Design Wind Energy

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Design wind energy in rural electrification



For the Degree of

B.S.C in Engineering



Submitted to



Research Supervisor Research Scholar

Instructor zelelow Name Id no

1. Gebrekrstos Abraha 1562/02

2. Medhin Aregawi 1232 /03

3. Matyos Kebamo 1226/03

4. Aregash Aga 1481/03

5. Gachu Gemechu 1103/03

Design wind energy in rural electrification



Submitted by

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of

B. S. c in Engineering

Research Scholar Research Supervisor

Group members Zelelow



JUN 5/15/2014
Design wind energy in rural electrification





This is to certify that we, Gebrekrstos Abraha, Medhin Aregawi, Matyos Kebamo, Aregash Aga,
Gachu Gemechu, have completed the B.S.C. Semester project work on the topic “designing wind
energy in rural electrification” under the guidance of Zelelow for the partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of B.S.C in Engineering, Department of Electrical and computer engineering,
College of Engineering and Tech, Aksum University. This is an original piece of work and I have not
submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Date: 15/05/2014
Place: Aksum (Research Scholar)
Group member

ECE Dep’t i
Design wind energy in rural electrification


Names of Gebrekrstos Abraha, Medihn Aregawi, Aregash Aga, Matyos Kebamo, Gachu
Gemechu Gemechu, certify that the work embodied in this B.S.C Semester project is my own Bonfire
work carried out by me under the supervision of zelelow for a period of 4 Months from 1stMarch, 2014
to 1st July, 2013 at Aksum University. The matter embodied in this Project has not been submitted
elsewhere for the award of any other degree/diploma.

We declare that we have faithfully acknowledged, given credit to and referred to the
Research workers wherever their works have been cited in this text and the body of the
This is.

further certify that we have not willfully lifted up some other‟s work, Para, text, data, results etc.
reported in the journals, books, magazines, reports, dissertations, theses, etc. or available at web-sites
and have included them in this project thesis and cited as my own work.

Date: 27/05/2014 (Signature of the Research Scholar)

Place: Aksum Group members

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Design wind energy in rural electrification





This is to certify that Gebrekrstos Abraha, Medhin Aregawi, Aregash Aga Matyos Kebamo, Gachu Gemechu are
a bonfire research scholars of this University, has satisfactorily completed the course work requirements which
is a part of his/her B.S.C programmed.

(Signature of the Supervisor) Signature of the dept. head

Name: Zelelow Name: Solomon

Designation: lecture HOD& Lecture

Dept. of ECED

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Design wind energy in rural electrification





Title of the Semester Project: “Designing small wind energy in rural electrification”

Research Scholar Name: of team work

Copyright Transfer

The undersigned hereby assigns to the Aksum University all rights under copyright that may exist in and for the
above thesis submitted for the award of the B.S.C. degree.

(Signature of Research Scholar)

Group members

Note: However, the author may reproduce or authorize others to reproduce material extracted verbatim
from the thesis or derivative of the thesis for author‟s personal use provided that the Source and the
University‟s copyright notice are indicated.

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Design wind energy in rural electrification


Firstly, we would like to convey our deep sense of gratitude and thanks to our respectful Research
Guide, zelelow for his excellent support, supervision and guidance without whom we would not have
been able to complete my thesis work successfully.
Secondly, we would like to express our thanks to my colleagues at our work place who gave me strength
and confidence to complete our project work successfully on time. Last but not the least, we would like
to convey our love and respect to our parents and our family members who supported as and encouraged
as to complete our thesis work without any obstacles.
Finally, it is our privilege to acknowledge the help rendered to ourfor typing the thesis by our assistants
who spent time with our and helped me in completing the tasks successfully.
We would like to convey our special thanks to the Ph.D. G.vevacand Asst.Professor and Zelelow Dept.
ECED, CET, Aksum University who provided suitable guidelines which greatly helped me as a
Researcher and preparation of Technical Repot to complete our Research work with a professional bent
of mind.
Also, it is our duty and moral responsibility to express my respect and thanks to Dean wolday, college
of Engineering & Tech, Aksum University, and President , Dr. Mabrthum who inspired all the Research
Scholars of Aksum University by giving us a lot of confidence and assurance to complete the B.S.C.
programed successfully on time.

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Title Page No

DECLARATION ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………….. ii

CERTIFICATES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT…………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………. v

TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. vi

LIST OF FIGURES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. viii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… viii

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ix

Table of Contents
CHAPTER -1 ......................................................................................................................................................... - 1 -
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. - 1 -
1.1. Back ground ........................................................................................................................................... - 1 -
1.2. Organization of the project .................................................................................................................... - 2 -
1.3. Statement of the Problem ....................................................................................................................... - 2 -
1.4. Objective ................................................................................................................................................ - 2 -
1.4.1. The specific objective .................................................................................................................... - 2 -
1.5. Application of wind energy.................................................................................................................... - 3 -
1.6. Scope of the Project ............................................................................................................................... - 3 -
CHAPTER -2 ............................................................................................................................................................ - 3 -
COMPONENT OF WIND ENERGY WITH BACK UP BATTERY ................................................................................... - 3 -
2.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ - 3 -
2.2. Wind turbine .......................................................................................................................................... - 4 -
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2.2.1. Basic Components of wind turbine ................................................................................................ - 4 -
2.2. 2. Wind Turbine Types ...................................................................................................................... - 7 -
2.2.2. Wind Energy Extraction by HAWT............................................................................................... - 9 -
2.3. Converter.............................................................................................................................................. - 10 -
2.4. Back up Battery.................................................................................................................................... - 11 -
2.5. Advantages and dis advantage ............................................................................................................. - 12 -
2.5.1. Advantages ................................................................................................................................... - 12 -
2.5.2. Disadvantages .............................................................................................................................. - 12 -
CHAPTER -3 ....................................................................................................................................................... - 12 -
METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................. - 12 -
3.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. - 12 -
3.2. Installing a wind turbine - site selection .............................................................................................. - 13 -
3.3. How wind energy works ...................................................................................................................... - 14 -
3.4. System Design ..................................................................................................................................... - 14 -
3.4.1. The Average Daily Load Demand ................................................................................................... - 14 -
3.4.2. Battery sizing ............................................................................................................................... - 14 -
3.4.3. Inverters size ................................................................................................................................ - 15 -
3.4.4. EXCEL turbine ............................................................................................................................ - 15 -
3.4.5. ATS ........................................................................................................................................................ - 16 -
3.5. Power Control mechanism ................................................................................................................... - 16 -
3.5.1. Charge Controller ......................................................................................................................... - 16 -
3.6. Matching the wind turbine and the generator ...................................................................................... - 17 -
3.7. The wind potential ............................................................................................................................... - 18 -
3.7.1. Measuring the wind...................................................................................................................... - 18 -
3.7.2. Load Estimation ........................................................................................................................... - 19 -
CHAPTER -4 .......................................................................................................................................................... - 21 -
RESULTS AND DISSCATION................................................................................................................................... - 21 -
4.1. Results .................................................................................................................................................. - 21 -
4.2. Discussion ............................................................................................................................................ - 22 -
CHAPTER -5 ....................................................................................................................................................... - 23 -
Conclusions AND Recommendations ................................................................................................................. - 23 -
5.1. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................................... - 23 -
5.2. Recommendations ................................................................................................................................ - 24 -

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A. REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24.

Figure content

Figure 1 typical wind energy component .............................................................................................................. - 5 -

Figure 2 A Wind turbine hub being installed ......................................................................................................... - 6 -
Figure 3 horizontal wind turbine with three blade ................................................................................................ - 8 -
Figure 4 Vertical wind turbine ............................................................................................................................... - 8 -
Figure 5 General schematic diagram of small wind energy…………………………………………………………………………….- 10 -
Fig; 6 over all wind energy designing…………………………………………………………………-17-


Symbol meaning

HAWT - horizontal axis wind turbine………………………………………………… -6

VAWT - vertical wind turbine…………………………………………………………. -6

US - united states………………………………………………………………… -6

AC - alternating current…………………………………………………………. -9

DC - direct current……………………………………………………………..... -9

PMSG - permanent magnet synchronous generator ………………………………… -9

GRP - glass rainfall plastic ………………………………………………………. -10

BESS - battery energy storage system……………………………………………..... -10

BMS - battery storage system……………………………………………………..... -10

Rpm - revolution per minute……………………………………………………… -11

AH - ampere hour…………………………………………………………………. -14

1. NASA - national aeronautics………………………………………………………….. -17

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Table 2.1 data sheet electrical material……………………………………………………. 11
Table 3.1 monthly average wind energy speed (m/sec) at tibia Dura …………………… 18
Table 3.2 load estimation …………………………………………………………………... 19
Table 4.1 size of material with a cost………………………………………………………. 21

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This paper addresses the issue of rural electrification from renewable energy. A brief introduction on
wind electrical systems is given. The objective of this project is to design a wind energy in rural
electrification in tibia Dura or specific area, by taking in consideration conventional drawbacks in these
systems due to shortage of transition and distribution line in the power system.
To design this project requires suitable materials from this material such as generators to produce
electricity blade to capture the energy from the wind, electric controller, battery for storage energy
inverter, gear box multiplying the rotation etc. Some generator turbine types likely to be used in rural
electrification systems are introduced, followed by a discussion on the selection criteria. Simulation the
total power results of the rural electrification system for remote areas are obtained to support the safety
aspect related to the individual generator types, in the event of accidental rotor motion.

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1.1. Back ground

Rural electrification is the process of bringing electrical power to rural areas. Electricity is used not only
for lighting and household purposes, but it also allows for mechanization of many farming operations,
such as threshing, milking, and hoisting grain for storage. In areas facing labor shortages, this allows for
greater productivity at reduced cost According to I worldwide 1.456 billion people do not have access to
electricity, of which 83% live in rural areas. In Sub-Saharan Africa less than 10% of the rural population
has access to electricity. Worldwide rural electrification progresses only slowly. The IEA estimates that,
if current trends do not change, the number of people without electricity will rise to 1.2 billion by the
year 2030. Due to high population growth, the number of people
As early as 3000 B.C. people used wind energy for the first time in the form of sail boats in Egypt.
Sails captured the energy in wind to pull a boat across the water. The earliest windmills, used to grind
grain, came about either in 2000 B.C. in ancient Babylon or 200 B.C. in ancient Persia, depending on
who you ask. These early devices consisted of one or more vertically-mounted wooden beams, on the
bottom of which was a grindstone, attached to a rotating shaft that turned with the wind. The concept of
using wind energy for grinding grain spread rapidly through the Middle east and was in wide use long
before the first windmill appeared in Europe. Starting in the 11th century A.D., European Crusaders
brought the concept home with them, and the Dutch-type windmill most of us are familiar with was

Modern development of wind-energy technology and applications was well underway by the 1930s,
when an estimated 600,000 windmills supplied rural areas with electricity and water-pumping services.
Once broad-scale electricity distribution spread to farms and country towns, use of wind energy in the
United States started to subside, but it picked up again after the U.S. oil shortage in the early 1970s.
Over the past 30 years, research and development has fluctuated with federal government interest and
tax incentives. In the mid' 80s, wind turbines had a typical maximum power rating of 150 kW. In 2006,

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commercial, utility-scale turbines are commonly rated at over 1 MW and are available in up to 4 MW
capacities. Thought electricity is expected to rise in rural electrification.

1.2. Organization of the project

The introduction part (Chapter one) discusses about the background, statement of the problem,
objectives, application and related works to this thesis. Chapter two present the basic theories of rural
electrification and wind power systems together with their potential estimations at Dura district
respectively. Chapter three discusses how to designing for wind power system in that rural area,
whereas, chapter four is all about the results of dictation and sensitivity. Chapter five summarizes the
main findings of the thesis work.

1.3. Statement of the Problem

The rural people in Dura; is entirely dependent on the use of wind consisting of firewood, charcoal,
twigs, straw, crop residues, and animal dung as a source of fuel. This is responsible for serious
environmental degradation due to deforestation, poor health of households particularly women and
children and heavy work burden. The heavy work burden on women and children is indirectly
responsible for poor literacy. Therefore, there is urgent need to provide economical and sustainable
alternate source of energy to minimize deforestation, improve living standards and literacy of rural area.
Wind energy, which a major component, is considered to be one such alternative renewable source of
fuel. It is strongly felt that with the present economic conditions among the rural population the
contribution towards the cost of wind power plant will be heavy burden on the on the householders.

1.4. Objective
The objective of this project is to design a wind energy in rural electrification in tibia Dura or specific area, by
taking in consideration conventional drawbacks in these systems due to shortage of transition and distribution line
in the power system.

1.4.1. The specific objective

 To understand the effect of wind power
 Contribution of the development program of rural area
 To encourage the use of renewable energy source.
 To reduce the environmental pollution
 Development of renewable energy source.

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1.5. Application of wind energy

This is the most applicable in remote areas which does not has sufficient electricity or off grind area for different
purposes such as;

 For lighting in house

 For health center
 For mill
 For water pumping

1.6. Scope of the Project

The poor people living in the rural area are the target group of our project study and the study
area is Dura where people are deprived of any kind of conventional energy supply. An alternative
and sustainable energy source for the rural people is assessed here. This research paper only deals
with possibilities of using community sized wind for the villagers. Current energy situation, the
actors in energy sector and renewable energy policy issues acquired attention in this research paper.
Likely suitability of other alternative energy sources has been discussed.



2.1. Introduction
Wind energy is another potential source of renewable energy. Winds are the motion of air caused
by uneven heating of the earth‟s surface by the sun and rotation of the earth. It generates due to various
global phenomena such as air-temperature difference associated with different rates of solar heating.
Since the earth‟s surface is made up of land, desert, water, and forest areas, the surface absorbs the sun‟s
radiation differently. Locally, the strong winds are created by sharp temperature difference between the
land and rural electrification is the process of bringing electrical power to rural and remote areas.
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Design wind energy in rural electrification
Electricity is used not only for lighting and household purposes, but it also allows for mechanization of
many farming operations, such as threshing, milking, and hoisting grain for storage. In areas facing
labor shortages, this allows for greater productivity at reduced cost.

2.2. Wind turbine

Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. This mechanical power can
then be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or converted into electricity by

a generator. Modern wind turbines fall into two basic groups: the horizontal-axis variety, like the
traditional farm windmills used for pumping water; and the vertical-axis design, like the Durries model,
named after its French inventor. The horizontal-axis design is the most commonly used for both on-grid
and stand-alone applications. For rural electrification projects, small wind turbines with ratings of 100
kW or less are most frequently used.

2.2.1. Basic Components of wind turbine

The main components of a small wind turbine are the blades; the generator, the yaw bearing, the tail,
and the tower. “The blades capture the energy from the wind, transferring it via the shaft to the
generator. In small wind turbines, the shaft usually drives the generator directly. Most small wind
turbines use permanent magnet alternators as generators.

These produce variable-frequency AC that the power electronics convert into DC electricity. The yaw
bearing allows a wind turbine to rotate to accommodate the changes in wind direction. The tower
supports the wind turbine and places it above any obstructions

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Figure 1 typical wind energy component

1. Where: Foundation 2. Connection to the electric grid

3. Tower 4. Access ladderdd

5. Wind orientation control (yaw control) 6. Nacelle
7. Generator 8. Anemometer
9. Electric or Mechanical break 10. Gear box
11. Rotor blade 12. Blade pitch control
13. Rotor hub

1. Rotor – three blades, mounted on a hub – typical rotor diameters are larger machines. Blades are
usually made from Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) and incorporate lightning protection measures. The
picture below shows a single blade being transported to a wind farm site.

2. Nacelle – the “box” within which the main components are housed and home to the gearbox,
generator and as well as some of the control electronics. The picture below shows a nacelle being lifted
onto the wind turbine tower (if you look closely you can see the construction team at the top of the tower
waiting to fix the nacelle in to place)

3. Gearbox – converts the rotational speed of the rotor (typically 10-20rpm) to 1500rpm for the

4. Generator – converts rotational movement to electrical energy

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5. Tower – usually steel, a cylinder supporting the nacelle and rotor. Typical tower heights are 60-80m.
Cables run down the tower taking the electricity from the generator at the top, into the ground and then
onto a connection point to the grid. Lifts or ladders allow maintenance crew to access the nacelle.

6. Base – a concrete base, typically 15m x 15m x 1m which acts as the foundation for the

7. The hub

Figure 2 A Wind turbine hub being installed

In simple designs, the blades are directly bolted to the hub and hence are stalled. In other more
sophisticated designs, they are bolted to the pitch mechanism, which adjusts their angle of attack
according to the wind speed to control their rotational speed. The pitch mechanism is itself bolted to the
hub. The hub is fixed to the rotor shaft which drives the generator through a gearbox. Direct drive wind
turbines (also called gearless) are constructed without a gearbox. Instead, the rotor shaft is attached
directly to the generator, which spins at the same speed as the blades.

9. Anemometers a good anemometer, with data logging equipment, will cost several hundred US

Dollars. This will give very full data for the wind speed on the site, enabling you to predict the
performance of small wind generators with confidence. The data can also be compared with regional
meteorological sources (if any) and thereby extrapolated into long term data.

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Wind direction
Fig3: wind power block diagram

Gear Coupling Generator

Turbine load




1. C is Generator temperature signal 2. D is. Control signal 3. A&B is o/p is signal

4. E is speed signal 5. F is control signal 6. G is speed and torque signal

7. H. is pitch control 8. I is wind speed

2.2.2. Wind Turbine Types

There are several wind turbine configurations including, drag-type, lift-type, Magnus effect wind
plants and Vortex wind plants. Essentially all present day wind turbines are of the lift type and, over
90% of these are of the horizontal axis type. Magnus effect and vortex plants have never played a
serious practical role. Lift type wind turbines can be horizontal axis and vertical axis based on the
rotation of blades relative to the direction of wind .The most common type of lift-force wind turbines is
the horizontal axis wind turbine -HAWT. The rotor axis lies horizontally, parallel to the air flow. The
blades sweep a circular (or slightly conical) plane normal to the air flow, situated upwind (in front of the
tower) or downwind (behind the tower).The main advantage of HAWTs is the good aerodynamic
efficiency (if blades are properly designed) and versatility of applications. Their main disadvantage is
that the tower must support the rotor and all gearing and electrical generator standing on top of it, plus
the necessity of yawing to face the wind.

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Figure 3 horizontal wind turbine with three blade

Another type of lift-force wind turbines is the vertical axis wind turbine - VAWT. The rotor axis is
perpendicular to the air flow (usually vertical). The blades sweep a cylindrical, conical or elliptical
plane, perpendicular to the air flow and parallel to the rotor axis. All main power train components
(gearbox, generator, brakes and main bearing) are placed on the ground, allowing for easy access for
maintenance and lower stress on the tower. Yaw mechanism for facing the wind is not needed as the
turbine accepts wind from any direction.

Figure 4 Vertical wind turbine

All these features result in a simple machine, easily scalable to large dimensions, at lower costs than a
horizontal axis one. Their main disadvantage is their requirement of starting torque which may be a
critical issue for stand-alone applications.

Wind turbines are used as a means of extracting the wind energy. Their output is greatly affected by
their aerodynamics. Their aerodynamics is mainly determined by the geometry of the turbine blade .

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If a blade were sawn in half, the cross section has a streamlined asymmetrical shape, with the flattest
side facing the oncoming air flow or wind. This shape is called the blade‟s aerodynamic profile. The
shape of the aerodynamic profile is decisive for blade performance. The aerodynamic profile is formed
with a rear side that is much more curved than the front side facing the wind. Two portions of air
molecules side by side in the air flow moving towards the profile at point A will separate and pass
around the profile and will once again be side by side at point B after passing the profile‟s trailing edge.
As the rear side is more curved than the front side on a wind turbine blade, this means that the air
flowing over the rear side has to travel a longer distance from point A to B than the air flowing over the
front side. Therefore this air flow over the rear side must have a higher velocity if these two different
portions of air shall be reunited at point B. Greater velocity produces a pressure drop on the rear side of
the blade, and it is this pressure drop that produces the lift . And this lift force is the source of torque to
rotate horizontal axis wind turbines.

2.2.2. Wind Energy Extraction by HAWT

The energy of wind is extracted by using appropriate wind turbine. The wind energy is tapped by the
wind turbine which converts the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical shaft energy. The rotational
energy is converted into electrical energy through the transmission system. The transmission system
consists of the rotor shaft with bearings, brake(s), an optional gearbox, as well as a generator and
optional clutches. The energy available in the wind can be expressed using equation

Pw=1\2:  AV3 ………………………………..2.1

Where: =Density of air (kg/m3) A=the swept area (m2) Pw= power in the wind (W)

V=instantaneous wind velocity (m/s)

Energy conversion from free-flowing fluid streams is limited because full energy extraction implies
decrease of fluid velocity (decrease of kinetic energy of the stream), down to zero which is impossible.
Some fluid may not pass through the turbine and may simply flow around it (bypass it). This limitation
is expressed in terms of Betz limit defined by the power coefficient Cp as given by equation (2.1)

C p= Rotor Power\ Power in the wind

The power coefficient, CP, is a function of the axial induction factor. The optimum of this function
(which is a maximum value for CP) is 0.5926 (=16/27) [21 - 23]. Thus the electrical power output from
the wind turbine can be expressed by equation 2.2.

Pout =t Cp1\2 V3 ………………………2.2

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Where: Pout= output power of wind turbine

t =Overall efficiency of the transmission system/power train

Cp=the power coefficient

The power coefficient and efficiency of wind turbines vary greatly from manufactures to manufacturers.
As a result, the power output of wind turbines vary from turbine to turbine and is given by power curve
which plots the output power of a turbine against wind speed. The wind speed at which wind turbine
starts generating electrical power is called the speed. The rated wind speed is the wind speed at which
the turbine operates at its maximum efficiency of energy conversion. Rated power is the power output at
the equal to, or above, the rated speed. The cut may be shut down to protect the rotor and drive train
machinery from damage, or high wind stalling characteristics.

Figure 5 General schematic diagram of small wind energy

2.3. Converter
Converters are generally four types: DC/DC, DC/AC, AC/DC and AC/AC. Power electronics are used
as a switching g gate in different pattern of arrangement to achieve the required conversion output..
DC/AC converters (also called, inverters) can be classified based on the triggering signal as square
wave, sine wave or modified sine wave. These devices use a given DC voltage as in put and output the
required voltage of a given amplitude and frequency. AC/DC converters (also called rectifiers) operate
in the reverse principle of inverters. AC voltage source is used as input which passes through half or full
bridge circuit (with a firing angle control) to result a rectified DC voltage output. AC/AC converters are
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used for conversion of AC voltage of a given frequency and amplitude to another AC voltage of the e
required amplitude and frequency.

2.4. Back up Battery

The one important reason of wind power system is to reduce component over-sizing by storing the
excess energy available at one time for usage during shortage of time. There are different types of
storage mechanism such as batteries, pumped storage, hydrogen, fly wheels etc. Rechargeable batteries
are widely used for implementation of wind energy systems because of their cheapness and easy

Battery is a device in which the chemical energy of an electrolyte is converted into electrical energy
through electrodes by the process of electrolysis. They are referred to as secondary cells (which can be
recharged). The main parameters of selecting batteries are maximum throughput and minimum state of
charge. Maximum throughput is measured by the output of the battery (in ampere-hour) that can be
delivered throughout its life time. Minimum state of charge is the measure of how low the battery can be
discharged as a percentage of its full capacity without losing its performance. There are very deep cycle
batteries which can be discharged up to 60% such as NiCd

As mentioned throughout this paper, the integration of are chargeable battery energy storage system
(BESS) is necessary to provide short-term power balancing and/or long-term energy management. Lead-
based, Lithium-based, Nickel-based or Sodium based deep cycling industrial batteries can be used
depending on system requirements. The battery storage setup should ideally

Include a two way power flow converter to enable the transfer of electricity to and from the DC or AC
power line.

A battery management system (BMS) is necessary to control the power flow in and out of the battery
within its acceptable capacity. This is essential to ensure reliable operation and to guarantee the expected
lifetime of the battery. The BMS can usually communicate with the system management in order to
ensure that the battery operates within its buffer range.

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Table2.1. Data sheet electrical material

Parameter Size range Efficiency% Rated speed Rated voltage

Turbine 5-15kw 87 1200rpm 380-480
Battery 268(Ah) 91 - 24v
Generator 50kw 88 1500rpm 380(ac)

2.5. Advantages and dis advantage

2.5.1. Advantages
• Renewable source of energy.

• Pollution-free and doesn't cause global warming.

• Cost-effective source of energy.

• Ideal for countries with infrastructural issues.

• Helps in generating employment.

2.5.2. Disadvantages
• Unreliable source of energy.

• Is expensive to store.

• Generates only temporary employment.

• Poses threat to wildlife, especially, birds and bats.



3.1. Introduction
Since it is necessary to collect the meteorological data for the site location under consideration to
predict the performance of wind system were finalized: The methodology adopted for implementation
of wind energy.

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 Feasibility survey for selection of villages of Dura
 Geographical condition of village
 Optimum space for the project
 Acceptance of new technology

After selection of the village, we study the following aspects:

 Project Cost (Financial)

 Material required
 Fund management
 Collection and Analysis of village level Data
 Formation of Village level implementation Committee

After collection of all the information related to the concept of wind production and Distribution in Dura
village, we conduct several programs mentioned below were:

 Awareness Program for the active Leaders of village

 Key Objectives of the project
 Role and Responsibility of the Villagers and Structure formation for Successful
implementation of the project.
 advantage and disadvantage of the project

Also, the following parameters related to the plant

 Finance management of the project

 Operation and Maintenance of the project
 Site selection for the plant

3.2. Installing a wind turbine - site selection

Choosing the right site for your wind turbine is the most important decision you will make throughout
your installation. Location plays a vital part in the performance and efficiency of a wind turbine so get
it wrong and it could be disastrous - but get it right and you and your turbine will have a long, happy and
profitable future together. To help you evaluate your site and confirm whether or not it is suitable to
install a wind turbine, we have designed the following guidelines:

 Turbines work at the best when on high, exposed sites. Coastal sites are especially good.
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Design wind energy in rural electrification
 Town centers and highly populated residential areas are usually not suitable sites for wind
 Avoid roof mounted turbines as there is no guarantee that these devices will not damage your
property through vibration.
 The further the distance between your turbine and your power requirement, the more power you
will lose in the cable. The distance of the cabling will also impact the overall cost of the

3.3. How wind energy works

When wind blows past a turbine, the blades capture the energy and rotate. This rotation triggers an
internal shaft to spin, which is connected to a gearbox increasing the speed of rotation, which is connect
to a generator that ultimately produces electricity. Most commonly, wind turbines consist of a steel
tubular tower, up to 260 feet, which supports both a "hub" securing wind turbine blades and the
"nacelle" which houses the turbine's shaft, gearbox, generator and controls. A wind turbine is equipped
with wind assessment equipment and will automatically rotate into the face of the wind, and angle or
"pitch" its blades to optimize energy capture.

3.4. System Design

3.4.1. The Average Daily Load Demand

The average daily load demand EL can be calculated from Table below to be 233kWh/day.

Total wind energy needed=340kwh/day*1.3=442kwh/day

3.4.2. Battery sizing

The battery type recommended for using in wind system is deep cycle battery. Deep cycle battery is
specifically designed for to be discharged to low energy level and rapid recharged or cycle charged and
discharged day after day for years. The battery should be large enough to store sufficient energy to
operate the appliances at night and cloudy days. To find out the size of battery, calculate as follows:

1. Calculate total Watt-hours per day used by appliances.

2. Divide the total Watt-hours per day used by 0.85 for battery loss.

3. Divide the answer obtained in item by 0.6 for depth of discharge.

4. Divide the answer obtained in item by the nominal battery voltage.

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5. Multiply the answer obtained with days of autonomy (the number of days that you need the system to
operate when there is no power produced) to get the required Ampere-hour capacity of deep-cycle

Battery Capacity (Ah) = Total Watt-hours per day used by appliances * Days of autonomy (0.85 / (0.6 x
nominal battery voltage 24))

Batter capacity (Ah) =232.2/ (0.85*0.6*24)=38kAh are the capacity of the battery for two days.

3.4.3. Inverters size

An inverter is designed in such a way that it has capability of handling the maximum expected power of
the AC loads. Total watt of appliances=50kw

3.4.4. EXCEL turbine

Choosing A Wind Turbine Based on Your electricity Bill?
For Example, If your monthly electricity consumption is 288 kWh, you will need a wind turbine that
has about 1kw power output (288/30/24/0.4 = 1kw).
We assume the Capacity Factor is 0.4 in the calculation.
Note: Air conditioner, dryer, washer, fridge, ceiling fans, water pump, microwave ovens or other
appliances with inductive motors will require more power to start. If you use off-grid wind turbines, you
must choose a wind turbine that has at least 3 times the power output calculated using above formula.
(You need at least 3kw using above example).
How to estimate the Capacity Factor (CF) based on the power curve?
Estimated CF at your wind turbine site = power output (w) at average wind speed at your wind turbine
site/power output (w) at rated wind speed.
1. Startup wind speed=2.7m/s 5. Cut in wind speed=2.5m/s

2. Rated wind speed=11.1m/s 6. Cot out wind speed=21m/s

3. Rated power=15kw 7. Generator types PMSG

4. Furling wind speed=54m/s 8. Temp=25-45oc

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3.4.5. ATS (automatic transfer switch)

ATS is automatic transfer switch are used to control the battery and energy comes from the wind that
means if there is a wind the ATS are open but if the tower is in maintenance or if there is no wind
motion the ATS are closed then the load are used from the battery

3.5. Power Control mechanism

Power output from the rotor can be decreased at high winds by decreasing the power coefficient
through aggravated aerodynamic conditions, implying decreased lift forces. Such regulation helps the
turbine operating nearly at its rated capacity during high wind speed. There are three commonly used
types of power controls used in industry.

1. Stall controlling method, the wind is allowed to meet the blade at very big angle of attack. This
makes the wind flow to separate and swirl on the suction side which increases the drag force and
decrease the lift force. Firmly fixed blades to the hub have made such stall control mechanisms simple
and less costly. But, it is not possible to maintain stable our turbines with such control mechanism
should be able to sustain large thrust forces at high winds.

2. The Pitch control mechanism, the blade turns around its longitudinal axis, thus being able to
maintain a given angle of attack (i.e. a given maximum lift force and power output) at changing wind
speed without increasing much the trust on the rotor. Such control mechanism results in a smooth power
output. Their demerit is their complicated arrangement (pitch motor and blade bearings) which adds cost
and decreases reliability of the machine.

3. An active stall regulation mechanism, the machine is usually programmed to pitch the blades much
like a pitch-controlled machine at low wind speeds, so as to get a reasonably large torque at low wind
speeds. If the generator is about to be over loaded, then the machine also pitches its blades to increase
the angle of attack of the rotor blades forcing the blades to go into a deeper stall thus wasting the excess
energy in the wind . In this control mechanism the machine can be run almost exactly at rated power at
all high wind speeds

3.5.1. Charge Controller

Although photovoltaic systems can be used without charge controllers and this practice can be found
very often in small wind systems, it has to be stated that while planning the long term operation of a
wind energy system that it is necessary to avoid overcharge and deep discharge. Battery costs over the
lifetime of a wind system take the major share of the cost of the system.

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For an efficient utilization of the wind energy and enhance the life of the overall system in general and
the battery in particular, an automatically controlled electronic circuit is developed. This circuit

 Battery over action indicator and protection circuit

 Battery overcharge indicator and
 Real time charging indicator circuit
 Dusk down indicator and controller circuit
 Reverse Polarity Protection Circuit
 Inverter circuit
 Electronic ballast
 Preheat circuit/ starter

3.6. Matching the wind turbine and the generator

If the wind speed is high, and the energy produced by the wind generator does not meet the
needs of the users, then the battery will become discharged and other sources of power will be needed.
When the wind exceeds demand, then energy will be wasted in the dump load, unless efforts are made to
offer battery charging services to night hours or find other uses for the surplus power. Wind is an
unreliable resource which is likely to vary over time, which leads to both of these Problems. To avoid
disappointment and wasted opportunities, the system should be designed with estimates of inputs and
outputs appropriately matched and with strategies in place to deal with the variations in the resource. In
the section 2 we shall look at how to assess the potential of the wind resource and section 3 describes
how to assess the amount of energy required to meet a given need. In practice, wind speeds are not
predictable, except as an approximation. User loads are also unpredictable, and will tend to grow to fit
available supply. The best approach is to gain a common-sense understanding of the order of magnitude
of the resource, and of the relative energy consumption levels of different types of load. If this data can
be interpreted to the users, then there is a good chance of the system operating successfully.

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Wind power


Wind AC/D


Fig; 6 over all wind energy designing

3.7. The wind potential

It has already been stated that the energy in the wind is proportional to the cube of the wind speed;
for example, if the wind speed doubles the energy available goes up by for example a factor of eight (23
= 8). This usually means that the minimum average speed should not be less than 3m/s.

3.7.1. Measuring the wind

Measuring the wind speed accurately can be a difficult task when resources are limited. To do a proper
job will involve erecting an anemometer (or two) at the site in question, and correlating the readings
with long term meteorological data that is available for the region in question. Finding suitable data may
be very difficult, especially when the entire country wind speed data is based on a few dozen
anemometers placed at head height near airstrips. Unless you are planning to install a few generators at
the site you are monitoring, it may not be financially viable to invest in an anemometer at all.
Fortunately, there are less precise, but more accessible, ways to tell if your site will be any use.

Annual average wind speed at a nearby station (Aksum) is calculated as 4.74 m/s based on
anemometer data collected at 25 m height. NASA has estimated the annual average wind speed of the
location to be 4.74 m/s at the same 25 m eight NMA has changed its anemometer measurement height
from 25 m to a data logger measurement at 2m height. 25 m extrapolation of the wind speed data

obtained from the NMA is observed to be 2.4 m/s which are very far below from its previous 10 m
measurement Generally, 10 m height is the one where most standard measurements are taken and
measurements at 2 m height are error prone due to vegetation, shading and obstacles in the vicinity.

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Furthermore, the geographical layout of the studied area is different from the nearby stations where the
measurements are taken. Hence, the minimum of the 4.28 m/s and the 4.5.16 m/s mentioned above is
considered for this study and that is data obtained from NASA.

Table 3.1 Monthly average wind speed (m/s) at the Dura

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Av.

NASA(2 4.44 4.48 4.48 4.26 3.66 4.92 5.00 5.00 4.08 3.13 3.56 4.01 4.2
0m) 8

At 30 m 5.39 5.42 5.37 5.15 4.4 5.95 6.00 4.93 3.79 4.36 4.52 4.86 4.7

3.7.2. Load Estimation

Electric load in the rural villages of Ethiopia can be assumed to be composed of lighting, radio and
television, water pumps, health post and elementary schools load. Abraham .considered only lighting,
radio and television as a community load. In this study, electricity for cooking and for flour mills is
added to the load together with home radio and a TV set. Water pumps are considered as deferrable
loads while the others as primary loads. As indicated previously, there are about 200 people without
electricity now or even in the near future. Assuming an average of 5 members in a family, there would
be a total of 40 families. One elementary school and one health center are required for the community.

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Design wind energy in rural electrification
No Types of No of Total no Equipment Total
equipment equipment equipment power(kw) working in hr
in one home

1 Lighting 4 200 0.18 3.6 7

2 TV 1 8(20%) 0.1 0.8 6

3 Radio ……….. 36(10%) 0.5 1.8 9

4 Mated 4(10%) 3 12 1

5 Mills 1 10 10 6

6 Health center 1 3 3 24

7 School 1 2 2 6

8 Tibia 1 3 3 8

Table: 3.2 load estimation

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4.1. Results
BY designing wind energy in rural electrification they have many advantages or results i.e. by
designing wind energy in that rural area they have many benefits such as in health center in mills food
preparation and in lighting are used in that rural area for 200 family and this rural area they have 234
average load demand per a day and also in this project they have many component are using with a size
such as battery size with 38ha and converter size with 50kw, generator size with maximum rating 55kw
this all type are using in this project then by using this size the output of this designing wind energy in
that rural area is equal to 50kw.this 50kw are ac generating power supply then by using converter
changes to dc power supply to store in the battery because battery are energy stores in the form of dc.
The batteries are used at the shortage of wind energy in that rural area that means it stores the energy
and to give the energy to the load. To give this energy to the load there will be used inverter. And also
by stabilizing this ac power then the rural area are used this energy for a refrigerator „‟ mated‟‟ lighting
etc. Generally this electricity in the remote area used to develop at a short period of time.

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Table 4.1 size of material with cost for tibia Dura

Wind Battery Inverte Tower bridge Gear box

turbine (NiCd) r
or (aluminum

Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Size 10kw 0-60kw 38kAhr 50kw 30m 50kw 1:5

Capital cost($ 2000 1600 600 17.6 2200 150 222

Replacement 900 ……… 550 ;……..

cost($) ..

O&M cost 10 160 0.09 44

Life time(yr) 20 20 >20 15 15 15

Total($) 2910 1760 1150 17.6 3200 266

Total cost($) 8504.6

4.2. Discussion
Access to energy resources, economic development and environmental pollution, which in turn
threatens human health, are major challenges facing developing countries today. Economically feasible
and efficient small wind energy could be the answer of solving some of these problems and needs. by
enhancing energy availability.

Additionally several practical problem have also been suggested as limiting the uptake of small-scale
wind energy including unaffordable initial investment costs. in rural communities Furthermore, interest
is growing slowly in many poor countries and effort should be made to increase the awareness and to
introduce affordable and more efficient to take full advantage of the local possibilities in order to

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Design wind energy in rural electrification

Conclusions AND Recommendations

5.1. Conclusions
In this thesis designing of wind energy for electrification of 200 families in tibia Dura district are
carried out. Wind resource potentials in the district are analyzed. Monthly average wind speed data from
NASA is used to synthesize hourly wind speed data. This result is very close to what is obtained in the
previous study and also, to NASA.
Hourly electric load of the community consisting of lighting, TV set, radio receiver, stove, Health
post, clinic, water pumps and flour mills is determined. The total community (about 200 families) is
estimated to have a primary peak demand of 50 kW, for each site, different optimum and feasible system
configurations with different level of renewable fraction. This cost is slightly higher than the current
energy tariff within the country (< $0.04/kWh), but, is much less than previously studied PV/Wind
based hybrid system (which does not include hydro). It can be said that the maximum COE determined
here is at the lower range of global electricity tariff. Taking the current diesel price of $0.9/l and a PV
capital and replacement cost of $2400/kW, different system configurations/types are found as feasible
options for each site. One feasible system from each site can be taken to makeup the overall system
capable of supplying the whole community (200 people). For the overall system,

Hydro/diesel/battery are more cost economical at lower diesel price and are not sensitive to PV
module prices. When diesel price increases slightly, wind systems become more favored at lower and
higher PV module price, respectively. When diesel price is increased more,
hydro/PV/wind/diesel/battery systems become more economical.
One sample overall system shows a COE of $0.09/kWh and a renewable fraction of 93%. In this
system excess electricity of 7.8% and unmet load of 1.4% have been found. Although the proposed
system has a relatively higher COE than the national tariff, in view of the energy shortage at the national
level, resistance to deforestation, clean energy development, changing the life of the poor in remote
regions and expansion of power generation it is a highly recommendable solution.

Ethiopia has a lot of small hydropower potential. Due to the seasonal nature of these resources, wind and
solar resources together with diesel generator and battery system as a backup can be used for better
reliability of rural electrification.
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5.2. Recommendations

To doing this project or thesis they need more information about many programs, PLC, C. programs
and other programs. Then this types of program does not learn and it is difficult to study this types of
program i.e. in our projector thesis not included then for the next should be give more attention.

There are also sites having much higher heads than what have been presented. Although these sites
are close to what have been studied, accessing them is very difficult and may require more time and
finance to study them in detail. Currently, the national energy strategy is towards large hydropower,
large wind farm and towards geothermal to some extent. Small hydropower developments and its hybrid
combination with other sources such as wind and solar is not given attention. Such hybrid systems
should be given attention as their capital investment is low and are convenient for rural electrification.


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The homeowner's energy handbook: your guide to getting off the grid.

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