English 8 - 2nd Quarter TQ

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2nd Quarter Examination

Name: __________________________________ Date:______

Grade & Section: _______________ Score: _____

Direction: Write the corresponding letter of the correct answer in each of the item given below.

Selection: 8. It is a type of text that is made by the author’s

(1)Paper is one of the world’s most important and imagination.
useful products. (2) Without it, there would be no A. Biography
newspapers, magazines, writing paper, or greeting B. Fiction
cards. (3) There would be no paper bags or boxes, C. News columns
paper money, gift-wrapping, or toilet paper. (4) Take a D. Non-fiction
look around you. (5) How many things can you see 9. This tells the story of someone’s life from the
that are made from paper? (6) Learn to conserve paper. perspective of another writer.
A. Biography
1. What is the selection all about? B. Fiction
A. Newspapers C. News columns
B. Paper D. Non-fiction
C. Paper Products 10. This records daily life events and collects writers
D. Things around you thought and feelings about the events.
2. Which statement contains the main idea of the A. Biography
selection? B. Fiction
A. 1 C. Diaries
B. 2 D. Letters
C. 3 11. These are the stories that use magic, or supernatural
D. 4 as a primary plot.
3. Which statement support the main idea of the A. Fantasy
paragraph? B. Horror
A. 1-4 C. Mystery
B. 2-5 D. Science fiction
C. 1-6 12. This paragraph expresses the chronological order of
D. 2-6 events of events and give enough information that the
4. How many things are made from paper that are reader can understand.
mentioned in the selection? A. Descriptive
A. 7 B. Narrative
B. 8 C. Persuasive
C. 9 D. Recounts
D. 10 13. This paragraph type explains fact and ideas.
5. Which statement should not be part of the paragraph? A. Expository
A. Take a look around you. B. Narrative
B. Learn to conserve paper C. Persuasive
C. How many things can you see that are made from D. Recounts
paper? 14. It is a form of writing that tries to convince a reader
D. Paper is one of the world’s most important and useful to do something or believe what you believe about a
products. certain topic.
6. It is a prose narrative relating personal experience A. Expository
usually told first person; its content is non-traditional. B. Narrative
A. Descriptive C. Persuasive
B. Expository D. Recounts
C. Personal narrative 15. This form of writing describes how a person or thing
D. Persuasive looks or feels.
7. The following are the techniques in introducing a A. Expository
topic EXCEPT_____ B. Narrative
A. Ask question C. Persuasive
B. Make a conclusion D. Recounts
C. Begin with a startling fact
D. Open with lively description
16. This retells an experience or an event that happened 25. A lively description of an event or a person will
in the past. The purpose of this is to inform, entertain, immediately capture the attention of your readers.
reflect and evaluate. A. Use a Quotation
A. Descriptive C. Persuasive B. Open with a Lively Description
B. Narrative D. Recounts C. Begin with a Startling Fact
17. This writing is where the author is recounting an D. State a Strong Opinion
experience that they were involved in directly. 26. Coastal fishing fleets often stay at sea for days or
A. Events weeks. Long range fishing vessels may remain at sea for
B. Imaginative recounts months. What approaches of expository writing is this
C. Factual recount statement?
D. Personal recount A. Comparing and Contrasting
18. This writing can be used to retell a particular B. Defining
incident or event. C. Cause and effect relationship
A. Events D. Explaining a Process
B. Imaginative recounts 27. To breathe, a whale surfaces in a forward rolling
C. Factual recount motion. For two seconds, it blows out and breathes in as
D. Personal recount much as twenty-one hundred quarts of air. What
19. This writing retells of an imaginary event through approaches of expository writing is this statement?
the eyes of a fiction character. A. Comparing and Contrasting
A. Events B. Defining
B. Imaginative recounts C. Cause and effect relationship
C. Factual recount D. Explaining a Process
D. Personal recount 28. The death of Floyd, George led to a clash between
20. Which of the following are the parts of the the white and black people of America. What
introduction? approaches of expository writing is this statement?
A. Introduction-supporting details- conclusion A. Comparing and Contrasting
B. Thesis Statement-Conclusion-Topic Sentence B. Defining
C. Opening Statement-Conclusion-Supporting Details C. Cause and effect relationship
D. Opening Statement-Supporting Details- Thesis D. Explaining a Process
Statement 29. Siviquad, a name for St. Lawrence Island, means
21. An unusual or startling fact can surprise or shock “squeezed dry”. The islanders believed that a giant had
your readers, making them want to continue reading. made the island from dried mud. What approaches of
A. Use a Quotation expository writing is this statement?
B. Ask question A. Comparing and Contrasting
C. Begin with a Startling Fact B. Defining
D. State a Strong Opinion C. Cause and effect relationship
22. This method works especially well if you are writing D. Explaining a Process
an argument paper. Id you can find something of agree
on, remind them of that common belief at the beginning My living room may be small, but it is tidy and
and they will be more willing to listen to your side. well-organized. On the right, there is a wooden bookcase
A. Use a Quotation with four shelves. On top of the bookcase is small lamp
B. Ask question with a dark base and a matching lamp shade. The first and
C. Begin with a Startling Fact third shelves are filled with carefully arranged books. On
D. State a Strong Opinion the second shelf, there is an antique clock with faded
23. In an introduction, you can create sense of numbers on its face. The bottom shelf has a newspapers.
informality, add humor, or present a vivid image. Find a On the opposite side of the room is an old television set
well turned phrase about your subject to get your with nothing on top of it. Between the television and the
audience’s attention. bookcase is a large sofa. A fat, striped cat with long
A. Use a Quotation whiskers is curled up in a ball on the right side of the sofa.
B. Ask question Lying to the left of my cat is a single sock that the cat
C. Begin with a Startling Fact probably brought from another room. Directly in front of
D. State a Strong Opinion the sofa, there is a long coffee table lie two magazines.
24. Asking a question makes your audience think about They are stacked one on the top of the other. Perhaps the
your issue, just to make answer the question in your most striking item in the room is the beautiful beach
paper. painting above the sofa. This extraordinary painting shows
A. Use a Quotation a peaceful beach scene with a sailboat on the right, far
B. Ask question from the beach. Although it is small room, everything in
C. Begin with a Startling Fact my living room is in its place.
D. State a Strong Opinion
30. What does the paragraph describe? 36. Koran mentioned resurrection of a true believer.
A. About the bookcase What is resurrection?
B. About the extraordinary painting A. rebirth
C. About the wooden bookcase B. Prolonged death
D. About my living room C. life after death
31. Describe the ambiance conveyed in my room? D. none of the above
A. Small and has a lot of paintings 37. Who are considered as free from all the blemishes
B. Small and tidy and full of eternal virtue?
C. Small and untidy A. the beautiful black-eyed maiden
D. Small and opposite B. the true believers
32. What are some of the sensory details the writer used C. the Mohammedans
in describing the room? D. None of the above
A. Sight 38. This writing is where the author is recounting an
B. Touch experience that they were involved in directly.
C. Sound A. Events
D. Taste. B. Imaginative recounts
33. Which stories that use magic, or supernatural as a C. Factual recount
primary plot? D. Personal recount
A. Fantasy 39. This writing can be used to retell a particular
B. Horror incident or event.
C. Mystery A. Events
D. Science fiction B. Imaginative recounts
C. Factual recount
The Koran has for its subject matter death, D. Personal recount
resurrection, judgement, paradise and hell. The joys 40. This writing retells of an imaginary event through
of paradise are design to satisfy fundamentals desire the eyes of a fiction character.
in a man. All who die for a cause of their religion to A. Events
paradise. This Mohammedan paradise is made my B. Imaginative recounts
delightful by black-eyed maidens not made of C. Factual recount
common giant pearls. The soil of paradise is D. Personal recount
perfumed and sprinkled with gold and silver and
flowers. The fruits of the trees are of a taste
unknown to mortals. Numerous rivers flow through
paradise; some are of wine; others are of milk and
honey. The riverbeds and riverbanks are full of
emeralds, diamonds and rubies. The meanest of
believers will have 80,000 servants and 72 wives. At
whatever age of Mohammedan dies, at his
resurrection in paradise and see all the wives,
servants, gardens and jewelries, robes, houses,
camels and other things that are exclusively his.

34. What makes the Mohammedan paradise a delightful

A. Platoon of soldiers
B. Pretty black-eyed children
C. Beautiful black-eyed maiden
D. The Imam
35. Why are the joys of paradise designed?
A. To satisfy the desires of a man
B. To die for a cause
C. To wait the souls of the believers
D. All of the above
35. “They await the soldiers of believers” . They stand
for whom?
A. for all the souls
B. For the paradise
C. for the black-eyed maidens
D. none of the above

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