation permits on a case by case basis management, fish stocking, and aquatic habitat enhancement
(Wires et al. 2001). After 1998, Double-crested Cormorants practices in Arizona. Our first objective was to seasonally estimate
(Nannopterum auritum) in the eastern United States were a minimum count of both Double-crested and Neotropic
managed under the USFWS Aquaculture Depredation Order Cormorants in Arizona. Second, we sought to investigate the
(AQDO; 50 Code of Federal Regulations, i.e., CFR 21.47) and movement of individual birds across the landscape. Our third
after 2003 also under the Public Resource Depredation Order objective was to describe the composition of consumed fish by
(PRDO; formerly in 50 CFR 21.48), which allowed take without size, shape, and species, and our last objective was to evaluate
a permit to reduce conflicts with aquaculture and public potential associations between environmental factors and the
resources, including fisheries. Both the AQDO and PRDO were number of cormorants at community fishing waters.
vacated by lawsuit in 2016. However, these regulations had little
or no effect on western populations because they did not apply METHODS
to the western states. Currently, depredation permits can be Study area
obtained for Neotropic Cormorants (N. brasilianum) and there Well known for its vast desert landscapes, Arizona, USA, is also
was a separate special depredation permit for Double-crested home to numerous large reservoirs and hundreds of man-made
Cormorants established in February 2021 (50 CFR 21.123; lakes and ponds, many of which are stocked seasonally with sport
USFWS 2020a). fish. In addition, Arizona’s land mass is bounded by the Colorado
Arizona is inhabited by two species of cormorants that have been River on its west side, and rivers such as the Gila, Salt, and Verde
protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act since 1972 flow through much of the state’s interior. Ecosystems and
(USFWS 2013). Neotropic Cormorants are present as resident elevations in Arizona vary from low-elevation Sonoran Desert
populations, whereas Double-crested Cormorants are present in (~21 m) to alpine systems above 3658 m. Mean temperatures may
large numbers primarily during winter and spring. Double- range from -7°C at high elevations in winter to 41°C, and
crested Cormorants are the most abundant and widely distributed frequently exceed 43°C in the low deserts in summer (http://www.
of the six species of cormorants in North America (Pacific Flyway Precipitation may come as snowfall in the
Council 2012). Historically, Double-crested Cormorants were at mountains, as monsoonal moisture in the summer, and as winter
low population levels and caused relatively little concern to rains from the Pacific. Land use in Arizona is partitioned between
resource managers in Arizona (USFWS 2003). Bird counts such metropolitan centers, ranching and agricultural communities,
as the Christmas Bird Count (CBC; National Aububon Society Native American lands, and vast expanses of state and federal
2010), state waterbird surveys by the Arizona Game and Fish land.
Department (hereafter AZGFD, unpublished data), and public To address our objectives, our study included both naturally
birding observations (recorded in e.g., suggest occurring and artificial waters on non-tribal land throughout
that numbers of both species are increasing in Arizona, Arizona. Natural waters and larger reservoirs, such as the
particularly for Neotropic Cormorants. Some data also suggest Colorado River and its tributaries, were included because they
an expanding distribution for Neotropic Cormorants in Arizona, presented important waterbird habitat. Cormorant stomach
although they are still relatively rare in other western states (eBird contents were also sampled from the Colorado River and other
2018). large reservoirs because these waters contained both native fish
Cormorants are piscivorous and often form sizeable colonies that (e.g., razorback sucker, Xyraucben texanus; bonytail chub, Gila
can collectively consume large numbers of fish (Dorr et al. 2014, elegans) and sport fish. The last objective focused on artificial
Klimaszyk and Rzymski 2016, Telfair and Morrison 2020). waters that support AZGFD’s community fishing program (CFP)
Cormorants may forage up to 62 km (38.5 mi) from nesting or because of concerns related to increased cormorant presence at
nighttime roosts, and their daily foraging patterns are dynamic, these sites. To address this objective, we selected CFP waters (n =
with colonies changing feeding sites in response to changes in fish 36) located in the Phoenix, Prescott, Tucson, and Yuma
availability (Anderson et al. 2004, Lyons et al. 2007). In Arizona, metropolitan areas (Fig. 1, Table A1.1). All CFP waters were
both species have been observed in large numbers at daytime stocked every 2-4 weeks by AZGFD and, given that all waters in
feeding and loafing sites, night roosts, and nesting areas. Their the CFP were artificial, many had limited cover and little to no
apparent expansion in Arizona has caused concerns over their natural or artificial habitat suitable for self-sustaining populations
perceived or real impacts on both the sport fish industry and of sport fish (e.g., trout, Oncorhynchus, Salmo spp.; largemouth
native fish conservation. For example, anglers in Arizona have bass, Micropterus salmoides; and channel catfish, Ictalurus
Journal of Field Ornithology 93(3): 6

punctatus). Many sites also contained other forage or prey species, Cormorant movements
like tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), threadfin or gizzard shad We captured cormorants to document their movements across
(Dorosoma petenense, D. cepedianum), and fathead minnows Arizona. Between August 2017 and April 2018, we used modified
(Pimephales promelas). For CFP waters developed in the last noose mats akin to bal-chatri traps (Foster and Fitzgerald 1982,
decade, AZGFD commonly stocked a “starter package” Schemnitz 1996), bow nets and small throw nets, and nighttime
containing fathead minnows, small largemouth bass, and small netting from kayaks (King et al. 1994) to capture and mark a
bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) that were allowed to grow for subset of cormorants within Arizona. While set, traps remained
several months before larger sport fish species were stocked. Shad under constant surveillance so that snared birds could be quickly
species and tilapia were often introduced to waters by processed and released. All animals were handled using
municipalities or communities as control agents for algae or standardized AZGFD avian handling practices in adherence with
aquatic insects and larvae. stipulations outlined in the 50 CFR 21 guidelines (USFWS 2020b)
and the Federal Bird Banding Lab (BBL) for permitting purposes.
Fig. 1. Community fishing program (CFP) waters in Only staff authorized on AZGFD’s Federal Bird Banding permit
metropolitan centers in Arizona sampled in this study. Major (USDA-BBL permit 06613) tagged cormorants. We placed
interstates are shown for reference. A) CFP waters around captured cormorants in damp pillowcases for holding and covered
Phoenix metropolitan area, B) CFP waters near Yuma, AZ, their eyes and heads during handling to prevent injury and reduce
and C) CFP waters near Tucson, AZ. stress. We minimized bird handling time and tagged each bird
with a colored, uniquely numbered patagial tag on each wing and
released tagged birds at their capture sites.
Composition and size of consumed fish
We examined characteristics of consumed fish in three ways. First,
AZGFD staff and trained citizen observers documented
cormorants’ feeding (i.e., actively diving for fish and swallowing
or manipulating a fish in the bill upon resurfacing). Each observer
was assigned an area and asked to visit any water bodies within
it at least once each quarter. On site, an observer recorded the
location, time, and date of the observation. When cormorants
were present, observers were asked to watch a group of
cormorants for 15 minutes and note the following each time they
saw a cormorant with a fish: (1) cormorant species and age (adult,
juvenile), (2) size of the fish, as estimated relative to the length of
the bird’s bill in half-bill length increments (e.g., ≤ 1 x, 1.5 x, 2.0
x bill length), (3) fish shape (e.g., slim and elongated versus short
Estimating minimum population size and round), (4) fish color and species, if feasible, and (5) whether
To generate minimum counts of each cormorant species in or not the bird was successful in swallowing the fish. At the end
Arizona, we recruited more than 100 citizen observers to assist in of the 15 minutes, if more than 1 group of cormorants was present,
conducting seasonal statewide counts for cormorants in January, observers were asked to select another group of cormorants and
March, May, and September 2017, and again in January and repeat the process. Our observers were asked to record at least 10
March 2018. We trained citizen observers in cormorant species 15-minute sessions each quarter during their visits to various
identification and survey protocols. In efforts to visit as many waters. Each observation of a cormorant feeding was considered
waters as possible each season, we assigned observers specific, an independent event, even if observers knowingly or incidentally
non-overlapping geographic areas within metropolitan areas and watched the same bird or birds from the same group consume or
asked them to count cormorants at all accessible waters within attempt to swallow several fish.
those areas during each quarterly count. We also assigned
As a second means of characterizing cormorant prey, we collected
volunteers to count at large reservoirs and wildlife refuges that
samples that captured cormorants regurgitated in the traps noted
contained water bodies across the state. We conducted each count
above. We collected and froze the regurgitant to visually examine
on one day per season between 0700 and 1200, assuming that
and identify prey species as feasible. Cormorant species and age,
counts conducted in the same five-hour window would reduce the
number of fish, total fish length (cm) or estimated length of partial
potential of double-counting birds as they moved from night
fish (cm; compared to intact reference fish in the sample), fish
roosts or between daily feeding and loafing sites. At each water
species (if possible), body girth (cm), body shape, and color were
body, observers counted adult and juvenile cormorants by species,
also recorded.
as well as any cormorants they could not identify to species. For
January counts, when it was still dark at 0700, we shifted Lastly, we obtained a scientific collection permit from the USFWS
observation start times to correspond with sunrise. We compiled (Permit MB02476D-0) that allowed the lethal collection of a
and plotted count locations and conducted all subsequent spatial sample (n = 10-120 birds in specified counties) of each of the 2
analyses in a GIS platform (ArcGIS, v. 10.4.1; ESRI 2018). We species to examine stomach contents. We identified potential
standardized an observation rate (birds/hour) each season by collection sites from our quarterly counts and contracted the U.
dividing the total number of observed cormorants by the sum of S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health
all reported observer hours. Inspection Service Wildlife Services (hereafter Wildlife Services)
Journal of Field Ornithology 93(3): 6

to collect cormorants using shotguns from January through Cormorants use large trees for roosting, nesting, and perhaps as
March 2019 when cormorants were abundant in Arizona. Wildlife perching structures to view fish (e.g., USFWS 2003, 2017, Koh et
Services agents were instructed to collect birds after they had al. 2012), so we also visually counted the number of trees > 2 m
opportunities to forage for fish in the morning hours. Upon tall within 200 m of shorelines that could be used for roosting or
collection, carcasses were frozen immediately and we later loafing between feeding bouts and the number of active nests in
necropsied birds to remove any fish or fish parts from the gullet the same area (Table A1.2). We relied on published descriptions
and stomach of each individual. Fish samples were identified and of CFP waters from AZGFD’s community fishing guidebook
documented as above. No attempt was made to identify fish bones ( to characterize
or substantially digested stomach contents. We also measured and water size and depth and the stocked fish species at each site. We
calculated an average bill length (cm) for each cormorant species also included days since fish stocking events, based on AZGFD
on a subsample of the birds that were lethally collected and used fish stocking records. We used standardized criteria for visually
mean bill lengths to estimate length for fish captured/consumed estimating covariates, and whenever possible, the same observer
by cormorants during feeding observations relative to the length scored covariates at CFP sites to minimize any observer bias. We
of the bird’s bill. also collected data on human activity, e.g., the number of people
and dogs present, because we postulated they could significantly
To examine potential cormorant take of fish specifically at CFP
alter cormorant numbers at a site.
sites, we used a mean value from published ranges of daily dietary
requirements for fledged Double-crested Cormorants in the We then took the maximum number of cormorants counted at a
northeastern USA (0.750 kg/bird/day; Schultz et al. 2013) and CFP water site during any of our quarterly counts as the
Neotropic Cormorants in South America (0.425 kg/bird/day; dependent variable and used multivariate regression analyses to
Barquete et al. 2008) to estimate take by each cormorant species examine potential relationships between the above covariates and
per day, regardless of what fish species were present. We multiplied the maximum number of cormorants counted. To do so, we first
the daily dietary estimate by the maximum number of cormorants removed covariates that we observed were greatly influenced by
by species we observed during any one quarterly count at each the time of day or season recorded (e.g., the number of people
CFP site, assuming all birds to be fledged, to generate an estimate and dogs present) or with lower biological relevance to cormorant
of potential mass of fish consumed during any one day presence (e.g., tree cover). Then we performed a correlation test
cormorants were present in a quarter at a site. We then divided on remaining habitat covariates using the Pearson correlation
potential mass of fish consumed by the surface area (in hectares) coefficient and considered variables to be correlated when r² ≥
of the CFP site to standardize the estimate across sites that varied 0.50. For correlated covariates, we included the variable we
in size. We acknowledge this may under- or overestimate the total deemed most biologically relevant to cormorants in the model.
mass of fish consumed across time because bird numbers at any However, too many variables still remained that were below the
given site likely fluctuate. cut-off value (r² ≥ 0.50), so we removed additional parameters
that we deemed redundant to variables included in the final model
Cormorants at community fishing waters (e.g., we removed covariates for the number of roost trees and the
To evaluate environmental factors potentially associated with the number of trees > 2 m tall within 3 m of shore because we included
numbers of cormorants at CFP waters (Fig. 1), we visited a variable for the number of trees > 2 m tall within 200 m of shore,
operating CFP waters (n = 36; Table A1.1) in the Phoenix area, which contained all the trees covered by the former 2 covariates).
Prescott, Tucson, and Yuma to collect covariate data on site.
These waters were stocked with sport fish by the AZGFD, had We determined that our data were overdispersed by comparing
high angling demand and activity, and some experienced high model residual deviance to the residual degrees of freedom
numbers of cormorants whereas others had low numbers of (Harrison 2014), possibly as a result of zero inflation in our count
cormorants. We initially identified covariates based on proposed data caused by the tendency of birds to clump (Schneider and
environmental variables in existing literature or postulated by Duffy 1985, Lindén and Mäntyniemi 2011). A negative binomial
AZGFD personnel working at CFP waters to affect cormorant GLM was selected because of its higher performance when using
abundance at waters. Covariate data collected at each site (Table overdispersed data compared to Poisson models (White and
A1.2) included the number of artificial features (e.g., docks, ‘reef’ Bennetts 1996, Warton et al. 2016). We conducted all statistical
blocks, low head dams, buoys) floating, partially submerged or analyses in program R and tested all possible combinations (n =
visible under the water, or on the ground within three meters of 120) of selected covariates using the “MuMIn_dredge” package
the shoreline, as well as the number of natural structures (e.g., (Barton 2013) and ranked models by comparing Akaike’s
aquatic vegetation, boulders, deadfall) and any islands present in Information Criterion (AIC) values (Burnham and Anderson
the water. Usually, water clarity and depth visually obscured any 2002).
fully submerged features farther than the first few meters from
the shoreline, and AZGFD had scant records on what types or RESULTS
numbers of underwater features were available to fish, so we did
not quantify underwater features beyond what we could see from Estimated minimum abundance
the shore. We also visually estimated primary plant cover as the We surveyed 1048 unique bodies of water between January 2017
percent cover of bare ground, herbaceous vegetation, shrubs, or and March 2018. Our quarterly statewide counts suggested that
trees within three meters of shorelines and recorded vegetation cormorants were most prevalent during winter 2017 (Fig. 2). The
types on islands. total number of cormorants then declined by more than half in
the spring, was lowest during summer, increased during fall, and
peaked again in winter 2018. Overall cormorant abundance (i.e.,
Journal of Field Ornithology 93(3): 6

both species and unidentified cormorants) was 4.4 times greater Unfortunately, we were unable to trap and mark a sufficient
in winter than in summer. Neotropic Cormorant numbers were number of cormorants to inform our second objective farther
9.5 times more abundant in winter than summer and remained than we have reported with the estimates here.
higher in summer than in fall, and Double-crested Cormorants
were 9.3 times more abundant in winter than summer, when they Composition and size of fish
were at their lowest numbers. Observer effort varied by season, In total, we completed 7634 observations of cormorants.
but observation rate (birds per hour) followed the same general Although we considered each observation of a cormorant as an
trend as cormorant numbers, being highest in winter and spring independent event, our data may include repeat observations of
and lower in summer and fall (Fig. 2). some individual birds. Of the 7634 observations, 6110
observations (of 198 Double-crested, 5718 Neotropic, and 194
unknown cormorant species) were of non-feeding birds. We
Fig. 2. Number of cormorants observed and observation rate observed cormorants feeding or attempting to feed during 1524
(birds/hour) for seasonal counts in Arizona, USA, January observations (of 41 Double-crested and 1483 Neotropic
2017-March 2018. Cormorants; Table 1).
We captured 26 cormorants, but we only collected 10 regurgitant
samples from Neotropic Cormorants. Birds often vomited while
caught in the nooses, but if other cormorants were nearby, free
birds quickly consumed regurgitated fish. We collected 154 intact
or partially digested fish in samples. We did not include
regurgitant samples in the totals reported in Tables 1-3 because
only one-third of the fish (n = 51/154) were intact. Mean length
of regurgitated fish, including both actual or estimated length,
was 4.5 cm (n = 154, range = 0.4-11.4 cm); mean girth of
regurgitated fish, including both actual or estimated girth, was
2.6 cm (n = 154, range = 0.2-9.6 cm). None of the intact fish in
regurgitant samples measured > 11.4 cm in length or > 9.6 cm in
girth. Estimated average mass of fish using length and girth was
2.7 g (n = 154, range 0.001-34.2 g). Fish that could be identified
included bluegill (n = 59), threadfin shad (n = 5), tilapia (n = 9),
fathead minnows (n = 2), mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis; n = 26),
and unknown shad (n = 17).
Geographically, we observed higher numbers of Neotropic
Cormorants in all seasons within the Phoenix and Tucson We lethally collected 68 cormorants from 6 counties and 11 water
metropolitan areas than in other areas of the state. In winter, bodies in Arizona. Wildlife Services agents collected all
Double-crested Cormorants were observed in relatively high cormorants between 1030 and 1645, so birds had time to forage
numbers within the Phoenix area, near Yuma, and along the prior to being removed. Firearm restrictions precluded efficient
Colorado River in western Arizona, but also occurred in isolated sampling in populated residential and commercial areas. As such,
lakes and at higher elevations during the spring and fall seasons. lethally sampled cormorants were removed primarily from large
rivers and reservoirs rather than CFP waters as initially planned.
Cormorant movements We removed stomach contents from 43 Double-crested
We captured and tagged 23 Neotropic Cormorants (17 adults, 6 Cormorants (27 adults, 16 juveniles), of which 32 contained
juveniles) and 3 juvenile Double-crested Cormorants. We trapped partial or whole fish. One additional bird’s stomach had only fish
all birds from three sites in the Phoenix metropolitan area despite bones and a second had indeterminate digested material. We
our efforts to trap at several locations. We caught 23 birds using examined stomach contents from 25 Neotropic Cormorants (20
the modified noose mats and flushed 3 from night roosts and adults, 5 juveniles), 16 of which contained partial or whole fish.
netted them on the water. We asked citizen observers, Two more contained fish bones and endoparasites, a third had
birdwatchers, and the general public to report tagged birds from only endoparasites, and a fourth contained indeterminate
September 2017-December 2018. We observed 13 tagged material. Fish species included sport fish like bluegill, largemouth
individuals a total of 51 times at 12 different water bodies bass, and channel catfish, as well as smaller forage fish like shad
throughout Phoenix from September 2017-April 2018. Eight and minnows (Tables 2 and 3). Double-crested Cormorants ate
tagged individuals were reported on greater than one occasion fish primarily elongate in shape (98%; Table 2); three birds
(four were observed twice after capture, and four individuals were consumed fish with round body shape. One fish was a black
seen an additional three, four, five, and six times after capture), crappie (Dorosoma cepedianum; 27.0 cm); the other 2 were a
whereas five cormorants had only one sighting after capture. We gizzard shad (32.0 cm) and an unknown shad (23.0 cm). Lethally
documented mortality of one tagged cormorant a few days post sampled Neotropic Cormorants consumed only fish with
release. Time between consecutive sightings of tagged individuals elongate body shape (Table 3). Overall, fish eaten by Double-
averaged 92 days (SD = 66.7) and ranged 12-210 days. Assuming crested Cormorants had a mean length of 10.0 cm (range 4.0-32.5
linear distances between observation points, tagged cormorants cm, n = 134), whereas those taken by Neotropic Cormorants were
traveled a mean minimum distance of 17.5 km (SD = 25.1 km) smaller, with an average length of 8.5 cm (range 5.0-13.0 cm, n =
and ranged 0.47-78.1 km from their original capture locations. 68). Approximately half the samples of forage fish species were
Journal of Field Ornithology 93(3): 6

Table 1. Count of fish in size and shape classes successfully swallowed (attempted, but not successfully swallowed) by adult, juvenile,
and unknown age cormorants at all observed waters in Arizona, USA, 2017-2018 (n = 52 observations of Double-crested Cormorants,
Nannopterum auritum, n = 1970 observations of Neotropic Cormorants, N. brasilianum). Fish size was estimated relative to the bill
length of the cormorant holding it.

Adult Cormorants Juvenile Cormorants Unknown Age Cormorants

Fish Size Elongate Round Unknown Elongate Round Unknown Elongate Round Unknown Total
Double-crested Cormorants
≤ 10 cm 0 (2) 21 2 1 (1) 1 8 1 0 0 34 (3)
15 cm 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 3
20 cm 2 (1) 2 0 0 (1) 2 0 0 0 0 6 (2)
25 cm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
≥ 30 cm 0 (1) 1 1 0 0 (1) 0 0 0 0 2 (2)

Neotropic Cormorants
≤ 8 cm 219 855 (1) 336 (2) 67 78 117 (4) 18 24 96 (1) 1810 (8)
12 cm 2 35 (1) 5 1 0 1 0 2 (2) 1 47 (3)
16 cm 7 51 (3) 9 4 2 3 1 2 (4) 2 81 (7)
20 cm 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
≥ 24 cm 1 (1) 6 (2) 0 0 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 (1) 7 (5)

partially digested but intact enough to estimate a minimum site (Fig. 3, Table A1.1) suggested that most CFP waters (~95%)
length, so measurements reported include minimum estimates of potentially lost no more than 5 kg/ha of fish to cormorants on a
total length for some fish and actual total length on others. We given day. However, a few of the CFP sites could potentially
did not measure girth of fish removed from cormorant stomachs, experience significant losses to depredation by cormorants (e.g.,
but they generally fell within the range of sizes we observed in 23 kg/ha/day at West Wetlands in winter, 36 kg/ha/day at Eldorado
both regurgitant samples and feeding observations. in spring; Table A1.1). These data also suggested that smaller
waters (i.e., < 5 ha size) may experience greater proportional
We measured bill length on 38 lethally sampled cormorants. Mean
losses, even though larger lakes (e.g., Tempe Town Lake at 91 ha)
bill length was 9.8 cm (range 8.4-10.5 cm, n = 32) for adult and
may see more birds.
juvenile Double-crested Cormorants combined and 8.1 cm (range
7.5-9.0 cm, n = 6) for Neotropic Cormorants. We rounded mean
bill lengths to 10 cm and 8 cm, respectively, and binned fish lengths Fig. 3. Estimated potential fish consumed (kg/ha/day) by
from cormorant feeding observations into half-bill increments. cormorants in Arizona Community Fishing Program waters
during each sampling season, January 2017-March 2018. For
During our cormorant feeding observations, we observed that outliers above 10 kg/ha/day, see Appendix 1, Table A1.1.
many birds actively swallowed small fish as they surfaced from Estimates calculated using maximum number of birds observed
diving trips, suggesting cormorants likely also consumed other on a single day during each quarterly count at each surveyed
small prey underwater (Grémillet et al. 2006). Of the fish seen by community fishing water and published feeding rates for each
observers when the birds surfaced (Table 1), Double-crested cormorant species. ‘x’ denotes a mean value each season in the
Cormorants primarily consumed fish estimated ≤ 10 cm in length estimates for potential fish losses.
(71.2%, n = 52 observations), whereas Neotropic Cormorants fed
primarily on fish ≤ 8 cm long (92.3%, n = 1970 observations). We
were unable to estimate the sizes of fish eaten by 9 birds. Only 143
of the observations made of cormorants to look for feeding
activity occurred at CFP waters, though we frequently visited CFP
waters throughout the year. Of the 143, 91 were non-feeding
observations, leaving 52 observations of cormorants feeding or
attempting to feed. At CFP waters, 4 Double-crested Cormorants
successfully swallowed 2 fish estimated at 10 cm, 1 at 15 cm, and
1 elongate fish 20-cm long. A fifth Double-crested Cormorant
attempted to swallow an elongate fish 20 cm long but was
unsuccessful. At CFP sites, 47 observations of Neotropic
Cormorants showed the birds had increasing difficulty
swallowing larger and more round-shaped fish. For instance, only
1 of 19 attempts to swallow fish ≤ 8 cm long was unsuccessful,
whereas 11 of 28 attempts to swallow a fish > 8 cm were
unsuccessful, particularly if the fish were round (n = 9 of 11) in Cormorants at community fishing waters
shape. We visited 36 CFP waters in Phoenix, Tucson, Yuma, and Prescott
and collected site-specific information at each. The same observer
Estimated total mass/hectare of fish potentially consumed in a
visually estimated covariates at 75% of all CFP sites in an effort
single day each quarter when cormorants were present at a CFP
to reduce observer bias. Almost half (46%) of CFP sites lacked
Journal of Field Ornithology 93(3): 6

Table 2. Average fish length in cm (sample size) of fish removed from stomachs of lethally sampled Double-crested Cormorants
(Nannopterum auritum) in large rivers or reservoirs in Arizona, USA, January-March 2019. Fish were classified as being ‘elongate’ in
body shape; some measurements (~ half) represent a minimum length if fish were partial but could still be estimated in length and
identified. Note: BWNWR = Bill Williams National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), COR = Colorado River.

Unk Unk Unk Fish
† ‡ § | ¶ # †† ‡‡ §§
Apache Lake 10.5(1) 5.4(6) 5.8(16)
BWNWR 17.0(1) 16.0(1)
Catfish Paradise 15.3(2) 17.5(1) 6.6(1) 4.5(1)
COR south 32.5(2)
Havasu NWR 13.0(1) 15.0(1) 19.0(1) 29.0(1) 19.0(1) 11.5(1)
Hidden Lake 8.6(3) 7.5(20) 7.9(26) 6.0(3)
Martinez Lake 17.0(1) 14.5(2) 14.0(1) 21(1) 6.0(1) 8.3(2)
Patagonia Lake 27.0(1)
Robbins Butte 10.2(3) 9.8(3) 12.5(1) 8.9(20) 4.0(1)
Roosevelt Lake 18.0(1) 12.3(2) 27.0(1) 14.0(1) 8.0(1)
Mean fish length 15.5(2) 16.0(2) 14.3(7) 27.4(5) 17.9(4) 17.5(1) 9.4(6) 7.3(29) 16.8(2) 13.2(3) 7.6(63) 6.9(9)
CENT: Centrarchid species,   LEMA: Lepomis macrochirus (bluegill),   LEPO: Lepomis species,   MISA: Micropterus salmoides (largemouth bass),   ICPU:
† ‡ § | ¶

Ictalurus punctatus (channel catfish),   PIPR: Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow),   DOCE: Dorosoma cepedianum (gizzard shad),   DOPE: D. petenense
# †† ‡‡

(threadfin shad),   TILA: Tilapia species,   Unk: unknown

§§ ||

Table 3. Average fish length in cm (sample size) of fish removed Table 4. Top five generalized linear models estimating cormorant
from stomachs of lethally sampled Neotropic Cormorants numbers as a function of environmental covariates found at
(Nannopterum brasilianum) in large rivers or reservoirs in Arizona, community fishing ponds in Arizona, USA, 2017-2018. Note: df
USA, January-March 2019. Fish were classified as being = degrees of freedom.
‘elongate’ in body shape; no fish specimens collected from
Neotropic Cormorants were ‘rounded.’ Some measurements Model df AICc ΔAIC Weight
represent minimum length if fish were partial but could still be Artificial features + trees > 2 m 4 254.24 0.00 0.35
estimated in length and identified. Artificial features + natural structures + trees > 2 m 5 256.10 1.86 0.14
Artificial features + trees > 2 m + distance to water 5 256.49 2.25 0.11
† ‡ § | ¶ #
Artificial features + time since last stocking + trees 5 256.90 2.66 0.09
Location CENT LEPO DOCE DOPE TILA Unk shad >2m
Apache Lake 12.0 Artificial features + depth + trees > 2 m 5 256.93 2.68 0.09
Hidden Lake 11.0(3) 5.0(2) 12.0(1) 7.2(30)
Patagonia Lake 13.0(1) water, distance from the water’s edge to open ground, the number
Robbins Butte 8.6(7) 9.2(3) 9.0(20) of natural structures present in the water, and the number of
Mean fish 8.6(7) 12.0 11.0(3) 7.5(5) 12.0(1) 8.0(51)
length (1)
artificial structures present within 3 m of the shoreline in/around
the water. Our top models from regression analyses were within 2
CENT: Centrarchid species,   LEPO: Lepomis species,   DOCE:
† ‡ §

Dorosoma cepedianum (gizzard shad),   DOPE: D. petenense (threadfin

| AIC (Table 4), however, the only difference was the parameter for
shad),   TILA: Tilapia species,   Unk: unknown natural structures in the water. We considered this additional
¶ #

parameter to be uninformative because model selection by AIC

natural structures in the water (e.g., living vegetation, deadfall, does not sufficiently penalize models for the inclusion of additional
woody debris) and 46% had natural structures present, whereas parameters that do not proportionally improve model fit (Arnold
8% only had rock features/boulders in the shallows or along the 2010). Thus, the top model suggested cormorants were more likely
shoreline. Of the CFP sites, 89% had artificial structures in or to be present at CFP waters with a higher number of trees > 2 m
over the water (e.g., piers, dams, bridges, sign posts, fountains). tall near the water (β = 0.028, SE = 0.0068, 95% CI = 0.015, 0.042)
Nearly all sites (92%) had trees > 2 m tall within 3 m of the banks, and more artificial features in/around the water (β = 0.085, SE =
ranging in number from 8 to more than 100 trees close to the 0.02, 95% CI = 0.046, 0.12).
water. In addition, 62% of the CFP sites had trees within 200 m
of the water that we deemed as roost trees, either for cormorants
Our quarterly survey data showed that Neotropic Cormorants in
or other piscivorous birds.
Arizona are common residents year round, with a substantial
In our analysis of environmental variables potentially influencing influx of migratory flocks during the winter and spring. However,
cormorant numbers at CFP waters, several covariates were Neotropic Cormorants are relative newcomers to the interior
correlated (Table A1.2). After removing correlated covariates, we continental USA. Until the early 1970s, all known breeding
included the following covariates in our analysis of environmental colonies were restricted to coastal areas in Texas and Louisiana
factors that may influence cormorant abundance: maximum (Morrison 1977, Portnoy 1977, Clapp et al. 1982). It was nearly 30
depth of CFP water at construction, time since the previous fish years later that the first Neotropic Cormorant breeding colony was
stocking, number of trees > 2 m tall present within 200 m of the reported in southern Arizona (Stevenson and Rosenburg 2004),
Journal of Field Ornithology 93(3): 6

and now their breeding and nesting colonies are found north of Our results suggested that although Double-crested Cormorants
the Phoenix metropolitan area into central Arizona (AZGFD, may occasionally take larger fish, they more frequently consume
unpublished data). Likewise, our data suggested that Arizona now small prey. This contrasts findings in Texas that they consumed
has annual resident populations of Double-crested Cormorants, farmed channel catfish up to 42 cm long (Campo et al. 1993) but
with greater numbers during winter and spring as migratory flocks supports other evidence that Double-crested Cormorants on
arrive. Whereas Double-crested Cormorants were formerly aquaculture ponds in the eastern USA primarily selected for
reported to migrate to Mexico and coastal areas of the USA to smaller fish 10-15 cm long (Schramm et al. 1984, Stickley 1991,
winter (Dorr et al. 2014, USFWS 2017), we observed large Stickley et al. 1992), e.g., selecting schooling species like gizzard
concentrations of cormorants during the winter and spring shad that were present in ponds, over channel catfish of any size
months in Arizona’s metropolitan areas. Both species were (Glahn et al. 1995). Likewise, in natural aquatic habitats, Double-
commonly observed at lower elevations during the winter months, crested Cormorants in the eastern USA ate both native and
not only during nesting and breeding periods. Double-crested stocked fish that averaged approximately 12 cm, even when larger
Cormorants were also observed during winter at higher fish were available (Durham 1955, Hirsch 1986, Hobson et al.
elevations, at lakes where ice did not frequently persist. As 1989, Campo et al. 1993, Glahn et al. 1998, USFWS 2017). By
temperatures rose in the spring and early summer, our quarterly comparison, Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) in Europe,
counts also showed numbers declined for both species in desert which are very similar to Double-crested Cormorants, consumed
areas and increased above observed winter numbers at higher- fish of equivalent sizes as well (e.g., Opačak et al. 2004, van Eerden
elevation lakes and ponds. et al. 2012). That cormorants fed on smaller fish also demonstrates
that they may perhaps be capitalizing on prey from the most
Increased aquaculture and artificial waters inland now support
prolific phases of fish growth (i.e., juveniles), where available
migratory populations wintering and breeding inland in several
numbers are highest, rather than on less abundant adult fish
southern states (USFWS 2017). Similarly, with the proliferation
(Opačak et al. 2004, van Eerden et al. 2012, and references
of artificial aquatic ecosystems, cormorants in Arizona have
therein). We acknowledge that knowing the abundance and age
greatly expanded habitat available in which to reside, winter, and
structure of both sport fish and forage species in each water would
nest in the state. Also, several of the artificial waters contain
have been useful covariates in our analyses, but we were unable
Tilapia species to control aquatic vegetation, and tilapia mature
to include information for either because records of their actual
quickly and begin reproducing as early as six months (McBay
abundance and ages were lacking.
1961, Duponchelle and Panfili 1998), thus providing increased
forage of appropriately sized prey for cormorants. Lengths of fish stocked by contracted suppliers to Arizona’s CFP
waters are generally > 25-30 cm (AZGFD, unpublished data).
Although we were unable to trap and mark sufficient numbers of
However, trout from AZGFD hatcheries that are also stocked
cormorants to collect adequate data on movement or where
into CFP waters may be smaller than fish from vendors, but they
individual birds spent their time, we suggest this type of data
still commonly exceed 20 cm in length before stocking (AZGFD,
would be useful to resource managers. Such information would
unpublished data). Similarly, channel catfish that are stocked in
help in understanding flock dynamics, how cormorants move
the Phoenix metropolitan area in the warmer months are often
around within the state, and whether or not they move out of the
delivered at longer lengths and heavier sizes than the vendor
state on a seasonal basis.
contract stipulates (AZGFD, unpublished data) and may be
Our data suggested that cormorants, and particularly Neotropic unappealing because cormorants likely have significant difficulty
Cormorants, fed primarily on smaller fish (< 12 cm) rather than manipulating and swallowing a large fish with prominent pectoral
taking larger stocked sport fish preferred by anglers. The majority fin spines (Glahn et al. 1995).
(92.6%) of fish collected from lethally collected birds in our study
Although we did not document cormorants frequently handling
were relatively small lengths (< 16.2 cm), although longer fish
or consuming large fish, anglers and site managers at CFP waters
were taken by Double-crested Cormorants. As well, very few
have voiced concerns that cormorants damaged or killed large
cormorants observed in foraging bouts attempted to take fish >
fish without swallowing them. However, research using
16 cm (1.3%), which are smaller than stocked sizes, and nearly
underwater video to film foraging Double-crested Cormorants
one-third of those observed attempts were unsuccessful. We
suggested that such damage was extremely rare (0.4%) when
estimated that > 70% of Double-crested Cormorant prey were ≤
cormorants pursued small prey (i.e., prey 15-22 cm long in
10 cm and > 90% of Neotropic Cormorant prey were ≤ 8 cm long.
Grémillet et al. 2006) and that birds often successfully ingested
Indeed, we observed many birds swallowing small fish within
larger fish even after an initial failed attempt underwater, rather
seconds of surfacing from dives before we could estimate fish
than fatally injuring and leaving them. However, the same study
length or see more than a flash of color in the bird’s bill.
also indicated that the rate of potential fish loss and injury from
Considering how easy it may be to miss seeing or misjudge size
foraging Great Cormorants may increase with fish size in dense
for a fish smaller than a cormorant’s bill, the numbers of small
aquaculture areas (Grémillet et al. 2006).
fish consumed are likely to be underestimated. For Neotropic
Cormorants, our results are consistent with those of Telfair and Though greater fish length may hinder cormorant predation, fish
Morrison (2020), who also reported that about 90% of prey taken shape and girth appear to be larger deterrents because they
by Neotropic Cormorants in Texas were ≤ 8 cm. Likewise, determine the mass of the largest fish a bird can handle (Riedel
Barquete et al. (2008) reported that Neotropic Cormorants et al. 2007). Cormorants in our feeding observations swallowed
typically consumed fish 5-10 cm long in Brazil and that fish 30 small, round-shaped fish generally no larger than 10 cm.
cm in length might represent the upper limit of what a Neotropic Regurgitated fish also were generally < 10 cm in length or girth
Cormorant is capable of swallowing. and estimated < 35 g in mass, so their size did not likely present
Journal of Field Ornithology 93(3): 6

an obstacle to being swallowed. In contrast, Riedel et al. (2007) to fish is the amount of structural complexity any submerged or
suggested avian predators, including cormorants, might struggle emergent vegetation may provide for security cover (Miranda and
significantly more to ingest a 1000-g stout-bodied fish than to Hubbard 1994, Stahr and Shoup 2015). Conversely, if structures
consume a large fusiform fish of equal mass. Given that larger are floating, partially submerged, or submerged in shallow water
size and shape may help fish to escape cormorant predation, fish where piscivorous birds can stand and hunt, as were many of the
that quickly attain a large or stout size may be preferable to stock artificial structures (e.g., buoys, floating docks, low head dams)
in waters with avian predators (Riedel et al 2007). Fish species, at CFP waters, they may negatively influence fish security by
such as gizzard shad, which grow from elongate fingerlings into permitting cormorants to perch in open water away from shoreline
larger stout-bodied fish, might be eaten easily in their smaller predators and harassment. In particular, if fish congregate around
form but become more difficult to swallow at larger sizes. If waters such water features, they may provide easier predation
in Arizona are stocked routinely with fish > 20 cm in length, it opportunities in which birds are able to concentrate (Wires et al.
may be worthwhile to consider stocking larger fish as well as fewer 2001). As well, fish species that school, like gizzard shad, may be
fusiform fish and more stout-bodied species to reduce predation more visible in this behavior and easily captured by an avian
by cormorants. predator (Glahn et al. 1995). Indeed, we observed that the largest
numbers of fish taken by sampled cormorants in Arizona were
Because of their piscivorous and social habits, cormorants will
small shad (Dorosoma spp.) < 10 cm in length.
continue to cause concerns about potential adverse impacts to
aquatic resources as their populations increase. Our estimates of Within the metropolitan areas, our regression analyses showed
fish losses at CFP sites varied widely, reflecting differences in daily that cormorants were more abundant at CFP waters that had
cormorant numbers and should not be interpreted as exact taller trees near the water’s edge. Cormorants roost, nest, and
amounts. Because cormorants are monotypic, it is often not perhaps hunt fish from perches in large trees (USFWS 2003, 2017,
possible to tell how many individuals forage at a site on a given Koh et al. 2012). Our observations suggested that trees on islands
day. This might be accomplished if counts could be adjusted for may provide even more enticing areas for cormorants, particularly
turnover rates of individuals at each location via individual bird when they allow birds to roost and forage with minimal
identification. We had attempted to tag cormorants with unique harassment. Although water depth was not a significant variable
tags, but our efforts to do so were largely unsuccessful. Therefore, in our regression analyses, previous literature suggests that it can
we lacked the means to distinguish individuals at day to day influence cormorant foraging behaviors. For instance,
foraging locations. Given the dynamic nature of cormorant cormorants may be more inclined to employ social foraging
feeding activities and movements, we caution against assuming methods (Coleman 2009), or flock feed, by herding fish in shallow
the mass of fish consumed by birds on any given day at a CFP water (Bent 1922, Morrison and Slack 1977). We often observed
site represents a defined loss; rather, losses are dependent on the both species of cormorants, particularly Neotropic Cormorants,
number of cormorants present at a particular CFP water. Values herding fish to shallow inlets or edges of deeper water bodies to
reported here thus represent a range of values in fish consumption feed on them. Perhaps shallow inlets and areas near islands with
by cormorants and may likely underestimate the total number of trees thus permit cormorants to more easily view, pursue, and
foraging birds and subsequent mass of fish consumed in a given capture prey (Wires et al. 2001, Braun 2019), as well as providing
area. warmer underwater conditions where macroinvertebrates,
zooplankton and vegetation are likely more abundant to attract
We expected that time since stocking might have been an
important covariate in explaining cormorant numbers at CFP
sites. Although cormorants do shift from site to site seeking CONCLUSION
resources (Dorr et al. 2012, USFWS 2017), the timing of stocking Our primary intent with this research was to provide empirical
events was relatively unimportant in our regression models, data to inform management of cormorants in Arizona and
suggesting that stocking events may not drive cormorant suggest reasonable alternatives to mitigate and manage for
abundance at CFP waters. anticipated impacts to aquatic resources in desert environments.
Our data suggested that higher cormorant numbers observed at Although our data suggest cormorants in Arizona generally
CFP waters were associated with lower numbers of underwater forage on small fish species rather than larger stocked sport fish,
structures. Fully submerged natural structures, including deadfall we recognize that there are localized situations in which
or aquatic vegetation, were mostly lacking or could not be seen cormorants may exert undue pressure on fish populations,
in the majority of CFP waters. Many of the CFP sites also particularly in smaller lakes or reservoirs with few alternative prey,
appeared to lack fully submerged reef blocks or other artificial so impacts are likely site-specific (USFWS 2017).
hiding cover for fish because they may create obstacles to angling, Extensive endeavors to address cormorant-fish conflicts
particularly from the shore. Perhaps stocked fish at sites without elsewhere have resulted in pan-European collaborations (e.g.,
underwater cover are then particularly susceptible to cormorant Russell et al. 2012) that address Great Cormorants, a species very
predation because they may be naïve to predators and are more similar to Double-crested Cormorants, and many discuss various
surface oriented and poorer swimmers than resident fish harassment or exclusion techniques that may be better suited to
(Boström et al. 2009, Jackson and Brown 2011). Submerged waters that are not maintained as angling sites. However, for
structures are likely to benefit fish by providing hiding cover from waters in which fisheries are maintained for recreational angling,
aquatic or avian predators (Barlow and Bock 1984, Russell et al. our research suggests the following might be considered in efforts
2008) and increased food resources with vegetation or by to reduce numbers of cormorants or their anticipated impacts at
attracting aquatic macroinvertebrates and zooplankton (Dibble stocked waters:
et al. 1997, Stahr and Kaemingk 2017). Of particular importance
Journal of Field Ornithology 93(3): 6

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