C.N.F Third Quarter Exam
C.N.F Third Quarter Exam
C.N.F Third Quarter Exam
S.Y. 2022-2023
D. Point of View A. Fiction
26. It is a profile that showcases a person’s life B. Poetry
A. Cradle-to-current profile C. Nonfiction
B. Paragraph profile D. Drama
C. Niche profile 39. ____________ are used to effectively unify a narrative
D. None of these are correct and pertain to associations beyond literal meaning.
27. A creative nonfiction must be based on fact not A. Symbols
___________. B. Journey
A. Fraudulent C. Subplot
B. Aboveboard D. None of the above
C. Legitimate 40. A/an _____________ is also known as the “first person
D. None of the above narrator”
28. “My teacher is a very kind lady. She understands the A. Limited Narrator
students and she never gets angry.” B. 1st person of point of view
A. 1st person point of view C. Objective point of view
B. third person limited point of view D. Omniscient point of view
C. omniscient point of view 41. The implied attitude towards the subject of the poem.
D. objective point of view A. Symbolism
29. This refers to stories from an author’s imagination B. Tone
usually with an emphasis on character development. C. Diction
A. Fiction D. None of the above
B. Traditional literature and Folktales 42. This kind of improvement focuses on the elements
C. Poetry and how they are used.
D. None of the above A. Style
30. It is any work written in prose that is not real. B. Depth
A. Fiction C. Structure
B. Nonfiction D. None of the above
C. Drama 43. In ______________, the flow of the story must be
D. Poetry smooth and must be connected by a common theme.
31. What is true about the importance of a theme in a A. Language
literary work? B. Organization
A. A good author is one that does not pay attention to C. Diction
the theme. D. None of the above
B. It is okay not to have a theme when you write a 44. The following clichés are used in describing people,
narrative. except;
C. A good story must only have one minor theme for it to A. As old as the hills
great. B. As brave as a lion
D. It is the core message of the story. C. A diamond in the rough
32. The part of the story in which the problems are solved D. None of the above
and the action comes to a satisfying end. 45. What is true about creative devices?
A. Narrative shape A. It helps hold your reader’s interest
B. Narrative style B. It makes your writing lively and entertaining.
C. Resolution C. Some examples of creative devices include
D. None of the above Alliteration and Assonance
33. A literary technique in which an abstract idea is given D. All of the above
a form of characters, actions, or events. 46. This kind of conflict is with the physical involvement
A. Alliteration of another character.
B. Allegory A. Internal
C. Irony B. Middle
D. Paradox C. External
34. Which literary genre tells a story wherein the D. None of the above
character’s skills and strength are exaggerated in a 47. It is a short form of literary composition that often
hilarious way? gives the personal opinion of an author.
A. Fables A. Essay
B. Legends B. Mini-critique
C. Fairy Tales C. Context
D. Tall tales D. None of the above
35. What is personification? 48. It is a longer piece of creative nonfiction that delves
A. A character who contrasts and parallels the main deep into a writer’s personal experience and focuses
character in a play or story. on an important moment.
B. The atmosphere or emotional condition created by the A. Autobiography
piece, within the setting. B. Personal essay
C. The endowment of inanimate objects or abstract C. Memoir
concepts with animate or living qualities. D. Blog
D. A recurring object, concept, or structure in a work of 49. Your creative nonfiction piece should not confuse
literature. people. This refers to what element?
36. This is an association called up by a word that goes A. Emotions
beyond its meaning. B. Tone
A. Diction C. Form
B. Convention D. None of the above
C. Denotation 50. The purpose of a mini-critique is to highlight
D. None of the above _____________.
37. Someone that tells his story from his/her point of A. The strengths of the piece
view. B. The weaknesses of the piece
A. Foil character C. The highlights of the piece
B. Stereotypes D. None of the above
C. Narrator
D. None of the above
38. It is written in lines and stanzas instead of sentences
and paragraphs.