Lesson Plan November 1

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Moraya Date: Nov 1

Subject: Art/ELA Grade: 7/8
Content: Art/ELA Students will be designing Teaching Instructional Strategies:
characters for the book The Giver. Characters Lights off or clapping to get their attention if
can be fictional based on themselves, or it wanders. Walking around the class to
characters in the book. Students will have to keep students focused on the task.
draw on references from the story. PDP goal: Behaviour management

Outcomes: Indicators:
CC7.1: Create various visual, oral, written, and
multimedia (including digital) texts that explore CC7.1 (b) & (f)
identity (e.g., Exploring Thoughts, Feelings, and CC7.8 (a) & (h)
Ideas), social responsibility (e.g., Taking Action), CC8.1 (a) & (b)
and efficacy (e.g., Building a Better World). CC8. 9 (b) & (d)
CC7.8: Write to describe a person; to narrate an
imaginary incident or story; to explain and
inform in a news story, a factual account, and a
business letter; to persuade in a letter and in
interpretation of a text.
CC8.9: Experiment with a variety of text forms
(e.g., Reader's Theatre, role play, humorous
instructions, an electronic presentation, a
dramatization, a mini-debate) and techniques
(e.g., imagery, music, graphics and statistics in a
multimedia presentation).
CC 8.9

Prerequisite Learning:
Children are reading the Giver in class. They will need their knowledge of the characters and
the book.
Adaptive Dimension:
Laptop or Phone if using Picrew as well as a Printer or Google Doc to be submitted in Google
Materials Needed/Preparation
Character silhouettes for character building (Female, Neutral, Male), or blank paper, Pencils,
Crayons/Pencil Crayons/Markers, Novel from Novel Study (The Giver)
Presentation: Students are going to create character Teaching Notes:
profiles for characters in the book The Giver. __________________________
1 hour long lesson __________________________
Set: Making their own character that would interact with __________________________
characters in the book, can be based on yourself, or a __________________________
character in the book. Write traits must be at least 8 __________________________
traits, but students can do more if they wish. __________________________

Closure: After students are

Development: Use descriptive language for your traits. finished, split class into groups
Character is empathetic. How empathetic are they? (done by table,10 groups of
Describe what makes empathic, provide an example from 3ish) and let them discuss their
the book, etc. characters 8-10ish minutes.
Come back together as a class (2
Design your character, be creative, think of examples from minutes) to discuss if anyone
the book. Descriptors in Sentences: 8 or more sentences wants to share their character
(More than 45 words). Descriptors will be written on top of with the whole class. Wrap up
page or sides beside drawn character, or on back of page. by handing in character design
sheets to be graded/feedback
30-35 minutes: To draw and write. Use proper descriptive provided.
sentences. Deborah and I will be walking around classroom
if students have questions/need help.

Write on board: Must include these traits and come up

with at least 4 more of your own. Extension:
Ever-present personality trait. ie: always angry, hungry,
happy, rebellious.
One thing about their past/childhood. ie something that
shaped them, like when the one kid was beat for saying
smack instead of snack.
What their occupation would be and what makes them
good for that job (based on book occupations. ie nurturer,
Physical trait. ie: are they strong, short, hair?

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