Lesson Plan November 1
Lesson Plan November 1
Lesson Plan November 1
Outcomes: Indicators:
CC7.1: Create various visual, oral, written, and
multimedia (including digital) texts that explore CC7.1 (b) & (f)
identity (e.g., Exploring Thoughts, Feelings, and CC7.8 (a) & (h)
Ideas), social responsibility (e.g., Taking Action), CC8.1 (a) & (b)
and efficacy (e.g., Building a Better World). CC8. 9 (b) & (d)
CC7.8: Write to describe a person; to narrate an
imaginary incident or story; to explain and
inform in a news story, a factual account, and a
business letter; to persuade in a letter and in
interpretation of a text.
CC8.9: Experiment with a variety of text forms
(e.g., Reader's Theatre, role play, humorous
instructions, an electronic presentation, a
dramatization, a mini-debate) and techniques
(e.g., imagery, music, graphics and statistics in a
multimedia presentation).
CC 8.9
Prerequisite Learning:
Children are reading the Giver in class. They will need their knowledge of the characters and
the book.
Adaptive Dimension:
Laptop or Phone if using Picrew as well as a Printer or Google Doc to be submitted in Google
Materials Needed/Preparation
Character silhouettes for character building (Female, Neutral, Male), or blank paper, Pencils,
Crayons/Pencil Crayons/Markers, Novel from Novel Study (The Giver)
Presentation: Students are going to create character Teaching Notes:
profiles for characters in the book The Giver. __________________________
1 hour long lesson __________________________
Set: Making their own character that would interact with __________________________
characters in the book, can be based on yourself, or a __________________________
character in the book. Write traits must be at least 8 __________________________
traits, but students can do more if they wish. __________________________