1 - Character Traits
1 - Character Traits
1 - Character Traits
Subject: ELA Grade: 4
Topic: Narrative Writing Essential Question: How can we describe characters in stories?
Character Traits List
“Pip” movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07d2dXHYb94
Attached “Mr. Popper” list of character traits
Character traits sheet to fill out
Stage 2- Assessment
Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.
Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.
Stage 3- Learning Plan
Main Procedures/Strategies:
Begin by discussing Mrs. Gridley’s character,
Watch the short movie “Pip”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07d2dXHYb94 Discuss with the class
some traits that could be used to describe Pip, the white puppy. Some ideas include: Small, White, Cute,
Helpful, Clumsy, Brave, Nervous, Caring, Creative.
Students then describe a character they already know about, or from one of the short stories provided.
Closing of lesson:
Personal Reflection:
Name of Book (or Story): _The Mouse and the Motorcycle__
Character name: Mrs. Gridley
Descriptions of the character:
Character Traits: Protective, careful, perfectionist,
caring, argumentative, tidy, complainer
Character appearance: hot and tired
Some things the character did:
Went on a 5-day-long car trip from Ohio to California
Tried to convince her family to go to a different hotel
Unpacked the suitcases and laundry
Picked up the apple core from the table and put it in the
Searched the hotel room for signs of mice
Name of Book (or Story): __Mr. Popper’s Penguins__
Character name: Mr. Popper
Descriptions of the character:
Character Traits: Messy, Daydreamer, Easily distracted,
Curious, Busy, Studious, Loving, Happy
Character appearance: Funny-looking, has a big
Some things the character did:
Painted 3 walls of a kitchen green and the other side
Wished he had seen the North and South Poles
Watched movies and read books about the North and
South Poles
Painted and wallpapered many houses
Lived in Stillwater with Mrs. Popper, Bill, and Janie
Name of Book (or Story): _____________________________
Character name: ____________________________________
Descriptions of the character:
Character Traits: _________________________________
Character appearance: ___________________________
Some things the character did: _____________________
Name of Book (or Story): _____________________________
Character name: ____________________________________
Descriptions of the character:
Character Traits: _________________________________
Character appearance: ___________________________
Some things the character did: _____________________