4th Periodic Test

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Schools Division office


Pandacan, Manila


I. Directions: Identify the features of journalistic writing by completing the
crossword puzzle. Select your answer inside the box.
photos heading quotes journalist
introduction captionconclusion byline
columns lead
1 2
4 5

9 10
II. Directions: Identify what is asked in each sentence. Write the letter of the correct
11. The sequence of events that make the story, sometimes includes conflict.
A. Setting B. Theme C. Plot D. Character
12. Message or moral of the story.
A. Setting B. Theme C. Plot D. Character
13. Don’t judge a book by its cover is an example of __________.
A. Mood B. Theme C. Setting D. Conflict
14. Can be people, animals or fictional.
A. Point of view B. Theme C. Setting D. Character
15. Time and place that the story will take place.
A. Plot B. Setting C. Theme D. Character
16. Nonfiction means__________
A. True B. False C. Fake D. Humurous
17. When the author gives you information, the author's purpose is to __________.
A Inform B. Entertain C. Persuade D. Express
18. A biography describes_______.
A. The hobbies and career of an individual
B. The childhood experiences, family, and career of an individual.
C. The mistakes one has made in life.
D. The birth of an individual's children
19. To support a main idea, writers often use ___________.
A. Facts and details to help prove their point.
B. Persuasion to prove their point.
C. Opinions and details to help prove their point.
D. Summaries of details to help prove their point.
20. Which of the following could describe an autobiography?
A. Famous writer's life told by another author.
B. A famous basketball player's wife sharing memories of her late husband.
C. Michael Jackson's mother describing his childhood.
D. Helen Keller writing about her difficulties of being blind all her life.

III. Directions: Identify the element of each statement, write if it is Fiction or Non-
Fiction. Write the letter of the correct answer.
21. The purpose is to entertain.
A. Fiction B. Non-Fiction
C. Entertainment D. Inform
22. Read in any order.
A. Fiction B. Non-Fiction
C. Entertainment D. Inform

23. It involves real people, animals, places, and events.

A. Fiction B. Non-Fiction
C. Entertainment D. Inform
24. Examples are almanacs, history and biology.
A. Fiction B. Non-Fiction
C. Entertainment D. Inform
25. It has beginning, middle, and end of the story.
A. Fiction B. Non-Fiction
C. Entertainment D. Inform
IV. Directions: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.
26. Just at that time, a hunter nearby
Was throwing out his net towards the a. Setting
dove, but the ant quickly bit hm.
27. The Ant and the Dove b. Plot
28. The dove saw the ant in trouble,
She quickly plucked off the leaf c. Characters
and dropped in into the water near
the struggling ant.
29. One hot day, in the spring d. Problem
30. The Ant slipped and fell into
the water. e. Solution
V. Directions: Read the following sentences. Identify if it is Fact or Opinion.
31. The weather in the Philippines is always changing.
32. There are 12 months in a year.
33. Your birthday comes only once a year.
34. Nonfiction stories involve real people, animals, places, and events.
35. Nonfiction stories describe imaginary events and people.
VI. Directions: Identify what type of journalistic writing is shown in the pictures below.
(News, Editorial, Feature and Sports News)







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