School Emergency Roadmap (Updated)

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SY 2020-2021

Table of Contents

Cover page...................................................................................................................................................................... i

Table of Contents............................................................................................................................................................1


Objectives ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Emergency Roadmaps.....................................................................................................................................................3

Instructional Management................................................................................................................3

Learning Environment......................................................................................................................8

Human Resource Management.........................................................................................................11

School Leadership Management and Operations............................................................................14N

Parents’ Involvement and Community Partnership.......................................................................17

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Tel. No. 888-2936|0945 531 4720
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I. Rationale

The Tanauan School of Craftsmanship and Home Industries in pursuit to quality education, developed an Emergency Roadmap amid the crisis to
support for the implementation of alternative learning methods for students, noting that DepEd’s use of adaptive learning methods will ensure continuity
of education and protection of learners during these trying times. The school has planned of every possible way to start the opening of classes, taking in to
consideration that children’s safety is paramount and making sure that they have a safe and inclusive learning environment. Thus, implementing the
necessary learning delivery mode to facilitate learning aligned to the IATF/DOH standards.

As we continue to confront the issues brought about by the pandemic, the school’s Learning Continuity Plan is our major response to and our
commitment in ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of our learners, teachers, and school personnel in the time of COVID-19 while finding ways
for education to continue amidst the crisis. The Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) have been cascaded to the teachers for the crafting of
contextualized learning modules matched with the distance learning approach.

II. Objectives
The School’s Emergency Roadmap aims to address the following objectives;
Provide the students with equal opportunities to basic education and learning resources
Capacitate teachers in administering distance learning
Monitor project implementation with the new normal scheme
Assess the efficiency of learning delivery mode amid health crisis
Ensure that the learning environment are safe and conducive to learning
Ensure that teachers are given the opportunity to participate in Webinar sessions for teaching enhancement

III. School Roadmap

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

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Responses to
KEY RESULT Implementing Responsible Risk and Success Budgetary
Timeline Pre-requisites Risk and
AREA (KRA) Measures Division/ Unit Challenges Indicator Requirements
Instructional Assisted teachers in the review and contextualization of the curriculum.
 Distribution of June 2020 School Head, Assistant Completed List of Availability of Purchase enough 100% of the teachers Php 10,000.00
complete list of School Principal, Head MELC from Grade to materials for printing materials for mass received a copy of
MELC’s to teachers Teachers, Department SHS downloaded from and mass distribution production MELC
Heads SDO
 Conduct school-based July 2020 School Head, Assistant Training Design, Availability of the May opt to divide the 100% of the teachers Php 50,000.00
seminar to teachers on School Principal, Head Training Matrix, Internet connection on teachers into small were able to attend
the use of MELC’s Teachers, Department School Memorandum, areas which teachers number of groups for and comprehend on the
through virtual Heads MELC are situated the seminar following use of MELC
platform adherence to the guidelines on
COVID-19 new normal Orientation of physical distancing
in education Facilitators conducting
the virtual school-
based seminar
 Crafting of June to April 2021 All Teachers Completed List of Lack of understanding Conduct school-based 100% of the teachers None
Contextualized Lesson MELC on curriculum seminar to teachers on were able to design a
Plans parallel to contextualization curriculum contextualized lesson
MELC Budget of Lesson contextualization with plan
(BOL) Thinking of activities the use of MELC’s
best suited to the through virtual
learning styles of the platform (MS TEAMS)
learners compliant to COVID-
19 new normal in
 Crafting of July 2020 All Teachers Completed List of Availability of Request for purchase 100% of the teachers Php 30,000.00
Contextualized MELC materials for printing of the needed supplies were able to make a
Learning Modules of the Learning against MOOE contextualized learning
Knowledge on crafting Modules module
of contextualized
learning modules Efficiency of crafted
learning modules to
 Checking and August 2020 to April School Head, Assistant Monitoring Checklist Teachers may not Regular monitoring of 100% of the teachers None
Monitoring Daily 2021 School Principal, Head submit Lesson Plans in teachers and have submitted DLP’s
Lesson Log Teachers, Department a regular basis
Late submission of

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 Printing of Learning August 2020 to April All Teachers Complete List of Sufficiency of materials Request for purchase 100% of the crafted Php 100,000.00
Modules 2020 MELC for Mass printing of the needed supplies learning modules were
against MOOE printed

Implemented programs, projects and activities in the school which are supportive of the development of learners amidst health crisis.

 Implementation of K to August to April 2021 School Head, Assistant Complete List of Availability of Request for purchase 100% implementation Php20,000.00
12 Curriculum through School Principal, Head MELC supplies/materials for of the needed supplies of K to 12 Curriculum
Blended Learning Teachers, Department production of Learning against MOOE through Blended
Program (utilization of Heads, Learning Delivery Materials Learning Program
Self Learning Kits, All Teachers Mode
resources etc.) Learning Resources
 Administer oral and August 2020 School Head, Reading materials Insufficiency of reading Request for purchase 100% conduct of the Php 15,000.00
reading assessment School Project Team materials of the needed supplies activity and
from Grade 7 to Grade Assessment criteria against MOOE cooperation of Project
10 students in English Classification of Team members
and Filipino following students according to Conduct a thorough
the new normal scheme reading levels will be planning from the
difficult to identify Language Dept. and
since there will be a the Project Team
change of procedure
on conducting reading
assessment due to

Validity of reading
results if conducted
through modular

 Implement BO August 2020 School Head, Diagnostic test results Mathematical Conduct a thorough 100% conduct of the Php 13,000.00
mathematical School Project Team interventions might be planning from the activity and
interventions to As per schedule List of non-numerate difficult to implement Mathematics Dept. and cooperation of Project
identified non – students due to sudden change the Project Team Team members
numerates students of procedures due to

 Conduct online September 2020 School Project Team Plan of activities for Incapability of some Coordinate with the 100% conduct of the Php 7,000.00
remedial classes and Review Teachers project implementation less fortunate students SDO personnel, school activity and
of remedial classes and teachers in head and ICT cooperation of Project
providing data Coordinator for Team members
List of least learned connection and gadgets possible solution
Abuse of data usage,
Identified students who gadgets and online
need remedial classes sites (e.g. visiting of

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unwanted sites) to
some fortunate

 Implement Whole Year Round School Head, Accomplished Students’ attitude Convene with parents 100% of the students Php 18,000.00
interventions to assist School Project Team, students’ attendance towards learning and teachers on who needs intervention
students’ performance Class Advisers sheets students’ progress have been assisted and
through SMS or video properly monitored by
Attendance Sheets and conference if possible the concerned
Lesson Plans

 Administer School BO September 2020 School Head, Plan of Activities Active participation of Conduct a thorough 100% of the activities Php 32,000.00
Based – Activities in: School Project Team, DepEd Order relative the students to different planning among were implemented
*English Department Heads to online activities activities considering Department heads and
*Science the situation teachers on the
*Mathematics conduct of activities
*Filipino considering the new
*Araling Panlipunan normal scheme
if the situation allows
 Develop online-based August 2020 School Head, Learning Resources Poor/ No internet Utilization of DepEd At least 80% of the Php 50,000.00
learning programs for All teachers connectivity of remote Commons through program on developing
life- long learning and areas different platforms online-based learning
self-enrichment were met despite of the
Availability of virtual constraints
learning materials

Knowledge and skills

of teachers in computer

Provided need-based technical assistance on teaching standards and pedagogy across learning areas to improve teaching practice.

 Coordinate with June to August 2020 Master Teachers Teacher’s Program Teacher’s adherence to Orient teachers with 100% of the master Php 10,000.00
mentees’ and teachers’ the performance different learning teachers conducted the
schedule for different Classroom monitoring and delivery modes and performance
learning modalities Observation Tool coaching schedule Classroom monitoring and
approach and Observation Tool coaching to their
classroom observation Performance mentees
tool for the conduct of Monitoring and
performance Coaching Form
monitoring and
 Conduct LAC session August to October School Head, Self-Assessment Tool Attendance of Teachers Impose strict 100% of the teachers Php 100,000.00
pertaining to different 2020 ASP, attending the LAC attendance from the have attended the LAC
learning modalities Department Heads Trainings needs Session teachers session

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approach and Master Teachers, analysis
classroom observation All Teachers
tool compliant to the Learning Delivery
new normal scheme Modes handouts

 Conduct contextualized Whole Year Round School Head, Self-Assessment Tool Risk: Cyberbullying Plan out the procedure Conducted 20 Php 10,000.00
RPMS-PPST classroom ASP, Head Teachers, on the execution of the classroom
observation compliant Master Teachers Challenge: classroom observation observations per
to the new normal *Internet connectivity via virtual platform month
scheme and devices for using MS Teams

Provided technical assistance to teachers in using assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements to provide appropriate interventions.

 Identify teacher’s level July to August 2020 School Head, Self-Assessment Tool Teachers’ problem in Provide assistance to 100% of the teachers Php 10,000.00
of teaching ASP, Head Teachers, classroom management teachers to maintain have been identified
performance in quality teaching- according to their level
delivering classroom process to ensure of performance in
Observation Tool
teaching strategies effective delivery of the teaching
K to 12 Curriculum

 Conduct LAC session July to August 2020 Master Teachers Training design Identification of Explore interventions 100% of the teachers Php 100,000.00
to enhance teacher’s Training matrix Appropriate to address the were able to attend the
level of teaching School Memorandum Intervention identified need session and able to
performance in comprehend the
delivering lessons Scheduling of Meetings Group the teachers standards of delivering
and availability of according the lessons
Teachers identified needs and
decide the schedule of
Identifying LAC meetings
Resource Person
 Organize/ Assign August 2020 School Head, List of Teachers with Teachers’ competency Conduct orientation 100% of the teachers None
group of teachers to ASP, specific assignments in on the delivery of and validation on the are teaching with
facilitate different Head Teachers delivering learning learning modules level of competence of specific learning
learning delivery modalities following the new teachers towards modality
modes normal scheme facilitating of learning
delivery modes.

Provided relevant, developmentally appropriate and contextualized Learning Resources

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Imperio St. Brgy. Canramos, Tanauan, Leyte
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 Design strategic August 2020 Department Heads, Identified Learning With the distance Select a distance 100% of the subject Php 50,000.00
learning interventions All Teachers Delivery Modality learning, a lot of learning course which areas has strategic
such as printed learning is peer-based provides opportunities learning intervention
learning modules for as students use for discussion and
distance learning discussion and groups interaction through
to work through webinars, wikis,
material. discussion boards and
even blogs.

 Digitize existing July 2020 to April School Head, Internet Connection Teachers’ competency Coordinate with the 100% of the learning Php 10,000.00
DepEd developed K to 2021 ICT Coordinator, in computer ICT in enhancing modules have been
12 teaching and All Teachers Existing printed manipulation computer skills of digitized
learning materials Learning modules teachers
Internet Access

 Develop new digital, July 2020 to April School Head, Internet Connection Teachers’ competency Coordinate with the 100% of the teachers Php 50,000.00
interactive and print- 2021 ICT Coordinator, in computer ICT in enhancing were able to develop
based materials All Teachers Existing printed manipulation computer skills of new digital, interactive
aligned to MELC Learning modules teachers and print-based
Internet Access materials

Learning Manage a child-friendly, inclusive and healthy learning environment following IATF/ DOH standards.
 Develop some material July 2020 School Head, Psychosocial Cooperation among Provide School 100% of the teachers Php 20,000.00
for guidelines Guidance Counselor, Assessment Form teachers and students Memorandum to were involved in
highlighting how to effectively psychosocial psychosocial support
involve school teachers CPP Coordinator Provision of Child activities for students activity
in preparing and Friendly and Safe
delivering All teachers spaces in school
psychosocial support
for students through
online systems.

 Intensify the School’s August 2020 School Head, Existing Child 100% completion on Php 5,000.00
Child Protection CPP Coordinator, Protection Policy modifying/ updating of
Policy Guidance Counselor the School’s Child
Published DepEd Protection Policy
Orders and SDO
Memorandum in
relative to CPP

 Build communication August to October School Head, Action Plan Teachers cannot fully Constant 100% of the students Php 5,000.00
and student monitoring 2020 CPP Coordinator, access the students’ communication with are regularly
amid COVID-19 Guidance Counselor situation in monitoring parents to help the monitored

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pandemic, giving their experiences at students overcome the
information how to home challenges in this
stay healthy, physically trying times.
and mentally, what do
to overcome the
boredom, preparing a
Quarantine Diary,
planning and
providing a fun and
meaningful learning
experience from home
 Boost teachers’ ability July 2020 School Head, Review School’s Poor internet Teachers not having 100% of the teachers Php 5,000.00
to stay positive when ASP, Reward System connection slows down internet connections at has positive
preparing the required Head Teachers, the preparation of home may opt to visit dispositions on
materials for online Department Heads teachers for online the school provided preparing materials
and distance learning. learning. that the teacher follows for online and distance
the IATF/DOH learning
 Update or develop July 2020 School Head, Existing School’s DRR Teachers/ members’ Establish ways to 100% completion on Php 5,000.00
school emergency and School DRR Contingency Plan and cooperation/ facilitate modifying/ updating of
contingency plans Coordinator, WinS Plan of Activities involvement in the communications emergency and
WinS Coordinator planning process between contingency plans
through virtual the members of the
platform or in small planning team
Establish a policy of
only holding meetings
absolutely necessary
 Procure needed July 2020 School Head, List of materials Budget allocation for Request for purchase 100% of the materials Php 200,000.00
materials and maintain School DRR needed the needed materials of the needed supplies needed have been
handwashing stations Coordinator, against MOOE procured
with soap and water, WinS Coordinator,
and if possible, place Physical Facility Accept donations from
alcohol-based hand rub Coordinator stakeholders
(hand sanitizers) in
each classroom, at
entrances and exits,
and near lunchrooms
and toilets.
 Clean and disinfect BO August 2020 and School Head, List of materials Budget allocation for Request for purchase 100% of the Php 100,000.00
school buildings, as per schedule School DRR needed the needed materials of the needed supplies Classrooms have been
classrooms and Coordinator, against MOOE disinfected
especially water and WinS Coordinator,
sanitation facilities Physical Facility Accept donations from
Coordinator stakeholders
School Nurse

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Imperio St. Brgy. Canramos, Tanauan, Leyte
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Implement learner discipline policies that are developed collaboratively with stakeholders including parents, school personnel and the community.

 Strict implementation BO S.Y August 2020 School Head, IATF/DOH Protocols Student’s discipline Strict implementation 100% of the school Php 2,000.00
of physical distancing All Teachers, on Physical Distancing towards the of the policies personnel and students
practices All Students, amid COVID-19 implemented new sets are observing physical
All others concerned pandemic of policies and distancing
Impose penalties for
regulations of the
violations of the new
policies of the school.
 Orient parents with the BO S.Y August 2020 School Head, IATF/DOH Protocols Gathering of parents in Look for SDO 100% of the Php 10,000.00
new policies of the PTA on the school’s conducting orientation issuances relative to stakeholders have been
school in the new Parents and other implementation of new IATF/DOH standards informed of the new
normal scheme Stakeholders policies Internet issues for the planning policies
 Guide students on how BO S.Y August 2020 School Head, Action Plan Teachers’ capability on Orient teachers on 100% completion of Php 5,000.00
to support their peers Guidance Counselor, CPP handling students’ handling such cases the activity
and prevent exclusion All Teachers attitude
and cyber bullying.

 Implement enhanced BO S.Y August 2020 to All Teachers Classroom Uncontrolled Regular monitoring of 100% of the students Php 10,000.00
positive discipline April 2021 Management Strategy dysfunctional homelife students via virtual or are regularly
approach focusing on of students SMS platform monitored
student’s behaviors
Build good relationships with varied personalities such as, peers, parents and subordinates to encourage an enabling and supportive environment for learners.

 Collaborate with August 2020 School Head, Identifying needs of Non-attendance of Conduct conferences 100% of the school Php 10,000.00
school health nurse/ Faculty Club students and teachers teachers due to AWA through virtual or personnel were
social workers to Organization, small groups following assessed
identify and support Guidance Counselor, the new normal scheme
students and teachers School Nurse
who exhibit signs of
 Create an BO September 2020 School Head, PTA Non-participation of Communicate through All concerned parents Php 50,000.00
understanding school- PTA Officers MOU parents due to the SMS or virtual and stakeholders were
community of parent- All Teachers current situation platform
teacher relationships Other external
in school for a strong stakeholders
home and knowledge
support to students
 Conduct team building October 2020 School Head DepEd Issuances on Non-attendance of Release school 100% completion of Php 150,000.00
activities to school All Teachers conducting capability Teachers memorandum for the the activity
personnel aligned to building activity
new normal scheme
Human Resource Develop a personal professional development plan based on reflection of one’s practice and ongoing professional learning adopting new normal scheme.

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 Conduct LAC session November 2020 School Head, E-SAT Non-attendance of Seek assistance from 100% completion of Php 100,000.00
on school-based ASP, Training needs participants due to the ICT coordinator for the activity
continuing Head Teachers, analysis result poor internet the attendance and
professional LAC Facilitator connection possible post-video
development strategy All Teachers recording of virtual
for the improvement of LAC session
teaching and learning
aligned to new normal
 Distribution of BO of August 2020 All teachers Electronic Self- Late submissions of e- Discuss the timetable 100% of the teachers Php 5,000.00
Electronic Self- Assessment Tool SAT to teachers with were able to receive
Assessment Tool to regards to the and answer the SAT
determine teacher submission of required
performance adopting reports
new normal scheme
Implement the performance management system with a team to support the career advancement of school personnel, and to improve office performance

 Conduct School- BO August 2020 School Head, Printed RPMS-PPST Non-attendance of Coordinate with the 100% of the teachers Php 150,000.00
based Roll-Out and ASP Manual teachers due to current ICT and may opt to attended the RPMS-
Re-Orientation of Head Teachers situation post-video recording of PPST roll-out
Results-Based Master Teachers the training
Performance All Teachers Poor internet
Management System connection to some
– Philippine areas where teachers
Professional are situated
Standards for
Teachers (RPMS-
PPST) compliant to
the new normal
 Conduct of Master Whole Year Round Master Teachers Mentoring and Non-participation of Release school 100% of the teachers Php 5,000.00
Teachers’ mentoring All Teachers Coaching Form teachers memorandum were mentored
and coaching under stipulating Mentors
new normal scheme and mentees concerned
 Conduct 4 graded Whole Year Round School Head Detailed Daily Lesson Teachers readiness in Re-orientation of 100% of the teachers Php 10,000.00
classroom ASP Plan submitting themselves RPMS-PPST indicators were able to have 4
observation and post Head Teachers COT Rating Sheet for classroom graded classroom
conferences to Observation Notes observation observations
teachers under Form
normal scheme

Implement relevant learning and development modalities, such as job-embedded learning, coaching and mentoring, learning action cells sessions and in-service training, to school personnel to address
performance gaps.

 Participate in Webinar Whole Year Round School Administrators Internet Connectivity Poor internet Coordinate with the At least 90% of the Php 50,000.00
sessions in educational All Teachers connection which loses ICT teachers were able to
technology, the opportunity of participate in Webinar

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professional teachers to participate sessions
development and in different webinars
teaching strategy
enhancement and other
free agency sponsored
 Design virtual In- December 2020 School Administrators, Internet Connectivity Poor internet Coordinate with the Conducted at least 2 Php 100,000.00
Service Trainings Master Teachers Training Design connection which ICT INSET within the
related to empowering All Teachers results to non- academic year
teachers in closing attendance of teachers
widening performance
and achievement gaps
Implement disaster proof education for the teachers, students, and stakeholders to improve school performance and secure students’ and personnel data.
 Provide fast and Whole Year Round School Administrators School Files Data Privacy Secure storage of the Secured school and Php 200,000.00
reliable internet and ICT Coordinator LRMDS school and personnel personnel data
communication Adherence the information through Adequate internet
services. Learning Modality of secured platforms connection
the School provided by DepEd
 Provide internet Whole Year Round School Administrators Internet Service Devices’ life span Look for secured and 100% school coverage Php 100,000.00
routers for the ICT Coordinator Prone to unavoidable inconspicuous place to of the internet service
distribution of internet property damage install device
service within the
school premises
Implement a school rewards system to recognize and motivate learners, school personnel and other stakeholders for exemplary performance and/or continued support.

 Modification of the July 2020 School Administrators, SDO Guidelines and Non-participation of Release School 100% completion of Php 50,000.00
guidelines of the School Project Teams, published Parents and other Memorandum as legal the activity
school’s DAYAO All Teachers, Memoranda Stakeholders basis
Awards (school-based PTA Officers,
pasidungog) in Other External School
following the new Stakeholders Memorandum
normal scheme.
 Formulate Whole Year Round School Administrators, SDO Guidelines and Non-attendance of Conduct a thorough 100% completion of Php 80,000.00
implementation (per schedule) Grade Level published students and parents planning on how to the activity
guidelines and Chairpersons, Memoranda on due to the current address the issue
committee on the Class advisers, Portfolio preparation situation most specially following the new
possible conduct of PTA on the availability of normal scheme
Virtual Portfolio Day School internet data
Memorandum connection

Implement laws, policies, guidelines and issuances on the rights, privileges and benefits of school personnel to ensure their welfare.

 Formulate new school Whole Year Round School Administrators SDO Guidelines and Slows down the Ask the assistance of 100% implemented Php 20,000.00

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procedures relative to published process of claims and the school’s and followed SDO new
the updated SDO set Memoranda benefits Administrative Officer guidelines and
policies relative to the in processing the issuances for school
different employee documents personnel’s benefits
claims and benefits
 Implementation of the June 2020 School Administrators DepEd Order Teachers’ feeling of Manage flexible work 100% of the teachers Php 5,000.00
Alternative Work SDO Memorandum isolation, motivation, arrangements follow the DepEd
Arrangements of the and time management issuance on AWA and
school relative to submitted needed
DepEd issuance and reports
SDO memorandum
School Leadership Develop and implement with the planning team school plans aligned with institutional goals and policies in accordance to the new normal scenario.
Management and
Operations  Review and adjustment July 2020 School Administrators, Enhanced School COVID-19 restrictions Small group discussion Adjusted AIP and APP Php 50,000.00
of the Annual School Planning Team Improvement Plan following the IATF/
Implementation Plan (SPT) DOH standards if
and Annual Existing AIP virtual meeting is not
Procurement Plan Existing APP possible

 Formulate School June 2020 School Administrators, Division Memorandum COVID-19 restrictions Small group discussion Designed School Php 50,000.00
Emergency Roadmap School Planning Team on the Crafting and following the IATF/ Emergency Roadmap
(SPT) Presentation of DOH standards if
Emergency Roadmap/ virtual meeting is not
Learning Continuity possible

Managed school data and information to ensure accessibility and integrity and improve school operations.

 Record Management June 2020 School Head, Learner Information Retrieval of documents Contacted the teachers Updated LIS and Php 50,000.00
(LIS, EBEIS) Registrar, System from previous advisers asking if they can go to Students record are
EBEIS Coordinator, for record keeping school for forwarding properly stored
LIS Coordinator of documents (e.g. SF
Live Birth, NCAE
 Design online June 2020 School Head, Enrollment and Survey Internet connectivity Class advisers were At least 95% of the Php 10,000.00
enrollment website to Registrar, Form for less fortunate instructed to previous students were
facilitate the EBEIS Coordinator, students communicate their enrolled
enrollment process to LIS Coordinator, advisory students and
avoid face to face ICT Coordinator their parents on their
enrollment status. Moreover,
teachers automatically
enrolled their students
after confirmation in
the system.

Managed finances adhering to policies, guidelines and issuances in allocation, procurement, disbursement, and liquidation aligned to the school plan.

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 Procurement of and Whole Year Round School Administrators, Division Memorandum Budget allocation Request for purchase 100% of the needed Php 200,000.00
Liquidation of MOOE Bookkeeper, on the Utilization of of the needed supplies materials were
prioritizing needed Disbursement Officer MOOE against MOOE procured
resources under new
normal operations Accept donations from

Managed school facilities and equipment in adherence to policies, guidelines and issuances on acquisition, recording, utilization, repair and maintenance, storage, disposal and the like

 Provision of sanitation June 2020 School Administrators, Division Memorandum Budget allocation for Request for purchase 100% of the needed Php 100,000.00
and disinfection Physical Facility on the Utilization of the procurement of of the needed supplies materials were
facilities/ improved Coordinator, MOOE materials against MOOE procured
WASH/WinS facilities. WinS Coordinator
Accept donations from

 COVID-19 repairs and June 2020 School Administrators Division Memorandum Budget allocation for Request for purchase 100% of the facilities Php 200,000.00
maintenance. on the Utilization of the procurement of of the needed supplies have been repaired
MOOE materials against MOOE

Accept donations from

 Improved systems of July 2020 School Administrators, Existing list of Facility Budget allocation Request for purchase 100% of the facilities Php 10,000.00
inventory, recording Physical Facility Inventory of the needed supplies have been inspected
and inspection. Coordinator against MOOE

Accept donations from


 Procurement of needed July 2020 School Administrators Division Memorandum Budget allocation for Request for purchase 100% of the needed Php 200,000.00
supplies for operations on the Utilization of the procurement of of the needed supplies materials were
under new normal MOOE materials against MOOE procured
(health and instruction
related). Accept donations from

Managed staffing such as teaching load distribution and grade level and subject area assignment in adherence to laws, policies, guidelines and issuances based on the needs of the school

 Teachers loading July 2020 School Administrators Subject Loading Number of teachers Coordinate with the 100% of the teachers Php 5,000.00
aligned to the new who will handle a department heads per were given subject
normal setting and subject, and number of learning area as to loading aligned to new
aligned to latest hours that will be how teacher normal setting
issuances and allotted per learning assignments and
guidelines. area. loading are to be
properly and
Execution of learning appropriately

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areas according to the distributed among the
time and number of teachers without bias
days allotted to each
subject. Meet with the parents
for such arrangement
and follow issuances
and guidelines set by
the department.

Managed school safety for disaster preparedness, mitigation and resiliency to ensure continuous delivery of instruction.

 Review of alignment of July 2020 School Administrators, Existing SDRR Plan of Non-participation of Release school SDRR Plan of Php 10,000.00
DRR and safety related School DRR Activities for updating/ the SDRR Planning memorandum as legal Activities have been
activities to new Coordinator modification Team due to the basis stipulating the aligned to new normal
normal situation virtual conduct or setting
small group discussion
of the planning process

Utilize available monitoring and evaluation processes and tools to address learning gaps and improve school performance.

 Online conduct of June 2020 SMEA Coordinator ME Form with Teachers were not able Forms were given 100% of the teachers Php 10,000.00
School Monitoring attached Appraisal to submit the forms on ahead of time to give were able to submit the
Evaluation and Form time due to internet an enough preparation M&E and Appraisal
Adjustment (SMEA) Prototype SGDT connectivity Forms
activities. Template
SMEA Tools for
Subjects Teachers

 Submission of reports August 2020 SMEA Coordinator Collected and None None Submitted the reports Php 20,000.00
to ArMEA and DMEA. Summarized reports of to ArMEA and DMEA
SMEA on time

Parents’ Involvement Strengthen partnerships with the community, such as parents, alumni, authorities, industries, and other stakeholders, to strengthen support for learner development, as well as school and community
and Community improvement.
 Organize a virtual or June 2020 School Administrators, Issuances of guidelines Issues on internet Coordinate with the 100% completion of Php 10,000.00
small group Brigada PTA, set by the Regional and connection. ICT the activity
activity such open to External Stakeholders Division office
public donation of Non-attendance of Email /attach video
supplies to fight participants. recording to the email

P a g e 14 | 16
Imperio St. Brgy. Canramos, Tanauan, Leyte
Tel. No. 888-2936|0945 531 4720
[email protected]
COVID 19 using social account or Group Chat
media and other online account.
 Conduct PTA assembly August 2020 School Administrators, Issuances of guidelines Issues on internet Coordinate with the 100% completion of Php 10,000.00
following the new PTA, set by the Regional and connection. ICT the activity
normal. External Stakeholders Division office
Non-attendance of Email /attach video
participants. recording to the email
account or Group Chat

 Participate NGOs Whole Year Round School Administrators, Issuances of guidelines Non-attendance of Coordinate with the 100% completion of Php 10,000.00
assisted activities/ PTA, set by the Regional and participants and other stakeholders on the the activity
partnerships following External Stakeholders Division office stakeholders. planning process for
the new normal. the different activities
sponsored by the

Prepared by: School Planning Team


Teacher Representative Student Representative Parent Representative


P a g e 15 | 16
Imperio St. Brgy. Canramos, Tanauan, Leyte
Tel. No. 888-2936|0945 531 4720
[email protected]
Brgy. Representative CPP Representative SDRRM Representative


Team Leader/ School Head
Reviewed by:
GLENDA A. DE VEYRA Recommending Approval:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Approved by:
Schools Division Superintendent

P a g e 16 | 16
Imperio St. Brgy. Canramos, Tanauan, Leyte
Tel. No. 888-2936|0945 531 4720
[email protected]

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