Enlish Assessment
Enlish Assessment
Enlish Assessment
SY 2022-2023
I. VOCABULARY: Identify the technical term in research A. bloodstains B. molds C. rust D. his teardrops
referred in each number. Write the letter only of the correct B. LITERATURE
answer from the options: 15. How can the mood of the passage be described?
A. calm B. lonely C. tense D. terrifying
16. What is the tone of the writer?
1. This occurs when ideas, information, and even pictures A. comforting B. empathetic C. objective D. tranquil
are used without proper acknowledgment of the original 17. What is the tone and mood of “The Little Prince”?
sources. A. cheerful B. friendly C. nostalgic D. romantic
A. bibliography B. plagiarism C. interview 18. What is the tone and mood of the The Last Leaf?
guide A. depressing B. passionate C. playful D. reverent
2. It is a systematic investigation that establishes facts and 19. What is the author’s purpose in writing “The Last Leaf”?
new findings. A. to entertain about the funny experiences in school
A. literature review B. research C. questionnaire B. to explain why boys are prioritized to be educated
3. It discusses the previous studies related to one’s research C. to inform about the benefits of studying regularly
topic. D. to persuade everyone to value education
A. literature review B.bibliography C. questionnaire 20. What element of the story “The Little Prince” is the Sahara
4. It is a summary of the content that researchers cover desert?
during interviews. A. conflict B. point of view C. plot D. setting
A. bibliography B. research C.interview guide 21. Who told the Little Prince that what is essential is invisible
5. It is a set of questions used to gather information in a to the eye?
survey. A. the Fox B. the hunters B. the pilot C. the Rose
A. plagiarism B.literature review C. questionnaire 22. Which selection is the theme about valuing friendship
II. GRAMMAR: Study the underlined word in each sentence. A. A Martian Sends a Postcard Home
Write the of the correct answer. B. Cosette Side by Side with the Stranger in Dark
6. Sampaguita Festival is absolutely the most popular feast C. Kaffir Boy
in the south. D. The Little Prince
a. X b. H 23. Analyze the given choices below. Which of the following
7. Parents hinder their children from playing online games shows the kind of character does not change over time?
because it may distract their studies. A. dynamic B. foil C. round D. static
a. X b. H 24. Analyze the statement below.
8. Teenagers are most likely influenced by social media. The Little Prince learned valuable lessons in his journey
a. X b. H to find a new home.
What kind of character does he illustrate?
9. Patintero is proven to become a more beneficial hobby A. dynamic B. flat C. stock D. static
than computer games.
a. X b. H IV. LITERATURE: Recognize the literary devices used in each
example. Write the letter only of the correct answer from
III. Analyze the choices given in each item. Choose the letter the set of options before the examples. You can answer
only of the correct answer. one option only once.
10. Which of the following is a primary source of information? 25. Earth felt the wound; and Nature from her seat, Sighing,
A. book reviews C. magazine articles through all her works, gave signs of woe. (John Milton)
B. diaries D. textbooks A. Personification B. Simile C. Allegory
11. Which of the following is a secondary source of 26. Well-wielded words work wonders, warming weakened
information? wills with wisdom while withstanding wrongs which would
A. autobiography C. live interviews wound.
B. birth certificate D. websites A. Hyperbole B. Alliteration C. Smile